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Project 4-1 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 5 files and 1 sub-directory.

cuase we just created one sub-directory Nothing, its empty A subdirectory, name undermysamples yes root@locathost yes

Project 4-2 3. cp: missing destination file operand after 'sample1' try 'cp --help' for more information. error message says it all. 4. 7 files. annaconda-ks.cfg install.log.syslog sample1 sample 3 install.log sam ple2 sample1A, cause of the s -F command. 5. Ther are7 files. annaconda-ks.cfg install.log.syslog sample1 sample 3 install .log sample2 sample1A, cause of the s -F command. 6. Yes. 7. 1 file, name is sample1B cause we are still in mysampes directory and thers i s only 1 file exist 8. yes 9. There was no message, it just entered into new line. 4 files, and their names are sample1 sample1B sample2 sample3. cause we copied those files into this directory in previous steps. 10.Cp: omitting directory 'mysamples'. bad command 11.Yes copied sucessfully. yes the contents of mysamples were succesfully copies to mysamples2. Project 4-3 3. mv:missing destination file operand after 'sample1' try 'my --help' for more information. 4. 8 files. anaconda-ks.cfg install.log install.log.syslog sample1B sample2 samp le3 sample4 sample1A. sample1 has been moved to mysamples. 5. 7 files. anaconda-ks.cfg install.log install.log.syslog sample1B sample2 samp le3 sample1A. sample4 has been moved to mysamples. 7. 4 files. sample1 sample1B sample2 sample3. sample4 has moved to the root dire ctory. (one level up/ behind). 9. mv: overwrite 'mysamples/sample2'? the files which has been asked to move is already exist in that directory that is why it is asking for overwrite permissio n. 12.5 files. cause other files has moved to mysamples. 13.cause the mv command doesnt need recursive option for that. Project 4-4 2. sample1 sample1B sample2 sample3. link count for sample1 file is 1. 3. yes, there is a new file name hardlinksample. yes sample1 and hardlinsample f ile shares the same encode, as they have the same size, permissions, ownerships, modifications date, and so on. link count is 2. yes they have the same incode n umbers. 4. link count for sample1, hardlinksample, and hardlinksample2 is 3 now.cause A link count of one indicates that only one inode is shared by the file. A file that is hard-linked to another file shares two ino des and, thus, has a link count of two. 6. Yes, cause the files are linked to each other and they shares the same encode

. 7. Yes, symlinksample is symbolicaly linked. sample2 is the target file. yes sym linksample -> sample2 indicates they are linked. no, the inode numbers are diffe rent. 8. symlinksample size is 7 and sample2 size is 637. cause symlinksample is a lin k file that's why it has such a samll size. 9. Displayed all the contents including the sentense of my choise. cause I edit and saved it with the sentese of my choice. 10.no file was indicating for netscripts. current directory is /root/samples. sa mple1/2/3/1b and hardlinksample/2 files are listed. this link can be useful for administrating/troubleshooting, and monitoring purpose. Project 4-5 2. yes. cause the command locate is used to find the file. 3. yes. it found right away, cause updatedb command updated the database. 4. yes. it was pretty quick. cause the search command was very specific. 5. yes. pretty quick. cause the search command was very specific or/and give abs olute path. 6. no. cause no newfile. yes the root and bin directories are listed in path. 7. yes which grep command found the file. cause the command give the specific na me to search. 8. none. command did not do anything except enter. 9. none. command did not do anything except enter. 10.newfile. Project 4-6 3. yes. cause rmdir removed both directories. yes. 4. rm: remove regular file 'sample1'? 5. cause the -f syntax in command deleted the files without the confimation mess age. yes all three files were deleted. 6. rmdor: failed to remove 'samples' : No such file or directory 7. yes all the samples directory and all the files within it delted. except the mysamples directory. project 4-7 3. all users. 4. none. 5. yes. cause of the rm command with -f. 6. root@locathost. bin boot cgroup dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt o pt proc root sbiin selinux srv sys tmp usr var 7. root. user. dr-xr-x--- read and execute 8. no there is no file. 10.yes. yes, cause they were copied in previous setps. rm: cannot remove'hosts': permission denied. cause user1 don't have the permission. 12.yes, cause i am loged in as a root and have the access to change the permissi on. 14.yes. cause the directory permission have changed in step 12. 17.root. user. -rw-r--r--, read and write 19.yes. cause it was previously copied in the directory. yes, i did w! command t o override it. 23.yes. 24.no. yes and no it depends on the usage.

Project 4-9 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. cause cause cause user1 cause i am the owner and also loged in as root. i am the owner and also loged in as root. i was still loged in as root. cause the ownership was given to user1 by root. i am the group owner and logged in as root.

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