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Exercise during pregnacny 1. consult PCP before you exercise. don ont exceed traget heart rates. 2.

exercise at least 3 times per week rather than sporadically. 3. avoid jerky or bouncy movements, jumping and jarring, of fast changes of direction. 4. don ot do strenous exercise, e.g. tennis, running in hot humid weather. 5. Always start your exercise with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. 6. Do not overstretch your joints. 7. WShen lying on the floor, get up slowly. Do not lay oon your back or point your toes when exercising after the fourth month. 8. Drink liquids liberally. 9. Maintain a caloric intake adequate to your needs and the additional requirements of pregnancy. 10. Stop exercising and contact PCP if unusual symptoms occur. RELIEVING THE COMMON DISCOMFORTS OF PREGNANCY Ankle edema: rest with your feet elevated. Avoid standing for long periods. Avoid restricitive garments on the lower half of your body. Backache: apply local heat. Aboid long periods of standing. Stoop to pick up objects. Tylenol in usual adult does may help. wear low heeled shoes. Breast tenderness: wear a supportive bra. Decrease the amount of caffeine and carbonated beverages ingested. Constipation: Increase fiber in your diet. Drink addtitional fluids. Have a regulartimer for bowel movements. Difficulty sleeping: drink a warm, caffeine-free drink before bed and practice relaxation techniques. Fatigue: schedule a rest period daily. Have a regular bedtime routine. Use extra pilows for comfort. Faintness: move slowly. Avoid crowds. Remain in a cool enviorement. Lie on your left side when at rest. Headache: Avoid eye strain. Visit your eye doctor. Rest with a cool cloth on your forehead. Take tylenol in regular adult dose, as needed. Report frequent or persistent headaches to your PCP. Heartburn: eat small, frequent meals each day. Avoid overeating, as well as spicy, fatty, and fried foods.

Hemorrhoids: avoid constipation and straining with a bowel movement. Take a sitz bath. Apply a witch hazel compress. Leg Cramps: avoid poiting your toes. Straighten your leg and dorsiflex your ankle. Nausea: eat six small meals per day rather than three. Eat a piece of dry toast or some crackers before getting out of bed. Avoid foods or situations that worsen the nausea. if it persists, report this problem to PCP. Nasal stuffiness: use cool air vaporizer or humidifier, increase fluid intake, place moist towel on the sinuses, and massage the sinuses. ptyalism: use mouthwash as needed. chew gum or suck on hard candy. Round ligament pain: avoid twisting motions. Rise to a stanidng postition slowly and use your hands to support the abdomen. Bend toward to relieve discomfort. Shortness of breath: use proper posture. Use pillows behind head and shoulders at night. Urinary frequency: void as necessary, at least every 2 hours. Increase fluid intake. Avoid caffeine. Practice Kegel exercies. Vaginal discharge: wear cotton underwear. Bathe daily. Avoid tight pantyhouse. Varicose veins: walk regularly. Rest with feet elevated. Avoid long periods of standing. Do not cross your legs when sitting. Avoid knee-high stockings. Wear support history.

ALLEVIATING BACKACHE DURING PREGNANCY It's common problem during pregnancy as a result of strain on the lower vertebrae from carrying extra weight, a shift in the body's center of gravity, and a forward curving of the lumbar spine to accommodate the pregnacy. Tips: maintain correct posture; avoid wearing high-heeled shoes. squat rather tahn bend form the waist to pick up objects when sitting, use arm rests, foot supports, and pillows palce behind your back. taylor sitting, pelvic rocking, and shoulder-circling exercises strengthen your back.

report backache if urinary frequency and pain accompany it, localized pain in the back, back pain that comes and goes frequently, or backache not releived by rest.

PRETERM LABOR Labor that begins after 20 weeks' gestation and before 37 weeks' gestation. Contributing fx: PROM, preeclampsia, hydramnios, placenta previa, abruptio plyacentae, incompetent cervix, trauma, uterine structural anomalies, multiple gestation, intrauterine infection, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, fetal death, maternal factors (stress physical and emotional, UTI, and dehydration. SIngs: low back pain, suprapubic pressure, vaginal pressure, rhythmic uterine contractions, cervical dilation and effacement, possible rupture of membranes, expulsion of hte cervical mucus plug, and bloody show. Medication that may be given to terminate preterm labor: tocolytics {ritodrine HCL and terbutaline sulfate} *** at 20 weeks gestation, fundal height should be at the level of the umbilicus. Fundal height should be measured from the symphysis pubis to the top of the uterus. Serial measurements assess fetal growth over the duration of the pregnancy. between 18-34 weeks, the centimeters measured are approximately equal to the week of gestation. RECOGNITION OF DANGER SIGNALS DURING PREGNANCY, WHICH INLCUDE VAGINAL BLEEDING, HEADACHES, PERSISTENT VOMITING, ABDOMINAL PAIN, EDEMA, INCREASED TEMPERATURE, RAPID WEIGHT GAIN, PAINFUL URINATION, VISUAL DISTURBANCES, SIGNS OF PRETERM LABOR, AND RUPTURE OF MEMBRANES.

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