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NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small

Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Long (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonishing, astonished Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Large (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonishing, astonished Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Long (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonished, astonishing Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful... Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hilarious Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprised, surprising Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Large (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonishing, astonished Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Long (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonished, astonishing Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Large (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonishing, astonished Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Long (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonished, astonishing Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Large (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonishing, astonished Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

EXPRESSING FEELING Go bright red Over the moon Couldnt believe her eyes Burst into tears Scared stiff Ponerse rojo Contento Increble Romper a llorar Tener miedo

OUR PLANET Bottle bank Carbon footprint Dump Environment Get rid of Green Packaging Pollution Recycle Recycling bin Reuse Rubbish Rubbish bin Throw something away Waste Contenedor de vidrio Impacto ecolgico Vertedero Medio ambiente Deshacerse de Ambientalista Embalaje Contaminacin Reciclar Papelera de reciclaje Reutilizar Basura Contenedor Tirar Malgastar

OUR PLANET Carbon offsetting Climate change Congestion charge Energy-saving Environmentally friendly Exhaust fumes Fossil fuels Global warming Greenhouse gases Polar ice caps Renewable energy Sea level Solar panel Unleaded petrol Wind farm Bonos de carbn Cambio climtico Trfico De bajo consumo Ecolgico Gases contaminantes Combustibles fsiles Calentamiento global Gases de efecto invernadero Casquetes polares Energas renovable Nivel del mar Panel solar Sin plomo Campo elico

AMBITION AND MOTIVATION Achieve Achievement Challenging Fail Fulfil Get (something) right Get (something) wrong Goal Motivated Overcame Pass Put pressure on Satisfying Strength Under pressure Weakness

Lograr Logro Desafiante Suspender Conseguir Hacerlo bien Hacerlo mal Meta Motivado Superar Aprobar Exigirse Satisfactorio Fuerza Bajo presin Debilidad

PHRASAL VERBS Clear up Warm up Brighten up Cloud over Cool down Aclarar Calentar Resplandecer Nublarse Enfriarse

False friends Topic (tema) Dispose of (deshacerse de) Realize (darse cuenta) Convenient (cmodo) Clich (tpico) Have available (disponer de) Carry out (realizar) Advisable (conveniente)

EXPRESSING FEELING Go bright red Over the moon Couldnt believe her eyes Burst into tears Scared stiff Ponerse rojo Contento Increble Romper a llorar Tener miedo

OUR PLANET Bottle bank Carbon footprint Dump Environment Get rid of Green Packaging Pollution Recycle Recycling bin Reuse Rubbish Rubbish bin Throw something away Waste Contenedor de vidrio Impacto ecolgico Vertedero Medio ambiente Deshacerse de Ambientalista Embalaje Contaminacin Reciclar Papelera de reciclaje Reutilizar Basura Contenedor Tirar Malgastar

OUR PLANET Carbon offsetting Climate change Congestion charge Energy-saving Environmentally friendly Exhaust fumes Fossil fuels Global warming Greenhouse gases Polar ice caps Renewable energy Sea level Solar panel Unleaded petrol Wind farm Bonos de carbn Cambio climtico Trfico De bajo consumo Ecolgico Gases contaminantes Combustibles fsiles Calentamiento global Gases de efecto invernadero Casquetes polares Energas renovable Nivel del mar Panel solar Sin plomo Campo elico

AMBITION AND MOTIVATION Achieve Achievement Challenging Fail Fulfil Get (something) right Get (something) wrong Goal Motivated Overcome Pass Put pressure on Satisfying Strength Under pressure Weakness

Lograr Logro Desafiante Suspender Conseguir Hacerlo bien Hacerlo mal Meta Motivado Superar Aprobar Exigirse Satisfactorio Fuerza Bajo presin Debilidad

PHRASAL VERBS Clear up Warm up Brighten up Cloud over Cool down Aclarar Calentar Resplandecer Nublarse Enfriarse

False friends Topic (tema) Dispose of (deshacerse de) Realize (darse cuenta) Convenient (cmodo) Clich (tpico) Have available (disponer de) Carry out (realizar) Advisable (conveniente)

EXPRESSING FEELING Go bright red Over the moon Couldnt believe her eyes Burst into tears Scared stiff Ponerse rojo Contento Increble Romper a llorar Tener miedo

OUR PLANET Bottle bank Carbon footprint Dump Environment Get rid of Green Packaging Pollution Recycle Recycling bin Reuse Rubbish Rubbish bin Throw something away Waste Contenedor de vidrio Impacto ecolgico Vertedero Medio ambiente Deshacerse de Ambientalista Embalaje Contaminacin Reciclar Papelera de reciclaje Reutilizar Basura Contenedor Tirar Malgastar

OUR PLANET Carbon offsetting Climate change Congestion charge Energy-saving Environmentally friendly Exhaust fumes Fossil fuels Global warming Greenhouse gases Polar ice caps Renewable energy Sea level Solar panel Unleaded petrol Wind farm Bonos de carbn Cambio climtico Trfico De bajo consumo Ecolgico Gases contaminantes Combustibles fsiles Calentamiento global Gases de efecto invernadero Casquetes polares Energas renovable Nivel del mar Panel solar Sin plomo Campo elico

AMBITION AND MOTIVATION Achieve Achievement Challenging Fail Fulfil Get (something) right Get (something) wrong Goal Motivated Overcome Pass Put pressure on Satisfying Strength Under pressure Weakness

Lograr Logro Desafiante Suspender Conseguir Hacerlo bien Hacerlo mal Meta Motivado Superar Aprobar Exigirse Satisfactorio Fuerza Bajo presin Debilidad

PHRASAL VERBS Clear up Warm up Brighten up Cloud over Cool down Aclarar Calentar Resplandecer Nublarse Enfriarse

False friends Topic (tema) Dispose of (deshacerse de) Realize (darse cuenta) Convenient (cmodo) Clich (tpico) Have available (disponer de) Carry out (realizar) Advisable (conveniente)

EXPRESSING FEELING Go bright red Over the moon Couldnt believe her eyes Burst into tears Scared stiff Ponerse rojo Contento Increble Romper a llorar Tener miedo

OUR PLANET Bottle bank Carbon footprint Dump Environment Get rid of Green Packaging Pollution Recycle Recycling bin Reuse Rubbish Rubbish bin Throw something away Waste Contenedor de vidrio Impacto ecolgico Vertedero Medio ambiente Deshacerse de Ambientalista Embalaje Contaminacin Reciclar Papelera de reciclaje Reutilizar Basura Contenedor Tirar Malgastar

OUR PLANET Carbon offsetting Climate change Congestion charge Energy-saving Environmentally friendly Exhaust fumes Fossil fuels Global warming Greenhouse gases Polar ice caps Renewable energy Sea level Solar panel Unleaded petrol Wind farm Bonos de carbn Cambio climtico Trfico De bajo consumo Ecolgico Gases contaminantes Combustibles fsiles Calentamiento global Gases de efecto invernadero Casquetes polares Energas renovable Nivel del mar Panel solar Sin plomo Campo elico

AMBITION AND MOTIVATION Achieve Achievement Challenging Fail Fulfil Get something right Get something wrong Goal Motivated Overcome Pass Put pressure on Satisfying Strength Under pressure Weakness

Lograr Logro Desafiante Suspender Conseguir Hacerlo bien Hacerlo mal Meta Motivado Superar Aprobar Exigirse Satisfactorio Fuerza Bajo presin Debilidad

PHRASAL VERBS Clear up Warm up Brighten up Cloud over Cool down Aclarar Calentar Resplandecer Nublarse Enfriarse

False friends Topic (tema) Dispose of (deshacerse de) Realize (darse cuenta) Convenient (cmodo) Clich (tpico) Have available (disponer de) Carry out (realizar) Advisable (conveniente)

EXPRESSING FEELING Go bright red Over the moon Couldnt believe her eyes Burst into tears Scared stiff Ponerse rojo Contento Increble Romper a llorar Tener miedo

OUR PLANET Bottle bank Carbon footprint Dump Environment Get rid of Green Packaging Pollution Recycle Recycling bin Reuse Rubbish Rubbish bin Throw something away Waste Contenedor de vidrio Impacto ecolgico Vertedero Medio ambiente Deshacerse de Ambientalista Embalaje Contaminacin Reciclar Papelera de reciclaje Reutilizar Basura Contenedor Tirar Malgastar

OUR PLANET Carbon offsetting Climate change Congestion charge Energy-saving Environmentally friendly Exhaust fumes Fossil fuels Global warming Greenhouse gases Polar ice caps Renewable energy Sea level Solar panel Unleaded petrol Wind farm Bonos de carbn Cambio climtico Trfico De bajo consumo Ecolgico Gases contaminantes Combustibles fsiles Calentamiento global Gases de efecto invernadero Casquetes polares Energas renovable Nivel del mar Panel solar Sin plomo Campo elico

AMBITION AND MOTIVATION Achieve Achievement Challenging Fail Fulfil Get (something) right Get (something) wrong Goal Motivated Overcome Pass Put pressure on Satisfying Strength Under pressure Weakness

Lograr Logro Desafiante Suspender Conseguir Hacerlo bien Hacerlo mal Meta Motivado Superar Aprobar Exigirse Satisfactorio Fuerza Bajo presin Debilidad

PHRASAL VERBS Clear up Warm up Brighten up Cloud over Cool down Aclarar Calentar Resplandecer Nublarse Enfriarse

False friends Topic (tema) Dispose of (deshacerse de) Realize (darse cuenta) Convenient (cmodo) Clich (tpico) Have available (disponer de) Carry out (realizar) Advisable (conveniente)

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprising, surprised Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Long (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonished, astonishing Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, fantastic, excellent, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

NORMAL ADJECTIVES Tired Angry Cold Sad Old Large, big Bad Tasty Hot Surprised, surprising Small Strange Interesting Scared, frightened Good Expensive Large (time) Clever Dirty Important Ugly Pretty Clean Crowded Hungry Pleased Happy Funny Silly Annoying, upset

EXTREME ADJECTIVES Exhausted Furious Freezing Heartbroken, miserable Ancient Huge, enormous, gigantic Appalling, awful Delicious Boiling Astonishing, astonished Tiny, minute Bizarre Fascinating Terrified Great, excellent, fantastic, wonderful Exorbitant Endless Brilliant Filthy Essential Hideous Gorgeous Spotless Packed Starving Overjoyed Delighted Hilarious Ridiculous Infuriating

EXPRESSING FEELING Go bright red Over the moon Couldnt believe her eyes Burst into tears Scared stiff Ponerse rojo Contento Increble Romper a llorar Tener miedo

OUR PLANET Bottle bank Carbon footprint Dump Environmental Get rid of Green Packaging Pollution Recycle Recycling bin Reuse Rubbish Rubbish bin Throw something away Waste Contenedor de vidrio Impacto ecolgico Vertedero Medio ambiente Deshacerse de Ambientalista Embalaje Contaminacin Reciclar Papelera de reciclaje Reutilizar Basura Contenedor Tirar Malgastar

OUR PLANET Carbon offsetting Climate change Congestion charge Energy-saving Environmentally friendly Exhaust fumes Fossil fuels Global warming Greenhouse gases Polar ice caps Renewable energy Sea level Solar panel Unleaded petrol Wind farm Bonos de carbn Cambio climtico Trfico De bajo consumo Ecolgico Gases contaminantes Combustibles fsiles Calentamiento global Gases de efecto invernadero Casquetes polares Energas renovable Nivel del mar Panel solar Sin plomo Campo elico

AMBITION AND MOTIVATION Achieve Achievement Challenging Fail Fulfil Get something right Get something wrong Goal Motivated Overcome Pass Put pressure on Satisfying Strength Under pressure Weakness

Lograr Logro Desafiante Suspender Conseguir Hacerlo bien Hacerlo mal Meta Motivado Superar Aprobar Exigirse Satisfactorio Fuerza Bajo presin Debilidad

PHRASAL VERBS Clear up Warm up Brighten up Cloud over Cool down Aclarar Calentar Resplandecer Nublarse Enfriarse

False friends Topic (tema) Dispose of (deshacerse de) Realize (darse cuenta) Convenient (cmodo) Clich (tpico) Have available (disponer de) Carry out (realizar) Advisable (conveniente)

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