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WEnNtrSDAY FehriliirY I 1. :t){l$

CaII the meeting to Order

Roll CaIl

Appointment of Froxy Parliamentarian

Ratit' Last Week's Minutes

Executive Reports & Committee Reports

Appointment of vacant Senate seats

Ad-hoc Committee proposal: Copyright Research Committee

Request for reimbursement: The PCA

Service Board proposal for funds

Re-assigning of Senators to PSGA and College Committees

Senator Initiatives: An Open Discussion

New Business

Today's Inspirational Senate quote is:
'Personality begins where comparison ends."
-Karl Lagerfeld

President I J oseph M ato ske

No report submitted.

Chair of the Senate I ktssellkmbito

Since our meeting last week, I've organized some campus wide emails soliciting
applications from students who are interested in fulfilling our three vaeated Senate seats
(all of whom will be presented to you for your consideration today). I have yet to move
on sending out a campus wide email advertising our need for a Parliamentarian as
filling the vacant Senate seats has taken precedence" but have spoken to some Political
Science faculty about opening a dialogue with the program and possibly offering the
position as an internship for interested students. I've also begun evaluating the current
status ofthe Constitution and have already discovered several areas ofinterest that I
wiil be bringing to the attention of Steering Committee. There have been some issues
concerning internet connections in the Office that have now been resolved, but we are
still encountering problems with our new printer and the copier, both of which will be
serviced by the end of the week so we can run at full efficiency for the first time in ages.

Coordinator of Finance I Danielle DePaIma

A few clubs have gone througlr some Exec board changes and I have been training the
new treasurers. Slowly moving the paperwork process over to the new business
managers office. I am still reviewing the Finance Bylaws and getting ready for Quarterly
reports on the rSth :) I have also expedited paperworkfor a certain unnamed senator/
service head and I apologize for the wait.

Coordinator of Clubs, Orgtnizations, and Selices I Keuin Collymore

Since last week, I've been working more with Judy and the other executives. After this
weeks Service Board and CoCOs Meeting I'll be working with Danielle to freeze accounts
due to lack of attendance stated by the bylaws- I'm working with Russ and a pre-existing
pending CoCOs By-Law. I'll be attending Finance Committee this week to present a draft
of revising the PSGA travel by-la{policy.

General Programming Coordinator I Becky Sellinger

I confirmed Kimya Dawson! Hooray best show of the year! I have the rest of the semesters
events planned and money has all already been allocated. Unfortunately, I do not have
enough to make the roller disco happen but I'm going to look into collaborating with some
^'"" t'"n'"'j
Rg":': {:::

L2:32p.m. - The meeting is called to order.

Roll calVAttendance: Jake matthewson, Noah Telson (Alumni Village), Michael Burgo,
Karla Mera (Big Haus) Alexander Rossin, Aiyanna Knauer (the Commons), Dennis
O'Brien, Christalea Panzironi (Fort Awesome), Timothy Quackenbush (the Olde),
Brittany Mayes (Farside), Betsy Aloi, James Blirntrub, Scoff Torrellas (Commuters), Lila
El Naggar (Social Sciences), Anthony Pinto (natrnal Sciences), Jasmin Simmons {Dance),
Dana Caputo (T.A.F.), Andrew Kuhl (Music), Tom Berlangero (Visual Arts)

Dennis motions to rati$r last week's minutes. Aiyana seconds

The motion passes unanimously.

Appointment of proxy Parliamentarian. Russ informs the Senate that he has made the
decision to hold offon accepting applications to fulfill the position of Parliamentarian for
the time being and asks the Senate if any ofthe body would like to fill the role for the
remainder of the days meeting and forfeit their vote as a Senator.
Brittany nominates herself, James seconds.
The motion passes tmanimously.
Brittany Mayes will forgo her privilege to vote as Senator of Crossroads dormitory for the
rernainder of the meetingto actas Parliamentarian.

Russ states that the Senate currently has 3 (tbree) open senate seats in light of the
resignations of Emily Rosen (Senator of Outback dormitory), Brianne Sullivan (Senator of
the Olde aparfment complex), and Jess Goodwin(Senatcr of the School of Humanities).
Michael Burgo motions to send out a campus wide email soliciting applications from
students willing to fulfill the positions. Noah seconds.
The motion passes unanimously.

Joe: Will be addressing the Student Center during the State of the Union. Meeting and
working on the security camera policy. Willbe attending a conference with President
Shwarz to discuss tuition hikes and budget cuts with state legislators. This will not be
considered lobbying because going as SLINIY shrdent representative. Will be meeting Judy

Otero the new Business Manager. SLII{Y assernbly is April 17-19 and Executives are
required to attend the conference as per the constitution. The event will be held at SLII\-Y
Albany this year. As has been stated emlier, this conflicts with Culture Shock. However, it
is in orn constifution and we cannot amend it in time. We need to find a bureaucratic way to
atfend without conflicting with Culture Shock.

Noah: Do we all have to go?

Joe: No. That would be a blast.

Russell: Has been organizing his inherited files and paper work and is loving his fancy
new filing cabinet. Sat on College Marketing committee. Chaired two Steering Committee
meeting this week. Mon. & Tues. 7:30-8:10 pm. By March/April there will be three
Steering Committee meetings a week, as well as two Elections Committee meetings as we
gear up for the referendum and the Executive Elections. Brick made changes to their charter
at Steering Cornmittee. Lost a contact lens, if you can help me out let me know.

Danielle: Begun revisions on the financs bylaws. Been organizing, filing and signing
paperwork. Trying to organize everything for quarterly reports.

Kevin: Been working with Russ to pass on all the files and info he wasgiven as the interim
chair. OAPIA got approved $2,000 for a speakerthey are signing in for D-Day. Will be
working with Danielle to revise the haveling bylaw.

Jeff: I had a good break. I've been working on Culture Shock. I have to secure orr" ilFl
headliner and then I'm done. Watch out forthat.
Kevin: You have other people booked? Who do you have?
Jeff: I'll brine in a list next wsgk. I don't have a list at the top of my head. I
Chribta: I e-mailed you a few times over the break asking you to realease the names of th{
bands. Why did you not respond?
Jeff: I haven't booked the headliner yet, so I am waiting for that.
after v'u've *** I

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Tom: Michael and I sat on Divenity Committee.
Dennis: CTS didn't meet yet this semester. I want to have a general interest meeting.

Russ: I will be brining in a list of

all PSGA and College Committees to next week's
meeting. There is a need to reassign them as people's schedules have changed between
semester's and we will also (hopefully) have three new senators. Senator attendance at

Executive Meeting: February 6,2009
Joe, Kevin, Becky, Russ, Danielle, Judith, Rosa, Jeff, Tom

Meeting called to order at2'.35 p.m.

Executive Reports

Joe: I've met with President Schwartz who is interested how the budget hikes are
effecting students- Schwartz will give insights on these issues. Right now out of tuition
hikes of $600 we only get 10% per student, we need to do something about that. There's
been an increase of students doing 5th years; we are trying to get them to have a chat with
President Schwartz about 5ft year education. Lets move on to Becky.
Becky: I just did a bunch of calculations and I am pretty rnuch done- my whole budget
has been spoken for.
Joe. Booked till when?
Becky: The rest of the semester, my reports are going to be barren for the rest of the
semester. Also people have been asking to if we can help them out with stufi because I
can't do it anymore. If they're interested they can write a proposal and take it to senate.
I just confirmed Dawson-that will bring out people also zombie prom.
Danielle. This is a time to increase networking with clubs.
Joe: Money for clubs isn't for expanding general programming; WSPRpays for events at
the stood.
Becky: Committee events don't care about outside of purchase bands most people just
want to see their friends play. The spelling bee was awesome we had 50 people.
Jeff: We got a circus for culture shock. Supposedly, I think its involved in the study
Becky: I contacted professors from the acting conservatory and she advocated this was a
good opportunity for students to get involved in.
Jeff: Do they need a stage?
Becky: I think they use their van as a backdrop.
Jeff: There is a committee meeting Monday-
Joe: Can you get an email out o Melissa who can email the student body?
Jeff: We will be discussing another headliner
Danielle: Melissa is not here today so the email might not go out until Monday
Danielle: I looked over the finance bylaws and I made a first draft at the end of
Wednesday evening. I'll hopefully put it together for the finance committee on
Wednesday. I've been checking on clubs and they're budgets for example the cheese
club has changed their executive board. Also, I'm still brainstorming about amendments
for the constitution. Moving on to Russ.
Russ: You were all at the Senate meeting on Tuesday and it went smoothly. I have
completed descriptions for offrce assistants, offise manager, executive assistant etc.
Next, there are vacant senate seats - I don't have to present every applicant for every seat.
As for executive assistant I would like to interview the individual before bringing them
all to you.
Danielle: Do you have any picks yet?
Russ: No. Also, remember to email executive reports. Steering Committee went really
well; probably by mid March steering will be three times a week. Currently steering
doesn't have a charter- Jordan quit today.
Becky: Who?
Russ: Jordan quit, so there is no charter and other organizations have no charter, like the
radio station.
Jeff. Let's shut it down
Joe: No
Russ: We are still missing charters; I'm thinking about sitting down and rewriting for
clubs especially the new sex club on campus. Also the computers are fine, the printer
sucks, and the copier will be fixed.
Joe: Ok moving to Kevin.
Kevin: I've been working wi& Judy on all the paperwork. By next week I'11 have a write
up of everything. Recommendations to the constitution. Ijust finished a complete list
for Judy as to who is running what. As for the yearbook situation- I sent out campus
wide email. Besides that I'll save new business for new business.
Joe: We have to approve Gordon for the new OA position.
Russ: I motion to approve Gordon as an OA.
Becky seconds
Joe: All in favor-

Joe: In regards to the Ed Hawk Committee, Schwartz has been briefed on the situation
with the copyright laws. We know to adhere to them and aftertalking to Jay this
committee would further research copyright laws, for the committee we would need one
rep from media, GPC, 1 senator, Kevin, I'11 chair it. We'll be defining the difference in
education stand and a media stand. We need to get permission f,or various media
services, if we have to pay for that as well.
Danielle. Do we have to write a charter which states members?
Russ: Yes, we will talk about it
Danielle: Do they have to approve the charter before the committee?
Joe: Ed Hawk committee is more permanent.
Danielle: Elections committee is more of a standing charter
Russ: If GPC and Kevin are required to sit on it they cannot vote.
Joe: Ed Hawk is not a voting committee, there is just advice given at the end of meetings.
Joe: Skipping to diversity committee-Rosa.
Rosa: I don't know how much you are aware about my position as Diversity Coordinator.
I have a committee and we do various things-example how to improve diversity around
campus. My proposal is how to handle different diversity, I will read what I have
written. (Mostly about a Survival and Beyond Workshop that is on its 25th year and it
helps 100,000 groups around the world. I will help with racial competence: where it is
where it comes from and how to deal with it. Races in history, oppression, and
understanding the whole of racism. ) We know it has a lot to do with racism but maybe
each Coordinator would have to attend different types of meetings. The cost is $350 per
person, which covers trition and a light brealdast. I do understand budget costs- I'rn
realistic. I know not all of you can go but the dates are March 22-24. Questions?

Joe. Have you contacted anyone for discounts?
Rosa: I have but all who are going are from non-profit organizations
Danielle: Traveling there will be no expense?
Rosa: Traveling comes out of our pocket
Kevin: How many are on the committee?
Rosa: About 6 people
Joe: Nothing goes against it in our constitution. My advice is to go before the finance
committee then the senate.
Danielle. This policy states certain rules; it cannot pay for food unless it's on the ticket.
Russ: Does the wording extend to the committee? Loophole!
Danielle: no it doesn't
Russ: Good idea, we deserve accomrnodation it's a good idea
Tom: It is also a really good investment f,or the purchase community
Danielle: Are there people that are going to be graduating this year sitting on the
Rosa:No, we've talked about shadowing already.
Danielle: Of course but just prepare for the worst-case scenario, pick whom you would
want to go to this workshop, split costs etc.
Rosa: For now people are interested, but there are some most likely to drop out.
Joe: I have no issue with your proposal, you have our blessing so take it to the finance

-a Culture Shockl€
Joe: I have received complaints how you are operating Jeff. Like not talking about the
line up at all.
Jeff: I've emailed everyone who has written me complaining that I am not holding back.
I am just not comfortable divulging information when it's not set in stone yet. I want to
make people happy, I have ll-12 bands booked not including Purchase bands. I'm
looking to confirm one more headliner within the next week. Then we'll have 2 months
to talk about everything.
Tom: Is MEC bound to update the students?
ic if are
given it, I just haven't officially released it yet.
Joe: What about releasing a tentative list?
Jeff: Ya, I guess
Kevin: Other people feel you hold back names and when you release them you are a one-
person show. If you present the whole line up where do we stand?
Jeff: When they see the list they will say their voice was heard- everything on that list
was based on suggestions- strictly based offopinion.
Joe: By tech standards, we only have on record standards from one meeting. Having 2
meetings is bear minimum, Becky had originally said she was only going tohave 2
mootingsrJlotLsaid vorr rwnnld do eve.ry Th'r*sdrj.-

Jeff' \Io it is too much time.-
Jo*, ,ffice to speak at them so they know what's going on
Jeff: I just got off the fu, I would have had a meeting last week
Joe. from here on get a meeting in once a week. Sfudents are looking for more of a
notice on meetings, would you have them every week at7:30?
Jeff:.[3iill have meetings every odd Wednesday at 7:30, starting thiq
Kevin: so once the line up is done what will you do on the committee meeting?
Jeff: I have bands-
Joe: there's ton of work
Jeff: I don't feel like I have satisfied everyone yet, when I do people will be happy for
what is going on so far.
Tom: If you're confident that you will satisfu everyone, what's the problem with people
saying they'll have distaste in the music?
Jeff: I don't want people going around saying culture shock is going to suck so far with
the tentative list.
Tom: I understand. A better idea would be mere transparent then talking about it behind
your back?
Jeff: Yes I would but I am almost done. tr will announce it soon- probablv within a week.
Becky: I just want to take Jeff s side a I
think you should start leaking info but prolonging the time people are complaining, that's
Joe: The differences between bands you're planning versus you're not being transparent.
You are not being public. Next week I have to do State of the Union- I have to touch on
the jobs you all do. Some sort of tentative list would be nice to speak about your
information. Iou will have a tentative list and the budgst.
Jeff:J]llgive vou the list iu2sio$
,Danielle: I don't know from a finance coordinator standpoint if it is a good idea to bring
up the information about finances at the town hall meeting because it may cause more
bickering. 't even submitted a mi
we shouldn' I
lT6wn hall meeting doesn't have to happen this week
Russ: I don't care
Kevin: Jeff doesn't have a midyear report
Danielle: According to the bylaws they don't have to submit reports, it was my
recommendation to submit one. JefiFcame to me and was unsure of his fizures. I did
make a recommendation and it i
, Jgff: I knolv. Ilagvo+g wants to do it that's fine. If I didn't have to I won't publicize, but
you ask I will give it to you.

frowN HALL r\ffiErrNca&

we can do it this

Joe: Time restraints will be explained, how it works, it's a really good way to interact
with the community. I want to contact PTV. I'll send out e-mails which I will put in my
executive reports.

Russ: all committees are required to have charters
Jo!: Civic Act had one last year do they need one?
' Russ: Yes, they need a new one every year
Joe: we need to remind senators to come to those meetings
Russ. Senators needed for civic actions
Joe: I have Denis and Tim

Joe: About SLINTY Assembly, we need to figure it out- it falls in the same weekend with
culture shock. I feel it is more important to be here rather than at a conference where we
will talk once. Unless there is a way to amend the constitution, this year we have to go.
Russ: It is only under your job description, I don't agree with it but I am just saying
Danielle: we also haven't been that gteat at staying on the constitution this year.
Joe: Difference between forgetting something versus blatant ignorance
Russ: Why did you say anything at all
Becky: They hate us, anyone who goes will be brittle and pissed. They wont have a big
say anyway.
Danielle: Send a proxy
Jeff: Send Sable
Joe: Does it say I have to attend or set up?
Russ: I don't know, we get one vote, they followRobert's rules no one gets it.
Becky: no SUNY school SGA works like us
Rus-s: the president doesn't have to go but an executive does
' Becky: how many people are at the entire conference?
Russ: Approx 100 people,2 days long, all of culture shock
Danielle: Do we have a budget for it?
Joe: I just have to organize it I don't have to go
Jeff: Just send Sable
Becky: Bad Idea
Joe: It's an ethical dilemma, I would hope by inviting the executive board, everyone will
attend with the exception of Jeff. I don't have to register until March so it will be an
ongoing conversation.
Becky: I wish he got ENYA.
Joe: wi& new senators coming in anyone can run for executive board; begtn to take those
interested under your wing
Russ: do it now, once election has passed you cannot talk to them
Joe: If you know someone have the informative conversation

Russ: senate meetings start at 12 and are called to order at 12:15. As long as you can
come to them
Becky: Melissa and I had a joint agreement to get 4 movies from swank, but I haven't
signed for them yet. Can I back out?
Joe: That's in poor taste- you should honor it.
Danielle: see how far along she got with it
Joe: But it would be a slap in the face because if you did one already,
you will hurt the
relationship with the office of student life
Danielle: It depends how far along you are
Russ: Purchase live journal *otking family's party completes a lobbyist organization'
just say they
sent an email to Alicl about certainihings they are violating. We should
cannot have the meeting
Joe: If you need to talk to Alice, go to Judith and CC: Alice
Tom: What's the deal?
Russ: We can't endorse

Joe. These meetings start at 2:30, show up at 2:30 and don't walk in and out.
computers. No texting. If you're here be here.

Meeting adjourned at 3:55 P.m'

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Pr e sident I J o s eph M ato ske

No report submitted.

Chair of the Senate I RussellZambito

Since our meeting last week, I ve organized some campus wide emails soliciting applications from students who
are interested in fulfilling our three vacated Senate seats (all of whom will be presented to you for your
consideration today). I have yet to move on sending out a campus wide email advertising our need for a
Parliamentarian as filling the vacant Senate seats has taken precedence, but have spoken to some Political
Science faculty about opening a dialogue with the program and possibly offering the position as an internship
for interested students. I've also begun evaluating the current status ofthe Constitution and have already
discovered several areas of interest that I will be bringing to the attention of Steering Committee. There have
been some issues concerning internet connections in the Office that have now been resolved, but we are still
encorrntering problems with our new printer and the copier, both of which will be serviced by the end of the
week so we can run at full efficiency for the first time in ages.

Coordinator of Finance I Danielle DePaIma

A few clubs have gone through some Exec board changes and I have been training the new treasurers.
Slowly moving the paperwork process over to the new business managers office. i iri still reviewing the
Finance Bylaws and getting ready for Quarterly reports on the r8th :) I have also expedited paperwork for a
certain unnamed senator/service head and I apologizefor the wait.

Coordinator of Clubs, Organizations, and Seraices I Keuin eslbgnfii-.

Since last week, I've been working more with ,I_ttrbl.anh the other executives. After this weeks Service Board and
CoCOs Meeting I'11 be,r1'15f x;i;* with Danielle to freeze accounts due to lack of attendance stated by the bylaws.
ri-Iir working with Russ and a pre-existing pending CoCOs By-Law. I'll be attending Finance
Committee fhis
week to present a draft of revising the PSGA travel byJaw/policy.

Generq.I Programming Coordinator I Becky Sellinger

I confirmed Kimya Dawson! Hooray best show of the yearl I have the rest of the semesters events planned and
money has all akeady been allocated. Unfortunately,I do not have enough to make the roller disco happen but I'm
going to look into collaborating with some peeps.

Coordinator of Major Euents I Jeff Leuin

No report submitted.

12:36 meeting called to order

Roll call: Jake Mathewson, Noah Telson (Alumni Village), Michael Burgo (Big Haus), Aiyanna Knauer
(The Commons), Dennis O' Brien, Christalea Panzironi (Fort Awesome), Timothy Quakenbush (The
Olde), Brittany Mayes (Farside), Betsy Aloi, James Blinstrub, Scott Torrellas(Communters), Anthony
Pinto (Natural Sciences), Dan Caputo (T.A.F.) , Andrew Kuhl (Music), Tom Berlangero (Visual Arts)

WitEWW{,&XX{3Trttb:Y-.&".%ry"'+rh;{WWW^'ffi TV{,K3$KJYWffi
Aiyanna motions to ratifii last week's minutes and then Andrew seconds.
The motion passes unanimously.
Brittany Mayes nominates herself to the position of Proxy parliamentarian for the remainder of today's meeting.
Dennis seconds.
14 for,0 against, 0 abstentions.
Brittany Mayes will act as the Proxy Parliamentarian for the duration of today's meeting.

Y .t*-{ :J,uf,{''b" ffi':F&T,{ ,:3,.k'Y& ffi FzA' E'ffi'

Russ states that the Senate currently has 3 (three) open senate seats in light of the resignations of Emily Rosen
(Senator of Outback dormitory), Brianne Sullivan (Senator of the Olde apartment complex), and Jess
Goodwin(Senator of the School of Humanities).
Michael Burgo motions to send out a campus wide email soliciting applications from students willing to fulfill
the positions. Noah seconds.
The motion passes unanimously.

tr :KWt: {_T'.y:E\i n'}x '& J.}'# ffi ?.

Joe: College Senate will meet today. "$ Their agenda is very general. The new security camerapolicy that was
endorsed last week will be brought up. The towrr hall meeting will include discussion on the recent budget cuts.
Discuss 5'h year students. Altematives to staying at college. Gift committee has resurfaced. There are 3 students
who are working with the Alumni Association on this year's class gift. So gifts for seniors will still happen. The
idea of solar panels on buildings has been discussed. The campus theme is forming'i committee to discuss the
upcoming theme for the 2010 academic year. The theme for 2010 and will coincide with Strategic Planning.
Internationahzatron task force (change in policy for international programs) Meeting tonight. Task force is a
temporary committee. Discuss immediate issue. Redefining Purchase Wide Open. Environm".*o1 Qurl 'uouii"
Conference tomorrow.

Joe introduces gg3;.rf,rcnhse College Alumni and Enviormental Sustainability Coordinator for the College,
Lindsay Randall. Lindsay speaks on the newly created College Committee that will focus on a Strategic Plan for
Sustainability. They are looking to collect research from students, faculty and staff to help craft a plan to make
Purchase College more enviormentally sustainable. She hopes that this committee will gain a large amount of
input from students and would like Senators to sit in and report back to the Senate on the committee's progress.
There will also be a website created and podcasts available to the community of all the committee's meetings.
The frst meeting will take place on February I2th at 10:30 am in the President's Conference Room.

Russ: Sent campus wide e-mails soliciting applicants wishing to fulfill the vacant Senate seats. Has been
speaking to faculty in the Political Science major about possibly opening the position of Parliamentarian as a
credit based internship. It should be noted that the Constitution on website is wrong and that the correct version
will be supplied in hard copy form to all Senators as soon as the PSGA office copier is functioning again..
Office has had issues because of broken copier and printer not working. Questions?

Christa: Whose idea was the idea for credits for Parliamentarian.

Russ: Mine.

Danielle: Just had meeting with Judith. She seems to be adjusting well to procedures. Trying to process
paperwork as quickly as possible. Finance committee meets tonight.

Kevin: Has been working with Judith. Lots of clubs and orgs have been taking out money and not bringing back
receipts. Working with Russ and Joe on some issues concerning policy for next year. Has sent out e-mails. Lots
of interest about yearbook. Service Board nominated someone to higher for layout editor for The Independent.
Working with Danielle and will be evaluating the attendance of clubs and orgs. At CoCOaS meetings.
Becky: Saturday there will be show at the Co-Op. Screening Milk on March 1't. Zombie Prom is aboutT5uo
cohfirmed, but there has been trouble confirming CA's or RC's to help with make-up for the event. Similarly,
Becky needs new media students to organize the photo booth for the event. Last night, bought things for Easter
hunt. Basically, Becky has ran out of money. But has enough to last till the end of year. Might appeal for money
for Roller Disco and guy who tightropes. Hopes to screen the documentary of his walk between the WTC
towers. He's interested in doing a Q and A but he would have to be paid. He's totally fucking uazy.

8 inRuss: I had received a report from Jeff last night (Tuesday) at 8:57pm via Facebook.com, but it is not included
the agenda as the deadline for reports is Monday at 6:30.

Tom: Motions to make Jeff publicize whom he is for Culture Shock.

Jake: Suggest a friendly amendment to publicize this list to the to whole campus community?

Tom: I find that friendly.

Seconded by Andrew

Andrew: Issue should it be released to whole campus. Of course. The Independent comes to Senate anyway so
it'd be in the paper anyway. It should be out there for people to approve

Aiyanna: It would all get reported publicly no matter what.

Tim: What he has linedW anll confirmed should be out there-

Tom: Could it included if fu ilotion to have Jeff publicize both theprospective and confirmert acrs?

Andrew: point of information. Is there a deadline of compliance? Sooner rather than later would be good.

Russ: You could re-amend the motion.

Tom withdraws motion.

Tom: Motions to have Jeff publicize both the prospective and confirmed acts in a certain time frame.

Betsy seconds.

Jake recognizes Joe.

Joe: Executive board meets Friday at2:30. That would probably the soonest we would discuss this with him.
He's required to attend executive board meetings. You also can attend. You can talk to him.

Russ: It should be noted that it i im to attend Senate ll as Executive


Betsy: What are the consequences if he does not comply with our motion?

Russ: That decision is up to you as a body. He could be impeached, or face any other action you collectively
Jate: What would happen if we did impeach him before Culture Shock?

Russ: That is a question I do not feel qualified to answer at this time.

Kevin: What is the bylaw that states if someone takes someone's place?

Russ: Thank you Kevin. That bylaw states that Becky, as Coordinator of general programming, would take
over until the Senate appointed or elected a new MEC.

Al recognizes Joe.

Joe: You could either hold a campus wide election but it would take several weeks. Whoever would hold the
position would maybe not like the list that already exists and it would maybe take too long. GPC and MEC are
supposed to represent entire campus community. It is a big decision.

Russ: There is still the open restriction of a time limit for this motion to be carried out by the MEC.

Dennis proposes 24-hour limit for Jeff to release list.

Af o^,If
f it should be by Executive board meeting so it can be talked with Jeff about. Tom doesn't find thiJ
amendment friendly 't
Jake:24 hours from the time the executive board meeting ends.

Russ: Saturdal' at 3:30.

Tom: He is zupposed to be here t"deyrt;du:uasJtrnsJrnds Dennis's friendly. 24 hours

from today.

Melissa: I will try my best to get the campus wide e-mail out but can't hold Jeff responsible because
CTS has
to do it.

Fq-, Would like to withdraw his original motion.

Motions a mandate that Major Events Coordinator, Jeff Levin, releases a list of prospective afi)
confirmed acts lor the 2009 Culrure Shock in a campus wide email by Friday at 5:00 p{n.
/ -- Y I
1 Andrew seconds
Motion passes unanimously.


Russ: Directs the body to turn to pages six and seven of their agendas, where they can find
the supplied
statements of the candidates. Introduces the first candidate for the seat for Senator of the
Olde. Kristen

Michael recognizes Kristen.

Kristen: Has worked alongside Independent as the PSGA Print Office Manager. Founder and former co-
president of S.P.A.C. (Anime Club), worked as an Orientation leader this past srrnmer for the
Office of Student
*, Repll ,-
Reply to all , Forward '- I F + *, Close nr Help
From: ZAMB[[O,RUSStrt-I senr: Thu 2i12i2009 2:02 PM
J-unk E-mail To: LEVIN, JEFF; <psga.senate>

Calendar Cc: <psga.executives>

Coltack Subject Mandate from the Student Senate



Pullic Folders
Irt me begin my apologizing for emailing this to you a day late- like many
Log Off students, my internet has been hampered by the new virus scan and resnet checks
set in place by CTS this week.

have alread heard, the

and the meeti

You can find your words to the Senate on page three
. the attached
minutes, which are now ratified and official. You had given your word to the
Senate that you would supply them with the final lineup for their perusal at the next
available meeting. This mandate is a direct result of that promise not being fulfilled.
There were no stipulations of penalization or punishment attatched to the motion if
this act were to not be carried out on your part, but I advise you (in a personal and
co-worker capacity) to follow through on this mandate from the Senate as they are
our direct superior.

I would also like to note that I did receive your Executive report for this week via
www.facebook.com, but as previously agreed upon by the Executive Board, the
deadline to have them in to me is Monday at 6:30 pm. I received yours on Tuesday
at 8:55 pm, thus it was not included in this week's igenda. Please bear this deadline
in mind and make use of the Purchase email account in the future. You may also
note that in the Constitution, all Executives are required to attend Senate meetings.
While there may have been mitigating circumstances preventing your attendance
yesterday, I would advise you to contact me in the future so that I may make the
Senate aware of anything preventing your presence.

tsest of luck,

nurren Zambito
Chair of the Senate
Purchase Student Government Association, Inc.
Board of Directors, Purchase College Association
office: 9 14-25 1 -6980
fax: 914-251-6838
senatechair@ purchase.edu
ps ga.
russell. zambito @purchase.edu
Executive Board Meeting February 13, 2009
Attendance: Joe, Russell, Danielle, Kevin, Melissa, Jetf, Judith, and Al

Joe called the meeting to order @ 2:30

Joe: Becky emailed me last night and said she would not be here let's start with
executive reports, I sat on college senate, and the security cameras did not get
on college senate. He brought a new paper the journalism is interested in
bringing something back like the dispatch would need 53k to start it up. the
school cannot afford 53k they are looking for it to come out of the msaf it is not
ethical to come out of this source and where do they think we will get the 53k
Russ: that means we cannot pay for extracurricular things
Joe: I dont think that's going to happen, it won't come out of the msaf but they
are still trying to coarse me just letting you know. everything else has come out
through senate or this agenda, passing on to Jeff
Jeff: srv for missing senate I was thought we were having a town hall meetinq not
.a senAte.
Joe: no that was discussed

: l'm trying to confirm one more act b4 I announce the line up, which is in the
agenda, other than that I will have my committee meeting sometime next week
either T
you intend to
ry _ L/t7 or l,
ow your office hours this week>
Jeff : yes 4-6
Dan: anybody should hand in their quarterly reports, first finance committee
meeting of the semester, sat down wit members to discuss the trapple bylaw and
the finance bylaws of the constitution, having them ratified by senate within the
Russ. we have 3 new senators, I have to meet with kylie today and milian on
Monday, I will be sending out an email involved with the committee. Talking to
faculty in pol sci to get an proletarian lor an internship-credit based internship
would encourage them, 2 new co chairs of pr committee to redo the bulletin
boards, I spoke with Christina scarlett to fix the copier and the printei',
Kevin: this week has been a very busy week, I had a service board meeting
where were talked how we should prepare service board heads for next year,
clubs &org have a lot of cash with no receipts, yesterday that was address, also
talked about traveling a lot of buss club want a money cap vs. a 1000 cap, I will
push it to senate if this is what we really want
Joe: I want to skip to hiring of layout editor, so Daniel seebrivs was approved for
the layout editor, talk about it?
Russ: I know there is another applicant, why did they only approve one?
Kevin: the whole sit with ed, they are supp to get it approved by service board,
the resumes are supposed to be discuss in service board, and they should
choose to nominate someone to come here. lt's kind of a gray area in the
constitution. As an exec board we can receive the operations of every service,
Russ: reads article 9 section 2a
Joe: so well it's up to the executive board, if someone want to make this motion
Jeff . is there a reason for only 1 layout editor?
Kevin: they had another but they want to work on senior project
Russ: id like to see both applications, I don't see it in the constitutions to approve
service heads
Joe: whets the exact wording for hiring service heads?
Dan: there's nothing, we do not have any cocoas bylaws to follow
Russ: weird
: moving back to culture shock line up, essentially you've ignore the request
to bring the lineup to senate
Jeff : I didn't ignore it I found out senate too late
Joe: there have been complaints bout how you're working
Jeff : I answer all my emails
Joe: I have had 2 students come in with inquiries about bands and u in no way
y#if#'l;*" I didn't took at them but I saw them , some thinss are
completely unrealistic and I look into every suggestion, this line up was based off
Joe: lets talk about email etiquette et just to email them back, will you send out
the list today like the senate requested.
Jeff : I have given it a lot of thought that disturbs me, I'm not going to send out a
tentative lineup-there will be mass frenzy based on a line up I don't feel
comfortable with.
Joe: they don't get that u have 95k$ that no one knows what your doing with
Jeff. a campus wide email about tentative schedule will be suicide lor me
Russ: (brings up previous minutes) that's what you said, they made the sanction
and u have to follow it
Joe: it would be one thing il ppl are saying I don't like what the MEC is booking,
its another thing that 1/6 of the msaf is questionable
Danielle: if your not willing to disclose names, at least disclose a budget report to
show what your doing
Jeff: what I'm asking for is that u will understand ppl will be angry but for the sake
of the campus I don't feel comfodable releasing it publicly, u need to suppoft me
at senate meetings, forcing me to send a campus wide email
Russ. there are laws
Jeff : you could have brought it up
Joe. I don't know thatl its never been such an issue that students don't know
what is going on-not willing to talk about it at all, you come in and say I'm doing
stuff then sit down
Jetf : I will announce eveMhing by next ryeerk, I will be there next week, there was
senate la$ weeK.
Russ. I disagree that I have to support u, I am running that meeting I will not stick
up for anyone c in article 6 article 3a, you have to do these things
Jeff: I understand that, when I said I had bands I want to book I announced it to
the senate, something very tentative one person came up to me and emaild me,
ljust don't want to publicly announce it. I'm ok announcing to the bosses.
Kevin: you have a tentative list, but do u have official contracts?
Jeff: no
Joe: stronger communication btw u and the senate this would have never been
brought up
Al: might as well send it to the entire campus be it will be in the lndy anyway.
Kevin: why they made you, you cancelled all your committee meetings in the past
few weeks
Russ: I understand all the points, but it is to late to do anything now
Jeff : I think you should have tried to hold it otf till next week, I think the other
executive board would have done that
Joe: you can sit on that board right now and this is the one that's trying to keep
you afloat
Jeff : nemontakis would have tried to fight for me to be present when I have to do

uss. I don't fight for anyone but the senate

: you are in the position you have to adhere to or not the senate

Russ it becomes apparent why Dan was chosen over the other applicant, but on
paper the Mary is more qualified
Kevin: what is the protocolfor the end of the semester
Joe: there were reasons went to tech services board.
Joe. so it is still a motion o the table
Russ. motion to approve Mary for layout editor
Dan: motion to, I really want to interuiew them
Joe: so we can postpone next Friday and I ask u to invite both applicants to next

tsudget cut/ tuition hikes

Joe: I have invited roger from nyprig to talk about budget cuts and tax hikes, I am
going to SUNY day with pres Schwartz to talk about this topic, bc out of the 600$
we only get 10% back, they are calling it theft. So many other suny schools have
been doing things to tackle the issue head on, but we have remained unphased
by the decision, I feel it is sur response to address his issue as reps which is why
I invited roger and....what can we do to get students involved?
NYPRIG members: talk about actions we should take, for example talking to
cocoas and psga for was to tackle this
Kevin: you just need to talk about the facts you cannot be biased either way
Russ: we cannot have an opinion as a nonprofit org
Danielle. id like to recommend the town hall speech having a few minutes based
on this topic
Joe. every time pres Schwaftz brings up this topic it seems to interest students,
and was very animent about it at college senate-he would be a good rep, but we
need to get students involved. what can we do?
Danielle: I think it would mean a little bit more to certain people if students or a
member of the psga spoke on this and related to them on a student level
Joe: he's ok with saying you have an allotted time to talk about it and I could
follow him and talk about it, there will still be a large % of students who don't
attend the town hall meetings.
Roger. I think the problem is the action is very disjointed, another issue is that
the proposed pay cut, this is an uphill battle but it is winnable, we did the
postcard signing last semester but that is equivalent to a petition, they are what
they are, issue of ppl understanding where allthis money is going, I don't know
what the best way to get information out to the student body. I agree with the
issue of how do we get info out?
Danielle: can nypirg cable at a concert?
Russ: its still in our building I don't know l'm not really sure
Joe. I feel like nypirg is part of the psga so there would be no problem
Danielle. depends also how our building is named
Kevin: it's a state building
Joe: I will email Alice about this topic

Executive board meeting time

Joe. I don't want to meet on Fridays anymore, I don't like it I will ask all of you by
Monday to send me your class schedule. This has to take some form of
precedents. lf by Monday I have not received your schedules I will pick a
meeting time without your consent.
I would love to find a way to meet on wed.

Email etiquette,
Joe: if someone emails you and you don't think its necessary to respond please
respond. just confirm that your were listening. and thank them. part of our job to
let students know we are following up.
Judy's contract:
Joe: by our standards it has to go throuEh our steering committee, we will try to
have it the next steering committee meetings, with a weeks time hopefully your
contract with be completed.

Town hall meeting

Joe:temp being held off, we will have senate on wed, lwill come back with final
date for town hall meetings we are combining state of the association with the
town hall meeting

Executive Assist
Joe. has that meeting gone out?
Russ: it will be going out this week

printer copier
Joe: I want the printer gone soon, our printer is working?
Danielle: yes
Joe: the copier has to be serviced, 2 weeks is too long for it to be not serviced. I

wanted to ask that question and put some pressure on he issue. Printer do we
want to get a new one that doesn't suck so bad?
Russ. I will talk to Christina about it
Joe: I have never liked this art in this office; do we want to eave it for students?
Russ:just emailjohn to see if reslife want to put it somewhere

PCA reimbursements:
Joe: they do have to happen, if they are not approved I don't know what will
happenedthey will be controversial issue as last year they didn't approve it so
we should be prepared. This is something we are obligated to do, if they fear this
looks bad on an audit it will look worse if we didn't pay them back,

Service deadlines
Kevin: I have authority to give deadlines, today is Friday the 13 I was thinking
next Friday each club that has an open position they want to get rid of, just fyi
Danielle. make sure the duties are being fulfilled by other means
Kevin: if someone in their charter sat in their position maybe that will be
something I will bring up at next service board, just letting you guys know
Danielle: another point, Kevin and I will be meeting regarding attendance at
service board for those who have not had good attendance, freezing their budget
is something that will happen, and you will all get an email about that.
Kevin: new clubs, bible sex and hip-hop club, separate.
Joe: can we combine them all?

Joe: anything new?

Judy. Time sheets
Kevin: carbon copies are unnecessary
Judy: trying to discourage using it BC it is toxic, I don't think we need them
Joe: have you talked to Alice?
Judith: I am going to address it, basically for auditing purposes if there are any
ways to do carbon then hey

Joe. anything new?

Danielle: signatures for timesheets?
Judith: is there a list for authorized signatures
Kevin: I can send everyone a master list

Russ. motion to adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 3:35

ReplY * Reply to all * Forward X *. E Close icl Help
-, -: ":

Inbox Frrcm: LEVIN,JEF'F Senf Fri 2l13l20O9 6:01PM

,; Junk E-mail To: Thornburg, Melissa

-:"i Calendar Cc: <psga.executives>; <psga.senate>

Subjecl Culture Shock- Tentative lineup

View As Web Page
I Folders
assumption that senate had been cancelled due to a town hall meeting (which
PuUtic Folders
;* obviously was not the case). I am sending this email out to everyone in the PSGA
so that you are all aware of the tentatively confirmed lineup for culture shock 09'.
-*'] Please understand why I have delayed the public announcement of this lineup.
Log Off Firstly, the entire campus is not ready for a completed lineup. I am holding a
meeting next week to discuss money, new bands etc., but I do not want students
judging this lineup off of something I feel is not complete. Secondly, there are
several legal precautions towards releasing a lineup that has not been signed for yet.
Agents could start asking for money. s could come back and
PSGA for a false announcement. In of someone al other
would surel
we afe on a campus or
the law. istand I could put a tentative caption on the
campus wide email, but as you know (i.e what happened during fall fest), things
change and students get vocal. This is something I am trying to strongly avoid.

So anyway, here is the TENTAIIVE lineup:

the cool kids (after party)

The dear hunter
every time i die
the red chord
paper rout€
heavy mojo
margot and the nuclear so sos
The Smyrk
The PaperRaincoat
Menya (after party)

Please consider my thoughts surrounding my position to not release this list to the
entire campus. As someone who has proceeded through several legal situations in
the past, I am giving my strongest advice to not send this out. I am asking for Russ,
the chair of the senate, to let me know as soon as possible his verdict on my
proposal. If you still need to send this out, Melissa will send the tentative lineup
campus wide first thing monday morning, as it would not go out until then anyway.

Also, please understand why I have waited till now to send this to you as we have
just been released from the executive meeting about 2 hours ago. I needed to hear
their thoughts before I made any final decisions on my actions. I am also sending
you all this email before it goes campus wide so that you fully understand the
precautions of sending this out to 4,000 students. Again, I respect any decision the
senate makes, but please consider my opposition.
The Red Chord {ffiisic
flesth n*etrl i liriFdcsre I Pr+crts;iv*
Bone l{Fedl*
fk* &ed Cbord PlaYtng
5he Fsd Chord's
v,il\'nr rtstsP.!:

.. f{i! F;tsSTnitti
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:i A,dd tr Frien{it Arid tD Favorites

r:r Il'l I f,*ll Blork User

'..:' EUU W Unrup ii;iiln liser
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5. Who Ycs Kn*w .&


Reolv . Reolv to all Forward Fi .;i. .ri Close 1r.; Help
Inbox From: ZA.MBITO. RUSSH T, senr: Mon 2lL6l2A09 4:18 PM
Junk E-mail <psga.senate>; DEFALMA, DAMtrI Ii;
Calendar MARK
Sutrject: STEERING!
__ _* _H**g*x
Public Folders iui un, i

Options Please note that Steering Committee is tonight! at 7:30-8:10 in the PSGA room!
You should all go to public art committee at 7, followed by steering, followed by
Log Off MEC in the red room at 8:00!


See you tonight!

Russell Zambtto
Chair of the Senate
Purchase Student Government Association, Inc.
Board of Directors, Purchase College Association
fax: 914-251-6838
psga. senatechair@purchase.edu
russell. zambito @ purchase.edu
, Reply Reply lo all Forward ; F. ;- r close
;;; Help

Inbox From: MAIOSKE,JOSEPH Sent: Mon 2l l6l2AW 5:50 PM

,, Junk E-mail To: <psga.executive>; <psga.senate>

j Calendar Cc:

', ; Contacts Subjecr MEC Meeting

..--,, Tasks

i Folders The Major Events Committee is on Tuesday at 8:00 in the redroom, not
Monday. I
This is confusing, I know. I apologize everyone.
,1 FfrUnc Folders

options It's that time of year. Do what I do in these situations and listen to Squirrel Nut
-_i Zippers album Christmas Caravan.
Log Off

Joseph Matoske
Student Government Association
Office (914) 251-6980

735 Anderson Hill Rd.
PurchaseNY 10577
* Reply * Reply to all * Forward ::lx 4*" '-:& Close ,S., Help

.,ii Inh" From: <psgD Sent: Tue 2117l2OO9 9:16 AM

r Junk E-mail
To: The Students

:J..- Calendar

Subject: Culture Shock-MEC Meeting Tornorrow

.l Contacts
r ::.:j:
*#,,, Tu*h,, View As Web Page
I Folders
Sfant to know what's going on with Culture
# Publ-ic Folders

t Options

log Off

Attend the Mtr,C Committee meeting

Tuesday z/fi /A9 at 8p* in the Red Room
of Student Services Building!

Contact Jeff Levin

MEC for PSGA for more information

PSGA Blog Number 12= Funds
Proposals, Culture Shock, Zombie
From, and More.
Submited by 8bille69J/resftilge1-onThu, ozlrstzo09 - 02148

The PSGA met on Wednesday, Feb. 18 with a packed agenda including financial proposals,
Culture Shock updates, room assignments, and other nerro business. By the end of the
meeting, the Senate had spent *7,47O in approved stipends, funds, and reimbursements.

Allocations included reimbursing the Purchase College Association $1,620, t-ansfening

$400 to the Service Board, awarding a $700 semeshr sfpend to The BrickAssisbnt
Editor Kylie Jane Wakefield, approving $1,750 to Diversity Cmrdinator Rosa Jaffe for an
'Undoing Racism Seminar,"and rcimbursing Major Events Coordinator Jeff Levin $3,000
after the PSGA used the money to accommodate its printer malfunctions. Officials said
that all new funds would be hken from tfie PSGA'S general reserve.

MEC leff Levin held a Cuhure Shock

IDie from the lineup. He said he didn'tthinkthe system in place was effective because
some of the students who voted seemed to have tieir own agenda.

The MEC said he planned on spending near* $a5,000 on performances and has only
booked around $25,000 worth of talent so br. He also planned on printing T-shirb for the
yearly festival and hiring concert security b handle the areas surrounding the stage.

General Programming Coordinator Becky Sellinger confirmed Zombie Prom for Friday, April
3 in the gym, She said performers included 9S) Eyes Freak ehow, The Hungry March
Band, and Skeleton Breath.

Sellinger also said that the Roller Disco $rould be on Friday, April 24 in the Stood.
However. due to lack of funds, she and Jessica Goodwin would need to contribute money
to tle event.

Chair of the Senate Russ Zambito said he chose not b appoint a proxy parliamentarian for
the meeting due to the amount of imporbnt financial vobs taking place. l'le also said he
was working to make the position of Parliamentarian an intemship.

Zambito attended the first furchase Colkge Association meeting of the semester on
Tiresday afternoon and said that importarit matters regarding the Dining Hall were
discussed. '"The PCA said t}at only 8 percent of the college eats at the Dining Hall during
the week and they were thinking about eithcr cutting hours or closing the facility at least
one day a week"'he said.

Assistant Directorfor Residence Lffe Koreen Kefoot attended the meeting and explained
to the Senate the nerv me8rods of room assignmenb becoming etrecti\re no<t month. She
said that the procss was going b be done completely online this year and the first
deadline fior squatting in apartmcnts was March 9th.

PSGA Prcsident Joe Matoske said he met with Purchase College President Thomas
Schwarz and confirmed that they wcre working on resolving issues surrounding practice
room arrailability in the music building. According to Matoske, some studio composition
majors were having difficulty seclring practice rooms and other shrdents were
disrespecting the rooms being assigned to them.

Matoske also said that the Ad-Hoc Copyright Research Committee established a meeting
time for Wednesdays at 11 a.m.

The meeting concluded with new business from Senators. Senator Kylie lane Wbke{ield of
g,,B6hi5-- --ii -La h^, F^A-ri-- r,FL nA^h valih +^ ii--,,-- ah/ i>^,,a-
- -^La^'^- ^+ka,
., Reply -,
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Inbox From: ZAMBITO, RUSSFI J - Senl Wed 211812009 3:04 PM

Junk E-mail Ts: <psga.senate>

Calendar Cc:

Contacts Subjecl impeachmentCharges

Tffiks View 4S Web_Lage

$ Public Folders
Hello all,
As per Article XI, Section a.i and a.ii of the PSGA Constitution, I am writing to
I-og Off inform you that myself and PSGA president Joseph Matokse have received formal
impeachment charges in writing against PSGA Coordinator of Major Events, Jeff

Currently, as Chair, i arn powered to call and emergency Senate meeting if you feel
this matter is pertinent enough to warrant such and not wait until our next meeting
on february 25th. I would ask that you email me your thoughts on this matter. If an
em€rgency meeting were to be called, it would occur in the PSGA olfice on a

Thank you and great meeting today,


nurr"tt Zambito
Chair of the Senate
Purchase Student Government Association, Inc.
Board of Directors, Purchase College Association
office 914-251-6980
fax: 914-251-6838
psga. senatechair@ purchase. edu
russell. zambito @purchase. edu
Hello PresidentMatoske and Chdrof tre Senate Zambib,

would like to submit charges of impeachment against Jeff Levin, Major Events
Coordinator. ln accordance with the PSGA Constitution, Mr. Levin has neglected the following

Article Vl, Section 3

a) Members of the Executive Board are required to attend Senate meetings. (0n February 11,
2AA9, Mr. levin was absenf frcm theweekly Senafe meeting.)

b) Members of the Executive Board shallclealy announce the time and location of their
committees to the Senate in a timely manner. fsfudenfs and Senafors have expressed frustratian
at Mr. Levins repeafed cancetlatians of Maior Everrts Cnmmfttee without stbmitting aftematitrc
dafes. Mr.Levinalsohitedtahotdofifcehours &tringtheFalt200ssemesfer. Af hrslirsf official
MEC Connittee meeting on Feb l7h, Mr. Levin promised committee members that he would be
having meetings every twyyeeks and as Cutfure Shodr approached, medingswauld benme
moreirequent. Uealso sfafed flr at he wwtd annrluncr fhese meefrngs af leasf four days ahead of
ttme. At itre ueekly Se nate meeting the nert day, Mr. Levin stated he would in fact NOf be holding
anymare Cammiftee meetings, as he m req,tird to only have one per semester.)

d) Members of the executive Board shall be pmficient in knowledge of the consttution, bylaws and
policies of the PSGA . (Mr. Levin has demonstrated no clear understanding of his duties and
powers as MEC, fhe PSGA Con#ifutian, Finance Bytaus and jab dufies i.e. holding meetings and
He's openly admitted on a number of oocasions that he nns nof avtare that his
commifteemembers cald rcfualty vote at MEC Cammitte meetings, an ad that Mr. Levin has
refened to as "Fraudulent.')

f) All executives shall adequately describe their PSGA-related activities to the Senate and/or other
executives if and when requested. pn Feb 4h,2009, flre Senafe asked Mr. Levin fo drsclose ffie
names of the pertarmers fie had baoked for Atfuire Shock Mr. Levin pramised to da sa by the
nexf Senafe meefinpFeb . I lt On that date, Mr. Levin was absenf from the Senafe Meeting and
he did nof submfr an Exewtive Report to the Chair of fhe Senafe in a fimely manner. A mofion was
passed at that Senafe meeting that rquired Mr. Leuin to email the camps community witlt Cutfure
Shock tine+p by Fiday February 1Y at 5:A0PM, an acfion Mr. Levin refened fo as
After an Exeulive Aoird Meefing fhaf same Friday where Presrdenf Mafoske chastised
Mr. Levin
for not understanding that he mist answer the Senates reguesl Mr. Levin emailed the members of
the Senatewith theiineup, notthe entire crlngts mmmunity as spcified by fhe Senafe's motion.)

Also, in accordance with Article Vl, Section 2

b)"Terms of office for members of the Executive Board, excluding the Cmrdinator of Finance, shall
be approximately twelve (12) months in length beginning on commencernent and concluding on the
day prior to commencement at 11:59pm the following year. The term of offce for the Coordinator of
Finance shall begin on the first day of June, and conclude on the last day of the following May.
-bW regarding tfs postfion
(According ta Mr. Levin's afficial $rtfi#framewotuec.blqspat.caml)
bs MEC fle fnsf Fall Fesf Meefing nas confirm ed far Monday May #, 2AA8 at &pm' Accarding ta

section B, Mr. Levin was not tne omciat MEC at the time af the meeting. By daing so, he was ustng
firs execufive powers without adtally being an exewtive; any and all mafters drscussed af fltis
meeting are null and void.)

Article v, Section 6, Part a

meeting to be
h) All committees approved by the Senate must maintain minutes of each committee
submitted to the Chair of the Senate within seven {7) days time'
Levin has hetd prpwtdly hetd sevenl meeting's this academic yeu, W! nls !ai!9d
to wbmit
minutes to the preittws inair Camin Chri*iuLamb, the Inteim-c&air Kevin Cdlymoare or
the w nent Cfrair; Russe ll Tambito.)
* Reply * Reply to all * Forward .* '* Close g' Help

Inbox From: ZAMBITO,RUSSAL Sent: Wed 2/18/2009 5:04 PM

.,; Junk E-mail To: <psga.senate>

I Calendar Cc: <psga.executives>

gnh"b. o--L:^^-.
Update: Emergency Senate meeting this
.,, Monday at 8:oopm
_ :..:: View As Web Page
,J n'ofOers


I{ello again everyone,
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for getting back to me so quickly- especially
after such a long Senate meeting this morning. From your responses, it seems that
the majori8 of you are in favor of my calling an emergency Senate meeting. All
that remains is what day and time to set this meeting for so that we may discuss and
take action on these impeachment charges in a timely fashion. Monday or Tuesday
night seems the best option for most of you. I would like to call for this emorgoncy
Senate meeting for this Monday at 8:00pm in the PSGA Conference Room.

I repeat: There will be an emergency meeting of the Senate this Monday, February
23fi in the PSGA Conference Room.

Below, you will find the formal charges that were sutrmitted to both Joe and myself
earlier today. Please email me with any questions.

Thanks guys,
R.ussell Zambito

Hello President Matoske and Chair of the Senate Zambrto,

I would like to submit charges of impeachment against Jeff Levin, Major Events
Coordinator. In accordance with the PSGA Constitution, Mr. I-evin has neglected
the following
Arlicle VI, Section 3
a) Members of the Executive Board are required to attend Senate meetings. (On
February 11,
2009, Mr. Irvin was absent from the weekly Senate meeting.)
b) Members of the Executive Board shall clearly announce the time and location of
committees to the Senate in a timely manner. (Students and Senators have
expressed frustration
at Mr. I-evin's repeated cancellations of Major Events Committee without
submiuing alternative
dates. N{r. kvin also failed to hold office hours during the Fall 2008 semester. At
his first official
MEC Committee meeting on Feb 17th, Ndr. kvin promised committee members
that he would be
having meetings every two weeks and as Culture Shock approached, rneetings
would become
more frequent. He also stated that he would announce these meetings at least four
* Reply Reply to all * Forward
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Inbox q$ You replied on 21 221 2OO9 12:34 PM.

.; Junk E-mail
From: ZAMBITO, RUSSELL Sent Sun 212212009 11:55 AM
<ps ga. senate> ; DEFALMA, DAMELLE ;

,i ...
.J,,c-n,.-9!f1 Cc:

*,; Taskl Subject: IMPORIANT.

Fofden Attachments:
_5 Public Folders Hello all,
--J , ,
In regards to Aiyana's statement which she had emailed you this morning, I would
: Log Off just like to point out that any legal insight to our Constitlrtion or policies should
hold no baning in any decisions or actions you may make tomorrow. The PSGA
Constitution is indeed a legal document, but is not written for the strict
interpretation of lawyers" It is crafted to serye, outline and be viewed by Purchase
College Students and it is your interpretation of its wording and any actions jeff
may or may not have taken that matters most at tomorrolv's emergency Senate

I would also like to clarify that there WTLL be time for all of you to voice your
oppinions on this matter during tomorrew's meeting during the speaker's list or
closed session that I anticipate to occur. I advise you all against email trattling for
the remainder of the day and while I do appreciate Aiyana's email and the obvious
passion for the PSGA and the Purchase community that it displays, there is some
worry on my part about the fairness of tomorrow's proceedings now that Mister
Levin has an exact blow by blow of the charges and could very well not have to
formulate any defense of his own before 8:00pm tomorrow but use Aiayana's well
thought out email instead" This is pragmatic and dangerous at best and I am curious
as to who believes we should continue with tomonow's meeting in the interest of

Personally, I am of the mind that it is unfair that Jeff go through with the
impeachment proceedings now that he has had all his arguments of defense handed
to him" If I cancel tomorrow's emergency meeting, then the charges submitted by Al
will be dropped as it states in the Constiution that the Chair must bring any charges
of impeachment to the Senate within five class days. If we were to meet on
Wednesday as usual, that would make the charges a week old and impossible to
place on an agenda to entertain. Clearly, some of you are very impassioned about
the current state of Mister levin's position and while on the one hand we have
Aiyana and other senators in his support, an equal number of you have emailed me
during the week to endorse Al's charges against Jeff. besause of this divide, I feel it
is necessary to continue with tomorrow's meetings as you all clearly would like to
say your piece and take some form of action. But piease, bottle your passion on this
matter for one more day- you will all have the time to fight for your beliefs during
tomorrow's meeting, I promise.

Happy Sunday,

Russell Z,ambito
Chair of the Senate
Purchase Student Government Association, Inc.
,, Reply * Reply to all * Forward ,: -: h "+ ii" C lose ft Help

Inbox From: N4ATOSKE, JOSEPH Senf Mon 212312009 5:55 PM

Junk E-mail To: <psga.senate>

Calendar Cc:
.-.i Subject:
:.;-i View As Web Pagq

i Dear Senators,
"oto* ' " '

,ii Public Folders Several of you have contacted me throughout the day to weigh in on the
impeachment hearing and my own personal thought. I don't think my own personal
i Options
opinion on the status ofJeffs position is appropriate for the decision the senate has
Log OfT to make this evening. I have tried to remain biparlisan on the subject, as it is more
important to have someone able to keep order over the situation then help create
sides. I think there's been enough of that without my public opinion.

I do however have a lot of faith in the democratic system the student govemment
ope.rates under.I'm glad to see a legislative branch taking such a strong initiative in
making sure every aspect of our government is just and orderly. An exocutive
branch in any idea or definition of governrnent should never get so comfortable that
they no longer fear the approval of the body that voted them in. We should operate
under the important philosophy that we're worting for the people and not working
over the people that allowed us to hold our positions. An idea that I think can often
be lost in a democratic process.

That said, I give you two pieces ofadvice for being highly respected representatives
of the Purchase Community. Transparency and Transparency. Transparency has
been thrown around a lot this year, and notjust at our college. In a year of a new
administration, new initiatives, and new ways of defining state and federal
governmeflt, the idea of transparency is coming up more and more. I feel you will
find a lot of students from the community present that are not fypically present at
PSGA meetings. Give them a voice and let them be heard. Don't wait for fhem to
stop speaking so the senate can go back to discussing the issues. They voted you in
and have earned a right to weigh in on this subject regardless if they have an official
vote or not. Listen to their points and let them work out their ideas as they discuss it
amongst the senate.

Also I encourage you to make your vote public rather than relying on a written
ballot. This way of voting amongst a legislative branch is not respectable or
commendable and needs to be put to a stop. It might be a good way to break an
argument, but it is a flawed method that allows bias to exist. The point of rotrert's
rules is to encourage orderly debate. It might be long and painstaking to go back
and forth on public votes and motions as opposed to have a simple paper ballot, but
this is exactly the point. You need to work out your arguments in an organized way
until the senate comes to a cons€nsus rather than allowing people to walk away
feeling all their points were brought up.

Ihave full faith in the senate that you will be able to make a strong and democratic
decision to better represent the Purchase communify.


Joseph Matoske
Ariel - Article
3 Section 3 a - Isn't the only Senate meeting he missed. He put offa
direct request to email the campus.

Tom - Is it possible to find all numbers of meetings missed?

Russell - 2 one suck one missed. (?)

Kyle - Did he say he was going to Mondays?
Russell - No.

Crystal - Wasn't the first time he put offnames of Culture Shock.

Layla - Why are we asking for the lineup?

Tim * Working in line item. Where does Jeff s statement work?

Russell - When everyone is done with it. Article V[ section 3b?

Tom - When was the first official meeting?

Russell - Cut to MEC meeting.

Shane * Doubts Jeffunderstands the constitution.

Ariel - Constitution very important for Executives.

Caitlin - He is paid for his job. You are not.

Pete - He proved he doesn't know based off of last meeting.

Steve - For A1" what is the basis for the claim?

Al - First meeting- someone had to clarify to Jeffthat the committee has power to vote
anitem off.

Emily - I don't think he is dictating at all.

Botie - Big point in impeachment. Alaina last year had to report every meeting.

Tim - We wanted people to be informed; not just us. That's why I motioned for leffto
send tle list to the campus.

Ayana - Jeff s lack of email to the campus has no relation to Article VI, Section 3 f.

Crystal - Ayana makes a good point, but coming people in large is more important.

Tom - Agrees with Tim and Betsie, there is no charge for that,

Betsie - He should have updated us.

Tim - It doesn't matter.

Shane - There is no direct influence besides Senate (Ho* do we know about the line up?)

Russell - Committee should notify campus.

Article VL Section 2b

Ayana - More of the petty charges present.

Tom - Such a gray area in the constitution. Meeting was not an abuse of powers.

Mike - Even if he did, there are not minutes, which means there was no meeting.

Shane * What harm was done?

Al - It could of led to official booking.

Dan- Do you find it contradictory that you're impeaching him for not having a meeting to
having a meeting early?

Jess - Why didn't you bring it up last semester?

Al * We really weren't watching him.

Layla - Totally understands.

Article Section 6Part a

Ayana - Does he have any minutes from last semester?

Russell - The only minutes I have are from the current one.


Betsie - We had no committees...then that.

Jess - I typed and put those together.
Russell - It is the duty of the chair to hand in minutes.

Tim - A lot of money in Major Events could drive charges.

Ariel - Agrees with Tim, but the other committees do not hand in minutes.

Tom - Should look only at this committee and its minutes.

Steve - If the minutes are lost, motion stuffhappens.

Caitlin - Minutes for the future of a lawyer, that's why we take minutes.
Mike - Is there a set number of committee meetings?

Russell - No recommendation.

Tom - If the constitution states that committee meetings need minutes, action should be

- First time in long time. I'm nervous.
- I worked hard for my job.
- Very difficult job to hold.
- Receive 50-100 emails. I answer 99o/o of them.
- I worked well with the administration.
- Every year, everyone hates the MEC.
- I listen to campus buzz.
- On weekends I also talk to students about who they'd like to see.
- MEC most likely to be an executive position next year.
- Article VI, Sec 3a
o I missed 2, one because I had the flu. The other I was under the
impression that there was a town hall meeting.
o I had every intention to go and release every line item to senate.
o I have another contractjob outside ofschool.
- Section 3 b
o Well attended meeting.
o For every meeting,I had a campus wide email about it.
o I apologize for the minutes not being submiued.
- Section 3 d
o I went over the constitution several times last year.
o I think Al is referring to last Senate meeting.
o Very gray area about MEC Committee.
o I thought Senate had power over committee.
o When Every Time I Die was offI felt there was no aid.
o Joe was giving presidential speech.
o The girl who motioned to kill Every Time I Die wanted a cultural. It
frustrated me that she had rnore power over me.

o All the work in six months. She could do so. I was very frustrated.

Article VI Sec. 3 f
- I wasn't upset. I was frustrated for not being there.
- I sent an email to Executives and Senate why I didn't do so.
- Agents can ask for more money.
- I went there a lot with Fall Fest.
- I stick around to make the campus happy. I went through a lot.
- Several occasions I was threatened with impeachment.
- MEC doesn't work as a PSGA Executive position.
- I will respect any mandate to Senate.
- Things becanne messy afterEvery Time I Die was offthe list.
- Over Winter break I had to confirm acts.
- I had to miss Senate for other reasons; for more important reasons.
- I had to make things smooth for next year.
- I did what I have to do.
- Sorry it was advertised as a committee.

- There were three meetings.
- Joe took one, Jess took one.
- I understand the importance of minutes.

Other comments
- I was here all the time as a PSGA nerd.
- I was here for office hours.
- How many Senators go through your minutes?
- We are at a time constraint.
- If I'rn gone, we need to have an up and running Culture Shock.
- We need administrators to say there will be a Culture Shock.
- A new MEC doesn't look good.
- It's opposing the students.
- Training will be tough; it will be a challenge.
- At the end it's not about impeachment charges, it's about having a Culture
- Do you think doing this will be the vision of the student body?
- Don't take Culture Shock away from me because of a Senate meeting.
- I respect statements of student body.
Ariel * Our job isn't to charge your performance.

Shane -Isn't PSGA's job is to represent the student body? If he's impeached, it
jeopardizes Culture Shock.

Crystal - It's not a personal thing.

Jeff- I was against releasing to Senate the campus wide email.

Crystal - The longer you wait, the less student impact.

Tim - What are your duties?

Jeff- Meetings are duties of the Senate. My friends don't come to my meetings.

Dennis -9AoA of progress - what is there to be done? Vendeq stage, etc.

Russell - In order.

James - MEC problems aren't new. This happens all the time. There's 6 weeks to
organize Culture Shock. If these charges are impeachablg Judicial Board only meets
once or twice ayear.

Mike * I think you held befier with student body.

Jeff- Yes, lesson leamed from Fall Fest. Impeachment threats from Senate.

Mike - Were they offrcial?


Mike - Lack of communication. More would solve problems.

Jeff - I answered 907o of emails.

Steve - So the body is impeaching Jeff for missing, put for timing.

Dennis - Motion to discuss charge in byline.

Second by Music Senate
Motion fails

Kyle - Why delay line up?

Jeff- There are legal problems for doing so

Kyle - Explain legal lineup

Jeff - In respecf even though tentative: Agent pick line book travel, and etc.

Ed - Charge f, there are legal problems to release lineup

Tom - I don't know you were owner; Does the same thing apply?

Ed - Yes it applies
- I witness minutes taken at MEC
- Not at other meetings
- Other executives could be charged for some charges
- A new MEC looks unstably

Betsie - Motion to cut speaks in I't, and dare session to speak Dave
fuial - We can't look at outside factor, It's for judicial.

Tim - I was against dare close session, move towards impeachment

Caitlin - Russ rernind the body of meeting

Russ to decree merit impeachs toward audience

Dennis - line f reminds body of motion * Senate passed about lineup.

Tim - Discuss byline + Vote after discussion 18-0-1

Motion to dismiss ART YI sec 3a FAILED

12 votes


Betsie - Motion to find Sect impeach

Seconded by Crystal
Motion dismissed

Ariel - Motion to dismiss

Seconded by Karla
Charges dismissed

ART IV sec 3d

Crystal - Motion to find the charge IY sec

Seconded by Dennis

ART IV sec 3f

Dennis - Motion to find sec 3f impeachable charge
Seconded by Crystal


Crystal - Motion to dismiss

Seconded by Jessica
1 8-0-1

ART V sec 6.4

Betsie -Motion to Dismiss

Seconded by Aria
18-r - I

Russ - explains dismissed and impeachable charges



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