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Healthy Lifestyles Curriculum

March 2013


News Bulletin
March 2013 Aurora Early Learning Center A program of One Hope United 525 College Ave., Aurora, IL 60505 630. 256.7700


Please let us know if you have any comments, questions or concerns. Ann OMalley: 630.256.7703,aomalley@onehopeunited.org Erika Garcia: 630.256.7702, egarcia@onehopeunited.org

1 Center closes at 2 p.m.

Overall Health Exercise

Nutrition Environmental Sustainability

Look closely at nutrition, package labels to find healthiest foods

When shopping for healthy food for our families, reading nutrition labels can be helpful but also confusing. Most people know the label lists how many calories are in a serving, but other pieces of information are important, too. While whole, fresh foods are always healthiest, families on the go often rely on packaged foods. Here are some tips to make healthier choices: Ingredients lists start with the main ingredient. A healthy first ingredient might be a whole grain, fruit or low-fat milk -- not sugar. There are many terms for sugar, some even sound healthy -- like molasses or dehydrated cane juice. Usually anything listed as syrup or ending in ose is sugar. Seek packages with a short list of ingredients, under five if you can, and the names should be foods you recognize, not chemical names. Nutrition labels list the recommended daily amount of each nutrient for adults, based on 2,000 calories per day. Most children need much less than that. Food labels list the amount of calories per serving. However, many foods and drinks typically consumed by a child in one sitting, such as a bag of chips or a bottle of juice, might actually say they contain two or three servings. Avoid saturated or trans fats and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, found in many cookies and crackers. Choose mono- or polyunsaturated fats instead, found in foods such as almonds, pecans, avocado, fish and olive oil. Limit high-sodium foods. Childrens favorites such as soup, pizza and macaroni and cheese often have a high salt content. Common unhealthy ingredients in foods children enjoy include BHA (breakfast cereals); sodium nitrites and nitrates (lunch meats and hot dogs); food dyes (candy and cereals); caramel coloring (soda); and monosodium glutamate (MSG) or hydrolyzed vegetable protein (packaged soups and noodles; seasoning packets; chips). Examining box claims Fat-free foods, such as frozen yogurt, often are high in sugar. Packages that say all-natural ingredients can be misleading. Read the ingredient list to find out what is really in the product. Look for foods labeled USDA Organic, 100% Organic or Organic. Made with organic ingredients means some ingredients are organic, not all. Also, look for products that say 100% whole grain, rather than just whole grain.






















March 2529: Full-day school age >



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Four Components of the


Resources: 1. American Academy of Pediatrics, www.healthychildren.org 2. The Center for Science in the Public Interest, http://www.cspinet.org/reports/chemcuisine.htm 3. The Mayo Clinic, www.mayoclinic.com 4. KidsHealth, www.kidshealth.org


Friendship Family Activity

Parents gathered in the gym last month to celebrate friendship with their children. They decorated a heart, a valentine card, and created jewelry with decorative beads. Families were so creative in their designs. The activities that we plan for these nights focus on learning objectives, while at the same time, are loads of fun. Children practiced literary skills by learning that writing has meaning when they created their cards. They also practiced fine motor skills when they strung beads for their necklaces. Many practiced math skills as well when they made patterns with the beads.

Kindergarten at Aurora Early Learning Center

We are happy to announce that the Aurora Early Learning Center will be offering a full-day Kindergarten program starting in August of 2013. If you are interested in enrolling your child, we are requiring a $50 non-refundable deposit in order to hold a spot in the program. Registration must be accompanied with a deposit and is on a first-come, first-served basis. We are very excited to be able to offer this opportunity to our current families and look forward to spending Kindergarten with your child. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ann OMalley or Erika Garcia, Assistant Director.

Strengthening Families
One Hope United incorporates Strengthening Families by looking at the existing strengths of families and builds upon these strengths to keep families healthy and children safe. Strengthening Families is a framework which is committed to protecting and nurturing young children while promoting their development. It is about helping parents be the best they can be, even under stress. Through years of extensive research, it has been found that there are six protective factors which all families need.
1. Being Strong and Flexible - Parents who have a positive attitude, creatively solve problems, effectively address challenges are less likely to direct anger and frustration at their children. 2. We all Need Friends - Trusted and caring family and friends provide emotional support to parents by offering encouragement and assistance in facing the daily challenges of raising a family. 3. Parenting is Part Natural and Part Learned - Parents who understand how children grow and develop can provide an environment where children can live up to their potential. 4. We All Need Help Sometimes - Providing and connecting families to resources needed is critical. 5. Parents Teach Children How to Communicate Their Feelings How parents model their communication style is how children learn to communicate; 6. Nurturing Your Child Loving and respecting your child develops the emotional bond in the parent/child relationship.

Classroom Mailboxes
Parents, please check your childs mailbox each day. We put important information regarding your eligibility status as well as center information in the mailboxes. Its difficult for us to catch parents at the front desk to give you these timely documents and we really want a consistent place for you to receive information. Eligibility information such as redetermination notices will be on blue paper so its easy to identify. Dont forget your childs wonderful creations are also in there!

Week of the Young Child

The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. The 2013 Week of the Young Child is April 1420, and the theme is Early Years are Learning Years. Well have a family breakfast, and Family Activity Night to celebrate. Look for flyers for details.

Strengthening Families is the framework which One Hope United is committed to using so to support our parents and create healthier communities for our children.

Thanks to many families that have donated their slightly used clothing for others to use. Our children grow so fast! We will have a permanent table located on the first floor for families to give what they do not need and take what they do. Check it out!

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