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JB McGee Fan Chat

Tuesday, February ,29, 2013

9:00 – 10:00 PM EST

LoverMichelle: We know this is a new format. Did anyone have any problems logging into the site?

lalamrcds: nope...easy peasy :)

LoverMichelle: Easier than Tinychat?

lalamrcds: I think so anyway. Your directions were easy.

LoverMichelle: J.B. you are breaking ground here! Although we tested this new platform with you
previously, you are the first official chat to use this! You're going in the record books! >:D<

MJ So happy to be here! I liked that Gabby is waiting until marriage to have sex. And it's interesting the
age difference between her and Bradley. Any reason for both of those ideas?

JB McGee: MJ - 1. I struggled with writing pre-marital sex because of my religious beliefs. What better
way to kind of avoid that than to make her wait. I knew that it would be hard to make her just waiting
realistic and loved the idea of tying it to her mother.

MJ: It's actually pretty refreshing and it seems they can still have plenty of fun without the actual
complete act. And so nice to relate it to her mom. Love that :)

JB McGee: 2. Age difference between Gabby and Bradley. They say that guys mature later than girls. She's
a mature girl. He really needed time to settle down. I just liked the idea of him being stable, older, and in
a position to treat her like a princess.

LoverMichelle: Have you received any "backlash" from readers or other authors thinking that is
unrealistic (about waiting

JB McGee: Lover Michelle. Yes. I have gotten criticism for them doing everything but the deed.

LoverKaren: JB, safe sex maven here. I think it is commendable they wait and for some people actually

JB McGee: Yes - now Conspiring - that's a different story. ;)

MJ: Do tell...

LoverMichelle: But Conspiring is more his story, right?

andrea Please don’t tell me we have to wait until the wedding night for a bit of action <3
JB McGee: Conspiring is more Veronica and Ian. Very little of actual Bradley in Conspiring.

MJ: Wow that should be very good then

JB McGee: Yes - she will NOT break that promise to her mother. I haven't started Forgiven so I can't say
when it happens but I am thinking you won't have to wait too long. I mean Veronica had to get pregnant
somehow. There is sex in Conspiring.

LoverKaren: JB could Gabby have restrained if not for promise to Mom, could she have promised

JB McGee: I think she probably could have with Ian, but not with Bradley.

LoverKaren: Not even with Bradley? Why?

julia Can’t wait for conspiring. I love to hate those characters and can’t wait to see their story

JB McGee: Could you abstain from Bradley?? lol

ashley o: no

ashley o: hahaha

JB McGee: 

ashley o: I think she could have with Ian because she was so young and head over heels for him.

LoverKaren: Yes! Sorry Yes! Even in real life.

andrea: ^^^^me either

ashley o: Now Bradley is another story. she is making him work for it! bahaha

Hot-N-Sexy: My my my, it sure is HOT in here!!

LoverMichelle: J.B. ~ Originally you had planned a trilogy; however, now you've added a 4th book before
the third book is even out? What made you decide to add another book? :-/

JB McGee: LOL! I hate to admit I decided to do the trilogy thing because it seemed popular. I had a small
idea of where I wanted to go, but really it was very spur of the moment.

ashley o: do you plan to change the name from THIS Trilogy to something else?

Crystal D. Spears: God I HOPE NOT

LoverElizabeth: JB- do you have any other story ideas floating around or is your WIP the only thing on
the burner now?

MJ: I love the refer to "this"

JB McGee: As I wrote Mending and the idea came to me driving down the road to hook Ian and Veronica
up - I was talking Jaimi and we read each other's minds and typed nearly at the same time - Conspiring

MJ: reference...sorry

LoverMichelle: MJ ~ I completely agree! It's confusing if you haven't read Broken but it makes sense. :)

JB McGee: Let me catch up - hang on - sorry

Crystal D. Spears: "This" Means so much in this series it can't go.

ashley o: I love "THIS"

MJ: Yeah you really do have to start at the beginning.

JB McGee: Then another day we were talking about Sam and Ryan - we had the idea come to us for

Sonia Torres if you had turn one of the characters to the Good side, who could you see turning into a
good guy? Ian or Veronica?

JB McGee: Then as I was writing Conspiring's ending, I realized I have another little novella to do, too. Just
decided that a couple of days ago. I don't know. Creative juices start to flow and I just go with it. It will
forever be "THIS" - might just change it to series instead of trilogy. ;)

ashley o: we love those creative juices!!! lol

Hot-N-Sexy: Creative Juices

Crystal D. Spears: And thank goodness for that!

ashley o: hahaha

JB McGee: I'll just say that I don't think either of them are quite as bad as any of you have them pegged.

ashley o: you could just keep writing THIS story and it never end...I'm sure we would all be ok with that...

JB McGee: haha - listen as long as the stories keep coming, I'll keep writing them down.

Booklover81: I know your creative juices are great, but are there any real life experiences that you have
called on when writing?
Sonia Torres: Who would you rather turn a leaf, Veronica or Ian?

JB McGee: Ian

Hot-N-Sexy: This one time at band camp

JB McGee: Yes - there is a lot of me in there. There is a lot of me even in Veronica.

malywa78 Did someone used play the flute, LOL!!

JB McGee: Actually I played the clarinet - I have plenty of band camp stories.

Hot-N-Sexy: Say it ain't soooo

ashley o: I played the clarinet in elem, middle and some of hs!

Sonia Torres: I feel a new book coming on LOL

ashley o: but no band camp stories haha

JB McGee: haha

Lover Amanda: I played the flute, piano, and trumpet. That is all.

malywa78 I was a Clarinet player too. I still have mine. Does that make me a nerd?

JB McGee: After I finish THIS I do plan to do a book/series on my life. I say a series because there has
been so much I am not sure I can fit it all in one book.

Booklover81: I have heard about the band trips from friends! Haha.

ashley o: I'm excited about your children’s book.

Sonia Torres: I played dumb for a guy. Does that count?

JB McGee: Malywa78 - I have two. They need some work though.

ashley o: Have you gotten any further with it?

JB McGee: My band trips Booklover81??

Sonia Torres: love it

JB McGee: Oh the children's book is done. I just need an illustrator. I wrote it in about 15 minutes.

Lover Amanda: Do you have one in mind?

Crystal D. Spears: 

JB McGee: no clue how to get an illustrator.

Booklover81: Haha...I never knew the joy of band....just heard from friends.....I should've been in the
band though.

malywa78: check out deviant art for an illustrator

ashley o: as far as illustrating-do you want it to be real photos of real people?

JB McGee: Thank you!! I will. I loved being in the band. I miss playing. Had a scholarship in college, but it
took the joy out of playing for pleasure . I told them they could keep the money.  I'd like it to be like
cute little cartoonish kids :)

malywa78: they have some good illustrators on that website

Booklover81: Just keep writing!!

ashley o: :)

JB McGee: I have no intentions of not writing. I have plenty to keep me busy for at least a year or two. lol

ashley o: yay! #:-S

JB McGee: haha

Crystal D. Spears: Woot to that!

malywa78: Being in the band was the best experience for me. I did it until high school

ashley o: before you became an Author, did you have another career or one in mind?

Sonia Torres: do you keep your story ideas in a notebook? And do you keep pad and paper with you at
all times in case an idea hits you?

JB McGee: I'm pretty ADHD in case you haven't noticed. lol I had always wanted to be a teacher, but my
health and the health of my family prevents that.

malywa78: I can still play music and still know my scales

JB McGee: Then I started my own monogramming boutique. I sold it a year later when my kids were
really sick (and so was I). Then started graphic design to help other boutiques and give me something to
do to keep myself busy. It was nice because I could do it from the hospital (which was a second
malywa78: I have lots of respect for teachers!

MJ: So then what got you into writing, a natural progression of sorts?

JB McGee: I'm not sure if I could play scales or not. lol - I haven't picked my clarinet up in years. I would
probably play more, but it needs new corks and pads. Maybe after some author money comes in I'll have
it fixed.

JB McGee: Actually MJ - I read FSOG and several other books (I had not even been an avid reader). I just
realized I had some things that had happened in my life that I thought people would find interesting. I
twisted the heck out of them, made up some stuff along the way and two weeks later I had this little book
called Broken. Like - girl meeting a boy at a wedding and thinking his sister was his girlfriend *ducks
head and raises her hand*

MJ: Get out. Really?

JB McGee: Yes

ashley o: would that boy be your husband now?

JB McGee: No

ashley o: lol

malywa78: pretty kewl!

JB McGee: We just became good friends for a while and then lost touch.

malywa78: who is your fantasy actor? Mine is Alex Pettyfe

ashley o: what advice would you give to someone who reads a million books and has thought to
themselves "I wonder if I could write a book"?

JB McGee: I did have a long distance relationship with my husband. We did have meet in the middle
dates. Almost daily. Sometimes more than once a day. We were crazy madly in love.

MJ: Awww...very sweet!

ashley o: :-X

JB McGee: Ok - Fantasy actor. Does David Gandy count?? If not then Ian Somerhalder at the moment.

ashley o: I will take one of each....hahahaha

Sonia Torres: better than me I met a cute guy at my bff's. Wedding. turns out he robbed our apartment
when we first moves to Jersey
JB McGee: What advice would I give to someone who has read a million books and has though - "I wonder
if I could write a book?" - Start it. Write your first word. Your words will turn into sentences. Your
sentences will turn into chapters. Your chapters will turn into novels. Go for it!

malywa78: OH LAWD!! Both of them are sexy, I may have to butt in your fantasy, LOL.

JB McGee: Yikes Sonia

MJ: Sounds like a good story to put in a book!

JB McGee: I love the I'll take one of each comment. lol

MJ: Well not good but interesting I should have said.

Sonia Torres: LOL just my luck

JB McGee: Yeah - that is pretty awesome. Maybe you could make a suspense romance with that. lol

julia o Love Mr. Gandy

LoverKaren: JB have you ever had writers block?. :-?

JB McGee: Bobs head - very short periods where I was not sure where I wanted to go with the plot. I
wrote Broken in 2 weeks, Mending in 40ish days, and Conspiring in about 3 weeks. I hate to use the term

LoverMichelle: How has your writing as well as the process of writing changed from your first book
Broken to Mending and now Conspiring?

LoverKaren: Okay when characters don't want to cooperate.

Kathryn: You make it sound easy. How do you juggle hubby, kids, health, and writing?

JB McGee: Kathryn - you'll have to read the acknowledgements of Conspiring - my hubby does laundry,
cooking, cleaning, watches kids. I'm a spoiled little brat wife. lol

malywa78: Holy Holy, that is quck

JB McGee: Well - with Broken I just went with it. I obviously had no clue what I was doing.

MJ: I was very impressed to have read that on your page JB. He does sound like a gem :)

JB McGee: (hence the editing nightmare)

Kathryn: I am somewhat too, but I just don't know if I have the time and energy at 44 to kick start
something that big and time consuming!
JB McGee: With Mending, I communicated more with betas - and betas that know how to write books.

ashley o: Not everyone can just start writing a book; it takes talent ;)

malywa78: Do you get upset when something gets cut by the editor

MJ: That is for sure.

JB McGee: I also made sure I had good editors ;) Kathryn - I'm beyond ADHD - like super bad. lol.

ashley o: Do you have any mentors? Anyone you went to for advice on writing THIS trilogy?

malywa78: I agree with you ashley o. I have a terrible time wrighting a grocery list, hee hee!

JB McGee: Conspiring was the hardest. It was supposed to be the easiest, but ask Crystal Spears what I've
been like the past 3 weeks. A whiny cry baby - pouting because I wasn't feeling it. Took me forever to
write the first sex scene.

Kathryn: I've done editing and beta reading. As for ADHD, I bet I could beat you on that one. I guess I just
need to do it!

JB McGee: Well - I decide what is cut and what isn't. So if I disagree I keep it. But I value what my editor
says. I usually take her advice unless it's something I'm passionate about. Lover Michelle has been like
my author mommy. Katie Ashley I would say is my biggest mentor from an author perspective. Jaimi
Mac as well - even though she's new. We mesh.

MJ: Is it hard to get criticism about your writing?

JB McGee: Depends on how the criticism is worded. :)

Kathryn: How did you go about finding these mentors?

JB McGee: They found me. Divine intervention

Kathryn: sounds doable! if it's meant to be, it will be.

Sonia Torres: I' m going to adopt you as my mentor If I get the nerve to pursue my writing. LOL

JB McGee: If it is corrective criticism I can deal with that. If there is bashing in there with it - like saying
"who wrote this? A middle schooler?" - I don't do well with that.

JB McGee: That was my attitude Kathryn

MJ: Which I see a ton of on Amazon reviews. Not nice stuff.

JB McGee: Awe Sonia - thank you! Do it.

Kathryn: i like that. i think i am with sonia there. you might have a few who want to be mentored

ashley o: :)

JB McGee: I have gotten reviews that have made me a much better author. I took a lot of reviews to heart
with Mending and I KNOW that is why it's better. But there are ones that crush me. I read them all. I wish
I didn't sometimes, but I do.

Kathryn: i really enjoyed watching the growth of your writing from Broken to Mending

JB McGee: I try to help people who ask me to help them.

AC lHi JB! I made it!!

malywa78: i try not to read to many reviews. I don't want someone to deter me from reading something
that I may truly enjoy

LoverMichelle: Absolutely Kathryn ~ that is the best part of an Indie author and reading their first book
and subsequent. It's like watching your own children grow. :)

JB McGee: Speaking of mentoring - I helped AC ;)

MJ: Awesome!

Sonia Torres: prepare yourself. You've got some devoted fans!

JB McGee: See - Lover Michelle - I feel like your little baby bird. You are about to kick me out of the nest I
feel. lol

AC: Yes ma'am you sure did :)

Kathryn: Help us out here...names for AC and Michelle2

JB McGee: Well it's a dream come true. I never thought when I started writing it that it would be like this.
It's surreal. :)

malywa78: I mostly trust my close friends’ opinions about books and trust website that give an honest

MJ: I can't even imagine the feeling. You are blessed.

AC: Lol AC Marchman ;) but you can call amber

LoverMichelle: Kathryn ~ My name is Michelle or you can call me Michelle! 

JB McGee: The reviews on Amazon are true about my writing for Broken. I hate that. :( I fixed Broken
with the help of someone special, but so many people have the old version. Amazon said it could take 4
weeks before they send the updated version.

JB McGee: haha - I am actually Brandi if we're going to talk real names - or B :)

AC: Yeah JB helped me a great deal :) she helped me through writing Overwhelm Me

Kathryn: But it was an awesome book. Especially for the 1st book...LOL Michelle!

LoverKaren: Lovers don't have Nom De Plume.

ashley o: the writing can be overlooked if the book has a good story.

JB McGee: Well thank you. Just had a bad editor the first go round. Michelle and Katie helped me with
that. :D

JB McGee: haha Karen

malywa78: have you ever been inspired to write a story based on a dream?

JB McGee: Broken was my very first book EVER! :) So no. :/

MJ: I think more that the editing can be overlooked.

Kathryn: hey AC...that's on my tbr...

malywa78: I agree with you ashley o. I don't look for mechanics in a book

JB McGee: I don't want it to have to be overlooked. I paid an editor with Broken and really got screwed. It
won't happen again. :D

AC: Thanks :). Brandi did my cover

malywa78: I look for a an awesome story!!

Kathryn: i love the southern setting. it speaks to this old southern gal's heart!

MJ: Good because sometimes the editing can really put me off a good book.

ashley o: =D> don't let anyone knock you down with bad editing!

JB McGee: Well I'm a Carolina Girl. :) And now I live close to Atlanta. I love the places in the book. Aiken is
my hometown.

malywa78: OMG!! I live in Augusta!!

JB McGee: I have a solid NYT best selling author editing for me. :)

ashley o: <~city girl with a southern girl’s heart

JB McGee: Get out!

Kathryn: I know! I'm North and you're South!

Kathryn: oh jb...that's great!!!!

malywa78: yep, been here for 13 years.

JB McGee: I had a book signing in Aiken at Christmas. Wish I had known you were that close!!

ashley o: come to Columbus, Ohio for a book signing!! :D

malywa78: oh that sucks, I would have been there in like 40 mins, LOL!!

JB McGee: Wow - small small world. I moved in 2011. I went to South Aiken and graduated from USCA.
I'm sure I'll have another - I'll let you know

Sonia Torres: I hope you get up to PA for a book signing. I will so be there.

JB McGee: I would love to go to Ohio. I have a lot of fans around there!

LoverMichelle: JB if you start at the top, there's nowhere to go. You learned from Broken and it's only
good things from here. :)

ashley o: <~~biggest one here!!

MJ: So the real question is: how many babybels were consumed during the writing of your books?

malywa78: Go Pacers!!

ashley o: mmm babybel...lol

AC: Brandi I'm looking forward to march :)

JB McGee: Thank you, Michelle!! That is so true.

Kathryn: and how many wax moldings do you have now?

Sonia Torres: and what have you sculpted with the wax

JB McGee: haha - I just started Babybels this month - part of my diet. I take them with me to the library. I
realized tonight I have a real problem...lol
JB McGee: haha - Crazy - hubby went to USC - I really call Converse College my alma mater - that was my
real college experience. But degree is from USCA

malywa78: I went USCA and USC. this is a small world

Kathryn: Before I leave, I want to say thanks for sharing! I have really enjoyed reading your books and I
look forward to many more. Just stay healthy and enjoy this! You've earned it!

JB McGee: I don't keep the moldings - but I just like to play with them. Especially if I keep it close to my
computer and it gets warm - so much easier to play with - lol

MJ: You are a wild woman JB ;)

JB McGee: Thank you so much Kathryn - I really appreciate your support!! >:D<

JB McGee: I know - I'm quirky ;)

Kathryn: Anytime! You know how to find me!

JB McGee: That I do!!

JB McGee: Anymore book questions?

ashley o: will Conspiring be released early?!?!

Sonia Torres: no just that we want MORE!!

AC: Lol gotta love JB

JB McGee: You know if I have it in my hands finished and ready I will release early. :) I would say there is
a 95% chance that will happen.

MJ: And will we get more of Bradley's past in the last book of the series?

malywa78: gotta agree with Sonia

Sonia Torres: Yes AC we do!

LoverMichelle: What has been your biggest surprise since becoming an author and also your biggest

andrea joined the chat

JB McGee: Blinded will be EPIC where Bradley is concerned.

AC: She's one of my BFFs <3

andrea: who would be your perfect Bradley ;-)

MJ: I was hoping you would say that.

JB McGee: I am not sure how much more there is to say about Bradley's past - we'll see. I know you all are
very interested in his playboy ways. ;)

Sonia Torres: I so need MY Bradley

ashley o: Time for me to head to bed...Thanks for answering our questions!! Keep writing!!! You're
making us all very happy!!!

LoverMichelle: What has been your biggest surprise since becoming an author and also your biggest

JB McGee: There are certain David Gandy poses that are very Bradley. I didn't have any one actor in mind
when I wrote him. I also like Andrew Stetson - he's not buff enough though. Bradley has a nice body -
similar to DG

JB McGee: Thank you for coming Ashley !! :) That's tough Michelle

ashley o: My pleasure!! Good night!

AC: andrew Stetson...wow

ashley o: I-)

MJ: Thanks to both Michelle and JB. You deserve nothing but the best...keep writing because we will keep
reading :)

LoverMichelle: Good ~ I want you to answer tough questions. Enough easy ones. :)

MJ: Spoken like a true bud :)

JB McGee: Biggest surprise is the fact that I'm on a fan chat with you all and someone called me a
celebrity tonight - that is just weird to me. I can't believe how many people know who I am.

andrea: phwoar he s Canny nice like ;-)

Sonia Torres: I still hear Clive Owen's voice when I think of Bradley

JB McGee: Biggest disappointment is with myself for the editing nightmare. I wish I had known better,
done better. You won't find anyone more critical of me than me.

malywa78: You’re published, that makes you famous 

bmcgee: Thank you MJ!! :)

JB McGee: I don't know about that. There are over a million books in the Kindle library.

AC: So proud of Brandi :)

JB McGee: Being in that Top 100 (even if for only a few hours) was the biggest high. Thank you AC >:D<

LoverMichelle: Well, JB/Brandi, thank you again for doing this chat with us. And you are welcome back
any time. If you missed any of the chat tonight, we'll post the transcript within the next day or so!

malywa78: hey, you're on my nook so you're important to me

JB McGee: Yay - I am so excited I got asked to do a chat. You know that was a goal on my list!! :) Thank
you for having me.

AC: You helped me out sooooo much

JB McGee: Well that makes me feel so good. It's nice to know I'm having an impact on people's lives. :-X

Sonia Torres: good night!

JB McGee: goodnight

malywa78: is it closing time

AC: nighty nite :)

malywa78: night and thank you!! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite but if they do hit 'em with a
show, until they're black and blue

malywa78: I meant shoe!! Night

andrea: good night. . Or morning as it is here in the UK x

JB McGee: Wow Andrea - thank you for staying up late with us.

LoverMichelle: Thank you ladies ~ good night.

andrea: lol I’m on Nightshift. .and had to join the chat ;-);-)

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