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Confusing Words

1. adverse / averse 2. ensure/ insure 3. grisly/ grizzly 4. naval/navel 5. incredulous/ incredible 6. appraise/ apprise 7. bought/ brought 8. amend/ emend 9. isle/ aisle 9. eerie/ aerie 10. adjoin/ adjourn 11. arc/ ark 12. allusion/ illusion 13. consecutive/ concurrent 14. emigrate/ immigrate 15. disinterested/ uninterested 16. illicit/ elicit 17. denote/ connote 18. cask/casque 19. axil/ axle 20. acetic/ ascetic 21. troupe/troop 22. continuous/continual 23. principal/principle 24. Plaintive/plaintiff 25. ordnance/ordinance 26. Arrant/ errant (5 27. eminent/imminent 28. Doer/dour 29. dissent/descent 30. credible/credulous 31. definite/definitive 32. discrete/discreet 34. creek/creak

1. Adverse / averse The adjectives adverse and averse are related both etymologically and semantically, each having "opposition" as a central sense. Adverse is seldom used of people but rather of effects or events, and it usually conveys a sense of hostility or harmfulness: adverse reviews; adverse winds; adverse trends in the economy. Related nouns are adversity and adversary: Adversities breed bitterness. His adversaries countered his every move. Averse is used of persons and means "feeling opposed or disinclined"; it often occurs idiomatically with a preceding negative to convey the opposite meaning "willing or agreeable," and is not interchangeable with adverse in these contexts: We are not averse to holding another meeting. The related noun is aversion: She has a strong aversion to violence. Averse is usually followed by to, in older use occasionally by from. 2. ensure/insure: Ensure is a verb meaning 1. To secure or guarantee: This letter will ensure you a hearing. 2. To make sure or certain: measures to ensure the success of an undertaking. 3. To make secure or safe, as from harm. Insure: to guarantee against loss or harm. -verb (used without object) To issue or procure an insurance policy. 0

3. Grisly / grizzly- Grizzly is a bear- Grizzly bear. Grisly is an adjective meaning causing a shudder or feeling of horror; horrible; gruesome: a grisly murder. 4. Naval/navel Naval is an adjective meaning: 1. Of or pertaining to ships of all kinds: naval architecture; n Val n, inner. 2. Belonging to, pertaining to, or connected with naval affairs. 6. Appraise/ apprise Apprise is a verb meaning to give notice to; inform; advise (often fol. by of): to be apprised of the dead of an old friend. Navel is a noun meaning bellybutton or the central point

5. Incredulous/ incredible Incredulous is an adjective meaning 1. Skeptical; disbelieving: incredulous of UFO stories 2. Expressive of disbelief: an incredulous s stare, Incredible is an adjective meaning 1. So implausible as to elicit disbelief: an incredible explanation of the cause of the accident. 2. Astonishing: dressed with incredible speed. Appraise is a verb (use without an object), meaning 1. To evaluate, especially in an official capacity. We had an expert appraise the house before we bought it. 2. To estimate the quality, amount, size, and other features of; judge. He tried to appraise the poetry of John Updike.

7. bought/brought bought- buy Brought- bring 8. amend/emend: Emend means to improve by critical editing: emend a faulty text. Amend is a verb (used with object), meaning To alter, modify, rephrase, or add to or subtract from (a motion, bill, constitution, etc.) by formal procedure: Congress may amend the proposed tax bill. To change for the better; improve: to amend one's ways.

9. Isle/ aisle Isle is noun meaning Small Island. Aisle is a noun meaning a walkway between or along sections of seats in a theater, classroom, or the like. 10. Eerie / aerie Eerie is an adjective meaning uncanny, so as to inspire superstitious fear; weird: an eerie midnight howl. Aerie is a noun meaning 1. The nest of a bird of prey, as an eagle or a hawk. 2. A house, fortress, or the like, located high on a hill or mountain. 11. adjoin/adjourn Adjoin is a verb (used with object) meaning 1. To be close to or in contact with; abut on: His property adjoins the lake. Adjourn is verb (used with object) meaning 1. To suspend the meeting of (a club, legislature, committee, etc.) to a future .t1lme Indefinitely: to adjourn the court. 2. To defer or postpone to a later time: They adjourned the meeting until the following Monday.

12. Arc / ark

Arc is anything that is bow shaped. Ark is a noun meaning 1. (Sometimes initial capital letter) also called Noah's Arc, a boat built by Noah in whom he saved Himself, his family, and a pair of every kind of creature during the Flood. Gen. 6-9. 2. Also called Ark of the Covenant. A chest or box containing t: two stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments, carried by the Israelites in their wanderings in the desert after the Exodus: the most sacred object of the tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem where it was kept in the holy of holies. 3. A place of protection or security; refuge; asylum.

13. Allusion / illusion allusion is a noun meaning 1. A passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication: an Allusion to Shakespeare. Illusion is a noun meaning

14. Consecutive / concurrent consecutive is an adjective meaning 1. Following one another in uninterrupted succession or order; successive: six consecutive numbers, such as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 2. Marked by logical sequence. Concurrent is an adjective meaning 1. Occurring or existing simultaneously or side by side: concurrent attacks by land, sea, and air. 2. Acting in conjunction; cooperating: the concurrent efforts of several legislators to pass the new law. 15. Emigrate / immigrate Emigrate is a verb (used without object) meaning To leave one country or region to settle in another; migrate: to emigrate from Ireland to Australia. Immigrate is a verb (used without object) To come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.

16. Disinterested/ uninterested Disinterested and uninterested share a confused and confusing history. Disinterested was originally used to mean "not interested, indifferent"; uninterested in its earliest use meant "impartial." By various developmental twists, disinterested is now used in both senses. Uninterested is used mainly in the sense "not interested, indifferent." It is occasionally used to mean "not having a personal or property interest." Many object to the use of disinterested to mean "not interested, indifferent." They insist that disinterested can mean only "impartial": A disinterested observer is the best judge of behavior. However, both senses are well established in all varieties of English, and the sense intended is almost always clear from the context. 17. Illicit/ elicit Elicit is used as a verb (used with object) To draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke: to elicit the truth; to elicit a response with a question. Illicit is an adjective meaning not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful.

18. Denote/ connote Denote and connote are often confused because both words have senses that entail signification. Denote means "to signify directly or literally" and describes the relation between the word and the thing it conventionally names. Connote means "to signify indirectly, suggest or: imply" and describes the relation between the word and the images or associations it evokes. Thus, the word river-denotes a moving body of water and may connote such things as the relentlessness of time and the changing nature of life. 19. cask/casque Cask is a noun meaning. 1. A container made and shaped like a barrel, esp. one larger and stronger, for holding liquids. 2. The quantity such a container holds: wine at 32 guineas a cask.

20. axil/ axle Axil is the angle between the upper sides Usually found in the axil. Axle is the pin, bar, shaft, or the like, on which or by means of which a wheel or pair of wheels rotates. 21. Acetic/ aescetic Acetic is an adjective meaning pertaining to, derived from, or producing vinegar or acetic Ascetic is 1. A person who d (dedicates his 0r her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self-denial or self-mortification for religious reasons. 2. A person who lead austerely simple life, esp. one who abstains from the normal pleasures of life or Denies himself or herself material satisfaction. 22. troupe/troop Troupe is a company, band, or group of singers, actors, or other performers, esp. one that travels about. Troop means 1. An assemblage of persons or things; company; band. 2. A great number or multitude: A whole troop of children swarmed through the museum. 23. Continuous/ continual: Although usage guides generally advise that continual may be used only to mean "intermittent" and continuous only to mean "uninterrupted," the words are used interchangeably in all kinds of speech and writing with no distinction in meaning: The President's life is under continual (or continuous) scrutiny. Continuous (or continual) bursts of laughter punctuated her testimony. The adverbs continually and continuously are also used interchangeably. To make a clear distinction between what occurs at short intervals and what proceeds without interruption, writers sometimes use the contrasting terms intermittent (intermittent losses of power during the storm) and uninterrupted (uninterrupted reception during the storm) or similar expressions. Continuous is not interchangeable with continual in the sense of spatial relationship: a continuous (not continual) series of passages. 24. principal/principle The noun principle and the noun and adjective principal are often confused. Although pronounced alike, the words are not interchangeable in writing. A principle is broadly "a rule of action or conduct" (His overriding principle is greed) or "a fundamental doctrine or tenet" (Their principles do not permit the use of alcoholic beverages). The adjective principal has the general sense "chief, first, foremost": My principal objection is the cost of the project. The noun principal has among other meanings "the head or director of a school" (The faculty supported the principal in her negotiations with the board) and "a capital sum, as distinguished from interest or profit" (The monthly payments go mostly for interest, leaving the principal practically untouched). 25. Plaintive/plaintiff Plaintive is an adjective meaning expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournful: a plaintive melody plaintiff is a person who brings suit in a court.

26. ordnance/ordinance ordinance means an authoritative decree or law; especially: a municiRal regulation. ordnance is military materiel, such as weapons, ammunition, comba vehicle and equipment. 27. arrant/ errant arrant is an adjective meaning downright; thorough; unmitigate 28. eminent/imminent eminent is an adjective meaning 1. high in station, rank, or repute; pro 'lnent; distinguished: eminent statesmen. 2. conspicuous, signal, or noteworthy emminent fairness. 3. lofty; high: eminent peaks.

29. doer/dour dour is an adjective meaning

1. sullen; gloomy: The captain's dour look depressed us all. 2. severe; stern: His dour criticism made us regret having undertaken the job. doer is a person or thing that does something, esp. a person who gets things done with vigor and efficiency. 30. dissent/descent dissent is a verb (used without object) meaning 1. to differ in sentiment or opinion, esp. from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often fol. by from): Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision. descent means the fact or process of coming down or being derived from a source: a paper tracing the descent of the novel from old picaresque tales. 31. credible/credulous Credible is widely but incorrectly used where credulous would be appropriate. Credulous means "believing too readily" or "gullible," as in He was credulous (not credible) enough to believe the manufacturer's claims. Credible means capable of being believed; believable: a credible statement. 32. definite/definitive Definite and definitive both apply to what is precisely defined or explicitly set forth. But definitive most often refers specifically to a judgment or description that serves as a standard or reference point for others, as in the definitive decision of the court (which sets forth a final resolution of a judicial matter) or the definitive biography of Nelson (that is, the biography that sets the standard against which all other accounts of Nelson's life must be measured). 33. discrete/discreet discrete means 1. apart or detached from others; separate; distinct: six discrete parts. 2. consisting of or characterized by distinct or individual parts; discontinuous. discreet is an adjective meaning 1. judicious in one's conduct or speech, esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect. 2. showing prudence and circumspection; decorous: a discreet silence. or squeaking sound. 34. creek/ creak Creek is a stream or channel in a coastal marsh. creak is a verb (used without object) meaning to make a sharp, harsh

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

The abhorrent individual was spurned by his fellow citizens because of his aberrant behavior. With her speaking skills, she has the ability to fill the auditorium to its capacity. The minister adjured his wayward congregation to abjure the sins of the flesh. I would accept your excuse, except the part about losing the watch. The number of students who wanted access to the computer labs was in excess of two hundred. The government would often adopt policies that required people to adapt to a harsh regime. The trouble with many adolescents is that they never seem to grow out of adolescence. I need your advice. Please advise me on this. She was confused, displaying ambivalent feelings about the ambiguous situation they'd gotten into. Sometimes it seems more shocking to be amoral than to be immoral . After we have the jeweler appraise the diamond, we will apprise you of its value. When they got the assent of the weather bureau, they allowed the enormous balloon to begin its ascent. I am averse to traveling in such adverse weather conditions. We need a lot of money. She will allot funds according to need. Are you all ready already, or do we have to wait for you? She would often allude to her childhood, when she would elude her brothers in a game of hide-and-seek. In mock debates, we used to alternate sides, taking alternative positions. Government agencies tried to alleviate the effects of the depression. They attempted to ameliorate the job-seeking process. With amiable people like the Durwitzes, it's not unusual to have an amicable divorce. The amount of money you make in a year depends on the number of deals you close. I am annoyed that my bad back seems to be aggravated by tension. It's difficult to anticipate things that one doesn't expect. She wanted a good lawyer, so I told her about my attorney. I'll be back in a while. Can you wait awhile? He told a funny anecdote about mixing up his soda with the snake-bite antidote. The eager audience awaited the anxious, sweating performer. She felt bad about his behaving badly at the conference. She was afraid of him after seeing his bizarre behavior at the county's annual bazaar. Besides my unphotogenic aunt and uncle, there were fourteen other people standing beside the train station. He has divided the money between Carlos and his daughter. He has divided the rest of his property among his three brothers. The economy seemed to slide backwards thanks to the backward government policies. She brought with her all the Diwali gifts she had recently bought. He will break the car brake if he keeps pushing on it like that. The breech of the gun slammed into his shoulder as he fired into the breach of the wall. Every breath counts, so breathe deeply now. The entire bridal party took a long and pleasant walk along the bridle path. We wore canvas shoes while we tried to canvass the entire neighborhood. We went over to the capitol to see the legislators. The capital of India is New Delhi. The state is running out of capital. If a bride wants a diamond that weighs a carat, it will cost more than a carrot or a caret. The Board of Education has censured the high-school principal because he tried to censor the student newspaper. The Pilgrims acted with certitude on matters of faith; others required more certainty. Some people thought he was sweet and childlike in his innocence, but I always thought he was boorish and childish. I chose the red balloon. Now you choose a balloon of another color. The climactic moment of a lightning storm, nature's most dramatic climatic event, is a deafening roll of thunder. His clothes were made of cloths of many different colors. We used a coarse sandpaper, of course. She complimented her sister on the way her scarf complemented her blouse. Connecticut comprises eight counties. The system is constituted of twelve separate campuses. She was confident that her confidant had given her good information. Confounded by the instructor's ambiguous instructions, the students' problems were compounded by a lack of time to do the exam. The word guts denotes one's viscera, one's intestines, but it also connotes determination, fortitude, persistence, and courage. There was a terrible dinning noise coming from the dining room. Since no one offered any dissent, we waited a decent interval and then began our descent to the lower floors. She didn't seem conscious of the fact that her husband has no conscience. Her family grew contemptuous of her contemptible behavior. These continual changes in our weather seem to be related to our continuous emissions of carbon-monoxide into the atmosphere. My mother will convince him that she is right. She will persuade him to keep working. She decided to seek the counsel of the Dorm Council. It didn't seem credible that such a creditable person would say such a horrible thing. At first there was only one criterion for becoming Chairperson, but then, suddenly, the Party imposed several other criteria. My favorite show, Seinfeld, is currently doing re-runs; the new episodes will begin presently. I kept a weekly diary during those years that I worked on the dairy farm. If you wish to seem demure, you will have to demur less vociferously. Any cool dessert would taste great out here in the sandy desert. The prisoner tried to devise a clever device to help him escape. She thought her dog would die after it drank that bowl of blue dye. He went from a dilemma to a quandary. The conductor seemed discomfited on the podium by the rude, discomforting behavior of the visiting pianist. They kept their love affair discreet by living discrete lives. You will want a disinterested judge. An uninterested judge, however, is a liability.

71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.

When asked to disassemble his old jalopy, he agreed, seeming to dissemble. What effect does this have on you? How does it affect you? It was part of the government's economic strategy to direct the military to purchase the most economical material available. We should elect a president before he or she selects members of the cabinet. How did the politicians plan to elicit these obviously illicit campaign funds without getting caught? They were afraid that this eminent figure in world politics was in imminent danger of being killed. She normally had great empathy for people she read about, but she had no sympathy for these boat people. The enormousness of his task seemed overwhelming, and then he found he must slay a dragon known for the enormity of his evildoings. He wanted to carve an epigram that he had seen used as an epigraph for his grandfather's epitaph. We would like to ensure good weather for our company picnic, but our insurance company won't insure good weather with an inexpensive policy. One sister liked bugs and studied entomology; the other liked words and went into etymology. He especially likes coffee ice-cream. Every week, his wife buys some specially for him. We use our everyday dishes every day. The choirboys exulted when they discovered they were to sing before such an exalted audience. The general found it expedient to blame his lieutenants for the expeditious progress of the enemy. The document now makes explicit what had been only implicit in the shifty eyes of the negotiator. To what extent have they searched for the extant manuscripts of the Gettysburg Address? An extemporaneous speech is not the same thing as an impromptu speech. Nothing seemed to faze her as she went through the adolescent phase of her life. He showed a flagrant disregard for public morals in his blatant errors of mismanagement. The football players seemed to flout the referees and continued to brazenly flaunt their silly, arrogant routine every time they scored. She had a foreboding that she was about to meet up with her forbidding father. It was a foregone conclusion that the team would forgo all post-season tournaments.. The missionaries founded a church in an area they found congenial to their beliefs. I can run farther than you, but let's discuss that further after the race. She has fewer complaints, but she has less energy. Formerly, we met formally to discuss these matters. The soldiers of the fourth regiment bravely went forth. The prosecutor began to gibe the witness when the details of his story did not jibe with his previous testimony. The guerilla soldiers eventually got used to living among the gorillas in the jungle. She's a good swimmer; she swims well. The grizzled old hunter chewed on a gristly piece of meat and told a grisly tale of being mauled by grizzly bears. A portrait of the last criminal to be hanged in Arizona was hung on her bedroom wall. They were certainly hardy lads and they worked up a hearty appetite on their twenty-mile hike. Food can be called healthful if it helps us lead healthy lives. The movie's heroine died of an overdose of heroin. The publication of Morrison's first historical novel proved to be a historic event. The trouble with the economy is that hordes of people are starting to hoard their money. In less than an hour, the voters in our town are going to vote for us. In preparing for his most spectacular illusion, the magician made an allusion to the magic of Houdini. They have immigrated to this city from all over eastern Europe; later on, they may decide to emigrate elsewhere. His language implies a prejudice against Native Americans; you can infer that from certain passages in his latest speech. The incidence of incidents involving racist slurs has become intolerable. This incipient revolution seems to be based on the most stupid and insipid causes. He was incredulous that his brother could perform such incredible feats on the parallel bars. The scientists produced an indeterminate study concerning the indeterminable number of stars in the universe. The witness was asked to indite the reasons he thought the grand jury should indict his boss for extortion. The truck was mistakenly marked inflammable so the firefighters thought the noninflammable material was dangerously flammable. The tyrant inflicted great hardship on the people. They felt afflicted with his harsh regime. Her naive and ingenuous mother expressed amazement that her daughter could create such an ingenious demonstration for the science fair. The insidious nature of her argument suggests an invidious comparison. There were, for instance, several instances in which the latch failed and the door floor open, just at the the most dangerous instant. In the intense heat, the team of scientists did an intensive study of the extensive crop damage. The scientists were intensely focused on the problem. They studied it intently for months. She made a laudatory speech concerning the students' laudable accomplishments. As he led his soldiers into battle, his feet seemed made of lead. The lightning striking all around them, the sailors proceeded in their task of lightening the cargo. I am loath to associate with people who loathe me. My shoes are so loose that I'm going to lose them. I hope the bank can arrange a loan for me. If not, I hope my sister can lend me some money. A luxuriant tropical garden was planted on the grounds of the most luxurious hotel in town. It has been raining way too much and for too many days. John and Mary thought that studying the martial arts, like judo, would improve their marital relationship. He hardly deserves a medal, nor did he show true mettle when he tried to meddle in our affairs. The moral of this story is that the morale of a military unit is extremely important. In the moribund condition of her government, the empress gave way to morbid reflections on her death.

137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195.

My great-great-grandfather, a naval officer in the Civil War, was killed when he was struck in the navel by a cannonball. He made an oral commitment to speak on the biological, aural aspects of listening. He has extraordinary verbal skills. A palette is that thumb-held device that painters use to mix their colors on. The palate is the roof of your mouth or the sense of taste. The two lawyers walked around the perimeter of the estate as they discussed the parameters of the case. You must have patience in dealing with the patients in this clinic. The period of peace between the two wars is an interesting piece of history. They climbed to the mountain peak to take a peek at the sunrise. They left in a pique because other climbers were already there. The peasant was surprised when the king served him pheasant for dinner. He peddled his baskets of flower petals as he pedaled his bike around town. To carry out or prosecute one's legal responsibilities is a fine thing; to persecute a fellow citizen is not. The personnel office had a great deal of personal information in its files. He was poring over his books when he accidently poured coffee all over his papers. The new lab seemed practical enough, but building it was hardly practicable in that tiny building. In the 1950s, pro basketball was predominantly a game won predominately by teams on the east coast. The high school principal said today that the principal problem with today's youth is their lack of moral principles The hyenas seem to pray over their prey before devouring it. The lawyer's memory of precedents seemed to take precedence over his memory of other matters. The premier of the new nation was thrilled when he was allowed to attend the film's premiere. We will now proceed to the part that should precede the ending. Jeremiah would prophesy whenever he felt the people needed to hear a prophecy. He collapsed forward, prostrate on the floor, when he heard that he had cancer of the prostate gland. The troops moved purposefully toward their doom, relying on the false information their leaders had purposely given them. We'll have to be quite quiet. Quit making noise! He threw his tennis racquet across the court and his fans started making a terrific racket. During the reign of Charles I, it was against the law to use a leather rein during the rain. Yesterday she read from the red book instead of the blue one. These sociologists made a really important contribution to our understanding of some real problems in urban America. He knew that he would grow to resent the public's interest in his recent escapades. The actors bowed respectfully to the royal couple and then to the people in the audience and to their friends backstage, respectively. We wept with joy as we read the famous critic's review of our new musical revue. He had no right to write a new rite for the church. The attorney was reluctant to force her reticent witness to testify. In his role as an absent-minded professor, Janina Delbartico called the roll of the wrong class. The mayor's involvement in salacious behavior has certainly not been salutary for his health or the health of the community. We have seen the last scene of this play before. He doesn't seem to have much sense since he fell on his head. Her poetry is quite sensuous. In fact, some people find it quite sensual. The moon shone brightly over the old theater where movies were shown nightly. His explanations were simple but not to the point of being simplistic. She chose this site because of its view. The sight of the old house brought tears to her eyes. She would cite the passage from Genesis. The old man would often complain about money and scrimp, but he would never skimp when it came to his own clothing. The stationery department, where they sell envelopes and writing paper, is in a stationary place. There is a town statute making it against the law for people of small stature to climb on the park's statue of the mayor. When you swallow, food goes to your stomach. He was punched in the abdomen. Take that horrible thing away. Bring me some aspirin. The highly touted critic would taunt his taut-lipped brother whenever he thought he had taught him a lesson. They're driving their new car over there this afternoon. He threw a baseball right through the neighbor's front window. The neighbor made a thorough report to the police. In two hours, it's going to be too hot to go to town. They endured a torturous journey up the long and tortuous tributary of the Amazon. That trooper was a real trouper. The politician's speech managed to be both turgid and turbid at the same time. It seemed so utterly unconscionable that the elderly couple should be robbed while they were unconscious. Although the former mayor's career was unexceptionable, his personality was so bland that he was regarded as an unexceptional candidate for congress. Is being venal listed among the venial sins? His waist continued to grow and grow, but no food was allowed to waste in his house. I used to wonder how he could just wander around the city like that. I don't know whether we'll go or not. I think it depends on the weather. She ate the whole donut, hole and all.

How to solve Analogies Analogy asks to find the relationship between the pairs of words. The relationship between the words in the question asked is similar to the options, you have to find out the correct option. Types of Analogies Antonyms: Words that have opposite meaning Synonyms: Words that have same meaning Descriptive: One word describes the other Part to Whole: One word is part or piece of the other Item to Category: One word belongs to the category of the other Degree: One word is more intense than other

Three-Step Bridge Method for solving analogies 1. 2. 3. Step 1: Build a strong bridge (relationship) sentence relating the words in the question pair. The bridge should be as short and clear as possible. Step 2: Use this bridge with each answer choice, inserting them in place of the words in the question pair. Step 3: The answer will be the sentence which is the most logical. If after completing steps 1 and 2, you still have not found the answer pair that works, it may be necessary to adjust the bridge sentence.

Example 1: Bad : Terrible 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. hard : difficult hot : warm funny : hilarious right : wrong young : new

Something that is extremely bad is terrible. Something that is extremely funny is hilarious. Example 2: Candy : Sweet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. man : strong time : fast money : powerful movie : exciting fire : hot

A characteristic of a candy is to be sweet. A characteristic of a fire is to be hot. Example 3: Finger : Hand 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ball : game clock : room wheel : car hat : suit man : woman

A finger is part of a hand. A wheel is part of a car.

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