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Time to send this out again.

Judy ************

I Will Break The Arms Of Your Great Nation. January 22, 2012 11 PM I was sitting at the dining room table praying. I asked the LORD to speak to me through HIS WORD. I opened to Ezekiel 30: 22. Therefore says the LORD GOD: "Surely I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms: both the strong one and the one that was broken: and I will make the sword to fall out of his hand. As I kept reading I found myself wondering why HE was showing me this passage. And so I asked HIM, "Why are you showing me this?" Here is HIS reply. I am telling you, my Daughter, that I have done it before and I will do it again. Your nation has exalted itself above other nations. It has bullied and killed and caused great harm. It justifies its' actions, but never really asks itself why it is OK to cause such havoc and such suffering.

It is unconcerned with its actions and their consequences on the other peoples of the globe. It cares not what it does or who it injures. And so my Daughter, just like Pharaoh, I will break the arms of your great nation. I will bring it low. I will show it that its' military might is not enough to battle the Most High God. And I will draw My children to me as a Mother Hen draws her chicks. I will place you safely under My wings. I will protect you as I wage war on the arrogant, defiant, willful leaders and citizens of this nation who make a mockery of "GOD BLESS AMERICA." I have declared it and it is so. I will show Myself strong to My children. It will be like the days of old when I delivered My people Israel out from under the bondage of Pharaoh. You know it not, My Daughter, the decadence of Pharaoh and the bondage of Pharaoh. The bondage of Pharaoh, is your daily bread. (I understood this to mean that we living in a society filled with lies. Our leaders lie
to us. Hollywood and the media lie to us. Our educational system lies to us. We are in bondage due to these lies. And we are fed these lies every day. These lies are our daily bread.)

My people do not know what it means to have righteous leaders. My people do not know what it means to have a nation filled with prayer and praise.

Your nation is loathsome to Me. It defies Me at every turn. It chooses a serial adulterer (Gingrich) just because he says he has repented. Where is his fruit, I ask???? And so My Daughter hide yourself away in Me. For my justice will be upon your land and it shall be done to you as you have done to others. Rejoice! For I will cleanse the land! Rejoice! For My Will will triumph! Rejoice! For the Day of the Lord is upon your nation, and it will be a terrible day, indeed. Come, My Beloved. Come under the shadow of My wings. Hide yourself away as I move against the lawless ones who have established themselves in the seat of power. WAR IS COMING TO YOUR LAND. WAR WILL BE FOUGHT ON YOUR SOIL. It will be hot, heavy, and devastating. Bridges will be out. Highways will be blown up. Powerlines will be downed. Famine will prevail for those who know Me not.

And through it all I will protect My children. I will raise them up, and shower them with My glory so that they may demonstrate that there is a God in Heaven and HIS NAME IS YAHWEH , and there is no other God. Relax My Daughter. Be of good cheer. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is going to roar out of ZION. I will have My way. I will have a Bride worthy of My Son. I will triumph. And so, all is well for those who love Me and keep My Commandments. But for the others, death and destruction awaits those who fear Me not and who mock Me. And I say again, 'Rejoice!' Prepare your Temple for the coming of My Glory and the return of My Beloved Son, YESHUA - THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. Do not come out from under shelter of My wings, and all will be well with you. It does not matter if anyone believes you. What matters is if you will believe Me, and prepare your Temple to receive My Glory.

For I say again, I will have a spotless Bride for My Son! Obedience is the key. Inquire. Obey. Inquire. Obey. Inquire. Obey. And all will be well. Cease from anything that distracts you from drawing closer to me. Inquire and obey. A novel idea to My apostate church. Yet it is the only way to survive the days ahead. Come! Come! Come! For I await you with wings outstretched to protect you and keep you hidden through the terrifying days ahead. War is coming to your land, to your soil. Are you ready?

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