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A Secret Human History

***** The human races are ancient, but ours is the youngest. The first humans were intelligent and robust. Like the Gorilla and the Chimpanzee today they were strong, able to hold their own without tools in the jungle or savannah or the grasslands. The first tool users were isolated bands of these robust humans. Through chance, accident, disease, tools would be developed many times and then the knowledge was lost. At some point in the distant past, a thread of culture developed that didnt die out, but developed and occasionally flared up into a coherent technology, but populations were probably small and scattered. Again chance, accident or disease would destroy an emerging technology, but still some thread of the emerging technology would persist. The trigger point for a rapid acceleration in the development of technology would be reached when it was realised that a careful study of how the natural environment worked could be made, and such a study could be built up into a coherent body of knowledge. There have been several such flowerings of knowledge in our recent history, for the Greeks, the technology of the Romans, then the Arabs, when progress was rapid, but such progress has been greatly hindered by beliefs in myth and magic, and pseudo-science deliberately promulgated by organisations as a means to control the population. To see how rapid such development can be, consider the developments in electricity and magnetism that resulted from Michael Faradays insistence on careful study and investigation. The first human technology might have developed in a very few generations unhindered by an overwhelming weight of myth and magic. One of the natural phenomena that the first humans studied was the tornado, and that allowed them to develop a power source that eludes the technologists today. These robust humans developed an astonishing range of technologies, from flying vehicles to space travel, but their population numbers may

never have been that great, and they needed servants or slaves to carry out all the tasks that their technology needed. These slaves may have started by living with the robust humans as pets. Like all keepers of pets, their owners bred them with the characteristics they fancied. The first characters to be bred out of the pet population was the strength and aggression of the male adults. A docile adult that wouldnt endanger its owner was a prime requirement. Baby like characteristics were also highly desirable the round face, large eyes, short jaw. Hair so fine as to be almost invisible was also bred into these pets. In the protected environment a long life was also a desirable feature in a family pet. These pets also developed features that would make life in the wild a lot more difficult the large heads caused difficulty in childbirth. When the robust humans needed more helpers to develop and operate their technology, they turned to the natural resource that was living with them their pets. Now the breeding concentrated on developing brain size and intelligence. The result of this slave breeding program was ourselves Homo sapiens. As the technology developed, more and more was placed in the hands of the human work force. Drugs were probably used to control many of these workers, but for many complex tasks requiring skill and initiative this was not an option. The robust humans had to trust their servants. This civilisation may never have been global. It may have had a single centre, and never dramatically increased its population to fill this world. They certainly studied some aspects of science, but it is likely that all their complex artefacts were hand crafted, and not mass produced. They were kept for a tiny elite of technologists. Because their total number of scientists was so small, it is unlikely that they discovered the wide range of technology that we have today, and the techniques that have been driven by mass production of complex equipment such as microchip fabrication may never have been considered. There may have been many ups and downs for this complex civilisation , but it went through several dramatic upheavals. Some of the robust humans were aggressive and fought each other with whatever technology was at their disposal, and that included nuclear war. Other centres of robust human civilisation got caught in the cross fire and were also destroyed. The slaves ran the technology, piloted most of the vehicles, and eventually outnumbered the robust humans. The slaves eventually

revolted, and used the technology to defeat the robust humans. In the final battle the slaves won, and the remnants of the robust humans retreated into space. Most of this slave population continued as primitive agricultural / pastoral or hunter-gatherer societies without any organised technology. The fragments of a scattered technological civilisation now became entirely run by our own ancestors. But the technological knowledge was concentrated in the hands and brains of a few individuals. It may also have been fragmented knowledge, with much kept hidden by their previous masters. They had vehicles that could fly in atmosphere round the world, but the robust humans, in retreating into space, took with them the technology to launch and fly space vehicles that they had kept to themselves. The threat that they might regroup and return overshadowed the new civilisation. The most likely destination of the Robust Human retreat was the planet Mars, where attempts at terraforming may already have been made. However, in spite of the threat of the Robust Human return, there was a much more certain threat that might overwhelm our ancestral civilisation. The world was about to turn over again. This information is copyright Peter Thomson 2001-2004 Copyright Peter Thomson 2012-December-13

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