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Report Ideation Part 2 Feb. 6, 2013 UPDATED

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree 1a. This session was beneficial. 1b. Why or why not? It was very interesting to hear all of the ideas regarding progress reports. I especially enjoyed it being a new teacher who doesn't have much experience with progress reports.

It's always good to share ideas and hear about other perspectives. We need to look at what we do as well what others think

I don't know I think I'm more confused now... having a hard time rethinking this. Love to exchange ideas It gave us so many ideas and forms to observe while discussing wi th each other. Will help determine my role in progress reports as a special Some great ideas came out , especially Jill' s mock progress. It 's great thinking ahead about next year. The session allowed us to really understand how we should prepare ourselves to evaluate the children in a meaningful yet efficient manner where feedback is genuine and concise. I LOVE these ideas for progress reports: *using EverNote *having graphs and charts to show progress *updating/aligning the curriculum with progress reports

Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly

I love the format. Seems like we're all using this time productively and are excited to be part of this progress Can't wait to see what happens!

Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree

Progress reports to change and I'm happy to have input!

Interesting to think about how the special's classes progress report section might be improved. We came up with some good ideas. Great ideas! Wonderful to talk to different people and hear different perspectives. Still not sure what the ideal pr would look like, though. We're doing the progress reporting...we love having input as to the content! Enjoyed working with people from different grade levels. This is a topic that needs action. Before we have action discussion for what we want as teachers is vital for making sure the P.R. are effective. It was so interesting hearing others perspectives about our current reports. It was nice to get ideas from people from different grade levels. Interesting to learn about all types of Progress Reports at Trinity. The session got us thinking in different ways.

We NEED to deal with this issue, and you got us started w/ some valuable conversation. Since I am new and a specials teacher, I am still learning the ins and outs of progress reports. I will slowly get there! I think a lot came out of this process-- I am feeling more confident that we will find a good method for next year!

I truly hope we can revise the reports. As they stand now, they are flowery, inefficient, time consuming, and don't really give a state of progress. I know we can do better! I enjoyed working with a member of the ULD to discuss progress reports Loved seeing everyones work from last week, ideas are consistent! I'm looking forward to changing progress reports! I enjoyed brainstorming new ways that we can report. I am pleased that we are given the opportunity to discuss this with each other and to see the brainstorming that was done last week. We were able to be creative and not limited by anything! I was also inspired by the gallery walk and created my "ideal progress report" based off of my viewing in the gallery. Very helpful to see all of the ideas on the boards. Some great ideas! Loved the gallery walk idea, really allowed us to see everyone's ideas and get started thinking in a different direction. It s always nice to collaborate with others and get an opportunity to have a say in the overall progress that the school is heading towards.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree

Strongly Agree Agree

Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

It was nice to see others ideas through the gallery walk and comments on the google doc, thank you for uploading that. I think it was nice to be able to create our own progress report because it made me think through all the steps of my dreams and make them reality. Where before it felt scary, it was easy once we sat down and began creating. I also liked working with someone from ELD. We came up with the "BEST" idea for a progress report!!! It was exciting to do a little bit of design thinking for this! Just not sure what changes will be made based on MY feedback. I think the reports will change but not based on anything I contribute I enjoyed being able to actually draw out a "sample" PR We developed a visual, yet informative progress report that we believe has potential. The model we developed is cohesive and allows for all teachers the student interacts with to contribute. Each progress report will look different, but there will still be a common look to each. I loved having the chance to move around the room and read what everyone else wrote. I love having a google document of all these pieces. I loved talking with a small group first and a partner next. It is good to brainstorm and see what other teachers in other grades think it should look like Good to see what all groups thought. I learned quite a bit about the progress report in existence , and was inspired by the possibilities of a more defined report of growth. Not enough time to develop a progress report, but we were able to flesh out an idea about how to use I Can statements in a report. Geat chance to actually craft a document to reflect the ideas that are floating around. We had more time to continue our discussion. In the past is feels like we start the conversation, but there is not much follow through. I got to see and hear what classroom teachers want in the NEW Progress Report it was nice to be able to talk with someone who is not in my grade. We do not have enough time to discuss what happens in other grades. I do wonder if the report needs to be different for each grade or division. Although difficult and short on time, it was nice to dig deep and brainstorm ideas with another specialist. I love that the teachers have a voice on the vision of the progress reports. Great opportunity to brainstorm ideas collectively to improve our current progress report writing to make it not only efficient and effective for teachers but for parents to better support their children. Loved the opportunity to give thoughts and ideas towards possibly the next progress report. Liked pair/share and that it was with a different person/group of people than last time It was good to hear others ideas about progress reports. It is still very confusing, but I realize that is part of the process. I love brainstorming with my colleagues. I always leave enlightened from their ideas! Our ideas are being heard, thank you! We need to hear from other teachers. Oh! This is such powerful (and tedious) work but I am certain we will flourish as a result.

Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree

I loved the gallery walk. I really needed to move at this point in the day. Overwhelming!! Great energy, enthusiasm, a positive way to get the process started. This session was very helpful for me because it helped me to further understand how the progress reports at Trinity could be changed for the better ( for the teachers, parents, and students). It was interesting to learn how specials teachers write progress reports. Informative, but not applicable for the most part The electronic gallery walk was interesting. Seeing all the other boards gave me other ideas on how I envision P.Rs. This was so helpful to see what the other groups were thinking about "progress/reports". There seem to be a lot of similarities across grade levels. One particular idea I liked was the pre-planning get to know conference, conference in Oct./ report in Nov/ conf in Feb/report in April/May. I would like to see a quarterly communication Collaborating on a possible new progress report design was thought provoking on what is truly important to teachers, and parents, about each child. I really enjoyed walking around the gallery to see everyone's ideas and think more about the future of progress reports. I liked seeing a different format for the PR. Especially the one formatted by Jill. Great to see all the ideas on the boards. I liked finding the overlaps between different groups- some ideas came up often and it was easy to see ideas and we all agreed on about reports It gave teachers a chance to see other's ideas and to share individual ideas for an appropriate progress report. was helpful to go back over what we discussed on Friday, February 1st. Every one had great ideas it was very helpful. I enjoyed taking the "Gallery Walk," and being able to view others opinions on needs/wants/ideas/etc... I think it is important to have the entire faculty community on board with creating a "revised" progress report. Loved the gallery walk for the display of colleagues' ideas about progress reports. It opened up a lot of thought-provoking dialogue. I really enjoyed the visual component involved in sharing the small group ideas from last week. I personally liked walking around to view the white boards, noting patterns in ways of thinking and also ideas that stood alone. The interactive part happened spontaneously, and it was interesting to listen as comments were made along the way and to share thoughts with others. Great seeing the ideas of the other groups. It was somewhat difficult to determine what the other groups were writing about with out a verbal explanation

Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree


Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree

2a. The content of this session can be applied to my work. 2b. Why or why not? Not directly since I don't write progress reports, but I am hoping to write them one day so it was good to learn about!

I don't write progress reports. How we look at children and report to parents is so important.

reports are coming and if there is a better way to present the info to the parents and child than i would like to Idease for things to incorporate into reports It will help determine how we go about our progress reports.

Thinking about ways to look at children and record important info about them. Even though I do not write progress reports, it helped me think of different ways to assess the students and show their progress/strengths so the information can be included in the reports. Eventually as an assistant teacher, we may have to assist leads in the preparation of the reports and it will be helpful to know the expectations and design of the progress.

It directly affects me as a teacher!

I would implement them in writing progress reports.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral

I write lengthy progress reports! Helps to know what I want to see when i assess my students progress. I write progress reports and they are very time-consuming and I feel like they do not reflect 21st century learning goals. Because I write progress reports!

I write progress reports and have conferences, so I need to be a part of the discussion and planning. See above Hoping this will help for improvements to the process & content for next year.

As a LT member, my reports are detailed and cite progress made from initial testing or referral to present date. The "vertical alignment" will help create a progress report that works for everyone.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

I hope so at least :) It will strongly impact how I work with my students and how I will change or adapt my assessment tools. It makes me think about how I think about my students. This work also made me think about different ways I could be assessing my children.

Again, doesn't apply to me as much as a media specialist, but I think it's important to simplify the process for all teachers.

I hope it will change PR's and give the administration some good ideas! I think that having everyone's voice in this process is so important.

Right now I am not contributing to progress reports in a valuable way. Today's work allowed us to create a model that incorporates specials teachers' comments in a meaningful and manageable way.

Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree

I will feel much better about communicating children's progress with their parents when I understand the reason behind the reporting structure and content.

Neutral Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Agree Agree

Great to share or learn what each grade/ age level feels is Important Although I am only an assistant, I feel like it will help me collect data to assist my lead in reports. I don't write progress reports (yet) but I would like to be helpful to my lead teachers and provide input. It helps to go through the process of thinking about what information is most valuable, and then to look for specific examples of students doing or not doing what is expected of them. The content of a learning team report may not fit the structure we laid out for a general report We are making progress with Progress Reports, which are a stressful two times a year. This is great! Media doesn't write progress reports I look forward to further converstations about content and design. I think that there is some great "thinking outside the box" going on Obviously an improved report will benefit me and the student AND the parents.

We will be able to sift through relevant and irrelevant (better choice of word important versus less important) information to present and communicate. I think its great that yall are taking our thoughts and ideas into consideration when brainstorming the next progress report format. I look forward to seeing what comes out of this meeting. Progress reports are an important part of my job. I will be be writing report cards next year and many years to come, I hope! So, I am excited about. He changes in the future! It will be helpful in writing assessments next trimester. The way we report information to our children and their parents is critical to their development and perhaps even how they view themselves in the future.

Neutral Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree

Keeping open mind while discussing ideas Although I do not personally write progress reports, these sessions have helped me to better understand our progress reports and the need for change. These meetings have really made me want the progress reports to go digital. I plan on using My Learning more often now to document our students work. I am sure there will be some benefits, but I can't see it at the moment. The improvement of relevant information about each student without getting "stuck in the weeds." P.R can be so overwhelming for both parents and teachers. Even as a learning specialist I would like to have more authentic meaningful reporting across grade levels so as to dovetail our communication I do think that getting everyone's ideas together about how a progress report would look in the future is going to be very helpful in making decisions for next year. Our group came up with several ideas that we feel would ideally be great, but we were

worried about logistics of the amount of work it would require. Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Collecting different ideas and concepts for progress reports With the background knowledge which we acquired from two brainstorm sessions, our grade level can get together and brainstorm what we would like to see in a progress report for kindergarten children. used for revised progress reports The progress report that was shown was in great excellence. I think it is important to continue these meetings, but I wish for more time.

I think each week with a different focus, it's been possible to build ideas that are related from the week before. It's logical and sequential, with small parts leading to the whole and visa versa. It look forward to future times to collaborate with ELD/ULD to collaborate on how progress reports might look in the future. Observing the other groups ideas widens my scope

3a. Check all that apply 3b. Please tell us anything else you want us to know. I would like there to It was very helpful! be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to Once this is figured out I would like to know the clear expectations for be a follow-up progress reports. Can't get over how tough this was to rethink... session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to I think it is beneficial to keep ELD sep. from ULD be a follow-up

session. I would like this session to be offered again.

Further thoughts about progress reports.

I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. When admin decides which way to go with reports I would like a training session I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to Thank you, Jill! be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like this Would like to see some plans for what we are thinking about changing session to be them to, then we can say what we like or what we would want to offered again. add/delete. I would like there to I would love to be part of a committee that works to change these be a follow-up reports. session. I would like there to I want to be kept informed on how Progress Reports will change for next be a follow-up year! session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. , continued discuss - maybe optional, but if you don't contribute, you can't complain! I would like there to My personality takes a hit when it is rec writing/progress report writing be a follow-up time. I become crabby. session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I look forward to looking at the other school's progress reports in your office... I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to Thank you Jill and I hope that we can help shape the progress reports be a follow-up for years to come. session. I would like this We are going to BE the change we want to SEE! session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to I can't wait to see other progress reports from other schools. Put them be a follow-up up soon Jill! Thanks for facilitating this! session. I would like this Great job, Jill! I feel very productive and inspired! session to be

offered again. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. a session that combines curriculum development with goals for the new progress report I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session.

I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to I am still wondering about the social emotional part and the way to be a follow-up report on this. Narrative seems the best way. I understand parents' session. desire to see how their children compare to the expectation, but I'm not sure how to best communicate it. I would like there to Thanks for hearing us that changes need to be made be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to Great discussions! be a follow-up session. Like you said, this process could go on and on, but I am excited to see what bubbles up from this collaborative work. I would like there to be a follow-up session. whatever the teachers need I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to I am so happy and grateful that a change will occur by next year! be a follow-up session. Thank you for embracing change! I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to I'm looking forward to seeing what progress reports at other be a follow-up independent schools in the area are like. I've taught in many school session. settings and written many different kinds of progress reports. Trinity's PR is by far the most narrative and thorough. I would like there to Thank you! be a follow-up session. I would like there to I think that assessment is very important to progress in any area of be a follow-up learning. Students need to understand where they are in their learning session. and how they can move forward. I would like there to Let's chat...is that okay. I have so many thoughts... be a follow-up session. I hope something helpful comes from this!

I would like there to be a follow-up session. big project. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I do hope that something good comes from all of this effort and time. Our last revision (years ago)wasn't very satisfying to those who spent hours coming up with suggestions and plans. They felt that they were not heard and the changes were not positive. I would like there to As a teacher and parent, I strongly believe that conferences are so be a follow-up much more informative and efficient than reading the P.R. Face to face session. conversation can get questions and concerns addressed right away and avoid the delay time in email responses or having to schedule follow up meetings. I would like there to Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinions. be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to n/a be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I think each grade It's wonderful that you are allowing the faculty to discuss a better way of level should meet reporting progress for our students. Thank you so very much! and brainstorm ideas appropriate for their grade level. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like this session to be offered again. I would like there to My wish is that action steps are taken from these meetings and that be a follow-up they are presented again to the faculty on the progress taken. I would session. like for the next follow-up lesson to include possible templates created on examples from our meetings and engage in a discussion based on what we see. I would like there to be a follow-up session. I would like there to be a follow-up session. The session was well presented, time was not wasted, and I liked working in a large and smaller groups, and best was when paired! Would have loved to have a brief verbal narration of each board presented by the group

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