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Common Purpose (CP)

- A Hidden Menace in our
Society and schools

By Brain Gerish

Common Purpose - A brief outline


The following short brief is compiled from personal testimonies and experiences, and professional observation of
Commonpurpose (CP), examination of written material, experience of participants of the CP programme(s), informal
interviews with CP staff, together with extensive research over a period of 3 years. This work has produced threats to
persons and their business interests, as well as bringing others within the public and private sector to the fore, who
have been frightened / disturbed in some way by knowledge of, contact or participation with CP.


CP claims to have originated in USA and was brought to UK by Julia Middleton, but research is now indicating a
birth in Oxford University. CP now operates in many European countries but appears very active in UK. It purports to
run 'leadership programmes' for all members of society, from school children to those at local community, regional, or
UK national level. Themes purport to help decision making, diversity, the networking of leaders, more effective
solution to common problems, drive changes to society over next 20 years, understanding UK and EU government,
understanding European and Global strategies etc. Courses and the CP programme operate under the Chatham House
Rule of the Council on Foreign Relations, which encourages participants to use information revealed by others who
remain unidentified. CP 'graduates' do not declare their status and remain hidden from public view. Networking of CP
'graduates' for personal / organisational benefit is encouraged. Courses are charged at a minimum of £3,800 plus VAT.
Courses begin with 2 day residential course with group activities and selected 'guest speakers'. Further training days
ensue. People must be invited to join CP by an 'advisory board'. The website www.commonpurpose.org.uk appears
innocuous but has recently been considerably changed in style and format.

Example Participation / 'Graduate' (Membership)

CP declares circa 80,000 people participating in UK since 1989. These come from all areas of society. The following
(few) names and positions are taken from the Westcountry and are considered reliably indicative of membership in
other cities and across UK. Chair Devon & Cornwall Strategic Health Authority, Commodore HM Naval Base
Plymouth, Senior Officer SWERDA, Senior officer GOSW, Service Manager Portsmouth Healthcare Trust, Project
Manager Devonport Management Ltd, Chief Constable Devon & Cornwall Police, Chief Executive South West
Peninsular Strategic Health Authority, Lib Dem, Conservative and Labour Cllrs Plymouth City Council, Deputy Vice
Chancellor University of Plymouth, Deputy Brigade Commander Royal Marines, Head of Finance BAe systems,
Editor Western Morning News and Plymouth Evening Herald, Advice Services Co-ordinator Sure Start, Partner Bond
Editor Western Morning News and Plymouth Evening Herald, Advice Services Co-ordinator Sure Start, Partner Bond
Pearce, Headteacher Parkside Community College, Centre Director Relate, Labour MP, Carlton Controller of Business
Affairs Broadcasting, Chairman Board Visitors Channings Wood Prison, Mrs xxx Learning & Skills Council, Mrs
yyyy Plymouth Chamber of Commerce, Senior Officers Plymouth City Council, plus numerous schoolchildren from
13 years at various schools.

True Aims and Objectives

To recruit key decision makers and existing leaders within UK society and by 'cult programming' to instil in them a
strong pro-European socialist mental agenda, including the replacement of existing democracy with a non party
alternative, based on chosen CP 'Leaders' and CP partnership working under centralised control. Selected CP 'graduate
leaders' will work to promote this new agenda below the surface of the existing democratic system, and will strive to
recruit further members within an expanding cell network. Non CP promoted objectives in the host organisation and
nation to be blocked, slowed, destroyed or suffer obfuscation.

Observed characteristics of CP to June 200

· CP adopts a quasi-secret approach which mimics Freemasonary. CP graduates do not freely declare themselves as
such in either the public or private sector.

· Recruits by preference professional men and women in key positions / jobs of authority / funds.

· Recruits Youth from 13 years in schools.

· Residential training (2 days) takes place in a 'controlled' environment hotel or similar location with accommodation.

· Participants are encouraged to reveal significant personal information as to their personal strengths, weaknesses,
successes, failures and goals in writing to CP staff and verbally to others in the training group.

· People who complete the course appear to believe in a 'new common purpose and approach' to society'. Some
enthuse how they have discovered something wonderful or life changing.

· Key / selected graduates are used to further recruitment within their organisations (similar to pyramid selling).

· Public sector expenditure on CP is not openly and freely declared.

· Unusual language used in CP documentation and observed behind public website e.g. how to recognise your
controller, how to control your host city, plus texts of a highly socialist (even national socialist) nature, changing
values, and thought processes.

· Unusual language used by CP graduates e.g. "I am ready to take my place in society", "you are only little men"
(used to those who do not agree with CP visions for society). Also triggering phrases e.g. lets 'just do it'.

· CP graduates who challenge the course / later challenge CP bosses and colleagues / do not get on with CP, appear to
be bullied within their organisations and /or lose their jobs. Some evidence of sexual bullying of women.

· Some evidence of fear of CP by staff and 'graduates'. Some women in particular appear frightened, depressed,
paranoid following contact with CP. Similarly school girls. Some tenuous evidence of occult influences / practices in

· Mental decline of CP individuals noted by spouses - individual becomes withdrawn, unable to cope with work, only
mixes with CP people, no laughter or enthusiasm. Perhaps robotic in manner.

· CP staff report strict vertical reporting and control within the organisation. Heavy pressure to perform. Co-operation
sideways to other CP groups / areas not tolerated. All staff training done in London HQ.

· CP 'graduates' seem to produce documentation in their work towards a future vision or goal. Characteristics are:
proliferation of a future Vision (with key dates 2010,2012,2020), obsession with partnerships and partnerships of
partnerships, use of key words e.g. leaders, creative, creative experimental, well being, mental health, common
purpose, matrix, vision, creating paths, dialectic, collective, co-operative, change, revolution, new world, engaging
with diversity, one world, magical, mystical for example.

· Individuals appear nervous if challenged as to involvement with CP. Some are prepared to lie as to their
involvement, including to longstanding personal friends.

· Most of the general public of professional or lay person status are unaware of the existence or role of CP, particularly
within the public sector.

· Many CP 'graduates' control or are influential regarding finances, money or grants.

· CP control structure appears linked to ODPM via a web of 'socialist' organisations and foundations.

· ODPM has so far refused to acknowledge their connections with CP, although can be proven.

· Public bodies are reluctant to reveal the identity of CP 'graduates' or the total amount of public funds spent on

· Meetings rigidly controlled by CP Chairmen. Those expressing dissenting views are pressurised, bullied or
intimidated at the meeting.

· CP circumstantial complicity with fraud and corruption in public and private sector.

· Those questioning role of CP are ignored, dismissed, 'palmed off', discredited and /or threatened.

Description of those targeted

People come from all sectors i.e. public and private - health, police, education, city councils, county councils, district
etc, quangos GOSW, RDA, Business Links etc, and the proliferation of quasi quango charities. There is a bias to the
upper echelons and clearly this is the targeting and selection of the 'future leaders'. CP is targeting those with
knowledge, power and influence plus control of money.

In general ordinary people from the ordinary general public and deprived neighbourhoods seem to be very much in the
minority. Apart from anything else how can they afford £3,950 plus VAT? Those 'professionals' working in all the
mini quangos purporting to be helping communities seem to be particularly targeted. We are told that CP recruits from
ethnic minorities but have no evidence as yet. An informed individual reported that some coloured people who do
Commonpurpose seem to end up less dynamic than when they start.

CP is clearly making a major effort to target schools,

school heads and the teenage children.

We are also aware that some 'strange creative' courses for primary school children are being held in cities such as
Plymouth. We have not yet got a CP connection but strongly suspect it.

During investigations into Common Purpose the following documents were seen behind the original website but have
now been made inaccessible:

a. Policy documents 'Controlling Your Host City'. The document deals with social engineering and community control
through CP links in the Executive structure of a city.

b. Education policy documents on selecting Future Leaders from children at 12 -14 years via CP 'graduates' placed in
responsible positions such as Head Teachers and the application of further grooming.

c. Access to CP lists of graduates / members is now denied to public access.

d. Vast number of courses & meetings / schedules and attendees removed from the site.

e. Links to other hidden sites removed.

f. CP site itself changed from 'To create the Future Leaders' to a more sanitised version.

Common Purpose plans to control Future Society

The CP site and its associated site spoke of the future leaders controlling society - not elected democratically - but
created by their (CP) design.

Ordinary people to be suggestively coerced / engineered into 'correct society' - created leaders to effect this change
and control by working together across lines / parties / bodies (quangos) with other CP members associates.

All bodies of responsibility and influence 'should' be involved with CP who will create / appoint their leadership.

CP member loyalties directed to CP solely. CP principles precedent to other (organisational / personal) interests in the
(new) interest of creating the better CP society.

Failure to declare graduate status or amounts of public money spent

The Freedom of Information Act is usually needed to force the public sector to decaler expenditure on Common
Purpose. Even then some organisations lie, distort the figures, or fail to answer. Why? - if this is such an innocent and
wonderful educational charity. Despite being in business in the city for 10 years I was not aware of CP until 2 years
ago. Then I find it everywhere but no open declaration or discussion of its existence. When I asked people verbally for
information on expenditure my questions were brushed off. We have started to write and ask, and have now got some
financial information. The figures (which are incomplete) clearly show massive expenditure by the public sector. Some
£100,000 by Plymouth City Council, £60,000 Government Office of the South West, £80,000 Office of the Deputy
prime Minister, £57,000 Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, £30,000 South West of England Regional Development
Agency, £36,000 Ministry of Defence Logistics. These figures are the tip of the iceberg locally and certainly
nationally. Simply multiply 18,500 odd Common Purpose graduates by £4,500 per course from the public sector. Total
circa £83m. Huge amounts are being spent whilst schools, hospitals and social care facilities close.

Bullying and illness amongst those connected with Common Purpose

Many people have given personal information on Common Purpose. One lady describes her experiences of CP, and a
number of individuals connected with CP in a public authority, where when she challenged the CP 'authority' she
experienced bullying / sexual harassment. She was very frightened and is still very reluctant to talk to others. Another
experienced bullying / sexual harassment. She was very frightened and is still very reluctant to talk to others. Another
lady worked for CP but left due to the high pressure and stress. Although very nervous she spoke about the pressure
on employees and also warned that others had warned her that CP was a 'dangerous organisation'. A senior Common
Purpose C of E Bishop is now ill with a nervous breakdown.

Members of Local Regeneration area Communities have told of heavy handed / bullying responses to complaints
regarding misappropriation of public money. Individuals connected with the oppressive approach are CP. One
gentleman is effectively threatened by his local vicar at his home for writing a letter of complaint to the local NDC
Regeneration office. The vicar also says 'of course you have already had a visit by the police'. In fact the man hadn't
had a visit by the police but they called the next evening. The police and the Vicar are CP connected. A lady in a New
Deal for Communities regeneration area produces a calendar showing pictures of the lack of action by the regeneration
company in the area. She is hounded by senior CP colleages at work. She is made ill. Other local people describe an
almost 'Nazi' bullying approach, and lies from CP people within the public sector.

Individuals have been 'removed' from Chamber of Commerce Councils (Board) after starting to point out funding and
project irregularities within their City and area. Work colleagues of the complainant are pestered with pressure calls
attempting to undermine the credibility of the person complaining. The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is CP
and so are the majority of his colleagues. Some apparently implicated in largescale misuse of public funds are CP. The
complainant is eventually forced to leave his company.

A professional person of standing receives visits from acquaintances not seen for years. They warn him off from a
Community Project. One talks of Horses Heads on pillows. Bricks are thrown through a neighbours window. There is
an arson attempt. The strange visitors are members of Common Purpose.

A senior professional person in the public sector pesters the wife of a friend of 21 years at her work (enquiring if her
husband, who has been asking questions of CP, is perhaps unwell or mentally unwell). The professional person is
connected to CP and 'lectures' CP graduates yet he lies as to his involvement to friends and third parties.

This article was published in Namaste Magazine Vol 10 Issue 1

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