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Gheorghe-Vasile BORZA, Victor RO
Abstract: The work refers to theoretical and technical potential for energy production from biomass . The study is aimed to analyze the potential of maize crop and the environmental impacts. In fact, study is designed to promote bio-energy production of 3 possibilities maize crop. A life cycle assessment methodology is presented in order to evaluate the environmental impacts. Key words: biomass, energy potential, bio-energy, environmental impacts, life cycle

1. INTRODUCTION There is a multitudinous of problem related to energy from biomass. One of the most important aspects lies in the energy assessment and quantification of the potential of traditional cultures to our country, that analyze the energy potential of maize crop. Based on the principle described in the paper [1], expose a methodology for solving such problems. Thus, systemic analysis of biomass production is seen in the assessment and analysis of all factors involved in the integrated production, transportation and processing of biomass, followed by its conversion into energy. Also play an important role of environmental factors, emissions, resource consumption and energy use, they representing other elements of the system. 2. PRINCIPLE OF ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 2. 1 Systemic analysis Deepening the above statement, results that the systemic analysis of energy production is based on analyzing the interaction between the factors of entry and exit. Thus, input factors (fuel consumption associated with biomass production and primary processing, including transport, labor costs specific tractor work, including its manufacture, the works applied

fertilization, harvesting, etc..) Interacting with exit factors (ex.: resulting energy, emissions, residues, etc..) determining a form analytical relations (1). Therefore, the equation expressing the energy production from biomass systems can be written as: O = f ( I) (1)

Where O is the exit process, including final products (energy, emissions and waste), and I is the entry process, consisting of total energy to the whole process and the materials involved (ex: consumables, raw materials, intermediateetc.). Stated that factors equation (1) are abstract, since they are not clearly defined quantitatively, but they are distinct elements of the integrated system of energy production from biomass. If they could express and relate elements equation (1) in quantitative terms, then the benefits of technical, economic and other measures (such as environmental protection) in the process could be easily quantified and analyzed. The method of systemic analysis has the opportunity to consider all processes as a system or black box (black box), which can be placed all data related to production with energy production from biomass (Fig. 1). The method of systemic analysis has the opportunity to consider all processes as a

system or black box, which can be placed all data related to production with energy production from biomass (Fig. 1).

other fuels (co-generation). Biomass is divided into 2 main categories: virgin and biomass derived from waste. The first category refers to
Energy Emission s

Biomass cultivation Energy Intermediate process Transportation CONVERSION


Fig. 1. Integrated system of energy production

For a better understanding and completing the above, this study will be completed and the methodology or life cycle duration (abbreviated in English: LCA). The most difficult problem of systemic analysis is to define, quantify and correlate the factors included in the system (e.g. the energy required soil cultivation, energy incorporated into the machines involved in the process, CO2 emissions, energy contained in biomass, etc.). Another problem is the method to the boundaries of the system and availability of data needed to assess energy from biomass in the light of the life cycle. Thus, the system boundaries should be defined as broad as possible (eg for extraction of raw materials for fertilizers needed to develop biomass). Methodology for analysis of energy from biomass has 3 basic components: assessment, impact assessment, continuous improvement. Assessment involves quantifying energy and material requirements, air emissions and waste water and soil in all stages of the life of the products or processes involved in producing bio-energy. 3.POTENTIAL OF BIOMASS ASSESSMENT OF MAIZE CROP 3.1 Energy potential of whole plant maize biomass Biomass is a renewable fuel with short life cycle that may reduce or even replace fossil fuels, classics. This can be used both transport (eg methanol, ethanol vegetable oil, etc.), To produce electricity or thermal energy and chemical industry. To produce heat or electricity, biomass can be used alone or with

biomass that grows on the ground (earth) and water (aquatic). This paper refers to biomass derived from maize crop, but taking into account economic considerations and because of that crop residues associated. Thus, considering the lower calorific tulle and other plant debris in the value of 15.5 MJ / /kg, [1], that production of such material being 43821kg/ha, after drying, leaving 13120 kg / ha [4], will result potential energy of 203360MJ/ha. Considering a hypothetical surface 120ha, energy production of all maize crop residues will become .A1= 24403200 MJ. This value came from the relationship: (2) , where: HVb is the calorific value of biomass, in MJ / kg dry material, Pha dry biomass per hectare per year, Sha is the total area is cultivated in ha, Cf is a unit conversion factor. For the same area, the potential energy provided by the production of grain will be determined analogous to knowing the following: Mass corn grain, field, 19418 kg / ha [4], maize grain weight after drying: 14570 kg / ha [4], calorific value of corn grain: 19.7 MJ / kg, [2 ]; So for the same area, the 120ha, which was obtained a final production of 14570 kg grain per hectare, [4], will result in a potential energy provided by the relationship A2 (2). After calculations, the energy output will be:A2 = 34443480MJ. Therefore, total energy A = HVb Pha Sha C f ,

potential, Atot will translate to adding the A1 previous values: Atot = 24403200 + 34443480 = 58846680 MJ , Atot = 58,84TJ . 3.2 Energy potential of biomass-plant corn when the plant parts used In this case, according to data from the same batch cultivation of 120 ha, [4], mass amounts to 38440kg/ha plant parts. If they will use dried, their weight will decrease the amount of 10763kg/ha.Since best results of conversion will be achieved in the latter case, the calculations will result in this case. Thus, assessing the value of the calorific value 15.5 MJ / kg, [1], and applying relation (2), will result in: A = 20019180MJ = 20, 019TJ . Obviously, it was considered that the cobs and grain were given another destination, the most common finding and purpose of human food and / or feed. 3.3 Energy potential of biomass-to use the whole plant corn and corn grinders Analyzing the quantities of raw materials, will admit that the mass of plant residues is the same as the previous subsection, as a result, the potential energy provided will be: A1 = 20019180MJ Cherish the calorific value of material derived from shredding cobs, HVb = 16.5 MJ / kg, [2] and their corresponding dry mass Pha = 18538kg/ha, [4], and replacing data in relation (2), the energy potential in an area of 120 ha will be: A2 = 16, 5 18538 120 = 36705240 MJ Trivial sum of previous values leads us to total production of bio-energy : Atot = 36705240 + 20019180 = 56724420MJ , Atot = 56, 72TJ . Another important source of biomass is the biomass derived from waste. It consists of a wide range of materials including agricultural crops and forestry residues, municipal waste solid residues, slurry, industrial residues and dead biomass resulting from the natural life

cycles. Some of these can be recycled, but most represent potential energy sources. The EU strategy, Romania will increase its energy production from renewable sources to over 11% in 2010. This is a realistic prospect, given the high potential energy values derived from biomass, measured in 7594 toe/year, representing 19% of the total consumption of primary resources in 2000. These sources can be classified as: Agricultural waste from grain, corn stalks, vegetable waste vine: 4.799 million toe, (63.19%); waste wood - sawdust and other wood byproducts: 487 thousand toe (6.41%); forestry residues and firewood: 1.175 million toe, (15.47%) ; biogas: 588 thousand toe (7.74%); waste and urban waste residues: 545 thousand toe (7.17%); 4.ANALYSES OF ENVIOROMENTAL IMPCATS Requirements of socio-economic environment and benefit of all processes on biomass energy can be quantified using life cycle (LCA). This is one way to assess potential over its lifetime quantifying the use of resources (entry-input is an energy that produces biomass feedstock for chemicals, fertilizers and machinery working life and the cultivation of biomass transport, etc. ) and release into the environment (outputs-outputs to air, water, soil such as CO2, NOx, SO2 and CO). LCA act in connection with a techno-economic feasibility, environmental impact so that the benefits and disadvantages of this process can be assessed. This methodology (LCA) includes generally 3 phases: inventory, impact assessment and improvement. Phase involves quantifying energy inventory, material requirements, emissions to air, water, and solid residues from all stages of the bio-energetic cycle. Similarly with the systemic analysis presented in the introduction, the life cycle of the biomass can be presented as a process of type tree (Fig 2). Each box represents a process that forms part of the life cycle. Bioenergetics processes have defined inputs and outputs. Entries are raw materials and

energy (e.g. energy for cultivating the soil, into the products of fertilizers). Outputs are emissions (environmental outputs) and energy (economic output) and other items. The information about each process and having a life cycle is possible to establish a life cycle inventory of all inputs and outputs associated environmental impacts of bio-energy production. The result is called the table of impacts. Each impact is illustrated as a partiE1 I1 O1 I 2. 2 Em 1
Fig.2 Schematic representation, as a process tree, of bio-energy production:I input; O output; E energy;Em emissions.

The benefits from reducing greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion are other advantages of bio-energy. While LCA methodology to assess environmental influences exerted by one type of biomass throughout its life cycle.

REFERENCES [1] Ro, V., Systemic evaluation of energy production from biomass in a life cycle perspective, Bulletin USAMV, nr.66 (1-2), ISSN 1843-5386, Cluj-Napoca, 2009. [2] * * * - S.C. Electrocentrale Oradea S.A., Feasibility study on "Passing the No. 6 boiler 350t / h of the operation of fossil fuel (lignite) from the operation of biomass (corn)" http://taxe.oradea.ro/pmo/. Oradea, 15.02.2006. 3] * * * ISPE, ACCESS .a., Project Access: Accelerated penetration of technology, scale, use of biomass and solar energy. www.access-ret.net/info/pdfs/d13_ro.pdf. [4] * * * USAMV Bucureti, University of Piteti, .a. - Project: An alternative agricultural system directed to the organic agriculture. http://www.biophan.ro/CEEX 59_Biophan_.pdf.

I 3. 1 I 2. 1 O2. 1 I 3. 2 I 3. 3 O2. 2

O3. 1 O3. 2 O3. 3

cular quantity of a substance. Data in table are used for systematic evaluation of the life cycle of the potential impact value. 4.CONCLUSIONS

Production of bio-energy is a viable solution for our country, the values of potential outcomes is inconclusive. Clearly, using corn as a source of biomass for energy purposes is the most costeffective when used in all the plant, especially the cobs, respectively, the production of grain.

EVALUAREA POTENIALULUI ENERGETIC A CULTURII DE PORUMB Lucrarea se refer la potenialul teoretic i tehnic pentru producerea de energie din biomas. Studiul are ca scop valorificarea potenialului culturii de porumb i de a analiza impactul asupra mediului. De fapt, studiul este conceput pentru a promova prin 3 posibiliti producerea de bio-energie din culturile de porumb. O metodologie de evaluare a ciclului de via este prezentat n vederea evalurii impactului asupra mediului.

Gheorghe-Vasile BORZA, PhD.St., Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Road Vehicules and Agricultural Machinery, gheorghe_borza@yahoo.com. Victor RO, PhD., Tehnical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Road Vehicules and Agricultural Machinery, vctrros@yahoo.com.

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