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January 2013

Volume 8 #1

Wading River Baptist Church

P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manor Road, Wading River, NY 11792 (631) 929-3512; 929-6022 www.wrbc.us office@wrbc.us

Making Wise Decisions

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you (Psalm 32:8).
It seems as though the beginning of a new year is one of the best opportunities we have of thinking through the question of Gods will for our lives. There is a sense in which the slate is wiped clean and we think in terms of a new beginningof starting over. Most years we have just lived through the chaos of the Christmas seasonshopping, family, company, special church activities, parties, dinners, travel, and various other activities that leave us exhausted and vowing never to do that again. But of course we indeed do endure it all again next year. Even so, if there is ever a time when we think about the quality of our lives, we do so as we catch our breath at New Years. As the rest of the world is thinking about resolutions, we Christians should be thinking about such things as priorities and commitments. Looking ahead to a new year sometimes involves a bit of apprehension. Thats because we do not know what a day, much less a year, will produce. Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth (Proverbs 27:1). James reminds us of the same truth when he writes: Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit. Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. Instead, you ought to say, If the Lord wills, we will live and also do this or that (James 4:13-15). This is why Paul tells you that you ought to be making the most of your time [buying up the opportunities], because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). You should remember, Only one life, twill soon be past; only whats done for Christ will last. In order to live as good stewards of our opportunities, however, we want to know what it is that God wants us to do in specific life situations, and that requires us to make good decisions. We all make decisionsmany of them every day; yet not all decisions are black and white. There are times when we face major life-impacting decisions, and sometimes the wisest choice is not immediately apparent. One reason for this is that often we may not be fully aware of all the factors that bear upon our decision. An obvious example of this is that, because of our lack of biblical knowledge, we may not fully comprehend the principles stated in Gods Word. Another is that we too frequently live by our emotions. Consequently, the result is often hesitation and trepidation, and we either refuse to make a decision, put it off until sometime in the future, or make a very tenuous decision, fraught with uncertainty. As we face another new year, therefore, how should we discipline our thinking about the important question of knowing Gods will in a given situation? What college should I choose? What career path should I follow? Shall I quit my job? Shall I take a new job? Shall I move or shall I stay? What should my attitude be toward my spouse, my children, my parents, and my extended family? What church should I attend? Shall I make that major purchase, consider a cheaper alternative, or be content with what I have? Should I send my kids to public school, Christian school, or should I homeschool? What should my involvement be in the churchs ministry? How shall I talk to my boss, my fellowemployees, or my neighbors about spiritual issues and about the Lord Jesus Christ? Moreover, there are a host of lesser questions which in the grand scheme of our lives are still important to us. How do we make wise choices? David had made a very unwise choice when he engaged in adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband, Uriah, killed. Apparently, under the oppressive burden of guilt over his sin, David suffered severe physical and psychological discomfort. Thats the subject of Psalm 32. However, when confronted with his sin, David sought and received the Lords forgiveness, and this hymn breathes a spirit of relief. David knew better than to sin as he did, and he paid a heavy price for it. Having admitted this in verses 1-7, the Lord himself interjects a promise in verses 8-9. That promise is that He will guide His saint and counsel him, watching him constantly, and that therefore the believer should not be like a stubborn horse or a mule that needs to be held in check with a bridle and bit. All right, says the Christian, so how do I know Gods will? How do I make a wise choice? There are four primary resources that we have to facilitate good decisionmaking.

1. Consult the Word of God. We all know this, but few of us are as diligent as we should be in practicing it. The Bible is full of practical insights and principles to direct our thinking and to help us determine our choices. To mention an obvious example, the Bible does not tell us whom to

marry, and yet this is one of lifes most important decisions. Why doesnt God give us clearer direction? Actually, He does, but our ignorance of the Word or refusal to honor it causes us to miss His will. Any believer contemplating marriage should have an overall grasp of biblical revelation, which will provide him or her with sensitivity to Gods plan for marriage, as well as His requirements of righteousness and holiness. They should read repeatedly and carefully through the Book of Proverbs in order to develop a clear picture of a godly spouse and to avoid the pitfalls of marrying an unbeliever. A young man and woman contemplating marriage should also diligently seek the counsel of their Christian parents, and take very seriously the substance of that parental advice (see Prov 6:20-22). They should also seek counsel from godly friends and spiritual authorities like pastors or godly teachers. This is a biblical principle often overlooked which contributes to many marital disasters. It is Gods Word that leads to righteousness, and that results in a life of integrity. Scripture reminds us that The integrity of the upright will guide them (Prov 11:3). We cannot discern Gods guidance in the presence of the static that comes from living in sin. So in all of our major life decisions, we should search the Scriptures until we have a firm grasp on its teaching bearing on our situation. We should not hesitate to consult with others who may know Gods Word better than do we, and once we grasp Gods Word, we should implement it in our lives to become persons of integrity. 2. Carefully discern your circumstances. Your circumstances are not coincidental. God has planned them all; but they are not by themselves sufficient to give you direction in the decision-making process. Apart from Gods Word, you will interpret the events and conditions you experience in light of your fallible human nature. Your desires will take priority over Gods will. You will see your circumstances through the lenses of your fallen mind and corrupted conscience, and perhaps most of all, by your deceptive emotions. Wisdom is not found in how you feel. In fact, how you feel orients your decision-making towards fulfilling your self-interests. To continue with the marriage decision, for example, it is not enough to say that I am infatuated with the one I love, and he/she with me. Its not enough to make a decision based on the perception that it just feels like the right thing to do. Sometimes God calls you to make decisions that defy your feelings. You cannot reliably just follow your

heart. Rather, you need to ask, What does Gods Word say?, or What choice is consistent with biblical righteousness? Thus, interpret your circumstances through the filter of Gods Word. But theres more. 3. Be led by the Holy Spirit. Its easy to become too mystical at this point, and thats dangerous. However, its also easy to dismiss the Spirits leading in the interest of avoiding charismatic excesses. A biblical balance is required. The Holy Spirit never leads contrary to Gods Word; so once again, knowledge of the written Word is required for the Spirits guidance. Nonetheless, the Spirit does lead. The most important element in His leading is prayer. If we plead with God for His will, then He promises to counsel us with His eye upon us. In fact, He does not take His eye off of us! A Bible and prayer-saturated heart will be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Although you will not hear voices from heaven or experience supernatural dreams or revelations, at strategic points in your decision-making process, you will just know what the Lords will is. There will be an inner prompting as to what you should do and an inner peace about doing it. There is a caution here, however, because far too many believers make foolish decisions, claiming nonetheless that they prayed about it, and that God led me. Both prolonged Bible study and prolonged prayer are needed for such assurance. Once we are assured that we have discerned the Lords will, however, then . . .

strong spiritually as he is representing himself to be, then she needs to think through the future long-term implications of marrying him. If a couple is struggling in their marriage and contemplating divorce, they need not only to understand what God says about it in His Word, but what the ramifications are for such things as spiritual life, finances, property, children, and future Christian service. Clear thinking may also force them to reject the well-meaning counsel of others, who although seeking their best interests, may be advising them outside of Gods will. Again, the right choice may not emerge as the one the couple initially desires. In fact, decisions made without protracted and clear thinking are usually destined to be regretted later. So when the Lord says that He will counsel us with His eye upon us, this is what is entailed. His counsel comes through His Word as applied to our specific circumstances, through the prompting of the Holy Spirit in response to His Word, and after a season of careful thinking. We approach this counsel with a spirit of selfdenial that says, Not what I wish to be, nor where I wish to go. For who am I that I should choose my way. The Lord will choose for me, 'tis better far I know. So let him bid me go; or stay. There is another benefit in all of this, namely that the assurance of Gods guidance enhances our assurance of our salvation. As the psalmist writes: With Your counsel You will guide me, and afterward receive me to glory (Psa 73:24). Once we have thought through our decision biblically, then we can implement it boldly. Thus, in the decisions you face this year, apply these guidelines and you can be confident that the Lord will infallibly counsel you, never taking His eye off of you, and in spite of how you may feel about it at the time, you will eventually reap the benefits of a decision wisely made. A most joyful, satisfying, successful, and fruitful New Year to you and those you love! Pastor Ron Glass

4. Think clearly. Simply put . . . use your head! God has given you the capacity to think, but far too many Christians fail to use it. They react impulsively, emotionally, and selfishly. There is a place in the decision-making process for careful analysis of the situation, a place for logical reflection on the various alternatives. Like a chess player, you need to think several moves ahead. Lets return to the marriage decision once more. If a young woman is infatuated with a young man, but begins to recognize that he will not be a good leader in his home, or that he is really not as

Update on Petah Tikva, Israel

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis 12:3). God has promised to bless the man or nation that blesses the Chosen People of Israel. WRBC is strongly committed to this desire of our heavenly Father to support Israel by supporting those that strive to enlighten the people of Israel as they share the good news. Samuil & Ellas hearts desire is for Israel that they may be saved. In 1997, the first congregation, Light of Life, came into existence within the Baptist Village where they first began to minister to the people of Israel. Pastor Samuils biggest desire has always been: Brethren, my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved (Romans 10:1). It is WRBCs desire to continue a strong support both financially and in prayer for all their needs. So let us continue to pray for them as they share a number of their prayer requests. 1. At the end of October, three persons were baptized in the Jordan River; during the services message, an unbeliever named Natalia responded to the invitation offered. Pray that Natalia and the three people baptized would grow spiritually. Another spring time baptism is being planned for three more desiring to be baptized. Pray for Gods leading in the preparation of these. 2. Pray for two of their brothers and other brothers and sisters who are currently serving in the Army. Pray for their safety and for opportunities to share the Word. Pray for the peace of Israel. 3. A young adult ministry of their Hebrew congregation meets together every week. Pray for wisdom as this is more organized to invite Hebrew-speaking guests. 4. They continue to evangelize with tracts, t-shirts and wristbands. Pray that they are able to continue to order the quantities of all these so that there will be enough not only for the people of their congregation but some for those in other congregations. Pray for this project to be fruitful. 5. Normally, they might be taking trips maybe once a month with opportunities to share the Word as they visit places that are mentioned in the Scriptures. Please continue to pray for these trips and their spiritual significance. 6. The church family has been blessed with two new babies, with two more babies on the way. Pray for these young families in their situation and needs. What a blessing to have friends in Israel committed to share their faith. Please keep them and Israel in constant prayer. Joan Tyska

Month in Review
The Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm (Nahum 1:3) For the month of December, the WRBC has been focusing on Pastor Noel & Nora Faustinorio as the Missionaries of the Month. Most appropriately, prayers were encouraged for the Faustinorios and their Baptist Church in the Philippines as Typhoon Bopha tore through the southern part of the Philippines. Ironically, it was Long Island that was of central focus in last months Beacon with Hurricane Sandy and how God answered prayer at that time. This month, once again, God listened to our prayers and spared the church in the Philippines; but sadly, the Typhoon took its toll with over 1,000 deaths, hundreds more missing, and still more left homeless. Please continue to pray for the recovery of the Philippines as we continue our prayers for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. The tea certainly enhanced each one of the ladies senses beginning with sight - seeing the home in full Christmas dcor; tasting the menu of a southern gal; hearing the devotions from the Word; and feeling the love shared not only in the time of fellowship but in the games played.

December 1, 2012 Martie Best is fast gaining a reputation for her outstanding ability to plan, prepare and execute a social event, all while bringing a professional quality to it. On December 1st, a Christmas Tea in her home was a memorable proof of the talent she has as a party planner. Marties invitation was extended to the ladies of the church along with some of Marties coworkers to share an afternoon of sensual delights of all kinds that soon will not be forgotten.

Marties originality in her ability as a hostess was recognizable the minute the guests entered the Manorville home. The home was so cleverly decorated and in such exquisite taste, it took a moment of appreciation to absorb the workman quality of the decorations; the dining room/dessert room filled with a table full of homemade desserts; and the practicality of the seating arrangements for a group of two dozen. Most precious were her three small dogs all dressed in Santa Claus outfits. Not surprisingly, there was an assisting team behind this wellorchestrated event. Marties husband not only supported her in the pre-weeks of preparation but quietly took pictures during the luncheon. Then there was Vicki Valentine and Vickis daughter, Alicia, that offered their assistance to help bring it all together during the last 24 hours of the final preparation as they revealed a bit of cooking/decorating talent of their own. Hours of food preparation were quite evident as the homemade soups, a special chicken salad, and other delicious dishes were served in a stylish presentation of each. The best was when Maureen Glass offered a blessing for the food and everyone proceeded to enjoy Marties culinary talents. Check out some of the photographs to appreciate the presentation.

Marties devotions were so filled with Gods wisdom that a transcript of her devotional message was printed in Decembers Beacon entitled What is the First Step in Building A Birdhouse? Surprisingly, the answer brought you to a better understanding of what it means for a believer to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. If you missed reading Marties article, it is definitely recommended reading. Game time was funny, hysterical, comical, laughable, and just plain lots of fun you had to be there. Everyone agreed that it was a special time for grown ladies to let their hair down and have some fun. Martie Best is the best at planning a tea, not sure that it could ever get better.

bling the Glasses to share some quality family time together.

December 2, 2012 was the day that WRBC had to say goodbye to Ed & Denise Tolf as they prepared to head back to their native Texas to settle down near their two sons and Denises mother. Denise sang a sweet solo in church for the last time at the Lords Day service and after the service a lunch buffet was set up to wish them a final farewell and to share one last fellowship with them. In the five short years that the Tolfs attended the WRBC, Denise was the church secretary keeping busy while Ed, a pilot, traveled the world. When Ed was in town, he took an active part volunteering with the upkeep of the church whenever he could. Ed & Denise were loved for their southwestern influence that they brought to the WRBC along with proof that Real Cowboys Trust in Jesus.

December 8, 2012 After a handful of volunteers from WRBC helped the Tolfs load up a Penske truck and assisted them in cleaning their home for one final time, Ed & Denise with their dog, Jake, were on their way to a new journey, a new home, a step closer to retirement, and a new church family. May God be with them and may they never forget their friends at WRBC? They will be missed. December 9, 2912 The musical blessings at the WRBC continue from Sunday to Sunday as Marie Caputo on piano, Carl Chapman playing the trumpet, and George Ehmann mastering the organ form the cornerstone of the musical worship. But there are so many others that excel in their musical skill and that bring a passion to each of the Lords Day services in only a way that Christian hymns can. Most special on December 9th was Vic & Reeva Bellard singing a duet as husband and wife, singing the beloved hymn, It is Well With My Soul. The hymn is always a favorite among those at WRBC and Vic & Reevas duet was no exception.

tion the Bible study that seems to always go overtime due to the enthusiastic open discussion that Pastor Glass seems to initiate in everyone.) Martie Best, George Ehmann, and Kristen Hallstrom all had birthdays to be celebrated so the group sang Happy Birthday to them, complete with cake and candles. The following Sunday on December 16th, the Bible study returned to its normal routine only meeting an hour earlier at the Pirainos home before a two-week Christmas recess went into effect. December 23, 2012 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:13-14 . . . as was at the WRBC a multitude of worshipers praising God and saying Glory to God with thanksgiving for the birth of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. The sound of music filled the WRBC on the Lords Day before Christmas as the birth of Christ was glorified in the gift that it was. Maureen Glass put together a musical program that highlighted all those with special musical talents of the WRBC. Christmas: A Musical Celebration was a collection of Christmas Scripture readings; musicals in the form of solos, duets, trios, and instrumental praise; and a very special interpretive reading of an original poem by Martie Best, entitled The Drama of HIStory: Seeing Beyond the Manger.

At least 21 participants served in this musical ministry that brought a superior feeling of worship allowing the carnal world to be forgotten during this most reverent Christmas worship. The sounding of the organs bells and the trumpets call to worship began the incredible Christmas recital as each selection was a link to the whole of the true Christmas story.

Also on December 2, 2012 (and the remaining 2012 Lords Days), Geoff & Stephanie Glass and their two adorable children, Michael and Abigail, were in church and at the coffee hour reuniting with their family and church friends while Geoff was working in New Jersey. Because of Hurricane Sandy, all hotels were booked bringing the whole family to Wading River to reside with Pastor & Maureen while Geoff commuted to NJ. What a blessing it was to combine a workrelated trip with the Christmas holidays, ena-

Also on December 9th, Bible Study met at John & Mina Pirainos home, beginning with an impromptu luncheon supplied by anyone attending the Bible study. Impromptu in this case meant an assorted menu of chili, chicken cutlets with pasta, sandwiches, donuts, a fruit bowl, salsa with chips and not to forget the pizza. (For all of you that missed being there, see what you are missing? Not to even men-

It was amazing the resources God endowed the WRBC with as A Fellowship Of Light filled the church. Whether a tenor, bass, baritone, alto or soprano, the notes resounded a clear note of praise and harmony

of each song sung or played. Each participant excelled in their own skill and each served in a humble way as God had called them to.

Pastor & Maureen Glass, Doug Heuzey, Liz Hyland, Kevin Kenter, and Sarah & Linea Piraino.

Those that participated were: Peter Albrecht, Vic & Reeva Bellard, Martie Best, Marie Caputo, Carl & Sarah Chapman, George Ehmann, Nora & Jewels Faustinorio, Sean & Shannon Feliciano, Michael & Abby Glass,

Most precious were young Abby & Michael Glass reflecting the scriptural homeschooling provided by their mother, Stephanie Glass. The two of them were dressed as Mary and Joseph and in costume sang of the Saviors birth and recited Scriptures. Michael was hesitant at first to perform but with some loving encouragement

from his grandmother, Maureen Glass, the performance took over our hearts. Some final thoughts on His coming were offered by Pastor Glass with a short Christmas message that was defined in five words: Incarnation, Adoration, Humiliation, Reconciliation and Glorification. It was a service of meaning. It was a service of serving. And most of all, it was a service in the glorification of our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Now as we usher out 2012 and welcome in a new year of discovery and serving the Lord, may God bless you with His loving care always. In our Lords name, Amen. Joan Tyska

The Drama of HIStory

The Book reveals that long ago God sent His Son to earth To a stage so dark, with curtain drawn, awaiting a mysterious birth. Four hundred years silence had reigned, Mankind spiraled toward the enemys lair While the whole creation groaned in pain; For there was no savior there. But when the fullness of time came due The darkness was split: Lo, a star! And those who were waiting and watching For Him saw it from afar. The stage was set, each player in place; Screenplay written by prophets of old Although buried in books now covered in dust, The storyline had long been foretold. From the name of the town to the virgin girl The writer choreographed each sign. Then He wove it together in a tapestry Of redemption and love divine. No trumpets in a palace grand, No herald unrolling a scroll. No proclamations of His royal descent, And no toasts with goblets of gold. Rather, the whimpers of a young girls pain, Soon followed by a babes lusty cry. A godly man, exhaustedbut relieved, As all creation heaved a great sigh. To the sleeping masses it was nothing new: Just another little peasant boy. They had no idea He was the one That heaven would announce with joy! They did not know, they did not care, For their eyes were turned within. Their thoughts were only for themselves They could not see their sin. Each person on earth wrote his own script, Defining good as whatever he chose. Ignoring the writing contained in the Book, Even to the night the star arose. Wise men in the east, who studied the Book, Knew this was no ordinary star! The gathered their maps, the Book, and their gifts And immediately set out from afar. The king of the land, a cruel beast, Knew of the child-king foretold, But he felt himself to be secure Within his palace of gold. The scribes and prieststhe ones youd think Had the very most at stake Merely shrugged indifferently The didnt even investigate. For they were certain within themselves that MY god would never come that way! Thus further blinding themselves to the truth That God, Himself, in that manger lay.

The shepherds were in place, just as theyd been On thousands of nights through the years, With the moon and the stars as nightlights of old, The darkness, for them, held no fears. And so the audience lay sleeping Complacently unaware That the curtain was rapidly rising before them And the Author, Himself, was there. The director was looking on with pride, The chorus was bursting with song! The singers in their magnificence Knew now that it wouldnt be long. From the dawn of creation, the script had been written, The director, Himself, gave the cues that night Then the angelic spotlights pierced through the dark And the sky was filled with their light! Act III was beginning! Grace had arrived! The savior, the messiah they were seeking! But, where were the crowds? Where was the audience? In cozy beds of indifference they lay sleeping. As earth reawakened From a 400 year sleep, The Spirit once again hovered over the deep. Where darkness had long reigned There was now a great light For the hope of the world was Born in Bethlehem that night. The light of the world, King of kings, Lord or lords, The savior of all mankind Was on display in a manger of hay, For those who would seek Him to find. The priests had preconceived ideas Of how their messiah should look. For in their own image they created him, And totally ignored the Book! The king in all his earthly wealth Although his facts were straight, Because of a heart that worshipped itself Was doomed to a twisted fate. The shepherds, however, determined to learn The truth of what theyd been told! They heard, they went with haste, they saw: And upon returning, their testimony was bold! The Magi read the Book of old That prophesied His birth, So they recognized at once His star That illuminated the earth. They brought Him treasures, & bowed to the ground Splendid robes pooling in the dust Which gives pause for us to ask ourselves, What must the director think of us???

Are we, like the priests, so blinded by visions Of the god WE WISH Him to be, That we miss the light, and in darkness, bow instead to a god, who, on the inside, is really just me? Or, are we, like the king, instead Intellectually believing that we know While our souls are so darkened by unbelief that we are simply unwilling to let go? So, I guess then, this is really the question: Shepherd, Magi, priest, or king? What role would you or I have played When the angels began to sing? Would we have shrugged and turned away? Or proclaimed His birth with joy? Would we have jealously hardened our hearts? Or with great abandon, go seek the baby boy? He didnt stay a babe, you know, In wisdom and strength He grew. He lived a sinless life, then died As a sacrifice for me and for you. He proclaimed the truth of the kingdom come! He announced He IS the One: The King of kings, the Lord of lords, Gods only begotten Son. He said, I AM is here! But the priests? They turned away! Hes saying once again: I AM is here, Wont you come to me today? He said the rocks would cry aloud If none else would give Him praise! The shepherds proclaimed Him joyfully! Is it to Him our voices we raise? While the king of old sought only to kill, Messiah says, I am Kinglike you never knew! For rather than requiring you to die for me, I willingly died for you. The Magi knew a king was promised, but they Didnt rest til they found the promised King! Messiah says all my promises are yes and amen! For to you, new life I bring. The baby in a manger once lay, But now dwells in the hearts of men God Himself, clothed in human flesh, Came to die for our sin. Behold the babe in the manger! Then, See your savior on the cross for you. Go seek your Lord at the empty tomb, Then worship Himwho gave Himself for you. The baby-God, now the God-man HE is calling out yet still. So lay down your arms, turn, & follow your King, For He welcomes all who will. Martie Best

January Bible Quiz Questions

1) Who said, Thou art more righteous than I: for thou hast rewarded me good, whereas I have rewarded thee evil. 2) Who was unjustly stoned to death as a result of the wicked plot against him for the purpose of seizing his land? 3) Who is considered the father of the children of Ammon? 4) Who had his thumbs and great toes cut off and acknowledged that God had recompensed him for what he had done? 5) This city was once called Luz. Bonus: What devises mischief (or destruction) like a sharp razor?

December Bible Quiz Answers

1) Hermeneutics (Major Bible Themes, pp. 33-34). 2) The LORD will provide (Gen 22:13, 14). 3) The LORD is present (Eze 48:35). 4) Made a child of God by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit; the legitimate child of God will be chastised by the Father (Heb 12:5-8; 1 Cor 11:32). 5) Repentant faith; that Christ shall be believed upon and received as Savior (Jn 1:12; Gal 3:26; Acts 20:21). Bonus: True (1 Cor 15:12-19). Congratulations to Dennis Tyska for submitting all five correct answers plus the bonus for the December Bible Quiz! Look for a Bible quiz from Dr. Virginia Sylvester, sister of Joan Tyska, in the February 2013 issue of The Beacon!

Dennis Tyska

The Birthday Corner

January 1st Kaitlyn Hallstrom January 4th Jackie Hallstrom January 10th Bill Mallman January 10th Rosie Hofmann January 11th Judy Ehmann January 13th Carol Fitzgerald January 17th Paul Albert Kirchberger January 18th Jaaz Faustinorio January 19th Joe Best January 22nd Leo Stein January 25th Alice Teufel

The Anniversary Corner

January 10th Pastor & Maureen Glass January 10th WRBC (est. 1982)

January 2013
Wednesday 2 9
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 119 (Part 9)

The Lords Day

Monday Tuesday

Thursday Friday 3
8:30 AM Ladies Prayer

Saturday 5 12 1:00 PM Senior Saints Whiter than Snow

Fellowship Hall

1 6
9:45 AM Sunday School Pastor Glass 11:00 AM Morning Worship Service 5:00 PM Bible Study (Hofmann home for month of January)

4 11

8 7:00 PM Board of Deacons

10 8:30 AM Ladies Prayer

13 9:45 AM Sunday School Pastor Glass

11:00 AM Morning Worship Service 6:00 PM Semi-Annual Business Meeting




7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 120

17 8:30 AM Ladies Prayer



20 9:45 AM Sunday School Pastor Glass

11:00 AM Morning Worship Service 5:00 PM Bible Study




7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 121


8:30 AM Ladies Prayer



27 9:45 AM Sunday School Pastor Glass

11:00 AM Morning Worship Service 5:00 PM Bible Study




7:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Exposition of Psalm 122


8:30 AM Ladies Prayer

PO Box 438 Wading River, NY 11792

Wading River Baptist Church

Our Purpose
1. To glorify God through sharing the good news of salvation by Gods sovereign grace through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. To nurture believers through a strong program of Christian education, youth ministries, and expository Biblical preaching. 3. To provide an opportunity for Biblical worship, service, and fellowship. 4. To extend our ministry throughout America and around the world through participation in home and foreign missions. WRBC is affiliated with the Conservative Baptist Association of America and the Conservative Baptist Mission to the Northeast.

For the Exaltation of God in All Things For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ For the Transformation of Gods People

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