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sCan you take me away and never let me go back?

Can you hold me in your arms and promise everything will be ok? Can you kiss my lis and make all my problems disapear? Can you love me as much as I love you?
I just need a woman that is mature enough to love me, be with me, understand me for who I am and for the short comings I may have even if I try my best to be her everything. I swear in return I'll be the best man I could be that'll make her feel like the princess she is of my world considering I still believe in chivalry

When you love someone, it's nothing. When someone loves you, it's something. When you love someone and they love you back, it's everything. What is the difference between blood and you? Blood enters the heart and flows out but you entered the heart and stayed. You know you're in love when you can't stand being around that person, but when you leave you can't stand being away from them I can't really find the words to explain the way I feel when I hear your voice or when I see your face. All I can say is that I like the feeling. Roses of red grow in my heart and they will never wither. Because they bloom every time I see your smile, hear your voice or just think of you Find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest, heart that will love at your worst. If you have found it, you've found love. You are always in my heart, here and everywhere. There is no one in the whole world that makes me feel this way. I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes! I m feeling so happy, do u know why? As I am so lucky, do u know how? As God loves me. Do you know how? As he gave me a gift. Do you know what? Its YOU my love.

People say that magic is fake, wishes don't come true, and that Prince Charming is nowhere... so then how do I have you?
Just when I thought that love could never be a part of me, that's when you came along and showed me happiness! All my life I have searched but I never found someone who is so perfect for me. You make my life complete. With you I need not worry about the future because, as long as I have you by my side, I know the future will only be a pleasant surprise. I love you. You fill my world with so much happiness and joy. You are my knight in shining armor. You are someone for whom, I have been waiting all my life. Thank you for being a part of my life. I love you The best and the most accommodation facility for me is your heart. I pay no rent and I get to live there for as long as possible!

In your third trimester (28 weeks through the end of your pregnancy), you'll most likely have a checkup every two weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, then switch to oncea-week visits until you deliver. As you and your healthcare practitioner get to know each other better and as your due date draws near, you can expect a mix of regular physical exams, latepregnancy tests, and discussions about the coming birth. Here are some of the things your caregiver will do at these appointments.

1. Ask how you're feeling

As before, your caregiver will probably start your visit by asking how you're doing, following up on any issues raised at your last appointment, and reviewing the results of any tests you've had since then. She'll ask whether you've had any contractions, swelling,headaches, or have any other concerns. Whether or not she asks, let your practitioner know about any symptoms you're having, even if they seem like the usual fatigue, moodiness, or aches and pains. Don't be put off by a too-busy-to-talk feeling: Your practitioner may see dozens of patients a day, but your pregnancy is still the most important thing in the world to you.

2. Question

you about your baby's movement

Your practitioner will ask how much you're feeling your baby move and remind you to call at any time if your baby seems less active than usual. She'll advise you to pay attention to your baby's movements and may ask you to start counting your baby's movements for a set period of time each day.

3 As in the second trimester, you'll be weighed and your blood pressure will be taken. You'll be asked to give a urine sample to check for signs of preeclampsia, urinary tract infections, and other problems. Your ankles, hands, and face will be checked for swelling, which can be a sign of preeclampsia. Baby Costs Calculator

Calculate the cost of your baby's first year, including gear, diapers, childcare, and more.

Your practitioner will check your baby's heartbeat and feel your belly to estimate your baby's size. She'll also measure the distance between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus (this is called your fundal height) and compare it to your baby's gestational age as well as to the measurement from your previous visit to make sure your baby's growth rate seems normal. If he seems either too big or too small, you'll have an ultrasound to evaluate his growth and to check your amniotic fluid levels. Your practitioner will probably be able to tell whether your baby is in the head-down position orbreech (bottom down). At 36 weeks or so, if she thinks the baby is breech (or can't tell for sure), she'll order an ultrasound to confirm her findings. If he is, you'll probably be offered a procedure called an external cephalic version to try to turn the baby. You probably won't have routine pelvic exams at your prenatal visits, even in the third trimester. Many practitioners don't do them unless they have a specific concern, such as preterm labor or to double check your baby's position (if you're nearing your due date and his position isn't clear from the abdominal exam). But if you're past your due date, your practitioner will check your cervix to see if it's softening, effacing (thinning out), and dilating (opening). This may help her decide if and when to induce labor. She'll also try to determine whether your baby has "dropped" that is, moved down into your pelvic cavity in preparation for birth. If his head is quite low, it can be hard for your practitioner to feel it abdominally. She will probably be able to easily tell with a vaginal exam, though. If your caregiver doesn't routinely do vaginal exams but you're near your due date and eager to know what's happening, you can certainly ask for one. (If you do have a pelvic exam late in pregnancy, you might have a little spotting afterward.)

4. Test

you for group B strep

Between 35 and 37 weeks, your practitioner will swab your vagina and rectum to check for a common infection called group B strep. If your test is positive, you'll be given antibiotics during labor to help keep you from passing it on to your baby. (If you've had a group B strep urinary tract infection during this pregnancy, you won't need this test because even though the infection was treated, you'll automatically get antibiotics during labor. Likewise, you'll be automatically treated during labor if you've previously had a baby infected with group B strep. ) 5. Discuss

any other tests you may need

Here are some other tests you may receive in the third trimester:

If your blood glucose level was elevated when you took your glucose challenge testand you haven't yet had a glucose tolerance test to determine whether you havegestational diabetes, the test will be done early in this trimester. Your blood may be checked again for anemia, particularly if you were anemic earlier in your pregnancy. If you're at risk for sexually transmitted infections, you'll be tested again for syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV. If you were found to have placenta previa or a low-lying placenta during an earlier ultrasound, you'll have another ultrasound early in this trimester to check the location of your placenta. If your pregnancy is high risk or your practitioner becomes concerned about certain problems, she'll order tests (such as a biophysical profile or a nonstress test) to make sure your baby's thriving. When and how often you go for these tests will depend on the reason for the testing. If your caregiver is concerned about your baby's growth, she'll order periodic ultrasounds to measure him and check your amniotic fluid level. If your pregnancy is normal but you go past your due date, you'll need testing to make sure your baby is still doing well. Between 40 and 41 weeks, you may get a full biophysical profile or a modified one, which includes a nonstress test to assess your baby's heart rate and an ultrasound to check your amniotic fluid level. These tests are usually performed twice a week and will help your practitioner decide whether it's safe to continue waiting for your labor to start on its own. 6. Provide

pregnancy counseling

If your practitioner hasn't already done so, she'll talk to you early this trimester about the signs of preterm labor and preeclampsia and review other warning signs (such as vaginal bleeding or decreased fetal movement) that should prompt a call to her. She'll review the normal changes to expect between now and your next visit, and let you know if she has any specific concerns. As you near your due date, she'll discuss the signs of labor and let you know when you should get in touch with her. 7. Discuss

postpartum considerations

Since you may not be in any shape to make important decisions right after delivery, now's the time to start talking about whether you want your baby boy circumcised, whether you plan to breastfeed, and what you'd like to do for contraception after you have your baby. (Of course, you can always change your mind between now and then.) And if you haven't found a doctor for your baby, it's time to get started. Your practitioner can give you some names.

Prenatal care: Third-trimester visits

Pregnancy and prenatal care go hand in hand, even as your due date approaches. During the third trimester, prenatal care includes vaginal exams to check the baby's position.
By Mayo Clinic staff Prenatal care is an important part of a healthy pregnancy, especially as your due date approaches. During the last month of pregnancy, expect weekly checkups.

1. Repeat the usual drill

Your health care provider will continue to monitor your blood pressure and weight, as well as your baby's heartbeat and movements. Your health care provider may ask you to keep track of how often you feel the baby move and to alert your health care team if the baby stops moving as much as usual.

2. Test for group B strep

Most pregnant women are screened for group B streptococcus (GBS) during the third trimester. GBS is a common bacterium that's usually harmless in adults but babies who become infected with GBS can become seriously ill. If swabs from your vagina and rectal area test positive for GBS, you'll be given intravenous antibiotics during labor to protect your baby from the bacterium.

3. Resume pelvic exams

As your due date approaches, your prenatal visits may include pelvic exams. These exams help your health care provider: Check the baby's position. Near the end of pregnancy, your health care provider can feel your baby's head in your lower abdomen or at the top of the birth canal. If your baby is positioned headfirst, you're good to go. If your baby is positioned rump-first or feet-first (breech), your health care provider may recommend trying to turn the baby by applying pressure to your abdomen. This procedure is called an external version. If your baby remains in a breech position, you may need a C-section delivery. Detect cervical changes. As your body prepares for birth, your cervix will begin to soften, open (dilate) and thin (efface). Progress is typically expressed in centimeters (cm) and percentages. For example, your cervix may be 3 centimeters dilated and 30 percent effaced. When you're ready to push your baby out, your cervix will be 10 centimeters dilated and 100 percent effaced. Sometimes effacement is also measured in centimeters, to reflect the thickness of the cervical tissue. Resist the temptation to put much stock in these numbers, though. You may be dilated to 3 centimeters for weeks or you may go into labor without any dilation or effacement at all.

The third trimester of pregnancy can be tiring and uncomfortable. Here's help relieving symptoms and anxiety as your due date approaches.
By Mayo Clinic staff The third trimester of pregnancy can be physically and emotionally challenging. Your baby's size and position might make it hard for you to get comfortable. You might be tired of pregnancy and eager to move on to the next stage. If you've been gearing up for your due date, you might be disappointed if it comes and goes uneventfully. Try to remain positive as you look forward to the end of your pregnancy. Soon you'll hold your baby in your arms! Here's what to expect in the meantime.

Third trimester pregnancy: Your body

As your baby grows, his or her movements will become more obvious. These exciting sensations are often accompanied by increasing discomfort and other third trimester pregnancy symptoms. Continued breast growth By now, you might have an additional 2 pounds (nearly 1 kilogram) of breast tissue. As delivery approaches, your nipples could start leaking colostrum the yellowish fluid that will nourish your baby during the first few days of life. Weight gain By your due date, expect to weigh 25 to 35 pounds (about 11 to 16 kilograms) more than you did before pregnancy. Your baby accounts for some of the weight gain, but so do the placenta, amniotic fluid, larger breasts and uterus, extra fat stores, and increased blood and fluid volume. Braxton Hicks contractions These contractions are warm-ups for the real thing. They're usually weak and come and go unpredictably. True labor contractions get longer, stronger and closer together. If you're having contractions that are painful or regular, contact your health care provider. Backaches As your baby continues to gain weight, pregnancy hormones relax the joints between the bones in your pelvic area. These changes can be tough on your back. When you sit, choose chairs with good back support. Apply a heating pad or ice pack to the painful area. Ask your partner for a massage. Wear low-heeled but not flat shoes with good arch support. If the back pain doesn't go away or is accompanied by other signs and symptoms, contact your health care provider. Shortness of breath You might get winded easily as your uterus expands beneath your diaphragm, the muscle just below your lungs. This might improve when the baby settles deeper into your pelvis before delivery. In the meantime, practice good posture and sleep with your upper body propped up on pillows to relieve pressure on your lungs.

Third Trimester Symptoms

During months 7 through 9, prepare to have lots of symptoms as you enter the homestretch. Here's what to expect in the third trimester. Plus, pick your baby name while you wait
By The Editors Of Parenting Magazine

comments (11) related tags: pregnancy health & symptoms, Pregnancy Symptoms, third trimester, Pregnancy Overview The last trimester of pregnancy is full of contrasts: You're revved up for the homestretch but tired. You're thirsty but you often have to go to the bathroom. Treating your body -- and mind -- to the right kind of care is essential. Here's how your body changes, and how best to take care of yourself. Growing fatigue Not only are you lugging around an extra 20 to 30 pounds (or more), your expanding uterus rearranges other organs in your body, adding extra strain. You'll likely have to slow down a little, but you also want to keep your energy up. So: Do small amounts of exercise. A walk around the block will do the trick. Swimming and prenatal yoga are good options, too, but make sure you listen to your body. If you're tiring sooner, slow down. And if the thought of even rising from an armchair seems like a workout, just stay put. Take short breaks at work. Put your feet up, and, if possible, take a few minutes to close your eyes. Eat small, frequent meals and snacks (with a healthy mix of protein and complex carbs). Walnuts and dried fruit are a great snack to keep stashed in your purse or desk. If your energy level feels really low, check with your doctor. You might be suffering from anemia -- which an iron supplement can fix. Back pain An expanding belly can throw off your posture, and the hormone relaxin, which loosens your joints in anticipation of delivery, exacerbates the stress on your body. There are several things you can do to fool gravity and ease your aches: * Do pelvic tilts: Rock your pelvis back and forth while kneeling on all fours, keeping your back straight.

* Try an under-the-belly support garment, such as the Bellybra, and maternity pantyhose. * When you sleep, support your back and abdomen with extra padding underneath your back. If you sleep on your side, wedge a pillow between your legs to create equilibrium for your hips. A maternity pillow might not be a bad investment, especially if you have an older mattress. * Ask for help -- if someone offers to lift something for you, say yes!

Heartburn During the third trimester, your growing uterus might push your stomach out of its normal position which can contribute to heartburn. To keep stomach acid where it belongs, eat small meals and drink plenty of fluids between meals. Avoid fried foods, carbonated drinks, citrus fruits or juices, and spicy foods. If these tips don't help, ask your health care provider about antacids. Swelling As your growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from your feet and legs, swollen feet and ankles might become an issue. At the same time, swelling in your legs, arms or hands can place pressure on nerves, causing tingling or numbness. Fluid retention and dilated blood vessels might leave your face and eyelids puffy, especially in the morning. If you have persistent face or eyelid swelling, contact your health care provider.

To reduce swelling, lie down or use a footrest. You might even elevate your feet and legs while you sleep. It can also help to swim or simply stand in a pool. Spider veins, varicose veins and hemorrhoids Increased blood circulation might cause small reddish spots that sprout tiny blood vessels on your face, neck or arms, especially if you have fair skin. Blue or reddish lines beneath the surface of the skin (varicose veins) also might appear, particularly in the legs. Varicose veins in your rectum (hemorrhoids) are another possibility. If you have painful varicose veins, elevate your legs and wear support stockings. To prevent hemorrhoids, avoid constipation. Include plenty of fiber in your diet and drink lots of fluids. Frequent urination As your baby moves deeper into your pelvis, you'll feel more pressure on your bladder. You might find yourself urinating more often, even during the night. This extra pressure might also cause you to leak urine especially when you laugh, cough or sneeze. If you're worried about leaking urine, panty liners can offer a sense of security. Continue to watch for signs of a urinary tract infection, such as urinating even more than usual, burning during urination, fever, abdominal pain or backache. Left untreated, urinary infections increase the risk of pregnancy complications. Vaginal discharge Potentially heavy vaginal discharge is common at the end of pregnancy. If you saturate a panty liner within a few hours or wonder if the discharge is leaking amniotic fluid, contact your health care provider.

What to watch out ???

Most pregnancies are uncomplicated. That said, it's helpful to know which serious medical issues are most likely to affect expecting moms. Here's a quick guide to the seven most common pregnancy complications, listed from most frequent to least. Your doctor or midwife will watch for these pregnancy complications and others throughout your pregnancy, using physical exams, lab tests, and ultrasounds to help diagnose any problems that arise. Meanwhile, you can help your caregiver by attending allyour prenatal appointments and reporting any troubling symptoms.

Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy in the first 20 weeks. About 15 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and more than 80 percent of miscarriages happen before 12 weeks. Most first-trimester miscarriages are believed to be random events caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the fertilized egg that keep the embryo from developing. Vaginal spotting or bleeding is usually the first sign, so call your healthcare practitioner right away if you notice it (although it's not uncommon to spot or bleed in early pregnancy even if you're not miscarrying). If your practitioner suspects a miscarriage, she'll order an ultrasound to see what's going on in your uterus and possibly do a blood test.

VIDEO Inside pregnancy: Weeks 10 to 14

A 3D animated look at a baby in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Learn more about the causes and risk factors formiscarriage.

Premature labor and birth

If you start having regular contractions that cause your cervix to begin to open (dilate) or thin out (efface) before you reach 37 weeks of pregnancy, you're in preterm or premature labor. When a baby is delivered before 37 weeks, it's called a preterm birth and the baby is considered premature. About 12 percent of babies in the United States are born prematurely. Preterm birth can cause health problems or even be fatal for the baby if it happens too early. The more mature a child is at birth, the more likely he is to survive and be healthy. Read more about the causes and chances of preterm labor.

Low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios)s

The amniotic sac fills with fluid that protects and supports your developing baby. When there's too little fluid, it's called oligohydramnios. According to the March of Dimes, about 8 percent of pregnant women have low levels of amniotic fluid at some point, usually in their third trimester. If this happens to you, your caregiver will follow your pregnancy closely to be sure your baby continues to grow normally. If you're near the end of your pregnancy, labor will be induced. Read more about what it means to have low amniotic fluid, and the signs your doctor or midwife may look for.

Preeclampsia is a complex disorder that affects 3 to 8 percent of pregnant women. It's diagnosed when a woman, after 20 weeks of pregnancy, has two symptoms at once: newly elevated blood pressure and protein in her urine. Most expectant mothers who get preeclampsia develop a mild version near their due date, and they and their babies do fine with proper care. But severe preeclampsia can affect many organs and cause serious or even life-threatening problems. Moms whose preeclampsia is severe or getting worse need to deliver early. Read more about how preeclampsia could affect your health and the health of your baby.

Gestational diabetes

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About 5 percent of expectant mothers in the United States develop this type of diabetes. That might not sound like many, but the condition is common enough and serious enough that moms-to-be routinely get a glucose screening between 24 and 28 weeks to test for it. If you develop gestational diabetes, you'll be closely monitored by your healthcare provider. Most women keep their blood sugar levels under control with diet and exercise and deliver healthy babies. But poorly controlled diabetes can have serious consequences for the baby. For mothers with gestational diabetes, there's a 25 to 50 percent chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life, though this risk can be significantly reduced by maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Read more about gestational diabetes, including risk factors and how you'll be screened for this condition.

Ectopic pregnancy
When a fertilized egg implants anywhere outside the uterus, it's an ectopic pregnancy. The egg may implant in a fallopian tube (also called a tubal pregnancy), an ovary, the cervix, the abdomen, or a c-section scar. There's no way to transplant an ectopic pregnancy into the uterus, so ending the pregnancy is the only option. It's important to catch this type of pregnancy early because the growing embryo could rupture your fallopian tube. One in 50 pregnancies is ectopic. Learn more about ectopic pregnancy, including risk factors and symptoms to watch for.

Placenta previa
If you have placenta previa, your placenta is lying unusually low in your uterus, next to or covering your cervix. This occurs in about 1 in 200 pregnancies. Placenta previa isn't usually a problem early in pregnancy. But if it persists into later pregnancy, it can cause bleeding, which may require you to deliver early and can lead

to other complications. The location of your placenta will be checked during your midpregnancy ultrasound exam, but only about 10 percent of women who have placenta previa at that point still have it when they deliver their baby. Moms who have placenta previa when they give birth have to deliver by c-section.

Third Trimester

Period of further development and growth for the fetus. The fetus is developing well enough to survive on its own. Mother feels many discomforts due to increase size of fetus constant kicking, tossing and turning which leads to discomforts and sleepless nights.

a. What happen during third trimester?

1. 2. 3. 4. Continued Breast Growth Nipples start leaking colustrum yellowish fluid. Weight gain 1 lb per week , 3 to 4 lb per month and by the due date normal weight gain 25 to 35 lb. Braxton Hicks Contractions usually weak and come and go unpredictably. Backaches the baby continues to gain wt, thus pregnancy hormones relaxes the joints between the bones in your pelvic area. Advice the mother to choose chair with good back support, apply heating pad, or ice pack at painful area, ask the partner to massage. But if the back pain dont go away consult the doctor. Shortness of breath uterus expands beneath the diaphragm. Advice the mother to have good body posture and sleep with body propped up on pillows to relieve pressure on lungs. Heartburn growing fetus push the stomach out of its normal position. Advice the mother to eat small meals, drink plenty of fluids, avoid fried foods, carbonated drinks, citrus fruits or juices and spicy foods. Swelling growing fetus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from feet and legs. Swollen feet and ankles and same time swelling of legs, arms and hands can place pressure on nerves causing tingling or numbness. Fluid retention and dilated blood causing face and eyelids puffy especially in the morning but if have persistent swelling, contact the doctor. Spider veins, varicose veins and hemorrhoids increase blood circulation might cause small reddish sprout tiny blood vessel on face, neck, arms specially fair skin. Blue and reddish lines beneath surface of the skin appear particularly in the legs. Advice the mother to elevate legs and wear supportive stockings and to avoid hemorrhoids must avoid constipation by eating plenty of fiber, and drink lots of water. Frequent urination baby moves into the pelvis, it feels more pressure on the bladder this extra pressure might also cause the urine to leak especially when laughing, coughing or sneezing. Advice to wear panty liners. Contact the doctor if symptoms of UTI appear: urinating more than usual, burning during urination, fever, abdominal pain and backache.

5. 6. 7.



b. Prenatal visit - third trimester

1. 2. Ask the mother how she feels following up any issue and pregnancy concerns, reviewing the results of any test. Ask about the baby movement 10 movements in 1 hour same time in each day.

3. 4. 5.

Check the babys heartbeat and measure the FH. Test group B strep Done during 35 to 37 weeks it will swab the vagina and rectum to check for a common infection. It wont make the mother sick but can cause serious infection to the baby. Discuss any other test needed A) blood glucose level if elevated have the glucose tolerance test to check gestational diabetes. B) Blood may check for anemia. C) (+) placenta previa during earlier UTZ, have another UTZ to check the location of placenta. D) (+) STD, tested again for syphilis, Chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV.

6. Provide Pregnancy Counseling emphasize clean and safe delivery by a skilled professional, educate about the sign of labor and breathing technique(prime). Discuss emergency signs of pregnancy: o o o o o o o o Vaginal Bleeding Miscarriage, placental abruption, plancenta previa, hormonal bleeding, implantation bleeding Pelvic or Abdominal Pain Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy Persistent back pain miscarriage, preterm labor, kidney or bladder infection, cyst, normal pregnancy pain Gush of fluid from vagina preterm labor, preterm rupture of membranes, miscarriage, leaky bladder or watery mucous Severe headache / blurry vision PIH, eclampsia Regular contraction prior to 37th weeks preterm labor, gastric upset No fetal movement fetal distress, slowed movements or anterior placenta DOB, paleness, fever, foul smelling vaginal discharge, difficulty in urinating

7 Discuss Postpartum Consideration emphasize that complication may arise within 42 days after delivery (post partum). Advice to visit health care provider to detect and treat possible complication. Following schedules : within 12 hrs after delivery, on the 3rd day , on the 7th day. But if not visited the health care provider 7 days after the delivery advice to have post partum check up immediately. Discuss about breast milk and breastfeeding Newborn Screening Education and Counseling on Family Planning

c. When to refer?
1. Miscarriage loss of pregnancy in the first 20 weeks. Vaginal spotting or bleeding usually the first sign, low back pain, abdominal pain dull, sharp, cramping (with or without) Drug and alcohol abuse, exposure to environmental toxin, infection, obesity, physical problem with mothers reproductive organ. Advice for UTZ and blood test Premature Labor occur before 37th week, contraction of every 10 minutes or more often within one hour.



Watery fluid leaking from the vagina Menstrual like cramps Low dull backache Pelvic pressure feels like baby pushing down abdominal Abdominal cramps may occur with or without diarrhea Blood from vagina

Pre-eclampsia during 20th weeks of pregnancy, SBP 160, DBP 110 in two occasion at least 6 hours apart Oliguria less than 400 ml in 24 hours Persistent headache Epigastric pain


Gestational Diabetes occurs during 24 to 28 week if pregnancy, glucose level increase in pregnant woman blood. Blurred vision Fatigue Frequent infection including those of bladder, vagina and skin Increase thirst, urination Weight loss despite weight gain Advice to moderate in fat and protein, controlled level of carbohydrates fruits, bread, cereals, pasta, rice, limit drinking soft drinks and fruit juices Ectopic Pregnancy implantation outside the uterus. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea, low back pain, mild cramping on the side of the pelvis Nausea, pain at the lower abdomen or pelvic area Placenta Previa the placenta grows at the lowest part of the uterus which covers all part of the opening to the cervix. Sudden bleeding starts near end of 2nd trimester or the beginning of 3rd trimester. Advice decrease activities, bed rest, pelvic rest no sex, no use of tampons.



RNheals Project MONTHLY ACCOMPLISHMENT Name: Melchora Yauder Function 1. Participates in the implementation of various projects/programs/systems and activities related to Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) and Pantawid Pamilya Program such as: a. Maternal health services 1. Pre-natal care 2. Post-natal care 3. Family Planning b. Child Health Care services 1. EPI 2. Nutrition 3. Dental Health Programs mothers class Area of Assignment: Capoocan Main Health Center Training Requirements Monthly Accom. Remarks

10 10 5 30 all antigen 1 OPT summary 1 class

10 10 78 178 1 1

2. Conducts regular monitoring of various health programs of the municipality a. Maternal health services 1. Pre-natal care 2. Post-natal care 3. Family Planning b. Child Health Care services 1. EPI 2. Nutrition

4 visits 4 visits 2 visits 4 x a month Monthly

4 4 3 4 1

3. Dental Health Programs


3. Verify/validate the compliance to the conditionalities of the Pantawid Pamilya recipients I. Monitor compliance of the households on the ff: a. pre/post/ante natal care Actual Target b. facility based delivery c. complete immunization of children d. school performance of children e. attendance to learning and development Monthly activities for parents/guardian II. Ensure timely submission of Compliance Monthly Verification System (CVS) Form by the monitoring Rural Health Midwives. 4. Conduct health education and training a. Mothers class 1 class/month b. Pabasa sa nutrisyon, etc Same c. Family Development Session same 5. Assist in the conduct of disease Actual surveillance 6. Train and supervise the Community Health Weekly Teams 7. Management of Data gathered by the Monthly Community Health Teams 8. Submission of Research Proposal Actual 9. Prepares and submits reports/project requirements: a. DTR Monthly b. Monthly Journal Report every 2nd day of the following

0 0

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 attachments

month Prepared by: Melchora Yauder Name/Signature of Supervisor: Anna Liza P. Gomez, RN RN heals Monthly Journal July 2012 Name: Melchora Yauder I. Activities: Municipality/ Province: Calbayog City, W. Samar Area of Assignment: Capoocan Main Health Center

Pre-natal Post-natal Family Planning Assisted during Immunization Home Visit Assisted at the out Patient Department Recorded Monthly visit of 4Ps Attended mass treatment for Schistosomiasis in brgy. Cacaransan Participated in giving Pneumococcal Vaccine to social pensioner beneficiaries at every bgry covered by our main health center Attended the catchment meeting of the City Health Office for the different plans and programs for 2013 (July 30-31) II. Learning/ Insights: The task and responsibility being a Community Nurse, providing them services mandated by the DOH as the lead agency in health. Establishing rapport with the individual, family and community in order to ensure good quality service and to facilitate and enhance partnership in addressing identified health needs and problems.

Being also a Nurse Educator, providing information that allows them to make healthier choices and practices in order to improve their health status and correct misinformation. III. Issues/ Concerns: I have no concerns regarding how the facility given their services to the clients, Thus they provide good quality services in health, they ensure the affordability and availability of basic essential health care that are needed by the client focusing on their health status. And also by providing health education. IV. Recommendation: Must continue to uplift the good performance in providing health services to the people especially to the poorest one. Signed: Anna Liza P. Gomez PHN 2

Melchora Yauder Nurse Trainee


RN heals Monthly Journal June 2012 Name: Melchora Yauder I. Activities: Municipality/ Province: Calbayog City, W. Samar Area of Assignment: Capoocan Main Health Center

Pre-natal Post-natal Family Planning Assisted during Immunization Home Visit Assisted at the out Patient Department Recorded Monthly visit of 4Ps Participated in giving Pneumococcal Vaccine to social pensioner beneficiaries at every bgry covered by our main health center Assisted during initial and final screening of patients who will undergo surgery during USNS medical and surgical mission Participated during USNS Pacific Partnership Medical and Surgical Mission II. Learning/ Insights: The task and responsibility being a Community Nurse, providing them services mandated by the DOH as the lead agency in health. Establishing rapport with the individual, family and community in order to ensure good quality service and to facilitate and enhance partnership in addressing identified health needs and problems. Being also a Nurse Educator, providing information that allows them to make healthier choices and practices in order to improve their health status and correct misinformation. And as a translator, assisted during the USNS Mercy Medical and Surgical mission, I observed how the foreign people cared and give quality services to the Filipino people depending on their health issues. working together with them make me feel satisfied .


Issues/ Concerns: I have no concerns regarding how the facility given their services to the clients, Thus they provide good quality services in health, they ensure the affordability and availability of basic essential health care that are needed by the client focusing on their health status. And also by providing health education. During the USNS Mercy Medical and Surgical mission, the common concerns is the language barrier, specially some of the Filipino people cannot understand nor speak English language. IV. Recommendation: Must continue to uplift the good performance in providing health services to the people especially to the poorest one. Signed: Anna Liza P. Gomez PHN 2

Melchora Yauder Nurse Trainee


Anniversary Card Messages

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

I hope that a relationship that started with cookies, a fishing trip, and a turtle can always stay pure and simple. It's still fun to flirt with you. I can always depend on you to laugh just when I give up trying to make you. I love you. Happy Anniversary to the person who makes it happy. It has been another year. Time flies when you're having fun. Happy Anniversary! Once a year seems too rare to tell you how much you mean to me. You mean a lot! I appreciate your love, understanding, listening, humor, flexibility and energy. I know loving me is hard work. Happy anniversary! Today is an awesome day to acknowledge how awesome it is to have you as my (wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend). I love having you as my (wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend). You are a blessing from God. Happy Anniversary! When I'm around you, I know that I can totally be myself. You are the only person I can say that about. Thank you for accepting me. I know neither of us are perfect. We will always have that in common. Thanks for being o.k. with that. The years get faster and faster. Maybe that is because I'm having more and more fun with you. Happy Anniversary! I am glad that I am able to share my life with you. This anniversary marks another year of our lives that we have been blessed with. Happy anniversary! I am glad that you let me be myself. I don't know that I could do that with anyone else without them thinking I am crazy. Maybe I am a little crazy. Happy Anniversary to someone I can talk to, laugh with, cry with, and cause some trouble with. Another year down, many more to go! Happy Anniversary.

Funny Anniversary Messages

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A paper cut and lemon juice, pizza and heartburn, you and me, are just a few things that aren't supposed to go together but usually end up that way. Happy Anniversary! Each year that goes by reminds me of how far we've come and how much shorter the time is for us to go. I like to think the glass is half empty. Hey, I didn't forget our anniversary, I'm just early for next year's anniversary. (belated anniversary message) It's a good thing that you are better at forgiving me than I am at messing up. Happy Anniversary! Sometimes I try to think about what life would be like without living with you. All I can come up with is a boring, peaceful life. Happy Anniversary! Here's to a little conflict.

First Anniversary Messages

1. 2. 3. 4. One year down, many more to go! Happy first anniversary! 365 days is just the beginning of many more awesome days with you. This last year is really just the first year. I can't say anything more about this first year with you than, it was awesome.

How to Write an Anniversary Message

If you don't feel comfortable using one of the anniversary messages included here, you can write your own. Here is a simple formula to write a great anniversary message:

1. 2. 3. 4.

One thought/feeling about being together One feeling about the other person One compliment about the other person One statement of gratitude

So when you write your anniversary message, you can follow this format to get something like:

"1. It's a blast being with you. 2. I love you more than I tell you. 3. You are able to keep me in line, amuse me, and love me all at the same time. 4. Thanks for working hard in our relationship. Happy Anniversary"

It doesn't have to be rocket science to write a nice anniversary message for your wife, husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Keep it simple if you don't know what to write. If you are creative, then chances are you will be allowed a little creativity from your loved one.

More Anniversary Card Message Ideas

Anniversary Messages Anniversary Card Messages Anniversary Poems Anniversary Quotes

You are my biggest catch! And even though I some times want to throw you back, I love you more than all the other fish in the sea.



KARAMIHAN NG mga nakakapuwing sa mata ay maaaring matanggal sa bahay lang. Pang-unang lunas: Kapag napuwing, gawin ang ilan sa mga ito:

Karaniwang ginagawa natin ay hinihipan ang mata para matanggal. Itapat ang nakabukang mata sa mabilis na tulo ng malinis na tubig. O kaya ay idilat ang mata sa palanggana ng malinis na tubig. Ulit-ulitin hanggang matanngal ang puwing. Kung hindi matanggal, magtiklop ng patulis na malinis na panyo. Idilat ang mata. Kung nakikita ang puwing, tanggalin sa pamamagitan nito.




Ano ang sore eyes?

Ang sore eyes , o viral conjunctivitis, ay pamamaga o impeksyon ng mata na sanhi ng virus. Itoy maaaring maka-apekto sa mga tao ng anumang edad. Itoy nahahawa sa pamamagitan ng paghawak sa iyong mata kung ang mata moy nakahawak sa isang tao na may sore eyes.

Ano ang mga sintomas ng sore eyes?

Pamumula ng mata (hyperemia), pagtutubig at pagluluha (epiphora), pagiging makati o mahapdi ng mata (pruritis or pain) ay isang sa mga pangunahing sintomas ng viral conjunctivitis o sore eyes. Maaari ring magkaroon ng kulane (lymph nodes) sa may tainga. (Itoy hindi dapat mapagkamalan nabacterial conjunctivitis kung saan nagnanana ang mata at maaaring may kasamang lagnat.)

Sa sore eyes, hindi lumalabo, nagdidilim, o nagkakaroon ng anumang pagbabago sa paningin. Itoy kadalasang nag-uumpisa sa isang mata ngunit maaaring mahawa rin ang kabilang mata.

May mga laboratory tests ba na dapat gawin para sa sore eyes?

Wala. Ang diagnosis ng sore eyes ay binabatay lamang sa obserbasyon at sa kuwento ng pasyente sa doktor.

Ano ang lunas o gamot sa sore eyes?

Walang gamot para sa sore eyes; itoy hinihintay lang na kusang mawala. Ngunit maaaring maibsan ang hapdi, kirot, at pangangati sa pamamagitan ng paglagay ng cold compress sa mata.

Paano maiiwasan na mahawa ng sore eyes?

Ang mga taong may sore eyes ay dapat iwasan na hawakan o kamutin ang kanilang mga mata. Dapat ding ugaliing maghugas palagi ng kamay. Para hindi mahawa ng sore eyes, dapat ring maghuwas palagi ng kamay ng sabon at tubig; at iwasan ring kamutin ang inyong mga mata.

Kailan dapat magpatingin sa doktor kung may sore eyes?

Magpakonsulta sa doktor na spesyalista sa mata (ophthalmologist) kung may nana sa mata, kung lumalabo ang paningin, at kung higit na sa isang linggo at hindi parin nawawala ang mga sintomas ng sore eyes.



For Mild or Moderate Head Injuries To control bleeding, apply clean dressings directly to scalp or facial cuts. To control swelling, apply ice for 20 to 30 minutes every 2 to 4 hours. For headache, give over-the-counter acetaminophen. Do not use aspirin, ibuprofen, or other anti-inflammatory drugs, which can increase the risk of bleeding.

3. When to See a Doctor See a doctor immediately if the person experiences: Increased drowsiness

Irritability or restlessness Loss of strength in the hands or feet Persistent vomiting Worsening headache

4. Follow Up Do not leave the person alone for 24 hours. Check the person every 2 hours for alertness. Look for new symptoms, such as confusion, vomiting, unequal pupils, or unusual behavior. 5. BURNS

Time Required: Continue to cool a burn for at least 20 minutes Here's How:


Cool the burned area with cool running water for several minutes. Don't spray burns with high pressure, just let the water run over the burned area for as long as you can. Minor burns can be cooled with tap water over the sink. Don't be afraid to rinse bigger burns with a hose outside.

Do not use ice to cool a burn. Ice can cause frostbite very quickly when used on a burn because the skin is already damaged.

If an ambulance is coming, don't stop cooling the burn with running water until the ambulance arrives.


Call 911 if there is charring (blackened skin) or blistering (bubbles on the skin) in the following areas:

the face

the genitals all the way around a wrist, arm, leg or ankle covering most of a foot or hand anywhere on the body covering an area bigger than the size of the chest

Don't be afraid to call 911 if you believe this is an emergency regardless whether the injury matches this list or not. You are always the best judge of whether or not you need help.

Minor burns can be treated with a topical burn ointment or spray to reduce pain. Ointments should be water soluble. Do not pop blisters.

Continue cooling with running water to help with the pain.

DO NOT APPLY BUTTER OR OIL TO ANY BURN! Butter or lard may feel cool because it comes out of the refrigerator, but the oils will trap heat and make the burn deeper over time.

Pain relief: Over the counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used for the pain of a mild burn (typically redness only). If stronger pain relief is needed, call a doctor or go to the emergency departmen

1. Conception Maribijoc Name Musa, Amer Vencio Musa, Omar Musa, Al menah Musa, Liza Pregnant Post partum Newborn (012 yrs) 1 yr Under 5yrs Family Planning Philhealth Remarks

2yr \ 5yr No FP (33yo) 2yr 4yr No FP (32 yo) 5yr 1yr 4yr No FP (28 yo) Pills (29 yo)

Baser, Fahal
Desar Baser, Benwaled Baser, Caya

Jorica Asis, Reycelle Asis, Keycelle Asis, Roselle


Faharma Sulog, Norjana Sulog, Nande Sulog, Armar

4yr 3yr
1yr 4 mos

Batar, Aziza Batar, Jalanie

Batar, Adulrahman 1yr 4yr


Josephine Delmonte, Jelyn Delmonte, Justin Delmonte, Jamayka Calderon, Noime Calderon, Joy 5yr 2yr

Pills (38yo)

6 mos No FP 5yrs

2. Felcisima Rosalado
Name Titoy, Erlinda Titoy, Gian Titoy, Golyn Pregnant Post partum Newborn (012 yrs) Under 5yrs 4yr 1yr and 8 mos No FP 5yr 2yr 4 mos 3 mos 2yr No FP 4yr 2yr 8 mos No FP 5yr 3 yr No FP (33yo) None Pills (34 yo) 5yr Family Planning DMPA Philhealth Remarks

Diaz, May an Diaz, Artemio Jr. Diaz, Manilyn Diaz, Maylyn Macanimbang, Roselanie Macanimbang, Abdul Jay Sagadal, Estrella Labian, Shield Dane Labian, Kideon Leo Labian, Krislie Kim Capistrano, Evelyn Capistrano, Joshua Labian, Salvacion Bascara, Esekia Rain Amaro, Wilmar Doinog, Jose Roy Ylar, Primitva Jose, Metes Red

Jose, Marziliano 4yr Canaman, Jennica Faye Canaman, Mars, Jemm Canaman, Angelo Canaman, Julie Ann Josgado, Emmalyn Hobayan, Mica Ella Hobayan, Sabrina Anotado, Noeme Redullas, Vivian Redullas, Marvin Llander, Thelma Anotado, Lusy Louise Redullas, Cris Aivan Redullas, Frisco

5yr 2 yr
2mos DMPA 4 yr 2 mos Pills 4yr 1 and 6 mos No FP 4yr Condom

3. Lida Monteron
Name Pregnant Cristina Malabarbas Lourdes Aguaviva Idy Rhian Aguaviva Hezel Olasiman Rachel Ann Olasiman Post partum Newborn (012 yrs) Under 5yrs Family Planning BTL (45 yo) No FP (42 yo) No FP (36 yo) 5 yr Philhealth Remarks

4 yo

Rotche Olasiman 3yr Ishairah Matanog Fanny Shiek Alforman Nygel Canaman Ezekiel Canaman Rufil Canaman Dolores, Santos Maysarah Pascan Gandamasir Jameilah Cali Myrna Debuton Lumbre Jenny Cadion Toleza Althea Garalza Andrie Garalza Tita, Ducay Thomangelo Ducay Alia Panarag Minangdang Alhanip Minandang

BTL (42 yo) 4 yr 1 yr No FP (24 yr) BTL ( 42 yo)

3 yr No FP (34 yo) Pills (26 yo) 4 yo 2 yo No FP (39 yo) 2 yo No FP (30 yo) 4 yo

Cacaransan 1. Brigida Rocio

Name Sorilo, Elisa Medrina, Gerome Sorilo, Gina Aniban, Marlon Conquillo, Clarissa Sorilo, Jun Rey Sorilo, Pepito Sorilo, Pepito Jr. Sorilo, Angelo Dalicano, Maribel Sorilo, Kiel Jhorian Sorilo, Jaimie Sorilo, Jerome Napolis, Marites Montejo, Rosalie Sorilo, Justine Sorilo, Rina Mae Manohay, Sheila Macabidang, Rechelle Ygrubay, Mariso Bebero, Joan Bebero, Bernard Bebero, Jora Pregnant Post partum Newborn (012 yrs) Under 5yrs Family Philhealth Remarks Planning No FP (26 yo)

2 yo 4 mos 3 yo Pills 2 yo Condom 3 yo 7 mos

5 yr 3 yr 1 yr 8 mos Pills 4 yr 1 yr 8 mos 4 yr

5 yr 3 yr 1 yr 11 mos

Tomnob, Jelly 4yr

2. Leonida Decenilla
Name Pregnant Post partum Newborn (012 yrs) Under 5yrs Family Philhealth Remarks Planning No FP (37 yo) Pills (39 yo) BTL ( 40 yo) No FP (45 yo)

Decenilla, Hedelisa Caoyong, Bregida Bornio, Segonda Caoyong, Rebecca Casiracan, Jerome Kein Pedel, Gena Pedel, Rodel

2 yo No FP (25 yo) None

3. Paulette Bastasa
Name Pregnant Post partum Newborn (012 yrs) Under 5yrs 2 yo Pills (29 yo) Family Planning Philhealth Remarks

Talampas, Ulysses Ortiz, Jennie

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