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Fan Chat with Author Jessica Scott

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

9:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST

Lover Michelle: Hi Melisa, we'll get started shortly. Thank you for joining us.

Melisa: Great!

Lover Michelle: So where do you live? Are you getting any snow?

Melisa: Thanks as well!

Jess Scott Hi gang!

Lover Amanda: Hi!

Jess Scott I'm in Georgia, so no snow here.

Lover Michelle: Jessica, how did I not know that. I'm in GA too!

Melisa: I live in TN and we may get a light dusting of snow on Friday but so far it is just cool

Jess Scott I'm in Augusta for an army school

Lover Amanda: It's barely 60 in DC and it feels like summer. Everyone has their windows
open in the cars and homes.

Melisa: Hi Jessica!!

Lover Michelle: I'm in Cumming, GA, about 40 minutes north of Atlanta.

Jess Scott: Hi Melisa!

Lover Amanda: I changed my color.

Lover Michelle: So Jess I know this is cliché, but how 'bout we start with you telling us
"Who is Jessica Scott?"

Jess Scott: I’m an active duty army officer, a mom, and wife and hamster wrangler.

Lover Michelle: This is crazy, but how many hamsters do you have?

Melisa: I love the posts about your hamsters! They have such funny antics!!
Jess Scott: 2: Squeak and Hammy.

Lover Amanda: Do you have tiny hamster lassos?

Jess Scott: Squeak almost escaped tonight. I was on the phone and had put her in the sink
to clean her cage and then I forgot she was there and went outside with the dog and came
in to see a hamster on the stove like what's up?

Jess Scott: lol, no lassos. Squeak bites. She has a Facebook page

Jess Scott: https://www.facebook.com/FluffyTheHamster she took over Fluffy's page

after Fluffy died.

Melisa: Fluffy was too funny!

Jess Scott: Fluffy was awesome. I was actually really sad when she died.

Jess Scott: Squeak has a big hamster ball to fill to live up to Fluffy's legacy.

Lover Michelle: OMG, I just liked the page. I am very familiar with hamsters as we had
28 at one time when I was growing up. We had one named Bobo and one named Dusty
and one Squeaky. All good times.

Lover Amanda: LOL

Teri Anne Stanley joined the chat 2 days ago

Lover Michelle: Now it's two dogs, two cats, and a chinchilla.

Lover Michelle: Hi Teri, welcome. We're chatting about hamsters and animals.

Jess Scott: Hi Teri!

Meaghan joined the chat 2 days ago

Melisa: They are such funny, sweet pets!

Lover Michelle: Hi Meaghan, welcome to the chat!

Jess Scott: I love the hamsters. They're funny. It's so strange to see their different
personalities, you know?

Melisa: Agreed!

Teri Anne Stanley: Hi! We're more gerbil people here. A hamster ate my husband's suit
once, and that was kind of the end of our hamster-culture.

Meaghan: I saw the book trailer and downloaded The Long Way Home today!

Jess Scott: they are destructive little buggers, that's for sure!
Jess Scott: Yay! Thank you Meaghan!

Jess Scott: I hope you like it. It's a very tough book for me to reread. I cried while editing

Lover Michelle: Okay, so let's start with that book Jess. Tell us about it.

Melisa: The Long Way Home was awesome! I loved reading it! Cried a few times and had
my family thinking I was nuts!

Jess Scott: The Long Way Home is the 2nd nonfiction book I put together from my
experiences deploying and then coming home again.

Jess Scott: The Long Way Home is the life after the war, learning to be a mom again,
learning to fit back into society. It was a really difficult transition.

Jess Scott: I put it into a book for a couple of reasons. One, I wanted my kids to be able to
have something to look back to but more importantly, there's not a lot out there about
that transition to coming home. I thought it was important to share how I struggled so
that maybe others know they're not alone.

Meaghan: How long were you at war?

Jess Scott: I was gone for a year

Lover Amanda: It really must be. I don't think people realize that fact. Folks usually just
see the homecoming and believe everything goes back to "normal."

Jess Scott: but there was the train up and all that so...

Meaghan: how old were your children when you left?

Jess Scott: That's exactly what people think, Amanda and I wanted to tell that story that
hey, it's not as easy as just getting off the plane.

Jess Scott: Plus, I think it's super important that other young women see that someone
else went through it. We forget we're not alone sometimes, you know?

Teri Anne Stanley: I can't wait to read it. It will be good to get a female perspective.

Melisa: Jessica-You did a really great job of showing the difficulties of returning home
from deployment and I know others appreciate how you wrote it. Great job!

Jess Scott: Thanks Melisa. Teri, I hope you enjoy it.

Lover Michelle: Does it feel like life goes for the people left behind but your life was sort
of point on hold?

Jess Scott: I guess I never really knew what it felt like to be over there until I was there. I
mean, my husband deployed 2x before that tour and I never really appreciated what he
went through

Meaghan: Were both you and your husband deployed at the same time?

Jess Scott: I had a different perspective from being over there. Like, before I'd deployed,
I'd get irritated when my husband wouldn't call home sometimes. But once I was there,
there were days when I just couldn't. I didn't have it in me, you know?

Jess Scott: Yes

Teri Anne Stanley: My husband travels for work...he's home every weekend...but the
transitions suck. I can't imagine the adjustment after so much time.

Melisa: It is so good to have someone who has actually been there, done that be able to
write about it and make people understand and appreciate all that others go through!

Jess Scott: It's part of what we do. Sometimes, it's harder than others, you know?

Sara joined the chat 2 days ago

Jess Scott: hi Sara

Lover Michelle: Melisa, you are right. It's such a completely different world. One of the
women in our blog group is married to a man who is in the navy. He just got back today
after being on a submarine for 222 days. I never realized the sacrifices the person at
home makes as well as the one deployed.

Jess Scott: It's so tough being on the home front, too. My husband is dealing with the kids
right now without me so he's getting a taste of it, you know?

Lover Michelle: So where are he and the kids?

Jess Scott: I went through both sides of it and neither side is easier than the other. Sure
you're not getting blown up in the states but there are times when it's really freaking

Jess Scott: They're back in Texas

Melisa: Thanks Michelle!

Lover Michelle: What is the first book that you wrote? And did you always want to be a

Teri Anne Stanley: Hmm...dodging IED's, or PTA?

Jess Scott: So the first book I wrote is called After the War and well, it will never see the
light of day. I always wrote, I guess but I never really thought about "being a writer" until
about 2007 when I was away from my family the first time and started really writing.

Jess Scott: I don't know, Teri, there are some pretty scary PTAs
Teri Anne Stanley: EXACTLY! Those mom cliques can be horrific!

Melisa: Exactly!

Lover Michelle: So why won't After the War never see the light of day?

Jess Scott: Because it's a hot mess, lol!

Lover Amanda: Do you think you'll revisit After the War? Maybe polish it up or take
some of the themes for a new book.

Lover Michelle: Exactly, great question Amanda.

Jess Scott: No, it needs a complete and total overhaul and the characters aren't up for it
right now. They *may* have a future but I can't say if that's the case right now or not

Teri Anne Stanley: Sometimes it’s just easier to cut bait.

Jess Scott: But, and I swear I'm not making this up, I may have just found a way to
resurrect them. Y’all are awesome!

Melisa: You too Jessica!!

Teri Anne Stanley: At least, that's the way I feel about a few of my own "novels", and I
use that term loosely

Jess Scott: It's hard to know when to cut sling load vs. keep rewriting. I know that my
debut novel's characters Shane & Jen refused to leave me alone. I kept rewriting them
until I got them right.

Lover Michelle: But Jess I've heard many author say that same thing---the characters
kept talking.

Lover Michelle: Okay, so After the War, what came next?

Teri Anne Stanley: I'm glad you did...I really love Shane and Jen!

Jess Scott: That definitely happened with me and those characters. And I'm glad for it.
They're an amazing couple

Jess Scott: Shane and Jen came next!

Melisa: Shane and Jenn are awesome and I loved them!

Meaghan: What is the name of that book?

Jess Scott: Shane & Jen are actually my 2nd book I ever wrote and they are the ones who
just refused to stop. I kept rewriting and rewriting and finally found them a home.

Jess Scott: BECAUSE OF YOU http://bit.ly/VNJHmh

Lover Michelle: So is that why you made the switch to contemporary romance, you
heard Shane and Jen's voices in your head?

Jess Scott: And they have a novella out Anything For You: A Coming Home Short Story:

Meaghan: Thank you!

Teri Anne Stanley: Who are your favorite writers? Who's on your TBR pile?

Jess Scott: I won't say I made the switch to contemporary romance. I always wrote
contemporary stories but the problem was that there were no straight contemporary
romances with heroes that weren't out of the army or special forces type dudes.

Jess Scott: Favorite writers? Shawntelle Madison is my go to for paranormal. She and
Nalini Singh are amazing.

Jess Scott: Huge fan of Ruthie Knox and JoAnn Ross.

Lover Amanda: Ruthie!

Jess Scott: Victoria Dahl writes some really powerful messages and sexy stories
combined. she's amazing

Lover Michelle: Yes, I loved Ruthie Knox's About Last Night.

Jess Scott: I loved, loved Kresley Cole's young adult last year Poison Princess. And
Hunger Games is an all-time Fav

Teri Anne Stanley: Maybe I shouldn't have asked...it's not like my pile is in need of
bolstering...but ditto on Ruthie K!

Jess Scott: lol!

Melisa: I loved Ruthie K as well!

Lover Michelle: So when do you find the time to write, and where do you write?

Jess Scott: I write best in a coffee shop. Seriously, there is something that kicks my brain
into work there. I usually write after work or after the kids go to bed when I'm home. It's
my me-time so it's what I do for fun you know?

Lover Michelle: That makes sense. I find even when I work from home, I have ADD--too
many distractions so it's best I go into the office. Some authors listen to music while
writing, others prefer a quiet space. Which is your preference? If you do listen to music,
do you have a playlist?

Lover Amanda: The smell of caffeine? My hubs goes to coffee shops to get work done

Jess Scott: oh I need music. I write best when I’ve got a song stuck in my head. It can be
anything. I’m very much a hard rock heavy metal gal but I've written to country, pop,
whatever gets stuck in my head.

Lover Amanda: Cofffee, tea... (I doubt caffeine has a smell. If it did, I suppose it would be
closer to chocolate)

Teri Anne Stanley: I like coffee shops, too, as long as I can have my back to the
wall...freaking out over people reading over my shoulder is a little touchy...

Jess Scott: yeah, I get that Teri

Lover Michelle:

Teri Anne Stanley: So it sounds like you just fit the writing in where ever you can...are
you a plotter or a pantser?


Jess Scott: I used to just write but I discovered I do MUCH better with an outline. I'm a
huge fan of Alexandra Sokoloff's Screenwriting Tricks for Writers. Lights went off, there
were doves and singing. Things just clicked when I read that book, you know?

Teri Anne Stanley: I have heard that I need to get that...I'm a Save The Cat fan,
myself...also heard angels...

Jess Scott: I have Save the Cat but for some reason never read it.

Lover Michelle: Haha. What part of the writing process is the hardest for you--first
draft, rewriting, or editing?

Teri Anne Stanley: Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Melisa: LOL Teri!

Jess Scott: I think for me it's that first draft. This may be sick but I really like editing and
revising. It's so great to see that raw goo of a story transform into something readable.

Lover Amanda: What do you do when you put the last word and last punctuation mark

Lover Michelle: I don't think that is sick at all. Don't tell anyone but I do not like to write
reviews. I seriously get stressed out to the point I think I've developed an ulcer. But I love
to beta read, and I love to edit. I've been editing a manuscript for the past three days, and
it is stress relieving to say the least.


Jess Scott: That makes a lot of sense, Michelle especially b/c so many authors it seems
lose their flipping cookies over bad reviews.
Melisa: Jessica you are so right!

Teri Anne Stanley: Do you read your reviews?

Lover Michelle: Well, I don't believe in bashing an author, and I do believe in truthful
reviews but there is always something positive to pull out of a book. It's just the whole
writing process for me. Stressful.

Lover Michelle:

Jess Scott: absolutely! It's one thing to say Jess Scott is a raging douche. It's another to
say her book didn't work for me and here's why. It's hard to hear when people don't like
your book but that never excuses attacking the way some authors have done in the past.

Meaghan joined the chat 2 days ago

Lover Michelle: Agreed, it's so unprofessional, and I think it would be very hard not to
take it personally. We are human beings, and we want people to like us.

Lover Michelle: So Teri asked if you read your reviews....

Melisa: Agree with both of you!

Teri Anne Stanley: I have a friend who said even a crappy review is good because it
means people are reading you -- not sure I'm that evolved...

Jess Scott: I do read my reviews b/c I'm responsible for my own promo. When good
reviews come in, I check to see if there's good news to share. The negative reviews sting
but I do try to read them and see if anything resonates with me (i.e. was there something
I can learn from it).

Lover Amanda: That's a good attitude to have.

Meaghan: What resources do you use to promote your books?

Jess Scott: I use Facebook, twitter.

Jess Scott: Goodreads.

Jess Scott: I've had amazing support from blogs like Literati Literature lovers. I owe so
much of any success I've had to bloggers willing to support me.

Teri Anne Stanley: I've got to log off now, but thanks LLL for hosting this, and thanks for
being here, Jess, it was great chatting with you!

Lover Michelle: Well, I know we are always happy to promote new authors and new
books. Everyone deserves a fair shot. One of my favorite things about Indie authors is
watching them grow from the first book.
Lover Michelle: Well, I know we are always happy to promote new authors and new
books. Everyone deserves a fair shot. One of my favorite things about Indie authors is
watching them grow from the first book...

Lover Michelle: Thank you Teri Anne for joining us.

Melisa: You have great books and amazing characters! You are doing such a great job with
your books and we are the ones who love you as well!!

Lover Michelle: Melisa, have you read all of Jessica's books? I know Karen, who couldn't be
here tonight, loved your writing so I wanted to be sure and pass that onto you.

Jess Scott: Thanks so much for having me tonight! I can't tell you how much your support
means to me!

Jess Scott: Aww, please tell Karen thank you for me, Michelle

Lover Michelle: So what is next for you?

Melisa: Michelle-Yes I have!1 They are great and I am looking forward to more!

Jess Scott: Well, Trent & Laura got some really good news today. I can't share much yet
other than be on the lookout for the official news soon

Jess Scott: After that, we'll see!

Melisa: Looking forward to it Jessica!

Lover Michelle: Oooh, that's exciting. Can you give us any juicy info on anything else....

Lover Michelle: And I will be sure to pass that along to Karen. I know she'll read the
transcript from the chat.

Jess Scott: Nope, no more tidbits. That's all I can share

Lover Michelle: Well, please make sure you let me know...even if you have to message me.
Sometimes I miss things on FB, especially when it's only supposed to be a "hobby" and not
interfere with my life.

Lover Michelle: But it sounds like you've had an exciting day. Thank you for joining us
tonight. I'm sure it's been a long day for you.

Meaghan: thank you LLL for the chat. Nice meeting you Jess. I can't wait to read your book.

Melisa: Thanks so much Jessica! Truly enjoyed this meet up Michelle!! Thanks again!

Jess Scott: Thank you so much gang! This was really fun!!

Jess Scott: I'll make sure, Michelle!

Lover Michelle: Great, Jess. Well I'll have the transcript up within the next 24 hours so you
can post it on your FB wall or any other place to share with your fans!

Lover Michelle: Have a great night!

Jess Scott: good night!! Thank you again so much! And yes, I’d love to post the transcript!

Lover Amanda: night!

Melisa: Good Night all! Thanks again LLL!

Jess Scott: Thank you LLL!

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