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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Issue 1 April 2009
Co-sponsored by the Health and Safety Executive

This report is part 1 of the published data. Part 2 is the associated spreadsheets listing individually the coding and text for each incident
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, neither the HSE, Oil & Gas UK, nor any of its members will assume liability for any use made thereof. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publishers. Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majestys Stationery Office. Copyright 2009 The United Kingdom Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Association Limited trading as Oil & Gas UK.

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

ISBN: 1 903003 ??? PUBLISHED BY OIL & GAS UK London Office: 2nd Floor, 232-242 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1AU. Tel: 020 7802 2400 Fax: 020 7802 2401 Aberdeen Office: 3rd Floor, The Exchange, 2, 62 Market Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5PJ. Tel: 01224 577250 Email: info@oilandgasuk.co.uk Website: www.oilandgasuk.co.uk

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table of Content
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 9 10


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................... 5 Background 5 Confidentiality 5 Objectives 5 Results 6 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 12 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................. 13 EXPOSURE DATA ................................................................................................... 15 Introduction 15 Fixed units 15 16 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs) 17 Monohull units 18 Floating Accommodation Units 20 INCIDENT REPORTING IN UK WATERS ............................................................ 21 OVERVIEW OF DATABASES ................................................................................ 22 COIN/ORION 22 22 BLOWOUT WOAD 23 MAIB 23 EVENT CLASSIFICATION AND CODING PRINCIPLES.................................... 25 ACCIDENT STATISTICS FIXED UNITS ............................................................ 27 27 Introduction Fixed units, accident frequencies, all databases combined 28 Fixed units, occurrence frequencies, all databases combined 28 Floating units, accident frequencies, all databases combined 36 Number of accidents for floating accommodation units 37 38 Floating units, occurrence frequencies, all databases combined Number of occurrences for floating accommodation units 42 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................ 44 REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 45

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Appendix A Detailed Statistics Fixed Units Appendix B Detailed Statistics Floating Units Appendix C Graphs

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Background

Dating back to 1999, several projects were undertaken by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) on behalf of the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) with the purpose of obtaining accident statistics for offshore fixed and floating units on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). In this respect, four databases holding information about incidents having occurred on offshore units on the UKCS were interrogated. The most recent project related to fixed and floating units, Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990 2006 was completed in March 2008. This current project updates the data of the previous projects by adding the accidents having occurred in 2007. It should be noted that statistics for the period 1980-1989 is omitted in this report, but may be found in the reports from the projects Accident Statistics for Fixed Offshore Units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 2005 and Accident Statistics for Floating Offshore Units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 2005, which were completed in 2007. The decision is based on the fact that the reporting requirements and systems changed dramatically in the UK around 1990 following the issuing of the Lord Cullen Report from the Piper Alpha accident in 1988. This project has been commissioned and sponsored by the Oil & Gas UK with co-funding from UK Health & Safety Executive.

1.2 Confidentiality
In order to ensure that the final results of this project are accurate and in line with the Quality Control requirements of the DNVs WOAD databank it has been necessary to obtain "raw" data from each of the databases interrogated. Raw data is defined as the data concerning a specific incident which identified the installation, operator, location, date and time. The data so obtained enabled quality checks to be undertaken on the different databases to prevent double counting of an incident or accident. It has been a condition of former contracts between the HSE and DNV (the custodians of the WOAD databank) that any information so obtained will only be exported in a non attributable form to protect confidentiality and once the project is completed, the raw data will be destroyed. Similarly it is a condition of this contract that any request for data obtained by WOAD as a result of this project will result in data being supplied which is non attributable and will not allow identification of the name of the installation, company, location, date or time of an incident. It will thus be impossible to pinpoint the installation or operator by any means.

1.3 Objectives
The main objective of the project is to obtain complete statistics for accidents and incidents having occurred on offshore fixed and floating units engaged in the oil and gas exploration and exploitation on the UKCS in the period 1990-2007, including numbers of accidents and incidents with corresponding frequencies per type of installation/rig. This is published both as a written report and two associated spreadsheets in the MS Excel format Issue April 2009 1-5

Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

listing individually the coding and text for each incident, one for fixed units and one for floaters. Fixed units in this project are defined as comprising all bottom-fixed structures, but excluding TLPs, FPSOs, FSUs and production jackups even though they are fixed during their production phase and are classified as fixed installations by the HSE under the Safety Case Regulations. These units are defined and reported under floating units which are defined as comprising semi-submersibles, jackups, ships and tension-leg platforms engaged in drilling, accommodation, production and storage. The results from this study will serve as a reference document for data to be used in future Risk Assessments of offshore units, be a valuable reference document for Oil & Gas UK and furthermore for UK Health & Safety Executive Offshore Division (HSE-OSD) when reviewing Safety Cases. To fulfil this objective, relevant databases were interrogated with respect to both population and accident data thus forming a complete basis of data for obtaining comprehensive accident statistics for the type of units, geographical area and time period considered in this project. The following databases were selected for interrogation: COIN/ORION (the former Sun Safety System); UK HSE-Offshore Safety Division Offshore Blowout Database (SINTEF, Norway) Worldwide Offshore Accident Databank WOAD; DNV, Norway MAIB accident database; UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch Prior to 1999, HSE noted that extensive reference was made to the WOAD database in many of the Safety Cases submitted to them by the offshore operators. Consequently the decision was made to utilise the WOAD incident definitions, codings and format in the new database. Utilising the same methodology and format would enable the operators and owners of offshore installations to readily adapt to the use of the new database. DNV, as the custodian of the WOAD database was therefore selected as the contractor to undertake the work on behalf of the HSE. A major part of the work of DNV has thus been the redefining of each incident, in the various databases interrogated, to reflect the definitions, codings and format used in WOAD.

1.4 Results
The information being available for each incident has been reviewed and the chain of events has been obtained. The classification of events has been done according to the WOAD concept. One accident may comprise a chain of consecutive events (accident outcomes or occurrences), e.g. a blowout resulting in explosion, fire and oil spill. This means that one single accident or incident may give rise to several occurrences. The total number of occurrences will thus be much higher than the total number of accidents recorded. When giving frequencies per type of event, this is presented as number of occurrences per unit per year. However, when presenting frequencies irrespective of type of event, the figures are given as number of accidents per unit per year. By combining and merging the results from the interrogation of four databases, COIN/ORION, MAIB, WOAD and BLOWOUT, the accident and occurrence frequencies for both fixed and floating units in the UKCS in the period 1990-2007 are estimated. In the

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

following tables the accident (or occurrence) frequencies, i.e. number of accidents (or occurrences) per unit year, are given per type of installation, event (only occurrences) and the periods 1990-1999, 2000-2007, and 1990-2007. N denotes number of accidents (or occurrences) and F denotes average annual frequency per unit in the specific time period, i.e. number of accidents (or occurrences) per unit and year. The source All databases combined refers to the database obtained by pooling the four mentioned databases and removing the overlapping records. Note that - is applied where no accidents/occurrences have been recorded (and hence no frequencies calculated) or if the given event is not applicable/relevant for the given type of units. The results, after having interrogated the databases and removed overlapping records are also detailed in the associated Excel spreadsheets. The spreadsheets, together with this report, may be downloaded by accessing the websites of Oil & Gas UK and HSE, http://www.oilandgasuk.co.uk/ and http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrhtm/index.htm respectively. Within the spreadsheets, in addition to other fields, each of the incidents is described in free text.

Table 1 All fixed units. Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit-year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of installation Drilling Production Wellhead Compression Pumping Injection/riser Accommodation Total fixed units N 27 3333 208 49 6 8 3631 F 0.148 3.762 0.357 0.490 0.075 0.092 1.875 N 19 2538 169 18 3 3 2750 2000-2007 F 0.132 3.091 0.242 0.188 0.038 0.034 1.416 N 46 5871 377 67 9 11 6381 1990-2007 F 0.141 3.439 0.295 0.342 0.056 0.063 1.645

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 2 All fixed units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 3 14 88 777 33 1008 484 5 1886 10 206 48 F 1.610-3 7.210-3 0.045 0.401 0.017 0.520 0.250 2.610-3 0.974 5.210-3 0.106 0.025 2000-2007 N 1 19 29 575 10 881 305 1 1 1533 3 235 69 F 5.610-4 9.810-3 0.015 0.296 5.110

1990-2007 N 4 33 117 1352 43 1889 789 6 1 3419 13 441 117 F 1.010-3 8.510-3 0.030 0.349 0.011 0.487 0.203 1.610-3 2.610-4 0.881 3.410-3 0.114 0.030

0.453 0.157 5.110-4 5.110-4 0.789 1.510-3 0.121 0.035

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 3 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit-year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit Jackup Semisub Drillship Total MODU N 493 1070 27 1590 F 2.002 2.666 6.585 2.440 2000-2007 N 254 494 11 759 F 1.367 1.852 6.471 1.671 1990-2007 N 747 1564 38 2349 F 1.729 2.341 6.552 2.124

Table 4 Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit Jackup Semisub TLP Total MOPU N 62 58 120 F 1.406 5.800 2.003 2000-2007 N 31 195 20 246 F 1.938 4.875 8.333 4.212 1990-2007 N 31 227 78 336 F 1.422 2.699 6.290 2.840

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 5 Monohull units (FPSOs and FSUs). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit FPSO FSU Total Monohull N 159 8 167 F 3.681 0.367 2.569 2000-2007 N 444 16 460 F 4.269 0.693 3.611 1990-2007 N 603 24 627 F 4.096 0.535 3.259

Table 6 All floating units (excl. accommodation units). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit MODU MOPU Monohull Total floating units N 1590 120 167 1877 F 2.440 2.003 2.569 2.417 2000-2007 N 759 246 460 1465 F 1.671 4.212 3.611 2.289 1990-2007 N 2349 366 627 3342 F 2.124 2.840 3.259 2.359

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 7 All floating units (excl accommodation units). Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 146 14 1 14 119 776 14 943 128 1 1 5 16 10 1 24 323 34 13 138 50 F 0.188 0.018 1.310

2000-2007 N 20 3 1 38 473 653 117 15 1 4 2 4 1 513 5 11 194 19 F 0.031 4.710-3 1.610-3 0.059 0.739 1.020 0.183 0.023 1.610 6.210-3 3.110-3 6.210-3 1.610-3 0.801 7.810-3 0.017 0.303 0.030

1990-2007 N 166 17 1 15 157 1249 14 1596 245 16 2 5 20 12 5 25 836 39 24 332 69 F 0.117 0.012 7.610-4 0.011 0.111 0.882 0.010 1.127 0.173 0.011 1.410-3 3.510-3 0.014 8.510-3 3.510-3 0.018 0.590 0.028 0.017 0.234 0.049

0.018 0.153 0.999 0.018 1.214 0.165 1.310-3 1.310


6.410-3 0.021 0.013 1.310-3 0.031 0.416 0.044 0.017 0.178 0.064

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Dating back to 1999, several projects were undertaken by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) on behalf of the UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) with the purpose of obtaining accident statistics for offshore fixed and floating units on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). In this respect, four databases holding information about incidents having occurred on offshore units on the UKCS were interrogated. Fixed units in this project are defined as comprising all bottom-fixed structures, but excluding TLPs, FPSOs, FSUs (for abbreviations, see chapter 3) and production jackups even though they are fixed during their production phase and are classified as fixed installations by the HSE under the Safety Case Regulations. These units are defined and reported under floating units which are defined as comprising semi-submersibles, jackups, ships and tension-leg platforms engaged in drilling, accommodation, production and storage. The most recent project related to fixed and floating units, Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990 2006 was completed in March 2008. This current project updates the data of the previous projects by adding the accidents having occurred in 2007. It should be noted that statistics for the period 1980-1989 is omitted in this report, but may be found in the reports from the projects Accident Statistics for Fixed Offshore Units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 2005 Accident Statistics for Floating Offshore Units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 2005 which were completed in 2007. The decision is based on the fact that the reporting requirements and systems changed dramatically in the UK around 1990 following the issuing of the Lord Cullen Report from the Piper Alpha accident in 1988. . This project has been commissioned and sponsored by the Oil & Gas UK with co-funding from UK Health & Safety Executive.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007


The main objective of the project is to obtain complete statistics for accidents and incidents having occurred on offshore fixed and floating units engaged in oil and gas exploration and exploitation on the UKCS in the period 1990-2007, including numbers of accidents and incidents with corresponding frequencies per type of installation/rig. This is published both as a written report and two associated spreadsheets in the MS Excel format listing individually the coding and text for each incident, one for fixed units and one for floaters. The classification of installations and rigs which are covered by this project is found in the table below. Table 8 Classification of units

Fixed units
Category Drilling unit Production unit Type of unit description Drilling platform whose sole purpose is to drill Traditional (manned) production platform, steel jacket or GBS. Included are also platforms with drilling, production, and accommodation facilities (i.e. large integrated platforms) Wellhead platform (normally unmanned) with no processing facilities, serving as well support. Often linked to the main production platform. Gas compression platform Pumping platform Water or gas injection and riser platform Accommodation platform

Wellhead unit

Compression unit Pumping unit Injection/riser unit Accommodation unit

Floating units
Category Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU) Monohull unit Accommodation unit Type of unit description Jackup, Semi-submersible, Drillship Jackup, Semi-submersible, Tension-leg platform (TLP) Floating storage unit (FSU), Floating production, storage and offloading unit (FPSO) Jackup, Semi-submersible

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Fixed units in this project are defined as comprising bottom-fixed installations (manned or unmanned) designed for drilling, accommodation, production, compression, pumping, and injection/riser purposes, or combinations of these. Regarding production installations, the study differentiates between the traditional (manned) production platforms, steel jackets or GBSs, and wellhead platforms (normally unmanned). Floating units in this project are defined to comprise drilling, accommodation, and floating production and storage units. In addition, FPSOs, FSUs, and TLPs are classified as floating units although they are classified as fixed installations by the HSE under the Safety Case Regulations. The results from this study will serve as a reference document for data to be used in future Risk Assessments of offshore units, be a valuable reference document for Oil & Gas UK and furthermore for UK Health & Safety Executive Offshore Division (HSE-OSD) when reviewing Safety Cases. To fulfil this objective, relevant databases were interrogated with respect to both population and accident data thus forming a complete data basis for obtaining comprehensive accident statistics for the said type of units, geographical area and time period. The following four databases were selected for interrogation: COIN/ORION*, UK HSE-OSD Offshore Blowout Database BLOWOUT, SINTEF, Norway Worldwide Offshore Accident Databank WOAD, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Norway MAIB accident database; UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch
*): The former Sun Safety System

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

4 EXPOSURE DATA 4.1 Introduction

Exposure (population) data in this context relates to the number of unit- (or platform/rig-) years for each type of installation. By interrogating relevant sources holding such information, the number of unit-years are obtained for each year and type of unit for the UKCS in the period 1990-2007. The results are shown in several tables in the following sub-chapters. The classification of units is shown in the previous chapter. Note that - is applied to indicate that no units are in service in the specific year/period. Note that numbers for each year in the period 1990-1999 may be found in ref. /1/ and ref. /2/.

4.2 Fixed units

Table 9 Fixed Units (drilling, production, wellhead and compression). UKCS, 1990-2007. Number of unit-years
Type of Installation Year 1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000-2007 1990-2007 Drilling 182 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 144 326 Production 886 98 99 101 104 104 105 105 105 821 1707 Wellhead 582 84 85 86 86 86 90 90 90 697 1279 Compression 100 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 96 196

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 10 Fixed Units (pumping, injection, accommodation and total). UKCS. 1990-2007. Number of unit-years
Type of Installation Year 1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000-2007 1990-2007 Pumping 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 36 Injection/riser 80 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 80 160 Accommodation 87 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 88 175 Total, fixed 1937 235 237 240 243 243 248 248 248 1942 3879

4.3 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs)

From WOAD and HSE-OSD, the exposure data for MODUs on the UKCS are obtained. The data are given in Table 11 below. Table 11 Mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs). UKCS, 1990-2007. Number of unit years
Type of MODU Year 1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000-2007 1990-2007 Jackup 246.2 22.4 23.1 22.7 23.1 22.1 21.0 22.6 28.8 185.8 432.0 Semisub 401.3 30.2 30.4 32.6 30.7 33.3 37.0 37.8 34.8 266.8 668.1 Drillship 4.1 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 5.8 Total 651.6 52.9 53.9 56.0 53.9 55.6 58.0 60.4 63.6 454.3 1105.9

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

4.4 Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs)

These units comprise conversions and purpose-built producing jackups, semisubmersibles, and tension-leg platforms (TLPs). Based on /2/ and information from the HSE-OSD, the number of unit years are calculated as shown in Table 12. Table 12 Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs). UKCS, 1980-2007. Number of unit years
Name of unit Type of unit Date of first oil production (mm-yyyy) 07-1989 11-1986 05-1981 02-1999 04-1989 08-1992 05-1994 06-1975 01-1998 04-1996 08-1984 05-2002 02-1999 12-1984 01-1991 Date of abandonment (mm-yyyy) Number of unit-years 1980-2007 18.5 21.2 26.7 8.9 1.8 15.4 5.8 5.9 10 11.8 17.8 143.8

AH001 Balmoral 16/21 Buchan A Janice A


Semi-sub Semi-sub Semi-sub Semi-sub Semi-sub


North Sea Pioneer Northern Producer Sedco 707 Transworld 58 Elgin TPG 5000 Harding Hutton TLP Total

Semi-sub Semi-sub Semi-sub Jackup Jackup TLP -

1): ex West Royal, 2): ex Emerald Producer

The exposure data are further broken down and distributed on year, periods and type of unit as shown in Table 13.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 13 Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs). UKCS, 1990-2007. Number of unit years per year and type of unit
Type of unit Year 1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000-2007 1990-2007 Semi-sub 44.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 40.0 84.1 Jackup 5.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 16.0 21.8 TLP 10.0 1.0 1.0 0.4 2.4 12.4 Total 59.9 8.0 8.0 7.4 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7,0 58.4 118.3

4.5 Monohull units

These units comprise Floating Storage Units (FSUs) and Floating Production, Storage and Offloading units (FPSOs). Based on ref. /2/ and information from the HSE-OSD, the number of unit years are calculated as shown in Table 14. Table 14 Monohull units. UKCS, 1980-2007. Number of unit years
Name of unit Type of unit Constr. (P/C)* C C C P P P C C C P P P Date of first oil production (mmyyyy) 08-1992 02-1982 12-2000 01-1994 09-1993 03-1996 11-1997 08-1997 08-1995 10-1996 04-1999 06-1997 10-1997 Date of abandonment (mm-yyyy) 02-1996 06-1994 No. of unit-years 1980-2007 3.5 12.3 7.1 14 4.1 11.8 10.2 10.4 12.4 11.3 8.8 10.6

Ailsa Craig Fulmar FSU Nordic Apollo Alba FSU Vinga Liverpool Bay Osi Curlew FPSO North Sea Producer Uisge Gorm Anasuria Bleo Holm Captain FPSO


Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007 Name of unit Type of unit Constr. (P/C)* P P P P P P P P P P **) Date of first oil production (mmyyyy) 08-1997 01-2001 01-1993 02-1999 03-1995 11-1997 02-1999 07-1998 04-1988 08-1999 Ex. Berge Hugin 11-1997 04-2001 Date of abandonment (mm-yyyy) 06-1999 No. of unit-years 1980-2007 1.9 7 15 8.9 6.1 10.2 8.9 9.5 9.6 8.4 202.0

Glas Dowr Global Producer III Gryphon A Haewene Brimm Petrojarl 1 Petrojarl Foinaven Ramform Banff Schiehallion FPSO Seillean Triton Total


*) C: Converted tankers, P: Purpose-built,

The exposure data are further broken down and distributed on year, periods and type of unit as shown in Table 15.

Table 15 Monohull units. UKCS, 1990-2007. Number of unit years per type of unit and construction
Type of unit and construction FPSO Year 1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000-2007 1990-2007 Purpose-built 34.2 10.0 10.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 80.3 114.5 Converted 9.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 24.0 33.0 Sum 43.2 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 104.0 147.2 Converted 13.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 16.0 29.9 FSU Purpose-built 7.9 0.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.1 15.0 Sum 21.8 2.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 23.1 44.9

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

4.6 Floating Accommodation Units

Several potential sources for such information were consulted with no success. It was concluded that if such data was to be obtained, extensive manual work had to be performed. Hence no exposure data for accommodation units was obtained within the scope of this study. This implies that no accident and incident frequencies for these units are calculated in this report.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007


The existing reporting requirements of incidents on floating units operating (working, in transit or docked) on the UKCS depend on geographical location and operation mode at the time of the incident. The receiver of information is either the Health and Safety Executive - Offshore Division (HSE-OSD), the Health and Safety Executive Field Operations Directorate (HSE-FOD) or the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). In the following three chapters one may find some documentation of the incident and accident reporting regime for offshore vessels in UK waters. This regime may be summarised as shown in the table below. Table 16 Overview of the UKCS incident reporting regime; UK and non-UK flagged vessels Location/activity Flag Report to MAIB MAIB MAIB Flag state HSE-OSD HSE-OSD HSE-FOD HSE-FOD Within the 12-mile limit and not an UK Offshore Installation (e.g. in transit) Non UK* Outside the 12-mile limit and not an Offshore Installation (e.g. in transit) UK Non UK*

Working as an Offshore Installation UK (e.g. drilling, production, Non UK* accommodation) Alongside at a shipyard (e.g. for repair or maintenance) UK Non UK*

*): Presumably the non-UK flagged vessels would also report to the relevant Flag State Descriptions of the three main databases holding this information and operated by the HSE and MAIB, are given in chapter 6.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

This chapter gives a short presentation of the 4 databases being interrogated in this project.

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR 95) arrangement came into force on 1 April 1996 and requires that all workrelated accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences in the UK and UK Continental Shelf are to be reported to the HSE. It applies to all work activities and to defined types of incidents. The incidents are to be reported using the OIR/9B and F2508A forms. These forms are to be completed and submitted to the HSE. Prior to 1 April 1996 injuries and dangerous occurrences were reported on the OIR/9A form. This form was created under the Mineral Workings (Offshore Installations) Act 1971 and the Offshore Installations (Inspectors and Casualties) Regulations 1973. The information submitted on the OIR/9A, OIR/9B and F2508A forms is recorded in a database, ORION (the former Sun Safety System), run by the HSE-OSD offices in Bootle, Liverpool. The Sun Safety System (later ORION and now COIN) was primarily developed to record incident data reported on the OIR/9A form. Other information is however recorded on the database, including details of inspections, investigations, prosecutions and the registration and location details of Offshore Installations. The OIR/9A form was first published in October 1990, and the Sun Safety System was implemented in 1st January 1991. The Sun Safety System does however contain some data on pre 1991 incidents (imported from previous systems maintained by the Safety Directorate of the Department of Energy), though not all fields on the OIR/9A form are available for this data. The Sun Safety System was decommissioned year 2000 and all data from 1991(incl.) was transferred to ORION. Commencing in 2004 the data from a number of HSE legacy software systems was migrated across, in its entirety, to the new Corporate Operational INformation system or COIN, the work was completed by 2005. ORION was one of the systems migrated to COIN and the data previously recorded in ORION is now contained within the COIN system Note that notification of hydrocarbon releases (voluntarily submitted on the OIR/12 form) are also recorded in a separate and specifically designed database which is maintained by the HSE-OSD offices in Bootle, Liverpool.

The SINTEF Offshore Blowout Database (BLOWOUT) is a comprehensive event database for blowout risk assessment. The database includes information on 552 (November 2006) offshore blowouts/well releases that have occurred worldwide since 1955.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

The database includes blowout/well release descriptions worldwide and drilling and production exposure data for several areas with focus on the US Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (US GoM OCS), Norwegian waters, and UK waters. The blowouts/well releases are categorized in several parameters, emphasizing blowout causes. The database contains 51 different fields describing each blowout/well release. In addition, the database allows for attachment of any electronic file(s) to the blowout description. The various fields are grouped in six different groups: Category and location Well description Present operation Blowout causes Blowout Characteristics Other

ExproSoft has been contracted to operate the SINTEF Offshore Blowout Database from 1 May 2001 by SINTEF.

6.3 WOAD
One of the main sources for offshore accident information for public use is the Worldwide Offshore Accident Databank (WOAD) operated by Det Norske Veritas (DNV). WOAD contains some 6,000 events from the period 1970-2007, derived mainly from publicdomain sources such as Lloyds Casualty Reports, newspapers and official publications. Most of the data is from the UK and Norwegian Sectors and the US Gulf of Mexico. Exposure data is also provided, allowing accident rates to be calculated for different accident types, installation/rig/platform types, geographical locations, degrees of damage, etc.

6.4 MAIB
The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) is a distinct and separate branch within the Department of Transport and the Regions (DETR). Its Chief Inspector reports directly to the Secretary of State for Transport on marine accident investigations. The authority of the MAIB to investigate marine accidents originates from the Merchant Shipping Act 1995. MAIBs responsibility covers the investigation of accidents to or on: all UK registered vessels anywhere in the world other vessels being within the 12-mile zone of the UK coast (UK territorial waters) For offshore floating vessels all accidents and incidents occurring in transit should be reported to MAIB according to the above. Accidents must be reported as soon as possible to the MAIB by the quickest means available. Serious injuries and dangerous occurrences must be reported within 14 days or within 14 days after arrival at the next port if the vessel is at sea at time of the accident. The reporting form presently being used is IRF (DFT1598).

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

About 2000 incidents are reported per year to MAIB of which about 500 require some sort of MAIB correspondence follow-up, for clarification purposes or investigation. Most of these are from UK waters. Additional information about reporting and investigation of accidents by the MAIB may be found at http://www.maib.dft.gov.uk/about_us/index.cfm. MAIB maintains a database covering accidents and incidents from 1991 to date. Beside the said forms and notifications, daily reports from the UK Coast Guard serve as first-hand information input to the database. Today the database contains some 30,000 events covering all types of incidents and accidents, ranging from smaller low-consequence events and near-misses to major accidents with loss of life.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007


The WOAD concept of classifying events has been selected for the review work on the records received from the databases being interrogated in this project. Hence all events have been categorised, both within this report and the associated spreadsheets, according to the table below. Table 17 Event classification, WOAD
Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Code* AN BL CA Explanation Problems with anchor/anchor lines, mooring devices, winching equipment or fairleads (e.g. anchor dragging, breaking of mooring lines, loss of anchor(s), winch failures). An uncontrolled flow of gas, oil or other fluids from the reservoir, i.e. loss of 1. barrier (i.e. hydrostatic head) or leak and loss of 2. barrier, i.e. BOP/DHSV. Loss of stability resulting in overturn of unit, capsizing, or toppling of unit. Accidental contact between offshore unit and/or passing marine vessel when at least one of them is propelled or is under tow. Examples: tanker, cargo ship, fishing vessel. Also included are collisions with bridges, quays, etc., and vessels engaged in the oil and gas activity on other platforms than the platform affected, and between two offshore installations (to be coded as Contact only when intended for close location). Collisions/accidental contacts between vessels engaged in the oil and gas activity on the platform affected, e.g. support/supply/stand-by vessels, tugs or helicopters, and offshore installations (floating or fixed). Also are included collisions between two offshore installations only when these are intended for close location. Any event caused by or involving cranes, derrick and draw-works, or any other lifting equipment. Explosion Falling load/dropped objects from crane, drill derrick, or any other lifting equipment or platform. Crane fall and lifeboats accidentally to sea and man overboard are also included. Fire. Loss of buoyancy or unit sinking. Floating installation in contact with the sea bottom. Accident with helicopter either on helideck or in contact with the installation. Leakage of water into the unit or filling of shaft or other compartments causing potential loss of buoyancy or stability problems. Uncontrolled inclination of unit. Propulsion or thruster machinery failure (incl. control) Unit unintentionally out of its expected position or drifting out of control. Loss of containment. Release of fluid or gas to the surroundings from unit's own equipment/vessels/tanks causing (potential) pollution and/or risk of explosion and/or fire. Breakage or fatigue failures (mostly failures caused by weather, but not necessarily) of structural support and direct structural failures. "Punch through" also included. Towline failure or breakage Accidental problem with the well, i.e. loss of one barrier (hydrostatic head) or





Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery failure Off position Spill/release


Structural Towing/towline Well problem


Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007 Type of event Other Code* OT Explanation other downhole problems. Event other than specified above

*) Codes for Chain of events (CH1-CH5) used in the associated spreadsheet. The categorisation of the incidents has been performed according to principles outlined below. Events coded as Falling load involve loads and objects either rolling, leaning, tilting, falling, rotating, swinging, or sliding. Man over board is also included here. Occupational Hazard (OH) incidents, with personal injuries or not, are defined to be events which are not related to operations of equipment and events caused by obvious human errors during maintenance. Such events have only been counted, but are excluded from these statistics. Anchor handling involving Anchor Handling Vessels (AHVs) which causes personal injuries to personnel being involved are coded as Anchor failure (and not OH). Maloperation of lifting equipment or technical failure leading to falling load is coded as Crane failure + Falling load. Problems with riser tensioners are coded as Crane failure Events involving equipment or part of equipment bursting or blowing out, are coded as Spill/Release Events involving problems with gangways/bridges between floating unit and other floating or fixed units, are coded as Out of position + Falling load. Incidents that occur during maintenance indicates lack of design have been coded accordingly (crane failure, falling load, anchor failure, etc.)

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007


The information being available for each incident has been reviewed and the chain of events has been obtained. The classification of events has been done according to the WOAD concept. One accident may comprise a chain of consecutive events (accident outcomes or occurrences), e.g. a blowout resulting in explosion, fire and oil spill. This means that one single accident or incident may give rise to several occurrences. The total number of occurrences will thus be much higher than the total number of accidents recorded. When giving frequencies per type of event, this is presented as number of occurrences per unit per year. However, when presenting frequencies irrespective of type of event, the figures are given as number of accidents per unit per year. By combining and merging the results from the interrogation of four databases, COIN/ORION, MAIB, WOAD and BLOWOUT, the accident and occurrence frequencies for both fixed and floating units in the UKCS in the period 1990-2007 are estimated. In the following tables the accident (or occurrence) frequencies, i.e. number of accidents (or occurrences) per unit year, are given per type of installation, event (only occurrences) and the periods 1990-1999, 2000-2007, and 1990-2007. N denotes number of accidents (or occurrences) and F denotes average annual frequency per unit in the specific time period, i.e. number of accidents (or occurrences) per unit and year. The source All databases combined refers to the database obtained by pooling the four mentioned databases COIN/ORION, BLOWOUT, WOAD and MAIB and removing the overlapping records. Note: More detailed statistics are given in appendix A where the number of accidents/occurrences and corresponding frequencies is given by type of unit and year in the period 1990-2007. Note that - is applied where no accidents/occurrences have been recorded (and hence no frequencies calculated) or if the given event is not applicable/relevant for the given type of units. The results, after having interrogated the databases and removed overlapping records are also detailed in the associated Excel spreadsheets. The spreadsheets, together with this report, may be downloaded by accessing the websites of Oil & Gas UK and HSE, http://www.oilandgasuk.co.uk/ and www.hse.gov.uk. Within the spreadsheets, in addition to other fields each of the incidents is described in free text.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

8.2 Fixed units, accident frequencies, all databases combined

In this section the accident frequencies for fixed units in the UKCS in the period 19802007 are presented. The following tables give the number of accidents and corresponding frequencies per type of unit. Table 18 All fixed units. Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit-year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of installation Drilling Production Wellhead Compression Pumping Injection/riser Accommodation Total fixed units N 27 3333 208 49 6 8 3631 F 0.148 3.762 0.357 0.490 0.075 0.092 1.875 N 19 2538 169 18 3 3 2750 2000-2007 F 0.132 3.091 0.242 0.188 0.038 0.034 1.416 N 46 5871 377 67 9 11 6381 1990-2007 F 0.141 3.439 0.295 0.342 0.056 0.063 1.645

As can be seen from the table above, no accidents are recorded on fixed pumping platforms in either of the databases in the period 1990-2007.

8.3 Fixed units, occurrence frequencies, all databases combined

In this section the occurrence frequencies for fixed units in the UKCS in the period 19902007 are presented. The following tables give the number of occurrences and corresponding frequencies per type of occurrence/event and type of unit.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 19 All fixed units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 3 14 88 777 33 1008 484 5 1886 10 206 48 F 1.610 7.210
-3 -3

2000-2007 N 1 19 29 575 10 881 305 -3

1990-2007 N -4

F 5.110 9.810

F 1.010-3 9.810-3 0.030 0.349 0.011 0.487 0.203 1.610-3 2.610-4 0.881 3.410-3 0.114 0.030

4 33 117 1352 43 1889 789 -

0.045 0.401 0.017 0.520 0.250 2.610 0.974 5.210 0.106 0.025

0.015 0.300 5.110


0.454 0.157 5.210


1 1 1533 3 235 69

6 1 3419 13 441 117

5.210-4 0.789 1.210 0.121 0.036


Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 20 Drilling units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 10 10 4 8 2 F 5.510

2000-2007 N 1 18 20 8 9 6 F 6.910

1990-2007 N 2 28 30 12 17 8 F 6.110-3 0.086 0.092 0.037 0.052 0.024 -

0.055 0.055 0.022 0.044 0.011 -

0.139 0.151 0.056 0.062 0.042 -

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 21 Production units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 3 11 72 742 32 978 445 5 1675 10 207 45 F 3.410-3 0.012 0.081 0.837 0.036 1.104 0.502 5.610-3 1.891 0.011 0.234 0.051 2000-2007 N 1 13 22 500 9 762 259 1 1 1324 3 198 62 F 1.210-3 0.016 0.027 0.609 0.011 0.928 0.315 1.210-3 1.210-3 1.612 3.610-3 0.241 0.076 1990-2007 N 4 24 94 1242 41 1740 704 6 1 2999 13 405 107 F 2.310-3 0.014 0.055 0.727 0.024 1.019 0.412 3.510-3 5.810-4 1.756 7.610-3 0.237 0.062

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 22 Wellhead units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 3 10 28 35 17 141 4 4 F 5.210-3 0.017 0.048 0.060 0.029 0.242 6.910-3 6.910

2000-2007 N 4 5 20 28 13 103 18 3 F 5.710-3 7.110-3 0.031 0.040 0.019 0.147 0.026 4.310

1990-2007 N 7 15 48 63 30 244 22 7 F 5.410-3 0.017 0.038 0.049 0.023 0.191 0.017 5.510-3

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 23 Compression units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 3 6 11 26 F 0.030 0.060 0.110 0.260 2000-2007 N 4 6 13 F 0.042 0.063 0.135 1990-2007 N 7 12 11 39 F 0.036 0 0.061 0.056 0.199 -

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 24 Injection/riser units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 3 F 0.013 0.038 2000-2007 N 2 1 F 0.025 0.013 1990-2007 N 1 2 4 F 6.2 0.013 0.025 -

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 25 Accommodation units. Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 2 1 3 2 F 0.023 0.012 0.035 0.023 2000-2007 N 1 1 2 F 0.011 0.011 0.023 1990-2007 N 1 2 1 3 3 2 F 6.010-3 0.011 6.010-3 0.017 0.017 0.011 -

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

8.4 Floating units, accident frequencies, all databases combined

In this section the accident frequencies for floating units in the UKCS in the period 19902007 are presented. The following tables give the number of accidents (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) per type of unit. Table 26 Mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit-year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit Jackup Semisub Drillship Total MODU N 493 1070 27 1590 F 2.002 2.666 6.585 2.440 2000-2007 N 254 494 11 759 F 1.367 1.852 6.471 1.671 1990-2007 N 747 1564 38 2349 F 1.729 2.341 6.552 2.124

Table 27 Mobile offshore production units (MOPUs). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit Jackup Semisub TLP Total MOPU N 62 58 120 F 1.406 5.800 2.003 2000-2007 N 31 195 20 246 F 1.938 4.875 8.333 4.212 1990-2007 N 31 227 78 336 F 1.422 2.699 6.290 2.840

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 28 Monohull units (FPSOs and FSUs). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit FPSO FSU Total Monohull N 159 8 167 F 3.681 0.367 2.569 2000-2007 N 444 16 460 F 4.269 0.693 3.611 1990-2007 N 603 24 627 F 4.096 0.535 3.259

Table 29 All floating units (excl. accommodation units). Number of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of unit MODU MOPU Monohull Total floating units N 1590 120 167 1877 F 2.440 2.003 2.569 2.417 2000-2007 N 759 246 460 1465 F 1.671 4.212 3.611 2.289 1990-2007 N 2349 366 627 3342 F 2.124 2.840 3.259 2.359

8.5 Number of accidents for floating accommodation units

Since no exposure data for these types of units are readily available, only the number of accidents are given (i.e. no frequencies). These units comprise both the jackup and semisubmersible types. Table 30 Floating Accommodation units. Number of accidents. UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period Type of unit Jackup Semi-submersible Total floating accommodation units 1990-1999 9 70 79 2000-2007 6 9 15 1990-2007 15 79 94

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

8.6 Floating units, occurrence frequencies, all databases combined

In this section the occurrence frequencies for floating units in the UKCS in the period 1990-2007 are presented. The following tables (except Table 31) give both the number of occurrences (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) per type of occurrence/event and type of unit. Table 31 All floating units. UKCS, 1990-2007. No. of occurrences. Source: All databases combined
Number of occurrences Mobile Drilling Units Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other 147 16 1 15 133 1107 10 1398 146 1 1 3 18 11 4 24 238 33 14 322 35 Mobile Production Units 4 1 7 71 2 102 30 15 1 1 194 10 4 7 Monohull Units 15 17 71 2 96 69 1 2 1 1 1 404 6 3 27 Accommodation Units 25 6 26 0 36 12 1 1 1 1 9 2 5 1 1 Total

191 17 1 15 163 1275 14 1632 257 16 3 6 20 13 6 34 838 44 25 329 70

The following tables give the number of occurrences and corresponding frequencies per type of unit (MODU, MOPU, Monohull) and period.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 32 Mobile drilling units (MODUs). Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 133 13 1 14 108 697 10 851 100 1 1 3 15 9 1 23 160 29 13 136 30 F 0.204 0.020 1.510

2000-2007 N 14 3 1 25 410 547 46 3 2 3 1 78 4 1 186 5 F 0.031 6.610-3 2.210-3 0.055 0.902 1.204 0.101 6.610-3 4.410-3 6.610

1990-2007 N 147 16 1 15 133 1107 10 1398 146 1 1 3 18 11 4 24 238 33 14 322 35 F 0.133 0.014 9.010-4 0.014 0.120 1.001 9.010-3 1.264 0.132 9.010-4 9.010-4 2.710-3 0.016 0.010 3.610-3 0.022 0.215 0.030 0.013 0.291 0.032

0.021 0.166 1.070 0.015 1.306 0.153 1.510-3 1.510-3 4.6E-03 0.023 0.014 1.510

0.035 0.246 0.045 0.020 0.209 0.046

2.210-3 0.172 8.810-3 2.210


0.409 0.011

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 33 Mobile production units (MOPUs). Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 4 1 3 50 2 56 14 1 77 2 3 F 0.067 0.017 0.050 0.835 0.033 0.935 0.234 0.017 1.285 0.033 0.050 2000-2007 N 4 21 46 16 15 1 117 10 5 4 F 0.068 0.360 0.788 0.274 0.257 0.017 2.003 0.171 0.086 0.068 1990-2007 N 4 1 7 71 2 102 30 15 1 1 194 10 7 7 F 0.034 0.008 0.059 0.600 0.017 0.862 0.254 0.127 8.410-3 8.410-3 1.640 0.085 0.059 0.059

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 34 Monohulls (FPSOs and FSUs). Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 9 8 29 2 36 14 1 1 1 1 86 5 17 F 0.138 0.446 0.031 0.554 0.215 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 1.323 0.077 0.262 2000-2007 N 6 9 42 60 55 1 1 318 1 3 10 F 0.047 0.071 0.330 0.471 0.432 7.910-3 7.910-3 2.496 7.910 0.024 0.078

1990-2007 N 15 17 71 2 96 69 1 2 1 1 1 404 6 3 27 F 0.078 0.088 0.369 0.010 0.499 0.359 5.210-3 0.010 5.210-3 5.210-3 5.210-3 2.100 0.031 0.016 0.140

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 35 All floating units (excl accommodation units). Number of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). UKCS, 19902007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 146 14 1 14 119 776 14 943 128 1 1 5 16 10 1 24 323 34 13 138 50 F 0.188 0.018 1.310

2000-2007 N 20 3 1 38 473 653 117 15 1 4 2 4 1 513 5 11 194 19 F 0.031 4.510-3 1.610-3 0.059 0.739 1.020 0.183 0.023 1.610 6.310-3 3.110-3 6.310-3 1.610-3 0.801 7.810-3 0.017 0.303 0.030

1990-2007 N 166 17 1 15 157 1249 14 1596 245 16 2 5 20 12 5 25 836 39 24 332 69 F 0.117 0.012 7.110-4 0.011 0.111 0.882 0.010 1.130 0.173 0.011 1.410-3 3.510-3 0.014 8.510-3 3.510-3 0.018 0.590 0.028 0.017 0.234 0.049

0.018 0.153 0.999 0.018 1.214 0.165 1.310-3 1.310


6.410-3 0.021 0.013 1.310-3 0.031 0.416 0.044 0.017 0.178 0.064

8.7 Number of occurrences for floating accommodation units

Since no exposure data for these type of units are available, only the number of occurrences are given (i.e. no frequencies). These units comprise both the jackup and semisubmersible types.

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 36 Accommodation units. Number of occurrences. UKCS, 1990-2007. Source: All databases combined
Period 1990-1999 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other Jackup 2 1 4 4 1 1 Semisub 20 3 18 27 9 1 1 1 1 9 4 1 1 2000-2007 Jackup 1 1 1 Semisub 2 3 2 1 1990-2007 Jackup 2 2 5 5 1 1 1 Semisub 22 4 21 29 10 1 1 1 9 4 1 1

Issue April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

The main source for accident and incident information available to the UKCS offshore industry should be this report and the two associated Excel spreadsheets (databases), since they together contain comprehensive UKCS data from the most relevant accident databases. These databases are understood to be the only UKCS accident and incident databases which are both publicly and freely available to the offshore industry and others. They have been created in the WOAD format, with which the offshore industry is familiar and it is regularly updated with accident and incident information from relevant international databases. In addition the format of the spreadsheets, which contain a free text description of each incident, allows a sort capability to be utilised thus enabling specific data to be extracted from the databases as and when required. The results from this study will serve as a reference document for data to be used in future Risk Assessments of offshore units, be a valuable reference document for Oil & Gas UK and furthermore for UK Health & Safety Executive Offshore Division (HSE-OSD) when reviewing Safety Cases. To fulfil the objectives set out for this project, relevant UK and Norwegian databases were interrogated with respect to both population and accident data forming a complete data basis for obtaining comprehensive accident statistics for the listed type of units, geographical area and time period. The result after having interrogated the identified databases and removing overlapping records shows a total of 6269 and 3436 events comprising accidents, hazardous situations and near-misses on fixed and floating units respectively on the UKCS in the period 19902007 The corresponding figures for the period 1980-2007 are 7312 and 4112.

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

/1/ Accident statistics for fixed offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 2005. Det Norske Veritas/UK Health & Safety Executive. Research Report Series. Report No. RR566. http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrhtm/rr566.htm Accident statistics for floating offshore units on the UK Continental Shelf 1980 2005. Det Norske Veritas/UK Health & Safety Executive. HSE Research Report Series. Report No. RR567. http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrhtm/rr567.htm Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007. Det Norske Veritas/UK Oil&Gas UK/Health & Safety Executive. March 2008



- o0o -

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Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007


Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A. 1 Introduction The information being available for each incident has been reviewed and the chain of events has been obtained. The classification of events has been done according to the WOAD concept. One accident may comprise a chain of consecutive events (accident outcomes or occurrences), e.g. a blowout resulting in explosion, fire and oil spill. This means that one single accident or incident may give rise to several occurrences. The total number of occurrences will thus be much higher than the total number of accidents recorded. When giving frequencies per type of event, this is presented as number of occurrences per unit per year. However, when presenting frequencies irrespective of type of event, the figures are given as number of accidents per unit per year A. 2 Accident statistics By combining and merging the results from the interrogation of all 3 databases, the occurrence frequencies for fixed units in the UKCS in the period 1990-2007 are estimated. All tables in this appendix present the number of accidents and occurrences with corresponding frequencies per type of unit and event for each year in the period 19902007, and average for the periods 1990-1999, 2000-2007 and 1990-2007. N denotes number of accidents/occurrences and F denotes average annual frequency per unit, i.e. number of accidents/occurrences per unit year. Note that - is applied where no accidents/occurrences have been recorded (and hence no frequencies calculated) or if the given event is not applicable/relevant for the given type of units. The source All databases combined refers to the database obtained by pooling the databases ORION, BLOWOUT and WOAD and removing the overlapping records. A.2. 1 Accident frequencies All fixed units In this section the accident frequencies for fixed units in the UKCS in the period 19902007 are presented. The following tables give the number of accidents (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) per type of unit.

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 37 Fixed Units (drilling, production, wellhead and compression). UKCS, 1990-2007. No. of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Type of installation Drilling Year/period 1990-1999 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000-2007 1990-2007 N 27 8 3 1 9 1 3 1 1 5 9 5 19 46 F 0.148 0.444 0.167 0.053 0.474 0.059 0.167 0.056 0.056 0.278 0.500 0.278 0.132 0.141 Production N 3333 172 199 320 407 474 350 359 368 365 319 410 411 411 323 346 283 279 75 2538 5871 F 3.762 2.276 2.519 3.951 4.733 5.152 3.804 3.860 3.915 3.763 3.323 4.184 4.152 4.069 3.106 3.327 2.695 2.657 0.714 3.091 3.439 N 208 9 7 9 17 9 21 22 37 36 41 40 24 16 23 16 11 13 26 169 377 Wellhead F 0.357 0.231 0.156 0.188 0.333 0.161 0.368 0.339 0.529 0.500 0.519 0.476 0.282 0.047 0.267 0.178 0.122 0.144 0.289 0.242 0.295 Compression N 49 1 2 6 3 5 13 8 4 2 5 2 7 4 5 18 67 F 0.490 0.125 0.222 0.667 0.300 0.500 1.182 0.889 0.364 0.182 0.417 0.167 0.583 0.333 0.417 0.188 0.342

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 38 Fixed Units (pumping, injection, accommodation and total). UKCS, 1990-2007. No. of accidents and accident frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Type of installation Pumping Year/period 1990-1999 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000-2007 1990-2007 N F Injection/riser N 6 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 9 F 0.075 0.200 0.333 0.333 0.125 0.200 0.100 0.038 0.056 Accommodation N 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 11 F 0.092 0.167 0.143 0.250 0.111 0.100 0.100 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.034 0.063 Total. fixed N 3631 191 213 338 430 499 384 391 413 405 367 453 435 427 346 376 309 298 106 2750 6381 F 1.875 1.246 1.291 1.977 2.337 2.533 1.930 1.907 1.930 1.841 1.610 1.928 1.835 1.779 1.424 1.516 1.246 1.202 0.427 1.416 1.645

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 2 Occurrence frequencies All fixed units In this section the occurrence frequencies for fixed units in the UKCS in the period 19902007 are presented. In the following tables the number of occurrences (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) for all fixed units are given per year/period. Table 39 Fixed Units (drilling, production, wellhead and compression). UKCS, 1990-2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Type of installation Drilling Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
2 28 30 12 17 8 -

Production F

Wellhead N

Compression F

4 24 94 1242 41 1740 704 6 1 2999 13 405 107

2.310 0.014 0.055 0.727 0.024 1.019 0.412 3.510


0.035 0.061 0.056 0.198 -

7 15 48 63 30 244 22 7


7 12 11 39 -

6.110-3 0.086 0.092 0.037 0.052 0.024 -

1.210-2 0.037 0.049 0.023 0.191 0.017 0.005

5.910-4 1.756 0.008 0.237 0.062

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 40 Fixed Units (pumping, injection, accommodation and total). UKCS, 1990-2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Type of installation Pumping Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N F Injection/riser N 1 2 4 F 6.310-3 0.012 0.025 Accommodation N 1 2 1 3 3 2 F 5.710

Total. fixed N 4 33 117 1352 43 1889 789 6 1 3419 13 441 117 F 1.03E-03 8.510-3 0.030 0.349 0.011 0.487 0.203 1.510-3 2.5810-3 0.881 3.3510-3 0.114 0.030

0.011 5.710 0.017 0.017 0.011 -3

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 41 All Fixed Units. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 12 63 4 68 36 2 71 2 1 F 0.078 0.409 0.026 0.442 0.234 0.013 0.461 0.013 6.510-3 N 8 62 6 82 16 1 75 1 2 6 1991 F 0.049 0.376 0.036 0.497 0.097 6.110 0.455 6.110 0.012 0.036
-3 -3

1992 N 1 5 70 6 94 73 1 247 4 9 4 F 5.410-3 0.027 0.380 0.033 0.511 0.397 5.410-3 1.342 0.023 0.049 0.022

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 42 All Fixed Units. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 7 70 1 88 48 188 2 4 F 5.810

1994 N 1 3 10 94 3 126 66 321 14 7 F 5.110 0.015 0.051 0.478 0.015 0.640 0.335 1.629 0.071 0.036

1995 N 1 3 12 78 1 101 47 1 217 2 9 8 F 5.010 0.015 0.060 0.392 5.010-3 0.508 0.236 5.010 1.091 0.010 0.045 0.040
-3 -3

1996 N 1 10 68 1 94 34 162 1 50 3 F 4.910-3 0.049 0.332 4.910-3 0.459 0.166 0.790 4.910-3 0.244 0.015

0.041 0.409 5.810-3 0.515 0.281 1.099 0.012 0.023

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 43 All Fixed Units. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 9 93 7 117 48 200 1 43 3 F 4.710

1998 N 3 5 104 1 134 44 198 1 44 5


1999 F 0.014 0.023 0.473 N 3 8 80 2 126 41 173 38 5


F 0.013 0.035 0.351 8.810-3 0.553 0.180 0.759 0.167 0.022

0.042 0.435 0.033 0.547 0.224 0.935 4.710 0.201 0.014

4.510-3 0.609 0.200 0.900 4.510 0.200 0.023

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 44 All Fixed Units. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 5 8 90 3 137 50 217 2 35 15 F 0.021 0.034 0.383 0.013 0.583 0.213 0.923 8.510 0.149 0.064

2001 N 1 3 100 145 52 1 220 35 5 F 4.210 0.013 0.422 0.612 0.219 4.210 0.928 0.148 0.021
-3 -3

2002 N 7 112 3 155 35 196 1 38 13 F 0.029 0.467 0.013 0.646 0.146 0.817 4.210 0.158 0.054

2003 N 3 54 1 96 28 201 25 6 F 0.012 0.222 4.210-3 0.395 0.115 0.827 0.103 0.025

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 45 All Fixed Units. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 3 63 1 99 43 1 216 24 9 F 4.110

2005 N 1 3 63 85 25 172 29 9 F 4.010


2006 N 2 6 40 1 74 36 165 24 8 F 8.10


2007 N 3 3 53 1 90 36 146 25 4 F 0.012 0.012 0.214 4.010-3 0.363 0.145 0.589 0.101 0.016

0.012 0.259 4.110-3 0.407 0.177 4.110-3 0.889 0.099 0.037

0.012 0.254 0.343 0.101 0.694 0.117 0.036

0.024 0.161 4.010-3 0.298 0.145 0.665 0.097 0.032

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 3 Occurrence frequencies Drilling units The recorded number and type of occurrences (N) and the corresponding frequencies (F) are given for fixed drilling units in the following table. Table 46 Drilling Units. UKCS, 1990-2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Crane Falling object Fire Spill/release 1991 Contact Crane Spill/release 1993 1994 Spill/release Crane Falling object Fire Spill/release Well problem 1996 1997 Falling object Crane Falling object 1998 Crane Falling object Well problem 1999 Crane Falling object N 5 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 F 0.278 0.167 0.056 0.111 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.053 0.053 0.053 0.158 0.211 0.053 0.059 0.056 0.167 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 2006 2007 2005 Year 2004 Type of event Crane Falling object Fire Crane Falling object Fire Spill/release Well problem Falling object Crane Falling object Fire N 3 4 1 3 4 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 F 0.167 0.222 0.056 0.167 0.222 0.056 0.056 0.222 0.056 0.111 0.056 0.111

A.2. 4 Occurrence frequencies Production units In the following tables the number of occurrences (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) for fixed production units are given per year.

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 47 Production Units. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 11 53 4 57 34 2 66 2 1 F 0.145 0.697 0.053 0.750 0.447 0.026 0.868 0.026 0.013 N 8 59 6 78 14 1 69 1 2 6 1991 F 0.101 0.747 0.076 0.987 0.177 0.013 0.873 0.013 0.025 0.076 N 1 4 68 1 86 47 176 4 3 4 1992 F 0.012 0.049 0.840 0.012 1.062 0.580 2.173 0.049 0.035 0.049

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 48 Production Units. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 4 67 6 91 70 231 9 4 F 0.012 0.047 0.779 0.070 1.058 0.814 2.686 0.105 0.047 N 1 2 8 92 3 124 60 305 13 7 1994 F 0.011 0.022 0.087 1.000 0.033 1.348 0.652 3.315 0.141 0.076 N 1 2 11 76 1 98 38 1 197 2 7 7 1995 F 0.011 0.022 0.120 0.826 0.011 1.065 0.413 0.011 2.141 0.022 0.076 0.076 N 1 8 65 1 88 34 147 1 50 3 1996 F 0.011 0.086 0.699 0.011 0.946 0.366 1.581 0.011 0.538 0.032

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 49 Production Units. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout CapsizeCollision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 8 86 7 107 44 173 1 43 3 F 0.011 0.085 0.915 0.075 1.138 0.468 1.840 0.011 0.457 0.032 N 2 5 100 1 130 41 169 1 40 4 1998 F 0.021 0.052 1.031 0.010 1.340 0.423 1.742 0.010 0.412 0.041 N 2 5 76 2 119 35 142 37 3 1999 F 0.021 0.052 0.792 0.021 1.240 0.365 1.479 0.385 0.031

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 50 Production units. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 4 6 89 3 136 49 181 2 33 13 F 0.041 0.061 0.908 0.031 1.388 0.500 1.847 0.020 0.337 0.133 N 1 2 98 143 45 1 207 32 5 2001 F 0.010 0.020 0.990 1.444 0.455 0.010 2.091 0.323 0.051 N 5 108 3 151 33 187 1 37 13 2002 F 0.050 1.069 0.030 1.495 0.327 1.851 9.910 0.366 0.129

2003 N 2 49 1 89 27 189 24 5 F 0.019 0.471 9.610-3 0.856 0.260 1.817 0.231 0.048

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 51 Production units. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 3 54 1 84 41 1 205 22 9

2005 F

2006 F
0.029 0.552 0.743 0.210 1.524 0.229 0.086

2007 F
0.019 0.048 0.343 0.010 0.638 0.343 1.457 0.229 0.067


2 5 36 1 67 36 153 24 7

1 1 8 14 6 42 2 1

0.010 0.010 0.076 0.133 0.057 0.400 0.019 0.010


3 58 78 22 160 24 9

0.029 0.519 9.610-3 0.808 0.394 9.610-3 1.971 0.212 0.087

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 5 Occurrence frequencies Wellhead units In the following tables the number of occurrences and corresponding frequencies for fixed wellhead (production) units are given per year. Table 52 Wellhead Units. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 5 3 7 3 -

1991 F
0.026 0.128 3.410

1992 F
0.044 5.310

2 8 3 5 -

1 1 1 7 -

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.146 -

0.180 0.077 -

0.067 0.111 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 53 Wellhead Units. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other
3 3 1 13 0.059 0.059 0.020 0.255 -

1994 F

1995 F
0.018 0.018 0.018 0.036 0.125 -

1996 F
0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.053 0.246 0.018


1 1 1 2 7 -

1 1 1 1 3 14 1

2 3 5 15 -

0.031 0.046 0.077 0.231 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 54 Wellhead Units. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 6 6 3 25 -

1998 F
0.014 0.086 0.086 0.043 0.357 -

1999 F
0.014 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.361 0.042 0.014

1 3 3 3 26 3 1

1 3 3 5 4 26 1 2

0.013 0.038 0.038 0.063 0.051 0.329 0.013 0.025

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 55 Wellhead units. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
2 1 1 1 34 2 2

2001 F
0.024 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.405 0.024 0.024

2002 F
0.012 0.024 0.024 0.082 0.153 0.035 -

2003 F
0.023 0.047 0.047 0.023 0.105 0.012 -

1 2 2 7 13 3 -

2 4 4 2 9 1 -

1 5 7 1 12 1 -

0.012 0.058 0.081 0.012 0.140 0.012 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 56 Wellhead units. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
4 7 1 6 2 -

2005 F
0.047 0.081 0.012 0.070 0.023 -

2006 F
0.011 0.011 0.022 0.089 0.011 1 2 -

2007 F
0.011 0.222 -

1 1 2 8 1 -


1 1 3 1 12 8 -

0.011 0.011 0.033 0.011 0.133 0.089 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 6 Occurrence frequencies Compression units In the following tables the number of occurrences (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) for fixed compression units are given per year.

Table 57 Compression Units. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 -

1991 F
0.125 -

1992 F
0.111 0.111 0.111 -

1 1 1 -

1 2 -

0.111 0.222 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 58 Compression Units. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 1 5 -

1994 F
0.100 0.100 0.500 -

1995 F
0.100 0.400 -

1996 F
0.091 0.182 0.546 0.546 -

1 4 -

1 2 6 6 -



Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 59 Compression Units. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 2 -

1998 F
0.091 0.182 -

1999 F
0.182 -

2 -

1 4 -

0.083 0.333 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 60 Compression units. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 2 F 0.167 N 2001 F N 2002 F N 2003 F -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 61 Compression units. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
2 2 5 -

2005 F
0.167 0.167 0.417 -

2006 F
0.083 0.083 0.250 -

2007 F
0.083 0.250 0..250 -

1 1 3 -

1 3 3 -



Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 7 Occurrence frequencies Pumping Units No accidents are recorded on fixed pumping platforms in either of the databases in the period 1990-2007, and hence the overall calculated occurrence frequency is 0. A.2. 8 Occurrence frequencies Injection/riser Units The recorded number (N) and type of occurrences and the corresponding frequencies (F) are given in the following table.

Table 62 Injection/riser units. UKCS. 1990-2007. No. of occurrences per unit year. Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 1991 1993 2004 2005 2006 2007 Type of event Fire Fire Contact Falling object Fire N 1 2 1 2 1 F 0.200 0.333 0.125 0.200 0.100 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2.9 Occurrence frequencies Accommodation units The recorded number (N) and type of occurrences and the corresponding frequencies (F) are given in the following table. Table 63 Accommodation units. UKCS. 1990-2007. No. of occurrences per unit year. Source: All databases combined
Year 1992 1993 1994 Type of event Contact Fire Contact Spill/release 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2005 2006 2006 2007 Fire Fire Spill/release Falling object Collision Fire Crane Falling object N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 0.143 0.125 0.111 0.111 0.100 0.100 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007


Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

B. 1 Introduction The information being available for each incident has been reviewed and the chain of events has been obtained. The classification of events has been done according to the WOAD concept. One accident may comprise a chain of consecutive events (accident outcomes or occurrences), e.g. a blowout resulting in explosion, fire and oil spill. This means that one single accident or incident may give rise to several occurrences. The total number of occurrences will thus be much higher than the total number of accidents recorded. When giving frequencies per type of event, this is presented as number of occurrences per unit per year. B. 2 Accident statistics By combining and merging the results from the interrogation of all 4 databases, the occurrence frequencies for floating units in the UKCS in the period 1990-2007 are estimated. All tables in this appendix present the number of accidents and occurrences with corresponding frequencies per type of unit and event for each year in the period 19902007, and average for the periods 1990-1999, 2000-2007 and 1990-2007. N denotes number of occurrences and F denotes average annual frequency per unit, i.e. number of occurrences per unit year. Since no exposure data are readily available for floating accommodation units (comprising both the jackup and semi-submersible types), only the number of occurrences are given (i.e. no frequencies). Note that - is applied where no accidents/occurrences have been recorded (and hence no frequencies calculated) or if the given event is not applicable/relevant for the given type of unit. The source All databases combined refers to the database obtained by pooling the databases ORION, MAIB, BLOWOUT and WOAD and removing the overlapping records. B.2. 1 Occurrence frequencies - Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) In the following tables the number of occurrences (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) for mobile drilling units are given per type of unit and year.

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 64 Drilling jackups. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
7 26 22 4 1 1 1 7 1 3 2 -

1991 F
0.252 0.935 0.791 0.144 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.252 0.036 0.108 0.072 -

1992 F
0.034 0.034 0.067 0.202 1.077 1.111 0.034 0.034 0.067 0.034 0.067 0.034

1 1 2 6 32 33 1 1 2 1 2 1

1 2 10 14 13 5 1 1 14 1 1 2 1

0.034 0.069 0.345 0.483 0.448 0.172 0.034 0.034 0.483 0.034 0.034 0.069 0.034

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 65 Drilling jackups. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 4 12 19 3 1 9 2 -

1994 F 0.038 0.15 0.451 0.714 0.113 0.038 0.338 0.075 -

1995 F 0.046
0.046 0.276 0.829 0.046 0.876 0.323 0.461 0.138 -

1996 F 0.097 0.58 0.048 0.966 0.29 0.048 0.29 0.048 0.193 0.097

N 1
1 6 18 1 19 7 10 3 -

N 2 12 1 20 6 1 6 1 4 2

N 15 22 4 2 1 7 1

F 0.652 0.957 0.174 0.087 0.043 0.304 0.043

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 66 Drilling jackups. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other
3 14 2 0.138 0.645 0.092 6 1 30 1 0.273 0.045 1.364 0.045

1998 F
0.046 0.046 0.092 1.244 1.429 0.230 0.046 -

1999 F
0.045 0.227 1.409 2.045 0.182 -

1 1 2 27 31 5 1 -

1 5 31 45 4 -

3 9 15 4 1 9 1 8 -

0.125 0.375 0.625 0.167 0.042 0.375 0.042 0.333 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 67 Drilling jackups. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 1 6 15 1 6 2 15 -

2001 F
0.045 0.045 0.268 0.670 0.045 0.268 0.090 0.670 -

2002 F
0.043 0.736 0.952 0.130 0.216 0.043 0.476 -

2003 F
0.088 1.101 1.189 0.044 0.220 0.749 -

1 17 22 3 5 1 11 -

2 25 27 1 5 17 -

2 19 23 4 13 -

0.087 0.823 0.996 0.173 0.563 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 68 Drilling jackups. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
10 13 1 1 14 -

2005 F
0.452 0.588 0.045 0.045 0.633 -

2006 F
0.095 0.619 0.810 0.238 0.429 -

2007 F
0.088 0.265 0.398 0.088 0.044 0.708 -

2 13 17 5 9 -

2 6 9 2 1 16 -

4 17 23 3 8 -

0.139 0.590 0.799 0.104 0.278 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 69 Drilling semisubmersibles. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
19 1 1 9 50 2 53 3 4 1 2 9 3 2 3 4

1991 F
0.412 0.022 0.022 0.195 1.085 0.043 1.150 0.065 0.087 0.022 0.043 0.195 0.065 0.043 0.065 0.087

1992 F
0.426 0.041 0.243 2.130 0.061 2.11 0.243 0.081 0.061 0.020 0.101 0.284 0.061 0.041 0.142 0.142

21 2 12 105 3 104 12 4 3 1 5 14 3 2 7 7

11 1 11 52 1 58 6 1 1 2 9 1 6 -

0.228 0.021 0.228 1.079 0.021 1.203 0.124 0.021 0.021 0.041 0.187 0.021 0.124 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 70 Drilling semisubmersibles. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
18 1 8 16 31 5 1 3 6 1 5 4

1994 F
0.407 0.023 0.181 0.362 0.701 0.113 0.023 0.068 0.136 0.023 0.113 0.090

1995 F
0.139 0.111 0.333 0.500 0.083 0.028 0.056 0.222 0.028 0.028 0.056

1996 F
0.145 0.087 0.058 1.279 0.029 1.541 0.203 0.058 0.029 0.145 0.058 0.058 -

5 4 12 18 3 1 2 8 1 1 2

5 3 2 44 1 53 7 2 1 5 2 2 -

17 1 3 48 55 5 1 3 11 3 10 -

0.445 0.026 0.079 1.257 1.440 0.131 0.026 0.079 0.288 0.079 0.262 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 71 Drilling semisubmersibles. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
17 5 3 76 93 4 1 13 5 1 11 2

1998 F
0.471 0.139 0.083 2.105 2.576 0.111 0.028 0.360 0.139 0.028 0.305 0.055

1999 F
0.219 0.027 0.027 0.137 1.425 0.027 1.726 0.082 0.027 0.027 0.192 0.110 0.329 -

8 1 1 5 52 1 63 3 1 1 7 4 12 -

4 2 5 29 65 7 9 1 7 3

0.124 0.062 0.155 0.898 2.012 0.217 0.279 0.031 0.217 0.093

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 72 Drilling semisubmersibles. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
2 1 2 64 78 6 1 2 10 1 11 -

2001 F
0.066 0.033 0.066 2.119 2.583 0.199 0.033 0.066 0.331 0.033 0.364 -

2002 F
0.066 0.033 0.033 0.066 2.007 2.270 0.066 0.066 0.197 0.033 0.230 0.033

2003 F
0.061 0.123 1.442 1.687 0.245 0.245 0.399 0.031

2 1 1 2 61 69 2 2 6 1 7 1

2 4 47 55 8 8 13 1

4 1 10 17 3 8 8 1

0.130 0.033 0.326 0.554 0.098 0.261 0.261 0.033

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 73 Drilling semisubmersibles. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 17 26 4 1 3 15 1

2005 F
0.030 0.511 0.781 0.120 0.030 0.090 0.450 0.030

2006 F
0.054 0.838 1.054 0.243 0.027 0.027 0.189 0.216 -

2007 F
0.026 0.714 1.481 0.053 0.106 0.265 -

2 31 39 9 1 1 7 8 -

1 27 56 2 4 10 -

2 36 53 5 2 7 -

1.034 1.523 0.144 0.057 0.201 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 74 Drillships. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N F N 3 1 2 2 1 1 1991 F 7.500 2.500 5.000 5.000 2.500 2.500 N 1 4 5 1992 F 2.500 10.000 12.500 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 75 Drillships. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 2 F 2.500 5.000 N 2 2 1994 F 6.667 6.667 N 1 1995 F 3.333 N 4 5 1 1996 F 13.333 16.667 3.333 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 76 Drillships. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 3 3 1 F 10.000 10.000 3.333 N 1998 F N 1999 F -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 77 Drillships. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N F N 2 2 2 1 2001 F 5.000 5.000 5.000 2.500 N 1 1 2002 F 1.429 1.429 N 1 1 2003 F 1.000 1.000 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 78 Drillships. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 2 1 F 5.000 10.000 5.000 N 2005 F N 2006 F N 2007 F -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 2 Occurrence frequencies - Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs) In the following tables the number of occurrences (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) for mobile production units (MOPUs) are given per type of unit and year. The MOPUs comprise jackups, semi-submersibles and tension-leg platforms. Please observe that no events have been recorded for production jackups prior to year 2000.

Table 79 Production jackups. UKCS. 1990-2007. No. of occurrences per unit year. Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2005 2006 2007 Type of event Crane Falling object Spill/release Well problem Crane Falling object Fire Spill/release Well problem Crane Falling object Falling object Spill/release Falling object Falling object Contact Falling object Fire Spill/release N 5 6 2 2 1 3 1 7 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 F 2.500 3.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 1.500 0.500 3.500 0.500 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.000

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 80 Production semisubmersibles. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 2 1 1 2 1 F 0.500 0.250 0.250 0.500 0.250 N 1 5 5 1991 F 0.333 1.667 1.667 N 1 1 1 1 1992 F 0.292 0.292 0.292 0.292 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 81 Production semisubmersibles. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 1 1 2 F 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.500 N 2 1 4 1 1994 F 0.428 0.214 0.857 0.214 N 3 2 2 1995 F 0.600 0.400 0.400 N 2 2 1 1996 F 0.400 0.400 0.200 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 82 Production semisubmersibles. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 3 4 7 1 F 0.600 0.800 1.400 0.200 N 1 1 1998 F 0.200 0.200 N 1 1 1 3 8 1 1999 F 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.600 1.600 0.200

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 83 Production semisubmersibles. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 1 1 3 1 1 F 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.600 0.200 0.200 N 5 7 1 2001 F 1.000 1.400 0.200 N 2 4 3 12 2002 F 0.400 0.800 0.600 2.400 N 1 11 1 2003 F 0.200 2.200 0.200

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 84 Production semisubmersibles. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
1 6 3 23 -

2005 F
0.200 1.200 0.600 4.600 -

2006 F
0.400 0.600 0.800 3.200 -

2007 F
0.200 0.600 4.600 0.200

2 3 4 16 -

1 3 23 1

1 3 1 24 1

0.200 0.600 0.200 4.800 0.200

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 85 Tension-leg platforms. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
4 3 3 2 -

1991 F
4.000 3.000 3.000 2.000 -

1992 F
9.000 10.000 1.000 -

9 10 1 -

8 9 -

8.000 9.000 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 86 Tension-leg platforms. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
2 2 1 -

1994 F
2.000 2.000 1.000 -

1995 F
3.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 -

1996 F
1.000 4.000 5.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 -

3 3 1 1 1 -

1 4 5 1 3 1 -

1 1 1 1 3 1 -

1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.000 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 87 Tension-leg platforms. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
2 2 -

1998 F
2.000 2.000 -

1999 F
1.000 2.000 1.000 -

1 2 1 -



Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 88 Tension-leg platforms. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N
2 2 1 -

2001 F
2.000 2.000 1.000 -

2002 F
3.000 4.000 -

2003 F
17.500 15.000 2.500 -

3 4 -

7 6 1 -



Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 89 Tension-leg platforms. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N F N 2005 F N 2006 F N 2007 F -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 3 Occurrence frequencies - Monohull units In the following tables the number of occurrences (N) and corresponding frequencies (F) for monohull units are given per type of unit and year. The monohulls comprise both FSUs and FPSOs (both converted tankers and purpose-built units).

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

FPSOs - Both types The following tables show the calculated frequencies for FPSOs irrespective of type of construction (i.e. converted or purpose-built) Table 90 FPSOs. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 F 1.000 N 1 1 1 2 1991 F 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 N 1 3 1992 F 1.000 3.000 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 91 FPSOs. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 F 0.500 1.000 1.500 1.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.500 N 4 1 1 2 2 14 1 2 1994 F 2.000 0.500 0.500 1.000 1.000 7.000 0.500 1.000 N 2 1 3 3 13 1 1 1995 F 0.615 0.308 0.923 0.923 4.000 0.308 0.308 N 1 1 1 2 3 1996 F 0.235 0.235 0.235 0.471 0.706 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 92 FPSOs. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 10 10 4 1 F 0.152 1.520 1.520 0.608 0.152 N 2 3 5 1 11 1 1.158 0.105 1998 F 0.211 0.316 0.526 0.105 N 3 2 6 8 4 1 1 32 1 9 1999 F 0.240 0.160 0.480 0.640 0.320 0.080 0.080 2.560 0.080 0.720

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 93 FPSOs. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 7 11 9 49 1 3 F 0.538 0.846 0.692 3.769 0.077 0.231 N 7 7 6 23 1 2 2001 F 0.528 0.528 0.453 1.736 0.075 0.151 N 1 6 5 7 39 2 2002 F 0.077 0.462 0.385 0.539 3.000 0.154 N 2 1 4 7 4 1 41 1 1 2003 F 0.154 0.077 0.308 0.539 0.308 0.077 3.154 0.077 0.077

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 94 FPSOs. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 2 4 4 43 F 0.154 0.308 0.308 3.308 N 2 1 3 3 10 40 2005 F 0.154 0.077 0.231 0.231 0.769 3.077 N 1 1 3 7 5 1 22 1 2006 F 0.077 0.077 0.231 0.538 0.385 0.077 1.692 0.077 N 1 1 7 9 8 56 1 1 2007 F 0.077 0.077 0.538 0.692 0.615 4.308 0.077 0.077

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

In the table below the frequencies for purpose-built and converted FPSOs are shown separately for the period 1990-2007.

Table 95 FPSOs. Type of event vs. type of FPSO. UKCS, 1990-2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Type of construction Purpose-built Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 14 11 44 2 61 47 1 1 1 1 241 3 2 19 F 0.134 0.105 0.421 0.019 0.584 0.450 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 2.306 0.029 0.019 0.182 Converted N 1 14 16 12 1 100 2 4 F 0.033 0.467 0.533 0.400 0.033 3.333 0.067 0.133

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

FSUs The tables below show the calculated frequencies for FSUs. Table 96 FSUs. UKCS, 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 F 1.000 N 1 1991 F 1.000 N 1992 F -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 97 FSUs. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 1 F 0.429 0.429 N 1 1 1994 F 0.292 0.292 N 1 1 1 1995 F 0.333 0.333 0.333 N 1996 F -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 98 FSUs. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N F N 1998 F N 1 1999 F 0.500 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 99 FSUs. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 1 1 F 0.481 0.481 0.481 N 1 1 1 1 2001 F 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.333 N 2 2002 F 0.667 N 1 2003 F 0.333 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 100 FSUs. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences and occurrence frequencies (per unit year). Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other N 1 2 1 2 F 0.333 0.667 0.333 0.667 N 2 2005 F 0.667 N 1 2006 F 0.333 N 1 1 2007 F 0.333 0.333 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

A.2. 4 Number of occurrences - Accommodation units Since no exposure data for these type of units are available, only the number of occurrences are given (i.e. no frequencies). These units comprise both the jackup and semisubmersible types.

Table 101 Accommodation units. UKCS. 1990, 1991, 1992. No. of occurrences. Source: All databases combined
Year 1990 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other Jackup Semisub. 1 1 3 6 1 1 2 2 1991 Jackup Semisub. 1 3 5 2 1 2 1992 Jackup Semisub. 4 1 6 6 1 1

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 102 Accommodation units. UKCS, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. No. of occurrences. Source: All databases combined
Year 1993 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other Jackup Semisub. 6 4 7 1 1 4 1 1994 Jackup Semisub. 6 1 3 1 1 1995 Jackup 1 1 1 1 1 Semisub. 1 2 1 1996 Jackup 2 3 3 Semisub. 1 -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 103 Accommodation units. UKCS, 1997, 1998, 1999. No. of occurrences. Source: All databases combined
Year 1997 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other Jackup Semisub. 1 1 1 1 1998 Jackup Semisub. 1 1999 Jackup Semisub. -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 104 Accommodation units. UKCS, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. No. of occurrences. Source: All databases combined
Year 2000 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other Jackup 1 Semisub. 2001 Jackup Semisub. 1 2002 Jackup 1 Semisub. 2003 Jackup Semisub. -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Table 105 Accommodation units. UKCS, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. No. of occurrences. Source: All databases combined
Year 2004 Type of event Anchor failure Blowout Capsize Collision Contact Crane Explosion Falling object Fire Foundering Grounding Helicopter Leakage List Machinery Off position Spill/release Structural Towing/towline Well problem Other Jackup 1 Semisub. 2005 Jackup 1 Semisub. 1 2006 Jackup Semisub. 1 1 2 1 1 2007 Jackup 1 1 3 Semisub. 2 -

- o0o -

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007


Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Collisions and contacts; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

0,3000 # occurrences per unit-year

0,2500 0,2000 0,1500 0,1000 0,0500 0,0000 MODU MOPU Monohull Fixed
Type of floating unit

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Explosions; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

0,0400 # occurrences per unit-year 0,0350 0,0300 0,0250 0,0200 0,0150 0,0100 0,0050 0,0000 MODU MOPU Monohull Fixed Type of floating unit 1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Fires; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

0,7000 # occurrencs per unit-year 0,6000 0,5000 0,4000 0,3000 0,2000 0,1000 0,0000 MODU MOPU Monohull Fixed Type of floating unit
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Spills/releases; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

3,9000 3,6000 3,3000 3,0000 2,7000 2,4000 2,1000 1,8000 1,5000 1,2000 0,9000 0,6000 0,3000 0,0000

# occurrencs per unit-year

1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007





Type of floating unit

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Well problems; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

# occurrencs per unit-year 0,6000

0,5000 0,4000 0,3000 0,2000 0,1000 0,0000 MODU MOPU Monohull Fixed Type of floating unit

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Falling loads or objects being hoisted / lifted; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007
1.6000 # occurrencs per unit-year 1.4000 1.2000 1.0000 0.8000 0.6000 0.4000 0.2000 0.0000 MODU MOPU Monohull Fixed Type of floating unit
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Falling loads or objects not being hoisted / lifted; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007
1.0000 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000 0.6000 0.5000 0.4000 0.3000 0.2000 0.1000 0.0000 MODU MOPU Monohull Fixed Type of floating unit # occurrencs per unit-year

1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Collisions and contacts; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

0,1200 #occurrences per unit-year 0,1000 0,0800 0,0600 0,0400 0,0200 0,0000 Production Non-Production Type of fixed unit
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Explosions; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

0,0350 #occurrences per unit-year 0,0300 0,0250 0,0200 0,0150 0,0100 0,0050 0,0000 Production Type of fixed unit Non-Production
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Spills/releases; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

1,4000 #occurrences per unit-year 1,2000 1,0000 0,8000 0,6000 0,4000 0,2000 0,0000 Production Non-Production Type of fixed unit
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

Fires; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

0,3500 #occurrences per unit-year 0,3000 0,2500 0,2000 0,1500 0,1000 0,0500 0,0000 Production Non-Production Type of fixed unit
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Well problems; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007

0,3000 #occurrences per unit-year 0,2500 0,2000 0,1500 0,1000 0,0500 0,0000 Production Non-Production Type of fixed unit
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Issue 1 April 2009


Accident Statistics for Offshore Units on the UKCS 1990-2007

0.8000 #occurrences per unit-year 0.7000 0.6000 0.5000 0.4000 0.3000 0.2000 0.1000 0.0000

Falling loads or objects being hoisted / lifted; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Production Type of fixed unit


Falling loads or objects not being hoisted / lifted; Floating and Fixed units; UKCS; 1990-2007 0.3500
#occurrences per unit-year 0.3000 0.2500 0.2000 0.1500 0.1000 0.0500 0.0000 Production Non-Production Type of fixed unit
1990-1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

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Issue 1 April 2009


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