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Technical University of Manabi FACULTY OF COMPUTER

Race of Engineering in Information Systems

LEVEL: Third semester B

STUDENT: Pilligua Pillasagua Mayra Shirley



Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems

Stage 1. Course syllabus.

Stage 2. Letter.

Stage 3. Self Portrait.

Stage 4. Metacognitive Journal.

Stage 5. Materials related to the class.

Stage 6. Summary of closure.

1. CODIGO Y NUMERO DE CREDITOS Cdigo: UTM-O-00220 N de Crditos: 4 2. DESCRIPCION DEL CURSO Parte fundamental de la formacin de un profesional es la habilidad de comunicarse en un idioma extranjero adems del propio idioma nativo. No solamente ampla su horizonte cultural sino que permite una visin ms humana y comprensiva de la vida de las personas. En el caso de los idiomas extranjeros, indudablemente el Ingls es el ms prctico porque es hablado alrededor de todo el mundo. No hay pas alguno donde este no sea hablado. En las carreras modernas el ingls es tal vez la herramienta prctica ms importante que el alumno debe dominar desde el primer momento, como parte de su formacin integral.


PRERREQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS Pre-requisitos: Co-requisitos: Aprobar UTM-O-00120




OBJETIVOS GENERALES DEL CURSO. (RESULTADOS DE APRENDIZAJE DEL CURSO) Expresar / Entender / Dominar el Pasado Simple, Presente Continuo, Presente Simple, Presente Perfecto en todas sus formas gramaticales y tiempos en el idioma ingls en forma escrita u oral. Aprender en el idioma ingls: There is / There are, There washingtoniana / There were, Adjetivos Comparativos, Adjetivos Superlativos, Adverbios, Preposiciones de lugar, Be + Verb + _ing, Presente Simple o Presente Continuo, Pasado Participio, Sustantivos Contables / No Contables, How Mucho / How Many?, Be going to (planes futuros), Be going to (predicciones futuras), Would you like, Will (futuro), la diferenciacin en la utilizacin de Go - Get - Have, a / an - some / any, Cuantificadores: a lot / not much y su utilizacin de estos en el idioma ingls en escritura o al hablar. Conocer / Dominar las Reglas Gramaticales del idioma ingls para la conversin de los Verbos al Pasado en general. Responder cuestionarios en el idioma ingls de manera escrita u oral. Entender / Interpretar correctamente dilogos, textos y audios bsicos de complejidad alta en ingles en escritura o al hablar.

Escribir / Expresar composiciones bsicas de complejidad alta en el idioma ingls (presente, pasado, futuro) Pronunciar correctamente los distintos fonemas utilizados en estructuras bsicas del idioma ingls. Completar formularios en el idioma ingls. Poder ser entrevistado o entrevistar a alguien en el idioma ingls. Conocer cmo se llaman y se escribe en ingls las diferentes cosas que se encuentran en una casa (habitaciones e inmobiliaria) , asi cmo tambin los Lugares Importantes de una Ciudad , bebidas. Aprender frases que se utilizan normalmente en un saln de clase, entre las que podemos mencionar dar instrucciones, etc. Expresar los gustos personales, as como preguntar por gustos en el idioma ingls en forma escrita o en dialogo. Ofrecer y aceptar propuestas bsicas en el idioma ingls. Diferenciar terminologa utilizada en el idioma ingls americano con el britnico en forma escrita u oral. Conocer / Dominar las estructuras gramaticales de las oraciones en sus diferentes formas en el Pasado Simple, Presente Simple, Presente Continuo en el idioma ingls sea estas en forma escrita u oral. Expresar en el idioma ingls: Frases Verbales, Frases Verbales Comunes, Informacin Personal y su utilizacin en oraciones. Leer / Interpretar / Entender en el idioma ingls textos bsicos de complejidad alta. Poder registrarse para la obtencin de servicios en circunstancias cotidianas en el idioma ingls. Mantener dialogo sostenido en asuntos relacionados con viajes, hoteles, restaurantes y compras en el idioma ingls. Expresar en forma escrita o al hablar sobre rutinas diarias de la vida cotidiana en el idioma ingls. Describir su personalidad o la de alguien en el idioma ingls sea en forma escrita o en dialogo. Dar / Pedir direcciones en el idioma ingls sean estas en forma escrita o en dilogo. Escribir / Entender / Interpretar postales y cartas formales e informales en el idioma ingls. Aprender cmo se llaman los diferentes platos que se comen en culturas de habla inglesa y los diferentes alimentos que comemos en nuestra cultura tambin.


TOPICOS O TEMAS CUBIERTOS Unit 5 ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Simple past of be: was / were, simple past: regular verbs, simple past: irregular verbs, simple past: regular and irregular. VOCABULARY. Word formation, past time expressions, go, have, get, irregular verbs. PRONUNCIATION. Sentence stress, -ed endings, simple past verbs. Unit 6 ENGLISH GRAMMAR. There is / there are, there was / there were, present continuous, simple present or present continuous. VOCABULARY. Houses and furniture, prepositions of place, verb phrases, places in a city. PRONUNCIATION. //and/r/sentence stress, silent letters, verb + ing place names. Unit 7 ENGLISH GRAMMAR. - a / an, some / any, how much / how many?, quantifiers: a lot, no much, etc, be going to (plans), be going (predictions). VOCABULARY. Food, countable / uncountable, nouns, drinks, vacations, verb phrases. PRONUNCIATION. The letters ea, /w/, /v/, and /b/, sentence stress, //, /u/,and //. Unit 8 ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Comparative adjectives, superlative adjectives, would like to/like, adverbs. VOCABULARY. Personality adjectives, the weather, adventures, common adverbs. PRONUNCIATION. /r/, sentence stress, consonant groups, adjectives and adverbs. Unit 9 ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Present perfect, present perfect or simple past? VOCABULARY. been to, past participles. PRONUNCIATION. sentence stress, irregular past participles


HORARIO DE CLASE / LABORATORIO Hay dos horas de clases tericas y dos horas en el laboratorio a la semana



Con el curso de ingls elemental el ingeniero adquiere las siguientes habilidades: Sera capaz de leer, comprender e interpretar toda la documentacin que tenga que ver con los diferentes descubrimientos o herramientas implementadas en la carrera. Se adquirir la habilidad de comprender las diferentes culturas de habla inglesa, donde existen mejores oportunidades de progreso por ser pases de potencia mundial. Sabr comunicarse y desenvolverse en culturas diferentes a la nuestra donde el ingls es el idioma principal. Aprender el significado de la terminologa utilizada en los diferentes aspectos de la carrera.



Resultados de aprendizaje ABET de la "a" a la "k" (a) Capacidad de aplicar conocimientos de matemticas, ciencias e ingeniera (b) Capacidad de disear y conducir experimentos, as como para analizar e interpretar los datos (c) Capacidad de disear un sistema, componente o proceso para satisfacer las necesidades deseadas dentro de las limitaciones realistas, econmicos, ambientales, sociales, polticas, ticas, de salud y seguridad, de fabricacin, y la sostenibilidad (d) Capacidad de funcionar en equipos multidisciplinarios CONTRIBUCION (ALTA, MEDIA, BAJA) EL ESTUDIANTE DEBE:




Saber las diferentes terminologas aplicadas en los diferentes aspectos para poder interpretar datos que son en el idioma ingls.




El estudiante deber desenvolverse en las diferentes situaciones donde su participacin va a ser en grupos multiculturales.

(e) la capacidad de identificar, formular y resolver problemas de ingeniera (f) Comprensin de la responsabilidad profesional y tica




El estudiante deber saber comportarse como un verdadero profesional en los diferentes crculos internacionales poniendo en prctica sus conocimientos de tica que por lo general son globales. Adems, el estudiante debe saber que los datos ms actualizados por lo general se emiten en el idioma ingles con lo cual es un requerimiento interpretar y entender lo que se lee.

(g) Capacidad de comunicarse de manera efectiva


En una carrera como sta es muy importante comunicarse y esta comunicacin por lo general es en ingls.

(h) Educacin amplia necesaria para comprender el impacto de las soluciones de ingeniera en un contexto econmico global, contexto ambiental y social (i) Reconocimiento de la necesidad y la capacidad de participar en el aprendizaje permanente




Como ya se ha mencionado con anterioridad, por ser una carrera donde todo cambia de acuerdo a la tecnologa que va saliendo, la necesidad de hablar ingls es un requerimiento imprescindible para poder seguir aprendiendo y actualizarse. El estudiante se informa de temas de actualidad y como esto impacta en las distintas sociedades de habla inglesa.

(j) Conocimiento de los temas de actualidad


(k) Capacidad de utilizar las tcnicas, habilidades y herramientas modernas de ingeniera necesarias para la prctica la ingeniera.




Primera Evaluacion 15% 5% 5% 5% 10% Segunda Evaluacion 15% 5% 5% 5% 20% 5% 5% 60%

Examenes Lecciones Tareas Participacion en clase Informes Proyectos Trabajo en grupo Comunicacin efectiva Total

Total 30% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 5% 5% 100%


11. RESPONSABLE DE LA ELABORACION DEL SYLLABUS Y FECHA DE ELABORACION Elaborado por: Fecha: Prof. Rafael Danny Jarre Barcia 20 de diciembre del 2011


Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems


This portfolio presents my experience in the course: elementary English, this course had as objectives develop in students the basic skills and improve their mental agility skills, retention and intellect. During this semester I could know a bit more regarding the English language and its different standard grammatical. the topics seen during this semester I am sure we will be very helpful in our daily lives and in our professional field, relying on technology that allows stimulate better learning. The techniques presented by the teacher helped to me improve as a computer professional future. The most difficult areas of the course were recognized when present simple and when present continuous

S e l f Po r t r a i t .

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems

Self Portrait.

My name is Pilligua Pillasagua Mayra Shirley am a student of the subject of elementary English, currently the third semester course in the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technical University of Manabi. I am a responsible, organized and I like teamwork and I think teamwork is better because we can share ideas with others and teach them as well as others as also learn from them. My goals are to become a professional in Systems Engineering, and contribute to the technological advancement of my country and knew that nowadays technology is a cornerstone for the economic progress of the great countries of the world.

Metacog nit ive Jo ur nal.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems

Class 1.1A word order in questions questions with do / does / did in simple present and past Questions word Auxiliary Do Does do does subject You Lian you Lian Base form (=verb) Live with your parents? Like Chinese food? Live? Like?

Where what kind of food

In the simple present use the auxiliary verb do / does to make questions. In the simple past use the auxiliary verb did to make questions. In these questions the subject goes after the auxiliary verb. Remember to use the base form of the verb in questions with do, does, and did.

Questions with be, present continuous and going to. Quesions word be Is are are is Subject Ana they you he (adjetive, noun, verb + -ing, ect ) A student? Doing? T alking about? Going to live

What where

In questions with be, make questions by inverting the verb and the subject. If a verb is followed by a preposition (listen to, talk about), the preposition goes at the end of the questions, wath are you talking about? Not About what are you talking.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems

Class 2.- 1B simple present

I/ you/ we/ they + ? I usually work at home they don't live near here Do you smoke? Yes, I do. / No, I don't

He / she / it Danny knows me very well It doesn't usually rain here Does Rosa like music? Yes, she does./ No. She doesn't

Use the simple present for things you do every day, week, year, and for things that are always true.
Remember the spelling rules for 3rd person singular s: work>works add s study>studies consonant +y: y and add ies finish>finishes sh. s. Ch, x: add es go>goes do>does have>has Adverbs and expressions of frecuency we ofter use the simple present with adverbs of frecuency (always, ofter, sometimes, usually, hardly ever, never) Adverb of frecuency usually go before the main verb, but after be. He never goes out. Not he goes never out. She's always late. Not She's late always. Expressions of frecuency (every day, once a wekk, etc) usually go at the end of a sentence. I have English classes twice a week

Technical University of Manabi FACULTY OF COMPUTER

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 3.- 1C I + I'm working You/ we /they You we 're working they you we aren't working they Yes, I am. Yes, he is. He/ she/ it He She's working it he She isn't working it No, I'm not No, he isn't

? X

Are you Working? Is he Working?

Use the present continuous for thing happening now, at this moment. My brother is working in South America. A.- what are you doing? B.- I'm sending a text message to Sarah. Remember the spelling rules for the -ing form. Cook> cooking live>living study>studying run >running

Some verbs are not normally used in the present continuous, for example like, want, have (=posses), need. Ineed to talk to you now. Not I'm needing to talk to you now.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 4.- 1D defining relative clause with who, that, where. A cook is a person who works in a restaurant. A cook is a thing that tells the time. A post office is a place where you can buy stamps. Use relative clause to axplan what a place, thing, or person is or does. That's the woman who won the lottery last year. This is the restaurant where we had dinner last week. Use who for person, that for a thing, and where for a place

You can use that instead of who. She's the woman who / that works with my brother. You can use which instead of that to talk about things. It's a thing which / that connects two computers.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 5.- 2A I You He Stayed at hotel. She Went on vacation. It We They Did you Did you

Didn't stay at a hotel. Didn't go on vacation.

Stay at a hotel? go on vacation?

Yes I did. No, I didn't

Use the simple past to talk about finished actions in the past. The simple past is the same for all persons. Use the base form after Did..? and didn't for negatives and questions.

Base form Work Stay like study stop

Past Worked stayed liked(just add d if verb finish in e) stidied(y>after a consonant) Stoped (if a one syllable verb ends in consonant vowel- cosonant, double the final consonant )

To make the simple past + of regular verbs add ed. Remember the spelling rules. Many common verbs are irregular in + simple past, for example, go> went. See the Irregular verbs list on p.115.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 6.- 2B past continuous: was / were + verb + ing I He was Working. She It I He wasn't Working. She It Was he Working? Yes, he was. Were they Working? Yes, they were. No, he Wasn't. No, they weren't

Use the past continuous to describe an actions in progress at a specific at a specific moment in the past. At si o'clock last nigth, I was driving home. On April I was I st was staying with some friend in the country.

Simple past or past continuous? When I took the photo, they were writing a song. I was sitting on the sofa when I saw the news on TV Use the simple past for a completed action. I took the photo / I saw the news. Use the past continuous for an action in progress. They were wrinting a song / I was sitting on the sofa

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 7.- 2C questions with and without auxiliaries Qestions with an auxiliary. Qestions What music which CD who auxiliary Do did did subject You he You Base form Like? Buy? Go with?

To make questions in the simple plan past and simple present, we normally use the auxiliary verb do / does / did + base form. What music do you like? Not whatmusicyoulike? In these questions the subject goes after the auxiliary verb.

Questions Without an auxiliary Subject What Whinch team who Verb Happened won writes After the concert? The game? Then songs?

When the questions word (who? What? Which? How many?) is the subject of the verb in the questions, we do not use an auxiliary (do, does, did). The verb is in the third person. Who writes their songs? Not who does write their songs?

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 8.- 2D to, because, but although because and o

She was driving fast because she was in a hurry. (reason). She was in a hurry, so she was driving fast (result) Hannah spoke to the Dj because they didn't like the music(reason) they didn't like the music, so Hannah spoke to the DJ. (result)
Use because so express a reaso. Use so to express a result. But and although

She tried to stop, but she hit the man. Although she tried to stop, she hit the man. It was late, but she couldn't sleep. She couldn't sleep, although it was late.
Use but and although to show a contrast. Although can go at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 9.- 3A going to

+ ?

I'm going to work in a restaurant. She's going to meet me at the airport We aren't going to stay very long he isn't going to like the weather there Are you going to find a job? When is your brother going to visit you? Use (Be) going to + base form to talk about future plans and predictions. I'm going to work in the US for six weeks. (plan) I think it's going to rain this afternoon. (prediction) When you use going to go, you can omit to go. I'm going to go to college next year. Or I'm going to go college next year.

Present continuous for future arrangements

+ ?

I'm seeing some friends toninght. We're having dinner at their house tomorrow. She isn't leaving until Friday. They aren't coming to the party. What are you doing this evening? Is she meeting us the theater?

You can also use the present continuous for future arrangements that you have planned for a fixed time or plane. Don't use the simple present for this. NOT I see some friends tonight. The present continuous is especially common with the expression tonight, tomorrow, this weekend, etc. And with these verbs: go, come, meet, see leave, and arrive.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 10.- 3B Will, won't + base form (predictions) I You He She 'll be late It We They I You He She Won't be late It We They

Contractions: 'll = Will; Won't = Will not Use Will / Won't + base form for future predictions. (You can also use going to. See 3A above). The future of there is / are = There will be; the future of I can = I'll be able to NOT I'll can ? I You He Will She be late? It We They I You He Yes, She Will. It We They I You He She It We They X



We ofter use I think / I don't think... + will.... I think he'll fail the exam. I don't think he'll pass the exam. NOT I think he won't pass.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 11.- 3C Will (promises, offters, and decisions) Decisions Offters Promises I won't have the fish. I'll have the steak. We'll take the 6:30 train. I'll help you with your homework I'll open the door for you. I'll always love you. I won't tell anyone.

Use will / won't + base form for making decisions, offtering, and promising. I'll help you with those bags. NOT I help you.

In ? Sentences with I and we, shall (and not will) is sometimes used to affer to Do something or to make a suggestion, but this is not a common use. Shall we go for a walk?

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 12.- 3D Review of tenses: present, past, and future Tense Simple present Present continuous Simple past Past continuous Going to + base form Example I live downtown She doesn't smoke He's looking for new job I'm leaving tomorrow Use Things that happen always or usually. Things that are happening now or plans for a fixed time or place.

We saw a good movie last nigth Finished actions in the past. we didn't do anything yesterday He was working in Taipei What were you doing at 7:00? I'm going to see Tom tonigth It's going to rain Actions that were in progress at a past time. Future plans and predictions Predictions, instant decisions, offers, and promises.

Will / won't + base form You'll love Bangkok I'll call her later I'll help you I'll pay you back tomorrow

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 13.- 4A Present perfect (experience) + ever and never


I've (I have) You've (you have) He's (he has) Been to She's (she has) Korea. It's (It has) We've (we have) They've (they have)

I haven't You haven't He hasn't She hasn't It hasn't We haven't They haven't Worked in a bank

? Have you ever worked in a bank? Has he ever been to korea?

X Yes, I have. No, I haven't Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.

Use the present perfect to talk about past experiences when you don't say exactly when they happened. I've been to london. NOT I've been to london last year. My brother has worked abroad. For regular verbs the past participle is the same as the past simple (+ ed ). for irregular verbs see page 155. We ofter use the present perfect with ever (= in your life until now) and never.

Compare the present perfect of go and be. He's gone to Paris = He's in Paris now. He's been to Paris = He went to Paris and came back.

Present perfect or simple past? A.-Have you been to Mexico? A.-When did you go there? B.- Yes, I have B.- I went last year

Conversations ofter begin in the present perfect (with a general question) and then chance to the simple past (with question asking for specific details, when, where, who, with, etc) Use the simple past to ask/ say exactly when something happened.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 14.- 4B Present perfect + yet and already yet

A.- Have you finish your homeword yet? B.- No, not yet. I haven't finished yet?
Use yet + the resent perfect in and ? Sentences to ask if something that you think is giong to happen has happened or to say it hasn't happened. Put yet at the end of the sentence


A.-Do you to see this movie? B.-No, I've already seen it three times A.-Do you want newspaper ? B.-No, I've already bougth one.
Use already in + sentences to say that something happened before now or earlier than expected. Put already before the main verb

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 15.- 4C Comparative adjectives Adjective Short big Busy relaxed Good bad far

Comparative shorter bigger busier More relaxed Better worse farther, further One Syllable: + er One vowel + one consonant double final consonant Consonant + y: y +ier Two or more syllables: more + adjectives irregular

Comparative adverbs Adverb Comparative Regular quickly slowly More quickly less slowly

Adverb Irregular hard well badly

Comparative Harder batter worse

Use comparative adjectives to compare people and things. My brother's taller than John. Use comparative adverbs to compare actions. He drives more slowly than my father. You can also use (not) as + (adjective/ adverb) + as. John isn't as tall as my brother. He doesn't drive as fast as my father.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems Class 16.- 4D Superltives (+ ever + present perfect) Abjective cold hot pretty beautiful good bad far Comparative colder hotter prettier More beautiful Better worse further superlative The coldest The hottest The prettiest The most beautiful The best The worst The furthest

Use the + superlative adjectives to say which is the biggest, etc. In a group It's the highest mountain in Asia. She's the best in the class. We ofter use a superlative with the present perfect. Russia is the coldest place we've ever been to. That's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen.

Mater ials related to the class.

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems

This tool was a big help me during my career in this elementary English course, are the subjects in which the teacher was in the classroom

Summar y of closure

Technical University of Manabi

Race of Engineering in Information Systems

Summary of closure

During the course of basic English skills I acquired mental agility and intellectual undercuts which are important to my performance as a professional. From the assignments in the course, oral presentations were of great help to continuously improve effective communication compared to other teams. Sometimes I complicate the course as there were class I could not understand easily, but with my effort and perseverance to master the subjects achieved as expected but not enough to meet the test that made me the teacher. Lessons at blackboard and the teacher facilitator workshops I take the little one could resolve analyzing complication but I could come up with the required answers. Work trials and sent to the house were very interesting as we had to investigate so that they can deliver in a good way.

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