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The Intricacies of Law of Attraction Soup to Nuts style

First off, ladies and gents, YOU are straight Fabulous!!. This is how I understand the Law of Attraction and its workings through in depth research and practical APPLICATION<<<the most important. The Law of Attraction is clichd, by most, by the phrases such as Like attracts Like, Where the attention goes, your energy flows. And it is 100 percent Universal truth, in my understanding. It is in the deeper understanding that the clich moniker disappears. The resurgence of this awesome law came back into the mainstreams perception, Gratitude given to the awesome Ms. Rhonda Byrne, with her creation of the book and movie, The Secret. It was publicly celebrated, some criticized, but most importantly, people became Aware. You cannot have a Universe without mind entering into it, until its observed by the observer. We live in a participatory Universe. I always believed that the Law of Attraction was that opposites attract. I guess you can see where my mind was and how my life was. Not in chaos, but in discord. The Law of Attraction will ALWAYS give you what you ARE, not always what you desire, thats the crucial part to understand. In order to acquire whatever it is that you desire, you must BECOME that person and BE in that state of mind. The Law of Attraction is a secondary law from the Law of Vibration, but it is a law that pervades and highlights all 7 Universal laws. The Law is a little misunderstood and I hope to clarify that, only through my understanding. There is a formula that I came across in my research and I will explain each step, in my understanding. Clarity + Certainty (Gratitude x2) + Activation + Detachment + Inspired Action = Desired outcome Thought + Faith (Gratitude x2) + Vibration + Letting Go + Your Dream Job =Allowing and JOY

So lets start from the beginning.

ClarityWhat do I desire? How does it make ME feel? And Why? These , to me, are the best starting questions before you get locked into a deliberate intention. By me doing it this way, I get a preview, of how I would feel and then I can feel if I AM in alignment with that. That is very key for me. If I feel resistance at all, then maybe its not what I really desire and maybe further exploration is needed. When I get clarity on something, I see it, feel it, smell it, touch it, hear it. Getting clarity means getting all up in whatever it is I desires face. It is important to visualize the end result of what you desire. Appreciating it for what it truly is, an experience. Thats what people want truly, in my reality. They are feeling beings that long for deep experiences of so many kinds, but I observe so many people getting lost in the world of materialism. Is it a mirror of me just by observing that? not anymore, but it was my mindset for a long time, before I really got to know ME. The more you think about your intention, the more focus you apply, the better you feel, the quicker it manifests. Be clear on not being an owner of something. A temporary custodian is a mindset that truly helps accelerate manifestation. If you feel that you must own something, it is a fear of loss of that thing that makes you attach to it that way. Enjoy and appreciate the time that you will have with that experience, be grateful for the experience you created and manifested. Adopt a loanership mentality and not an ownership mentality. It works wonders. So, for you, Please become CLEAR on what you desire. Certainty (Gratitude x2)I AM CERTAIN, this part is of such EXTREME IMPORTANCE. First off, the Universe will not allow you to receive more until you are grateful for what you have. Its just how it works and its beautiful that way. The Attitude of GRATITUDE, you have all heard that line, now make it a lifestyle (Gratitude journals are a phenomenal tool). The more grateful you are, the more things you attract into your life to be grateful for<<<<FACT! (in my understanding). When you are Certain (not belief) that everything exists right NOW that you have ever desired, and you have faith that all you have to do is BECOME that person that deserves that and that will appreciate that (yeah it still you), while giving thanks and gratitude for its existence in the PRESENT, then the manifesting process becomes almost instantaneous. Faith is a learned discipline. You cannot fake faith, not when you are working with vibrational alignment and emotions. You can verbalize, but words really mean nothing to the universe. Its all about feelings and vibrations. Be CERTAIN that you are so awesome that you deserve that experience, because you really are. Only YOU, stand in your way. ActivationGet your feelings involved. When you look at your vision board, test drive that car, grab that brochure, or window shop it is very important to get emotionally involved in what you desire. Its crucial because the universe will match your feelings, not your visualizations and not your words. When you sustain those feelings, the Universal speed is magnificent. What is raising your vibration? Everyone sends off a vibration that exists continually in the Universe, WE are pure energy. The truer you are, to what you are, and what you are, is LOVE and JOY, you will emit a higher frequency. The higher the frequency of love, gratitude, happiness, service to mankind, compassion, the better things you attract

that are aligned with you. And talk about surprises??? The universe is magnificent, if you let it be. Feel good, be compassionate, be grateful for everything, serve, LOVE and just be YOU. Never question the HOW (how will the universe bring this to me?) of what it is you desire. That is not your job and worrying about that will only hinder you, always! Detachment Letting go. This was a challenging part for me. I am like well if I let it go, and dont focus on it, doesnt it mean I am giving up on it?. Quite the contrary actually, I found out. When you hold on to something tightly, you restrict it. Its resistance mixed with fear of loss and fear of being let down or hurt. You should always hold on dear to things. How do you do that? The way I do it is KNOWING what I want (clarity), KNOWING its coming (the faith), KNOWING how I feel about it (activation) (see the progression?) and then letting it go To Let the Universe do the Work. Your ego always wants control, put his ass in time out.Detaching means you understand its not your job, your job is to feel good! If you say well it hasnt happened yet or become disappointed or impatient, the Universe will bring you things that will make you disappointed and impatient. Have faith.. Inspired action Go with the flow of what feels natural. Dont run around like a maniac looking for the opportunities in everything on how its going to help you manifest things. That isnt inspired action to me. In my understanding and application, inspired action to me, is the action of doing things to help you become the future YOU, in the present, while appreciating the NOW. Lil confusing I know. Lets use LOAS as an example. (For those that do not know, I am opening a global chain of Restaurants and Lounges). With that entails a lot of responsibility, and I am not talking on the operational side of things (thats a given). Its building the foundation of culture within LOAS. Its setting the stage for the evolution in this industry. I do not think like a guy with a dream. I AM the CEO of LOAS and I must make sure the foundation is very strong, because I believe a house with a shoddy foundation will fall quickly. So I make the decisions and plans that will progress future growth across the nation, NOW. I Become, because I AM. I must BE before I can DO and I can DO only to the extent which I AM and what I AM depends on what I Think..Charles Haanel The Master Key System.. Thats inspired action, even before she opens up her doors. Ok. next part before I start rambling on about LOAS. You know what you need to do, your SELF guides you. You possess all the answers to every question you have, inside you. Ask the right questions, and most importantly, get quiet and listen. Desired OutcomeYou must ALLOW the RECEIPT of what it is you desire. I repeat You must ALLOW the RECEIPT of what it is you desire. The Art of Allowing is exactly what it is, an Art. A dance with yourself and the Divine KNOWING that you are worthy of what it is that you desire. KNOWING what you desire, BEING Certain that it exists and you will receive its physical manifestation, while being grateful for what you have already received and for what you desire, knowing its existence in the NOW (regardless of physical manifestation stage). Then, Aligning with your True SELF through your vibrational alignment, KNOWING

that the hard part is the Universes job and letting the Universe do the work, and then YOU BECOMING that person that aligns to what you desire. Then Allow it. Just Allow it. You deserve it!! This is my understanding of the Law of Attraction. The journey is yours and yours alone, just as it was mine. I believe in sharing what I understand are the rules of this awesome game. Think of chutes and laddersIn this game, everyone has the ability to win. Create and be the magnificent YOU, that you truly are. I am very grateful for everyone taking the time to read this. Everyone starts at a different stage in this process. Some from the bottom.. ;) Deliberate Design can be so magnificent if you allow it. It is quite the adventure and quite the rush. Poof RM Professional Reality Creator

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