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Quilliam Foundation:

instiutions for their security or prosperity. When many to an extent that is unmatched by any culture or system.

people reflect on the current situation they become Even the briefest glimpse into the flawed legal system of
despondent and feel that no course of action will make the UK reveals injustice, oppression and a system mired by
Whilst Europe was in the Dark Ages, its people subjugated
under the feudal system and by the church, the Arabian
any difference, hence becoming apathetic. However, if
we look to the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad
prejudice and confusion. Neither the honour nor the rights
of individuals are safeguarded in secular courts. Man-
Funded to destroy Islam
Peninsula flourished under the rule of Islam. The (saw) we are informed that this situation will remain for made law is only a catalyst for inequality and exploitation
first Islamic authority was established by the Prophet a certain period of time after which Allah (swt) will grant while the Shari’ah of Islam possesses the solutions to all of
Muhammad (saw) in Medina and within a couple of the believers victory. Some of these Hadith are highlighted society’s problems.
centuries a vast Islamic Empire existed, stretching from in our article on page 6. This victory has been promised to
the Mediterranean in the West to Central Asia in the East. those Muslims who hold fast to the rope of Allah and fulfil
This empire grew at a rate unlike any other and flourished their obligations, one of which is working collectively to
in every respect, bringing justice and prosperity to its implement the Shari’ah. This obligation is covered in our
citizens whilst great advancements were made in physics, ongoing series on Dawah.
astronomy, mathematics, medicine and chemistry.
Regardless of the situation we find ourselves in we must
Despite the fact that popular accounts of history suggest remain steadfast at all times and have Tawaqqul (reliance
that no scientific advances took place between the ancient and trust in Allah), by doing so we will Insh’Allah be
Greeks and European Renaissance, the period between rewarded with success in this life and the next.
the 9th and 13th Centuries marked the Golden Age of
Arab science under the Khilafah (Islamic State). In fact
Isaac Newton was not the first individual to study the
nature of light and its decomposition; it was Al-Hassan
Ibn Al- Haytham, a scientist born in AD 965 in what is
now Iraq. Al-Haytham is regarded as the first theoretical
NEWS The government recently announced that the ‘Quilliam
Foundation’ will receive £1 million of public funding,
in addition to the hundreds and thousands of pounds
physicist and father of the modern scientific method. they have already received from the Foreign Office and

Similarly mathematical principles such as Algebra and other departments, in order to combat and prevent so
Trigonometry were first devised by the Muslims in centres called radicalisation and violent extremism. The Quilliam
of learning throughout the Muslim world. Furthermore, Foundation, which has earned little or no trust among any
numerous historical accounts inform us that the citizens
of the Khilafah were protected and provided for, as
Wants Muslim in prison section of the Muslim community, is an organisation which
opposes the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. By
demonstrated by the fact that during the leadership of their own admission (on their official website) they believe
In January an innocent Muslim shop-attendant was arrested
Umar bin Abdul Aziz poverty had been eradicated.
ATHEISTS SEEK: and detained for displaying a poster advertising an event, that there is no obligation on the Muslims to rule and judge
which intended to highlight the impact of the military by the Shari’ah of Islam.
The success of the Khilafah ultimately originated from
the implementation of the Shari’ah (Islamic Law), which
regulated the affairs of the people and managed all their
Secular Dictatorship onslaught in Gaza. The poster contained the words ‘Israel is
a cancer’ and it is being claimed that criticizing Israel in this Moreover, while they claim that the American war
of independence was ‘jihad’, they consider Muslims
manner is ‘inciting racial hatred’, however paradoxically it
transactions, and the fact that the Shari’ah is equally A secular group, ‘Onelawforall’, would like to impose their defending themselves against British, American or
is accepted that calling any other government or country
applicable today is proving a source of inspiration to many own dogma upon the people of Britain and are campaigning Israeli occupation as acts of extremism or terrorism. They
‘a cancer’ would never be considered a racial statement.
Muslims in the 21st century. In recent times a number of for atheist laws to be implemented in all areas of society promote democracy, which by definition is the law of man,
Despite these facts the Jewish lobby in Britain wishes to
movements in countries such as Somalia and Afghanistan without any consideration to be given to religion. The made by man for the sake of man and oppose the idea of
make any critical comment against the pirate state of Israel
have arisen and implemented Islam in their locality as calls group strongly opposes the idea of Shari’ah law and have Shari’ah law in Britain or anywhere else, disregarding the
a criminal offence by claiming it is ‘anti-Semitic’.
for the Khilafah to return resonate throughout the Muslim a ‘No Shari’ah Campaign’ which is attempting to divert statement of Allah (swt) that
world. The last Islamic State was dismantled 85 years ago the Muslim community from referring to the Shari’ah of Unfortunately man-made law has been selectively applied
this month and our feature article examines the importance
of such an entity and the efforts of Muslims as they work
Islam to solve their disputes. Verily Allah sent the Shari’ah
as a mercy for all of mankind and made it compulsory
and manipulated in order to serve political interests,
particularly when seeking to imprison Muslims. There
The right of legislation
to revive the Khilafah. These efforts are being undermined
by western regimes in various different ways as the re-
upon every Muslim to refer to it in all spheres of life. Allah is no doubt the shop-attendant is innocent of any crime, is for none but Allah.
(swt) says: including anti-Semitism, and there is no shred of evidence [EMQ 12:40]
emergence of an Islamic State will pose a significant threat
to incriminate him. The reality though is that the British
to the future of Capitalism. No by your Lord! They are not believers until they refer to you courts and Jewish lobby do not need any evidence to
(i.e. Muhammad (saw) and the Shari’ah that was revealed to convince a western jury that a Muslim is guilty no matter
And, Rule and judge between them all by
The plight of the Muslim Ummah today is a direct him) in all of their disputes and then find no hardship in their whatever Allah revealed and do not follow their
how contrived the accusation may be.
consequence of not having a State which is governing
The Islamist Magazine

The Islamist Magazine

by Islam, as there is no authority that will come to the
hearts in your decision and they submit to it fully. desires (i.e. their own man-made law derived
[EMQ 4:65] The Muslim community should not be surprised by this
defence of the Muslims when our lands are occupied, from their own ration). [EMQ 5:49]
recent incident as Allah (swt) has already warned us of
our people killed, persecuted and oppressed. Nor is Moreover, Allah (swt) warns us that all other laws are what to expect from non-Muslims should they ever have
there any administration that will invest and develop the Maajid Nawaz, one of the founders of the organization, has
ignorance and oppression; the upper hand.
infrastructure that is needed for the Muslims to become recently attempted to deride Sayyid Qutb (rh). Despite the
self sufficient and no longer reliant upon international wealth of evidence to support the obligation of Tawheed
Do they seek the law of Jahiliyyah (Ignorance)? Who, besides Allah (swt) says,
in legislation and Jihad, which is known by necessity,
Allah, is the best for judgement for people of certainty?
Feel free to contact us via the following Nawaz accuses Sayyid Qutb (rh) of holding these views
[EMQ 5:50] If they were to get the better of you, for personal reasons.
methods: they would behave to you as enemies,
And, Whoever rules by other than what Allah has revealed, and stretch forth their hands and The Quilliam foundation wishes to distort history and
they are the oppressors. [EMQ 5:45]
Website: www.islamistmagazine.wordpress.com their tongues against you for evil: and divert the attention of Muslims away from their rich
2 Email: islamist@live.co.uk they desire that ye should disbelieve in heritage, it has no allegiance to Islam and is a mouthpiece 3
Indeed the rights of all men, women and children of every
Islam. [EMQ 60:2] of the British Government.
Contact Number: 07529 890 821 or 07985 312 382 age and religion are preserved in the Shari’ah of Islam
to the Shar’iah being actively applied in the provinces.
This was seen as the Taliban destroyed all opium/heroin Iraq


farms, stopped poppy cultivation, cut levels of crime
and destroyed all public idolatrous symbols such as the On Sunday 15th October 2006 the Muslims in Iraq declared
Bamyan Statues. the establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI); an
authority which is the voice for the majority of the 29 million
people that reside there. Considering the Americans have
150 000 soldiers stationed in the country trying to stop the
expansion of Islam, the formation of the ISI is a remarkable
feat. Indeed the victory is from none other than Allah
(swt). Some of the incredible statements from the Ministry
of Information stated “Ever since the state of the Ottoman
Caliphate collapsed, the Ummah has languished in the
hibernation of humiliation and (under) the control of the
secular governments.” After giving a beneficial reminder
the spokesperson gave the triumphant news of the ISI
“These are the glad tidings coming out from the Land
The Messenger Muhammad (saw) said My Ummah is a 5. “Carry it to the world”- there must be implementation
of the Two Rivers, the land of the Caliphates and from
blessed Ummah; you cannot distinguish if the goodness is of Islam outside the territory of the Islamic State i.e.
Baghdad the home of the Khilafah.”
in its beginning (first) or at its end (last). [Ibn Asakir] externally the foreign policy must either establish
treaties with neighbouring states or dispatch the
In 1996 a spokesman for the Taliban said “We want to live More than two years, on the provinces under the authority
Nations the world over are currently witnessing a armies to conquer and implement Islam
a life like the Prophet (saw) lived 1400 years ago… We and administration of the ISI, via a Regional Governor,
resurgence of Islam, as a result of which the nature of Islam,
want to recreate the time of the Prophet (saw)” (i.e. the are Diyala, Salahuddin, Kirkuk, Mosul, Anbar, Baghdad,
the miraculous Quran, Muhammad (saw), the Shar’iah When this litmus test is applied to Muslim countries, we
Model of Medina, the first ever Islamic State). Falluja and the province of the South. Each province is
and Jihad are all being discussed and debated at all levels see that all of them fail at the first hurdle, in fact the last time
further divided into sectors, which have a Head with a
throughout society, from the leaders of the world’s most this definition could be applied to anything tangible was the
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) said You must specific mandate of authority who supervises the military,
influential nations to the common man on the street. In to remnants of the Ottoman Empire, which was dismantled
follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly-guided security, media, intelligence, judicial, educational and
the last few years the world has witnessed the births of the 85 years ago on 3rd March 1924. The last Caliph, Abdul
caliphs. Hold on to it (like life and death) and stick fast to other religious affairs. The results of this structure,
Imaarah Khaassa (specific localised Islamic authority) in Majid II, was ousted by the Turkish nationalists (Ankara
it (don’t desert it). [Sunan Abu Dawood] which is designed to unify the Muslims under the banner
Afghanistan, Iraq and most recently in Somalia. One of the Assembly) backed by the British, a stark contrast from the
of Tawheed, is communicated effectively back to the
many Islamic proofs presented for this Wilayah Khaassa 16th century when the Ottoman Empire stretched from the
In late 2001 the American administration orchestrated a Governor who in turn reports back to the Ameer.
is based upon the authentic Prophetic narration, which Persian Gulf in the east to Hungary in the northwest; and
states What I have forbidden for you, avoid (totally). from Egypt in the south to the Caucasus in the north. military offensive in Afghanistan, on one of the poorest
countries in the world, during which they carpet bombed Allah (swt) has informed us in the Quran that
What I have ordered you (to do), do as much of it as you
can. [Saheeh Muslim] Some rationalists and pragmatists the country, reducing it to rubble. In response to the If the people of Imaan and Taqwaa fulfil his
may even question whether such a creation can exist? One
must stress that none of these authorities ever declared to
Imaarah Khaassa American offensive Mullah Omar (hf) said “Our system
is the true example of an Islamic system. For the enemies
commandments He will bless us with
the Barakah of the heavens and the earth by
be Dar-ul-Islam (Al-Khilafah). of religion (Islam) and our country, this system is like a opening it to us (i.e. Ahlul Tawheed). [EMQ 7:96]
The concept of Imaarah Khaassa has been a dagger in thorn in their eye and they are trying to destroy it under
the hearts of the disbelieveing nations, sadly though various pretexts.” Abdullah ibn Masood (ra) commented on this verse
To begin this discourse one needs to lay down an Islamic many Muslims do not comprehend the Fiqh (Islamic and said the Barakah is security, weather, food, crops,
working definition of Dar-ul-Islam: Jurisprudence) behind it. The lands under the authority of However, by the will of Allah (swt) the resurgence of the fruit, cattle, water, and all of this is conditional upon
the Imaarah Khaassa have been blessed by the Shari’ah, Taliban continues as they are winning over the Muslims implementing the Shar’iah.
Imam Qalqashandi [d. 700A.H.] in his book Kitab Al- bringing many bounties and blessings in a time when
Anafah Fi Ma’alim Al-Khilafah (The Supremacy and the living in Afghanistan, despite the fact they are being hunted
everything else seems to be capitulating. The success of by a 50 000 strong invading force, which will increase to 100 Some of the great accomplishments of the ISI to date are
Signs of the Khilafah) said it is “The highest and general the Shar’iah in those lands can be demonstrated to any 000 by the end of the year. The honesty and truthfulness listed below:
leadership for the Ummah to implement Islam and to objective spectator by comparing the situation before and
carry it to the world”. of their actions in the 90’s has given them credibility and
after the establishment of the Wilayah. a license to bring back security to Afghanistan, unlike the • Economically - the ISI provided fuel, food, aid and
allied and NATO forces who have brought nothing but medical help to all its citizens.
This comprehensive (Jami’) and restrictive (Ma’ni)
terror and mayhem. Today the country has a population • Educationally – the ISI ensured all of its citizens are
definition can be broken down into five main points:
well cultured with the pillars of Tawheed, Dawah,
1. “Highest and general” – this is termed as the Wilayah Afghanistan of 33 million, 99% of whom are Muslim. Many of the main
cities and provinces are embracing the call of Islam on an Jihad and Al-Wala Wal-Bara, as well as holding
seminars on many other Islamic topics.
Aammah as opposed to the Wilayah Khaassa, which authoritative level and have subsequently been witnessing
The Islamist Magazine

The Islamist Magazine

In the Indian subcontinent, after two decades of warfare the fruits of the Shar’iah once again. • Infrastructure - the ISI has been capable of rebuilding
could be the leader of a group, head of a family, tribe,
between the Soviets and then internal fighting between the bridges, roads, houses, telecommunication channels,
clan, the chair of a company or an organisation.
warlord fiefdoms, the sincere Taliban (students) arose in the Our beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw) said providing potable water and many other beneficial
early 90’s to defeat the bandits who supported corruption, services to the Ummah.
2. “Leadership”- this means the Caliph (Muslim Ruler)
brutality, incessant fighting, the epidemic rape and murder • Judicially – the ISI implemented only the Shar’iah in
must have the power to rule and must fulfil the six
obligatory conditions to be a Caliph (Muslim, Male, of girls and boys, and the mafia drug cartels operating in I can feel the Reeh (refreshing the courts and the Hudood (penal) system has also
Afghanistan. The Taliban had inherited an infrastructure been enacted with full support from the local Muslim
Mature, Sane, Free, Trustworthy)
and economy that was totally devastated, as the region cool breeze) all the way from tribes.
and its people were recovering from the ravages of war. • Militarily – the ISI has been able to build their military
3. “For the Ummah” – the authority must be in the hands
of the Muslims i.e. the Muslims are in control. There was no running water, little electricity, shortage Hind and their sign is the arsenal in order to combat the sophisticated military
of food, sparse housing, no formal system of education, technology of the occupying forces.
4. “To implement Islam” – Islam must be implemented and no transport network. Within a period of five years black flag. • Politically - the ISI set up a media wing to expose
4 in society as a law and order i.e. if the Caliph has no the country underwent a radical transformation, most of the conspiracies of the apostates and the invaders 5
Afghanistan’s 34 provinces saw peace and stability due [Imam Marzawee] and counter the propaganda being circulated by the
power/strength (Quwa) there will be no Khilafah.
media and internet.
• Socially – the ISI have provided financial help for Philippines (Islands of Jolo, Mindanao, Luzon and

Glad tidings


couples to get married countering the acceptance of Visavas) etc. However, the aforementioned projects
promiscuity under the regimes of the apostates Jalal should be differentiated from the misguided attempts to
Talabani and Nouri Al-Maliki. set up Islamic authorities within the secular framework,

Regarding the future, one of the Ministers of the ISI said

where two parallel systems run side by side, namely
secular courts and Shar’iah courts. These countries have for those who strive!
“The star of the State shines brighter day after day and a common thread of incorporating dual systems, which
its Sun which just rose has reached its early morn and it have come into existence via democratic processes and
is still rising to its zenith by the Will of Allah (swt)”. bills passed via legislature councils, introducing Islamic
laws gradually at a local level resulting in the partial
implementation of Islam. To mention a few for the record
Somalia we have the Aceh province in Indonesia, Kelantan in
Malaysia, the state of Zamfara in Nigeria, the island of
As decreed by the Almighty traditions of Allah (swt)
there will be times of ease and times of hardship. There
a village or in a city except that this Deen will enter it,
whether under somebody who is dignified and elevated
will be times when the Muslims have power, honour or via someone who is humiliated. Verily dignity is from
In the horn of Africa in Somalia, where the entire population Mindanao in the Philippines and the Southern provinces
and authority and there will be periods of weakness and Allah to Islam and humiliation is from Allah to the
of 9 million people are all Muslims, there has been no of Yala, Narathiwat and Pattani in Thailand.
suffering, as mentioned in the Quran Kuffar…’ [Tabarani]
formal government since a coup removed the secular Siad
Barre from power in 1991, leading to a total breakdown Then do you believe in a part of the The current suffering of the Muslims should not be a
And so are the days (good and not so good), we give
in law and order across most of the country for the last 18 Scripture and reject the rest? cause for us to despair and abandon hope; rather we
years. Civil war, looting, violence, slavery, rape, killings, to men by turns, that Allah may test those who
[EMQ 2:85] should be motivated by the example of the Sahabah and
drug use and fear of attacks by marauding gangs of armed believe… [EMQ 3:140] endeavour to emulate the first generation of Muslims.
men became a normal part of every day life. All of this was
reversed by the will of Allah (swt) when early last year a
group known as the Shabab (young students) of Shar’iah
The Future is Bright The Muslim world is in a perilous state as the enemies
of Islam continue to violate the sanctity of the Muslims So do not become weak, nor be sad and you will
arose and took control of the port cities of Kismayo, Marka on mass (i.e. Camp x-ray, Burma, Gaza, Philippines, be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true)
The political landscape in the Muslim world is Thailand, Uzbekistan etc.) When reflecting upon such a believers. [EMQ 3:139]
and chunks of Mogadishu in Southern Somali. undoubtedly changing as efforts are underway to ensure distressing situation many Muslims become disheartened
the commandment; judgement and ruling are all under and their Imaan (conviction in Islam) weakens, they lose In a time of weakness when our lands are occupied by
The Shabab implemented the Shar’iah of Allah (swt) on a the supremacy of Allah (swt). Such efforts are culminating
political level and the people witnessed peace and justice, hope and adopt a defeatist mentality as they can see no the disbelievers and apostates, who are also working
in the fulfilment of divine Prophecies, such as when means by which the suffering and humiliation can be tirelessly for the destruction of Islam and Muslims, we
levels of crime began to fall, residents were no longer scared Muhammad (saw) said: “The Prophethood (i.e. Muhammad
to go about their day to day chores and businesses could stopped. the Ummah have a divine responsibility to liberate our
(saw)) will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it lands by supporting the Jihad, establishing the Islamic
operate knowing they did not need to pay illegal taxes to to remain, then Allah will raise it up whenever he wills
warlords or pirates. This Islamic ambition and bravado This was not the attitude of the Muslims of the past; they Caliphate and working towards the domination of Islam
to raise it up. Then there will be a Caliphate that follows did not view their state of weakness and lack of strength throughout the world. We should make the promises of
should not be under estimated because at the same time the the guidance of Prophethood remaining with you for as
Shabab were engaged in removing the foreign occupiers – as a reason for not striving and exhausting utmost effort victory our source of inspiration, prompting us to work
long as Allah wills it to remain, then He will raise it up in order to gain the victory for Islam. In fact it was during towards the noble mission of the Prophet of Allah (swt),
a 3000 plus strong Ethiopian army (backed by USA) and whenever He wills to raise it up. Then there will be a reign
an equivalent amount of African Union (AU) troops. periods of weakness; insecurity and severe suffering for Allah (swt) explained to us
of a biting monarchy rule and it will remain with you for that the Muslims excelled by making Islam prevail.
as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, there will be a The driving force that enabled them to achieve some of
Sheikh Mukhtar when interviewed in 2008 said “Our reign of dictatorial tyrannical rule and it will remain for It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance
objectives, by the grace of Allah (swt), are to see the the greatest victories in the history of mankind was the and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it superior
as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, Allah will raise level of Imaan that they carried. Their level of trust in
return of the Islamic Caliphate, the last of which was the it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Then, there will be over all other religions (ways of life like Capitalism,
Ottoman Empire that collapsed in the 1920s. We want Allah (swt) and their belief in the glad tidings of victory
a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood”. promised by Allah (swt) was sufficient for them. Communism, Socialism, Anarchism etc.) even
to bring that system back and govern the world with Then the Prophet (saw) remained silent. [Musnad of Imam
Allah (swt) laws.” there is no doubt that these brothers though the disbelievers hate (it). [EMQ 9:33]
Ahmad ibn Hanbal] The Sahabah (ra) were aware of the plots of the disbelievers
and sisters and sisters are trying hard to fulfil the narration
that says: and the promise of victory from Allah (swt), for Allah The greatest weapon at our disposal to achieve this noble
We are clearly in the era of dictatorial tyranny just before the (swt) foretold us that victory is not our physical strength or sheer numbers, nor
final stage mentioned in the Hadith, when an Islamic empire is it our military capability, rather it is the pure Imaan,
The land has a right over you and (Caliphate) will be established with the stamp of approval from which emanate the correct actions; the proof for this
of Muhammad (saw). The enemies of Islam understand They intend to put out the Light of Allah (the
that right is to hear the name statement is when 313 poorly equipped Muslims defeated
this more than some so called scholars, for instance in a divine religion of Islam) with their mouths.
of Allah (swt) (i.e. Islam being the 1000 strong Meccans in the battle of Badr.
speech in 2007 by the new Pharaoh of our time, Obama But Allah will complete His Light even though
implemented). of America said “terrorists are at war with us” linking the disbelievers hate (it). [EMQ 61:8] Allah has promised those among you who believe
The Islamist Magazine

The Islamist Magazine

this with “seeking to create  a repressive Caliphate in
Also the noble Messenger Muhammad (saw) was granted the Muslim world”. Muslims are not intimidated by such and do righteous good deeds (recommended and
five things that no other Prophet had been given and one Allah (swt) has guaranteed victory for the believers in the
feeble remarks; rather we should jump onto the caravans form that the Deen (divine way of life - Islam) will be obligatory actions), that He will certainly grant
of them was that the whole earth is a place of prayer for of revival to fulfill this noble duty of working towards the
you (i.e. the Ummah). [Saheeh Bukhari] established and dominate the whole world. Our beloved them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth,
Amarah Aammah (Al-Khilafah) on the Minhaaj (method) Prophet Muhammad (saw) said Bring glad tidings to this as He granted it to those before them and that He
of the Prophet (saw) and his courageous companions (ra) Ummah; she will have the power, the pride, the Deen, the
to ensure that the Muslims can do Sujood in all corners of i.e. the blueprint from Mecca to Medina. will grant them the authority to practise their
the globe one must rid the earth of all manmade laws. victory and the authority on earth. So he who worked to
reap the rewards in this life rather than in the hereafter religion, that which He has chosen for them (Islam).
The Imam of all the prophets, Muhammad (saw) said: he would have no reward in the hereafter. [Musnad of He will surely give them in exchange a safe security
Counterfeit Countries “Verily, Allah folded the earth for me, so much so that I
saw its East and its West: The kingdom of my Ummah
Imam Ahmad] after their fear (provided) they (true believers)
worship Me and do not associate anything (in
will reach as far as the earth was folded for me. The two In another authentic narration the Messenger Muhammad
Similar calls and aspirations have been echoed throughout worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after
6 treasures, both the red (gold) and the white (silver) were (saw) said ‘…This Deen is going to reach wherever the 7
the international arena, in countries such as Bangladesh, given to me.” [Saheeh Muslim] day and night reach and Allah has left out no house in this, they are the rebellious. [EMQ 24:55]
Chechnya, Dagestan, Kashmir, Uzbekistan and Southern
Working to establish the Khilafah (Islamic State)

The Messenger (saw) was sent by Allah (swt) to establish presented as a comprehensive system of governance,
Izhaar-Ud-Deen – Domination of Islam over all other which regulates all aspects of society and the concept
religions and ways of life. of establishing an Islamic State is never discussed or
Allah (swt) says It is He who sent his Messenger with the truth
and guidance so that it may prevail over all the ways of life, When the last remnants of the Khilafah (Islamic State)
even if the mushrikoon detest it. [EMQ 9:33] were destroyed on the 3rd of March 1924, the Muslims
were obliged to re -establish the Khilafah within a time
This was the mission ordained for the Messenger (saw) period of three days and two nights. This duty in its
for which He (saw) struggled and exhausted utmost origin is Fard Al-Kifaayah – a compulsory duty ordered
effort, until the society of Jahiliyyah (Kufr and ignorance) upon Muslims in general but which can be fulfilled by a
was transformed to a society of Imaan. Taking into sufficient number of Muslims who possess the capability
consideration that when Allah (swt) addressed the to fulfil the task. Those who undertake this duty are free
Messenger Muhammad (saw) He (swt) is also addressing from sin but the burden will remain upon them until the
the Muslims, we must adopt the same mission. Fard has been accomplished i.e. to appoint a Khalifah. As
for those who do not engage immediately in the task, the
Allah (swt) says And whatsoever the Messenger gives burden will remain upon them but they will not become
you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain sinful for not working to appoint a Khalifah unless the
(from it), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in duty has not been fulfilled within 3 days by those who
punishment. [EMQ 59:7] originally tried to fulfil the task and thereafter they did not
rise to engage in the task as well.
There are three distinct and indisputable milestones that
summarise the mission of the Prophet (saw), which every Before the 2nd Caliph of Islam, Umar (ra) passed away he
Muslim must be aware of and understand as they carry nominated six of the greatest companions of the Messenger
certain rulings in Islam. These milestones can also be used (saw) who were all promised Paradise during their
as a gauge enabling us to determine who is really working lifetime and instructed them to appoint the next Khalifah.
for the Deen. They were – Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra), Uthman bin A’ffan (ra),
Abdul Rahman ibn A’wf (ra), Sa’ad bin abi Waqqaas (ra),
Milestone one: The Messenger (saw) established an Zubair bin ‘Awaam (ra) and Talha bin U’baidullah (ra). He
Islamic State (Daar-ul-Islam). He (saw) devised plans and gave them three days and two nights to decide and said
strategies in order to remove the authority of Kufr and if anyone rejects the decision after a Khalifah had been
establish the sovereignty of Allah (swt). This was achieved selected strike his neck. “Do not let the fourth day come
when He (saw) gained power in Medina and implemented without you having a leader over you”. [At-Tabaqaat by
the Shar’iah. Ibn Sa’ad 3/3v4]. All the other companions consented to
this hence this constitutes Ijma As-Sahaba (a consensus of
Milestone two: The Messenger (saw) had a unique the companions of the Prophet) on the matter.
manhaj (methodology) for the mission. Allah (swt) tells us
that the Prophet does not act from his own desires and The time limit for establishing the Khilafah has long
commands us to follow Him (saw) in everything; this expired; the world has witnessed over 85 years without
methodology is therefore Wahi (revelation) for us and must the Shari’ah being implemented on State level. The Fard
be followed by all who are working to fulfil this mission Al-Kifaayah has now transformed to become Fard Al-
and gain the pleasure of Allah (swt). Whosoever follows Muhattam – which means that it is an obligation upon
a method other than that of the Prophet has deviated and every single sane, mature and capable Muslim around the
will never reach his goal i.e. the pleasure of Allah (SWT). world to engage in a collective effort in order to remove
the sin and burden upon their necks. Hence joining a
Milestone three: The Messenger of Allah (swt) group that engages upon this duty becomes Fard upon the
embarked on the mission collectively as a Jama’ah with his individual. If no group exists the individual is obliged to
companions (ra). This matter becomes clear when we study form a group in order to perform this duty.
The Islamist Magazine

the verified Seerah (biography) of the Messenger (saw) and

understand the sacrifice and struggle of the companions, The significance of this duty cannot be emphasized
as they embarked on an organised campaign to change the enough! The Khilafah has been called the ‘mother
law and order, under the guidance of Messenger (saw). of all Faraaid` (obligations)’ and is termed ‘Fard-Al-
Rising as a group (Jama’ah) is consequently a divine pre- Asaasi’ (a root obligation). This means that many of the
requisite to removing kufr law and order and to establish Waijibaat (obligations) commanded by Allah (swt) such
in its place an Islamic State. as implementing the Shari’ah, establishing Tawheed and
eliminating Shirk, unifying the Ummah, establishing
Many groups and individuals claim they are working the Salaah, collecting the Zakaah, implementing the
for the implementation of Islam but restrict the areas in penal and other systems etc cannot be accomplished
which they work, for example, many organisations only comprehensively, as they are dependant upon the ‘root’
focus on teaching individuals how to perform specific acts i.e. the Khilafah. Only when the Khilafah is established can
8 of worship, in turn promoting Islam in a secular manner, we implement Islam in it’s entirety as commanded by the
whilst others focus solely on establishing charitable Lord of the Heavens and Earth.
organisations, and fundraising campaigns. Islam is rarely

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