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Last Thursday, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao voiced his concern about

the possiblity of China's investments in the US turning toxic and

he implored the US authorities to ensure that the investments got
continued protection. Wen's nightmare might just come true sooner
than you think. His pleas to the US are not much different than
the pleas the early Christians uttered just before they were set
upon by hungry lions in ancient Rome, or the pleas made by the
inmates of the concentration camps just before they entered Josef
Mengele's operating room during the 1940s.

China has nearly US700 billion tied up in US stocks right now and
such an enormous figure is extremely worrying. First, there is no
way China could ever recoup it back in the form of cash unless you
don't mind taking back containerloads of worthless bills. Second,
just to continue to keep a mere semblance of normalcy, China has no
choice but to continue pumping cash into the US economy which is
actually almost bankrupt due to years of wild excesses and living
way beyond its means. Third, such a situation would eventually
lead to some kind of showdown between the two nations, it could
be a case why one of them is forced to accept outright blackmail
and restart everything with a clean sheet of paper. Or it could
lead to a state of physical confrontation between the two. In both
cases we need not argue about who's going to be the loser.

China's losses in the investment market are not new. In 2006 several
Chinese funds lost a great deal of money as a result of bad advice
by foreign consultants. In 2007 Chinese sovereign wealth funds lost
several billions when some US firms got into financial trouble. CIC,
SIC, Ping An, QDII lost more than ten billion dollars in that year
alone. That's ten thousand million bucks.

Imagine just what kind of comfort and security that money could have
brought to China's hardworking army of labourers, miners, farmers,
factory workers and fishermen who always brave the forces of nature
and pay an unmatchable toll to buy the country's stunning progress.

That huge mountain of money went overseas to help clean up the vomit
caused by a marathon session of unreserved overindulgence and what
did China get in return ? Fingers started pointing in her direction,
blaming, even accusing her of being responsible for the financial
collapse due to 'currency undervaluation', 'trade imbalance' and
'hidden subsidies'.

Nothing was mentioned about the dirty work of Western speculators,

hedge fund managers, currency traders and all the wheeler-dealers who
made huge profits daily on commodities and items which they did not own.
Their actions gave rise to 'paper barrels', 'rehypothecated assets',
'naked short sales' and the like. These are like the dice that people
use in casinos except that the game here involved using other people's
money as well. The kind of game that could have come from that Lucifer
guy. But here, this game was invented by the highly hypocritical white
man whose father could well have been that aforementioned Lucifer.

And yet, we have China's government so enthusiastically and with very

great gusto pouring money into the US Treasury day after day. That
river of money enabled the financially crippled US government to
continue feeding its almighty powerful war machine and kill innocent
people from Iraq to Afghanistan at a moment's whim. This particular war
machine is the greatest threat to world peace since the rise of the Axis
powers in the 1930s.

Already, extra troops are being earmarked for Afghanistan, and with
Pakistan showing signs that it is now merrily travelling along the road
to self-destruction, you can bet that the Pentagon would be asking the
White House for even more money. And once if that hand which used to
feed it could no longer bring any more food, that hand would get bitten.

Do not say that, hey, my hand has become so familiar that getting bitten
is just not possible. Only a few days ago, even with a black guy as the
occupant in the White House, the US military had no hesitation probing
China's territorial waters. The twin incidents involving naval ships
belonging to the US Pacific Fleet, the USNS Impeccable and the USNS
Victorious is a stark reminder of what kind of danger China is constantly
facing today. Those ships were probably laying listening devices and or
trackers on the sea bed when they were discovered by China's coastal guard.
Americans are now very highly obsessed with China's submarine fleet, espe-
cially her nuclear-powered subs which are ringing alarm bells in the U.S.
The US military is day and night preparing for the right time to strike at
China and thereby claim absolute domination of the western Pacific region
for eternity. The fact that China is now practically financing the American
military has no consideration at all. In fact, one US commander in the
Pacific has said very recently that his aviators were ready and capable of
dominating the skies 'anywhere and at anytime', presumably that includes
Chinese airspace. And the current PLA surface navy as it is now would just
be no more than momentary mincemeat for the US Pacific Fleet.

It was very uncharacteristic for China to pour precious money into the
US system when the country itself is still recovering from the May 2008
earthquake in Sichuan, the tainted milk fiasco and the prolonged droughts
in the vital wheat-growing regions. China by right should be telling the
Americans to take care of their own problems since they brought it on
themselves. Worse, China is bending over backwards to please the EU as
well. There is really no need to go on pilgrimages to such places to
worship these rascals at their feet.

China's leaders apparently have forgotten what the EU countries did

during the time they were walking on the heads of the people during
their occupation of China in the 19th century. The millions of people
whose lives were wrecked by their callousness, the amount of treasures
that were looted or destroyed and then their actions which paved the
way for the horrific Japanese army to do their inhuman job in the 20th
century. The Americans were not innocent either. After all, the word
'yellow peril' was first coined by them against the Chinese at the height
of anti-Chinese sentiments in the late 19th century.

The US is one country that is known to have shared a common infamy with
some countries in present S.E.Asia, that is, their government once did
enact official laws that permitted legal discrimination against people of
'Chinese descent'. They were also referred to as 'aliens'. Just the
right word. Aliens. Squatters. Undesirables. They all meant the same
thing. 'Chinese'. In fact some of the laws and regulations actually
carried the words 'Chinese race". The Chinaman was specifically targeted
in all the said laws laid down in the aforementioned countries.

Murders, massacres, physical attacks, riots and forced evictions against

people of Chinese descent were common in the US in the 19th century and up
to the early part of the 20th century. Special 'taxes' were introduced to
squeeze them of their money. Such acts were repeated against these people
in other parts of the world, including in S.E. Asia today.

Americans are very fond of Chinese-bashing during political campaigning by

both the Democrats and the Republicans and this was also seen in the way
such campaigning was done just over a century ago. Anti-Chinese tirades
were the popular platform for many aspiring leaders. Grover Cleveland was
known to have uttered anti-Chinese remarks while he was in office. And
the legendary law officer of Tombstone fame was said to have participated
in anti-Chinese pogroms in the 1880s and 1890s. Such acts were sanctioned
by the laws of the United States and victims could not seek redress.

Some of the anti-Chinese laws and acts in the US remained in force well
into the nineteen-forties and fifties and even Bruce Lee could not avoid
feeling how it was like to be a Chinese in the US when he went over there
in the sixties. Bottom of the heap. So much for the 'freedom' crap.

When the amorous Bill Clinton was President, a group of Chinese Americans
who were on a vist to the White House was refused entry by the guard, who
thought they were 'foreigners'. Citizens, yet still aliens after all.

And in 2008, the CNN labelled Chinese as 'goons and thugs' while a senior
politician described them as the 'bullies of Asia'. If the Chinese were
indeed goons and thugs and bullies, what about Americans ? Angels from
heaven ? Could be, considering the number of humans who have been 'freed'
of their earthly existence by the US military since the end of 1945 is
almost countless. And many more are still being 'freed' even as we breathe.

Did they deserve such horrible treatment in the first place ? No. In fact
the Chinese contributed very very greatly to the places where they lived
and died. Yet today, people of Chinese descent are still been targeted
by the so-called 'defenders of freedom' and 'civilised culture' people.
China has not being spared either. In fact, had it not being for Osama bin
Laden, China would by now have gotten designated as the world's enemy #1.
Although I am not a Muslim, whenever I see a picture of bin Laden, I feel
a deep sense of respect for him. No, not because he was singularly able to
do the impossible but because he saved someone's nation from being publicly
and unfairly flogged by completely merciless and unremitting hypocrites.

Would Wen's nightmare prove harmless ? Would the money now tied up in the
treasury bills not endanger the country one day in the future ? Could
the US be trusted to keep to its word ? Could the lion be trusted to
go on a veggie diet ?

What has been done cannot be undone. The milk gone down the throat can't
be put back again in the glass. But there are some things that still need
attention. China must be able to 'see' the future. The country is by
no means safe from invasion by a foreign power. what happened in the last
two centuries could well happen again. China must ensure that food security
and physical safety get top priority. The need to be self-sufficient in
food, (especially in oil seed cultivation) and the need to possess a strong
defensive force cannot be ignored. The enemy might be technically superior
but in any struggle for survival, the one that outlasts his adversary is
the one who walks away with his life. Wen's nightmare might be right there
in front of you but it's not by any means a premonition of a death sentence.

For more opinions on US-China issues,

go to www.scribd.com/people/documents/2994311

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