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Monitoring plugin 1.3.

0 is not updating IDs of older archived messages

After looking over things a bit further, it seems the new plugin uses a diffrent Id in the table ofID to store the last used conversationID. The old plugin used ID 50, the new plugin uses Id 600. This pretty much means that anyone upgrading the plugin from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 will break their archiving if they have messages previously archived by the old plugin. All you need to do is get the value of the old conversationId marker like so:

select id from ofID where idType=50; and then insert that into the new Id Type like so: update ofID set id=6205 where idType=600;

This worked for my installation, you should verify that the numbers match up for yours. the DB upgrade script should do this for you, but does not. Leon Roy added a comment - 02/14/13 07:47 AM

A single SQL query can be executed like so: UPDATE ofID SET id = (SELECT id FROM (select * from ofID) AS x WHERE idType=50) WHERE idType=600; However I don't know if that's the best approach. I personally think that changing the value back to 50 is better since it seems monitoring-1.3.0 does not record any messages if 1.2.0 was previously on the system. Leon Roy added a comment - 02/18/13 06:19 AM Yes, the new version fixes the issues people were having. Users can download the new plugin here: http://community.igniterealtime.org/servlet/JiveServlet/download/227109-19789/monitoring-1.3.1-beta2.jar Guus der Kinderen added a comment - 02/18/13 07:16 AM I would assume that some kind of database update would be required for this (Leon refers to a database update in the first comment). In the latest code, there does not appear to be a new database update script for the monitoring plugin. That troubles me somewhat, as I am unsure if this new solution will be fully backwards compatible. Leon, can you verify that the fixes ensure that all past and present data remains available (or: becomes available again) for users that: 1. have previously used the 'old' monitoring plugin, but did not yet use the new one? 2. have previously used the 'new' monitoring plugin only? 3. have previously used both the 'old' as well as 'new' plugins? Leon Roy added a comment - 02/18/13 09:52 AM The new plugin is fully backwards compatible with versions prior to 1.3.0 which should resolve the majority of use cases. However it will not display any messages archived by 1.3.0. I'll update the plugin soon as possible with a script to restore the missing messages which will still be in the DB but not viewable. 1. No issues for them, this version reverts back to the old JiveID for Conversation.java as it was in 1.2. 2. Haven't had a chance to make a bullet proof script to migrate messages created by 1.3.0. With six databases (three of which we don't have access to: DB2, Oracle, SQL Server) we didn't want to rush something without being able to test it. 3. User's coming from 1.2 to 1.3.0 were not seeing new messages logged AFAIK. Some users reported these messages being logged but not displayed but in our testing we saw messages not being logged or displayed. Bottom line we've released 1.3.1beta2 quickly to resolve the majority of cases. We'll push an update soon as we can to restore any archived messages created by 1.3.0.

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