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March/April 2013

Together as a community, we determined that gathering is important to us as a congregation. Thats how it became a part of our mission statement Gathering in grace, growing in faith, going forth to serve. Its that first part of the mission statement that we are dedicating ourselves to this year. We ask questions of how we gather and what gathering in grace means. And as we approach the end of Lent and find ourselves ushered into Holy Week, we find gathering takes on a new meaning. We read in Scripture the story of Jesus gathering with his closest friends for one last meal. Its in this moment that Jesus washes his disciples feet. They share in bread and wine together, gathered at one table. On Friday, as Jesus is led to the cross where he is hung to die, people gather at the foot of the cross. Spectators, guards, and close friends stand on the hill watching waiting. Some people who are gathered mock him; others weep. And still, once more, on Easter Sunday there are gatherings. The disciples gather in disbelief and fear while the women travel to the tomb, still mourning and grieving the death of their beloved, Jesus. Little do they know that they will find the stone rolled away and Jesus no longer dead. Once more, we will gather at the Lords table on Maundy Thursday. We will stand beneath the cross on Good Friday, and we will go to the tomb on Easter Sunday only to find it empty. Someone once asked a pastor why a church needs a mission statement. That pastor responded, Because there is so much to do in the world. A mission statement helps focus us and our ministry. Weve committed to being passionate about and committed to gathering. What will that mean for you and your neighbors this coming Holy Week? Will you join us in gathering at the table, the cross and the empty tomb? Easter blessings, Pastor Lindsay

Red Oak Grove Church Council Minutes February 11, 2013

The Church Council of Red Oak Grove met on February 11 with the following members present: Diane Maxwell, Bill Maxwell, Angie Wagaman, Larry Helgeson, Marilyn Ulland, Gary Ulland, Scott Basness, Bob Kittelson, Pastor Lindsay, Dean Christianson and Ardell Swenson. Diane called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Everyone introduced themselves. Devotions were given by Pastor Lindsay and were readings of gatherings from the Bible. Pastors Report: Ash Wednesday service will be at 7 p.m. Lenten services will start with a supper at 5:30 p.m. and our worship service at 6:45 p.m. A cross was found in a store room. We want to use it in our Wednesday night services. It does need a stand. Confirmation students will start being acolytes and help with our worship services. On February 24th a Gideon representative will be here and guests from Luther College will help with worship. They will also have a mini camp for Sunday School time. The Luther kids will be here on Saturday night and need a place to stay. If you can help with the housing of these students, please let Pastor Lindsay know. Supernight lock-in for middle school and high schoolers will be in Rochester on February 22. We will be going with a group from First Lutheran. We are on Facebook and we encourage you to like Red Oak Grove to get news, stories, announcements and all things pertaining to the church. We will be using money donated to purchase a projector that can be used throughout the church. A Bible Study on the book of Revelations is starting on February 17th. Nine visits were made and a service at Prairie Manor was done. Secretarys Report: None Treasurers Report: A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the report. WELCA Report: The annual Strawberry Festival will be June 11, 2013. Deacons Report: Good Earth Village Camp information is out. We are meeting with parents to discuss upcoming events like Supernight lock-in and Day Camp. Youth will continue to serve coffee on the last Sunday of the month. It was decided not to do the 4th of July pop sales. We talked about a church camp out. Trustees Report: The furnace was fixed. The water froze up outside the south door of the church. A cover need to be built in the Spring over this well and a switch needs to be replaced. A question was asked when the carpet will be finished. Shads been very busy with his job lately. Old Business: Council will serve a breakfast after the worship service on February 17th. The question concerning replacing Communion Cards with cards that include prayer concerns, visits, etc. was tabled. A motion was made, seconded and passed to give the money from the Lenten Coin Folders to the food shelves in Austin and Owatonna. New Business: Mission Statement Initiatives How we already gather in grace, how we can continue to gather in grace and how do we know if we are successful? Boy Scouts have asked to meet at the church. Motion made, seconded and passed to let them do this. We have a Memorial Fund. A motion was made, seconded and passed that any memorial money given not otherwise designated will go into this fund. Information on Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch was presented by Angie. A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. We closed with the Lords Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Ulland, Deacon 2

Dear members of the Red Oak Grove Church Thanks so much for the generous donation of hats, gloves and socks to our school! The students and staff at the Blooming Prairie Elementary School thank you! Sincerely, Kay Zellmer, School Nurse A thank you to WELCA for the pretty flowers and to all who sent cards, made phone calls or gave gifts for my 90th birthday. Thank you very much. It was all appreciated. Arlene Bonnes Our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all our relatives, friends and neighbors for the flowers, food, cards of sympathy, memorials, or just a hug given at the time of the loss of my husband, our dad, and papa, Mark Zipse. A special thanks to Pastor Lindsay Stolen, Laura Tjomsland, the military guard from American Legion Post 52 and VFW Post 878 of Blooming Prairie, ladies of the church, Austin Mayo Health Hospice care and Worleins Funeral Home. The love and support we received was greatly appreciated. It was such a comfort to know so many people share our loss. Gods blessings to you all, Carolyn Zipse, Katie Zipse and John Haberman, Anna and Lacey, Kristina and Richard Ferguson, Tyler, Jessica, Justin and Tiffany and Robert Zipse. The Gideons of Austin and the Gideons International sincerely thank the members of Red Oak Grove for their generous donation of $809.00. Are you on Facebook? Red Oak Grove is! Search for roglutheran on your home page and you should find us! Like our facebook page for news, stories, announcements and all things Red Oak Grove.

During Lent we are doing a Baskets of Promise project. Items needed are combs, toothbrushes, 4-5 oz. bars of soap in wrappers, bath towels 52 x 27 and nail clippers. All items must be NEW! Items can be placed in the basket in the narthex. Join us in assembling the kits after worship on March 24th (Palm Sunday)! Quilting will resume on Monday, March 18th from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Are you in the market for a new Bible? A few people have approached Pastor Lindsay asking about Bibles that are available. One Bible out there is the Lutheran Study Bible. Heres what the website says about it: Lutheran Study Bible features the NRSV translation as well as introductions, notes, and articles written by over sixty Lutheran pastors and teaching theologians. This resource is designed to invite readers to experience the Bible and its message through solid background material, unique Lutheran insights, and opportunities for faith reflection. Reader-friendly, inviting, and engaging, this is the perfect study Bible for both youth and adults who want to encounter Scripture in a fresh and new way! If you are interested in purchasing a paperback Lutheran Study Bible, please call the office or sign up on the south bulletin board. If nine people or less sign up, the Bible will cost $25. If more than ten people sign up, the Bible will cost $19. We will place a group order on April 2nd. Please sign up before that date if youre interested! [Talk to Pastor Lindsay if you want to see a copy of this Bible prior to ordering!] Thrivent Members Time is running out to direct 2012 Choice Dollars. The deadline to direct 2012 Choice Dollars is March 31st.

The Annual Meeting of the Red Oak Grove Cemetery Board will be held on Monday, April 1st at 1 p.m. in the Fellowship Room. Everyone is invited to attend. Financial Report 2-28-13 General Fund Balance Youth Fund Balance Parsonage Roof Fund $18,191.47 2,453.39 2,754.01

Pastoral Acts: Funerals

Kelly Deike Arnold Bergstrom Mark Zipse Carole DuMond Lyle Hanson

1-2-13 1-22-13 2-23-13 2-27-13 2-28-13

HOP the ROG Frog

Have you met Marilyn, aka Mrs. Blume, aka administrative assistant for Red Oak Grove? She works in the office three days a week Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 8am 2pm. I like to hang out with her when shes there but I have to be careful around office supplies. I once got caught in the folding machine when Marilyn was printing the weekly worship bulletin. It was messy and, quite honestly, it hurt. Marilyn is also key to keeping parish information about members and finances, and she helps print this awesome publication. You can call her while shes in the office to let her know if you move or ask her questions about whats going on in the church. Three hops for Marilyn and all she does for Red Oak Grove!

Good Earth Village: Are you heading to camp at GEV this summer? If you are, please register and pay the deposit to the camp. Next, if you are interested in receiving scholarship money to attend camp [which we would LOVE to give you!], please call the church office or email us to let us know youre registered! Camp is such a great faith experience; please consider making it a part of your summer!

Save the Date Vacation Bible School will be held at First Lutheran from June 3rd to June 6th. This is for children ages 3 through 6th grade. The camping theme is SonRise National Park. Teachers or Rangers are also needed. More information to come.
Breakfast with the Bishop will be held at Cabelas in Owatonna on April 27th. Check the south bulletin board for complete details.


March 24th March 28th March 29th March 31st 9:00 a.m. Palm Sunday worship with Holy Communion 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion Noon Ecumenical service at First Lutheran 7:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service with Holy Communion 7:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast served by the Youth 9:00 a.m. Easter Worship with Holy Communion NO Sunday School

Greeters March 3 The Steve Ille Family March 10 Bill and Diane Maxwell March 17 Nolan and Linda Christianson March 24 Rich and Cindy Hingeveld March 31 The Brent Ingvalson Family

Coffee Servers March 3 Julie Hoffman and Tammy Harber March 10 The Gary Ulland Family March 17 Al and Nancy Wesely and Doris Draayer March 24 The Mike and Bonita Herdina Family March 31 - Easter Breakfast served by the Youth April 7 Dorothy and Galen Peterson April 14 Myron and Marilyn Helleck & Pat and Raeburn Hanson April 21 Nancy Schwartz & Bob and Doris Harber April 28 Youth, Sunday School Kindergarten Class

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