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A sage has rightly said," Think twice before you leap".

Certainly one has to think of the consequences that will follow before doing anything. I strongly agree with this contention. This understanding is applicable not only to the field on decision making on the scale of global politics but also to our day to day life.

One can argue that our reflex actions, though not taken by conscious thinking, are useful. Though these actions are instant, the brain has embraced these instant reactions through million years of evolution. They are taken instantly because over period of years brain has confirmed that these actions are always advantageous in adverse and exigent situations. Thus reflex actions are developed through a long period with the understanding of the consequences.

Complex and perplexing issues regarding global politics are always made through a thorough analysis keeping in mind the socioeconomic consequences of that matter. In the nuclear age, every country has to move on a safe path while making any international deals. Any bad move in relation to these deals may cause a permanent damage to the nation. Geopolitical acumen is the important understanding in dealing with such issues. Similarly when lawmakers pass the legislatures they should think the broader perspective of it. While passing a bill on women reservations in Parliament, they should think whether this law would ensure more participation from all strata of society or merely the higher class will get benefited. They should modify it accordingly.

In our day to day life, we often blurt out our discontent in inopportune situations. We dig up, due to lack of thought, minor issues with our friends when they are in a grief and thus though we intend not to exacerbate the situation, it is exacerbated. The relationship becomes weak and we, then, permanently alienate a good friend. But if we choose the right moment to express our minor discontent about friends' behavior then we eliminate the chance of breakage of friendship.

Similarly, we should not give in to the delusive advertisements on electric and electronic products. Before buying any product we should see the pros and cons of it. We should ascertain that the product is more economical, more efficient than any other product. But most of the time people choose, without discrimination, on basis of lofty advertisement, some inferior quality product that they resent when it doesn't perform well on their expectations. Then this is incorrigible and they are forced to use that product.

In sum, not surprisingly, it is advisable to think of consequences before taking any crucial step. Thus our volition makes the foundation of any choice we make. In order to avoid future difficulties we should thrive for making a valid decision according to the situation and thorough analysis.

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