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Hi Lori Good coverage of the book. Please see my comments for areas where you can improve. I think the major challenge is adding detail so the readers understand your references in the context of the book.

Your Application is the area where you need much more detail. Grade is 78 of 100

4-MAT Review Entwistel: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Lori Allen Liberty University


Summary In reviewing the book by Entwistle, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity (2004), the reader is left with a better understanding of how to integrate secular psychology and Christian theology as well as Christian counseling. In order to understand psychology and how to integrate Christianity the author points out questions that would be helpful with the integration between the two disciplines. Entwistle (2004) suggest that the two disciplines diverge at one point, only to converge again, providing different approaches to understanding and studying human behavior (p. 1). Also in reviewing this book by Entwistle, the book discusses the two topics psychology and theology. The book explains that the two topics have an interest in the functioning of human beings and the overlapping nature of human beings. The author gives insight into worldview topics and issues, as well as approaching and discussing the philosophical foundations that relate to the relationship of psychology and theology. Entwistle (2004) discusses how to understand and make models. He includes a chart of models of disciplinary relationship which consist of five subjects. The subjects that he included in his model are enemies, spies, colonialists, neutral parties, and allies (p. 154). The author describes the enemies model as having and either/ or position, which is saying that a position is taken on the psychology of human beings against the theology of human beings (p. 137). These two parties see each other as enemies and it is viewed that they should be kept separate and not


integrated and combined. In the species model the purpose and goal is to use any means from each discipline to aid in human well-being. The model uses what is beneficial and useful to help people cope with life problems. The colonialists model wants to confirm the other discipline to their way of thinking. In the colonialists model it relates to the revelation of God to mankind and the human condition. The model tries to see at what degree psychology can understand humans and their life problems. This will allow the colonialist to illustrate what scripture has stated in the Bible about life issues. The neutral parties suggest that both disciplines will coexist and respect each other as long as they respect each others boundaries. The last model is the allies model and consists of one sovereign and units for the greater good of helping humans. The allies model works with the discipline of psychology and theology and takes the concepts from both to help gain a greater understanding of what is true and what will help heal. Entwistle (2004) suggest the importance of psychology and theology will go hand in hand in the prospect of helping people with life issues. If the two disciplines are to integrate together it is important to look at the worldviews of what the person thinks about the subjects. Psychology and theology have a great complex task of trying to understand humans and their nature. When looking at the integration of psychology and Christianity there must be a consideration for what knowledge can be gained about the nature as well as the functioning of human beings with the use of scripture and the use of science. The ultimate goal is to heal hurting people. Concrete Responses If the integration of both disciplines are to occur properly it is important to a good understanding of them both. You will also need to be knowledgeable of both as well as know


how each one can help individuals. Only God can truly heal but he gave man the knowledge to help them in the process. This book reminded me of the many struggles that I faced when I was hit head on with the truth that my first husband had decided to become gay. I grew up going to a Baptist church and I did not believe in divorce. My ex-husband had been married for 8 years when he started staying late at work. I first thought that what he was saying was turn but I was hit hard when the truth came out that he wanted to live the gay lifestyle and stay married to me as a cover for his parents. His father was a preacher and he did not want to upset or lose them. I tried to give him time to figure out what he truly wanted but after three more years of living in separate rooms and then three years of having to endure him moving in a guy to live with him it had to end because I knew that he had made his decision and I did not belong in the picture. I struggle many years and searched for help in learning to cope from the church but was unsuccessful because the church believed that I made a vow in our marriage and I should stay with him. I did not feel comfortable with the secular counselor that I looked at and wanted to seek a professional that used Gods word as a foundation as well as incorporate secular views in helping me move pass the hurt and the pain that I was feeling. Reflection This book had many good concepts and ideals and they were backed by scientific research. It is important when referring to religion and spirituality one must look to see what is ethical and sound practice in helping heal the hurting souls. How can counselors make sure that they have the best interest of the client at heart and use sound research to back up their findings? How will Christians be aware if they are seeing a believer or a nonbeliever, and if they are a nonbeliever will they turn them away to seek another counselor? Integration should involve the counselor thinking about their beliefs and their worldviews, they should think about the nature of


the person that they are going to counsel, and the nature of disease the person is suffering from and what it will take for the process of healing to take place. God will need to be the center of the sessions but the counselor will also need to use the knowledge of science and psychology to go hand in hand to benefit the person who needs their help with life issues. If you worked in a secular setting would you be forced to use a secular point of view in psychotherapy? Would almost all secular institutions ever tolerate any form of biblical counseling, or would the counselor have to keep their Christian beliefs under wraps and under the table so to speak? Action The actions steps that I plan on taken are going to be to learn as much as I can through my education. I plan on learning more on integrating the two disciplines. I personally need more time reading and learning Gods word. While there is never enough time in the day to get everything done that needs to be done it is important to reflect on what God wants you to do and how he intends for you to help others. It is important that I learn how to incorporate faith into counseling and this can only be achieved by the grace of God and by being knowledgeable in psychology and the secular sciences.


References Entwistle, D. (2004). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers.

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