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Subjects: I am me have You are you have He is him has She is her has It is it has We are us have You

are you have They are them have Days of Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Season: Fall (Outono) Spring (Primavera) Summer (Vero) Winter (Inverno) Auxiliary for Interrogatives Questions: What - O que? What time - Qual tempo/horrio.. Who - Quem? What kind of - Qual o tipo de.. Whose - De quem? How much - Quanto.. Where - Onde? How many - Quantos.. When - Quando? How long - Quanto tempo.. Why - Porque? How often - Com qual frequncia.. Which - Qual? How far - Quo distante.. How - Como? How old - Quantos anos.. Auxiliary Verbs: Can/Cant: I cant get in. Eu no posso entrar. Could/Couldnt: I could be right. Eu poderia estar certo. Will/Wont: I wont kiss her. Eu no vou beijar ela. Would/Wouldnt: I would like to go with you. Eu gostaria de ir com voc. Should/Shouldnt: You really should do that. Voc realmente deveria fazer aquilo. Must/Must not: I must do this. Eu preciso fazer isso. May/May not: May I get in? Poderia entrar? Might/Might not: Might I get in? Poderia entrar? *The difference between: Will and Going to/Gonna 1. Will = H possibilidade de acontecer. 2. Going to/Gonna: certeza que ir acontecer. Family: Mother - Me

Cousin - Primo Father -Pai Niece - Sobrinha Brother - Irmo Nephew - Sobrinho Sister - Irm Grandmother - Av Son - Filho Grandfather - Av Daughter - Filha Granddaughter - Neta Aunt - Tia Grandson - Neto Uncle - Tio other-in-Law - Sogra Prepositions of Place and Adverbs of Movement: Above/Below - Acima/Abaixo Front of/Behind - Na frente/Atrs Among - Entre Over/Under - Sobre/Sob Next To - Perto Through - Atravs On/Off - Ligado/Desligado Between - Entre Across - Atravs In/Out - Dentro/For a Across From - Em frente de Towards - Em direo Up/Down - Em cima/Em baixo Near/Far - Perto/Longe Right/Left - Direita/Esquerda At - Em With/Without - Com/Sem To/For - Para/Para By/About - Perto/Quase Before/After - Antes/Depois *The difference: Between and Among is: 1. Between = Entre duas coisas. Exemplo: He shared his money between Jack and Alexa. 2. Among = Entre vrias coisas. Exemplo: Her exam results put her among the top 10% of students in ther group. Articles: This - Este/Isto That - Esse/Essa These - Estes/Estas Those - Aqueles

Links Words: By the way - A propsito Anyway - De qualquer maneira Therefore - Portanto However - Contudo Although - Embora But - Mas

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