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SCHOOL BASED ASSESMENT GUIDE - BIOLOGY Biology Scoring Check List Students Name : Class : Instrument : Title: ...

Element 1 Planning Skill PI 1 (Investigation) Objective Problem statement Hypothesis Variables Apparatus & Materials Technique Procedure Data communication Initial Prediction [Activity without hypothesis and variables] Objective Problem statement Apparatus & Materials Technique Procedure Data communication Initial Prediction Score 3 = 7-9 [6-7] 2 = 4-6 [3-5] 1 = 1-3 [1-2] Folio, Scrap book PI 1 Objective Problem statement Apparatus & Materials Technique Procedure Data communication Score 3 = 5-6 2 = 3-4 1 = 1-2 Element 2 Conducting Skill PI 1 (Conducting) Set up apparatus & materials Technique Obtaining data PI 2 Using apparatus properly Cleaning and keeping apparatus Disposing waste material Score 3 = PI 1 (3 ) and PI 2 (3 ) 2 = PI 1 (3 ) and PI 2 (1 or 2 ) 1 = PI 1 (3 ) only Element 3 Data Skill PI 1 (Data) Columns and rows with titles and units Sufficient and systematic data PI 2 (Diagram) Quality Label Neat Score 3 = PI 1 (2 ) and PI 2 (3 ) with Data only PI 1 (2 ) With diagram only PI 2 (3 ) Score 2 = PI 1 (1 ) and PI 2 (1-2 ) with Data only PI 1 (1 ) With diagram only PI 2 (1-2 ) Score 1 = only idea of PI 1 and PI 2 Scrap Book & Folio PI 1 Collect and present PI 2 Record relevant information PI 3 Record accurately Score 3=3 2=2 1=1 Element 4 Interpreting & Conclusion skill PI 1 (Graph & Charts) Title Axes with units Uniform scale 4 plotted points smooth curve / correct shape or (diagram) accurate labels neat and clear PI 2 correct relationship between variables correct interpretation of data or obtain accurate information from data PI 3 Correct conclusion or restate hypothesis Score 3 = PI 1 (5 ) [3] and PI 2 (2 ) and PI 3 (1 ) Score 2 = PI 1 (3-4 ) [2 ] and any other 2 Score 1 = any ONE of the PIs completely or any TWO PIs not completely Element 5 Scientific attitudes & Moral values PI 1

Honest and accurate Systematic, fair and just Responsible and cooperative PI 2 Interested Curious Persevering, hardworking PI 3 Critical, analytical and creative Transparent and open minded Rational PI 4 Values the contribution of science and technology Practice healthy and clean living and values the balance of nature Thankful for Gods blessings Score 3 = Any ONE
from ALL the 4 PIs 2 =Any ONE from Any 3 PIs 1 =Any ONE from Any 2 PIs


Signature Name

: : 1/2



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