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USER STATE MIGRATION TOOL User State Migration Tool (USMT) 3.

0 can be used to migrate user files and Settings during large deployments of Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista Operating systems. USMT captures desktop, and application settings, as well as user accounts and users' files, and then migrates them to a new Windows installation. Using USMT can help you improve and simplify your migration process. You can use USMT for both side-by-side and wipe-and-load migrations. If you are only upgrading your operating system, USMT is not needed. Users of Windows 2000 and Windows XP desktop machines have investments in their current Configurations. When upgrading the operating system to Windows Vista, users want their personal files and settings such as Internet Explorer Favorites to seamlessly migrate without their intervention. By combining User State Migration Utility with command line scripts, user state migration can be automated. Extract and Prepare USMT for Migration: We will not install the USMT, but we want to download the USMT30Beta2_x86.zip file and we just want to extract it to the machine where we will be capturing the user state. If we want to capture the user state of some other machine, we just want to copy those files to that particular machine and we should run the script for capturing the user state of that machine. This USMT Zip file will have all the files that are needed for capturing and to restore the user state. Configuring the XML files: Inside the USMT Zip file there are different files but we need to configure only the XML files.The XML files were Migapp.xml, Miguser.xml and Migsys.xml. The MigApp.xml file controls what application settings are migrated. The MigUser.xml file controls what files, folders, file types and desktop settings are migrated. It does not specify what users are migrated. There is also a MigSys.xml file, but it is for migrating to XP only. Migration to Vista does not use the MigSys.xml file. To configure these XML files, just locate the file and Right-click the xml file and select Edit to open the file in Notepad. For example if you are configuring Migapp.xml file you just right click the file and select edit. The Migapp.xml file is used to configure the applications that you are going to migrate, So you can configure the application part. For example you are configuring the Office 2003 then,within Notepad, select Edit | Find or press Ctrl+F to bring up the Find dialog box. Enter Office 2003 as the search string and click the Find Next button. Notice the structure of the XML: <!-- Office 2003 --> <component type="Application"> <displayName>Office 2003</displayName>

<environment context="UserAndSystem"> <variable name="HklmWowSoftware"> <text>HKLM\Software</text> </variable> </environment> <role role="Container"> You can use the syntax in MigApp.xml as a pattern for migrating your companys custom applications. You can add your companys applications to the template MigApp.xml or you can create your own XML file that you can specify on the ScanState and LoadState command lines. You can also configure the Miguser.Xml file to do all files, folders and desktop settings. An alternative to customizing the MigApp.xml and MigUser.xml files is to create and customize a config.xml file. This config.xml file is the combination of both the MigApp.xml and MigUser.xml files. To create config.xml file just add /genconfig into the scanstate script as follows. scanstate /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /genconfig:c:\config.xml /l:c:\status.log Excluding some applications: We can also exclude some of the application migrations. If your company doesnt have any work related uses of Windows Media Player, you may want to prevent Windows Media Player settings from being migrated. The easiest way to implement this exclusion is to modify the c:\config.xml file. To configure config.xml file 1) Find the Applications node inside the xml file. 2) Find the component element with a displayname attribute of Windows Media Player. Change the value of the migrate attribute from yes to no (the change is shown in bold). <Configuration> <Applications> <component displayname="Adobe Creative Suite 2" migrate="yes"/> <component displayname="Office 2000" migrate="yes"/> <component displayname="Windows Media Player" migrate="no"/> </Applications>. To modify the Microsoft Outlook, 1) Find the Applications node. 2) Find the component element with a displayname attribute of Microsoft Office Outlook 2003. Change the value of the migrate attribute from yes to no (the change is shown in bold). <Configuration> <Applications> <component displayname="Microsoft Office Outlook 2003" migrate="no" ID="Settings|http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/migapp/Micr osoft Office 2003/container/Microsoft Office Outlook 2003/settings||||"/> </Applications>.

By configuring the above script you can exclude the microsoft Outlook. These are all the some of the applications that you can configure using the migapp.xml, miguser.xml and config .xml file. Capturing User state: After configuring the xml files save all those files and you have to run the state capture using these xml files. You have to copy all the files that are extracted which includes the Migapp.xml and Miguser.xml into the machine which you want to capture the user state. To run the scan state Execute the following at the command prompt: scanstate c:\Usmt\userstate /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /config:c:\config.xml /o /efs:copyraw. After capturing the user state it will be stored in the USMT.mig file. You just copy the USMT.mig file to some network location which is used for restoring. Restoring the Userstate: You can restore the captured user state using the following script in the destination computer, loadstate c:\usmt\userstate /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /lac /lae There are business scenarios where not all users should be migrated. Perhaps the local Administrator settings on Windows Vista should not be affected by Administrator settings on the Windows XP. Additionally, some users may no longer work for the company and should not be migrated. The LoadState command is used to restore saved user state settings and files. The syntax is similar to the ScanState syntax with the notable difference of user and password options. The /ui option includes a domain or local user. The /ue option excludes a domain or local user. The /lac option is the Local Account Create option to create a local account when the account being migrated is not a domain account. If a password is optionally specified with the /lac option, one must consider the security implications if the password is stored in a script file. The /lae option is the Local Account Enable option to enable local accounts created by /lac. 1. Open a command prompt and change the directory to C:\USMT. 2. Execute the following at the command prompt: loadstate c:\usmt\userstate /i:migapp.xml /i:miguser.xml /ui:UserA /ui:UserB /ue:Administrator /ue:alpha /lac:P@ssword /lae By using the above script you can be able to include or to exclude the users while restoring. You can also automate the script using the batch files. So, by using the above procedure you can be able to capture and restore the user state. Note: You should login into the machine using the administrator account for capturing and to restore the user data.

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