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2013 Twitty Award Winner

Sean Patrick Flanery

For Social Fitness

Congratulations to Mr. Sean Flanery on being awarded this years Twitty Award.
This is the second year of the Twitty Award. Last years recipient, Wendy Shepherd, received the honor in the category of PR. The Twitty returns and once again recognizes one of our own for outstanding achievement through Social Media. The recipient this year is awarded in the category of Social Fitness. Social Fitness is not limited to just physical fitness. There is so much more to be considered. A person is composed of many things. The physical aspect being on the outside, but their mental and emotional fitness help shape who they are as well. Our Twitty winner is an individual who, through the use of Social Media and personal contact, has helped countless individuals make healthier decisions in their lives. His compassion to help others is expressed through his Blog, as well as his almost daily advice on Twitter. His motto, Shine Until Tomorrow, also the name of his blog, has been adopted by his extended family online. On the pages that follow, several members of this extended family have provided testimonials to Mr. Flanery explaining why he was so deserving of this award. Whether it was inspiration to lose weight, guidance to overcome obstacles or just the right amount of support given at the right timethe circumstances may be different, but the message are all the same. The message being Thank you. Once again, Congratulations Mr. Flanery and thank you, from all of us.

Testimonials & Thanks

Dear Sean,
They say there are two kinds of people in the world. Those that will lead and those that will follow. Wouldnt life be simple if everyone fell into pre-sorted definitions? Simple, but boringly predictable as well. Knowing, or thinking you know, everything about a person, about yourself, without ever having to find out if the definition was ever even correct. So many of us put ourselves into our own pre-sorted definition. We are supposed to be the way we are. We cant change the path weve taken. Our lives and our failures were meant to be. You know what utter nonsense that is and despite a career in acting, a business that you love and god forbid, a personal life..You take the time to try and help us see what nonsense that is too. Changing a persons beliefs, especially about themselves, isnt an easy thing to do. Yet you give it your all, and fortunately, you get through to some of us. Your tweets, your Twempirians, your blogs, your sincerity and even your sometimes brutal honesty, have helped me to realize what I could have been capable of all along. You pointed me in the direction to go, but Im the one taking the journey now. I think the most important thing youve helped me to see is that if I fail in one moment, it doesnt mean Ill fail in the next one. As long as I keep moving forward, keep Shining, Ill never truly fail at all. Even though technically, myself and so many others follow you, your motivation means that in reality, we are leading the way and you are following us, just to give the occasional inspirational nudge if needed. Thank you so much for that. Hopefully you know how appreciated it is.

Your Self-adopted Twitter Sis Vanessa - @TheLadyBlood

Dear Sean, When I first found Flandus Fandom, it was literally the worst time of my life. My husband had left me with a ton of mess. Needless to say I started eating, I had been the heaviest that Ive ever been in my life. I looked horrid. I felt worse. I was borderline diabetic and had a host of other problems. I literally fell into your fandom and found out that I wasnt lost. I found a group of people that didnt care about him. That like me for me. They all told me all about you, I was a bit intimidated at first because I had been overweight since puberty. I have tried everything to lose the weight. 25 years and no results. But really hadnt been as motivated since I started reading your blogs and realized that I can do it. So I started reading on what makes you gain and started my lifestyle change. And for the first time in my life, Ive actually found my path to a new healthier me! Its been a year now, 65lbs down. Still working on another 50 more and I know I can do it! You can see the change in me and its dramatic. Im healthier and happier! I just wish I could see you this year to show you, but I wont be able to. Maybe next year. I know that when I did meet you last year at FNFF in KY it was incredible. You were so nice, friendly, of course seriously handsome and you actually took time to talk to me. Thank you for your kindness and your encouragement.

Dear Sean, Thank you for all your support and help with Nick Leonard. He is still doing BJJ. He came out of class with a bloody nose last night and just shrugged it off. Hes had a few minor bully problems this year and I said to him, "What did Sean tell you? To nugget right? That it will only take once." Hes afraid he would get suspended or hurt someone. Ha! Thank you so much for that video you did for him in Austin. That came at the perfect time for him! He is looking forward to seeing you in Detroit this May. Ive framed all his autographed things from you and call it the "Shining Shrine to Sean" wall. Thank you again. We are just normal people who you dont even know and your words always get through to him. I appreciate the time you take to help others. You are a true man. Much love Amy and Nick @AJLolaleonard

Mr. Flanery, Hope this short note finds you well! When Vanessa asked me if i would like to be included in sending you a note, I jumped at the chance to share a little something with you. Even someone as inspirational as yourself is gonna have the odd bad day, right? Well, the next time you do, know this. When a 40yr old man was on his knees (literally), balling his eyes out like a child, as he felt that life could throw no more bad luck his way, and he felt like just giving up, and his prayers were never gonna be answered. You Sean, in a DM did! Only a DM I know, but what you wrote in it was enough to get me to stand back up and try and tackle my problems head on! I have always said, Its the little things in life that Really matter! and your message back to me that day came right when I needed it! I Will always be grateful for that message! Thankyou!

Dear Sean, Recently I was contacted about participating in a project for a really awesome role model, Sean Patrick Flanery. Of course my answer was a very quick yes. I met Sean last fall at Comic-Con in Columbus Ohio. I had briefly met Sean before that summer, but didn't talk to him at all. Meeting the stars of the Boondock Saints was my only reason for going and I was quite nervous. By the time I got up front of the line I was terrified. I was amazed at how kind and friendly Sean really was to me. Once I relaxed, I mentioned how much I liked the encouraging messages from him on Facebook, and how I used some of them to inspire my students. Our conversation was really pleasant but I felt silly admitting I didn't use twitter because I didn't have any idea how to do it. So that weekend I created a twitter and tweeted SPF. When he responded and followed me, he opened a flood gate that has introduced me to some of the most supportive, fun and loving people ever. A bit later, I was able to read Shine Until Tomorrow, Sean's blog. It got me to admit that ignoring my health and refusing to take care of myself was only hurting me. Waiting for a magic cure was not working and I had to get off my butt and do something about it myself. Since vowing on his blog to set my weight loss goals in motion, I have lost another 12 pounds. I have completely given up fast food, gluten, high glycemic starches, and eat fruit and vegetables with every meal. I am now regularly doing DDP yoga and trying to enjoy my journey back to wellness. So to wrap it all up, thanks to SPF, I have made some awesome RL friends, found great online support and I'm in the best shape I have been in in years. Thank you Sean Patrick Flanery, for caring enough to not let me stay on the couch! April Billue @aprilbillue

Sean, You have inspired me to believe in myself and not give up on my goals. When I stumble or hit a roadblock I no longer give in to defeat. I know quitting is not an option. I pick myself up and dust myself off and get right back to it. If it wasn't for your inspirational tweets and blogs, I wouldn't have that. I've never had anyone make me believe in myself like you. Thank you so much for caring about your fans. It means the world. Love, Emily (@that1emily)

I don't have an amazing story, but recently I separated from my husband! Days have been tough as I have 4year old twin boys! Some days I just want to run, far, far away! Seans tweets and Blog are constant reminders to never give up! I love his passion and directness and the way he speaks from the heart! Straight talker! One day I hope to meet this beautiful man but living in South Africa this might be wishful thinking! Following him has also helped me make friends that have been really great to me during my dark days! Sean is also...well so gorgeous! Got to love this man! Much love Kheri aka @KheriKiki

Sean, Last April, after reading your blogs, I got serious about losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle again for myself and my family. I had been diagnosed with Crohn's disease about 5 years earlier. I was exhausted all of the time due to the disease and the medication I take for it and had gained about 50 pounds to 189 pounds at 5'3. I had no energy to really live! Your no nonsense approach, along with the compassion you have for others, has truly inspired me. I am down to 120 pounds and have lost 69 pounds since April. I'm currently able to run 9-10 miles which is pretty exciting since I couldn't run 1 minute last year without stopping. I'm going to be running a half-marathon at the end of April. I feel great! I'm able to keep up with my 13 year old daughter Krista and have energy for hubby as well as take care of my 88 year old mom. I'm an RN, and work is a lot easier too. After a 12-14 hour work day, I am no longer wiped out. I come home with energy and the ability to take care of my family. Sean, I love how you encourage us not just to have goals and dreams but to do something about them. I'm pretty much living my dream right now, but in the next few years, I want to start my own business. I'd like to help others one on one to live healthy lives as well. I just want to be there for my daughter and my mom right now. They really need me, and I love them as well as hubby. Because of your eager endorsement of martial arts, my daughter Krista is in BJJ classes. She absolutely loves it, and I as well as others have seen improved confidence in all areas of her life. Both of us were walking on wires about 40 feet off the ground in March. We were both terrified at first, but it was actually fun after a few minutes. I wouldn't have been able to do that a year ago! Sean, there is so much more positive going on here, but I tend to be wordy and don't want to write a book. Hopefully, I got to meet you in Nashville. You probably know a lot of what I wrote already. I just want you to know how thankful I am. Life is truly an adventure again! I look forward to each day again and what it has in store. I believe that God sometimes uses others to wake us up to his will. It's up to us to listen. I'm thankful that God placed you in my life. I really do pray for you each day! Sending you love and hugs as well as blessings! Love you, Diane Watson @LynnWatson13

Sean, I have 85 reasons why you inspired me. They are small milestones, but nonetheless there are 85 of them. I truly believe the first day I started reading your blog was the day a new chapter of my life began. I was 250 pounds and eating my weight in ice cream every night. I didn't think there was any hope left for someone like me in this world. Essentially I had given up on myself, on life. But you told me something Sean, something that nobody had ever said to me before. I asked you what your advice would be for someone who is considering giving up on life, do you remember your answer? "Persevere, you'll laugh about this someday." I don't believe I could ever put into words what that advice has done for me in my life. All I can really say is that I learned to utilize discipline and a year later I've dropped a total of 85 pounds, and counting. Thank you for the motivation, and inspiring me to continue motivate myself. In a sense I think you inadvertently taught me how to take care of business. Stay Golden Sean. Natalie @art_h0und

Dear Sean, Your blog has inspired me to be a better person. I decided to take responsibility for my actions and to work for a better life. Since November I have lost 50 lbs. I still have a long way to go, but getting there is inevitable. Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom with the world. Sincerely, Rhonda Greif Brandi@sunshine_rain73

What could one expect from a child or a teenager who spent most of her life struggling against depression and bulimia? And what if I tell you that this same teenager knew everything about being bullied by her colleagues and Physical education teachers, because she was not as talented as the others on sports? She could play the piano and read James Joyce at a very young age, but she was far, very far from being the beauty queen, or the best volleyball player, or anything like that. And then, when she found out she could be great at martial arts, what if she discovers she had a serious congenital renal problem that prevents her from practicing it? Yes, she had a renal fracture while training, and her parents just told her that was enough. Then she looks at her parents and what does she see? Obesity. Heart disease. Diabetes. High levels of cholesterol. She wants to fight against that fate, against Genetics, against everything that she thinks its not right. And so, she wins. Of course, all along her life there were ups and downs, moments when she just got everything she aimed to, and moments that all she had around her was darkness, despair and a huge ice cream pot. And then, she made a decision: she would be in that hell for the last time in her life. She was not a teenager anymore she was a well grown woman, a pediatric surgeon, not that scared chubby girl who ran out crying from the gym classes to hide herself in the changing room. She made a stand things wont never be the same again! And, coincidentally or not, some good friends ( our beloved @BadassColleen and also Jessica, from Brazil ) told her a lot of nice stuff about that guy Flanery yes, the girl from this story knows him, loves his work, but was really surprised when she learned he had a blog, and that he usually writes lots of good stuff on that blog. Cool, Colleen, Ill read it! Ok, Jessica, let's see what he has to say. That was before she met the cool BJJ guy Flanery in Philly, last year. His words touched her soul. If she was craving for a change, on that blog she found the words that triggered out all that came after. She lost 30 pounds. She started running, practicing Pilates and dreamed about triathlon (maybe some day!). She traveled from Brazil to Philadelphia and met Mr. Flanery and she found no words to thank him for all HIS words and the impact they had in her life. This girl, this woman, is me. And I still have no words to thank you. Thank you for showing me that life can be much better when we learn to love ourselves and to explore all our limits. I may have no words, but I hope you dont get angry with me, because I am spreading YOUR words to my patients. I am really committed to a campaign in my city, along with other Pediatricians, against obesity in the childhood. I always show your blog and ask some parents to read it ( the ones who understands English, of course ), or even read and translate to some of them your words have this magic power of changing lives. After I started using your blog as part of my Project, six patients of mine are practicing martial arts and are committed, at an early age, to a healthier and more disciplined way of life. That is priceless! And what about me? I still believe. Of course, life has good times and not so good times, but I stopped hurting myself when things go wrong. I need to be Strong. I am proud of everything Ive been t hrough until here. I love the results Ive got. Im happier now. And in most part, I owe it to you! Thank you, Sean. And I say thank you for me and for all those little lives your words are helping to change for better.

Sabrina - @BinaPic

I have been inspired by many through out my life! Lately I have been inspired by Sean Patrick Flanery to live healthier. Last June, I was inspired to try Brazilian Jujitsu, because of Mr. Flanery. I fell in love immediately. I was so excited about it that last August when I went to comic con, I had Mr. Flanery sign my gi belt. I have to say I did enjoy showing it of at class in the weeks to follow! Unfortunately I was injured in class and have not be able to go since, mid November (an arm bar gone wrong). I have to admit I have fallen off the fitness wagon a bit. I am starting to get back with the program. One of the most encouraging things is that the people around me in my daily life that have been inspired by me, and ask me questions on how to be healthier and more fit! The feeling that I am passing along Seans inspiration to others who may not even know who he is, that is a feeling that I love. On to the next adventure! Thank you.


Hi Sean.. Just wanted to drop a few lines to say you a re sweet and awesomely wonderful. Thanks for always being caring and thoughtful. I am looking forward to meeting you next weekend when you come to Nashville for the tattoo convention.. I cant wait!! Its gonna be fun... Shine On!!!



The Prez has inspired me by refusing to give up on me, or the rest of the Twempire, ever. He has taught me that no matter what I'm not too far gone in one direction and that once I take hold of the reins of my life again that I can change anything. He has showed me that dedication pays off and I have many more friends to help me and vice versa. I appreciate his tough love approach. He is honest and it is absolutely what I need to hear. He knows what he's talking about and I trust him. I have a goal that I started in January (I even wrote it on the Shine...Until Tomorrow blog) that I would lose 40lbs by May 2nd, which is the first day of Texas Frightmare Weekend which is where I will be able to hug Sean for the fist time. Eek! So excited! I have lost 20 so far and I'm so proud of myself. Sean is my buddy that's in my head when I want to cheat and not exercise that day or when I am tempted to make poor food decisions. Whenever I'm faced with these options I always think of a tweet from the Prez; a girl asked "how can I give up smoking?" Sean replied, "desire a longer life than a burning leaf". I adapt this to fit me and think to myself, desire a longer life than the short term satisfaction of gorging on pizza. Or whatever the temptation may be. I appreciate what he gives to his Twempirians and I am truly a better person because of him.


Sean, SPF, Prez, Flandus An Actor, A man, whose been given so many names! What could I possibly say that so many have not already? Well, I'll give it a go. He is an inspiring man, who adores and genuinely cares for others. His inspiration goes beyond the usual slight interaction to his fans ( AKA family). He takes time from his busy schedule to interact with his family..whether it's giving advice on health..love..outlooks on life...while they're his opinions of course, it's his convictions in mind, body and soul that set him apart from your"Average" friend, health nut, Celeb, etc.....His words and passion behind them, ignite fires in those who trust his advice. We trust it, because we actually see it has changed the lives of so many! I have enjoyed the works from Sean since seeing him in the beautifully written and well acted Movie, Powder. Sean does not inspire me for any ONE reason, he inspires me to be Better in ALL things that can make my life better..my Quality of life....health..happiness..stress free..concern for environment and causes to help animals and humans alike. Sean Patrick Flanery...I love and Respect you for who you are, and NOT for your Status. Thank you for being so amazing and inspiring, you are loved very much!! (Grazie per essere cos sorprendente e stimolante si molto amato)!!


Sean You have been a huge inspiration to me. Not only did you encourage me to change my life and get up off my ass and do something, but you unknowingly gave my daughter a reason to be strong and to fight for herself. She was depressed and had dark thoughts and you gave her the courage to keep going and for that I will be forever grateful. I try everyday to repay you for all you have done for me and I hope you are proud of the work I do with your Twempirians. I love them all very much. Thank you Sean for always being there. I will always be in your corner. Lots of love always Breesie @BreesieM

Dear Sean, I don't know why suddenly it is hard for me to tell you what you mean to me and all you have done for me. I started losing weight before I 'met' you on twitter or in person, but you definitely inspire me to keep going. I know you know, I'm prone to giving up easily. And a journey to lose 150+ pounds is something I would definitely have given up on in the past. Couldn't see why it would be worth it when I hit yet another plateau and can't seem to get around it. Between your blogs, tweets, and all the people I've met because of you, I keep going. To see all you have inspired is a blessing. This community, this family, this Twempire you created, is a thing of true beauty. Back when you first followed me in November 2011, I had lost about 60 pounds. I'm now 90 pounds down from my highest weight of 299. I'm no longer pre-diabetic. I'm this close to finally having a 1 be the first number instead of a 2. I believe the last time I saw a 1 as the first number on a scale was in 2000, before I was ill. I had what is called ITP. Basically, my spleen decided to start eating my platelets instead of filtering them. I was severely ill for about 15 months. During that time, I spent 5 months on steroids, and the dosage kept getting higher and higher every week. In those 5 months, I gained 100 pounds. When I simply couldn't take it anymore, I told my Drs. enough of the steroids. That is when my spleen was removed. With my compromised immune system, I am ill often and still am put on steroids 2-3 times a year. Definitely not a help for weight loss. But when I was sick a month or so ago, on steroids and antibiotics, I actually continued to lose a few pounds while sick. That has never happened before. Through your blogs alone, I've had some revelations about myself. Really in ways forcing me to face things about myself that I've never wanted to. I still feel and say I am broken, but you have given me tools to put the pieces back together. And introduced me to people that have been instrumental in helping me to feel a lot less like the broken little girl I used to see myself as and more everyday becoming the grown, 35 year old woman I actually am. I'm sorry for the times I've been a brat, and I think you know the times I am talking about. I now feel worthy of being your Flanerygrl I love you and I'll see you in May! Apryl Lynn - @FlaneryGrl

I just want to thank you Sean. For a few things. For surprising me with what a compassionate man you are. For motivating me into better health. Also for making me face my fears. When I went to my first Con last year, I was excited to meet you. Little did I realize that I would become a fan that day. Not of Sean Patrick Flanery, the actor...as I was already that. But of Sean Patrick Flanery, the man. Where do I even begin?? You went out of your way to make my daughter happy. You read her card & gave her a free autograph. You will never know what that meant to her. I'm sure you don't know this, but you are her boyfriend/hero. Lol. You called a friend of mine for me who adores you. (@art_h0und). You were such an inspiration in her life....that phone call brought her incredible joy. Then, at panel, you were talking about your love for us fans....literally brought tears to my eyes. You are genuinely humble, appreciative & loving of your fans. You followed me within minutes of meeting me. Every time I've ever given you a gift, you tweeted your appreciation! That meant a lot. You followed my daughter because she asked (@Jay_Ezz). You made her happy again!! Lol Now for my health....your blogs are amazing. You're extremely inspirational! I've done a lot of things to make myself healthier. I've lost 6 pants sizes & I'm down to 130 lbs!! As for facing my fears....Natalie (@art_h0und) & I are very scared of heights. We wanted to make you proud....so we climbed an observation tower in a state park. Hand in hand, tense, terrified & shaking.....but we did it! We took video that we'll show you at Frightmare in May. Please ignore all the cussing....lol. My next fear to face is flying. I'll be getting on my first airplane in May to come see you & Norman at Frightmare. I'll definitely need some Flanery hugs after that!! Please just keep doing what you do!! You are very loved & extremely appreciated! We adore you Sean! Shine on babe....shine on! Much love & respect, Robecca Ezzo (@BeckieEzz)

Sean has inspired me to do more with my life. He has been a great motivator! He is just a joy and I am glad to be one of his devoted fans! xoxo Jamie


My name is Martha Wehrly. I run Flandus Fiends Fandom. I am an Army wife with 3 deployments under my belt. Martial arts has been a big part of who I am today. It has saved me from going down a bad path and from several years of abuse. My husband George got me interested in Boondock Saints before he deplayed to Afghanistan. I then created a Twitter account based only on BDS. Sean followed me within a few weeks. I started reading his blogs. There were times when I didnt agree and was even angry about what he wrote and how he wrote it. I then went and took a look at myself in a mirror........naked. I was not happy about what I saw. I decided to find something I liked about myself. It was not easy. I cursed and cried then sat down. I started reading one of Seans blogs and got off my ass and tried again. I decided it was my breasts I liked as they have been through a lot with lump removals and such. I became empowered and really started working out and eating right. I never was one to go and have fun by myself, so as a just because gift my hubby sent me to the Austin Con VIP style to meet Sean, Norman and Rocco. It was amazing to be able to actually talk to Sean about my accomplishments. I got to see him in July in Vegas during a Bill Cooper fight but I didn't chat with him then, so Austin was great. His way of thinking made sense to me now and I can now call him friends. (he said so...lol) I then decided to start giving back to my followers by doing contests. Then an idea came to shave my head. Did it! I can go on and on but he was there to push me along. What will I do next? Lose 30 more pounds and another cancer event soon. He helped me believe in myself more. Yea the hubby can say I am doing great but when someone other than family says it, it sets in. Not that I dont believe him. I look forward to seeing him again in NOLA to tell him more of what I have done and what I plan to do. He just gave me a boost I needed at a time I needed it. Sean I really appreciate all you do and thank you for being a part of my life. @MarthaWehrly

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