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Specialized System Prototype in Environmental Law for Aiding Decision-Making in the Context of Rural Deforestation

Available online at: http://pt.scribd.com/doc/135258678/Specialized-System-Prototype-inEnvironmental-Law-for-Aiding-Decision-Making-in-the-Context-of-RuralDeforestation

Paulo Pereira Martins Junior 1 Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos 2

1 PhD. Geologist. Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brazil. Foundation Technological Center of Minas Gerais (CETEC-MG), Minas Gerais State, Brazil. 2 Legislative Consultant of Environment and Sustainable Management at the Legislative Power of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. PhD. student in Geology. Master of Arts in Geography. Specialist in Soil and Environment. Bachelor in Philosophy. Environmental Technician. Computer Science Technician.

Paper originally published in Portuguese, at:

MARTINS JUNIOR, P.P.; VASCONCELOS, V.V. Sistema Especialista para Auxlio Deciso em Direito Ambiental: situaes de desmatamentos rurais. CLIMEP. Climatologia e Estudos da Paisagem, v. 3, p. 53-71, 2008. Available at: http://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br/index.php/climatologia/article/viewFile/1789/2206

Proofread by Harriet Konkel Reis, in March, 2013


CLIMEP Climatologia e Estudos da Paisagem, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil eISSN: 1980-654X est licenciada sob Licena Creative Commons

Paulo Pereira Martins Junior [1] Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos [2]

INTRODUCTION: The context of the Specialized System

Within the project CRHA (2003-2006), Conservation of the Water Resources as regards Agriculture and the environment of hydrographic basins, MCT/ FINEP Fundo Setorial CT-Hidro-2002, an interdisciplinary group of researchers developed an agro-hydro-environmental scheme for hydrographic basins, aiming to aid agricultural activities with an approach for sustainable management of land use and water resources. To achieve this sustainable management, proposed were some scientific products, comprehending various structured levels of information with userfriendly semantics and language. With this in mind, the following activities were adopted: [a] identification of the logical formal constraints for systemic decisionmaking and [b] development of a specialized system. This article deals with the application of deforesting control laws, a theme that began in the CRHA (2003-2006) Project and is now part of the SisDec system, created to aid decision-making for the geo-environmental management of water basins.

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ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROTOTYPE A small specialized program was implemented, whose objective was to guide the user through basic problems that involve judicial and environmental issues. To achieve this, distinct concepts of law and ecology were used to explain to the users the eventual illegality of their behavior in relationship to the environment. Hopefully, this is the first of a series of implementations that will deal with issues like: geoenvironment, agriculture, grazing, foresting, hydric flow, rural industry, erosive processes and local and diffuse pollution, which are being developed using analytical logic, synthetic interdisciplinary logic, systemic logic and deontic logic (MARTINS JR., 2006). To guide a user in all legal environmental issues is an extremely broad task because of the immense possibility of actions that could be taken by the user and the great number of legal documents about these issues (sometimes thousands of laws, decrees and rulings). For this study, a specific situation was delimited a typical user in a rural area who desires to cut down the native forest in order to utilize this area for productive activities (or whose property has already been cleared of the forest and thus the user needs to evaluate its legality). In addition, a limited set of legal documents was adopted and is described herein: What information or advice needs to be passed on to the user? The program needs to evaluate the legality of the deforestation by using program input data such as: deforested area, proximity to water, and others. The user also needs to know how to apply for a deforestation permit, how to denounce an environmental law infraction, and if more information is needed, where the user may get it. The program begins with an interface that asks the user what type of advice he/she desires. Depending on the option chosen, the program continues asking questions until it obtains a set of answers about the users legal environmental situation that matches one of the base situations for which it has specific behavior or sanctions available and thus, the user is advised. This specialized system has been developed within the CommonKads (SCHREIBER et al., 1999) methodology using UML language (BOOCH;

RUMBAUGH; JACOBSON, 1999), which furnishes a set of standard tests and procedures to mount a program, a database and efficient inference knowledge that
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can be reused in other situations. The source code was developed in PROLOG (BRATKO, 2000), mainly because of its orientation towards logical reasoning and Artificial Intelligence - AI.

MODELLING ENVIRONMENTAL LAW KNOWLEDGE Legal documents were used as the main sources for modeling environmental law knowledge. From these, various legal restrictions and explanations about legal environmental processes were extracted. Articles about Law Logic were also used, as well as a questionnaire that was sent to the juridical sector of the State of Minas Forestry Institute (Instituto Estadual de Florestas de Minas Gerais [IEF]), and commentaries from lawyers about the applicability of the legal documents and advisable legal environmental behavior. Two interviews with a lawyer, Renato Magnum, who has experience in the legal environmental field and one with a technician from IEF, Ville Tomichi, were conducted. The following documents were chosen, selected by their hierarchical, legal and ecological importance, and because they do not undergo frequent alterations: Law #4771 (1965) and Law #5870 (1973) Forestry Code; Decree #1992 (1996) Private Preserves of Natural Heritage; Law #5869 (1973) Civil Process Code, Article #275; Law #7754 (1989) Forest protection at river springs; Law #6938 (1981); Decree #97632 (1989) and Decree #99274 (1990) National Environmental Policy; Law #8171 (1991) National Agriculture Policy; Law #9099 (1995) Small claims court for civilians and criminals; Law #9605 (1998); and Decree 3179 (1999) Penal sanctions for environmental impacts; Resolution of the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) #13/90/1990 Protection zones around preservation areas.

Support for the methods used (CommonKads e UML) CommonKads (SCHREIBER et al., 1999) is a methodology for representation and modeling of knowledge, utilized in Knowledge Engineering, orientated for developing specialized computational systems. The first step of this methodology is to fill in the Organization Model, which is useful for organizing ideas about the program as a whole, and the context in which its acquisition was planned. This model included the analysis of problems and opportunities related to the geological and
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biotic environment; the culture and typical behavior of the rural community; the judicial system; and the public, private and social institutions that would be interested in assessing the program. From this contextualization, it was possible to outline the tasks for the agents, as well as other procedures to implement the program.

The second step was to formalize the acquired knowledge, for which were used the UML and PROLOG languages. The UML language (BOOCH; RUMBAUGH; JACOBSON, 1999) is used in Program Engineering (software production) for standardizing models in the process of software development. PROLOG is a declarative language for programming that basically uses logical recursive calls (BRATKO, 2000). Concomitantly to the interviews and consultations with specialists, began the process of formalizing the legal environmental aspects as follows: (1) topical listing of related concepts; (2) reading of the selected legal documents, highlighting the useful parts for the program; (3) organizing the legal data according to topics such as, authorizations, legal restrictions, penal processes and sanctions, among others, including the sub-topics within each category; (4) UML logic modeling of the legal restrictions, followed by the corresponding primary source code programming in PROLOG; and (5) final elaboration of the texts for juridical orientation corresponding to each specific case. The Solution Method chosen for the principal algorithm was Evaluation (SCHREIBER et al., 1999) in which the logical agent sequentially examines the information about the specific case, verifying its legality through the already-modeled logic restrictions. In this manner, the user proceeds to type the information about his area and about its behavior, grouped under subjects like: percentage deforested, distance from water bodies, landscape relief, vegetation, administrative policy restrictions, etc. Then, whenever possible, the legal restrictions are progressively tested, together with the already available data. At the exact moment in which a legal irregularity occurs, the user is given an alert whereby the applicable sanctions are described and an explanation is given about the geo-ecological importance of this behavioral restriction. In case the user comes to the end of all the legal restriction verifications, an overall balance is given that includes: the legal environmental
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situation of the deforestation; the sanctions, if applicable; and the final conclusion about the situation. Herein, presented is a summary of the scheme for the Evaluation Method utilized in the AI prototype: Objective: Diagnose if a certain behavior is legal or not in relation to the legal restrictions registered in the knowledge database. Input: Quantitative and Boolean variables expressing information about the terrain and user behavior. Output: If the behavior is illegal and if there are applicable penalties for this case, then an explanation of the law and the geo-ecological reason for the prohibitions are provided. The other user-available tasks are sent directly to the legal advice text whereby it is necessary to differentiate between two or more possible situations presented by an intermediary interface. The following textual advice database was generated from the sources consulted: (1) Procedure to apply for a deforestation permit; (2) How to denounce an environmental infraction; (3) Specific public departments or institutions for each type of environmental claim in Minas Gerais State; (4) Telephone numbers of environmental agencies for advice or claims; (5) Addresses and phone numbers of the Public Prosecutors in Brazil; (6) How to obtain juridical advice; (7) How to behave when illegal deforestation occurs in a legal preserve, permanent preservation area, and others; (8) Attenuation or aggravation for legal nonconformities encountered; (9) Alternative sentences; (10) Information about the small claims court. The fourth step finishes clarifying the Agent and Task Models, through standard UML diagrams. This includes a use-case diagram (Fig.6), a general schematic of the basic knowledge (Fig. 7), another diagram explaining the programs operational flow (Fig. 8) and a sequence diagram (Fig.9). The fifth step begins the effective programming of the source-code, including the interface and the necessary Evaluation task code, which makes up the principal logic body of the inference structure. After the implementation of each part of the program, evaluation tests were performed to check its efficiency and the possible appearance of errors in the sourcecode syntax.

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TASK, AGENT, COMMUNICATION AND PROJECT MODELING Some schematic diagrams exposing the functionality of AI Prototype follow below.
Denounce an environmental infraction Already done

Obtain more juridical advice

Verify the legality of a deforesting

Ask for a deforestation permit

Planned to do

Figure 6 Use-case Diagram for the AI Prototype. Each circumference indicates one of the functions that the program offers the user.

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Addresses and Phone Numbers of Institutions Legal Restrictions

Attenuation and aggravation

Alternative sentences Small claims court

Knowledge Base

Additional Information

Advisable Behavior

After doing an illegal activity

Obtain more juridical advice

Ask for a permit Claiming Denounce an infraction

Figure 7 Diagram denoting the subdivisions of the Knowledge Database according to the various types of data needed to execute the AI Prototype.

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Legal Rule Legal Evaluation

Ask for necessary data The action is legal. Go to the next legal rule

Check data against the thesis of legal restrictions

Ask if the user wants to go to the next legal rule or to restart the evaluation.

Ask if the user needs more advice.

The action is illegal. Show penalty.

Additional information and advised behavior

When there are no more rules, show the final conclusion.

Advice on how to denounce an infraction

Advice on how to ask for a deforesting permit

Advice on how to obtain more juridical help.

Figure 8 Flowchart explaining the procedure performed by the program for each use instance.

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Figure 9 Sequence diagram that identifies each action executed by the AI Prototype along a time line





Asking for data

Checking with rule

Evaluation and advice

Additional advice


How to askfor a permit


How to ask for more help

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EXAMPLE OF THE EXECUTION OF THE PROTOTYPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW FOR AIDINGDECISION-MAKING The following is a demonstration of the prototype implementation commented in this article (Table 1): Table 1 Prototype implementation as an aid for lawful environmental decisionmaking
___________________________________________________________ |PROGRAM FOR AIDING LAWFUL ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION-MAKING __________________________________________________________ Welcome! What is your desire? Type: 1 to evaluate the legality of deforestiation on your property 2 to know how to proceed in obtaining a license to make alterations on your property 3 to know how to denounce an environmental infraction 4 to obtain juridical assistance beyond that which is available in the program end - to finalize program. 1. Do you wish to evaluate an area already deforested or an area you wish to deforest? Type: - y if the area has already been deforested - n if you are planning to deforest an area y. ATTENTION: this program only analyzes deforestation within an area having similar characteristics.. If the area contains more than one type of terrain or usage, it is better to analyze each situation separately. What is the area of your property, in hectares? reminding you that one hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters. 50. What is the size of the intact forest on your property, in hectares? 40. What is the size of the deforested area, in hectares? 5. In which region of Brazil is your property located? Options: Southeast South Midwest Northeast North Southeast. What will be the land-use of your property? Options: agriculture cattle-raising other cattle-raising. Is there a river, stream or lake on your property or within a few meters of it? - type y if Yes or n if No. y. What is the approximate width of this river, stream or lake, in meters? - type only a whole number and then press <enter>

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20. What is the distance from the deforested areas border to this river, stream or lake, in meters? - type only a whole number and then press <enter> 210. Is there a spring on or close to your property? - type y for yes and n for no y. What is the distance from the deforested areas border to the spring, in meters? - type only a whole number and then press <enter> 70. Respond if your deforested area has the following relief characteristics: Type y if it has, and n if it doesnt. It is on top of a hill y. It has a slope inclination greater than 45 degrees y. It is a cliff topped by a plateau y. Its altitude is greater than 1800 meters above sea level y. According to the law(s) Law_4771 Law_9605 Its deforestation is being performed in a prohibited area, due to its relief The usual ruling for this type of action is: Fine of 4920 Reais Possible sentence of 1 to 3 years in prison In addition: Embargo of the activities on the site; Remediation of the damage caused; Confiscation of the products generated in the area; Confiscation of the equipment and material used in the deforestation operation (chainsaws, axes, etc.). Explanation: Regarding the relief, it is prohibited to deforest steep cliffs or those footed by plateaus because it causes erosion, which dismantles the land. Highlands also cannot be deforested (such as hilltops higher than 1800 meters above sea level) because these areas of vegetation avoid erosion and serve to furnish water for springs. Do you desire more information about the rulings or trials? Type: - 1 if you want to know what to do in case you have committed this infraction of the law - 2 if you want to know what can either increase or decrease the fine or sentence - 3 if you want to know what are the alternative ways to serve the sentence (reducing the fine and/or imprisonment) - 4 if you want to know if the trial can take place in a small claims court - x to continue the program 4. Information about small claims court: The judge in a small claims court rules on small infractions of the law (up to 10.000 Reais or 4 years in prison), and presents some advantages. It is a much simpler and less bureaucratic process, besides being quicker than normal hearings. As there is a chance that the sentence could be less than one year, the Judge could suspend the process, if you promise to remediate the environmental damage that occurred. After a specified time, you have to inform the Judge that the remediation activities have been completed, and then the process is terminated. Do you still desire more information about the rulings or trials? Type:

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- 1 if you want to know what to do in case you committed this infraction of the law - 2 if you want to know what can either increase or decrease the fine or sentence - 3 if you want to know what are the alternative ways to serve the sentence (reducing the fine and/or imprisonment) - x to continue the program x. Respond if the land to be deforested has the following type of vegetation: Type y, if yes and n, if no. Sandbank vegetation n. Sand dunes n. Mangrove swamp n. Pine forest n. Is there a tree species in the area that is prohibited by law to cut? Type y for Yes and n for No. n. Is your land situated in an area that is undergoing desertification? Type y for Yes and n for No. n. Respond if the land you plan to deforest belongs to one of the classifications below: Type y if it does and n if it doesnt. It is classified as an EPA (Protected Environment Area) n. It is classified as a Private Natural Heritage Preserve n. It is classified as a Permanent Preserve by the Government, or by the master plan of the city where your land is located. y. According to the Law(s) Law_4771 Law_9605 You are deforesting an area that is not authorized by the local government. The usual sentence for this type of infraction of the law is: Fine of: 4920 Reais Possible sentence of: 1 to 3 years in prison In addition: Embargo of the activities at the site; Remediation of damages that occurred; Confiscation of the products generated in the area; Confiscation of the equipment and material used in the deforestation process (chainsaws, axes, etc.) Explanation: Because of their ecological value, certain areas are considered to be special, i.e. those that contain rare animals and plants, those that are water suppliers for the community, or those that are of exceptional natural beauty. These areas are differentially treated by the government, and their alteration may be prohibited or require a special permit to perform activities in them. Do you desire more information about the rulings and trials? Type: - 1 if you want to know what to do in case you have committed this infraction of the law - 2 if you want to know what can either increase or decrease the fine or sentence - 3 - if you want to know what are the alternative ways to serve the sentence (reducing the fine and/or imprisonment) - 4 - if you want to know if the trial can take place in a small claims court. - x to continue the program

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x. FINAL DEFORESTATION EVALUATION Dear user, The deforestation that you performed is probably not within legal standards. It is strongly advisable to choose Option 1 What do I do in case I have committed an infraction At the end of the evaluation, the following sanctions exist, that might apply to your deforestation: Fine of: 9840 Reais Possible sentence: 2 to 6 years in prison. In addition: embargo of the activities at the site; remediation of damages that occurred; confiscation of the products generated in the area; Confiscation of the equipment and material used in the deforestation process (chainsaws, axes, etc.). Do you desire more information about the rulings and trials? Type: - 1 - if you want to know what to do in case you have committed this infraction of the law - 2 - if you want to know what can either increase or decrease the fine or sentence - 3 - if you want to know what are the alternative ways to serve the sentence (reducing the fine and/or imprisonment) - 4 - if you want to know if the trial can take place in a small claims court. - x to continue the program 3. ALTERNATIVE SENTENCES: Often, instead of having to serve a sentence in prison, the judge can authorize the serving of an alternative sentence, such as: I perform community services; 1- finance environmental programs or projects; 2 execute remedial projects in degraded areas; 3 help maintain public areas; 4 contribute to environmental agencies or public cultural programs. II temporary denial of rights, which include loss of the right to government financing or to sign government contracts; III partial or total suspension of activities; IV be financially responsible for impacts provoked; V confinement to home; Do you still desire more information about rulings or trials? Type: - 1 - if you want to know what to do in case you have committed this infraction of the law - 2 - if you want to know what can either increase or decrease the fine or sentence - 4 - if you want to know if the trial can take place in a small claims court - x to continue the program x. Be aware that this program is not infallible, and if you have some doubts about the efficiency of its evaluation, it is advisable to access Option 4 Obtain more juridical advice, on the initial screen of the program.

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Program Limitations: Regarding the chosen scheme

The GNU-Prolog environment imposed some limitations on the program. Only textual interactions with the user were possible (while a graphic interface would have been much more user-friendly, having the ability to interact with explicative maps and flowcharts). The second limitation, especially in regard to the Portuguese language, is that the environment of the software doesn t work well with special and accented characters.

Regarding efficiency

The program has a serious limitation when it comes to being coherent with reality. It treats all deforested areas as being homogeneous, and as such, they receive the same attributes throughout their extension. It would be important to treat each deforested section as a heterogenic one, in which each section could be either legally or illegally deforested. Regardless, the program is efficient in informing the user of the deforestation illegality, although not to the point of determining which section of the deforested land refers to an infraction of the law and calculating the respective sanctions. Therefore, the best method would be for the user to divide his property into homogeneous sections and do an analysis for each one.

Regarding the legal database

The legal database encountered its limitation on the number of laws involved. Notice, however, that if this database were to be expanded to include a greater number of laws and decrees about deforestation, it would require great effort to constantly update it. Notwithstanding, it would be interesting to expand it to incorporate other environmental activities (which normally undergo fewer

modifications), such as: use of agro-toxins, water usage, vegetal and animal
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exploitation in the forests, etc. To achieve this, it is pertinent to develop an intelligent database, together with a methodology for its operation, and to progressively incorporate new knowledge. In other words, it is necessary to create a base-model.

Regarding the reapplicability of the database and its inference structure

The system and structured database serve to increment the development of an Environmentally Integrated Management Program for a Hydrographic Basins (MARTINS JR., 2006). The geo-environmentally and judicially integrated model presented herein, is important for knowing the legal limits when advising someone about what attitude to take regarding environmental issues. This approach is applicable to other contexts, such as other systems for aiding decision-making that must integrate geo-environmental and ecological issues with judicial laws and rulings. It is worth noting that deforestation of properties was only used as an example to demonstrate the usage of this program. This system is open to the creation of new structured knowledge and its incorporation in a logical manner. Just apply the methodology explained herein and conveniently insert the new structured knowledge into the knowledge and inference database. In this way, the usage of this program can be expanded to apply to similar situations encountered regularly by the users.

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ABSTRACT The paper presents the process of development of an artificial intelligence, AI, software prototype for environmental management developed in CETEC within the scope of Project CRHA (2003-2006). This software is a tool for helping the user in his/her way of dealing with the rural environment, and offers geo-environmental and juridical education for dealing with common situations in this context. This paper is useful for bringing into evidence the viability of computational applications of AI in respect to Agrarian and Environmental Geosciences and Juridical sciences. It is also a demonstration of the potentials of logical analysis to scientific and technical knowledge. Key words: Artificial Intelligence. Decision Support. Foresting Management. Deforestation. Environmental Law. Territory Ordering. RESUMO Este artigo visa a apresentar o processo de desenvolvimento de um prottipo de programa de inteligncia artificial voltado para a gesto ambiental, desenvolvido ao longo do projeto CRHA (2003-2006). Este programa se prope a auxiliar o usurio em sua conduta para com o meio ambiente rural, fornecendo educao ambiental e jurdica para melhor lidar com situaes comuns neste contexto. Este trabalho til para demonstrar a viabilidade de aplicaes computacionais futuras, envolvendo as Geocincias Agrrias e Ambientais e Cincias Jurdicas, demonstrando tambm as potencialidades da anlise lgica aplicada aos conhecimentos tcnicos e cientficos. Palavras-chave: Inteligncia Artificial. Auxlio Deciso. Gesto de Florestas. Desmatamento. Direito Ambiental. Ordenamento Territorial.

Information about the authors: [1] Paulo Pereira Martins Junior http://lattes.cnpq.br/1323327733767945 Researcher at Fundao Centro Tecnolgico de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (MG). Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Professor at Escola de Minas-DEGEO, Campus Morro do Cruzeiro, Ouro Preto. Contact: paulo.martins@cetec.br [2] Vitor Vieira Vasconcelos http://lattes.cnpq.br/8151243279050980 Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. PhD. Student of Geology. Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais. Legislative Consultant on Environment and Sustainable Development. Contact: vitor.v.v@gmail.com

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