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MySQL for Database Administrators 2008 version 1.


Course Information:

Course Name: MySQL for Database Administrators

Course Version: 2008v1.3

Curriculum Developer: Roland Bouman, roland@mysql.com

Date of this errata: June 4, 2008

Note that the slidenumbers and page references refer to the previous version of the materials (2007v1.2)

Changes in Slides and Instructor Guide:

slide# IG IG Description
section page
General: removed all references to mysql-nt
Chapter 1: Introduction
12 1.2.1 1-4 Changed “cluster” to “MySQL Cluster”
1.2.2 Added a “new tools” section and slide for MySQL Workbench and MySQL Proxy
16 1.2.3 1-6 Made better descriptions for drivers, added information on PDO and mysqlnd, split off
MX/J into a separate section and slide together with libmysqld (“Solutions for embedding
20 1.5 1-12 SCO no longer officially supported, removed from slide and guide
Chapter 2: MySQL Architecture
22,23 Redid Curriculum path slides to make the connections connect the boxes.
39 2.3 2-6 Added architecture overview from slide to book.
42-43 Provided better explanation of the server components
44 2.4 2-10 Updated and corrected data dir paths
46 - 47 2.5.1 2-13 Changed terminology of mem. Allocation categories
Chapter 3: The MySQL Server
3 Changed “tar.gz distribution” to “.tar.gz binary distribuion” and “compressed binary
78 3.4.4. 3-20 Removed lab icon from slide
82 3.5.2 3-22 Option file group [mysql] -> [mysqld]
88 Corrected syntax for !include and !includedir
LAB 3D 3-28 Corrected: “MySQL session” => “server restart”; Added new step 10 to reset the port to the
104 3.8.3 3-38 Typo: log tables => log table; Clarified the microseconds resolution for the slow log;
removed the (now unsupported) mysqldumpslow note
107 Used a more realistic name for the binlog ‘mysql-bin.000010', used a more realistic
expire_log_days value
3.9.1 3-43 Reworded difference between statement and row based replication
115 Removed deprecated data dir and index dir options for mysql_upgrade
3 3-48 Added missing quiz question numbers.
Chapter 4: MySQL Clients
122 Removed deprecated option –N, replaced with -- skip-column-names; fixed type: -user => -
- user
127 4.3.3 4-12 For ‘>, corrected: “Ends when next single quote is entered”
130 Added example with input redirection
Chapter 5: Overview of Datatypes
5 Added Summary slide to data types chapter
158 5.2.2. 5-4 Added and explained all forms of FLOAT data type syntax, corrected example, corrected
meaning of precision and scale parameters
5.2.3 5-6 Fixed the ranges for DECIMAL precision and scale
166 5.3.1 5-12 Rmoved length spec for TEXT types, all sizes in octets
172 5.4 5-19 Added “VARBINARY”, Removed length spec for all BLOB types
187 5.7 5-29 Clarified when the NULL column attribute is allowed
194 5.7.3 5-34 Reworded the bullet re. choosing a multi-byte charset to be less ambigous; fixed typo (utc2
=> ucs2)
Chapter 7: Locking and transactions
213 Fixed the chapter order on all toc slides
218 7.1.3 7-3 Fixed typ for row locking
222 7.2.2 7-5 Title changed, “Locking reads” -> “Explicit row locks”
226 7.3 7-8 Error in description of result of last step (returns 1, not free => returns 1, is free)
7.5 Added a section and slide to explain some statements implicitly commit and thereby end
the current transaction
235 7.6.2 7-16 Fixed an error in the SQL statement (CountryCode = 'Sakila' => Name = 'Sakila')
236 7.6.2 7-17 Made the phantom read scenario use the world database
7.6.2 Added a non-repeatable read scenario
LAB 7B 7-18 Step 5: corrected session, session 1 => session 2
7-20 Quiz, question 7; Proposed solution was wrong (did not account for TRUNCATE
immediately committing)
Chapter 8: Storage Engines
Added a number of missing pictures into the guide
252 8.2.2 8-8 Removed detailed discussion of compressed MyISAM tables from the storage engine
262 8.3.1 8-16 Reworded how tablespace may be configured in an option file, reworded how an explicit
file location may be specified
264 8.3.2 8-17 Added missing graph to book, clarified when disk sync happens
268 8.3.4 8-19 Clarified InnDB storage limits, changed to B+tree, reworded ACID compliant
279, 285 8.5.4, 8-25, Removed small storage engine comparison charts, added one large storage engine
8.5.6 8-25 comparision chart at the end of the chapter.
287-288 8.6 8-29 Fixed error on slide (use MEMORY tables for oft required data); type in guide (--skip-
<engine> not for mysql client but mysql server); reworded and explained workload per
storage engine.
290 8-33 Further practice: used proper capitalization for table names; step 4: added “no
auto_increment columns”
Chapter 9: Partitioning
9.4.2 9-12 Corrected statement to et status of orders_hash table
331 Fixed duplicate partition name in diagram
339 9.9 9-21 Added NDB partitioning limitations
342 9.9.1 9-22 Added note to indicate DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY for a partition
definition are only valid on unix-like systems.
348 9.10 9-24 Better explained partitioning and locking, removed engine specific remarks
350 9.11 9-25 Fixed error: partitioning expression can *not* have TEXT or BLOB olumns for KEY
Chapter 10: Table Maintenance
357 Changed order of table maintenance actions (CHECKSUM last)
10.2.3 10-5 Fixed type, USE_FROM => USE_FRM
Chapter 11: Exporting and Importing Data
382 Used more orhtodox line end
Chapter 12: Data Back-up and recovery
12 Changed chapter title “DATA BACK-UPAND RECOVERY” to “Backup and Recovery”
400 12.3.1 12-5 Clarified platform porability requirements
401 12.3.1 12-5 Better description concerning size of text backups, Removed benchmark (not enoughj
context/ supporting evidence)
402 12..3.2 12-5 Better explanation of requirements to take raw backup
403 12.3.3 12-6 Changed “Scalebility” to “Availability”
404 12.3.4 12-6 Better explained possible lag of slave
405 12.3.5 12-7 Better exlanation of runtime control of binary logging
408 Better explained database availability when doing a snapshot backup
410 Used more realistic paths and command line
414 12.5.3 12-13 Conditions for binary portability explained
416/417 12.6 12-15 Slideboxes were in the wrong order
419 12.7 12-20 Restructured and clarified backup of log and status files
421 12.9 12-22 Split column ‘Type’ into ‘Logical vs Physical’ and ‘Consistent’;Added extra entry to
backup chart for ‘mysqldump|Hot|InnoDB|Logical|Yes|Freely’
FP 12 12-27 Fixed wrong markup (bullet shown in windings), Moved task to recreate data directory
from step 13 to step 12, added step 14 to make the server run using the grant tables again
Chapter 13: Stored Routines
13 Solution was misnumbered as 12; fixed dash before option mysqld -skip-grant-tables –
443 Removed repeated information on calling routines
449 13.10 13-22 Fixed typo ELSE IF => ELSEIF
LAB 13I 13-35 Changed the procedure to not use SHOW (as this syntax is no longer allowed for cursor
declarations), added a note to explain the example is purely illustrative and is flawed in any
real world situation
465 13.13.2 13-39 Clarified that stored procedures can offer better performance in case it saves roundtrips
13 FP 13-41 Fixed broken picture
Chapter 14: Triggers and Events
14.3 Added more detailed information on the EVENT syntax, added detailed description of
schedule syntax, added note that even scheduler thread can be turned on and off, provided
better explanation of the effect of scheduling
475 Moved to lab 14 A
478 Fixed typo: Exisits => exists; Restructured slide to distinguish dropping triggers implicitly
or explicitly
Chapter 15: Security and User management
510 Fixed layout of slide, result fell off.
516 15.4.2 15-15 Changed wording to better express relationship between username and hostname in an
526 Corrected error: stored routines reside in a schema / database – not a table.
Chapter 16: Views
552 16.1 16-2 Reworded text, restructured slides; Introduced terminology (‘base table’) to better
distinguish views from tables. Added DEFINER and SQL SECURITY clauses to syntax
models; added new section to explain SQL SECURITY and DEFINER;
16.3 16-6 Changed intstructor note to better explain when a view is not updateable.
Chapter 17: Query Performance
567 17.1 17-2 Added missing picture to guide
569 Restructured and clarified principles of index creation
590 Added explanations for the EXPLAIN extra output, added ‘Using join buffer’, removed the
‘Using filesort’ and ‘Using temporary’ as indicators of worst performance, marked ‘Range
checked for each record’ as indicator of worst performance
FP 17 17-25 Moved steps 8-11 to chapter 19 as LAB 19 A
Chapter 18: Optimizing Databases
613 18.3.2 18-15 Added detailed instructions to compress MyISAM tables, added an extra slide describing
the process in detail
622-624 18.3.4 18-21 Redid the slides and book to better explain MAX_ROWS and
625 18.4 18-22 Clarified the bullet on “rebuilding the table” and “grouping multiple statements”
627 18.5 18-24 Reworded (DROP instead of remove)
Chapter 19: Server optimization
637 Removed typo (“)”)
643 19.3.3 19-15 Moved all references to key_buffer
645 Typo: innodb_log_pool_size. => innodb_log_buffer_size
19-23 Removed duplicate quiz question 11
Chapter 20: Managing multiple servers
657 Added note for platform specific items
662 Use proper capitalization: Relay-log.info => relay-log.info
667 Added platform specific note where applicable

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