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Ravi Vernekar - 4th SEM Vikram Korlahalli - 4th SEM

Guide:- Mr. Anand Shivpuji

Dept of mechanical Engg, B.V.B.C.E.T, Hubli

Abstract: The concept of generation of energy from antimatter as a non-conventional

source of energy is a hot concept that is being stressed in developed nations since the present sources of energy and power generation will be completely exhausted in another 100 years or so. This paper deals with the feasibility of using antimatter as a potential source of energy in future. A significant amount of R&D has taken place in USA and EUROPE, more specifically through organizations like CERN and Fermi lab. Antimatter is one of the best sources of energy ever known, even though the present day technology is not that developed. Serious work should be carried in this field so that this technology becomes feasible in the future. This paper, from efficiency point of view expresses thoughts towards the pros and cons of adopting Antimatter as a source of energy.

Keywords: Anti matter, anti proton decelerator, antineutron, positron, anti proton, CERN,
Fermi lab,

An interesting thing that has been discovered about matter particles is that each one has a corresponding antiparticle. The term "anti" may be a bit decieving, as it is still real matter. The only difference between a particle and it's antiparticle is that an antiparticle has the opposite electrical charge.

Matter-antimatter interaction produces more energy per unit mass than any othermeans of energy production. For example, proton-antiproton annihilation releases 275 times more energy in the form of kinetic energy of charged particles than nuclear fission or DT fusion. This energy is released by simple contact of anti-matter with matter so that, in principle, no ignition energy is required to start the reaction. It is therefore not surprising that the concept of using antimatter as an energy source has been in scientific literature for decades This article focuses on the History of anti-particles, its production and storage,. The applications of the anti-matter in different fields. The main focus would be on the anit-matter as a potential source of energy meeting all the energy demands of the world. We are going to deal with its economic prospective and the many 3

drawbacks concerned with it. we are going present even the remedial measures to sustain anti-matter as a source of energy, in the future.

Antimatter History and Related Work:

The history of antimatter begins in 1928 with a young physicist named Paul Dirac and a strange mathematical equation... The equation, in some way, predicted the existence of an antiworld identical to ours but made out of antimatter. Was this possible? if so, where and how could we search for antimatter?

From 1928 to 1995 1928: The beginning

the history of antimatter begins with a young physicist named Paul Dirac and the strange implications of a mathematical equation... It was the beginning of the 20th century, an exciting time when the very foundations of physics were shaken by the appearance of two important new theories: relativity and quantum mechanics. In 1905 Albert Einstein unveiled his theory of Special Relativity, explaining the relationship between space and time, and between energy and mass in his famous equation E=mc2. Meanwhile experiments had revealed that light sometimes behaved as a wave, but other times behaved as if it were a stream of tiny particles. Max Planck proposed that each light wave must come in a little packet, which he called a "quantum": this way light was not just a wave or just a particle, but a bit of both.

By the 1920s, physicists were trying to apply the same concept to the atom and its constituents, and by the end of the decade Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg had invented the new quantum theory of physics. The only problem now was that quantum theory was not relativistic - meaning the quantum description worked only for particles moving slowly, and not for those at high (or "relativistic") velocity, close to the speed of light. In 1928, Paul Dirac solved the problem: he wrote down an equation, which combined quantum theory and special relativity, to describe the behaviour of the electron. Dirac's equation won him a Nobel Prize in 1933, but also posed another problem: just as the equation x2=4 can have two possible solutions (x=2 OR x=-2), so Dirac's equation could have two solutions, one for an electron with positive energy, and one for an electron with negative energy. But in classical physics (and common sense!), the energy of a particle must always be a positive number! Dirac interpreted this to mean that for every particle that exists there is a corresponding antiparticle, exactly matching the particle but with opposite charge. For the electron, for instance, there should be an "antielectron" identical in every way but with a positive electric charge. In his Nobel Lecture, Dirac speculated on the existence of a completely new Universe made out of antimatter!

Sources of anti-matter: 1) Comets

Scientists have discovered that comets are natural sources of antimatter

As comets approach the sun, comets develop a coma around the nucleus and tails that bend in the direction of the solar wind. The picture of Halley's comet (center) shows solar dust particles blasting antimatter off the comet's surface.. The matter and antimatter annihilations creates gamma-rays, x-rays, and light. The annihilation energy is billions of times more than the sunlight reflecting off the comet's nucleus.

2) Anti-Proton Decelerator (AD):

Before being delivered to the various physics experiments, antiproton must be isolated, collected and stored in order to tune their energy to the appropriate level. The first "self-contained antiproton factory", the Antiproton Decelerator (or AD), is operational at CERN . It will produce the low energy antiprotons needed for a range of studies, including the synthesis of antihydrogen atoms - the creation of antimatter.

Production of Anti-Particles:
The Antiproton Decelerator is a very special machine compared to what already exists at CERN and other laboratories around the world. So far, an "antiparticle factory" consisted of a chain of several accelerators, each one performing one of the

steps needed to produce antiparticles. The CERN antiproton complex is a very good example of this. The AD ring is an approximate circle with a circumference of 188 m. It consists of a vacuum pipe surrounded by a long sequence of vacuum pumps, magnets, radio-frequency cavities, high voltage instruments and electronic circuits. Each of these pieces has its specific function: Antiprotons circulate inside the vacuum pipe in order to avoid contact with normal matter (like air molecules), and annihilate. The vacuum must be optimal, therefore several vacuum pumps, which extract air, are placed around the pipe. Magnets as well are placed all around. There are two types of magnets: the dipoles (which have a North and a South pole, like the well-known horseshoe magnet) serve to change the direction of movement and make sure the particles stay within their circular track. They are also called "bending magnets.

Antiparticles have to be created from energy (remember: E = mc2). This energy is obtained with protons that have been previously accelerated in the PS. These protons are smashed into a block of metal, called a target. Then, the abrupt stopping of such energetic particles releases a huge amount of energy into a small volume, heating it up to such temperatures that matterantimatter particles are spontaneously created In about one collision out of a million, an antiproton-proton pair is formed. But given the fact that about 10 trillion protons hit the target (about once per minute), this still makes a good 10 million antiprotons heading towards the AD. 7

Two methods have been invented: 'stochastic' and 'electron cooling'. Stochastic (or 'random') cooling works best at high speeds (around the speed of light, c), and electron cooling works better at low speed (still fast, but only 10-30 % of c). Their goal is to decrease energy spread and transverse oscillations of the antiproton beam. Finally, when the antiparticles speed is down to about 10% of the speed of light, the antiprotons squeezed group (called a "bunch") is ready to be ejected. One "deceleration cycle" is over: it has lasted about one minute.

Applications The AD experiments

1) Three experiments are installed in the Antiproton Decelerator's experimental Antiprotons"; ATHENA "Antihydrogen Production and Precision Experiments" and ATRAP "Cold Antihydrogen for Precise Laser Spectroscopy". 2) There are several different uses for antimatter, the main one being for medical diagnostics where positrons are used to help identify different diseases with the Positron Emission Tomography (or PET scan). 3) However, if you had a gram of antimatter, you could drive your car for about 100.000 years! The military use of antimatter has the same limitations as spaceship propulsion: both would require a huge amount of antimatter, taking million of years to produce. 8 hall: ASACUSA Atomic Spectroscopy and Collisions using Slow

Antimatter as a source of energy

In the future, antimatter will be the major source of energy. Antimatter facilities will be processing into energy sources. A metric ton can produce all the electricity power for the entire world for one year. Today, the world relies heavy on chemical, hydropower, and nuclear fuels for sources of energy. Although society could not exist today without them, there are various problems.

Electricity from hydropower plants is provided to more than 1 billion people. Nuclear Energy is a better source of energy; but it produces tremendous waste steams of radioactive products. The waste streams should be recycled and put back into the reactors and used for fuel.

Antimatter verses Coal Power Plants

Antimatter has significant advantages over coal. A 100 Mw Antimatter Power Plant generates 876,000 million-watt hours (MWh) of electricity and uses only 20 grams of antimatter (mass of four nickels) and a similar quantity of matter. A 1,000 Mw Antimatter Power Plant generates 8.76 million MWh of electricity and needs 200 grams of antimatter (mass of roll of 40 nickels) and a similar amount of matter. The plants are estimated to have an 88 percent efficiency.

Waste products from 100 MW coal power plant.

Thousands of Waste Products Carbon Dioxide Metric Tons 100 MW Plant 876 Millions of Metric Tons 1,000 MW Plant 8.76 9

Coal Combustion Residues - Fly Ash - Bottom Ash - Boiler Slag Total

25 6 15 54 976

0.25 0.06 0.15 0.54 9.76

Anti matter versus Electrical Power World Net Generation of Electrical Power According to the International Energy Annual 2000: Electricity, the world generated 14,617 billion kilowatt hours of electricity from coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric and other sources. The table shows the energy sources compared with antimatter energy.

World net generation of power


Energy Source North America Western Europe Asia & Oceania Total

Coal, Oil & Natural Gas 2,997.1 1,365.4 2,949.2 9,318.5

Hydro, Nuclear, Geo, & Other 1,587.0 1,481.7 1,036.5 5,298.6 Net Generation 4,584.1 2,847.1 3,985.7 14,617.1

Antimatter (Kilograms) 104.9 65.1 91.2 334.4

As countries obtain access to economical sources of energy, their economies will blossom. Antimatter energy will bring every them into 21st century without destroying our environment. Countries will make products from coal, oil, and natural gas rather than burn the chemicals and pollute our environment.

World's Gross Time Today 50 years 100 years National Product (GNP) $30 trillion $300 trillion $3,000 trillion

Space Exploration and Colonization

Total Gross National Product

$20 trillion $1,500 trillion

$320 trillion $4,500 trillion

In 100 years, space exploration and colonization will contribution an additional $1,500 trillion increasing the Total Gross National Product to $4,500 trillion. Although the economic opportunities are measured in thousands of trillions of dollars, the real benefits will come from billions of people being able to live out their dreams to make the world a better place to live. Billions of new jobs will be created. 11

The biggest drawback of the production of energy from anti matter is the cost of production it self. Just to produce a few grams of anti matter it costs around millions of dollars. The next problem concerning the anti matter is its storage, as the container which is used to store the anti matter has the ability to annihilate with anti matter since antimatter quickly annihilates with matter within a time range of 10 -12 sec. Under todays technology the production of energy from antimatter has efficiency as less as 0.0000001%.

To bring down the cost of production and research work from the present scenario. We need form consortium of nations to carry joint development in research and production since the project costs around trillions of dollars. Antiparticles have either a positive or a negative electrical charge, so they can be stored in what we call a trap which has the appropriate configuration of electrical and magnetic fields to keep them confined in a small place Anti atoms are electrically neutral, but they have magnetic


proprieties that can be used to keep them in "magnetic bottles". To develop the present technology through rigorous R&D in this field to make it a commercially viable source of energy.

In this paper we have reviewed the recent progress in the field of anti matter being used as a non conventional source of energy in future. Anti matter is a fast catching concept so there is a need to concentrate in this field since this can become one of the major sources of energy in future if not the only.

We have referred the following websites and books:

www.AntimatterEnergy.com www.matter-antimatter.com www.cern.org


Halliday Resnick: Fundamentals of Physics C.M.Surko: Emerging science and Technology of antimatter plasmas

D.L.Morgan and V.W.Hugues: Atomic processes involved in antimatter annihilation

B.Autin: The CERN antiproton collector Yu.D.Prokoshkin:Particles of antimatter N.A. Vlasov: Annilhilation as an energy process

We wish to acknowledge Mr. Anand Shivpuji, Dept of Mechanical Engg. B.V.B.C.E.T. Hubli for his valuable guidance without which this paper wouldnt have been possible.


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