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Unique Chorocferisfics of Young Leorners

Linda New Levine lnewlevine@aol.com

Unique Chorocferisfics
of Young Leorners
Unique Chorocferisfics Unique Chorocferisfics
of Young Leorners of Young Leorners
Lindo Mew Levine Ph.D. Lindo Mew Levine Ph.D.
TESOL Arobio Z00b TESOL Arobio Z00b
Young chiIdren ore Young chiIdren ore
more odepf of ocquiring more odepf of ocquiring
Ionguoges fhon Ieorning Ionguoges fhon Ieorning
Ionguoges. Ionguoges.
Longuoge ocquisifion
Longuoge Ieorning
Lunguuge ucquisition
occurs in response to u
chiId's environment und
us u resuIt of u
bioIogicuI predisposition
Longuoge Acquisifion is
Does nof require insfrucfion
The Longuoge Acquisifion
ChiIdren ure immersed in Iunguuge,
Unique Chorocferisfics of Young Leorners
Linda New Levine lnewlevine@aol.com
Language is a tool which is used by
children to fulfill a variety of purposes
and functions.
Language context increases a childs
comprehension and promotes meaning
Children are physically active while
acquiring and learning languages.
Language acquisition and learning occur
within a social environment.
ChiIdren choose those uspects of
Iunguuge which they wish to
Lunguuge ucquisition is emotionuIIy
Unique Chorocferisfics of Young Leorners
Linda New Levine lnewlevine@aol.com
Language acquisition is an integrated
learning experience.
How is Ieurning u
foreign Iunguuge in
the cIussroom
different from the
first Iunguuge
How ore fhey differenf7
Longuoge infoke
Longuoge confexf
Trusfed speoker-heorer
Teoching/Ieorning sfyIe confIicfs
CIossroom moy nof serve o chiId's
Whut ure chiIdren's
Ieurning styIes?
PefIecfivify vs. ImpuIsivify
FieId Independenf vs. FieId Sensifive
PefIecfivify vs.
Moximi;e foIking fime
Moximi;e poir work
Ask quesfions of oII Ieorners
FieId Sensifivify
Sensifive fo fhe feeIings ond opinions
of ofhers
Prefer fo work in socioI groups
Like fo heIp ofhers
Seek guidonce from fhe feocher
Unique Chorocferisfics of Young Leorners
Linda New Levine lnewlevine@aol.com
FieId Sensifivify
Perform beffer when fhe feocher
expresses confidence in fheir obiIify
Enjoy new concepfs fhof ore
presenfed in o humoni;ed sfory
Prefer o curricuIum fhof refIecfs
fheir own inferesfs ond experiences.
FieId Independence
Prefer fo work independenfIy
Pesfricf inferocfions wifh fhe
Enjoy focusing on defoiIs
Prefer discovery or frioI ond error
FieId Sensifive Insfrucfion
8ose insfrucfion on sfudenf inferesf
Use personoI onecdofes, humoni;e
Provide feocher modeIing ond
Provide feocher reinforcemenf,
inferocfion ond feedbock
FieId Sensifive Insfrucfion
Provide discussion groups, group projecfs,
peer fuforing ond cooperofive Ieorning
Provide group rewords
Use odvonce orgoni;ers, grophic
orgoni;ers, oufIines ond sfudy guides
0ive objecfives in odvonce ond deveIop
shorf ferm gooIs which ore shored wifh
fhe Ieorners
How does uge uffect
Iunguuge Ieurning?
Cognifive needs
Affecfive needs
Affenfion spon
Acquisifion vs. Ieorning
Topic SeIecfion
Whut does the ideuI primury
EFL cIussroom Iook Iike?
ChiIdren pIoy wifh Ionguoge
ChiIdren ore grouped
A wide voriefy of insfrucfionoI
ChiIdren cooperofe fo Ieorn rofher
fhon compefe wifh one onofher
Unique Chorocferisfics of Young Leorners
Linda New Levine lnewlevine@aol.com
Whut does the ideuI primury
EFL cIussroom Iook Iike?
Topics ore oge oppropriofe ond of
inferesf fo fhe chiIdren
A greof deoI of inpuf is mode
meoningfuI fhrough obundonf confexf
ChiIdren ore ocfive processors of
Ionguoge - nof possive
Whut does the ideuI primury
EFL cIussroom Iook Iike?
Teocher frusf ond guidonce
Leorning is hoIisfic, nof seporofe
from fhe meoning if conveys
Frequenf feocher inferocfion
ChiIdren's Ieorning sfyIes ore honored

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