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Quentin Boyer 3rd 2/10/2008

The Harmonic Convergence; Healing the World

A thousand butterflies on one side of the world beating their wings cause a
natural disaster on the other side, This has been theorized and called “The Butterfly
Effect” . It is almost laughable that a butterfly could cause something far beyond its’
capacity. The same goes for a single rock placed in the right spot in the river could
change the course of the water. On August 16th 1987, Over a 144,000 “butterflies” beat
their wings in unison causing a shift in the psyche of the world. “Rocks” are placed into
the river of the world to harmonize it with the path of the universe. This great 25 year
cycle is called the Harmonic Convergence. The shift is apparent, the effects far-reaching,
and as of yet is incomplete until 2012.
August 16th wasn’t the beginning though; it began a long time before then. The
New Age Movement, the power behind this momentous event, was organized at another
time and place. The first stage of the “New Age” began with the Theosophical Co-
founder, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,(World Almanac 160) who announced in 1970 that,
“a New Age had arrived” (Britannica 629). Her ideas were upheld by followers such as
David Spangler, who founded the movement, and Annie Besant. The New Age
Movement “adhered to esotericism” (629), which is a religious standing based on
mystical knowledge that was taught in Western civilization such as Tai-Chi and I-Ching,
a divinatory practice. New Age followers generally believe in Psi, in this context, not
pounds per square inch, but refers to “all psychic phenomena, experiences, or
events”(Varvaglis 1) that are related to the “psyche” or mind, and “cannot be explained
by established procedures or principles”(Varvaglis). This would include Telepathy, ESP,
Astral Projection, Telekinesis, Poltergeist and other paranormal occurrences. The New
Age is characterized by the belief in alternative healing. Alternative healing is a vast and
far reaching subject but is generally upheld that “the body will heal itself, if given
time”(Weil 388) or the right treatment through natural resources. Some of the main
alternatives are through herbs including poultices, concoctions, aromas, and even
homeotherapy. Homeotherapy is the “use of minute amounts of substances to create the
same symptoms as those of the disorder” (388), expelling the original problem and
leaving a more manageable problem. Some other forms of healing are the use of stones or
sticks on important energy meridians throughout the body, or even faith and psychic
healing, which is less accredited in the science world. The New Age lived and thrived
with the counter-culture, but calmed down as time went on. Nowadays you find the New
Age in jewelry, bookstores, booths, religions, and more importantly the media (629),
spreading its philosophies of love and unity with self and universe. This New Age gave
the throttle the Harmonic Convergence needed for lift-off and for the event’s exploration
to a New Age.

The New Age might have been the power behind the Harmonic Convergence, but
it was truly the signs in the skies and the coincidences in the calendars that pointed the
direction and lit the way to and through this ongoing event. Astrology is the study of how
the celestial bodies in the sky correlate to our lives and the events in the world (McIntosh
827), most accomplish this through the use of horoscopes, charts based on date of birth,
found in almost every newspaper and believed in by “over one-fifth of adults” (629) Most
astrologers agree that these newspaper horoscopes are highly inaccurate or superficial.
The true horoscope is effected by four things:”the Earth, the Planets, the Zodiac, and the
Houses (the 12 divisions that make up the earth)”(826-827). The reason I bring up
Quentin Boyer 3rd 2/10/2008
The Harmonic Convergence; Healing the World
Astrology is that on August 16th, the planets did something very rare, they aligned and not
only that, the Age of Aquarius was ripening from its beginning seventeen years previous.
Long has man looked to the sky for answers and have based how we keep time by that
familiar sky and created calendars to track the passage of time. There are older calendars
that have been found, two of which coincided on the beginning of the Harmonic
Convergence. One, being the Aztecs, who made their home in Mexico through the
Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (Nicholson 999), had a calendar of 52 year cycles.
This calendar was an intermeshing of a 260 day religious calendar to mark dates of
sacrifice, and a solar calendar of 365 days, which was the most accurate calendar till now.
On the end of the 52 year cycle which is their version of a century, they would put the
fires out and on the dawn of a new cycle, they would make a sacred fire by putting a fire
in the chest of a man or woman, and then they would have a festival of lights.(999) The
other being the Mayans ,who were a group of Indians who lived in parts of Central
America and South Mexico.(Sharer 1) They are a marvelous group, they lived by a
different time system of thirteen hours and twenty minutes (Arguelles) instead of the
widely-accepted twelve hour and sixty minutes. They lived by three calendars that
interlocked, one being a 265 day calendar , a 28 day lunar calendar, and a 260 day ritual
calendar. They had 18 regular months and a special five-day month called Wayeb but the
days of this month were unnamed and considered very unlucky.(Chandler 96) Their two
calendars worked together like a clock and went in a cycle of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells.
These great calendars both Mayan and Aztec were what helped Arguelles to pinpoint the
day of his great convergence. On August 16th, the Mayan calendar 9th Hell ended
(Arguelles) and the Aztecs fifty-two year cycle ended as well. Thus began the countdown
till 2012, the end of the Great Cycle of History, Cycle of Evolution” (Hopkins 1), and the
“End of the Mayan Calendar” (96). Thus we see that the Universe itself called for the
Harmonic Convergence so that we may ascend or evolve spiritually and consciously. It
was the first Harmonic Convergence in several centuries.
A “simple art teacher”(629) observed these events and felt compelled to honor the
wishes of the past and the universe by announcing the 25 year long Harmonic
Convergence (Yashah 1/Hopkins 1), he believed the world was out of balance and this
was the critical date to send a beacon out for healing, harmonization, and evolution
(Arguelles 1). So on the dawn of the 16th, the world had gathered to many occult,
historical, and powerful places to observe this event, places such as “Machu Picchu,
Chaco Canyon, Stonehenge”(Maclaine 35), the Great Pyramids, and the “main gathering
center”(Geissinger 1), Mount Shasta, California” (35). On the dawn of the 16th, many
arose, meditated, prayed, or whatever they felt was called for in this universal
attunement. There was, as described in Laughing Wild, at the gatherings many who
meditated on stones, or singing and dancing, or shouting aloud their love for the world
and others. Anomalies happened all around the world, one abnormal anomaly was in one
woman’s home, when her new TV started to channel an angel with a message. The
message was passed through a medium to the people in a letter. This event was covered
by many Newspaper companies from New York to Shasta, California (Yashah 4) That
night accounts ,mainly from Mount Shasta, attest to “UFO” (Chandler 85) sightings all
over. When the people had dispersed, they had made a change that was self-perpetual and
gaining momentum, There are now many “New Age groups located on Mount Shasta
including a Zen monastery”(Geissinger 1). The beat of those focused wings had made a
Quentin Boyer 3rd 2/10/2008
The Harmonic Convergence; Healing the World
difference, the measurable energy of the planet has risen from 8 to 13 hertz per second
(Hopkins 1). This increase follows the Fibonacci series, which was discovered by Italian
scientist and mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci (Meisner 1). This series is in ratio to phi.
Phi is considered to be harmonious to the universe (Hopkins 1) and is found in many
average day items such as flowers, pinecones, cauliflower, passion fruit, and. Snail shells
(Meisner 1).The gift that keeps on giving like the Harmonic Convergence.
The Harmonic Convergence still continues, the beat of the wings are heard and
the rock that was placed now shifts the current. We all can feel it, although we may not
consciously perceive the fact but it is there nonetheless. The shift in sight, mind, and
action continues to move towards a new and peaceful world. A world that is harmonious
and ascended in its’ collective consciousness.

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