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Yarn: 8ply or DK

Back Using 3mm needles cast on 68 (78) sts work 3cm garter st, incr. 18sts evenly across last row of garter st. =86 (96) st. _________________________________________________________________ __________ Waffle Pattern Rows 1,3,5 - edge st. * k4, slip 1 st. purlwise with yarn at back of work, rep from * k4, edge st. Rows 2,4 - Purl row Row 6 - edge st. * k4, slip 1 st purlwise rep from * K4, edge st. _________________________________________________________________ __________ Start pattern. When work measures 20 (25) cm cast off 4sts at each end for sleeve = 78 (88) Continue in pattern. When work measures 24 (30) cm divide for centre split. Work 45 (50) sts turn, and cast off 4 sts. Finish each side separately. Continue working Waffle Pattern until work measures 31 (37)cm. Shape neck at slit edge cast off 10 sts once and 5 sts once on following row. When work measures 32 (39) cast off remaining sts for shoulder.

Front Work as for back but without the slit at the back. When work measures 29 (36) shape neck. K35 (40) sts in pattern, turn and leave sts on holder. Complete row still on needles, at neck edge cast off on right side row 3 sts once, 2sts twice and 1st. 4 times. When work measures 32 (39) cm cast off for shoulder. Complete by repeating above in reverse for remaining side.

Sleeves Cast on 50 sts work 3cm in garter st. incr. 11 sts evenly across last row = 61sts Continue in Waffle Pattern. Incr. 1 st. at each end of every 6th row 7 (8) times, and then 1 st. at each end on every 4th row 2 (4) times = 79 (85) sts. When work measures 19 (22) cm cast off. Finishing Pick up sts evenly around neck and rib (k1,p1) 4 rows then cast off. Back opening - Pick up 26 sts (approx) evenly along left back opening and rib (k1 p1) for 6 rows. Then pick up 26 sts (approx) evenly on right side of back opening and rib 2 rows, on 3rd row - k3, yo k2tog, k8, yo k2tog k8, yo k2tog knit to end. rib 3 rows then cast off.. Sew garment together.

Sizes 68 (80) Using 3mm circular or dp needles Cast on 96 (104). Work 3cm of rib, k1 p1 then change to Waffle pattern until work measures 12.5 (13.5) cm. Start dec. * slip 2tog knitwise k1 pass all slipped sts over. K9 (10) rep from * 7 times. Keeping pattern correct. = 80 (88) sts Work 2 rounds with no dec. Rep these 3 rounds 4 times and work the dec in the same position everytime. When 16 (24) sts remain pull wool through remaining sts and fasten off firmly. Make pom pom to attach on top of hat.

Left Leg
Using 3mm needles and starting at upper edge. Cast on 86 (91) sts and work 6 cm in rib pattern (k1, p1) then continue in Waffle Pattern. When work measures 20 (23) cm cast off at each end for crotch 2 sts once, then 1 st. on every 2nd row 6 times = 70 (77) sts Continue in pattern till work measures 38 (44) cm (or desired length) decrease 16 (18) sts evely across on one row = 54 (57) sts, then work 8cm in rib pattern. Cast off all sts.

Right Leg
Work exactly the same as Left Leg.

Sew crotch seams together, back and front, then sew leg seams. Fold over top rib to form elastic casing and sew down. Thread elastic through casing and fasten.

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