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Advance Information
To Be Released Multiple Perspectives on Meaningful Coincidence
in the UK:
November 1st, 2008 Ed: Lance Storm

ISBN 978-88-95604-02-2
210 x 150 mm ~ 352 pp ~ £13.99 pb

 Connecting the meanings of our inner life to the outer world.

Synchronicities or “meaningful coincidences” represent one of Carl Jung’s most
exciting, controversial and far-reaching ideas. When our inner world of dreams and
fantasies suddenly connect to events in the outer world it can herald a major turn-
ing point in our lives. The book brings together the key articles on synchronicity
written by leaders in the field of parapsychology and Jungian psychology, as well
as new chapters specially produced for this volume. Synchronicity will be an invalu-
able reference for all those interested in Jungian ideas, parapsychology, the limits
to consciousness and the mysterious nature of our inner worlds.

The book explores the nature of

synchronicities from a wide variety of This collection includes:
perspectives including science, religion, extra-sensory perception and · Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung-
psychokinesis. It investigates the role of the archetypes, the limits to Divine contenders
scientific causality and the way in which synchronicities can open a · Religion, science and synchronicity
door into the numinous and speak to the unification of humanity and · Synchronicity, and the I Ching
the world. Synchronicity also reveals how we have forgotten our inter-
· The limits to causality
connectedness to the cosmos at the expense of our desire for limited
and reductionist explanations. · Psi and parapsychology
· Archetypes and meaning
Contributions by psychologists, parapsychologists, psychiatrists, · Virtual realities and the Self
physicists, philosophers and information theorists including Victor
Mansfield, Joseph Cambray, John Beloff, F. David Peat, Marialuisa
Donati, Lila L. Gatlin, Roderick Main, Shantena Sabbadini.

Lance Storm, Ph.D., is Research Fellow in psychology at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He has published
dozens of articles in prestigious journals such as Psychological Bulletin, the Journal of Parapsychology, Journal of
Scientific Exploration and the Jungian journal Quadrant. His books include The Survival of Human Consciousness,
Parapsychology in the Twenty-First Century and The Enigma of Numbers.

Psychology/Parapsychology/New Age


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