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3/25/2013 6:39:34 glade

3/25/2013 6:50:33 Larceny

3/25/2013 6:51:29 consented

3/25/2013 6:55:51 hypocrisy

3/25/2013 6:58:55 ballestics

Meaning a glade or clearing is an open area within a woodland. Glades are often grassy meadows under the canopy of deciduous trees such as red alder or quaking aspen in western North America. They also represent openings in forests where local conditions such as avalanches, poor soils, or fire damage have created semi-permanent clearings. They are very important to herbivorous animals, such as deer and elk, for forage and denning activities Larceny is a crime involving the wrongful acquisition of the personal property of another person One of the defining characteristics of larceny is that it is nonviolent. If someone breaks into a car and steals it, this is larceny. If someone happens to be in the car at the time, it becomes a carjacking. The absence of violence makes larceny less heavily punished than crimes like robbery, which involve active violence against people or property. to give assent or permission to permit, approve, or comply; agree, as to an expressed wish or a proposed action Hypocrisy is the state of promoting or trying to enforce standards, attitudes, lifestyles, virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually hold. a person who pretends to be what he is not(N) The study of the dynamics of projectiles. b. The study of the flight characteristics of projectiles. 2. a. The study of the functioning of firearms. b. The study of the firing, flight, and effects of ammunition.



3/25/2013 7:02:39 stippling

3/25/2013 7:08:30 titan

3/25/2013 7:09:38 misnomer

3/25/2013 7:21:05 snapping

Meaning . To draw, engrave, or paint in dots or short strokes. 2. To apply (paint, for example) in dots or short stroke make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink One of a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaea, who sought to rule heaven and were overthrown and supplanted by the family of Zeus. 2. titan One of prodigious size, strength, or achievement. a person of great strength or size An error in naming a person or place. 2. a. Application of a wrong name. b. A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object. an incorrect or unsuitable name or term for a person or thing 2. the act of referring to a person by the wrong name Break or cause to break suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound. Emit a sudden, sharp cracking sound.. chutki bajana



3/25/2013 7:24:30 deserted

3/25/2013 7:27:10 gig

3/25/2013 7:29:24 cakewalk

Meaning Abandon (a person, cause, or organization) in a way considered disloyal or treacherous. (of a number of people) Leave (a place), causing it to appear empty. A barren or desolate area, especially: a. A dry, often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation. b. A region of permanent cold that is largely or entirely devoid of life. c. An apparently lifeless area of water. 2. An empty or forsaken place; a wasteland: a cultural desert. 3. Archaic A wild, uncultivated, and uninhabited region. A light two-wheeled carriage pulled by one horse. A live performance by or engagement for a musician or group playing popular music. A harpoonlike device used for catching fish or frogs. Verb Travel in a gig. Perform a gig or gigs. Catch fish or frogs using such a device. very easy Something easily accomplished: Winning the race was a cakewalk for her. 2. A 19th-century public entertainment among African Americans in which walkers performing the most accomplished or amusing steps won cakes as prizes. 3. a. A strutting dance, often performed in minstrel shows. b. The music for this dance.



3/25/2013 7:34:28 felicity

3/25/2013 7:35:26 babble 3/25/2013 7:36:57 latte

3/25/2013 7:38:01 salvage

Meaning Intense happiness. The ability to find appropriate expression for one's thoughts. Synonyms happiness - bliss - luck blessedness - fortune - joy pleasing and appropriate manner or style (especially manner or style of expression) state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Talk rapidly and continuously in a foolish, excited, or incomprehensible way: "he would babble on in Spanish". form of italian coffie The rescue of a ship, its crew, or its cargo from fire or shipwreck. b. The ship, crew, or cargo so rescued. c. Compensation given to those who voluntarily aid in such a rescue. 2. a. The act of saving imperiled property from loss. b. The property so saved. 3. Something saved from destruction or waste and put to further use. tr.v. salvaged, salvaging, salvages 1. To save from loss or destruction. 2. To save (discarded or damaged material) for further use.


3/25/2013 7:40:25

3/25/2013 7:43:13

3/25/2013 8:01:50

3/25/2013 8:08:47

3/25/2013 8:13:17

Meaning To move away from a group, deviate from the correct course, or go beyond established limits. b. To become lost. 2. To wander about without a destination or purpose; roam. See Synonyms at wander. 3. To follow a winding course; meander. 4. To deviate from a moral, proper, or right course; err. 5. To become diverted from a subject or train of thought; d . to wander away, as from the correct path or from a stray given area Adjective Disgustingly dirty. Adverb To an extreme and often disgusting extent: "he is filthy rich". Synonyms foul - nasty - sordid filthy unclean - smutty - squalid A member of a selfappointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority. a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively. Vigilantes usually join together to form vigilante groups. These days it's used in a to take someone literal way of saying "to the woodshed" someone is being punished. A strap or cord for restraining and guiding a dog or other domestic leash animal




3/25/2013 8:17:05 alibi

3/25/2013 8:20:44 gazillion

Meaning A claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place. An alibi is a form of defense used in criminal procedure wherein the accused attempts to prove that he or she was in some other place at the time the alleged offense was committed. Law. the defense by an accused person of having been elsewhere when an offense was committed. 2. an excuse, esp. to avoid blame. 3. a person used as one's excuse. v.i. 4. to give an excuse; offer a defense. Number A very large number or quantity (used humorously or for emphasis): "I'd like to sell gazillions of books". to assault or menace, usu. with intent to rob. to be robbed of your personal belongings by a stranger when you are walking down the road. "Man, I was walking back from my mates house last night and this guy took my wallet and my cell phone. I can't believe I got mugged." verb - to be drunk. A Scottish slang word for being intoxicated. 'Alison had 8 jager-bombs last night, needless to say, she was mugged by To take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust. to appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use <embezzled thousands of dollars> A ten-cent coin. A small amount of money.

3/25/2013 8:23:04 mugged

3/25/2013 8:28:56 embezzled 3/25/2013 8:31:54 dime



3/25/2013 8:34:43 atone

3/25/2013 8:45:10 grinning

3/25/2013 8:48:50 habeas corpus

3/25/2013 8:51:18 hyphenate

3/25/2013 9:11:02 ski mask 3/25/2013 9:17:36 scraped off

3/25/2013 9:19:03 barge

Meaning To make amends, as for a sin or fault: These crimes must be atoned for. 2. Archaic To agree. v.tr. 1. To expiate. to make amends or reparation (for a crime, sin, etc.) make amends for; "expiate one's sins" Smile broadly, esp. in an unrestrained manner and with the mouth open. Grimace or appear to grimace grotesquely in a way that reveals the teeth. To smile broadly, often baring the teeth, as in amusement, glee, embarrassment, or other strong emotion. v.tr. To express with a grin: I : a writ for bringing an accused from a different county into a court in the place where a crime had been committed for purposes of trial, or more literally to return holding the body for purposes of deliberation and receipt of a decision. To divide or connect (syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen. A balaclava (pron.: /blklv/), also known as a balaclava helmet or ski mask, is a form of cloth headgear that covers the whole head, exposing only part of the face. Often, only the eyes, or eyes and mouth, are left exposed. The name "balaclava" comes from the town of Balaklava, near Sevastopol in Crimea, Ukraine.[1] remove the upper part To move about clumsily. 2. To intrude or interrupt, especially rudely: barged into the meeting.



3/25/2013 9:20:50 aggravated

3/25/2013 9:25:43 trespassing

3/25/2013 9:30:22 menace

3/25/2013 9:33:07 yachts

3/25/2013 9:36:00 ludicrous

Meaning To make worse or more troublesome. 2. To rouse to exasperation or anger; provoke. aw. characterized by some feature that makes the crime more serious: aggravated a To commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err. 2. Law To commit an unlawful injury to the person, property, or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto another's land wrongfully. 3. To infringe on the privacy, time, or attention of another: 1. a. A possible danger; a threat: the menace of nuclear war. b. The act of threatening. 2. A troublesome or annoying person: a toddler who was a menace in a shop full of crystal. v. menaced, menacing, menaces v.tr. 1. To utter threats against. 2. To constitute a threat to; endanger. v.intr. To make threats. A yacht /jt/ is a recreational boat or ship. The term originated from the Dutch Jacht meaning "hunt". [note 1] It was originally defined as a light fast sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to pursue pirates and other transgressors around and into the shallow waters of the Low Countries So foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing. Synonyms ridiculous - laughable absurd - funny - comical



3/25/2013 9:40:57 precinct

3/25/2013 9:42:18 subdue

3/25/2013 9:45:07 wrecks

3/25/2013 9:51:56 seclusion

3/25/2013 23:29: 53 accustomed

3/26/2013 16:37: 19 brunch

3/26/2013 16:46: 10 scoin

Meaning A precinct is a space enclosed by the walls or other boundaries of a particular place or building, or by an arbitrary and imaginary line drawn around it. The term has several different uses. It can, for example, refer to a division of a police department in a large city (either to the area patrolled or to the police station itself). Overcome or bring under control (a feeling or person). Bring (a country or people) under control by force. Synonyms subjugate - subject suppress - conquer repress . To cause the destruction of in or as if in a collision. 2. To dismantle or raze; tear down. 3. To cause to undergo ruin or disaster. See Synonyms at blast, ruin. See Usage Note at wreak. v.intr. 1. To suffer destruction or ruin; become wrecked. 1. an act of secluding. 2. the state of being secluded; solitude. 3. a secluded place. Frequently practiced, used, or experienced; customary: answered with his accustomed modesty. See Synonyms at usual. 2. Being in the habit of: I am accustomed to sleeping late. 3. Having been adapted to the existing environment and conditions: eyes not accustomed to desert sun. Brunch is a meal eaten between breakfast and lunch, and is a substitute for both these meals. A young shoot or twig of a plant, esp. one cut for grafting or rooting. A descendant of a notable family. Synonyms shoot - offspring - offshoot descendant - sprout



3/26/2013 16:47: 50 consolidated

3/26/2013 16:56: 57 prodigal

3/26/2013 16:57: 35 subtle

3/26/2013 17:01: 50 abrupt

3/26/2013 17:45: 01 pavement

3/26/2013 17:52: 51 blunt

3/26/2013 17:53: 43 recuperating

Meaning Verb Make (something) physically stronger or more solid. Reinforce or strengthen (one's position or power). Adjective Spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant. Noun A person who spends money in a recklessly extravagant way. Synonyms adjective. lavish - profuse extravagant - wasteful spendthrift noun. spendthrift - waster wastrel - spender squanderer (esp. of a change or distinction) So delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe. (of a mixture or effect) Delicately complex and understated. Synonyms subtile - fine - delicate - nice - sharp Sudden and unexpected. Brief to the point of rudeness; curt. Synonyms sudden - steep unexpected - sharp brusque - bluff Any paved area or surface. The hard surface of a road or street. Synonyms sidewalk - paving (of a knife, pencil, etc.) Having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp. Verb Make or become less sharp: "wood can blunt your ax"; "the edge may blunt very rapidly". Synonyms adjective. dull - obtuse verb. dull Recover from illness or exertion. Recover or regain (something lost or taken): "they will recuperate the returns that go with investment".



3/26/2013 17:57: 47 prunning

3/26/2013 18:04: 06 glitchy

3/26/2013 18:04: 49 confiscated

3/26/2013 18:06: 21 crucible

3/26/2013 18:09: 06 conviction

3/26/2013 18:33: 18 fury

3/26/2013 18:37: 14 merger

Meaning Trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, esp. to increase fruitfulness and growth. Cut away (a branch or stem) in this way. A minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem; a snag: a computer glitch; a navigational glitch; a glitch in the negotiations. 2. A false or spurious electronic signal caused by a brief, unwanted surge of electric power. 3. Astronomy A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star. Take or seize (someone's property) with authority. Take (a possession, esp. land) as a penalty and give it to the public treasury. A ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures. A place or occasion of severe test or trial: "the crucible of combat". Synonyms melting pot A formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court... A firmly held belief or opinion. Synonyms belief - persuasion condemnation - opinion confidence Wild or violent anger. A surge of violent anger or other feeling. Synonyms rage - wrath - anger - frenzy - madness - ire - violence A combination of two things, esp. companies, into one. Synonyms fusion - amalgamation consolidation - union



Meaning A medieval military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th... Verb Lead or take part in a campaign concerning a social, political, or religious issue Verb Form small creases or wrinkles in the surface of something, esp. the skin of the face as the result of a facial expression. Noun A wrinkle or crease found on the surface of something: "there was a crinkle of suspicion on her forehead". Synonyms verb. wrinkle - crumple corrugate - crease - pucker ruffle noun. crease - wrinkle pucker - fold - ruck A violent windy storm. Synonyms storm - gale - hurricane squall - thunderstorm (of a person) Dishonest or suspect: "he knew the guy was hinky". (of an object) Unreliable: "my brakes are a little hinky". Inquire too inquisitively into a person's private affairs: "I'm sick of you prying into my personal life". Use force in order to move or open (something) or to separate (something) from something else: "he pried open the window".

3/26/2013 18:42: 01 crusade

3/26/2013 18:46: 02 crinkle

3/26/2013 18:50: 19 tempest

3/26/2013 18:50: 48 hinky

3/26/2013 18:51: 24 prying



3/26/2013 18:56: 38 impromptu

3/26/2013 19:08: 31 bug

3/27/2013 3:37:09 juvenile

3/27/2013 3:38:23 generously

3/27/2013 3:45:06 priors

Meaning Done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed: "an impromptu press conference". Noun A short piece of instrumental music, esp. a solo, that is reminiscent of an improvisation. Synonyms adjective. extemporaneous - improvised - extemporary extempore noun. improvisation extemporization Noun A small insect. Verb Conceal a miniature microphone in (a room, telephone, etc.) in order to monitor or record someone's conversations. Synonyms bedbug - beetle - insect chinch Adjective Of, for, or relating to young people. Noun A young person. Synonyms adjective. youthful - young adolescent noun. stripling - youngster adolescent - youth - lad Liberal in giving or sharing. See Synonyms at liberal. 2. Characterized by nobility and forbearance in thought or behavior; magnanimous. 3. Marked by abundance; ample: a generous slice of cake. 4. Having a rich bouquet and flavor: a generous wine. 5. Obsolete Of noble lineage. A previous criminal conviction: "he had no priors". A man who is head of a house or group of houses of certain religious orders, in particular.



3/27/2013 3:45:23 discretion

3/27/2013 3:50:45 divulge

3/27/2013 3:54:26 snuggler

3/27/2013 19:31: 57 irreparable

3/27/2013 19:32: 30 botched

3/27/2013 19:33: 03 famished 3/27/2013 19:33: 46 arsonist

3/27/2013 19:34: 18 lunatic

Meaning the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid social embarrassment or distress 2. freedom or authority to make judgments and to act as one sees fit (esp in the phrases at one's own discretion, at the discretion of) age or years of discretion the age at which a person is considered to be able to manage his own affairs Make known (private or sensitive information). Synonyms disclose - reveal - publish betray - expose Web definitions A sleeved blanket is a bodylength blanket with sleeves usually made of fleece material. It is similar in design to a bathrobe that is... Adjective (of an injury or loss) Impossible to rectify or repair. Synonyms irrecoverable - irretrievable irremediable Carry out (a task) badly or carelessly: "a botched attempt to kill them". Patch or repair (an object or damage) clumsily. Adjective Extremely hungry. Synonyms hungry - ravenous - starved - starveling - sharp-set a criminal who illegally sets fire to property. Noun A mentally ill person (not in technical use). Adjective Mentally ill (not in technical use). Synonyms noun. madman - maniac bedlamite adjective. mad - crazy insane - demented - loony moonstruck



3/27/2013 19:34: 45 bait

3/27/2013 19:35: 17 eavesdropping

3/27/2013 19:35: 43 deception

3/27/2013 19:36: 24 intimidation

3/27/2013 19:37: 56 astonish

3/27/2013 19:38: 24 attorney

3/27/2013 19:38: 47 culinary 3/27/2013 19:39: 21 infatuation

3/27/2013 19:39: 42 taser

Meaning Noun Food used to entice fish or other animals as prey. Verb Deliberately annoy or taunt (someone): "the boys reveled in baiting him about his love of literature". Synonyms noun. lure - decoy enticement verb. entice - lure - allure Verb Secretly listen to a conversation: "she opened the window enough to eavesdrop on the conversation Noun The action of deceiving someone. A thing that deceives. Synonyms deceit - fraud - delusion cheat - trick - trickery bullying: the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something. Verb Surprise or impress (someone) greatly. Synonyms astound - amaze - surprise flabbergast - stupefy Noun A person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters. A lawyer. Synonyms lawyer - solicitor - barrister advocate - counsel culinary /klner/ Adjective Of or for cooking: "culinary skills" a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love or admiration Noun A weapon firing barbs attached by wires to batteries, causing temporary paralysis. Verb Fire a taser at (someone) in order to incapacitate them temporarily



3/27/2013 19:40: 12 sabotaged

3/27/2013 19:40: 38 intruder 3/27/2013 19:41: 09 odyssey

3/27/2013 19:41: 33 lease

3/27/2013 19:41: 51 puke

3/27/2013 19:42: 16 crusade

3/28/2013 12:53: 15 confide

Meaning Deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something). Noun A person who intrudes, esp. into a building with criminal intent. Synonyms interloper - invade Noun A long and eventful journey. Noun A contract by which one party conveys land, property, services, etc., to another for a specified time, usually in return for a periodic... Verb Grant (property) on lease; let. Synonyms noun. hire - rent - tenancy leasing - leasehold verb. rent - hire - let charter - let out - take a lease Verb Vomit: "I had eaten to the point of puking"; "he puked up his pizza". Noun Vomit. Synonyms verb. vomit - spew - throw up - disgorge - spue noun. vomit - spew Noun A medieval military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th... Verb Lead or take part in a campaign concerning a social, political, or religious issue. Verb Tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others. Trust (someone) enough to tell them of such a secret or private matter. Synonyms trust - entrust - intrust - rely consign - commit



3/28/2013 12:53: 39 trifle

3/28/2013 12:54: 07 precinct 3/28/2013 12:54: 32 extorts

3/28/2013 12:54: 58 lingering

3/28/2013 12:57: 31 brooding

3/28/2013 16:32: 53 brooding

3/28/2013 16:34: 13 etiquette

Meaning Noun A thing of little value or importance. Verb Treat (someone or something) without seriousness or respect. Synonyms noun. bagatelle verb. jest - dally Noun A district of a city or town as defined for police purposes. The police station situated in such a subdivision. Synonyms district Obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means. Adjective Lasting for a long time or slow to end. Synonyms long - slow - prolonged protracted noun :-sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body. adj:-Showing deep unhappiness of thought. Appearing darkly menacing. deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man"; noun :-sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body. adj:-Showing deep unhappiness of thought. Appearing darkly menacing. deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man"; Noun The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. Synonyms label - tag - ticket - decorum



4/6/2013 14:11:49 Epitome

4/8/2013 15:37:27 scoff

4/8/2013 15:39:09 toady 4/8/2013 15:41:29 shrewish

4/8/2013 15:41:53 nagging

4/8/2013 15:43:16 blatant

Meaning A person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type: "she is the epitome of elegance and taste". A summary of a written work; an abstract. Synonyms abstract - summary abridgment - abridgement synopsis Verb Speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way: "department officials scoffed at the allegations". Eat (something) quickly and greedily: "she scoffed down several chops". Noun An expression of scornful derision. Food. Synonyms verb. mock - jeer - deride gibe - sneer - ridicule - flout noun. mockery - derision ridicule - taunt - gibe - jeer Noun A person who behaves obsequiously to someone important. Verb Act in an obsequious way. Synonyms noun. sycophant bootlicker - lickspittle groveller verb. fawn - adulate - flatter (of a woman) Bad-tempered or aggressively assertive (of a person) Constantly harassing someone to do something Adjective (of bad behavior) Done openly and unashamedly: "blatant lies". Completely lacking in subtlety; very obvious. Synonyms noisy - loud - obstreperous



4/8/2013 15:50:00 superficial

4/8/2013 15:50:57 deity

4/8/2013 15:52:02 harradian

4/8/2013 15:52:36 Hale

4/11/2013 17:45: 29 Grim

4/11/2013 17:46: 50 massacred

Meaning ity Web definitions lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling. wordnetweb.princeton. edu/perl/webwn ial Adjective Existing or occurring at or on the surface: "superficial damage". Situated or occurring on the skin or immediately beneath it. Synonyms shallow - perfunctory cursory - skin-deep sketchy Noun A god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion): "a deity of ancient Greece". Divine status, quality, or nature: "a ruler driven by delusions of deity". Synonyms divinity - godhead - god Noun A strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman: "a bullying old harridan". Synonyms hag - witch - crone Adjective (of a person) Strong and healthy. Verb Drag or draw forcibly: "he haled an old man out of the audience". Synonyms adjective. robust - sound healthy - lusty - strong hearty verb. pull - drag - draw haul - lug - trail - tug Forbidding or uninviting. (of humor) Lacking genuine levity; mirthless; black. Synonyms stern - severe - cruel - fierc Deliberately and violently kill (a large number of people). Inflict a heavy defeat on (a sports team or contestant).



4/11/2013 17:47: 13 whimpering

4/11/2013 17:48: 11 forbid

4/11/2013 17:48: 45 condemned

4/11/2013 17:49: 48 Ragged

4/11/2013 17:50: 30 generous

4/11/2013 17:51: 04 pervert

Meaning (of a person or animal) Make a series of low, feeble sounds expressive of fear, pain, or discontent. Say something in a low, feeble voice expressive of such emotions: "He's not dead, is he? she whimpered". Refuse to allow (something). Order (someone) not to do something: "my doctor has forbidden me to eat sugar". Synonyms prohibit - ban - interdict - bar - inhibit - debar Express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure. Sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, esp. death: "the rebels had been condemned to death". (of cloth or clothes) Old and torn. (of a person) Wearing such clothes: "a ragged child". Synonyms tattered - rough - rugged torn - uneven - shabby (of a person) Showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. Showing kindness toward others. Synonyms liberal - bounteous bountiful - munificent - lavish Alter (something) from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended. Noun A person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable. Synonyms verb. distort - corrupt garble - vitiate - debauch deprave noun. apostate - renegade

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