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Revival and Re-engagement of Space Making Craft (Building Craft) within Creative Industries

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

PROF. JAY THAKKAR Fac u lty of D es ig n, C EPT U ni v e rs i t y H ead of Res ear c h, D es ig n I nnov ation an d C ra ft R e s o urc e C e n t re (D I C R C ), Au thor of Naqs h & Ma tra


November 2011

Ple n a ry Se ssi o n :Ci t y i n Pu bli c Cu lt u re De e p Di ve Sessi o n : Cre a t i ve In du st ri e s a n d Develo pm en t

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

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T r ad i t i onal Craft v is-a-v is M o d ern Craft El ab or at i on of t h e t erm Space M ak ing Crafts (SM C) DI C R C s f oc u s o n R esearch and Dev elo pment

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Association of Craft discipline

Small & Medium Enterprise

cottage industries

Empirical Knowledge Crafts people


applied arts

Tools and techniques Material Crafts practice

handicraft sector

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

design industry

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Artisans in traditional crafts

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Segregation of crafts in two markets

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

SMC in Creative Industries Creative Industries

Advertising Arts Architecture Crafts Design Fashion Film Music Performing Arts Publishing Toys & Games Research & Development Software TV & Radio Video Games


Interior Design

Space Making Crafts Crafts Research & Development

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

SMC in larger context

Ecological System

Regional Environment Traditional settlement Traditional Building Crafts Practices

Natural resources Climate Sustainability Society Culture Economy Typology Function Life pattern Guild system System of working Empirical Knowledge Knowledge Transfer system Material System of Making Tools and techniques Working systems

Space Making Crafts

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

System of living

Organisational Systems

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

SMCs in traditional building

Plaster of Paris work

Brick masonry

Fret work


Painting Wood carving Glass painting Brass casting Glass blowing Glass etching Marquetry

SMC in traditional house of Gujarat

Ceramic moulding

Carpet weaving

Block printing

Curtain weaving Wood joinery


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Discipline collaboration

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Research & Documentation DESIGN INNOVATION & CRAFT RESOURCE CENTRE (DICRC) FOCUS AREA Research & Documentation Resource Building Innovation & Development Education & Training Collaboration Application


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Research & Documentation


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Resource Building

Space Making Craft Cluster Mapping

Rebecca Reubens
Rebecca Reubens is an industrial designer who has worked extensively in the fields of design, craft and sustainability. A large part of her work has been for the development sector, as an expert consultant for projects involving international institutions such as INBAR, and UNIDO. Her work across Asia, Africa and Europe has involved interfacing with several national governments alongside local NGOs and SMEs. Her core expertise is bamboo and rattan. She began her journey with these materials as a student of the National Institute of Design (NID) in India, following which she worked with the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) for seven years. Her work entailed providing support to bamboo craftspeople in Asia, Africa and Latin America, to enable them to re-contextualize their craft. She is currently pursuing her PhD in the Netherlands, with the department of Design for Sustainability at the Delft University of Technology on the linkages between sustainability, design and development through the medium of bamboo. She is visiting faculty at NID, and IICD, and has mentored several students from different design institutes in Asia and Europe. Her academic publications include a book, articles and several scientific and technical papers; which she has presented at various national and international forums.She has her independent sustainable design practice in Ahmedabad, where she works through her firm Rhizome. Her passion is working hands on with SMEs, to collaboratively design products that take into consideration the social and cultural aspects of sustainability alongside the ecological and economic factors.
Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre
Craft Clusters are groups of inter-related skills or guilds or people related directly or indirectly to a particular craft form. Crafts portray the socio-cultural fabric of any region. It represents the historical, religious, political, economical and traditional ethos of a province. In India, through centuries craft related guilds or clusters and their inter dependency have been the cornerstones of art & architecture, trade and commerce. Different craft groups are often found inter-related and in present time can be defined as Craft clusters and sub-clusters. Cluster formation in Craft Sector is based on certain key elements: Similar or related vocation. Geographical proximity. Inter-related skills or knowledge base. Key Role Players


Cast Iron jali

Applique Work

Metal Embossing

Stone Craft

Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre, CEPT University, Ahmedabad +079-26302740 Ext- 317, 319 dicrc.cept@gmail.com

B amboo Craf t: Bin din g th e K n o t

SID Research Cell Faculty of Design CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre CEPT University Ahmedabad

Space Making Craft Workshop - 2

Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre (DICRC)


Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre

Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre, CEPT University, Ahmedabad +079-26302740 Ext- 317, 319 dicrc.cept@gmail.com

Space Making Lacquer (Craft )Workshop - I

Space Making (Wood Turning Lacquer Work) Craft Workshop, Dholka Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre (DICRC) organized its first Space Making Craft (SMC) Workshop in Dholka, Ahmedabad District, Gujarat. It could be considered as a pilot project, which contributed in structuring the framework for subsequent future workshops. This workshop was conducted over a period of 10 days (01st Dec 2010 to 10th Dec 2010) by design participants and Wada community craftspeople. Three separate families (Kannubhai Mistry-Mannubhai Mistry, Viren Vinod Mistry-Anilkumar Himmatlal Suthar, Neeravbhai Mistry) who own lacquer workshops, were approached and included as associates. A total of approximately 30 persons are directly employed in these workshops, including women who are involved in the process of decorative painting on the objects. Another 24 workshops of similar skills are in the area; however these three are regarded as the oldest, going back over 50 years. SMC as a Medium for Design Innovation The workshop involved field trips, on-field and off-field sessions by various experts, visit of craftspeople to the centre, and discussions amongst professionals, craftspeople, design students and academicians. Craftspeople at Dholka are still continuing with the traditional ghodiyos, and really need to gear up with the changing trends and market demands. Above all, there are lots of possibilities for taking this craft into space making and this is an interface, which this workshop aimed at exploring, taking Craft Design Process as a tool. Few explorations have been done in the forms of cradles, staircase railings and lamps. But, they also incorporate traditional elements. Therefore, there is a real need to tap the potential of this craft in terms of innovative designs.
Prof.Krishna Shastri Asst.Prof. Jay Thakkar Sameer Parkar Prof. Rajesh Sagra Anuj Anjaria

Technical Representation

Field Drawings

Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre

Institutional representatives and participants


Craft Design Process

Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre, CEPT University, Ahmedabad +079-26302740 Ext- 317, 319 dicrc.cept@gmail.com

Dholka Workshop : Craft Design Process

B ambo o Craf t : B i nd i ng t he Kno t

Space Making Craft Workshop - 2



Craft Cluster Mapping

The cluster map specifies all related and supporting elements of a cluster. Clusters Map includes Primary key Players that are the artisans followed by suppliers or service providers of specialized inputs such as materials, machinery, services, and providers of specialized infrastructure. Quite often, clusters also extend to customers and laterally to manufacturers of complementary products and to small scale industries related by skills, technologies, or common inputs. Finally, clusters include governmental and other institutions such as universities, standards-setting agencies, think tanks, vocational training providers, and trades associations, which provide specialized training, education, information, research, and technical support. Craft Clustering is strongly affected by three major factors, any of which may actually be sufficient to set up a geographical concentration process and promote cluster growth and competitiveness. These factors can be identified as being strongly connected to cluster development. Geographical factors Historical Events Institutional frameworks


Space Making Crafts Cluster Strategies
Space Making Craft Cluster Mapping and Evaluation is the methodology to identify Crafts Clusters and conduct a detailed diagnostic study for further development and upliftment of the sector. The key aspects of cluster-based strategies consist of: 1. Phase 1- Mobilization: Cluster Mapping & Building interest and participation. 2. Phase 2- Diagnosis: Identifying and defining the cluster then identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the cluster. 3. Phase 3- Collaborative Strategy: Identifying the actions required to promote the development of the cluster in association with the main stakeholders in the cluster. This also includes design intervention and technology innovation process. 4. Phase 4- Implementation: Implementing those actions. FIGURE 3. FACTORS RELATED TO CRAFT CLUSTER FORMATION

Another striking element of the Bohra Houses which is hard to miss is the cast-iron screens which are locally known as the Ankola Jali that adorns almost every Bohra House in Sidhpur. These jalis were hand-crafted by bending heated iron and joining it using rivet. Once practiced by a large group of people, this craft is known to only three fabricators in Sidhpur at present but seldom practiced.


All the workshops usually have: a work space where the embossing and base wood carving takes place; a utility space - where the tar required for the mould is heated and the copperplates are washed with acid; and a storage space. Patan is the hub of Metal Embossing, majority of which is done for the Jain Temples across the nation. It is a traditional craft-form in which Idols, story plates, artifacts etc, are embossed in copper and plated with pure or German silver. Also, doors, chariots and donation boxes for the temple are carved in wood and plated with German silver.

Space Making Crafts of Gujarat has over past few centuries gone through stages of evolution as well as decline. Crafts Clusters are dynamic and portray a recognizable life cycle. The life cycle is often described in different ways but can be represented simply as a cyclical process containing four stages:
Embryonic clusters those at the early stages of growth. Established clusters those perceived as having room for further growth. Mature clusters those that are stable or will find further growth difficult. Declining clusters those have reached their peak and are failing or declining clusters at this stage are sometime able to reinvent themselves and enter the cycle again. Dead Clusters- Those which historically existed in a region but with time have ceased to subsist.



Space Making Crafts Cluster Methodology

For Crafts Cluster Mapping and Evaluation, DICRC has created a methodology for uniform information collection and evaluation.

Phase 1: Desk Research- Pre Field Study

Jay Thakkar
Jay Thakkar is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Design, and the Research Head of the Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre (DICRC) at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India. He consults professionally in the areas of visual communication, traditional building practices and craft. He completed his diploma in Interior Design from the School of Interior Design, CEPT University in India. Following this, he pursued and completed his Masters in Visual Communication from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design (BIAD) in the United Kingdom. He was awarded gold medals for his research work, both from the School of Interior Design, CEPT University and the Gujarat Institute for Civil Engineers and Architects (GICEA). He is the author of two books. His first publication in 2004, titled Naqsh: The Art of Wood Carving of Traditional Houses of Gujarat Focus on Ornamentation was showcased at the Gujarat Governments Swarnim Gujarat celebrations. His second book published in 2008, titled, Matra: Ways of Measuring Vernacular Built Forms of Himachal Pradesh won a Critics Choice Award. This national level award was presented by ArchiDesign Awards for Excellence in Architecture and Infrastructure, organized by the Foundation of Architecture and Environmental Awareness. He has worked on various design, craft and research projects in India and Britain. He has been actively affiliated with different universities and organisations in India, Europe, and Australia; and has published and presented papers, delivered lectures, organised field research and mentored many students. He is passionate about travelling, photography and his culinary skills.

Historical study of the region Create District Profiles in relation to Space Making Crafts Enlist Government Bodies related to this sector Enlist NGOs in the region Pre-field research on crafts of the region Research on architecture of the region

Phase 2: Field Study

Identify craft forms related to space making Crafts cluster survey Artisans survey Institutional survey and relation building

The ample bamboo resources in Gujarat is one of the major reasons for the sustenance of the bamboo craft sector in the state. From constructing built forms to handmade baskets, bamboo contributes in the making of a vast range of products. The families have no separate workspace. As they work from home itself, their living space is their work space as well.

Patchwork is a form of needlework that involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design. The larger design is usually based on repeated patterns built up with different colored shapes. These pieces are sewn together on fabric having plain background. The applique work is mainly done on households like pillow covers, bed sheets, bags, sari- borders,kurti and other dress materials.

Phase 3- Post Field Study

Evaluate Crafts Clusters Analyze factors and co-factors related to crafts cluster Derive Cluster development strategies Compile Diagnostic Report


Stone Craft is one of the oldest craftform being practiced in India. Guilds of masons and stone carvers have existed here since the 7th century B.C. Carvings in India have been done on different types of stones like, marble, soapstone, sand stone etc. From the ornate carvings on temples or sculptures of deities, to making of items like carved panels, tiles, paper weights, pen stands and other articles, stone

Documenting Space Making Crafts : Sidhpur

Design Innovation and Craft Resource Centre (DICRC), recognizes the need for studying, recording and utilising local knowledge of Space Making Crafts (SMC) incorporated in the Traditional and Vernacular Buildings of India. It is seen that with the tangible heritage of the country diminishing gradually, the intangible culture is also losing its value in todays lives. Thus, DICRCs main objective is to integrate them in the ongoing interior-architecture practices as well as design education through various initiatives. It is the demand of time to develop a database of culture and its different forms. One of the ways being a holistic documentation method, the project of mapping and documenting traditional houses of Gujarat has taken place at DICRC. This plan has been put into action by the team in several ways ranging from mapping of the houses across villages, interacting with the local people to look for the most appropriate cases for study and finally measure drawing every detail of the selected built form including the larger landscape to the smallest interior details. Therein, a database of almost fifty traditional houses has been recorded across Gujarat. Out of which a field visit to seven villages was conducted and then a complete set of documentation of, one traditional house in Sidhpur, has been generated. Final output includes two dimensional and three dimensional drawings which have been compiled to exhibit the most elaborate information of interior-architecture elements of the builtform; varying with styles, proportions, relationships, aesthetics, functions, making, expressions and cultural meaning. This endeavour foresees its relevance as an educational material in architecture and design schools, developing training programs for both craftsmen and designers, structuring of more comprehensive curriculum as well as a evolving a manual on vocabulary of Space Making Crafts for designers.

Product assembly at DICRC

Explorations The initial explorations were in testing the possibilities of the materials. The process of turning has a unique quality to it and the aim was to explore this. Gentle and sharp curvatures, undercuts and successive curves were tried out on various sections. Also sampled were the combinations of turned and unturned sections, grooves and forms. Colour as an element is used relatively sparingly in the existing products. The craftsmen tend to work with a set palette even though the pigments are available in all colours. The students tried out combinations of colour as well as mixing the colours on the turning wood to achieve very interesting possibilities. Final Prototype (Partition Screen)
Rachna Ahuja Neha Vaid Richard Bara Mitraja Vyas Abhiruchi

Devanshi Das

Smriti Saraswat

Sagar Shah

Soumya Basnet


Smita Aggarwal

Manu Bhai

Viren Bhai

Anil Bhai

Viren Vinod

As a material expression of our engagement with the craft, it was decided that a space making element would be designed which expressed the structural possibilities and joinery as well as being a sample directory of form and colour. Designed in discussion with the craftspeople, we attempted to push the ghodiyos structural system to its maximum height of nine feet, thus allowing for the creation of a partition system, shelving system, or exhibition panel system. The concept behind the prototype design was to bring a new approach of seeing artisanal skills and expertise, and unlock their design capabilities in terms of space making, thus extending the conventional forms to forge new products.


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Innovation & Development


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Education & Training


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Collaboration & Application

CEPT University Ahmedabad

Government of Gujarat

Local and international collaborations SID Research Cell, CEPT University Tapini Bamboo Development Centre, Dang Rhizome Consortium, Ahmedabad Eklavya Foundation, Ahmedabad Indian Institute of Craft and Design, Jaipur Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands University of Melbourne, Australia Australia India Institute, Australia

SID Research Cell School of Interior Design

Tapini Bamboo Development Centre

Rhizome Consortium

Eklavya Foundation

Indian Institute of Craft and Design

Delft University of Technology The Netherlands

University of Melbourne Australia

Australia India Institute Australia


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University


E f f e c t i v e m et hods of docum ent atio n an d an alysis D e ve lop a dedicat ed r es ou rc e c en tre Ini t i at e t heor et ical and applied researc h G e ner at e awar enes s am o n g so c iety Int egr at ed cr aft educ atio n P ro d u ce innovat ions at va rio u s levels

Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

Thank you

Jay Thakkar
Author (Naqsh and Matra) Hon. Secretary (IIID Ahmedabad Chapter) Asst. Professor (Faculty of Design) Head of Research (Design Innovation & Craft Resource Centre - DICRC, CEPT University , Ahmedabad, India) Mobile: +91 (0) 98252 99525, Off: +91 (0) 79 26306652 Email: jaythakkar@naqsh.in , Web: www.naqsh.in


Re v iva l and Re - eng age m e n t o f Space M akin g C raf t s (S MC ) w it h in C re a t ive I n dust r ie s

Prof. Jay Thakkar - Head of Research, DICRC, CEPT University

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