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<Ciudad>, <fecha>

<Nombre> ____________________________ <Direccin>____________________________ <Ciudad>_____________________________ lista de los arzobispos de la Conferencia Episcopal de Colombia

Sir, Name Address Town/City

Objeto: Solicitud de registro de apstata y habeas data de todo archivo en su institucin Fui bautizado en la iglesia de ________________________________ de la ciudad de ______________________________ el ao _____________, bajo el nombre ________________________________________ ______, este ritual no existe puesto que el pasado no existe; en el presente solo existen algunos archivos que no tienen ninguna significacin y ningn valor frente a mi repblica laica. Yo lo informo, por la presente, de mi solicitud de estar claramente identificado como APOSTATA a sus registros. Esta solicitud la hago basado(a) en al derecho fundamental de peticin que invoca el articulo 23 de la constitucin poltica de Colombia. Mi decisin personal de ser apstata me concierne m nicamente y exclusivamente, sin importar el souvenir de los otros, de hecho, nunca he querido pertenecer a esa institucin, y mi posicin no ha cambiado. Los registros me conciernen nicamente y yo soy el propietario, si otra persona considera tener propiedad, sentirse concernida por estos registros sera inexacto, puesto que fue un acto que me fue impuesto. No voy a entrar en una larga diatriba

Object: requesting the record of apostate and habeas data from all archives in your institution I was baptized in the church of ____________________________________ in the city of in the year , under the name . This ritual does not exist since the past does not exist; currently, the only things that do exist are archives which are of no significance whatsoever before a secular Republic. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of my request to be clearly identified as APOSTATE in your records. This request is based on the fundamental right to petition which is mentioned in article 23 of the political constitution of Colombia. My decision of being apostatised is personal and involves myself and only myself, regardless of other people (memories); as a matter of fact, I have never wished to belong to this institution, and my position has never changed. The records only concern me and I am their rightful owner. If anybody else claims ownership and considers he/she is concerned in any way by these records, it would be incorrect, since it is an act that was imposed upon me. I am not going to embark on a lengthy denunciation

2/7 probablemente innecesaria, pero explicaciones me parecen tiles. algunas that would probably be of no avail but I wish to provide a few useful explanations. The fact of being homosexual and expressing ones homosexuality is nothing to be particularly proud nor ashamed of. Homosexuality is not the sum total of a persons identity, but conversely it cannot be rooted out. It is perfectly fine to live openly as a homosexual, without hiding, to try and avoid unnecessary suffering for yourself and for the people around you as a result of secrets and lies. It is perfectly fine to live a happy life, as a couple for a number of years, giving and receiving love in return. I wish all couples to be granted the full recognition and protection of the State (secular Republic) and I wish for the same rights and the same duties, instead of an institutionalised hierarchy among couples. Homosexuality is not really an option. Otherwise, the easy choice would probably be to be heterosexual. It is not at all because homosexuality is painful in itself. But it is due to the fact that in our world and our society, the majority of those around me are still, even in 2013, explicitly homophobic. Is it a social or a religious problem? Unfortunately, it must be acknowledged that the Church is one of the main and most constant sources of homophobia. This homophobia, which can be at times hidden, is often dangerous and offensive and causes a lot of suffering for those who cannot defend themselves, eventually driving those who feel the most victimised to suicide. Homosexuality is considered by the Catholic Church as an objectively disordered sexual practice and Catechism defines homosexual behaviour as one of the most serious sins against chastity, comparing it to raping.

El comportamiento y la expresin de la homosexualidad no son particularmente de orgullo, ni para nada de vergenza tampoco. La homosexualidad no es constitutiva de la persona, y al mismo tiempo no puede excluirse. Est muy "bien" de vivir la homosexualidad abiertamente, sin esconderse, evitando as de hacerse sufrir intilmente, y tambin de hacer sufrir a su alrededor con mentiras, secretos. Est muy "bien" de vivir felices y en pareja durante aos, dar amor y recibirlo recprocamente. Para todas las parejas, yo quiero el reconocimiento y la proteccin de la nacin (republica laica), quiero los mismos derechos y los mismos deberes. No quiero que esta jerarqua institucionalizada de parejas diferentes. La homosexualidad no es realmente una opcin. De lo contrario, la eleccin fcil sera probablemente ser heterosexual. No es que la homosexualidad sea dolorosa, en s misma ella no lo es. Pero debido a que en nuestro mundo, nuestra sociedad, la mayora de los que me rodean son todava, en 2013, fuertemente homofbicos. Me dir usted, que es un problema de la sociedad, o un problema de religin? Por desgracia, hay que reconocer que la iglesia es una las principales y constantes fuentes de esta homofobia, a veces escondida, a menudo peligrosa, ofensiva, llevando a tanto sufrimiento para los que no se puede desligar, empujando algunos, muy agredidos, al suicidio. La homosexualidad es considerada por la Iglesia Catlica como una prctica sexual "desordenada objetivamente" y los actos homosexuales se definen en el catecismo como uno de los "pecados gravemente contrarios a la castidad", comparndola con la violacin (!).

3/7 Para Benedicto XVI, el matrimonio igualitario es parte de una "nueva ideologa del mal" y que sera incluso "un obstculo en el camino de la paz" (pareciera un sueo...). El considera los humanos homosexuales como ciudadanos de segunda clase mundial, que sus familias ponen en peligro la sociedad. El tambin considera que las familias homosexuales son sub-humanas. El Vaticano afirma que "acordar nios a parejas homosexuales a travs de la adopcin significara violentarlos (al colocarlos) en ambientes que no favorecen su pleno desarrollo humano digno". Degradando y despreciando las personas homosexuales de todo el mundo. Utilizando un lenguaje de odio y comentarios discriminatorios. En todo el mundo, esta institucin no laica a travs de sus acciones, su propaganda, sus medios de comunicacin, sus lugares de culto, sus facciones, se entromete en la educacin, influencia o compra los polticos, acta sobre los poderes pblicos y los votos, presiona a la gente, apoya movimientos anti-laicos. Por ltimo, desde el inicio del debate sobre la apertura del matrimonio y la adopcin para todas las parejas, el repertorio de frases homofbicas de diferentes instituciones no laicas se ha "enriquecido" mucho. "Monseor" Jos Daniel Falla agredi diciendo reglamentar estas uniones homosexuales sera socavar valores de la sociedad. "Monseor" Barbarin le preocupa que esta ley abra la puerta al incesto y la poligamia (??). Qu respuesta da esta religin a la peticin firmada de elegidos catlicos, pastores y sacerdotes, telogos, dirigentes de asociaciones, o simplemente practicantes, "quienes sienten pena de ver que la sola palabra del cristianismo audible es la negativa del matrimonio igualitario?" La respuesta es, desgraciadamente, similar a otras respuestas de esta religin sobre este tema social. Ella esta llena de desprecio, de agresividad, de pseudo-verdades originadas de la nada. Dijo que For Benedict XVI, same-sex marriage is part and parcel of a new ideology of Evil and is an obstacle on the path towards peace (this defies belief). He considers homosexuals as secondrate citizens in the world, and that their families jeopardize society. He also considers that homosexual families are sub-human. The Vatican claims that granting children to same-sex couples through adoption would imply exposing them to violence by placing them in an environment that would not foster their full development as dignified human beings. It is disparaging and contemptuous for homosexual people throughout the world. It is using a language of hate and discrimination. Throughout world, this non-secular institution interferes in eductional matters, influences and bribes politicians, exerts undue action over public authorities and voters, pressurizes people and supports anti-secular movements through all its communication means, its places of worship and its factions. Of late, since the debate over the extension of marriage and adoption for all couples, the list of homophobic comments that have been heard from a wide variety of non-secular institutions has considerably lengthened. "Monseor" Jos Daniel Fallas claim that allowing homosexual unions would undermine social values was tantamount to a verbal attack. "Monseor" Barbarin is concerned that this law might open the door to incest and polygamy. Which response is this religion giving to the petition signed by members of the Catholic clergy, pastors and priests, theologians, directors of organisations or simply worshippers, and who feel sad that the only word that has been pronounced by Christian authorities on the question of same-sex marriage is one of refusal. This response is unfortunately similar to the other responses given by this religion on this social issue. It is full of contempt, rejection and halftruths based on nothing. It was said that

4/7 "la prctica de la homosexualidad es una grave amenaza para las vidas y el bienestar de un gran nmero de personas", los firmantes son calificados de personas "que ignoran las enseanzas de la religin o buscan de un modo u otro socavarlas". Eso es lo que la iglesia llama un debate respetuoso, digno de inteligencia humana? Dnde estn sus propios valores? Considera usted que los trabajadores sexuales, los que utilizan preservativos, las que abortan, los que deciden por una muerte digna, los que no van ms a sus cultos, lo(a)s homosexuales, los blasfemos, los violentos, los desnudistas, los filsofos, los libres de pensamiento, en fin toda persona normal, merecera la pena ms alta de su institucin, la apostasa? o quin la merece? En cualquier caso, para m, esto es demasiado. No quiero estar ligado de ninguna forma a una institucin no laica portadora de violencia, irrespeto, prohibiciones, negaciones, exclusiones. Tambin es importante por mi propia seguridad, por la seguridad de mi ideal de una sociedad de "vivir juntos", de separarme por cualquier medio posible de esas ideologas. Su institucin no laica oscurantismo, lo har sin m. naufraga en el the practice of homosexuality is posing a serious threat for the life and well-being of great number of people. The signatories are referred to as people who disregard the teachings of religion and are looking for a way to undermine it. Is this what the Church calls a respectful debate, addressing human intelligence? Where are its own values? Do you consider that sex workers, those who use condoms, those who abort, those who choose to end their lives with dignity, those who do not go to Church, those who are homosexual, those you regard as blasphemous, the victims of rape, the naturists, the philosophers, the free-thinkers in short, all normal human beings as deserving the highest sentence of your institution, that of apostasy? Who else deserves it? In any case, as far as I am concerned, this is enough. I dont want to be connected in any way to a non-secular institution that promotes violence, disrespect, prohibition, rejection and exclusion. It is also important for my own safety and to secure a social ideal of togetherness, of cutting all ties by all means possible with these ideologies. Your non-secular institution is being swamped by obscurantism and I dont want to be part of it. I consider this institution as a blind, dangerous, and damaging hate-monger. Its behaviour increasingly resembles that of a Cult, and this is perhaps what it will end up being in the future. I refuse to support this homophobic, lesbophobic, transphobic, sexist, patriarchal, hierarchical, liberticidal, radical, alienating, sectarian ideology, whose purpose is to deny individual rights and which has often aided and abetted hate, State crime, genocide, suicide and has interfered insidiously in political and public life, in education, in peoples consciences, propagating

Yo considero esa institucin como un vestbulo ciego, peligroso, daino, de odio para la sociedad humana. Su comportamiento se reduce ms y ms al de una secta, pero quizs ese es su futuro? Me niego a apoyar esta ideologa homofbica, lesbofbica, transfoba, sexista, patriarcal, jerarquizada, liberticida, draconiana, alienante, sectaria, negando los individuos, participando al odio, al crimen de estado, al genocidio, al suicidio, interfiriendo insidiosamente en la vida poltica y pblica, en la educacin, en la conciencia, fomentando la propagacin de

5/7 enfermedades, oponindose a los derechos de la constitucin (el aborto, la muerte digna, igualdad hombre mujer, ), a la libre expresin vestimentaria, a la desnudez, al respeto a las personas. Imponindose insidiosamente desde el nacimiento, incluyendo tcnicas deletreas como la negacin, la prohibicin, la manipulacin, la culpabilidad, el acoso, ... en fin violando todos los derechos humanos. Yo me niego a valorizar una creencia que interfiere tanto en mi republica que su jerarqua tiene derechos diferentes a los mos (migracin, alojamiento, salarios, impuestos, seguridad,), que sus lugares de culto (de propaganda) son financiados por mi nacin, Empresa que remplaza al Estado en servicios como la vida asociativa, la consultacin mdico-psicolgica, las uniones matrimoniales, el entierro, el recaudo de impuestos, El da en que estoy escribiendo esta carta es tambin simblico basta mirar la fecha para darse cuenta de todo el dao hoy hecho por ustedes. La historia lo dir seguramente mejor que yo (ah cierto ustedes manipulan la historia), pero presiento que la iglesia no podr negar mucho tiempo su responsabilidad importante que trata de ocultar, por decirlo as, en contrava de la lucha por los derechos humanos. Como su rol en las horas sombras de la historia, ella contina su discurso venenoso contra los proyectos de ley actuales, el papel nefasto de las instituciones no laicas en particular la de ustedes en medio de la lucha por la igualdad deber algn da ser reconocido, juzgados... As, le pido entonces de por favor enviarme la prueba fsica (manuscrito completo) de la existencia de todo registro que me concierna, yo me ocupar de su eliminacin. Igualmente la prueba de eliminacin de las listas de bautizados que estn en su archidicesis y cualquier otro documento (manuscrito o no) que tendriesen ustedes en otro lugar. Solamente las pruebas legales de esta radiacin sern validas. Ninguna anotacin ms en los registros ya existentes es diseases, opposing constitutional rights (to abortion, medically-assisted death, equality between men and women), to the free expression of peoples clothing style and their right to nudity. By imposing itself insidiously in peoples lives since birth, the church has resorted to noxious methods such as negation, prohibition, manipulation, guilt, harassment, eventually violating all human rights. I refuse to promote a belief which interferes with my republic and whose hierarchy has taken on rights which are different from mine (concerning migration, accommodation, salaries, income tax, security.) and whose places of worship (and propaganda) are financed by my country. I refuse to support a church which aims at replacing the State as regards community life, psychological and medical care, matrimonial unions, funeral proceedings and the levying of taxes. The day I am writing this letter is symbolic and one only needs to look at the date to realise how much damage has been caused by you. History will surely bring this to light better than I can do (I am aware of how you can sometimes manipulate history) and I feel that the church will not be in a position to deny for much longer its overwhelming responsibility in the fight against human rights. Your institution continues to propagate hate-speech against the current law projects, just as it has always done throughout the darkest hours of mankind. One day, the nefarious role that has been played against equality by nonsecular institutions such as your church will have to be accounted for and properly judged. Consequently, I am asking you to send me the physical (handwritten) evidence of the existence of any record that might concern me. I will dispose of them myself in the way I choose. Likewise, I am asking you to provide the evidence that my name has been deleted from the baptism records which are in your archdiocese and that any other document (whether handwritten or not) has also been destroyed. Only the legal

6/7 solicitada (no anotaciones, pargrafos, post-it, ...). De igualmente todo otro acto (ritual) registrado en su institucin ver ejemplos en pi de pagina. Mi adhesin a su institucin termina con la presente carta informndole mi apostasa y que, en virtud del artculo 1364 del Cdigo de Derecho Cannico que establece claramente: "El apstata de la f, un hereje o cismtico incurriendo en excomunin latae sententiae ". Conformidad con la ley 1266 de 2008, tambin conocida como Ley de Habeas Data, relativa "a la informtica, archivos y libertades", el obispado de bautismo no puede rechazar este acto de apostasa. Por la presente, le solicito de darme los manuscrito originales y quitar mi nombre y cualquier otra informacin sobre m de cualquier otro registro de bautizos o de otros rituales arcaicos en cualquier otro archivo manuscrito, computarizado u otro que su institucin no laica guardase. Bajo las normas de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, su institucin no laica y comercial, debe proporcionarme los manuscritos originales, una copia gratuita de cualquier acto modificado, una prueba de la existencia e inexistencia en sus bases de datos (de cualquier formato). Conformemente con el artculo 17 de la Ley precitada y si yo llegase a no recibir el certificado dentro de 15 das, yo sera obligado de contactar la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, incluso de iniciar toda accin legal necesaria para obtener el respeto a mi voluntad presentemente exprimida. De igual forma, ejerzo el habeas data para toda informacin que ustedes posean sobre mi apostasa, para lo cual deben enviarme los manuscritos que ustedes crearon y demostrar que ustedes borraron todos los otros registros, incluso la presente solicitud y su certificado de respuesta. evidence of this destruction will be considered as valid (no annotation, paragraph or post-it). I hereby choose to end any contact with your institution and signify my wish to become an apostate, by virtue of the article 1364 of the Code of Canonical Right which clearly establishes that: the apostate ????? In conformity with the 2008 Act 1266, also referred to as the Act of Habeas Data, also known as the Information, archive and liberties Act, the clergyman performing baptism cannot reject this apostasy request. I hereby require to be given the original record and ask you to delete my name and any other information about me from whichever other baptism record or any other archaic ritual in any other written, or electronic record which may be kept by your non-secular organisation.

Under the regulations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, your non-secular, commercial organisation must give me the original records, together with a free copy of any modified act and the evidence of their existence or non-existence which may be available in your data bases (under whichever format). In accordance with article 17 of the above-mentioned Act and in the case I should not receive the certificate within 15 days, I shall find myself obliged to contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and take any necessary legal action in order to obtain full satisfaction for the request. Similarly, I appeal to the Habeas Data for any information that you may possess about my apostasy, for which you must send me the records that you have created and prove that you have deleted all records, including the present request and its response.

7/7 Peticin, Solicito mi exclusin en todos los efectos, incluso los estadsticos, del registro de personas no laicas, y el reconocimiento del acto de apostasa que por esta declaracin expreso. Haciendo uso del derecho legtimo a disponer libremente de mis decisiones y al libre desarrollo de la personalidad tal como lo consagra el artculo 16 de la constitucin poltica de Colombia.
<Nombres> <direccin> <Pas> <Apellidos> <Ciudad>

I hereby request the deletion of my name in all the occurrences found in your non-secular records of persons and the full recognition of this apostasy request that I am explicitly formulating. Using the legitimate right to freely dispose of my decisions and to lead my life in whichever way I choose according to article 16 of the political constitution of Colombia.

Entre otros rituales con registros a eliminar y demostrar la prueba del borrado se pueden encontrar:

cc. Superintendencia de industria y comercio Corte Constitucional de Colombia

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