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...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...

...BUSH, BIN LADEN, 9-11... ...AIDs, ANTHRAX, IRAQ...
Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.

America Betrayed

...BUSH, BIN LADEN, 9-11... ...AIDs, ANTHRAX, IRAQ...

Copyright 2003 Rhawn Joseph All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying, or utilized in any information storage and retrieval system without permission of the copyright owner.

Joseph, R. America Betrayed, R. Joseph 1st ed. Includes Extensive Footnotes & References ISBN 0971644578

1. Terrorism 2. 9-11 3. Osama bin Laden 4. George Bush 5. Hitler 6. Nazi 7. Saudi Arabia 8. Taliban 9. Iraq

University Press UniversityPress.Info San Jose, California

...Bush, bin Laden, 9-11...


America Betrayed


Part I: The Brotherhood of Death

1. THOSE WHO BURN BOOKS ................................ 7 When History Repeats Itself. The Nazi Roots. THE NAZI-TERRORIST OIL-CONSPIRACY ...... 23 THE BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH ...................... 57 CIA-NAZIS: TERROR & MURDER INCORPORATED ................................................ 101 Corporate Terrorism, Guatemala, Chile, Cuba, Watergate and the KennedyAssassination THE TERRORIST ASSASSINS ........................... 173 Operation Gladio, Rockefeller, Bush, the Ford-Reagan Assassinations THE TANGLED ROOTS OF TERRORISM ........ 213 Wahhabism, Nicaragua, Iran - Iraq War Iran - Contra, and the Sadat Assassination BUSH-LADEN, WAHHABISM & THE GULF WAR ........................................................... 263

2. 3. 4.




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Part II: America Betrayed: Bush, bin Laden & 9-11

8. BIOLOGICAL ETHNIC WEAPONS: THE U.S. TERRORIZES AMERICANS............................... 297 IG Farben, AIDs, Anthrax, Eugenics OSAMA BIN LADEN, AFGHANISTAN, TALIBAN, AL-QAEDA, FLORIDA & GEORGE BUSH.....................................................371


10. BUSH, FBI & CIA SABOTAGE PRE-9-11 INVESTIGATIONS .............................................. 409 FBI/CIA Agents Working for Bin Laden? 11. 9-11: BUSH KNEW & ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN ............................................................... 439 12. TERROR FOR OIL ............................................... 479 13. BIN LADEN THE BUSINESSMAN ................... 505 This is Not Terrorism. This is Strictly Business. 14. A TAIL OF TWO HEROES .............................. 535 Drunk, Drugged & Getting Out of Harms Way

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ADOLF HITLER To fully comprehend the mind set that led to the events of 9/ 11/2001, it is important to understand the history of the Bush family, the CIA, and the leadership of the Republican party, in the years prior to and after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Hitler rose to power on the backs of his own private terrorist organizations, the SA and SS (1,2,3). Hitler also received considerable financial assistance from transnational corporations, including those directed or controlled by Prescott Bush and his associates, Harriman, Walker, and Rockefeller (4,5). Hitler had been seeking power, to become the leader of Germany, since the early 1920s. Following the failed beer hall putsch in November of 1923, and Hitlers subsequent brief imprisonment, Hitler had vowed to take power legally through the ballot box. In 1932, as his storm troopers ran amok and the next presidential election neared, Hitler was in desperate need of an infusion of cash. It was his intention to again run against von Hindenburg for the Presidency of Germany. Hitler required lots of money if he was to defeat the venerable old general. Hitler arranged a private speech, before a group of rich industrialists, which he gave at the Park Hotel in Dusseldorf (2,6). This was followed by a second meeting, on January 27, at the Industrial Club, which was arranged by Bush business partner, Fritz Thyssen (2,6,7) The attendees included the owners and representatives of Germany's largest companies and corporations including those that were controlled or directed or in business with Prescott Bush, his father-in-law George Walker, and their associates, Harriman and Rockefeller: Standard Oil, IG Farben, Hamburg-Amerika shipping, Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation, German Steel Trusts Union Banking Corporation, etc. (4,5,8). Hitler explained to this moneyed-elite, that he was in favor

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of eliminating the unionswhich is exactly what he did after coming to power. The industrialists were all for that. Hitler also explained he was for total managerial freedom, and that once he came to power the Nazis would begin public works programs and a massive rearmament program that would be directed by the leaders of industrythe wealthy and powerful men in his audience. The government would pay these men to rebuild and re-arm Germany. He certainly had their attention now. Hitler not only offered them hope, but catastrophe. Communism would destroy them, he explained. If the communists came to power they would confiscate the factories, the private property, and the wealth of the aristocrats and moneyed elite. Hitler explained, Bolshevism, if unchecked, will change the world as completely as Christianity. If Communism continues unchecked, three hundred years from now Lenin will be regarded not only as one of the revolutionaries of 1917, but as the founder of a new world doctrine and will be worshipped as much as Buddha. Only the Nazi party, he warned, could stem the Red tide. Only the Nazi party could lead Germany back to greatness as a world power. Only the Nazi party was offering hope and business opportunitythe opportunity for unlimited growth and unlimited wealth. Within days Hitler and the Nazis were in receipt of incredible sums of money which Hitler put to use in the coming election, and to finance terrorism terrorism which was funded and supported by companies associated, directed, or controlled by Prescott Bush and his partners (4,5). Hitler believed in the power of terror. Terrorism works. As Hitler explained in his speeches, private conversations, and in his book, Mein Kampf: Terrorism is a form of propaganda. It is a political weapon that can be used to instill fear, horror and indignation, and to sap and destroy the will of a people. Through fear and terror one can demand obedience and blind submission. Through death and terror (and the promise of more terror to come), the terrorist will conquer all opposition. Terror is a political weapon and its purpose is to force capitulation: Cruelty is impressive. Cruelty and brutal strength. The masses

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want it. They demand it. They need the thrill of terror to make them shudderingly submissive. The joy of killing brings men together. Hate, hate, and more hate. There is nothing that sustains you like hate! My morality is that of the magnificent blond beast, roaming wantonly in seach of prey and victory. Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians. It is an honorable title. When I came to power, I did not want the concentration camps to become old age pensioners homes, but instruments of terror. Terror is a salutary thing...The most effective method has at all times been terror or violence... terror and violence... is the weapon which most readily conquers reason. Terror at the place of employment, in the factory, in the meeting hall, and on the occasion of mass demonstrations will always be successful unless opposed by equal terror....The defeated adversary in most cases despairs of the success of any further resistance. Violence is broken only by violence and terror by terror. Only terror is capable of smashing terror. This is a tactic based on precise calculation of all human weaknesses and its result will lead to success with almost mathematical certainty... the importance of physical terror toward the individual and the masses...the psychological effect can be calculated with precision...Shameless spiritual terrorization...the hideous abuse of their human freedom...ruthless force and brutality... they always submit in the end. --Adolf Hitler As summed up by Hitler in his book, Mein Kampf: Terror is the most effective form of politics. The people must never know if they or their loved ones will be maimed or murdered. They must always feel they are at risk of suffering a horrible death. They must always feel as if the iron hand of terror may strike at any moment, for any reason, or for no reason at all. They or their neighbors may be killed or maimed at any time, at any placeat home, in bed, while making love, while kissing their children good night. Through brutality, physical terror and violence we are able to gain mastery

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over the soul and the mind of our enemies. We win by making them afraid. In 1932, Adolf Hitler, flush with the cash that was pouring into his coffers, prepared for the next election by unleashing terrorists upon the people. Germany, in 1932, was thrown into a state of civil war. There was a wave of political violence and murder such as even Germany had not previously seen, wrote William Shirer (3). Christopher Isherwood recalled: Hate exploded suddenly without warning, out of nowhere; at street corners, in restaurants, cinemas, dance halls, swimming baths, at midnight, after breakfast, in the middle of the afternoon. Knives were whipped out, blows were dealt with spiked rings, beer-mugs, chair legs or leaded clubs; bullets slashed the air and rebounded from iron roofs... The storm troopers swarmed the streets seeking battle and blood. Even so, despite the terror and an incredible propaganda blitz financed by his friends in commerce and industry, Hitler lost the election. Again, he resorted to terrorism in order to undermine the government. His hope was that if the government fell, President Hindenburg would be forced to appoint him Chancellor. We must be ruthless, Hitler announced. His terrorists gangs were again ordered to run amok, and the government began to totter and fall. And as it fell, the government was given a final shove by Hitlers friends in industry and commerce who prevailed upon Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor and to install a Nazi government (2,3). In 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor. The Nazi government immediately unleashed its storm troopers, who swept through the streets, arresting, dragging off, and then beating up and torturing all enemies of the Nazi State who were then confined, if they lived, in one of the numerous make-shift concentration camps that were springing up all over Germany. By the end of 1933, over 50 impromptu concentration camps were establishedusually in cellars and bunkers (1,2,3). Goering, as Minister President of Prussia controlled the Prussian police. He also created his own secret police force, Abteilung IA, which he had exempted from Paragraph 14 of the Prussian

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Administrative Police Law, and which was rechristened the Geheime Staatspolizei, the Secret State Police. It was a bureaucrat in the post-office who invented the abbreviation, Gestapa; and thus the Gestapo was born (1). It was Goerings Gestapo, along with the SA and SS which led the terror campaign to arrest, beat up and to destroy anti-Nazi organizations and individuals without regard for the law. The Gestapo was above the law and it had no obligation to abide by the law. Its job was to annihilate and exterminate all political opposition. It was not just enemies of the Nazis who were murdered and tortured, but anyone and everyone who had somehow offended a member of the SA or SS. German citizens were being beaten with iron bars and truncheons and then starved and whipped (1,2,3). In April 1934, Goering appointed Heinrich Himmler to be deputy chief of the Prussian Secrete Police. Soon the Gestapo became an arm of the dreaded SS (which had replaced the SA as Hitlers private terrorist army). The Gestapo and the Nazi SS came under the control of the greatly feared, Heinrich Himmler (1). Those who were counted among Himmlers circle of friends included the leading business men of Germany, several of whom were in business with Prescott Bush, Harriman, Dulles, and Rockefeller. Himmlers dreaded SS recruited its members from the upper echelons of society, i.e. the blue bloods, bankers, and aristocrats. As detailed in Heinz Hohns, The Order of the Deaths Head, the first arrivals were from the aristocracy. Even before the Nazi seizure of power certain great names had been added to the SS list including Grand Dukes, Counts, and Princes. However, after Hitler came to power, in 1933 there came a further infusion of blue blood. Many of the senior SS posts were occupied by the ruling class elite. The primary requirements in the SS, were money and officer material, and they could come only from one sourcethe old-established ruling class elitethe nobility, the world of commerce and the financiers... Germanys captains of industry (pp. 152, 153, 158). The SS sported, along with its SS insignia, a skull, the death head, and was known as the brotherhood of death (1). The SS could, in many ways, be likened to a business-savvy Satanic organization. It was the SS which ran Hitlers extermination- and slave labor camps.

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There have been allegations that Hitler's German-Nazi SS had a fraternal counterpart in the United States, the Order of Skull and Bones, which was known as the Order and the Brotherhood of Death. The American chapter of the Order of Skull and Bones also has its roots in Germany (see chapter 3). Its headquarters? Yale University (7) the alma matter of Prescott Bush, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush. Like its German counterpart, the American brotherhood of death also known as the Order of Skull and Bones recruited its members from the upper echelons of society, i.e. the blue bloods, bankers, and aristocrats. Among is members: Prescott, George H.W. and George W. Bush (8). BUSH THE NAZI BUSINESSMAN Hitler had always intended the SS to be his personal instrument of terror. It was to be mysterious, sinister, a black-robed secret order that was totally above the law, but whose tentacles reached into every German home. Listening and watching with hundreds of thousands of unseen eyes, the Gestapo, aided by informers and 2,800,000 men in the regular police, duly noted any and all suspect behavior that even remotely suggested even a hint of treachery or opposition to Nazism. The SS ruthlessly weeded out all enemies of the Nazi state. Thousands of German citizens, including politicians and labor leaders, were either murdered or confined to one of the more than 20 concentration camps or the 160 affiliated labor camps where they were used as slave labor (1). These slave laborers not only earned money for Himmlers SS, but those industrialists and bankers who helped the Nazis come to power. Some of those banks and corporations were directed by or directly connected to Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers (4,5,9). Prescott Bush and his partners were in fact in business with several leading Nazis, such as Friedrich Flick (4,5,10) who later became Hitlers minister of the Interior (2,3). IG Farben (11,12) the company that developed the poison gas to kill Russians, gypsies, and Jews, and which also ran several of the concentration camps, was in partnership with Rockefellers Standard oil, as well as in business with Bush and associates. Likewise, Bush and his

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partner, Harriman, were in business with Fritz Thyssen (4,5) who had been supporting Hitler since the early 1920s (2,3). According to the United States Government, Prescott Bushs Union Banking Corporation (which he directed) was working as a front for the Thyssen family of Germany... nationals ... of a designated enemy country (12). In 1941, Fritz Thyssen, wrote a book, titled, I Paid Hitler. Likewise, Prescott Bush and associates and Standard Oil, were in business with IG Farben, providing loans, executive expertise, and petroleum-related products (13). IG Farben in fact owned a huge stake in Standard Oil. IG Farben, in association with Standard Oil, used that expertise to develop poison gas and petroleumrelated products to drive the Nazi war machine. IG Farbena consortium of companies that included Bayer also ran the slave labor and death-camps, the most notorious of which was Auschwitz where 83,000 people worked as slaves. IG Farben/Bayer not only worked people to death, but provided funds, scientists, and medical personnel to conduct horrible experiments on inmates. ******* Throughout the 1930s, and the early 1940s, the Bush family and other Bonesmen formed an unholy alliance with the SS and Hitlers Nazi Germany. Indeed, the evidence indicates that Prescott Bush was not just doing business with the Nazis and profiting from the use of slave labor, but that his company became members of the Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS, that is, friends of SS Gestapo chief, Heinrich Himmler. As detailed by Heinz Hohn (1), the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company, and its directors, were honored as Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS. Prescott Bush was one of the directors of the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company (13, 14). Hamburg-Amerika was seized by the U.S. government in August 1942 along with another Bush company, Union Bank in November of that year (12), for trading with the enemy or for acting as Nazi-fronts and for distributing Nazi propaganda in the United States. Indeed, Congressional hearings in 1934 established that Hamburg-Amerika routinely provided free transatlantic passage for those distributing Nazi propaganda (15).

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Why would Bush and friends import Nazi propaganda? In order to destroy democracy in the United States. A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. William Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany in 1937. Before his companies were seized, Prescott Bush freely admitted and described his own role in running the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company: Three or four of us were really running the business, the day to day business all the administrative decisions and the executive decisions. We were the ones that did it. We were the managing partners, lets say. What other proof do we have? Emil Helfferich, the chairman of Bush company, Hamburg-Amerika, frequently wrote out checks to Heinrich Himmler (payable on a special Standard Oil account). According to U.S. intelligence documents reviewed by author Anthony Sutton, Helfferich was still making these payments to the S.S. in 1944 the same S.S. which was rounding up, enslaving, and supervising the mass murder of subhumans (Russians, Jews, Gypsies, Poles, etc.), at IG Farbens death camps. Thus as a director of the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W. Bush, became partners with and Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS, and thus provided financial support for a Nazi terrorist organization (the Gestapo) that spied on, terrorized, and murdered not just German citizens, but Jews, Americans, and the peoples of Europe. The Bush family were crucial players in setting up the industrial power behind the Third Reich. -Robert Lederman, Philadelphia City Paper (1/18/01). Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there.William Dodd, US Ambassador to Germany in 1937. The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich. John Loftus, former prosecutor in the U.S. Justice Departments

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Nazi War Crimes Unit. Hitler and his SS, as is well known, murdered tens of millions of people, including six million Jews, and millions of other sub-humans including Germans who were retarded, disabled, or suffering from epilepsy and other disorders. This Nazi program was based on the emerging science of eugenics, a neo-Darwinian concept in which the State weeds out the weak, in favor of the strong; i.e. the sterilization and/or execution of mental patients, the insane, the retarded, the feeble minded, criminals, and physically disabled including those who are blind or deaf. The goal of eugenics is the purification of the race by preventing the breeding of inferior races and unfit individuals. Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their suffering in the body of their children. The prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over a period of only 600 years, would ... free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune. -Adolf Hitler Famine in India, unwanted babies in the United States, poverty that seemed to form an unbreakable chain for millions of peoplehow should we tackle these problems? It is quite clear that one of the major challenges of the 1970s will be to curb the worlds fertility. -George H. W. Bush Prescott Bush and his son, George H.W. Bush were enthusiastic supporters of eugenics, the weeding out of inferior humans. Before G.H.W. Bush became president, he frequently made remarks about the down-breeding... of America and sponsored hearings, such as one that took place in August 5, 1969, on the threat posed by black babies (16). We should not be surprised therefore to learn that companies directed or associated with Prescott Bush and his associates such as Rockefeller and Harriman, also supported the Nazi eugenics programs. As noted, Emil Helfferich, the chairman of Bush company, Hamburg-Amerika, frequently wrote out checks to Heinrich Himmler and his S.S.the same S.S. which was rounding up and supervising the mass murder of subhumans at IG Farbens death camps. The principle behind eugenics, is that only those with good

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genes that is, those of good birth and who are well born (i.e. aristocrats) deserve to live and to breed. Prescott and George H.W. Bush, as blue-blooded members of Americas aristocracy, and thus of good birth and well born were thus ardent supporters of eugenics, with George Bush later pushing for the sterilization of inferior races (16). Thus, being birds of a feather, Prescott Bush and his partner, Harriman, used the Hamburg-Amerika Line, to transport Nazi specialists in propaganda to the United States, including those advocating and practicing eugenicsand the Rockefellers did likewise (17). NAZIFICATION OF THE CIA Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis, his son George H.W. Bush would hire Nazis, and neo-Nazi advisors (9,18), and both would advocate Nazi practices such as eugenics, in order to purify the race. Indeed, both men even made arrangements for Nazis and those supporting Nazi policies to come to this country. Prescott Bush, of course, did not act alone. Bush was in business with his father-in-law, George Walker, the Harrimans, and the Rockefellers. And then there is the Dulles brothers, Allen Dulles acting as legal counsel to the Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clique, as well as a go-between in setting up deals with leading Nazis. At the close of the second world war, Prescott Bush, Rockefeller, and Dulles were still in business with the Nazis, and assisted hundreds of Nazis to come to the United States, and to obtain work in the Republican party and in the OSS (5,9)a spy agency which would later be named, the CIA (19). As revealed by the National Archives, as admitted by the CIA, and as reported by BBC and UPI (20), the CIA recruited and employed hundreds of high ranking Nazis, including Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen who placed his Nazi spy ring at the disposal of the United States following the close of WWII. Gehlen was Hitlers senior intelligence officer on the Eastern Front during the war and was responsible for the torture and murder of millions of Soviet prisoners. Gehlens network of SS and Gestapo Nazi agents, not only in the East, but in Europe were secretly released from prisoner of

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war camps by U.S. intelligence officers (4,20), including Allen Dulles (4,24), the same Allen Dulles who worked for Prescott Bush and company, as a lawyer (25). Prescott Bush, Harriman, and the Rockefellers called upon the Dulles brothers to help cover up the fact that they were in business with the Nazis. Dulles was an excellent choice, because of his connections to the Roosevelt administration, and because, in the 1930s Dulles had helped establish several interlocking financial networks between IG Farben, Standard Oil and the ruling family of Saudi Arabia, the House of Saud. Dulles was well rewarded for his work and became the first director of the CIA. Gehlens Nazi CIA spy ring, became known as the Gehlen Organization and received millions of dollars in funding from the U.S. until 1956 (UPI 9/20/2000). Additional files released by the CIA on April 29. 2001, indicates that hundreds of World War II Nazi war criminals ended up on the CIA payroll, including Klaus Barbie, the infamous Butcher of Lyon. Barbie was eventually convicted of crimes against humanity by a French court. Barbie was not the only Butcher that the Bush-Dulles clique helped to escape from justice.Nazi Major General Walter Dornberger who had been sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes was also welcomed with open arms (21). A U.S. Justice Department spokesman Eli Rosenbaum said the files demonstrated hat the real winners of the war were Nazi war criminals (21). Not surprisingly, the CIA, like the Gestapo, would employ espionage, propaganda, terror, chemical and biological warfare, including the purposeful infection and murder of American citizens to obtain its objectives (22, see also chapter 8). And, like the Gestapo, the CIA would be, as it still is, above the law. TERROR: HITLER STYLE The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.Adolf Hitler, Hitler believed in using terror as a political weapon and to justify war and the destruction of his enemies. Terror would also play a major role in assisting him in pursuing one of his major objectives, an attack on the Soviet Union, and the seizure of the

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oil-rich states in the Caspian basin (2,3,23). It was the oil rich lands of the Caspian basin, and living space that Hitler sought. But before he dared grab what he believed was rightfully his, he had to first deal with Poland which blocked the way (2,3). Initially, Hitler tried to negotiate with the government of Poland for a corridor across their land, upon which the Nazis intended to construct highways and railroad routes, which could be used to transport German troops. Hitler tried threats and bribes, but it was to no avail. Finally, after months of negotiation and days and months of terrorist provocation (which he claimed was directed at Germany by Poland) he gave the Poles one last chance. He made them a final generous offer. They refused. Hitler was not the only one involved in a dispute with Poland. Since 1934, the Polish government had been fighting with the American and German stockholders who controlled the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company (2)a Prescott Bush company (14). According to a March 19, 1934, article which appeared in the New York Times, the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company was being accused of excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities. The New York Times then went on to say: Two-thirds of the companys stock is owned by Friedrich Flick, a leading German steel industrialist, and the remainder is owned by interests in the United States i.e. Bush, Harriman and gang. According to the New York Times, Herr Flick fearing an attempt to make the companys board entirely Polish, retaliated by restricting credits so that the new Polish directors were unable to pay the workmen regularly. The Polish division of the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company, in addition to fraud, had also failed to pay taxes to the Polish government. Millions were owed. The dispute would be settled, in 1939, with the destruction of Poland by Nazi Germany. Hitler, however, needed justification to attack an independent state which had done him no harm. His generals were reluctant to attack, as they knew that the German people and the international community were opposed to war (2,3). Hitler promised his generals that he would give the German

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people a propagandist reason for starting the war. The victor he told them, will not be asked afterward whether he told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war, it is not right that matters, but victory. However, Hitler knew that he needed deeds not words. Days later, on August 31, 1939, operation Canned Goods, the code name for a terrorist attack on German citizens and German property, was carried out by SS men dressed in Polish Army uniforms (2,3). There had already been numerous terrorist attacks conducted against German property and civilians by SS men dressed as Polish soldiers. Hitler, however, needed one final grand attack to justify his war. On August 1, concentration camp inmates, who had been drugged and shot, and dressed in Polish uniforms, were displayed as evidence of unceasing Polish terrorism being waged on Germany. These terrorist attacks, including the final, August 31, attack on a German radio station, provided the justification for war. On September 1, 1939, Hitler explained to the German people and the world, that because of these terrorist assaults, I have therefore resolved to speak to Poland in the same language that Poland for months past has used toward us. Polish soldiers fired on our territory. We have now been returning fire, and from now on bombs will be met with bombs. As the world later learned, these terrorists assaults on Germany were conducted by German SS agents under the watchful eye of Himmlers SS and Gestapo (1,2,3). HITLER & IBN SAUD In 1941, after defeating France and conquering Europe, Hitler prepared to attack Russia, which in fact, had been his plan since the 1920s, as detailed in his book, Mein Kampf (23): And so we National Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our pre-War period. We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long last we break off the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-War period and shift to the soil policy of the future. If we speak of soil in Europe today, we can primarily

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have in mind only Russia and her vassal border states. Hitler wanted living space and oil. And, he planned that upon conquering the Soviet Union, that Russia would be divided up into individual states with governments of their own. One of Hitlers allies in this campaign, was the king of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud (26). Ibn Saud was the leader of the SunniWahhabi sect of Islam. Saud was the principle Arab leader who had united the Arabian Peninsula early in the 1900s. Hitler was most appreciative of Arab support, but not in the manner that Ibn Saud may have envisioned. In 1942, Hitler once said: Im going to become a religious figure. Soon, Ill be the great chief of the Tartars. Already, Arabs and Moroccans are mingling my name with their prayers. Amongst the Tartars, I shall become Khan. The only thing of which I shall be incapable is to share the sheiks mutton with them. Im a vegetarian, and they must spare me from their meat. If they dont wait too long, Ill fall back on their harems! In the 1930s Ibn Saud had his eye on Iraq and the southern states of the Soviet Union, whose populations were predominantly Muslim. Ibn Saud dreamed of spreading Sunni-Wahhabi control over this region, thus creating an even greater Islamic state which would be under the domination of the Saud family. Ibn Sauds preferred methods of conquest, terror and the sword. Hitler saw eye to eye with Saud: In this struggle which will decide the fate of the Arabs I can now speak as a man dedicated to an ideal and as a military leader and a soldier. Everyone united in this great struggle who helps to bring about its successful outcome, serves the common cause and thus serves the Arab cause.... The situation is as follows: We are conducting the great struggle to open the way to the North of the Caucasus...during the struggle (and we dont know when victory will come, but probably not in the far future) we will reach the Southern Caucasus...then I would like to issue a declaration; for then the hour of the liberation of the Arabs will have arrived. Ibn Saud was not only in business with Hitler, but with the Rockefellers and associatesindividuals and corporations which were likewise in business with the Nazi-regime. Hitler, the oil companies, Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller-Dulles,

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and the Saudi-Wahhabi clan of Saudi Arabia, joined in an axis of evil. They all had their eyes on the same prize: the Persian Gulf, the central Asian states, and oil. The only way to grab that prize would be war. The Soviet Union would have to be defeated and destroyed, something that Hitler had been promising since writing his book, Mein Kampf. War has always been good for businessthat is, the business of war. Thus those who would most profit from war, e.g., bankers, arms manufacturers, and those oil-companies and nations with their eyes on the same prize, had latched onto Hitler and his Nazi party, for the sole purpose of bringing him to power so that he would launch his war against the Soviet Union. Hitlers early allies included Bush, Harriman, Rockefellers Standard Oil, and the royal family of Saudi Arabia. The Nazis would have remained a minor political party, and Germany would have remained a cash-starved country, weaponless and powerless, but for the massive influx of outside investment capital. Our intelligence sources believe that the most important event of this period was the alliance between American oil companies and Saudi Arabia. It was the indispensable precondition for the war and the Nazi holocaust (John Loftus & Mark Aarons, 4). The Nazis wanted oil, world domination, and supported mass extermination and terrorism. Bush and Harriman were in business with the Nazis and supported eugenics and terrorism. Standard oil wanted oil and funneled money to Himmlers SS and supported terrorism (13). The Wahhabis, like the Nazis, were seeking world domination through mass conversion to Sunni-Wahhabism, and failing that, the mass extermination of those who resist. And all had their eyes on the oil-rich southern Caucuses and Caspian basin. Six decades later terror would again be employed and would again serve as justification for seeking access to these oil-rich states which would be torn away from Russia. And just as the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Bush and associates, and American oil formed an unholy alliance with a terrorist (Nazi) regime in the 1930s and 1940s (4,5,11,12,13,19), the Saudi royal family, Bush and associates, and American oil companies would form an unholy alliance

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with a terrorist regime that would attack America on September 11, 2001. The goals would remain the same: the oil-rich lands of the Caspian basin. According to UNOCAL, nearly 200 billion barrels of oil may lie beneath the soil of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan what had been the southern states of the Soviet Union: $40 trillion dollars in oil! The Saudi Royal family, the CIA, and the Bush family and their associates in the oil business, have been drooling over these riches for decades. THE OIL-TERROR PIPELINE In the 1930s and 1940s, the Nazis would lead the effort to break up and conquer the southern states of the Soviet Union. At the end of the war, thousands of Nazis would be recruited into the CIA (19,20) and the Republican party. Decades later, the Nazi-infested CIA who would again set out to break up and conquer the oil-rich southern states of the Soviet Union. Like the Nazis, the CIA would employ terrorists and form an alliance with a consortium of oil-companies and the SunniWahhabi clans of Saudi Arabia in order to achieve this objective (27,28,29). As detailed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to the Carter Administration, in an interview with weekly French publication, Le Nouvel Observateur (28), in July 1979 President Jimmy Carter secretly approved CIA efforts which were already underway in Afghanistan to topple the Soviet backed regime. The purpose of this aid, was to draw the Soviets into Afghanistan and to instill civil unrest in the central Asian oil-rich countries it controlled. It was also in 1979, that Osama bin Laden, who was representing his family company in Istanbul, began working with the CIA to recruit Arab-Muslim volunteers for Afghans resistance against the Red Army (30). In 1979, Osama bin Laden, the business man, helped launch the holy war which was to topple the Soviet-backed regime in Afghanistanthe key to the central Asian statesand hopefully strip the oil rich regions of central Asia from

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the grasp of the Soviet Union. Afghanistan was the key, for in the words of UNOCAL vice president, John J. Maresca: A route through Afghanistan is the best option with the fewest technical obstacles that would bring Central Asian oil closest to Asian markets and thus would be the cheapest in terms of transporting the oil. First Afghanistan then central Asia, and then an oil pipeline could be built leading to the sea. Osama bin Ladens family, being in the construction and oilrelated business, and the Saudi royal family all of whom were in business with the Bush family, even in the 1970s stood to make billions of dollars if Afghanistan and the central Asian states became subject to western control. According to William Casey (27), Director of the CIA during the Reagan-Bush administration, the principle reason for training and funding the Afghan mujahideen, was to wage terrorism and war against the Soviet Union, with Saudi cooperation, and to sow discord in the Soviet Central Asia, in order to stir an Islamic revolution and pry these states away from the Soviet sphere of influence. Afghanistan was a key player because Afghanistan provided the only sensible route from the oil fields north of its border to Pakistan and thus the sea. As detailed by Peter Schweizer (27), arms were being purchased on the international market with Saudi money and the CIA was flying them from Dhahran to Islamabad. The CIA was also flying in weapons and ammunition. Ten thousand tons of arms and ammunition were going through the channel every year. However, that this was done through the Wahhabi clan was top secret; the Wahhabi clan being the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family. The Saudis were happy to play a major role. Saudi Arabias King Faud, and other prominent Saudi families belonged to the Wahhabi clan. Like king Ibn Saud from decades before, they wished to extend the rule of Wahhabi-Sunni Muslims across Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the oil-rich states of the former Soviet Union in order to create a single Islamic superstate ruled by Muslims subscribing to the Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam (31,32). The Wahhabis, like Hitler, were seeking to establish a ruth39

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less Nazi-like New World Order which would be ruled with an iron-fist by the Saudi-Wahhabism elite and the chosen few: Wahhabism exalts and promotes death in every element of its existence, the suicide of its adherents, mass murder as a weapon against civilization, and above all the suffocation of the mercy embodied in IslamStephen Schwartz, The Two Faces of Islam (32). ******* The Soviet Union finally collapsed in the 1990s, but as the first Bush administration would soon be out of power, and as civil war raged in Afghanistan, conditions were not yet ripe for establishing the pipeline and gaining access to the fabulous riches that lay beneath the soil of the Caspian basin. Ten years would pass. With the election of George W. Bush, in 2000, negotiations began in earnest with the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan (29). But, the Taliban refused the terms offered by the Bush team, and could not be bought off by the tens of millions of dollars they had already received since Bush came to power. The Bush administration threatened to destroy them (29). The Taliban were not swayed. The Bush team, however, had an ace in the hole, and his name was Osama bin Laden. As the Bush team well knew, a terrorist assault, launched against the United States from a base deep inside Afghanistan, would be justification for the invasion of that country, the annihilation of its government, and the installation of a regime which would welcome the United States military and the construction of an oil pipeline across its soil. And this is exactly what came to pass after the terrorist attack of 9/11. Hence, just as Hitler and the Nazis would first negotiate with the government of Poland for a corridor across their land, the Bush administration would first negotiate with the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan for the right to build a pipeline across their country (29). And just as Germany was repeatedly provoked by terrorist attacks (conducted by its own agents) the United States would be repeatedly provoked by Osama bin Ladena man whose family (and their associates) stood to make millions of dollars in oil-re40

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lated business if only the Taliban would agree to the Bush administration terms (see chapter 12). And like the Poles 60 years before, negotiations with the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan would be to no avail. Finally, in August, after threatening to destroy them, the Bush administration made a final generous offer and a stark choice: A carpet of bombs or a carpet of gold (29). The Taliban leadership of Afghanistan refused. On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by terrorists who had in the past received funding from the CIA (27,29); terrorists who belonged to an organization linked to Osama bin Laden. Bin Ladens family had been in business with the Bush family for years (34,35,36) and they, along with Bush associates, stood to make billions of dollars in U.S. war-related spending and and pipeline construction (35). Conveniently, these terrorists made Afghanistan their home base during the final term of the Clinton administration, in 1996. And, conveniently, these terrorists attacked the United States only after George W. Bush had been installed as President of the United States and the representatives of the oil business were installed in positions of power in his administration (36). And, just as the world and the German people had learned that these terrorist attacks occurred under the protective gaze of Germanys intelligence agencies, Americans would learn that the terrorists who struck on 9/11, did so under the watchful gaze of the modern American version of Hitlers Gestapo. THIS IS NOT TERRORISM: ITS STRICTLY BUSINESS In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way. President Franklin D. Roosevelt The president was provided information about bin Laden wanting to engage in hijacking, -Bush White House Spokesman, Ari Fleischer. As we shall detail in later chapters, despite their claims of having been taken unawares and with complete surprise, top officials in the FBI, CIA, and Bush administration, knew with absolute certainty that al-Qaeda was planning to launch a major attack on the United States before the end of 2001. And they knew that

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five-man hijacking teams would commandeer American commercial jetliners and crash them, kamikaze style, into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. They dont have any excuse because the information was in their lap and they didnt do anything to prevent it, -Senator Richard Shelby. Not only was the information in their lap, but some of the 9/ 11 hijackers may have been in their pocket. We know that the CIA and bin Laden formed an association in 1979 (if not sooner) and that his mission was to recruit Arab-Muslim volunteers for Afghans resistance against the Red Army (37,38). Despite official denials, there is considerable evidence that five of the alleged hijackers... received training at secure U.S. military installations (39). We know that the Reagan-Bush administration wanted to assassinate Libyan President, Moamar Gadafy and that 10 years later, in 1996 bin Laden would be hired by British Intelligence to assassinate Gadafy (40). That same year, bin Laden, who was losing millions of dollars in his many business ventures in Sudan, left his troubles behind. In 1996, at the urgings of the U.S. and the Saudi royal family, bin Laden moved to Afghanistan, where he then proceeded to buy influence and powercourtesy of tens of millions of dollars being funneled to him via his many friends in the U.S. and the Saudi royal family. This is not jihad. This is strictly business Osama bin Laden (41). It has also been reported by independent intelligence sources that bin Laden has frequently met with CIA agents, and that he met again with a CIA agent in July, 2001 and provided details of the coming 9/11 attack (42). Attorney General, John Ashcroft broke with tradition and stopped flying commercial jets after that meeting (43). And we know that the CIA had been tracking and closely monitoring several of the 9/11 hijackers since 1999 (44). We know that the CIA tracked and then met with and debriefed one of the 9/ 11 hijackers in January and February of 2001 (45). We know that the CIA was monitoring the phone conversations of several of the

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9/11 hijackers during which the coming attack was discussed (46). We know the CIA as well as top officials in the FBI sabotaged and actively interfered with the investigative efforts of FBI field agents who were on the verge of uncovering the 9/11 plot (47,48). And we know that Hitlers SS employed similar tactics in 1939, training and employing terrorists who attacked German targets, which justified Hitlers war on Poland (1,2,3). And we know that the CIA recruited thousands of Nazis and SS leaders following the war, and has repeatedly relied on Nazi tactics to meet its objectives and those of big business including the oil industry (9,13,20). In the days before the attack, the CIA tape recorded 9/11 hijacker, Mohammed Atta as he described by phone to a known al-Qaeda leader, the upcoming attack and gave that date on which it would occur: September 11, 2001 (46). By law, Atta and fellow 9/11 hijacker, Marwan Al-Shehhi, should have never been granted visas or allowed into the country. Atta had been implicated in previous terrorist attacks and he had allegedly met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer (46,49). Atta and al-Shehhi had also been tracked, by the CIA, to Afghanistan and Osama bin Ladens terrorist training camps (50). And yet, in the months prior to 9/11 they were allowed to continue their activities in this country unhindered; activities which included flight training. Atta and Marwan were not alone. Several of the other hijackers had also been granted visas and allowed into this country in the weeks and months before 9/11 although they were known to be directly associated with bin Ladens al-Qaeda (46,49). The CIA had been monitoring two of the 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi since at least January 2000 (46). Both men, as the CIA knew, were linked to al-Qaeda and had met with Osama bin Laden. In fact the CIA monitored their movements in Afghanistan and then tracked them to Malaysia, where they were photographed attending an al-Qaeda conference speaking with a number of al-Qaeda operatives. And then, the CIA tracked both men from Malaysia to the United States where they took up residence in San Diego, renting a room in the house of an FBI informer (46). These two terrorists then proceeded, for the

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next 18 months, to move about freely and to hold meetings with at least six of the other hijackers, including Mohammed Atta and Hani Hanjour. Hanjour would later hijack American Airlines Flight 77, Yet another 9/11 hijacker, Ziad al-Jarrah had even been questioned by the CIA about his terrorist activities after spending three weeks at an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. The CIA had closely monitored his movements, and then questioned, debriefed, and then allowed al-Jarrah to travel to the United States (50). On 9/11, Ziad al-Jarrah piloted the hijacked jet that crashed in Pennsylvania. Top officials in the FBI, CIA, and other U.S. intelligence agencies had known since the year 2000, that individuals known or suspected to be linked with bin Laden or other terrorists groups, had been slipping into the country, and were planning on hijacking and crashing commercial jetliners into U.S. cities (46,49). They also knew that suspected terrorists on the FBIs watch list were receiving flight training. And they knew that men on their watch list were holding late night meetings that were attended by other men who were being watched (46,49). In fact eight of those on the FBIs watch list lived at the same address as two of the 9/11 hijackers: Hamza al-Ghamdi and Ahmed al-Ghamdi. All ten men shared a dormitory at Flight Safety Internationala flight school in Vero Beachand were training to be pilots. Hamza and Ahmed were on the jet that hit the south Tower of the World Trade Center (46,49). Yet another certified pilot on the FBIs watch list shared an address in Daytona Beach with Waleed al-Shehri, a hijacker on the flight that struck the north Tower of the World Trade Center. Also at that address: Saeed al-Ghamdi, a hijacker on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania (46,49). Top officials in the FBI, CIA, and Bush administration, not only knew of this activity, they acted, in the words of FBI agents, Colleen Rowley (47) and ONeil (48), to block, sabotage and interfere with the investigative efforts of FBI agents, including those who were on the verge of uncovering the plot. For example, in July of 2001, Phoenix FBI agent, Kenneth Williams (51), submitted a five page report to FBI Headquarters that linked a number of Middle Eastern flight students to Osama

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bin Laden and to a radical British Islamic group, Al-Muhajiroun. He also discovered that one of the flight school students had communicated with Abu Zubaydah, one of bin Ladens top aides. He recommended that the FBI immediately begin canvassing flight schools in order to identify any suspected terrorists. FBI headquarters turned down his request (46). Top FBI officials then interfered with the investigative efforts of Minneapolis FBI agents who believed they had uncovered a plot to attack the World Trade Center (47). The Minneapolis offices asked for a warrant to search the computer and personal effects of Zacarias Moussaoui who had been arrested by FBI agents on August 15 of 2001, just weeks before the 9/11 attack (47,49). Moussaoui had been requesting training in a Boeing 747 simulator. However, he had no interest in learning about landings or takeoffs. According to an instructor at the flight school: He just wanted to learn to steer the plane, which was very odd. Instead, the warrant was rewritten by headquarters, critical information was deleted (47), and was then rejected by the same top level FBI officials who had rejected the Williams memo which warned of a similar terrorist attack (46). As detailed by Coleen Rowley, a senior FBI agent in the Minneapolis office, in a 13 page memo sent to FBI Director Mueller, FBI officials instead blocked and sabotaged their investigation, and altered and deleted critical information so that a warrant would not and could not be issued (41). She accused Mueller and FBI headquarters of sabotaging and blocking the investigation, and of engaging in a cover up for political reasons. What political reasons? Oil. Trillions of dollars in oil. Coleen Rowley (47) went on to note that other agents were accusing FBI headquarters of deliberate sabotage. Comments were actually made that the key FBIHQ personnel had to be spies or moles.. who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden. OF COURSE BUSH KNEW The CIA and Bush administration knew about the attack in advance, they allowed known al-Qaeda terrorists to come to this country and move about freely, they interfered with the investiga45

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tive efforts of those FBI agents who threatened to uncover the plot, and they knew that the attack of 9/11 would be immediately followed by biological terrorism, i.e. letters containing weapons-grade anthrax. On the morning of 9/11, top Bush administration officials and support staff, began taking the anthrax-antibiotic Cipro, weeks before the first anthrax attacks became public (52). Bush administration officials not only knew in advance about the anthrax and that the World Trade Center would be attacked on 9/11 they welcomed the attacks which is why these same officials conspired to block and sabotage the efforts of FBI field agents who were on the verge of uncovering the 9/11 plot. The claims by the intelligence community that they failed to connect the dots is an absurdity. I dont believe any longer that its a matter of connecting the dots. I think they had a veritable blueprint and we want to know why they didnt act on it. - Republican Senator Arlen Specter, 6/6/ 2002. Top CIA and FBI officials, and members of the Bush administration, failed to connect the dots because they are the dots. The terrorist assault of 9/11 would provide the Bush administration and their associates in the oil and defense industries, with the justification for war and the opportunity to build a pipeline across Afghanistan in order to gain access to the multi-trillion dollars in oil that lay just beyond Afghanistans northern border. Iraq would be next. Terrorism, of course, is not just about oil and money, but power. As will be detailed in later chapters, the CIA and thus the American government, have employed terrorism for decades in order to topple left-wing leaders and bring to power right-wing governments in their place. We should thus not be surprised to discover that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States was also in the best interests of a right wing government that of George W. Bush. We expect to get votes in the fall because of the War on Terrorism. - Ari Fleischer, Bush White House Spokesman. Bush Adviser Suggests War as Campaign Theme. -New York Times, 1/19/02

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Identical political strategies were used and implemented by Nazis in 1933. Its a classic tactic. Its one that Hitler also used. -Herta Daubler-Gmelin, Germanys Justice Minister, 9/17/2002.

1). Heinz Hohne. The Order of the Deaths Head. Ballantine, New York. 1967. 2). J. Toland. Adolf Hitler, Doubleday, New York, 1976 3). W. L. Shirer. The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich. Fawcett World Library, New York, 1960. 4). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. The Secret War Against The Jews St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, Delacorte Press, 1983. 5). Webster, G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, The Executive Intelligence Review. 6). Goebells Diaries. 7). Anthony Sutton, Americas Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones Liberty House, New York. 1986; Ron Rosenbaum, The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones, Esquire Magazine, September, 1977; Peggy Alder-Robohm, Skull and Bones Bushs Boys Club, Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990; John Schrag, Skeleton in His Closet, Willamette Week, September 19-25, 1991; David W. Dunlap, Yale Society Resists Peeks Into Its Crypt, New York Times, 11/4/88 8). Anthony Sutton, Americas Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones Liberty House, New York. 1986; Peggy Alder-Robohm, Skull and Bones Bushs Boys Club, Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990; John Schrag, Skeleton in His Closet, Willamette Week, September 19-25, 1991. 9). Russ Bellant Old Nazis, The New Right And The Republican Party. South End Press. Boston, 1991. Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949, Delecorte Press, New York, 1983 10). Prescott Bush acknowledged his partnership with Frick, in a March 19, 1934, letter to Averell Harriman. Prescott Bush. Bush, who was director of the German Steel Trusts Union Banking Corporation was concerned about a problem which had developed in the Flick partnership. See also Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, The Executive Intelligence Review; John Loftus and Mark 47

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Aarons. The Secret War Against The Jews St. Martins Press, New York, 1994. 11). As detailed by Robert Lederman in the Philadelphia City Paper (1/18/01) banks and shipping companies operated by the Bush family invested millions of dollars into IG Farben. It is IG Farben, which produced the poison gas, Zyklon B which was used to murder Jews, Gypsies, Russians and so on. IG Farben built and operated, in conjunction with Himmlers SS, more than 40 concentration camps, including Auschwitz. 12). On Oct. 20, 1942, Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being directed by Prescott Bush, including the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland, Bunny Harriman, and three Nazis, and two other Bush associates (see Office of Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 248, Vesting Order No. 259, Vesting Order No. 261, Vesting Order No. 370). Vesting Order No. 248 noted that the Union Banking Corporation was run as a front for the Thyssen family of Germany and designated Thyssen as nationals ... of a designated enemy country. See also testimony of Capt. Frederick C. Mensing, John Schroeder, Paul von Lilienfeld-Toal, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities, Public Hearings before A Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, United States House of Representatives, Seventy Third Congress, New York City, July 9-12, 1934Hearings No. 73-NY-7, Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1934. 13). Prescott Bush, the vice-president of Harriman and Co. and president of Union Banking, became, In 1929 became a director and chief financial officer for Dresser industries which supplied oil-related equipment to the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company. Prescott Bush was also one of the directors of the Hamburg-Amerika line. Hamburg-Amerika Line, was a Nazi front-company whose partners included I.G. Farben. Emil Helfferich was the chairman of Hamburg-Amerika as well as chairman of Standard Oils German subsidiaries. Standard Oil provided expertise to I.G. Farben including the know how to make leaded gasoline. As detailed in An I.G. Farben memo: Since the beginning of the war we have been in a position to produce lead tetraethyl solely because, a short time before the outbreak of the war, the Americans had established plants for us ready for production and supplied us with all available experience. In this manner we did not need to perform the difficult work of development because we could start production right away on the basis of all the experience that the Americans had for years. In another I.G. Farben memo Standard Oils assistance in 48

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procuring $20 million worth of aviation fuel and lubricants is acknowledged: The fact that we actually succeeded by means of the most difficult negotiations in buying the quantity desired by our government... and transporting it to Germany, was made possible only through the aid of the Standard Oil Co. At the completion of WWII, IG Farben was split up by the Allies into different pharmaceutical companies, the best known of which is Bayer. Currently, Bayer in a major investor in the Carlyle Group, a defense related investment group which is chaired by former Reagan-Bush secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci, and which counts George H.W. Bush as among it most prominent stockholders. At the completion of WWII, when the Rockefeller-IG Farben relationship was finally brought to light, including the fact that IG Farben owned 30% of Standard Oil stock, the company hired lawyer Allen Dulles to represent it before congress and Federal Court. Allen Dulles would later become the first Director of the C.I.A. Dulles was also in business with Brown Brothers and was a board member of a Nazibank, the Schroeder Bank. 14). Prescott Bush was director of the German Steel Trusts Union Banking Corporation. Prescott Bush, George Walker (Prescott Bushs father-in-law) and their associates owned controlling shares of Consolidated Silesian Steel, and Bush served as President of Union Banking and a senior partner in Brown Brothers, and together these companies controlled and directed the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, as well as Consolidated Silesian Steel (see Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation - Meeting of Board of Directors, Oct. 31, 1930; Harriman papers, Library of Congress; John A. Kouwenhouven, Partners in Banking. Brown Brothers Harriman, Doubleday & Co., Garden City, 1969. Andrew Boyle, Montagu Norman, Cassell, London, 1967. Sir Henry Clay, Lord Norman, MacMillan & Co., London, 1957). 15). Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities, op. cit., chapter 2, 1934. See testimony of Capt. Frederick C. Mensing, John Schroeder, Paul von LilienfeldToal, Public Hearings before A Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, United States House of Representatives, Seventy Third Congress, New York City, July 9-12, 1934Hearings No. 73-NY-7, Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1934. 16). Congressional Record for Bush speech in the House of Representatives, Sept. 4, 1969. See also Bush Task Force testimony 8/5/69. After he became President, sterilization became his administrations first choice of reducing the population in third world countries (Joanne Grossi, USAIDs Population Office, July 16, 1991). Under his administration, the U.S. government paid for the surgical sterilization of undesirables in Mexico, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Panama, Brazil, and India (Nafis Sadik, The State 49

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of World Population, New York, United Nations Population Fund; Users Guide to the Office of Population, 1991, Office of Population, Bureau for Science and Technology, United States Agency for International Development). 17). Letters to and from Averell Harriman, the principle partner, in the Hamburg-American Line, frequently make references to eugenics. These include letters to and Dr. Charles B. Davenport, President, The International Congress of Eugenics, Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. (e.g., letter of January 21, 1932 from Harriman to Davenport: I will be only too glad to put you in touch with the Hamburg-American Line. Letter of January 23, 1932 from Davinport to Harriman: Thank you very much for the action you took which I hope will enable more of our German colleagues to come to America on the occasion of the congresses of eugenics and genetics. In 1934, congressional hearings established that Hamburg-Amerika was transporting Nazis into America who were distributing and promoting Nazi propaganda (See Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities, U.S. Congress, 1934). See, Rockefeller Collection, Title Rockefeller/Eugenics, Stacking Code GC/88, AccNo 239, box 1: Includes copies of correspondence from the Rockefeller Family Archives, pertaining to support given to the English Eugenics Society for their researches in birth control and eugenics, 1934-1940. See also, Stefan Kuhl, The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism, Oxford Univ Press, 2002. As detailed in this book, American scientists, social theorists, and Americas royal families, inspired and applauded Nazi racist ideology. A 1907 Indiana law permitting the sterilization of the mentally handicapped predated and served as a model for Germanys 1933 Law on Preventing Hereditarily Ill Progeny. The 1924 American Immigration Restriction Act was praised by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf. With the help of the Harrimans and Rockefellers, German theorists came to the U.S. seeking international legitimacy. The Rockefeller Foundation and Jewish philanthropist James Loeb helped fund major eugenics institutes in Germany, including the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity. See also Wendy Kline, Building a Better Race: Gender, Sexuality, and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom, University of California Press, 2001; Philip R. Reilly, Gerald Grob, The Surgical Solution: A History of InvoluntarySterilization in the United States, Johns Hopkins Univ Press, 1991. 18). Washington Jewish Week, 9/8/1988; David Lee Preston, Philadelphia Inquirer, Fired Bush backer one of several with possible Nazi links 9/10/1988. 19). R. Harris Smith, OSS: The Secret History of Americas First Central Intelligence Agency, University of California Press, 1972; Fletcher 50

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Prouty, The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the U.S. and the World, Prentice Hall, 1973; Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA, WW Norton, 1987; Rodney Stich, Defrauding America: A Pattern Of Related Scandals Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations, Diablo Western Press, 1993; William Blum, Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII, Common Courage Press, 1995. 20). BBC News, 9/17/2001; UPI, CIA says Nazi general was intelligence source 9/20/2000. According to the UPI story, the National Archives said that the CIA had filed an affidavit in U.S. District Court acknowledging an intelligence relationship with German General Reinhard Gehlen that it has kept secret for 50 years. The CIAs announcement marks the first acknowledgment by that agency that it had any relationship with Gehlen and opens the way for declassification of records about the relationship, the National Archives said. Gehlen was Hitlers senior intelligence officer on the Eastern Front during the war and transferred his expertise and contacts to the U.S. as World War II reached its climax. The CIAs acknowledgment of its dealings with Gehlen came in a response to an appeal of a Freedom of Information Act request by researcher Carl Oglesby, the National Archives said. See also Linda Hunt Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientist and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990, St. Martins Press, 1991; Charles Higham, American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day, Doubleday, 1985. 21). BBC News 4/28/2001, 22). Rodney Stichm Defrauding America: A Pattern Of Related Scandals Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations, Diablo Western Press, 1993; Jonathan Kwitney, The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA, W.W. Norton, 1987. 23. Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf. 24). The Dulles brothers (John Foster, later Secretary of State, and Allen, later director of the CIA) represented the interests of Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and other Nazi collaborators. Allen Dulles had also negotiated business deals between the Bonesmen and Hitlers Nazis. The Nazis considered Dulles to be the most influential White House man in Europe and Dulles had numerous meetings with top members of the SS. In January of 1943, Dulles, acting as a representative of the United States, began negotiating with top Nazis, and was urging that Hitler be deposed and replaced by SS chief Himmler. The white House and Himmler were agreeable. The stumbling block was the question of how the SS could get rid of Hitler. Himmler wished to make Hitler an honorary president. The entire plan of replacing Hitler, however, when awry, when, ac51

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cording to Dulles, Hitler became aware of the plan due to some Allied agency neither American or British. Himmler panicked. Dulles then began negotiating with Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff, Himmlers senior aid and Head of his Personal Staff; he knew all the murkiest secrets of SS headquarters. This too came to naught. By this late stage of the game, it was no clear that Germany would lose the War. It would be impossible to replace Hitler with Himmler, the leader of Germanys secret order of Skull and Bones, the SSthe Brotherhood of Death. Allen Dulles, in his book The Secret Surrender, repeatedly refers to good Nazis, such as Standartenfuehrer Eugen Dollmann, Himmlers representative in Rome, and SS Obergruppenfuehrer Karl Wolff, the High SS and Police Leader of Northern Italy. In 1938, this good Nazi, Karl Wolff played a major role in the atrocities of Kristallnacht, in November of 1938, during which 20,000 Jews were attacked and sent to concentration camps. After the conquest of Poland, Wolf sent a letter to Himmler which read as follows: For your letter of July 28th, 1942, I thank you also in the name of the Reichsfuehrer SSsincerely. With particular joy I noted your assurance that for two weeks now a train has been carrying, every day, 5000 members of the Chosen People to Treblinka, so that we are now in a position to carry through this population movement. With best regards and Heil Hitler! Thus, in the mind of Dulles and his CIA, there are good sadists and mass murderers such as Wolff and even SS chief, Himmler, and those that are bad. 25). From 1927 to 1941, Dulles worked as lawyer and international finance specialist for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York. Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists and played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations. Allen was also legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazis IG Farben, coowned by the Rockefellers. Dulles was recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan, in 1941, and was posted to Berne, Switzerland. Dulles was picked because of his great expertise on Germany which he acquired through his law firm during the 1930s. From October 1942 to May 1945, he gathered intelligence information on Nazi Germany related to all aspects of the war effort, including as it pertains to commerce and industry. There have been suggestions that President Roosevelt suspected that Dulles was a traitor and had his New York Office of Coordinator of Information wiretapped 1941-42. Dulles as well as Bush were both suspected of treachery by Roosevelt, and this led to the seizure of Bush-Dulles52

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linked firms, like Bushs Union Banking Corp., were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act (1942). It is also rumored that Roosevelt intended to have Dulles, Bush, and their associates charged with treason once the war ended, but his plan died with him in 1945. In 1951, Dulles was appointed Deputy Director of the nascent Central Intelligence Agency, and in 1953 he was appointed CIA Director by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In that capacity, Allen Dulles orchestrated a number of remarkable covert intelligence operations including the overthrow of Iranian nationalist leader Mohammed Mossagdeh in 1953, and the overthrow of Guatemalan leader Guilermo Arbenz in 1954. Dulles and his brother, John, were deeply linked to the United Fruit Company and when the company assets in Guatemala were nationalized, Dulles orchestrated the overthrow of the Guatemala leader and the ruthless mass murder of Guatemalian peasants who had been demanding a fair wage. See also, William Blum, Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII, Common Courage Press, 1995. 26). OFFICE OF U.S. CHIEF OF COUNSEL FOR PROSECUTION OF AXIS CRIMINALITY No. 792-PS 17 September 1945 Source of Original OKW Files, Flensburg [Excerpt] LEADS: CANARIS, IBN SAUD, GRAND MUFTI. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT POINTS (with page references): 1. Only through the funds made available by Germany to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was it possible to carry out the revolt in Palestine. (Page 1). 2. Germany will keep up the connection with the Grand Mufti. Weapons will be stored for the Mufti with Ibn Saud in Arabia. (Page 2). 3. Ibn Saud himself has close connections with the Grand Mufti and the revolting circles in TransJordan. (Page 2). 4. To be able to carry out our work one of Germanys agents will be placed in Cairo (Page 3). 5. The document is undated but obviously written before the outbreak of the war in 1939. It is not signed. Analyst Landmann Doc. No. 792-PS. 27). Peter Schweizer, Victory-The Reagan Administrations Secret Strategy that Hastened the Collapse of the Soviet Union. 28). Le Nouvel Observateur, 11/15-21/1998, see also, Bill Blum, Killing Hope, Common Courage Press. 29). Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie, Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth. These two French Intelligence analysts report that the U.S. government saw the Taliban regime as a source of stability in Central Asia that would enable the construction of an oil pipeline across Central Asia from the rich oil fields in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean. President Bush, in fact, made public statements to that effect, and his administration, in March, announced it was providing $43 million dollars to the Taliban and this was duly reported by the American media. Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie reported that he Bush Administration began to negotiate with the Taliban 53

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immediately after coming into power in February and held a number of meetings in Washington, Berlin and Islamabad, with the last and final meeting taking place in August, five weeks before the attacks on New York. That some of these meetings took place has been confirmed by Niaz A. Naik, former Pakistani Secretary for foreign affairs. 30). Le Figaro 10/31/2001. 31). Hamid Algar, Wahhabism: A Critical Essay, Islamic Publications International, 2002; Sad K. Aburish, A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite, St. Martins Press, 1997; Ahmed Rashid, Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia, Yale Univ Press, 2002. 32). Stephen Schwartz, The Two Faces of Islam, Double Day, 2002. 33). Washington Post, Bush: Out of These Troubled Times... a New World Order, 9/12/1990; Washington Post, Bushs Talk of a New World Order: Foreign Policy Tool or Mere Slogan? 5/26/1991. 34). BBC News, 6/11/01; Wall Street Journal, 9/19/2001; Hindustani Times, 9/28/01; 35). Daniel Golden, James Bandler, Marcus Walker, Bin Laden Family Could Profit From a Jump In Defense Spending Due to Ties to U.S. Bank, Wall Street Journal, 9/27/2001; Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman, 9/28/01.; New York Times, As the War Shifts Alliances, Oil Deals Follow, 12/15/2001. According to the New York Times: The State Department is exploring the potential for post-Taliban energy projects in the region, which has more than 6 percent of the worlds proven oil reserves and almost 40 percent of its gas reserves. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said he was particularly impressed with the money that American oil companies were investing there. He estimated that $200 billion could flow into Kazakhstan during the next 5 to 10 years. 36). Dick Cheney (Vice President), former chairman, Halliburton, one of the top companies providing service to the oil industry. Haliburton gave Cheney $34 million as a farewell gift when he left the company; Condoleezza Rice (National Security Advisor), former board member, Chevron Oil. Chevron named one of their oil supertankers the SS Condoleezza Rice. Richard Armitage (Dept. of State), formerly of UNOCAL oil; Zalmay Khalilzad (National Security Council) a top advisor to UNOCAL who became undersecretary of defense during the first Bush administration; and the list goes on. 37). Le Figaro 10/31/2001. 38). Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie, Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth. 39). Newsweek 9/15/2001. The FBI and military claim that the 9/11 hijackers stole the identities of these men who are all Saudi nationals. However, the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals, and their names are identical 54

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to those who underwent military training in the U.S. Neither the military, FBI, or CIA, has been able to produce or identify anyone else with those names. The obvious conclusion is that five of the hijackers received training in the United States at U.S. military bases. 40). According to David Shayler, an M15 British intelligence agent, and as reported by French Intelligence Analysts, Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie, in their book, Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth, bin Laden was providing leadership and financial support to an Islamic fundamentalist group called al-Muqatila. The membership of al-Muqatila consisted entirely of Libyans who had been recruited by bin Laden, to fight and conduct terrorist attacks against the Soviets during the 1980s and early 1990sterrorist attacks which were funded by the CIA. In 1996, bin Laden ordered al-Muqatila to assassinate Gadafy. The assassination plot failed. Gadafy suspected that the assassination attempt had been orchestrated by the CIA and British Intelligence, and he also feared that bin Laden was attempting to use al-Muqatila to conduct terrorist attacks against Western targets that could then be blamed on Libya. Shayler, Brisard, and Dasquie, report that in March, 1998, Libya issued an international arrest warrant against bin Laden and the leadership of al-Muqatila. The warrant was sent by the Libyan interior ministry to Interpol on March 16th, 1998, and accused bin Laden and al-Muqatila of murdering two German intelligence agents, Silvan Becker and his wife, in 1994. According to former MI5 agent David Shayler, the warrant was ignored by the CIA and British intelligence because of British collaboration with al-Muqatila. 41). United States v. Usama bin Laden et al., S (7) 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS), Sworn testimony of Essam Al-Ridi at the Southern District Court of New York, February 14, 2001; See also, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, United States of America v Ali Mohamed. 42). Le Figaro, 10/31/2001; United Press International, 11/01/2001; Radio France International, 11/1/2001. 43). On July 26, 2001 General, John Ashcroft broke with tradition and refused to ever again fly on any commercial jets. When questioned by CBS News correspondent Jim Stewart, about this unusual move, the Justice Dept. issued a terse reply: Because of a threat assessment by the FBI. Yet when pressed by CBS, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department ... would identify what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it. When Ashcroft was directly asked by reporters about the threat he replied with a straight face: Frankly, I dont, know anything about it, he told reporters. 44). Newsweek, 6/4/2002; ABC News, 6/4/2002; CNN, 8/1/2002. Confirmed before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, June-September 2002. As reported by Newsweek, 6/4/ 55

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2002 and ABC News, 6/4/2002, and as reported before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, the CIA tracked two of the 9/11 hijackers (al-Midhar and al-Hamzi) from Malaysia to the United States, and informed the FBI of their arrival in the U.S. in January 2000. Both men had flown directly to San Diego, a principal U.S. Naval base. However, neither CIA did not notify Immigration until 18 months later, in August of 2001. In June 2001, the State Department issued alMidhar a multi-entry visa even though the FBI and CIA knew he was a suspected terrorist. It is noteworthy that both men arrived at a Naval base and that 10 months later a Navy ship, the USS Cole was bombed. However, almost 11 more months would go by before the CIA notified Immigration, but by then, they had disappeared. Also of significance, both men, while living in San Diego, were under the surveillance of an FBI informer who provided the FBI with details about their activities. As of October, 2002, the FBI and Justice Department have refused all demands by the joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, to interview the informer or the FBI agent he reported to (see New York Times, 10/6/2002 The Inquiry: Congress Seeks F.B.I. Data on Informer; F.B.I. Resists). 45). CNN, 8/1/2002, reported that Jarrah had spent at least three weeks in January 2001 at an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. Upon completing his terrorist training, the CIA, which had been monitoring his movements, requested that intelligence officials based in the United Arab Emirates question him about his terrorist activities. According to CNN, the CIA notified officials that he would be arriving from Pakistan on his way back to Europe. The CIA had closely monitored his movements, and then questioned, debriefed, and then allowed al-Jarrah to return to the United States. On 9/11, Ziad al-Jarrah piloted the jet that crashed in Pennsylvania. 46). Confirmed before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, June-September 2002. 47). Coleen Rowley, 13-page letter to FBI Headquarters and FBI Director, Robert Mueller, May 21, 2002; joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, May 2002. University Press, America Attacked, University Press, California, October 11, 2001. 48) Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie, Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth, Paris. 49). Sara Jess et al., America Attacked, University Press, California, October 11, 2001. 50). CNN, 8/1/2002. 51). Kenneth Williams, Phoenix Memo, July 10, 2001; joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, May 2002. 52). Judicial Watch, 6/7/2002; Associated Press, White House Mail Machine Has Anthrax, 10/23/2001. 56

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