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Fibroid Buster Cleanse and Regimen

Fibroid tumors are epidemic today in the United States, targeting females in their late teens, 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. No race of females is immune to this insidious disease; however, the particular health challenge is found most commonly in African-American females followed by Caucasian females and Hispanic/Latino females. The two most common types of fibroid tumors are (1) UTERINE fibroid tumors, and (2) OVARIAN fibroid tumors. Though very rare, there are tumors also develop on the cervix. Fibroid Buster Cleanse and Regimen is ALLNATURAL, safe, sane and effective with no adverse side effects due to being plant-based, and remember, God made the herbs for the service of man (Psalm 10:14), for medicine (Ezekiel 47:12), and for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:3). The Cleanse includes six (6) powerful formulas, Fibroid Buster tea (20 bags), One (1) Rose Quartz crystal, complete instructions, dietary regimen and much more.

WHAT ARE FIBROID TUMORS? Fibroid tumors are benign growths that usually form on the interior muscular wall and the exterior of the uterus, the exterior of the ovaries, and also the cervix in some cases. The term fibroid is really a misnomer because the tumor cells are not fibrous at all, but thats the Western medical world for you.

A tumor is medically defined as: A swelling or enlargement occurring in inflammatory conditions; a new growth of tissue characterized by progressive, uncontrolled proliferation of cells. The tumor may be localized or invasive, benign or malignant. A tumor may be named for its location, for its cellular makeup, or for the person who first

identified it. SOURCE: Mosbys Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition, pg. 1204 In laymans term and for purposes of understanding of what a fibroid tumor really is, a fibroid tumor, physically-speaking, is nothing but an internal trash bag that holds accumulated waste (scarred tissue and other junk) trapped in the female body due to blockage of the other major eliminative channels, including the uterus which is also an eliminative channel. The simple fact that fibroid tumors develop in the female sexual reproductive system denotes an imbalance of the female sexual reproductive system. All adverse health conditions speaks through metaphor to convey a much deeper message to the host/person and the deeper message almost always points to the emotional level of the host/person, especially females, emotional creatures by nature. Therefore, all physical health challenges (including fibroid tumors) is a manifestation of a health challenge on the emotional level, which is stored in

the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Plexus) located at the site of the belly (six inches above the belly button or navel). A chakra is an energy center and the human body has seven major energy centers (the number is actually disputed with some sources saying there are 8-12 major energy centers). A chakra is a vortex of spinning energy, an energetic disk that records and holds information about us. The information that is stored in the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Plexus) pertains to sexuality, relationships, emotions, pleasure, our addictions; money, and femininity and Goddess Consciousness. All damage from past relationships and sexual behavior and activity is stored in the 2nd chakra (Sacral Plexus) and thus adversely affect and impact the organs located at the site of the 2nd chakra. All emotional imbalance results from lifestyle issues and these lifestyle issues impact women (and men) on an emotional level and if they are not dealt with and released, they are stored in the 2nd

Chakra and eventually manifest physically in challenges of the organs that are located at the site of the 2nd chakra (the belly), which organs (in the glorious female body) include the uterus, ovaries, cervix, and fallopian tubes. Many 2nd Chakra health challenges manifest at (or in) the vagina, i.e. vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, blood clots, vaginal warts, etc. So energetically speaking, fibroid tumors denote a tumorization process of old, negative, toxic thoughts, emotions, or feelings that are clumped together and proliferate. The more old, stale, toxic thoughts and emotions (hurts and pains) you embrace and hold on to in the heart and mind, the more your physical tumors below (womb area) proliferate. Again, as above, so below. Metaphysics! Before a physical fibroid tumor can manifest, there is always an emotional, mental, and/or psychological fibroid tumor that consists of old hurts and wounds pertaining to: SEXUALITY (rape, abortion(s), sexual molestation; incest, miscarriage; adultery, promiscuity, prostitution; feeling that premarital sex or sex in and of itself is a sin; conceiving a child or being conceived illegitimately (one night stand;

drunk and/or high and out of ones mind, etc.); and sexual acts which usually leads to feelings of guilt, embarrassment, shame, low self-worth, etc.) RELATIONSHIPS (past mate(s) cheated on you; past mate(s) harmed, abused, and/or disrespected you; father or paternal guardian abandoned you, etc., which leads to feelings of mistrust of males, insecurity issues, etc.) ADDICTIONS (drug addiction, food addiction, sex addiction, etc.) Therefore, on a subtle level, fibroid tumors represent a clumping together of old, toxic thoughts and emotions (hurts, pains, frustrations) predicated upon things you and/or someone else did to you in the past.

What is a Cyst? A cyst is medically defined as: A closed sac in or under the skin lined with epithelium and containing fluid or semisolid material. SOURCE: Mosbys

supra, pg. 332 A cyst, like a tumor, is an internal trash bag, more so than a tumor though. In fact, the word cyst derives from a Greek word kystis which means, bag. Cysts hold pus, mucus, and other toxic waste fluids. This is all a cyst is: A BAG OF MUCUS AND PUS! CAUSES OF UTERINE, OVARIAN, CERVICAL FIBROID TUMORS & CYSTS DIET The greatest contributing factor to the physical development of uterine, ovarian, and cervical fibroid tumors and cysts is diet, specifically the SAD (Standard American Diet) which is excessively high in animal flesh (meat) and byproduct (i.e. dairy: milk, cheese, sour cream, butter, and ice cream to name a few). However, the greatest single culprit to the physical development of sexual reproductive tumors and cysts, in our opinion, is DAIRY PRODUCTS, a/k/a/ liquefied and congealed cow snot and pus which has no place in the glorious and magnificent human body, which is especially true for melanated individuals or people of color (Africans/Nubians, African-Americans, AfroCaribbeans; Hispanics-Latinos, Asians, Native Americans).

Though Caucasians can tolerate dairy products better than peoples of color, Caucasians also have no business consuming dairy products (cow excreta) as dairy adversely affects Caucasians just as much as it does people of other races and nationalities. Dairy products adversely affects ALL people regardless of race, age, and gender. A major dietary reason why African-American females, despite their numbers in the U.S., have higher incidences of uterine, ovarian, and cervical tumors and cysts than other women of other nationalities is due to their unique variation of the SAD called soul food. It is poor diet and poor lifestyle that is responsible for reproductive tumors and cysts being endemic to African-American females in our humble opinion. African-American females eat way too much CHEESE, BUTTER, ICE CREAM, SOUR CREAM, YOGURT and REFINED GRAINS (pastries and other sweet treats) than their bio-genetic makeup can handle. They are greatly lactose-intolerant but still indulge in what is harmful to their bodies. When tumors

and cysts form, it is a sign that the body has taken all it can handle, physically (from diet) and emotionally (from thoughts). A cleansing is desperately needed. The body needs to get back to homeostasis. I implore all Americans (and all humans for that matter), especially females, to stop consuming animal byproduct in the form of dairy as dairy products are loaded with harmful chemical hormones that throw the female hormonal system out of sync and causes a host of female sexual reproductive diseases and disorders as well as a host of trans-sexual degenerative imbalances (health challenges) of an excess MUCUS nature resulting in itis (inflammation), i.e. bronchitis, meningitis, arthritis, phlebitis, diverticulitis, colitis, etc. Meat and dairy consumption creates mucus formation in the body. It is the mucus from meat, dairy and refined grains and starches that mixes with old uterine blood which manifest as chocolate cysts (combination of blood and mucus stuck together). All other acid and mucus-forming foods and beverages, i.e. alcohol, coffee, lattes, chocolate, white table sugar, table salt, soda pop; potato chips and other snack foods, etc. create mucus in

the body and thus should be avoided. HYGIENE Commercial brand feminine hygiene products are major causative factors of female reproductive health challenges such as fibroid tumors and uterine and ovarian cysts. The greatest feminine hygiene product culprit in the development of fibroid tumors is commercial brand SANITARY NAPKINS AND PADS. Commercial brand sanitary products are bleached with dioxin (organo-chlorine), a left-over chemical from the Vietnam War era and used to deforest trees in Vietnamese villages and which has since been used as an industrial bleaching agent in the United States. One drop of organo-chlorines in an Olympic size swimming pool can prevent trout eggs from hatching. Sanitary products are bleached but not rinsed off. The chemicals stay in the pad or tampon. When applied to the female vagina, the chemicals leach into the vagina where they act like estrogen and latch on to estrogen receptor sites and proliferate, causing tumorous growths to develop in the female reproductive system.

Feminine deodorant sprays and talc (which contain toxic chemicals) applied to the vagina can seep into the vagina and make their way to the uterus, cervix, and ovaries causing a host of adverse health challenges. Commercial brand underarm deodorants and antiperspirants work in tandem with tight wirestrapped bras to cause blockage of the lymphatic system and lymph nodes in the breast/chest area (underarms) resulting in painful lumps in the armpits or underarms, and worse, cysts in the breasts. LIFESTYLE Commercial pharmaceutical brands of birth control are 100% toxic! They may curb or inhibit conception, but the side effects may prove insalubrious and fatal in many cases. Birth control residues do not leave the human body as they lack intelligence unlike organic substances (i.e. herbs Wild Yam Root). Because they cannot find their way out of the body, they usually end up lodging in the tissues of organs located in the female sexual reproductive system. Male and female condoms leach harmful chemicals into the vaginal tract that make their

way to the uterus, cervix and ovaries and do harm to these organs. BENEFITS TO BE EXPECTED WITH THE FIBROID BUSTER CLEANSE AND REGIMEN Like with all other health challenges, uterineovarian-cervical fibroid tumors and cysts do not develop and grow over night and thus will not be healed over night. However, with consistent work on yourself with a change in thinking, change in attitude, change in diet, change in lifestyle, and use of herbaceuticals such as those in this Cleanse (at least 6 kits per year, 6 times per year), reproductive system tumor and cyst growths will begin to shrink and dissolve and the intuitive female can feel this occurrence in her body. Dissolution of tumors and cysts will be excreted through the eliminative channels, especially the uterus via the vagina, the kidneys, and the colon. Therefore, theres a possibility that you may experience excessive elimination of blood clots, excess bleeding during the menstrual cycle (as the menses is a form of cleansing); and discharges (combination of blood and mucus) during your Fibroid Buster Cleanse (or just working with herbs in general for cleansing purposes).

Do not worry about iron loss via menstrual blood or menstrum during the cleanse as our formulas (compounds) are rich in iron phosphate (organic iron); so you will experience blood loss via regular menses but at the same time you are receiving necessary iron from some of the formulas in the cleanse. ALSO ADDITIONAL BENEFITS ARE: Normalized and regulated (balanced) menstrual cycles. Iron (in the blood) sufficiency. Dissolution and removal of chocolate cysts (blood clots). Purified blood. Purified blood. Strengthened and toned uterus, ovaries, and cervix. Improved bowel movements. Minute to moderate weight release (especially if you need to release excess weight (waste); and if you dont, then you wont). Improved ability to conceive (if this is your desire). Healing of endometrium lining shedding imbalance. Uterine regeneration. Arrest of excessive vaginal blood flow conditions. Hormonal balancing.



*Consists of seven (7) potent, safe, and effective herbal formulas. (1) Anti-Styptic - Activity: An all-natural, safe and sane, herbal compound consisting of plants that arrests excessive blood flow. Ideal for use in situations of weakened uterus during pregnancy, spot bleeding while pregnant, hemorrhaging, rectal bleeding, excessive menstrual bleeding during menses; and all other uncontrollable bleeding situations. Ingredients: CRANESBILL, LADYS MANTLE, SHEPHERDS PURSE, YARROW, MANJISTHA, CAYENNE, PERIWINKLE, CINNAMON, REHMANNIA, CLOVES, GOLDENSEAL, AND BAYBERRY.

(2) Vaginal Maintenance - Activity: A powerful and effective compound for all vaginal diseases and disorders, especially vaginal warts and fetid vaginal discharges. Contains plants that help strengthen and sanitize the vagina. Helpful in STHC (sexually transmitted health challenges) infection. Ingredients: WHITE OAK BARK, RED RASPBERRY LEAF, BISTORT, CUBEB, WILD INDIGO, BLACK BERRY LEAF, MULLEIN, BAYBERRY, CRANESBILL, BLACK COHOSH, GOLDENSEAL, GUAIAC, BUCHU, WATER ERYNGO AND SQUAWVINE. (3) Menstrual Aid - Activity: Contains plants that address and reverse female menstrual complaints. Regulates and normalizes menstrual cycle; stops profuse bleeding; and helps eradicate all menstrual-related complaints over time. Ingredients: LADYS MANTLE, SHEPHERDS PURSE, MANJISTHA, CRAMPBARK, YARROW, BAYBERRY, RED CLOVER, BLACK HAW, RUE, PENNYROYAL, BETH ROOT, CAPSICUM, CRANESBILL, DONG QUAI, WILD YAM ROOT, BLACK COHOSH, HEAL-ALL HERB, CANADA SNAKE ROOT, SOLOMONS SEAL, AND RED


RASPBERRY LEAF. (4) Acid-Mucus Dissolver - Activity: Contains plants that greatly help to dissolve excessive acid buildup throughout the entire body. Great all mucus discharge conditions. Ingredients: UVA URSI, MULLEIN, CELERY SEED, GUDUCHI, SAFFRON, COMFREY, BURDOCK, AND DEVILS CLAW. (5) Cyst-Tumor Reducer - Activity: Contains plants that help to dissolve uterine and ovarian fibroid tumors. It must be taken for a while as dissolution takes some time, especially for fibroids the size of lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and cantaloupes. However, dissolution takes place due to the cleansing effect of the herbs in this formula once circulating throughout the female reproductive tract. Ingredients: ASHOKA, MUSTA, WHITE OAK BARK, BURDOCK, MANJISTHA, GOLDENSEAL, WITCH HAZEL BARK, RED CLOVER, DONG QUAI, RHATANY, YUCCA, CARBON, COMFREY ROOT, AND CAPSICUM. (6) Intestinal Tract Aid - Activity: An effective herbal colon cleanse that contains plants that detoxifies, rejuvenates, strengthens and nourishes

the colon. This formula also helps to stimulate peristalsis (bowel movement). Ingredients: SENNA LEAVES AND PODS, CASCARA SAGRADA, CARBON (ACTIVATED CHARCOAL), BUCKTHORN, PSYLLIUM HUSK, BLACK WALNUT HULLS, RHUBARB, IRISH MOSS, ALOE VERA, MANDRAKE, POKE ROOT, SLIPPERY ELM BARK, CAYENNE PEPPER, BENTONITE CLAY, GUAR GUM, GOLDENSEAL AND IPECAC ROOT. (7) Carbon [activated Charcoal] - Activity: Removes all the toxic residues we unwisely put into our bodies. FIBROID BUSTER TEA Dherbs.Com encourages every person performing the Fibroid Buster Cleanse to drink a cup of hot tea a day. The Fibroid Buster tea aids in the dissolution process of tumors. This is a great tea to drink throughout the day. Only available from Dherbs.Com! *Do not drink while pregnant or lactating. Ingredients: REHMANNIA, DONG QUAI, RED RASPBERRY LEAF, BURDOCK ROOT, GOLDENSEAL ROOT, BAYBERRY, MULLEIN

LEAF, CRANESBILL (ALUM ROOT), YARROW, CINNAMON, AND STEVIA. *Tea bags per container: 20 bags



Dherbs.Com uses Rose Quartz (the Crystal of Love) in this kit because most tumors energetically are a collection of old wounds and hurts centered around relationships, love, intimacy, and sex. The Second chakra (Sacral Plexus) links directly to the Fourth chakra. However, fibroid tumors and cysts are located in the Second Chakra so we advise that you place the crystal over your belly (on, beneath, or above your belly button). As the tumors dissolve, their toxic energy is transmuted into positive loving energy by the Rose Quartz (programmed to perform such activity). Rose Quartzs love frequency enhances the dissolution of tumors.

*Complete with instructions and a dietary regimen.


WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FIBROID BUSTER CLEANSE AND THE FULL BODY DETOX? The difference between the Fibroid Tumor Cleanse and Regimen and the Full Body Detox Cleanse and Regimen is that the Fibroid Tumor Cleanse and Regimen specifically targets fibroid tumor growths in/on the uterus, ovaries, and cervix; whereas the Full Body Detox Cleanse and Regimen is a thorough cleansing of the entire body with a major emphasis on cleansing the major eliminative channels of the body, i.e. colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. The Fibroid Tumor Cleanse and Regimen has a major focus and emphasis on shrinking and dissolving tumor growths in the female sexual reproductive system. It is always ideal to perform the 3-week Full Body Detox before performing any of our other 3-week cleanse and regimens, including the Fibroid Tumor Cleanse and Regimen. Performing the Full Body Detox Cleanse and Regimen enhances and facilitates the effects of our other kits and regimens.


WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FIBROID BUSTER CLEANSE AND THE TOTAL WOMAN CLEANSE? The Difference between the Fibroid Tumor Cleanse and Regimen and the Total Woman Cleanse and Regimen is that the Fibroid Tumor Cleanse and Regimen specifically targets fibroid tumor growths in/on the uterus, ovaries, and cervix; whereas the Total Woman Cleanse has a major emphasis on the entire female sexual reproductive system from the breasts to the vagina and addresses the endocrine (hormonal) system. Dherbs.Com Providing Solutions For Better Health!


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