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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 3 , No.

4, October 1988




S.T. Sobral

Senior b k h r IESA- Intemacional de Enuenharia S.A.


J.J. Horta Santos Non-Wnker I E S A - Internacional de Enqenharia S.A. BRASIL

D. Mukhedkar Fellcm Y&r EOClLE P C L m a I W D E "'IFEAL


" B A
In a previous paper r l it w a s shown t h a t when a f a u l t t o ground occUrS Ei a substation fed exclusively by p w e r cables, around 98% of the f a u l t current can flow along the cable sheaths and auxili a r y underground ccnductors a s "self-neutralized" current. This current produces no local ptential rime. This f a c t can modif;, very stronqly the results c2 groun6 measurerrents c a r r i e d o u t i n this t of s h s t a t i o n , unless s p c i a l care i s taken xd ccrrection factors are suitably a;>pli&.
7 % reported i n [ 2 , authors have had t o deal with the ground measurements carried out a t the Itaipu generating ccmplex, where around 63% of the current injected i n t o the ground system could return a s "self-neutralized'' current flowing along part the ACSR ground- wires of the line used a s a of the current measurement c i r c u i t . To c o p with this problem authors developed the "Ektended Eleck applied it successfully Method" based h E 3 1 ana during the Itaipu measurements.

The basic pints of these procedures w i l l be brought back i n Sections 2 and 3, i n order t o establ i s h the necessary background for the ground masu r e m t s t o be carried out in the cable substation of the &Go Paul0 transmission system.

During these future measurements one of the incoming p w e r cables w i l l have t o be used a s part of the current measurement c i r c u i t . This w i l l allow around 98% of the injected current t o return through the cable sheath producing no local potential r i s e . The r e a l mgnitude of t h i s current must be carefully d e t e n i n e d i n or&r t o c o r r e c t suitably the measured values.


Figure 1 s m r i z e s the basic measuring circ u i t requirements t o measure substation ground inpedances (or r e s i s t m c e s ) w i t h ohmic values m l l e r than 1o h s using the "Extended Eleck Method" i 2 The measuring c i r c u i t s h a l l have the ing characteristics:



This paper intends t o extend the e.uperience gaired durinq thcse measurenents and t o determine a s e t of procedures bhich enable ground measurements in substations fed solely by power cables.
be used next year during the ground measurements

Current Injection

will of a large step-fiown suhstation, in the c i t y of Sao Paulo, Brasil, with a capacity of 1500 MVA, fed exclusively by m e r cables.

The procedures described in t h i s

The measurements w i l l be carried out injecfor ting m a.c. current i n t o the qmuncl system several minutes. The mgnitude of this current s h a l l increase from zero up t o a value which w i l l allow good measurements. For safety reasons this value [E]. s h a l l be limited t o 100 -res

Current Measurement Circuit


The Current Measurement c i r c u i t s h a l l be compsed by the following elements: a) Rermte Current Electrode This electrode s h a l l be i n s t a l l e d 5 kilometers a t l e a s t from the ground mt limits of the substation under measurement i n order t o avoid interferences. The geometry of the ground electrode s h a l l be suitable f o r injecting a m x i " value of 100 amperes i n t o the soi1,causing mini" disturbances in its neighburhccd. The ground mt of a nearby substation (B) genera l l y f i t s well these requirements and can be used a s the current electrode f o r the ground measurements in substation ( A ) Generally, t h i s procedure allows the execution of simultaneous measurements i n sub s t a t i o n s ( A ) and ( B ) . Therefore, the ground mat of ( B ) works a s current electrode for the measurements i n ( A ) and the ground mat of ( A ) works a s current eletrode f o r the measurements i n (B). b ) Current Carrying Circuit

Several papers have beerwritten on ground measurements in pwer substations. Some of them brought very important enhancements t o the s t a t e of the a r t [4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9]. In a previous paper r 2 l t h e authors described the c i r c u i t s , procedures correccion factors adopted i n the execution of ground measurements in a substation fed by overhead l i n e s w i t h ACSR ground wires. This type of ground-wire allows a great perground centage of the current injected i n t o the system during the measurements t o return through the ground-wires, producing no local ground p t e n t i a l


08 I.M 041-6 A p a p e r recommended and a p p r o v e d by t h e I E E E Power System Tnstrumentation h ' f e a s u r e m e n t s Committee of t h e IEEE Power E n g i n e e r i n g S o c i e t y f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a t t h e IEEE/PES 1988 W i n t e r M e e t i n g , N e w York, New York, J a n u a r y 31 - F e b r u a r y 5 , 1988. M a n u s c r i p t s u b m i t t e d S e p t e m b e r 1 , 1987; made a v a i l a b l e f o r p r i n t i n g J a n u a r y 4 , 1988.

This c i r c u i t s h a l l be able t o carry 100 am-eres along a t l e a s t 5 kilometers w i t h a negligible voltage drop. Generally, an incoming line or cable is disconnected from the r e s t of the c i r c u i t and used a s current carrying c i r c u i t . I n t h i s case, the 3 phases a r e connected together in t o t h terninals t o work i n parallel.This increases the current carrying

0885-8977/88/1000-143$01.00@1988 IEEE


Fig. 1

- &aswing

C i r c u i t s Basic Elemnts

capacity, decreases the voltage drop and causes a flow of current with the same angle in the 3 phases, i n order to simulate zero sequence current flow during a real short-circuit. c) Current Source Generally a low voltage generator installed in the substation is used to inject a controled amount of AC current into the ground circuit. A Variac fed by an incoming distribution line can be used with the same objective. d) Noise Elimination Switches These three switches allow the execution of the measurements with the current source by-passed, in normal and in inverse polarity, corresponding to Switch positions A,B,C. For each measurement, t h e e values o f a x r e n t , voltaqe and m e r will be determined: Using the following formulae a single value for current (I), voltage (V) and power (P) can be determined with a considerable part of the noise eliminated.

f) Measuring Devices The ampenneter and the current coil of the mttmeter are connected to the circuit.

Auxiliary Circuit Within Substation

As mentioned in (b) abve, the circuit breakers of one over-head transmission line or power cable are opened and the three phases of the circuit are joined together and connected to a shielded cable which interconnects the current source, the noise elimination switch and the measuring devices, all installed within the substation under measuremnt. This shielded cable is then connected to the substation ground mat,closing the current measurement circuit.
The gccd quality of this cable shielding is of parmunt importance in order to avoid interferences (mainly if ground resistance is to be measured) [2 7 2.3 Potential Measurant Circuit "psed The Potential Measurement Circuit by the follrxinq elements: Shall be

a) Remte Potential Electrode This electrode shall be installed 5 kilometers at least from the ground mat limits of the substation under measurement i n order to obtain a g c d zero p t e n t i a l reference. " , i t must be at least five kilometers from the current electrode, in order to avoid its interference. m e to the very small m r e n t f l m i q in '&e circuit t h i s electrde has no specialrequirements. ceerally,a few vertical q F r electrdes are U & . . The ohmic value of the resistance to ground (R of this electrode should be kept sml1,in order toEimprove the quality of the measurements. H m e r ,



e) Current Measurement Circuit Protection Arresters are generally installej. at the entrance of the incoming circuit used as part of the current measurement circuit in order to protect the current source and the measuring devices.


when an electronic voltmeter of high internal resistance ~ 1 0 )7 is ~ used, this recuirewiit i.c cf secondary importance. b) Potential Cable Generally an existing (or specially installed) telephone cable at least 5 kilometers long is used. The direction of this cable shall be as perpendicular as possible to the current carrying circuit in order to minimize interferences. c) Measuring Devices A high resistance electronic voltmeter and the ptential coil of the wattmeter shall be connected to this circuit. d) Protection An arrester shall be installed at the enn order to protect the meastrance of the cable i urir.9 devices against induced lightninq discharges along the cable. e) Auxiliary Circuit Within Substation Generally the telephone cable is connected to the measuring devices through an auxiliary shielded cable. This cable is then connected to the ground mat near the mat limits, closing the potential measurement circuit. 2.4 Measurement of the Terminal Impedance of the External Ground Circuits Figure 2 shows that the impdance to ground seen from the substation is composed by the ground mat resistance (R) in parallel with the terminal impdance ( z , ) of the external ground circuits.


Fig. 3 - Measurement of the Terminal Impedance (Z,' of the External Ground Circuit Using a Megger

Fig. 2 - Impedance to Ground ( R ) and ( Z , )


as the Parallel of

The measurement of this external terminal ixpedance (ZE)allows the calculation of the resistance to ground (R) of the substation mat usinc the measured value of the ground irmxlance ( 2 ) = ( 2 ) . (ZE) z = (R) (2,) ZE - 2 R + ZE

AS the value of ( z , ) generally lays i n the order of a few ohms, its measurement can be czried i c i . 3. out using a simple Wgqer, as sham in F

Fig. 4

Measurement of the Impedance (Z + Frcm the Voltmeter Terminal




Measurement of the lmpedance of the Potential Measurement Circuit Seen From the Voltmeter Terminal




Measurement of Ground Impedance Instead of Mat Resistance

section ( 3 . 2 ) below). Figure 4 shows that this value can be measured. connecting a Megger directly to the voltmeter terminals.

measurements reported in mat resistance (R) were directly measured. During the measurements of ( Z ) all the external ground circuits remined connected to the ground

1 both the ground impdance ( z ) a d the

w i n g the ground


m t , in the normal operating conditions. ! I h e high along valueof the self-neutralizd current(1~)flwi.q A c B ground-wires included in the current measurement circuit provided a high shielding for the masurement circuits, protecting them against interferences. After the application of the data handling methods described in the subsection 3.2 below, it w a s verified that the resulting value of (zlwas very cbse to that foreseen in the calculations. On the other hand, during the measurerents of the ground fiat resistance (R), all the external ground circuits were disconnected frcm the ground mat, producing a configuration very different from that existing during a real fault. The flow of the high value of ( along the ACSR ground-wires interrupted near measuring points produced awkward current flow directions through the q o d m t and nearby towers. Within the substations, the measuring circuits are no longer protected by (%) against interferences and the measurement of (R) can be strongly influenced. m e n after the application of the data handling technique, the resulting value of (R) was only around one half of that foreseen in the calculations. m e m y conclude that in this type of measurement it is better to measure the ground impeaance (Z) instead of (RI. If necessary, the value of (R) can be computed using the measured values of ( Z ) and (%I. 3.2 Handlincl of the Measured Data to obtain the Correct Measured Value of (Z) The values of (I), (V) and (P) are detezmined calcuas explained in Subsection 2.2.d above. The lation of the ground impedance (z=r + jx) can be carried out using the follming forrr?ilae: in Ohms Z = (K1) (K2) (K3) V/I r = (K1) (K2) (K3) P/12 x
= J z 2

c) K3 = Self-Neutralized Current Correction Factor (from E 2 7


1 -

zm Z

Z, = mutual impeaance, i n , between the phases and ground-wires (for the typical transmission line tower used as a part of the current reasurermk circuit) z = self impedance, in R , of the ground wire of the line used as part of the current measurement circuit Remark If the current injection line is very long, let us say 20 kilometers, only the self-neutralized current (I ) will flow along the ground-wire at mid ) . distance (PO h % e expression = -(q.,,/z) I, where (I) is the total injected airrent flowing along the parallel phases, shows that in this case the value of(dz) can be measured directly.


in ohs in Ohms

- r2

With : a) K1 = Voltmeter Correction Factor ( R r o m


Very often the step-dom substations installed in u r m areas are fed exclusively by power cables-Reference 1 1 shows that when the sheaths of these cables are connected to the terminal s u b station ground m t , the ground potentials prcduced i n the cable substations during faults become extremely low. In this case it is necessary to protect the cable sheath by means of an additional copper cable connected also to the terminal ground mts. This auxiliary ground conductor is interconnected in several points to the m e r cable sheaths in order to create a low resistance path for the fault current. In the system analysed in [ 1 ] it w a s verified that this intermediate interconnections increased the sheath relationship (zrrJz) from the normal range (0.4 - 0.7) up to a value of around ( .98). This conclusion i s also supported by Cl01






internal resistance of the voltmeter (narcaeplate value1 (zP,+ %) = impeaance of the potential measurement circuit seen from the voltrneer terminals. !This value is measured as mentioned in subsedior- 2.5 above. b) K2 = Relative Position Correction Factor ( From 1137 1 1 K , =

This means that in this type of installation the self-neutralizedcurrent (IR) flowing along the cable sheaths and auxiliary cable correspollds to around (98%) of the zero sequence current flowing along the phases.

GROUND M E Y S l J R ~ STRATEXX M R SUBSTATIONS FED BY POWER CABLES Basic Descriution of the Measurement Cir-

5 . 1

Figure 5 shows a substation (A) fed exclusively by p e r cables and a nearby substation (B) fed by p e r cables and by over-head transmission lines. The current source, Variac, and noise elimination switches are installed i n substation (D). The basic measuring circuits shom in Figure 5 are very similar to those shown in Fig. 1. These circuits allow the g r m mat of (B) to operate as current electrode for measurements at (A). On the other hand the ground m t of (A) operates as current electrode for measurements at ( B ) . The problem with these m s u r e m t s is that the ztual value of the self-neutralized current (I 1 flowing along the p e r cable sheaths cannot b,R1 measured directly. Actually there are also non-neutra1izdvq currents flowing together with (IRl) along all the extension of the cable sheath.


, inmeter

A = area

of the substation mat un&r

m2 d = distance, in meters, between the current and a potential electrodes

4 ,= distance,in meters, between the ptential electrode and the limits of the ground mat d

distance, in meters, between the current electrode and the limits of the m t under meas-



Fig. 5 5.2

Circuits Necessary For Ground Measurements in Substations Fed by Power Cables

Z =

Determination of the Correction Factor (K2I) For the Measurements in the Cable Substation

(K1).(K2).(K3) (V/I) = (K1)(K2)(FJ')(V'/I') K3'=

The correct determination o f (I R1) is of paramount importance for the calculation of the correction factor (K3) mentioned in subsection (3.2.c) above. However the existace of overhead ground wires also connected to the grounding system of (B) provides a simple way to d e t e k e (I 1, as follows: an auxiliary ground electrode is &%talle3 along the overhead line around 20 kilometers from ( B ) . The cable current carrying circuit between (T3) and ( A ) is disconnectd and a current (I2! is i n jected into (B) through the current carrymg cirN i t between (B') and (B) and the values of (I), (V) arid ( P ) are determined. At a distance of 10 km from (B) all the "non-neutralized" current flowing along the groundwires has gone to ground and only the constant value of the "self-neutralized current" (IR2) keeps flowing along the ground-wire. This current (IR2) can be directly measured as shown in Fig. 5. Hence the value of (K3) can be computed. The value of (K ) and (K ) are also determined and hence the v a l u e ' of the2 ground lnpedance (2) seen from (B) can be determined as shown in subsection (3.2): (K2) (K3) V/I ohms This same measurement can be repeated using the current carrying circuit between (A) and ( B ) . The same value of (I ) is injected in ( B ) 2 using (A) as current electrode. The values of (I1), (V') and ( P ' ) are determined. The vale of ( Z ) seen from (B) must ke the same in b s t h measurements and also the factor (K ) and (K2). Therefore the factor (K3' ) for the s e c o ? : d measurement can be easily determined:
2 = (K1)

;:(-) .


Ground Measurements at the Cable Substation Now the value of ( K ' ) is perfectly determined and all the ground rdasurements in (A) using (B) as current electrode can be adequately corrected by means of the formulae shown in subsection 3.2.


Detai.ls of the Measurinq Circuits

Some details of the measuring circuits shown in Fig. 5 deserve aditional explanations: pleasurements of (1 R2) Before the measurements, a tower around 10 km from (B) is selected as the pint in which (IR2)will be measured. The ground wires are disconnected from the selected tower by means of distribution insulators. Shielded cables are installed on each tower side,connecting the mound-wires to the measuring current transformers C T ' S , installed at ground level. The i n t e r m % , , + e pint betweer. CT's is connected to the tower leg to keep contact w i t h the tower grounding circuit. The ampmeters connected to tYe 2 CT's shall indicate the same value (I ) . If this occurs one are E a s u r i n q the ccrcan be sure that the CT's R2 -ceutralized" current. rect value of the "self b) Auxiliary Current Electrode (B') Actually,it is not necessary to install a new ground mt i n the open terminal of the ground-wire, around 20 km from (B). The resistances of the last 3 or 4 towers connected to the ground-wires are enough to distribute the measuring current in the ground. a)


measurement This paper describes a ground n urban step methodology suitable for measurements i dawn substations fed by p e r cables. The measurements in this type of substation are prticularly difficult because a high percentage of the Current injected into the m t during the measurements can return to the m e n t electrode through the cable sheathes as self-neutralized current,prducing no g r o d potential rise. This fact must be suitably compensated, otherwise the measured value of (2) can be entirely different f r m reality. This basic effect w a s identifid in - _ &sed on a real case. To cope with this type of challenge the Btended Eleck Method described in i2] w a s expanded t o lnclude new measuring circuits necessaq to determine the suitable correction factor. The set of procedures established i n this paper will be used next year to carry out simltaneous measurements i n a urbm stepdown cable-fed substation an in a transmission substation fed by b o a 7 overhead transmission lines and pwer cables, in t h e state of S.Paulo, Erazil. ACKNCWLECGtPlENTS gratiAuthors would like to express their tude to the direction of their companies and to =ole Polytechnique de Montreal for allowing the plblication of this paper. Sobral and Mukhedkar wish to express their debt of gratitude to Natural Science and mgineering Research Council (NSERC-Canada) and to Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas - CNPq (Brazil), for providing the funds for the beginning of their cooperation and to Mr-Richard Marceau for initiating this cooperation. Sobral has an special debt of yratitude to Professors J.S. de Oliveira, drio Miraglia and Iran S. Pinto and Carlos August0 0 . from SENAI,for their cooperation. Sobral would like to express his gratitude to M r . S6rgio F.Quhtella, President of IESA, to M r . L. Conga de Soma, Vice-President, and to Plr. A. Monteiro S.F., Estecutive Director, for their colaboration. The authors also would like to thank the government of W e b c for i t s financial assistance. REFERENCES 1. S. T. Sobral, J. 0. Barbosa, J. V . C . Nunes, E . Chinelli , A.F.Netto, V.S.Costa, J.H.Caps Ground Potential *se Characteristics of Urban Step-Down Substations Fed F 3 y Power Cables - A Practical Example IEEE Transaction Paper 87SY526-7 2. S. T. , % b r a l . C.A. Peixoto, D. Femandes, D. W e d k a r Grounding Measurements at the Itaipv Generatinu Complex Using the lktended Eleck Methcd IEEE Transaction Paper 8651r1457-6 3. A. Eleck Providing the Adequacy of Station Grounds I E E Transaction Comn. and Electronics Nov 1962 4 . J.Fortin, H.G.Sadento, D.Mukhedkar Field Measurements of Ground Fault Current distribution and Substation Ground Impedance at E - 2 , Quebec IEEE Transaction 85wM117-7 J. Erdrenyi Analysis of Transmission Tower Potentials During Ground Faults IEEE Vol PAS-86 n 0 - 10, October 1967

J. Valjus, R. ~ ~ t 0 practical Earth Measurements of Large Rural 4 Urban Substations Paper 36-04 CIGRE (1984) F.P. Zupa, J.F.Laidig 7. A practical Ground Potential Rise Prediction Technique for Power Stations IEEE PAS VOl PAS-99 n 0 - 1 J X l / F d 1980

A.J.Pesonen Discussion on Paper Above IEEE Vol PAS-100 n 0 - 2, February 1981 9. M. Kuussaari and A.J.Pesonen ~arthing Impedance Measurements of Substations CIGRE Paper 36-02 (1978)
1 0 . S.A. Schelkunoff The Electromagnetic Theory of Coaxial Transmission Lines and Cilindrical Shields Bell System Technical Journal, 1934, Vol. 113,





AS mentioned in

1,several engineers

technicians shall be organized i n several crews, each one respansible for specific tasks such as: general meamxwent mtrol, generabr control, switches p eration, reading and recording r m t deviczs, rmtrol of the potential and current electrode sites, measurement of (I=) at an i n t e e a t e e r etc. All these mews shall be equiped with radio sets and
rubber gloves and boots. Win9 the current injedian periods, unprotected personnel shall not b allowed t o stay in the in substation or around the -s used as current electrcde. In urban step-down substations and aroundthementioned m e r s the soil is generally paved with asNalt, cement, etc. ~ e n c e ,the mperficial r e s i s t i v i Q of these soils j s q e m d l y high, decreasing the risk of shodc hazards.

S g r q i o T. s o b r a l (MI84 SM85) w a s b o r n i n V i t o r i a , E. S a n t o , B r a s i l o n A u g u s t 2 , 1 9 3 9 . H e r e c e i v e d a BEE f r o m PUC-Rio in 1964. S i n c e 1967 h e i s w i t h I n t e r n a c i o n a l d e E n g e n h a r i a S.A. and now i s Head o f t h e S y s t e m S t u d y D e p a r t m e n t o f Internacional d e E n q e n h a r i a S.A. H e i s S p e c i a l C o n s u l t a n t i n I t a i p u Proj e c t C o o r d i n a t o r s i n c e 1984 d e a l i n g w i t h g r o u n d i n g , h a r m o n i c s and i n t e r f e r e n c e problems.

J.J. H o r t a S a n t o s
H e r e c e i v e d h i s BEE from U n i v e r s i d a d e T s c n i c a d e L i s b o a , P o r t u g a l i n 1949. From 1971-1976 h e was D i r e c t o r o f M a i n t e n a n c e o f CUF- Compan h i a Uniao F a b r i l , i n P o r t u g a l . H e i s w i t h I n t e r n a c i o n a l d e E n q e n h a r i a S.A. s i n c e 1980 and i s now P r o j e c t Manauer d e a l i n g w i t h h i g h v o l t a g e s u b s t a t i o n s . H e p u b l i s h e d 9 t e c h n i c a l books on e l e c t r i c i t y and e l e c t r o n i c s ( 5 i n P o r t u g a l , 3 i n B r a s i l and 1 i n Mexico).


D r . D i n k a r Mukhedkar was b o r n i n Hyderabad, I n d i a . He r e c e i v e d h i s B.E. ( e l e c t r i c a l ) degree from Osmania U n i v e r s i t y and h i s D.Sc. degree from U n i v e r s i t e de Nancy, Nancy, France. He i s c u r r e n t l y a P r o f e s s o r o f E l e c t r i c a l Engineering a t Ecole Polytechn i q u e de M o n t r e a l , Canada. He has published p a p e r s i n power system g r o u n d i n g methods and electrical safety. He coauthored a book in French on power system r e l i a b i l i t y e v a l u a t i o n . He has taught power system g r o u n d i n g methods to p r a c t i c i n g e n g i n e e r s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , B r a zil, Canada, C h i l e , P e o p l e s ' R e p u b l i c o f C h i n a , I n d i a , M e x i c o . P e r u , and Venezuela. D r . Mukhedkar i s c u r r e n t l y t h e Chairman o f a worki n g group t o r e v i s e IEEE Guide # E l . "Guide f o r Measuri n g E a r t h R e s i s t i v i t y , Ground Impedance, and E a r t h S u r face P o t e n t i a l s o f a Ground S y s t e m . " He I S a F e l l o w o f t h e I n s t i t u t i o n o f E n g i n e e r s ( I n d i a ) , the I n s t i t u t i o n o f E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r s ( U . K . ) , the E n g i n e e r i n g I n s t i t u t e o f Canada, t h e P e r u v i a n S o c i e t y f o r E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , and t h e IEEE.

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