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FROM MY TUMBLR NEWS SITE Scrolls from bottom to top


16 Apr

4/15/13 NICOLAS MADURO WINS VENEZUELA ELECTION; OPPONENT CRIES FOUL; *read more at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/15/us-venezuela-election-idUSBRE93C0B120130415 - Late socialist leader Hugo Chavezs chosen successor Nicolas Maduro won Venezuelas presidential election by a whisker but now faces opposition protests http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/15/us-venezuela-election-idUSBRE93C0B120130415 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UgLh

*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


16 Apr

4/14/13 ARMY CHAPLAIN AWARDED MEDAL OF HONOR,POSTHUMOUSLY, *read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-awards-posthumous-medal-honor-catholic-priest

An Army chaplain who the White House says braved withering enemy fire to provide medical aid and comfort to fellow soldiers during the Korean War is receiving the Medal of Honor more than 60 years after his death .Kapaun stayed with wounded troops knowing he d probably be captured by the Chinese and led prayers at the risk of punishment. The Kansas - born Roman Catholic priest died as a prisoner of war at age 35. http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-awards-posthumous-medal-honor-catholic-priest If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UgBc *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


16 Apr

4/14/13 DOCTOR ON TRIAL 4 MURDER UNDER GUISE OF ABORTION MAY GET OFF ON TECHNICALITIES, (pray4 & help protect unborn life!),*read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/grand-jury-abortionist-murdered-hundreds-children-meadam-lanza-murdered-20 ..In Philadelphia , Pa ., over a course of decades, according to a Pennsylvania grand jury , Dr . Kermit Gosnell, a wealthy abortionist who specialized in terminating the lives of babies late in pregnancy , murdered hundreds of born babies by either suctioning out their brains or slitting the backs of their necks to sever their spinal cords . Gosnell also deputized assistants to kill born babies for him . Gosnell is now standing trial in Philadelphia for seven counts of murder for killing babies who survived his abortions. But the grand jury that charged him with these murders lamented that the Pennsylvania statute -of- limitations law prohibits someone from being charged with infanticide if the alleged killing of an infant occurred two or more years ago . They also lamented that Gosnell was able to destroy records that could have documented multitudinous acts of homicide his staff described in sworn testimony . The grand jury concluded that the statute - of-limitations on infant -killing was helping Gosnell get away with killing 4

hundreds of born babies. We recommend that the legislature amend the statute of limitations so that infanticide is treated as what it is homicide, said the grand jury in its report . http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/grand-jury-abortionist-murdered-hundreds-children-meadam-lanza-murdered-20 http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/04/10/monstrous-abortion-trial-that-media-dont-want-toknow-about/ When the Newtown shooting took the lives of 20 children, the nation was justifiably horrified. Journalists reported round the clock on ways to change public policy to prevent another shooting. But when seven children and a mother died in a Philadelphia abortion clinic dubbed a house of horrors, the major media couldnt have cared less. Its a news story that reads more like a Hollywood torture plot Saw or Hostel or some other movie so foul that it makes you want to take a shower just having viewed it. Only this case is real and the media are keeping it real quiet because it betrays the barbarity of the abortion industry in open court, where they cant hide. Its all about abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell and the purportedly Medieval facility he ran to kill babies both before they were born and after, claim prosecutors. Eight clinic employees have already pleaded guilty to various charges. Gosnell is charged with killing seven babies born alive, along with Karnamaya Mongar a newly-arrived, 41year-old refugee from Bhutan. Prosecutors say Gosnells staff gave the 90-pound woman a lethal dose of anesthesia and painkillers during a 2009

abortion, according to the Associated Press. ABC has never carried that story. Not once. Neither has NBC. CBS did back in 2011 when http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/04/10/monstrous-abortion-trial-that-media-dont-want-toknow-about/ If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1Ugra *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


16 Apr

4/16/13 JEWISH MAN FLIES ON PLANE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED IN PLASTIC BAG, (very bizarre, but apparently with a Jewish theological reason,*see pic & read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/11/orthodox-jew-flies-plane-huge-plastic-bagphoto_n_3064473.html This has nothing to do with women, user thenewyorkgod wrote. He is a cohen, descendant from the high holy priests of the temple and they are not allowed to walk into or fly over a cemetery, which would render them impure. Indeed, there seems to be some precedent for holy men (alternately known as a Kohen or Cohen) attempting to travel in plastic bags to and from Israel. In 2001, El Al Airlines decided not to allow ultra-Orthodox Jews of priestly descent to hermetically seal themselves in plastic bags when flying over the Holon cemetery in order to avoid ritual impurity. El Al stated flight safety considerations do not allow for passengers to board while covered in sealed plastic bags. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/11/orthodox-jew-flies-plane-huge-plastic-bagphoto_n_3064473.html If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UgfR *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women!

See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


16 Apr

4/14/13 LAKERS KOBE BRYANT OUT 4 SEASON w/ TORN TENDON,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo %2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C013fc778-82a2-3850-983a-a4ef3ea08c1d-l %3A1&.ts=1365906042&.intl=US&.lang=en EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (AP) Kobe Bryant had surgery Saturday on his torn Achilles tendon, ending his season with two games left in the Los Angeles Lakers playoff chase. Lakers trainer Gary Vitti thinks Bryant will need six to nine months for recovery from the most serious injury of his 17-year NBA career. http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo %2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C013fc778-82a2-3850-983a-a4ef3ea08c1d-l %3A1&.ts=1365906042&.intl=US&.lang=en

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U3ky Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


16 Apr

4/14/13 HOW TO DEFEND TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE,*read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/four-things-you-can-do-to-preserve-traditional-marriage93865/ 1. Hold tight to the truths of the Scriptures. Do not grow weary. 2. Honor a biblical understanding of marriage by remaining

faithful to your respective spouse. 3. Continue raising your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 4. Share the Good News of the Gospel with all people. Be winsome but be bold. http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/four-things-you-can-do-to-preserve-traditional-marriage93865/ If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U36v Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


16 Apr


Update,4/14/13 So-CALLED GOSPEL OF JUDAS is HERETICAL SAY CHRISTIAN SCHOLARS, *read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/gospel-of-judas-free-of-forgeries-but-still-fake-hereticalsays-new-testament-scholar-93781/ Daniel B. Wallace, professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, contends that although the text may in fact be free of forgeries, it carries no historic credibility, and proves to be a fake gospel that paints a heretic view of Jesus. http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/gospel-of-judas-free-of-forgeries-but-still-fake-hereticalsays-new-testament-scholar-93781/ If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U2Ww Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


16 Apr

4/14/13 RIP, CHI CHENG, DEFTONES BASSIST,42,*read more at http://m.billboard.com/articles/news/1557423/deftones-bassist-chi-cheng-dead-at-42 Deftones bassist Chi Cheng, who has been in a semi-conscious state since a 2008 car accident, died early Saturday morning, his family announced. He was 42. In a statement posted on the fan site ONELOVEFORCHI.COM , Chengs family writes that the musician was taken to the emergency room where he died at 3 a.m. He left this world with me singing songs he liked in his ear, wrote Jeanne Marie Cheng, or Mom J for short. http://m.billboard.com/articles/news/1557423/deftones-bassist-chi-cheng-dead-at-42 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U2GZ


Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


14 Apr

Sent from Photo Effects - http://bit.ly/6qTiKD


13 Apr


4/12/13 PADRES QUENTIN SUSPENDED 8 GAMES re GREINKE BEANBALL BRAWL,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=fac25f24-4fba-3375-809dad972e35537e&.ts=1365823705&.intl=US&.lang=en San Diego Padres outfielder Carlos Quentin will appeal the eight-game suspension he received after inciting a brawl during which Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Zack Greinke broke his left collarbone. After Greinke hit Quentin on the arm with a 3-2 pitch in the sixth inning of a one-run game, the 30-yearold bull-rushed the mound http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=fac25f24-4fba-3375-809dad972e35537e&.ts=1365823705&.intl=US&.lang=en Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13 http://ow.ly/i/1T3KF Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


13 Apr

4/13/13 U CONN def LOUISVILLE 2 WIN NCAA WOMENS B-BALL CHAMPIONSHIP, *read more at http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-basketball/news/20130409/uconn-women-ap.ap/ Stewart scored 18 of her 23 points in a dazzling first half and Connecticut won its eighth NCAA title with a 93-60 rout of Louisville on Tuesday night http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-basketball/news/20130409/uconn-women-ap.ap/ Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13


http://ow.ly/i/1T3B1 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


13 Apr


LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECCs: LASER WARFARE ILLUSTRATED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmoldX1wKYQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,just recommending it for viewing entertainment. **** Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Amos 5:14-15 http://ow.ly/i/1T3hu


13 Apr


LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECCs:HOW ANIMALS EAT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnydFmqHuVo&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,just recommending it for viewing entertainment. **** Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Amos 5:14-15 http://ow.ly/i/1SZqR


13 Apr


LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECCs:KAYAKER CATCHES SHARK! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puNhvXutVjQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,just recommending it for viewing entertainment. **** Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Amos 5:14-15 http://ow.ly/i/1SZn0


13 Apr


LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECCs: RICHARD AT TACO BELL?funny funny..see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFOR-qw4Xns&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,just recommending it for viewing entertainment. **** Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Amos 5:14-15

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/2 note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings ) 1.
11 Apr


4/11/13 BLUE ANGELS ANNOUNCE REST of AIR-SEASON CANCELLED DUE TO BUDGET, (this is what I thought would happen based on what I read but when I saw them at el centro a few weeks ago they still announced that the rest of the season as if it had a green light),*read more at http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/blue-angels-cancel-season/ The U.S. Navys Blue Angels says the rest of its season is canceled because of federal budget cuts. The aerobatic teams lead pilot and team commander Tom Frosch made the announcement Tuesday at the teams headquarters. He says it is the first time since the Korean War that the team would not make the air show rounds. http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/blue-angels-cancel-season/ You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1ShNi Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Apr


4/10/13 MAN LIVED AS HERMIT IN WOODS for 27 YEARS UNTIL CAUGHT STEALING,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2072505 ROME, Maine (AP) A man who lived like a hermit for decades in a makeshift camp in the woods and may be responsible for more than 1,000 burglaries for food and other staples has been caught in a surveillance trap at a camp he treated as a Walmart, authorities said Wednesday. Christopher Knight, 47, was arrested last week when he tripped a surveillance sensor http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2072505 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1ShcG


11 Apr


4/11/13 MAN INTENTIONALLY SAWS ARM 2 BONE AT HOME DEPOT,*read more at Http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/11/horror-at-california-home-depot-as-man-cuts-ownarms-with-saws/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed %3A+foxnews%2Fnational+%28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29 Police say a man deliberately cut himself with saws inside a Los Angeles-area Home Depot store, causing a gruesome scene in front of customers that left him severely injured. he grabbed several small hand saws and cut his arms to the bone. Police found the man unconscious in a pool of blood Http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/11/horror-at-california-home-depot-as-man-cuts-ownarms-with-saws/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed %3A+foxnews%2Fnational+%28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1Sh5G


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Apr


4/10/13 MORE MYSTERIOUS THAN STONEHENGE? Re UNUSUAL FORMATION IN SEA of GALILEE,*read more at http://m.newser.com/story/165993/in-sea-of-galilee-a-mystery-bigger-than-stonehenge.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130410 discovered via sonar in the Sea of Galilee Divers who have since gone down to inspect it say its a 32foot-tall cone-shaped formation made of unhewn basalt cobbles and boulders, reports LiveScience , which describes it as a cairna stack of rocks piled on top of each other. Its diameter measures about 230 feet (double that of Stonehenges outer circle), and its estimated to weigh 60,000 tons. Though the researchers admit they dont know what the structures purpose was (LiveScience notes similar cairns have been used to mark graves), they have determined it was definitely made by humans, likely on land http://m.newser.com/story/165993/in-sea-of-galilee-a-mystery-bigger-than-stonehenge.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130410 http://ow.ly/i/1SgZh You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29


11 Apr


4/10/13 TRAIN ENGINEER SCREECHES TO STOP TO SAVE PUPPY TIED TO TRACK, (MECCA,CA),*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/puppy-tied-train-tracks-banjo-133048316.html A puppy tied to train tracks in the California desert narrowly avoided being crushed by an oncoming train. The 10-month-old poodle-terrier mix was tied to the tracks near Mecca, Calif., earlier this month by a 78-yearold man, officials there say. The engineer of the approaching train saw the man walking away from the tracks and used emergency brakes to stop the locomotive.Officials did not pursue animal-cruelty charges against the man because he appeared to be confused or senile http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/puppy-tied-train-tracks-banjo-133048316.html You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29


http://ow.ly/i/1SgQw Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Apr


4/8/13 CLIPPERS DEFEAT LAKERS 2 WIN their 1st-EVER DIVISION TITLE!,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130408-clippers-beat-lakers-clinch-division-title The Los Angeles Clippers clinched their first division title in their 42-year history with a 109-95 rout of the Los Angeles Lakers behind a 24 point, 12 assist effort from Chris Paul. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130408-clippers-beat-lakers-clinch-division-title You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1SgJO Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Apr



Http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2013-04-11/bling-patrol-dubais-550-000-squad-car , Dubai police also are in hot pursuit after adding a nearly $550,000 Lamborghini to its fleet. The sports car, painted in green-and-white colors of the Dubai force, will not likely be roaring after law breakers. Instead, it will be mostly dispatched to tourist areas to show in the words of deputy police director, Gen. Khamis Matter al-Muzaina how classy Dubai is.Dubai seeks to show it has rebounded from its debt crisis with brash plans Http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2013-04-11/bling-patrol-dubais-550-000-squad-car You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1SgEx Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Apr


pray4, 4/10/13 COLLEGE STUDENT STABS 14,TEXAS COLLEGE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130410-us-college-student-stabs-14-texas-attack A US college student stabbed 14 people, leaving two victims critically wounded, in a rampage that ended when he was wrestled to the ground and taken into custody,at the sprawling Lone Star Colleges Cyfair campus, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130410-us-college-student-stabs-14-texas-attack You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1Sgt8


10 Apr


Global warming? 4/9/13 UK SLOWLY EMERGES FROM LONGEST (COLDEST?) WINTER IN 50 YEARS, (how do the global warming alarmists explain this?!) *read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2304858/From-hedgehogs-bees-bluebells-daffs-victimsUKs-big-freeze-How-longest-winter-hit-wildlife.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Conservationists fear hibernating species such as dormice, hedgehogs and bats will all struggle to find food as they wake up from the longest winter for 50 years if many of them wake up at all. There are concerns many will have died because they went to sleep without enough energy reserves to see them through the prolonged chill. Britains rarest flower has also failed to bloom this year because of the washout winter. Trust: The records weve received clearly highlight the prolonged delay to the arrival of


spring with birds, insects and flowers all weeks behind compared to where we were last year. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2304858/From-hedgehogs-bees-bluebells-daffs-victimsUKs-big-freeze-How-longest-winter-hit-wildlife.html?ito=feeds-newsxml For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1RxlC Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


10 Apr


4/9/13 re GOSPEL of JUDAS,NO EVIDENCE (so far) ITS A FORGERY,SAY EXPERTS,(have to wonder if theres a political agenda behind this? Even neutral science is not always so neutral anymoreis there a possible hidden agenda?) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/truth-behind-gospel-judas-revealed-ancient-inks-153710758.html Some facets of the document did suggest authenticity. The most promising of these characteristics, Barabe said, was that the ink wasnt piled up in the warped papyrus, suggesting the document was written before the warping happened[plus more] gave the researchers the confidence to declare the document consistent with a date of approximately A.D. 280. (Barabe and his colleagues caution that this finding doesnt prove beyond doubt that the document is authentic, but rather that there are no red flags proving its a forgery .) http://news.yahoo.com/truth-behind-gospel-judas-revealed-ancient-inks-153710758.html Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16


5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RwRL Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


10 Apr


4/9/13 re a HARVARD STUDENTs JOURNEY 2 FAITH,*read more at http://winteryknight.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/a-harvard-university-student-explains-howevidence-changed-her-mind-about-god/ As I set off in 2008 to begin my freshman year studying government at Harvard (whose motto is Veritas, Truth), I could never have expected the change that awaited me. It was a brisk November when I met John Joseph Porter.He wrote an essay for the Ichthus, Harvards Christian journal, defending Gods existence. I critiqued it.to someone like me, with no Christian background, resorting to an answer like It takes faith could only be intellectual cowardice. Joseph didnt do that. And he did something else: He prodded me on how inconsistent I was as an atheist .Joseph also pushed me on the origins of the universe. I had always believed in the Big Bang. But I was blissfully unaware that the man who first proposed it, Georges Lematre, was a Catholic priestBy Valentines Day, I began to believe in God. There was no http://winteryknight.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/a-harvard-university-student-explains-howevidence-changed-her-mind-about-god/


Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1Rvdp Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Apr


4/9/13 re SCHULLER GRANDCHILDs NEW BOOK GOD & BOOBS [another schuller I didnt know about..they just keep coming out of the woodwork, the article refer to her as Ms. But apparently shes married to one nof the godtube people (is that the new thing for young women, to not use Mrs even if married?) , which Robert A. is also associated with] *read more at http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ Ms. Wyatt s grandfather, Robert H. Schuller , 85, started the ministry in a rented drive-in theater. Her father, Robert A. Schuller , 58, was an associate and then senior pastor at what became the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif. And her brother, Robert Schuller III , more commonly known as Bobby, is the current television speaker. Ms. Wyatt says that despite earning bachelors and masters degrees in religion and counseling, and having been head of campus ministries at Oral Roberts University, she was invited only to sing at the Crystal Cathedral , not to preach. provocative title: God and Boobs: Balancing Faith and Sexuality.


Ms. Wyatt asserts that her book was part of an effort to stop religious bullies, the men http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/14/kellner-a-younger-schuller-seeks-possibilitiesfor/ a B.A. in New Testament studies, and is a Certified Spiritual Director. She has over 17 years of experience helping young women recover their emotional and spiritual strength. Angie is married to Internet and television pioneer Chris Wyatt, founder of GodTube.com and CEO of YouToo.com. Angie and her husband currently reside in Dallas, Texas. http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RhPp Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Apr


4/9/13 MANCHESTER CITY > MAN. UNITED,2-1*read more at http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/20130408/manchester-united-city-derby.ap/ Manchester City delayed the surrender of its Premier League title to Manchester United on Monday, beating the runaway leaders 2-1 in a frenetic derby thanks to substitute Sergio Agueros stunning late goal.The Argentina striker http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/20130408/manchester-united-city-derby.ap/ Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RhzL Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Apr

4/9/13 LASER WARFARE IS NOW a REALITY,SAYS USA NAVY,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/04/08/future-is-now-navy-to-deploys-lasers-on-ships-in2014/ It operates much like a blowtorch with an unlimited magazine, one official said.


Navy researches say so far the laser is 12 for 12 in testing, destroying its targets 100 percent of the time. Officials say it has non-lethal functions too, and may be used to send warning signals to other vessels. One of its major advantages, http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/04/08/future-is-now-navy-to-deploys-lasers-on-ships-in2014/ Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RbDI Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Apr


4/9/13 LUKE HANCOCK LEADS LOUISVILLE PAST MICHIGAN,NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports ATLANTA (AP) Luke Hancock made all five of his 3pointers and led Louisville to its first NCAA mens basketball championship since 1986 with a 82-76 victory over Michigan on Monday night http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo %2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C1afb372b-f267-3db2-a062-05b32388cb9e-l %3A1&.ts=1365480090&.intl=US&.lang=en Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R9w8 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/3 note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings ) 1.


4/9/13 RIP, ANNETTE FUNICELLO,MOUSEKETEER,*read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/annette-funicello-dead-70-article-1.1310832 Annette Funicello, the most beloved of the early Walt Disney Mouseketeers and a pioneer teen star, died Monday at a hospital in Bakersfield, Calif. She was 70. She spent more than two decades in a brave battle against crippling multiple sclerosis http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/annette-funicello-dead-70-article-1.1310832 Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R6re Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Apr

4/9/13 MAN DISCOVERS POODLES R FERRETS ON STEROIDS,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/ferret-poodle-argentina-125901615.html By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! An Argentine man who thought he bought a pair of poodles at an outdoor market in Buenos Aires brought them home to the vet only to be told they were actually


ferrets on steroids, reports the Daily Mail . http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/ferret-poodle-argentina-125901615.html Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R6aA Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Apr


4/9/13 100s of TAXIS LIGHT UP RUNWAY 4 EMERGENCY TAKEOFF,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/300-taxis-combine-headlights-illuminate-airstripemergency-flight-185324141.html hundreds of taxis came to the rescue at an airstrip in Peru by forming a chain so that their headlights lit a local airstrip for a rescue planes emergency takeoffThree sick people were flown to a hospital http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/300-taxis-combine-headlights-illuminate-airstripemergency-flight-185324141.html Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R5Tv Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Apr

4/9/13 RIP MARGARET THATCHER (IRON LADY),(I was in high school & college during her political years,always admired her style & resolve) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/britains-iron-lady-margaret-thatcher-dies-spokesman-120047403.html


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and admirers worldwide are mourning Margaret Thatcher, who has died aged 87, as the Iron Lady who rolled back the state and faced down her enemies during 11 years as Britains first woman prime minister. Her impact on the 1980s was such that Tuesdays newspapers told the story: The Woman Who Saved Britain, declared the Daily Mail from the right; The Woman Who Divided A Nation, headlined the lefts Daily Mirror, http://news.yahoo.com/britains-iron-lady-margaret-thatcher-dies-spokesman-120047403.html Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R5gU Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Apr


4/6/13 THIS TIME, POACHERS STEAL HORNS RATHER THAN KILL RHINOS (I suppose stealing the horns is preferable than killing to remove the horns, but still! Maybe all horned animals should be tranquilized & de-horned, but can wild animals survive without their horns? Or is there a possibility of attaching artificial horns? And is there the manpower to do it? I imagine tranquilizing wild rhinos & elephants is easier said than donethey probably run first for a while before the sedation takes effect, ) *read more athttp://news.yahoo.com/safe-crackers-steal-nearly-3mln-africa-rhino-104434003.html Thieves have made off with 66 rhino horns worth some $2.75 million in one of the biggest horn heists South Africa has seen after breaking into the safe of a game farm owner. The horns had been removed from rhinos at the Leshoka Thabang Game Reserve in northern Limpopo province to protect the animals from poachers http://news.yahoo.com/safe-crackers-steal-nearly-3-mln-africa-rhino-104434003.html For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1


Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QaEQ Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Apr


4/7/13 SOME SAY ASIAN CARP ALREADY IN LAKE MICHIGAN, (lets hope not!) *read more athttp://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/04/report-some-asian-carp-likely-in-great-lakes-butthere-time-to-stop-them-from/ A scientific report says at least some Asian carp probably have reached the Great Lakes, but theres still time to stop them from becoming established. The scientists took 58 water samples that contained Asian carp DNA in waterways near Chicago. Lead author Chris Jerde of Notre Dame says the likeliest explanation is that the DNA came from live carp, some of which may be in Lake Michigan. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/04/report-some-asian-carp-likely-in-great-lakes-but-theretime-to-stop-them-from/ For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. Jakobus 3:16 http://ow.ly/i/1Qz4f


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Apr


4/7/13 re HORSE DEATHS AT GRAND NATIONALS (save the horses!) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-grand-national-set-walsh-v-welsh-battle Animal rights campaigners slammed Grand National organisers after Battlefront on Thursday became the 23rd horse to die on the Liverpool course since 2000. A day later, Little Josh became the second horse to die at this years meeting http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-grand-national-set-walsh-v-welsh-battle For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QvnR Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Apr


Poach the Poachers! 4/7/13 ENDANGERED VIETNAMESE ELEPHANT FOUND SKINNED & MUTILATED,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130405-endangered-vietnam-elephant-skinned-disemboweled corpse of one of Vietnams dwindling population of endangered wild elephants has been discovered in a forest in central Quang Binh province, state media said Friday. The female elephants skin, tail, tusks, ears and many internal organs had been removed elephant ivory and other body parts are prized in Vietnam for decoration, as a talisman, and for use in traditional medicine. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130405-endangered-vietnam-elephant-skinned-disemboweled For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QuWa


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Apr


Poach the Poachers! 4/7/13 ENDANGERED VIETNAMESE ELEPHANT FOUND SKINNED & MUTILATED,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130405-endangered-vietnam-elephant-skinned-disemboweled corpse of one of Vietnams dwindling population of endangered wild elephants has been discovered in a forest in central Quang Binh province, state media said Friday. The female elephants skin, tail, tusks, ears and many internal organs had been removed elephant ivory and other body parts are prized in Vietnam for decoration, as a talisman, and for use in traditional medicine. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130405-endangered-vietnam-elephant-skinned-disemboweled For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QuWa Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Apr


4/8/13 SERENA DEFEATS SISTER VENUS & JANKOVIC TO WIN FAMILY CIRCLE, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-serena-routs-venus-reach-charleston-final Serena Williams crushed her older sibling Venus 6-1, 6-2 to reach the final of Family Circle Cup in the most lop-sided match between the American sisters in their WTA Tour careers. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-serena-routs-venus-reach-charleston-final Serena Williams earned her 49th career singles title and third of the year by rallying to beat former world number one Jelena Jankovic in the final of the Family Circle Cup on Sunday. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130407-williams-rallies-claim-49th-wta-title For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1


Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QuC8 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Apr


Pray4, 4/8/13 PASTOR RICK WARRENs SON COMMITS SUICIDE,[its worth asking about issues that pastors kids must contend with, maybe especially prominent pastors kids. And also is it fair to make statements re a persons life & mental health without their opportunity for comment? (Unless,perhaps, they have openly acknowledged it as such before they died). In the same way, after a shooting, you occassionally hear police making statements about a persons troubled past as if to justify an unfortunate incident. Remember, mental health is prescribed by certain segments of society and sometimes has a political agenda attached to it. At some point in time those who maintain a stand against homosexuality or gay marriage may be classified as mentally disturbed as well. You see what I mean? We dont know if Matthew had legitimate issues that clashed with the machinewhich had to be quashed so to speak..but then again maybe he did,in fact,contend with actual,legitimate mental health issues] *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/church-pastor-rick-warrens-son-commits-suicide-211206608.html LAKE FOREST, Calif. (AP) The 27-year-old son of popular evangelical Pastor Rick Warren has committed suicide at his Southern California home, Warrens church said in a statement on Saturday Rick Warren, the author of the multimillion-selling book


The Purpose Driven Life, said in an email to church staff that he and his wife had enjoyed a fun Friday evening with their son. But their son then returned home to take his life in a momentary wave of despair. http://news.yahoo.com/church-pastor-rick-warrens-son-commits-suicide-211206608.html For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Qu4F Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Apr


4/7/13 ANTI PRO-LIFER CAUGHT STOMPING ON PRO-LIFE POSTERS, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/watch-unhinged-bully-stomp-over-pro-life-signs-092038178.html The Daily Caller 17 hrs ago Heres some amazing (mostly) raw video of an angry woman on the campus of Ohio State University as she destroys and stomps all over a bunch of posters filled with fetuses.Its hard to believe the video isnt some strange hoax. It was put on YouTube by a strongly anti-abortion group called Created Equal , which has a post office box in Columbus.Near the beginning of the video, we see the unidentified woman tearing up and stepping on triangular poster board images of fetuses http://news.yahoo.com/watch-unhinged-bully-stomp-over-pro-life-signs-092038178.html For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11


http://ow.ly/i/1Qjm2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

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7 Apr


4/6/13 LUKE HANCOCK LEADS LOUISVILLE PAST WICHITA TO REACH FINALS v MICHIGAN,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=19d8aae0-8cb1-39d0-85509c10303dcfe4&.ts=1365303078&.intl=US&.lang=en Luke Hancock, a transfer from George Mason, scored 14 of his 20 points after halftime in Saturdays first national semifinal, enabling Louisville to rally from a 12-point second-half deficit against underdog Wichita State and escape with a 72-68 victory http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=19d8aae0-8cb1-39d0-85509c10303dcfe4&.ts=1365303078&.intl=US&.lang=en For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Qaf6 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Apr


4/7/13 MICHIGAN DEFEATS SYRACUSE,FINAL FOUR,WILL PLAY LOUSIVILLE 4 CHAMPIONSHIP,read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2059715 ATLANTA John Beilein is known for his meticulous preparationshould have come as no surprise that he had his young but experienced group of Wolverines ready. Michigan used a combination of crisp passing, timely outside shooting and, mostly, their big man Mitch McGary to methodically pick apart [Syracuse]Saturday night in the Georgia Dome http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2059715 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Qa3k Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Apr


4/5/13 MAGIC JOHNSON SUPPORTS SON REVEALED 2B GAY,(I say, its ok 2b ex-gay ! I pray for magics son..& assume, or hope,magic, who has insinuated he is Christian, is just being politically correct in his support of his son & others, but then maybe Im wrong, I dont believe in gay-bashing, but also, theologically, I believe homosexuality is wrong for Christians (as for non-Christians, can I control what they say or do? Albeit when it comes to using the word marriage for two people of the same gender, I believe the word itself has religious history on its side..and tha it should be reserved solely to represent the union of a man & woman. By the way, isnt the founder of TMZ gay? ) *read more at http://www.denverpost.com/hochman/ci_22971573/hochman-magic-johnsonenthusiastically-supports-gay-son Magic jOhnsons son Johnson is conquering a new stigma raising a gay child. Yep, Magics son is gay. Ervin Johnson III, a 20year-old college kid who goes by E.J., was recently outed by TMZ cameras, which spotted E.J. holding hands with another man. The Hall of Famer and part owner of the Dodgers sat down with TMZ in a revealing interview, Johnson not only supported


his son, but talked about homophobia in sports, and what he would do to try to quash it. http://www.denverpost.com/hochman/ci_22971573/hochman-magic-johnson-enthusiasticallysupports-gay-son For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 , . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Q9NB Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/4 1. note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings ) 2. 7 Apr


4/7/13 NASA WANTS TO LASSO AN ASTEROID for $100 MILLION+ (as an evangelical Christian I am NOT anti-science, BUT I am opposed to use of public funds for such outlandish endeavors that sound cool but will ultimately reveal NOTHING! Just like Mars, no life will be foundit is DEAD ROCK! Always has been,always will be. The only God-created life in the universe is HERE on earth! Guaranteed! Spend the $100 million on giving new life & hope to people here & now& those to come..in the womb ! ) *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/04/06/nasa-to-lasso-asteroid-bring-it-closer-senator-says/ NASA is planning for a robotic spaceship to lasso a small asteroid and park it near the moon for astronauts to explore, a top senator said Friday. The ship would capture the 500-ton, 25-foot asteroid in 2019.Barack Obama is putting $100 million in planning money for the accelerated asteroid mission in the 2014 budget http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/04/06/nasa-to-lasso-asteroid-bring-it-closer-senator-says/ For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11


, . 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Q95M Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

3. 6 Apr


GlobalWarming? 4/5/13 DOES ANYTHING TAKE AS LONG TO BREAK DOWN AS IT DOES TO BUILD UP? (NY Times says the ice-melt in the Andes is proof-positive of global warming but is it really? does ice melt at the same rate as it forms? Im sure it also takes less time to destroy a skyscraper than to build it. What does that prove? I also just heard that UK had its longest,coldest winter in 50 years, see link at bottom; read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/05/world/americas/1600-years-of-ice-in-perus-andes-meltedin-25-years-scientists-say.html Glacial ice in the Peruvian Andes that took at least 1,600 years to form has melted in just 25 years, scientists reported Thursday, the latest indication that the recent spike in global temperatures has thrown the natural world out of balance. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/05/world/americas/1600-years-of-ice-in-perus-andes-meltedin-25-years-scientists-say.html For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. Jakobus 3:16


Re UKs LONGEST WINTER IN 50 YEARS, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2304858/From-hedgehogs-bees-bluebells-daffs-victimsUKs-big-freeze-How-longest-winter-hit-wildlife.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Posted by VanderKOK http://ow.ly/i/1POPb *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

4. 6 Apr


4/5/13 MANY DONT KNOW THAT MLK Jr. WAS A REPUBLICAN,*read more at http://www.humanevents.com/2006/08/16/why-martin-luther-king-was-republican/ It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four Ss: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism. It was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks. The Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every civil rights law beginning with the civil rights laws of the 1860s, and continuing with the civil rights laws of the 1950s and 1960s. During the civil rights era of the 1960s, Dr. King was fighting the Democrats who stood in the school house


doors, turned skin-burning fire hoses on blacks and let loose vicious dogs. It was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools http://www.humanevents.com/2006/08/16/why-martin-luther-king-was-republican/ For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. Jakobus 3:16 http://ow.ly/i/1POG9 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

5. 6 Apr


Is It Abortion? 4/5/13 JUDGE ORDERS MORNING AFTER PILL 2b AVAILABLE w/o PRESCRIPTION 4 ANY REPRODUCTIVE AGE, [it is intended to end any possible conception that may have occurred within the previous 24 hours ,so it is a form of abortion, which I am against,albeit I havent read what the pro-life leaders say about it. Is it a lesser evil? *read more at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/05/us-usa-contraception-rulingidUSBRE9340ES20130405 (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday ordered the Food and Drug Administration to make the morning-after emergency contraception pill available without a prescription to all girls of reproductive age.The ruling by U.S. District Judge Edward Korman in Brooklyn, http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/05/us-usa-contraception-rulingidUSBRE9340ES20130405 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade


praktijk. Jakobus 3:16 http://ow.ly/i/1POyS Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

6. 4 Apr


4/3/13 NEW EYE DROPS MAY HELP PREVENT AGING BLINDNESS,*read more at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php Eye drops that could prevent one of the most common causes of blindness are being developed by scientists. Researchers have found that lowering the levels of cholesterol in the eye can halt the growth of blood vessels which cause age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease is the leading cause of blindness in people as they get older and affects 500,000 people in the Britain http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9966518/Eye-drops-could-treat-maculardegeneration.html

They were able to deliver the drug, called an LXR agonist, in eye drops, and found they could reverse the macular degeneration in the old mice. Based on our findings, we need to investigate whether vision loss caused by macular degeneration could be prevented with cholesterol-lowering eye drops or other


medications that might prevent the buildup of lipids beneath the retina. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. Jes 1:17Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. zsais 1:17Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1P1pi http://ow.ly/i/1OSJD Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

7. 4 Apr


4/3/13 JAY LENO CONFIRMS NBC RUMORS TO REPLACE HIM w/ FALLON, *read more at http://www.people.com/people/article/020687384,00.html [Re] NBC late-night-host succession. Fallon, 38, said hes okay and inquired how Leno, 62, was. Yeah, says the 20-year Tonight veteran. Ill live. Ive been through this before, yknow. Got to admit, Im a little sick of this.Then they broke into song, a reworked version of the soaring Tonight, from West Side Story. http://www.people.com/people/article/020687384,00.html Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. Jes 1:17Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. zsais 1:17Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. Izaija 01:17


http://ow.ly/i/1OTkR Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

8. 4 Apr


4/3/13 RIP SHAIN GANDEE (et al) of MTVs BUCKWILD,(apparently of carbon monoxide due to a tailpipe mishap)*read more at http://natick.m.wickedlocal.com/wkdNatick/pm_31655/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=CnrPZvbu Shain Gandee, one of the stars of MTVs Buckwild, was found dead this morning, Yahoo News reports. The bodies of Gandee, his uncle and a third unknown person were found in Gandees truck on a dirt road. They were last seen leaving a bar at 3 a.m. Sunday morning. http://natick.m.wickedlocal.com/wkdNatick/pm_31655/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=CnrPZvbu Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. Jes 1:17Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. zsais 1:17Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OT7I Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

9. 4 Apr


4/3/13 NEW WATER PURIFIER ALLOWS DESERT-DWELLERS TO NATURALLY PURIFY WELLWATER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130402-desert-nomads-marvel-water-purifying-device The waterpod allows desert-dwellers to turn water extracted from wells into clean drinking water through evaporation and condensation, using the heat of the sun, a technology that the Arabs were among the first to develop as far back as the 16th century. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130402-desert-nomads-marvel-water-purifying-device Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. Jes 1:17Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. zsais 1:17Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OSVs Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

10. 4 Apr


4/3/13 NEW EYE DROPS MAY HELP PREVENT AGING BLINDNESS,*read more at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php Eye drops that could prevent one of the most common causes of blindness are being developed by scientists. Researchers have found that lowering the levels of cholesterol in the eye can halt the growth of blood vessels which cause age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease is the leading cause of blindness in people as they get older and affects 500,000 people in the Britain http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9966518/Eye-drops-could-treat-maculardegeneration.html

They were able to deliver the drug, called an LXR agonist, in eye drops, and found they could reverse the macular degeneration in the old mice. Based on our findings, we need to investigate whether vision loss caused by macular degeneration could be prevented with cholesterol-lowering eye drops or other


medications that might prevent the buildup of lipids beneath the retina. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. Jes 1:17Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. zsais 1:17Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OSJD Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

11. 4 Apr


4/3/13 Re BUBBA WATSONS HOVERCRAFT GOLF CART,see vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5u_2bGPdUY&feature=youtube_gdata_player Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. Jes 1:17Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. zsais 1:17Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OSAn Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com


www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

12. 4 Apr

4/1/13 LOUISVILLEs KEVIN WARE OK AFTER BROKEN LEG SURGERY,*read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/Louisvilles-Kevin-Ware-resting-after-surgery46780441 Louisville guard Kevin Ware had successful surgery on his broken right leg Sunday night.Ware sustained a horrifying fracture in the first half of Sundays Midwest Regional final when he landed awkwardly after trying to contest a 3-point shot, http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/Louisvilles-Kevin-Ware-resting-after-surgery46780441 This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i


posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1OSlI Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

13. 4 Apr



http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401117 CINCINNATI In a game so long that everything became blurred, catcher Chris Iannetta had one thing clearly in mind when he dug in for his final at-bat. Dont strike out again. He didnt. Iannetta singled with the bases loaded in the 13th inning Monday, sending the Los Angeles Angels to a 3-1 victory over the Cincinnati Reds in an opener that set a few records http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401117 This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1OScv Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

14. 4 Apr


3/29/13 RIP RICHARD GRIFFITHS (HARRY POTTERs UNCLE),65,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130329-harry-potter-actor-richard-griffiths-dies-aged-65 British actor Richard Griffiths, best known for his roles as Harry Potters uncle and in the cult film Withnail & I, has died aged 65, his agent said on Friday http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130329-harry-potter-actor-richard-griffiths-diesaged-65 This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1OS2P Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @


www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

15. 2 Apr

4/1/13 DODGERS WIN HOME OPENER,KERSHAW HOMERS,KOUFAX THROWS 1st PITCH,*read more at http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401119 Hall of Famer Sandy Koufax threw out the ceremonial first pitch. Then another Dodgers left-hander with a great curveball dominated. Clayton Kershaw launched his first career home run to break a scoreless tie in the eighth inning before finishing off a fourhitter Monday that led Los Angeles over the defending champion San Francisco Giants 4-0 on Opening Day. http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401119 This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i


posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O2Hj Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

16. 2 Apr

3/30/13 RIP PHIL MALONE,POPE of POP, GRAMMY WINNING (x14) PRODUCER,72,*read more at


http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-iconic-music-producer-phil-ramone-dies-72 Phil Ramone, the legendary US music producer behind hits by Paul Simon, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel and Barbra Streisand, died Saturday, a trade publication said. He was 72. Ramone a 14-time Grammy winner once dubbed the Pope of Pop http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-iconic-music-producer-phil-ramone-dies-72 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O2pl Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/5 17. note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings ) 18. 95

19. 2 Apr

4/1/13 OXFORD DEFEATS CAMBRIDGE IN 159th BOAT RACE *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-oxford-win-controversy-free-boat-race Favourites Oxford surged to victory over Cambridge in the 159th Boat Race on Sunday, a year after the 2012 event had been controversially disrupted by a protester. Last years race, won by Cambridge, had to be restarted after Australian Trenton Oldfield swam into the path of the two boats in a protest against elitism and government cuts. He was released from prison in December after serving seven weeks of a six-month sentence http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-oxford-win-controversy-free-boat-race 96

This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O0Y1 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

20. 2 Apr


4/1/13 EXPONENTIALLY HIGHER NUMBERS of SICK SEALIONS IN CALIFORNIA (due to Fukushima?) *read more at http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-03-31/fukushima-radiation-causing-epidemic-deadand-starving-sea-lions-california This is an unprecedented crisis for the species in this state says the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.So we are seeing exponentially higher numbers [Keith Matassa, who runs the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach said] A normal sea lion at this age 8 to 9 months old should be around 60, 70 pounds, said Matassa. Were seeing them come into our center at 20 to 25 pounds, http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-03-31/fukushima-radiation-causing-epidemic-deadand-starving-sea-lions-california This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10


http://ow.ly/i/1O0G5 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

21. 2 Apr


4/1/13 ANDY MURRAY DEFEATS FERRER TO WIN MIAMI MASTERS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-murray-beats-ferrer-win-miami-masters British second seed Andy Murray won the ATP Miami Masters title on Sunday, saving a match point in the penultimate game in defeating Spanish third seed David Ferrer 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7/1). Murray captured his 26th career tour title, and second of the year http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-murray-beats-ferrer-win-miami-masters This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O0hX Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

22. 2 Apr


4/1/13 ANDY MURRAY DEFEATS FERRER TO WIN MIAMI MASTERS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-murray-beats-ferrer-win-miami-masters British second seed Andy Murray won the ATP Miami Masters title on Sunday, saving a match point in the penultimate game in defeating Spanish third seed David Ferrer 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7/1). Murray captured his 26th career tour title, and second of the year http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-murray-beats-ferrer-win-miami-masters This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O0hX Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

23. 2 Apr


4/1/13 RIP PATTYCAKE, BRONX ZOO GORILLA DIES, 40,*read more at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ZOO_GORILLA_DIES? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT NEW YORK (AP) Pattycake, the first gorilla born in New York City, has died at the Bronx Zoo. She was 40 years old Pattycake was born at the Central Park Zoo on Sept. 3, 1972 and lived there with her parents Kongo and Lulu. She made news at 5 months old when she suffered a broken arm. In 1983, she went to live at the Bronx Zoo. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ZOO_GORILLA_DIES? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i


posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NTxg Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

24. 2 Apr


4/1/13 WHY ISNT FDA TESTING for POSSIBLE FUKUSHIMA RADIOACTIVE FISH? *read more at http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/04/fda-refuses-to-test-fish-for-radioactivity-governmentpretends-radioactive-fish-is-safe.html DeLancey and the EPA.DeLancey said that so far, theres no reason for concern about Fukushima. The radioactive materials in the water near Fukushima quickly become diluted in the massive volume of the Pacific, she said. Additionally, radioactive fallout that lands on the surface tends to stay there, giving the most unstable ones isotopes like iodine time to decay before reaching fish, she said. Of course, radioactive isotopes like cesium 137 are very long-lived , and so wont necessarily decay before they reach fish. And in typical Orwellian agency-speak the FDA is trying to reassure people that eating contaminated fish poses no


health risk. They expressed confidence that even a single fish sufficiently contaminated to pose a risk to human health would be detected by the U.S. monitoring system. [But would the government announce such detection?] http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/04/fda-refuses-to-test-fish-for-radioactivity-governmentpretends-radioactive-fish-is-safe.html This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NTqX Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

25. 2 Apr


4/1/13 KID BULLIED BY TEACHERS 4 BEING CONSERVATIVE, *read more at http://weaselzippers.us/2013/03/31/15-year-old-high-school-freshman-tells-story-of-being-bulliedby-teachers-for-being-conservative/ Lets hear from Benji Backer, high school freshman. Via Freedom Works: I am currently in my freshman year of high school and the incidents are happening more frequently and I believe are more severe. As you can imagine, the ongoing pressure and bullying has been disturbing to me, my friends and my family. Just before the 2010 Midterm election, I was on the front page of the local newspaper for my political volunteer work and my teachers noticed. One of my seven teachers made it very clear that she dissaproved of my civic engagement. In a period of two months, my Geography


teacher frequently would take me aside after school for a few minutes and tell me how stupid, wrong and misguided I was for being Republican http://weaselzippers.us/2013/03/31/15-year-old-high-school-freshman-tells-story-of-being-bulliedby-teachers-for-being-conservative/ This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NTgw Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

26. 2 Apr


4/1/13 MORE SHARKS THAN EVER BEFORE SEEN AT LA JOLLA, *read more at http://kfmb.m0bl.net/w/news-local/story/88303749/ One veteran diver tells News 8, he has never seen as many sharks as he has in the past few weeks. I have seen more sharks this year than any year in my 45 years of diving here, said Rod Watkins, owner of Scuba San Diego. http://kfmb.m0bl.net/w/news-local/story/88303749/ This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NT6F Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

27. 1 Apr

Pray4 3/30/13 JOHN UPTON KILLED BY NEIGHBOR? *read more at http://m.christianpost.com/news/filmmaker-killed-acclaimed-filmmaker-john-upton-gunneddown-by-neighbor-video92945/ . he had had heated arguments with neighbor


Vilkin in the past, regarding property issues with trees. His brother said, [He] wrapped a gun in his jacket and proceeded to bait my brother and pulled out the gun and shot [him] in the head. http://m.christianpost.com/news/filmmaker-killed-acclaimed-filmmaker-john-upton-gunneddown-by-neighbor-video92945/ For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NPJ5 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

28. 31 Mar


3/30/13 SCIENCE SAYS TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE COINCIDES w/ DEATH of JESUS, (not sure if this helps the cause of Christianity or hurts itunbelievers of course will use this information to say that it was just a natural event, whereas we believers say that God can use natural events for His greater purpose; but then also how can science confirm a total solar eclipse from 2000 years ago ?) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/easter-science-6-facts-jesus-130048031.html Several sources mention Jesus crucifixion at the hands of Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect. Christian Gospels say the skies darkened for hours after the crucifixion, which historians viewed either as a miracle or a portent of dark times to come. Using astronomy, later historians have used this mention to pinpoint the death of Christ. Some tie the crucifixion to a one-minute 59-second total solar eclipse that occurred in 29 C.E., whereas others say a second total eclipse, blocking the sun for four minutes and six seconds, in 33 C.E. marked Jesus death.


http://news.yahoo.com/easter-science-6-facts-jesus-130048031.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nmah Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

29. 31 Mar


3/30/13 FLORIDA GCs IMPROBABLE RUN ENDS w/ LOSS TO FLORIDA,MARCH MADNESS,*read more at http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/fgcus-ncaa-run-ends-62-50-loss-florida-18844823 high-flying act from Dunk City busted most everybodys NCAA tournament brackets and left an indelible mark on March. Bet you know what FGCU is now. Florida Gulf Coast, the No. 15 seed few people knew much about only a week ago, had their improbable run to the NCAA round of 16 ended by a 62-50 loss late Friday night http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/fgcus-ncaa-run-ends-62-50-loss-florida-18844823 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nm6U


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybodys

30. 31 Mar


3/30/13 MICHIGAN DEFEATS KANSAS TO MAKE ELITE EIGHT, (& they also,subsequently defeated Florida,more easily, to make final 4!) *read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/trey-burke-michigan-use-frantic-rally-to-stunkansas-in-ncaa-tournament-sweet-16/2013/03/29/00c5d17e-98cc-11e2-97cd3d8c1afe4f0f_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage ARLINGTON, Tex. Michigans Trey Burke wasnt simply the best player on the court in Fridays Sweet 16 battle with top-seeded Kansas. He was the gutsiest. After being held scoreless in the first half, the sophomore guard drilled an impossibly nervy threepointer to knot the score at 76 with 4.2 seconds remaining. And there it remained, forcing overtime for http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/trey-burke-michigan-use-frantic-rally-to-stunkansas-in-ncaa-tournament-sweet-16/2013/03/29/00c5d17e-98cc-11e2-97cd3d8c1afe4f0f_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlYo Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

31. 31 Mar


Stop the Tusk Lust! 3/30/13 MAN SAWS OFF ELEPHANT TUSK IN MUSEUM, (well, at least he didnt kill a defenseless elephant, or rhino, like so many poachers are doing lately, but still something has to stop this senseless lust for tusks!),*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-paris-chainsaw-thief-hacks-off-sun-king-elephant-tusk broke into the Paris natural history museum early Saturday and used a chainsaw to hack off the tusk of an elephant that belonged to King Louis XIV of France, officials said. Police arrested the man in a nearby street as he was making his escape The animals tusks are not the original ones but were added to the skeleton in the 19th century.. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-paris-chainsaw-thief-hacks-off-sun-king-elephant-tusk For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta,


menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlU6 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

32. 31 Mar


3/30/13 GERMAN OFFICIALS CONFISCATE JUSTIN BIEBERs PET MONKEY,(tough times for Bieber. Trouble back at calabasas with his neighbor as well) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-germans-seize-justin-biebers-monkey . Justin Bieber had his pet monkey Mally confiscated when he arrived with the animal at Munich airport, Customs officials put the capuchin monkey in quarantine on Thursday because the 19-year-old pop sensation was unable to present the necessary documents for importing a live animal. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-germans-seize-justin-biebers-monkey For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta,


menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlMf Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

33. 31 Mar


3/30/13 SERENA WILLIAMS DEFEATS SHARAPOVA TO WIN 6th MIAMI, (I saw Sharpova at Indian Wells,wonder why Serena wasnt there?) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-serena-williams-captures-record-sixth-miami-title World No. 1 Serena Williams rallied to defeat world No. 2 Maria Sharapova 4-6, 6-3, 6-0 on Saturday in the WTA Miami final, winning the event for a record sixth time http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-serena-williams-captures-record-sixth-miami-title For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlDq Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

34. 35.http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/5 36. note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings )

37.http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/6 38. 39. 31 Mar note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings )


Pray4 3/30/13 83 GOLDMINE WORKERS BURIED IN TIBET LANDSLIDE,*read more at http://m.timesofindia.com/world/china/China-Landslide-buries-83-in-Tibet-gold-minearea/articleshow/19291947.cms No signs of life have been detected at a gold mining site in a mountainous area of Tibet more than 24 hours after a massive landslide buried 83 workers, Chinese state media said on Saturday. The state-run China Central Television said more than 2,000 rescuers have been dispatched to Lhasas Maizhokunggar county to search for the buried. http://m.timesofindia.com/world/china/China-Landslide-buries-83-in-Tibet-gold-minearea/articleshow/19291947.cms For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan.


Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nlyj Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

40. 31 Mar


Shameful 3/30/13 RICKY GERVAIS MOCKS CHRISTIANS AT EASTER TIME,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/03/29/gervais-taunts-christians-easter Easter season is a time for Christians to consider the resurrection of Christ anew. For atheist comedian Ricky Gervais, Easter is just another excuse to mock those of faith. The British comic fired up his Twitter feed this week with a series of condescending jabs at Christians. Did Jesus know http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/03/29/gervais-taunts-christians-easter For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10


http://ow.ly/i/1Nf7T Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

41. 31 Mar


His son too! 3/30/13 UCLA BRUINS HIRE STEVE ALFORD AS NEW BASKETBALL COACH, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/ucla-hires-steve-alford-basketball-coach-162919050spt.html LOS ANGELES (AP) Steve Alford was hired as UCLA basketball coach on Saturday, spurning New Mexico days after he agreed to a new 10-year deal with the Lobos for a chance to run what he called the premier basketball program in the country. The Bruins are bringing in http://news.yahoo.com/ucla-hires-steve-alford-basketball-coach-162919050spt.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NeZE Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

42. 31 Mar


3/30/13 U of Ms TREY BURKE IS A NEW MARCH MADNESS STAR,*read more at http://btn.com/2013/03/29/quick-hit-trey-burke-shines-on-national-stage/ Time and again, Michigan looked dead in the water. But the Wolverines never stopped fighting, rallying from 14 points down to force overtime and win in the extra session. Trey Burke played like the national player of the year. He went 0for-4 in the first half and didnt score. But he came alive after intermission, scoring 23 points (five in OT) to save the day. http://btn.com/2013/03/29/quick-hit-trey-burke-shines-on-national-stage/ http://ow.ly/i/1NePd For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

43. 31 Mar


Ironic 3/30/13 BUDDHISTS AGGRESSIVENESS SCARES SOME MUSLIMS AWAY,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/muslims-vanish-buddhist-attacks-approach-myanmars-biggest-city034801049.html SIT KWIN, Myanmar (Reuters) - The Muslims of Sit Kwin were always a small group who numbered no more than 100 of the villages 2,000 people. But as sectarian violence led by Buddhist mobs spreads across central Myanmar, they and many other Muslims are disappearing. Their homes, shops and mosques destroyed, http://news.yahoo.com/muslims-vanish-buddhist-attacks-approach-myanmars-biggest-city034801049.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan. Lukas 11:10


44. 31 Mar

3/30/13 MIAMI HEATs WIN STREAK ENDS AT 27, SIX SHORT OF TYING RECORD, *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/27/miami-heat-winning-streak-ends-at-27-in-chicago/ The Miami Heats 27-game winning streak was snapped Wednesday night by the Chicago Bulls, 101-97, when a furious comeback by LeBron James and his teammates fell short. The Heat finished six shy http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/27/miami-heat-winning-streak-ends-at-27-in-chicago/ For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt. Luke 11:10Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan.


Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nexw Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

45. 30 Mar


well-stated op-ed 3/26/13 SCHOOL BANS EASTER BUNNY & ANYTHING re RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS *read more at http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2013/03/26/alabama-school-executes-the-easter-bunny/ Teachers at Heritage Elementary School in Madison, Ala., were informed Monday (March 25) their plans to have an academic egg hunt with their kindergarten and second grade students would need to be scrappedSchool Principal Lydia Davenport informed staff no activities related to or centered around any religious holiday would be allowed in the interest of religious diversity among students.Parents are upset of course. We should all grow up and be clear about something. There is no way that you can live in a community of any size and never ever offend anyone. Its even more impossible, if such a concept exists, to not offend anyone when some people go around constantly looking for ways to be offended. Being offended is a path to gaining power in our screwed up society. So some people will pursue


offense, because it gives them power. Its quicker and easier than actually achieving anything. In this case, the school sought to cater to people who are professionally and perpetually offended. In seeking to avoid offending them, it has offended parents and kids who were just minding their own business. We have competing groups here, people who get strategically offended, and people who just want to be left alone. The latter never win. http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2013/03/26/alabama-school-executes-the-easter-bunny/ I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1yF Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

46. 30 Mar 134

3/25/13 ANGELS FINALLY DEAL VERNON WELLS TO YANKEES, ENDING DIFFICULT SITUATION, (this has been a thorn in angels side for a while nowvernon never materialized as a top player for the angels despite being paid top pricethere didnt seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, but the Yanks can be thanked,for once, for helping the Angels; I wont heap scorn on Vernon personally..didnt seem that he failed for lack of effort or a bad attitude, but simply wasnt able to rise up to the challenge)*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=a8c5ecee-80d6-39e3-b284c8979d1942b0&.ts=1364210295&.intl=US&.lang=en Were it not for the New York Yankees, Vernon Wells still would be a Los Angeles Angel, forever consigned to their dungeon of ill-fated maneuvers. Because the Yankees exist and because they operate in a vacuum independent from their harrowing reality the Angels now no longer must stare at a $100 million mistake http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=a8c5ecee-80d6-39e3-b284-


c8979d1942b0&.ts=1364210295&.intl=US&.lang=en I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1mU Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

47. 30 Mar


Pray4 3/22/13 N DAKOTA MAY TAKE STRONG STAND 4 LIFE, AGAINST ABORTION! (Also see story re arkansas & their stand for life!) *read more at http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/22/17420927-north-dakota-passes-toughest-antiabortion-package-in-us-bills-await-governor?lite North Dakota lawmakers approved measures Friday that would effectively ban abortion in the state, including a ballot referendum that would let voters declare that life begins at conception.The measures, would ban abortions after 20 weeks except in medical emergencies http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/22/17420927-north-dakota-passes-toughest-antiabortion-package-in-us-bills-await-governor?lite I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk,


19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1dE Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

48. 30 Mar


GoodNews, 3/6/13 ARKANSAS TAKES A STRONG STAND 4 UNBORN LIFE! (Pro-lifers R slowly but surely bringing the USA back to being a country of conscience) read more at http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/06/17212230-arkansas-lawmakers-approvetoughest-abortion-limits-in-nation?lite Arkansas House of Representatives on Wednesday rejected the governors veto of a controversial bill that would make abortions illegal after 12 weeks of pregnancy, thus setting up the most restrictive ban on the procedure nationwide. The House vote of 56-33 followed Senate approval on Tuesday to override Gov. Mike Beebes veto of SB 134, or the Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act , which enforces a ban on abortion earlier in pregnancy than any other state now does. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/06/17212230-arkansas-lawmakers-approve-toughestabortion-limits-in-nation?lite I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av


visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N11w Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody unborn life,fetus,abortion,adoption,heartbeat,conception,pro-life,pro-choice,protect unborn life,arkansas house of representatives,mike beebe,human heartbeat protection act

49. 30 Mar


3/24/13 RIP,NIGERIAs CHINUA ACHEBE (THINGS FALL APART) *read more at http://m.guardiannews.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/24/chinua-achebe-african-literature Achebe published his first novel in 1958, Nigeria was two years away from independence..By 1964, his novel [Things Fall Apart] was the first by an African writer to be set as a required text in schools across the continents English-speaking countries and it is, more than 50 years after publication, the most widely read work by an African writer; the book that, more than any other, has introduced readers across the world to the writing of the continent. http://m.guardiannews.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/24/chinua-achebe-african-literature For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1N02y Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

50. 30 Mar

3/28/13 re PHIL JACKSONs 1st TWEET! *read more at http://m.nbclosangeles.com/nbclosangeles/pm_107879/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Q9gVNI7o


The legendary coach has taken to Twitter, and following an introduction to the Twitterverse by his fiancee (and Lakers executive vice president) Jeanie Buss, hes now 60,000 followers richer and counting. But thats just the first step. The next may be for the retired coach n of the Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls to learn how to type. His first tweet: 11 champ;ipnsikp[ ringhs http://m.nbclosangeles.com/nbclosangeles/pm_107879/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Q9gVNI7o I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MZv4 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women!


See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

51. 30 Mar

Cranky neighbor, what a jerk. 3/28/13 VETERAN MARINE NOT ALLOWED TO FLY OLD GLORY,*read more athttp://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/28/marine-told-he-cant-fly-americanflag/ A true patriot, one U.S. Marine said hoisting an American flag in his front yard was one of the first freedoms he took advantage of when he finally stepped on U.S. soil until that soldier discovered raising a flag in his hometown was no longer a


freedom.One neighbor must have found thestar spangled banner an eye sore and decided to file a complaint with the city. They city was forced to give the citation, http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/28/marine-told-he-cant-fly-american-flag/ I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MZlM Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

52. 29 Mar



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3/28/13 MODERN-DAY SWARM OF LOCUSTS BESIEGES ISRAEL at PASSOVER,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/bible-comes-life-locusts-swarm-israel-190310435.html By Christa Case Bryant | Christian Science Monitor Locusts have descended on Israel this week, just in time for Passover. As millions of Jews commemorate the story of the children of Israels exodus from Egypt, including the 10 plagues that afflicted Pharaoh and his people, millions of the crunchy buggers are creeping all over Israels southern deserts.The Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, which was on locust alert, has responded quick http://news.yahoo.com/bible-comes-life-locusts-swarm-israel-190310435.html I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MNAF Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women!


See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

66. 29 Mar

3/28/13 re FLORIDA PROFESSORs ASSIGNMENT TO STOMP ON JESUS (dont stomp on Jesus!) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/florida-university-under-fire-over-jesus-classroom-exercise233947299.html A Florida university has come under fire over a professors controversial classroom assignment that asked his students to write Jesus on a sheet of paper and then to step on it. http://news.yahoo.com/florida-university-under-fire-over-jesus-classroom-exercise-


233947299.html 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MNjY Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

67. 29 Mar

68. 28 Mar


69. 28 Mar

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27 Mar


3/26/13 KILL the COWARDLY POACHERS WHO KILLED the DEFENSELESS RARE ONEHORNED RHINO et al !*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-poachers-kill-rare-rhinos-indias-northeast A gang of poachers killed a rare one-horned rhino at a wildlife park in northeast India, taking to 15 the number of such beasts slaughtered this year, an official said on Sunday. Heavily-armed poachers fired at the rhino late Saturday inside Assam states Kaziranga National Park and its horn was gouged out, just a day after another giant pachyderm was killed http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-poachers-kill-rare-rhinos-indias-northeast For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LZH6 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


27 Mar


Protect Unborn Life ! 3/26/13 TEACHER MAY BE FIRED FOR BEING AGAINST PLANNED PARENTHOOD, *read more at http://christiannews.net/2013/03/22/oregon-teacher-escorted-from-high-school-by-police-foropposing-planned-parenthood-in-classroom/ Oregon high school teacher was escorted from the building by police this week over what is believed to be related to his continued opposition to Planned Parenthoods presence in the classroom. Bill Diss is a math and computer science teacher at Benson High School in PortlandI certainly fight Planned Parenthood, which I certainly have a right to do, he told reporters this week following the incident. And that was all on the outside, until [last] year when they brought Planned Parenthood [into the school]. http://christiannews.net/2013/03/22/oregon-teacher-escorted-from-high-school-by-police-foropposing-planned-parenthood-in-classroom/ For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction


does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LZtB Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


27 Mar


3/26/13 OSUs AARON CRAFT HITS 3-POINTER @ BUZZER TO SQUEAK BY IOWA STATE,MARCH MADNESS, *read more at http://deadspin.com/aaron-craft-hits-three-pointer-with-0-5-seconds-remaini-458602796 Iowa States upset dreams came to an end as Ohio States Aaron Craft made penance for a series of missed free throws in the clutch and hit a near-buzzerbeating three-pointer to give the second-seeded Buckeyes a 78-75 win. http://deadspin.com/aaron-craft-hits-three-pointer-with-0-5-seconds-remaini-458602796 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LRRV Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


27 Mar

3/24/13 SEAL PUP FOUND ALIVE MILES FROM WATER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-swedes-mystified-seal-pup-found-forest A seal pup was found in a forest in eastern Sweden on Sunday


almost six kilometres (four miles) from the closest body of open water, raising questions as to how it got there, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-swedes-mystified-seal-pup-found-forest For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LPjn Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


27 Mar


(I was there on Saturday! He also won the Royal Purple 300 ) 3/25/13 KYLE BUSCH SWEEPS FONTANA after HAMLIN v LOGANA LAST-LAP FEUD CRASH,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2015731 FONTANA, Calif. single-car crash at the inside wall on the final lap of Sundays Auto Club 400. Kyle Busch passed a wrecking Joey Logano and Hamlin to win the race. Logano and Hamlin, who have traded barbs since the season opening Daytona 500, http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2015731 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LOQI Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


27 Mar



http://www.lifenews.com/2012/01/05/91-of-pregnant-women-planned-parenthood-sees-getabortions/ annual report the Planned Parenthood abortion business released shows it helped fewer pregnant women with prenatal care and the number of pregnant women it referred for adoptions declined as well. The report also breaks down the services Planned Parenthood offers in addition to abortions. Planned Parenthood has always come under fire from pro-life groups for doing hundreds of thousands of abortions by providing little in the way of help for pregnant woman wanting to keep their baby or considering adoption. The new report shows that hasnt changed. The new document the abortion organization posted shows Planned Parenthood did 329,445 abortions in 2010 while it provided prenatal care to only 31,098 women and referred only 841 women to adoption agencies. The number of women receiving prenatal care dropped significantly from 2009 to 2010, as the abortion business helped 40,489 women in 2009 meaning almost 10,000 fewer women received prenatal support from Planned Parenthood last year than the year prior, or a drop of almost 25 percent. The number of women getting adoption referrals also declined from a low 977 in 2009 to 841 last year, or a decline of 14 percent. Examined another way Planned Parenthood does 391 abortions for every adoption referral it makes and almost 11 abortions for every woman it helps with prenatal care http://www.lifenews.com/2012/01/05/91-of-pregnant-women-planned-parenthood-sees-getabortions/ For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LDjs Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


26 Mar

3/25/13 NAZI SUBMARINE DISCOVERED,NORWAY;*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-nazi-submarine-found-off-norwayThe wreck of a German World War II submarine that was sunk with 48 people on board has been found off


Norways coast during work on an oil pipe, a maritime museum official said Monday. The U-486 was torpedoed and broken in two by a British submarine in April 1945 http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-nazi-submarine-found-off-norway For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LArP Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


26 Mar


3/26/13 THREE ANCIENT PLAYING FIELDS DISCOVERED IN MEXICO,*read more at http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-21914135#sans_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa Archaeologists in Mexico say they have uncovered three ancient playing fields at a pre-Hispanic site in the eastern state of Veracruz. They found the courts, dating back some 1,000 years, at the Tajin World Heritage site by using laser scanners http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-21914135#sans_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LAlU Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


26 Mar

3/26/13 YAHOO TO BUY NEWS APP from TEEN for $30+ MILLION,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-yahoo-buys-app-british-teen Yahoo! announced plans Monday


to buy mobile news reader app Summly from the London teenager who invented it, likely transforming him into one of the worlds youngest self-made multimillionaires. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-yahoo-buys-app-british-teen For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LAaz Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


26 Mar


3/26/13 DOG RESCUES TRAPPED HIKER,RIVERSIDE,CA; *read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/rescue-dog-saves-trapped-hiker-mountain-article1.1299183?localLinksEnabled=false For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LA0C Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013)


*Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


26 Mar

3/26/13 WHERE GIANT TORTOISES ARE AS NUMEROUS AS ANTS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-coral-atoll-where-giant-tortoises-outnumber-man100001 perhaps not surprising that there are only a handful of humans on one of the most remote islands on Earth, coral atolls far out in the turquoise seas of the Indian Ocean.


What is unexpected are the 100,000 giant tortoises more than are found on the world famous Galapagos Islands with some weighing a staggering 250 kilogrammes (550 pounds) and with shells more than a metre (yard) across http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-coral-atoll-where-giant-tortoises-outnumber-man100001 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LzUp Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


26 Mar


3/25/13 TIGER WOODS WINS BAY HILL,REGAINS #1 RANK,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-tiger-woods-wins-golf-rankings20130325,0,7342281.story Tiger Woods regained golfs world number one spot on Monday as he captured the PGA Tours Arnold Palmer Invitational with a two-shot victory. With his eighth Bay Hill course triumph, the 37-yearold Woods replaces Northern Irelands Rory McIlroy atop the world rankings http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-woods-reclaims-world-number-one-spot Tiger Woods tied a PGA Tour record Monday by winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando, Fla., for the eighth time, closing with a two-under 70 for a two-shot victory over Justin Rose.


I play well here, Woods said. And thats about as simple as it gets. http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-tiger-woods-wins-golf-rankings20130325,0,7342281.story For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LzNb Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


3/22/13 HARVARD SHOCKS NEW MEXICO,68-62,MARCH MADNESS,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-ncaa-tournament-harvard-vs-new-mexico20130321,0,5073542.story No. 14-seeded Harvard, shooting a remarkable 52.4% from the field while making eight of 18 three-point attempts, pulled off a late-night West Regional shocker with a 68-62 victory over third-seeded New Mexico at EnergySolutions Arena. What a sensational, gutsy effort by our team, Harvard Coach Tommy Amaker said. Our toughness and courage carried us through. http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-ncaa-tournament-harvard-vs-new-mexico20130321,0,5073542.story http://ow.ly/i/1KCEy If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land.


2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


3/23/13 MAN un-CONVICTED of MURDER AFTER 23 YEARS BEHIND BARS,*read more at http://abcnews.go.com/US/man-wrongly-convicted-rabbis-murder-released-23-years/story? id=18784699 David Ranta walked free, the Berlin Wall had just fallen and Nelson Mandela had just been released from prison. Now, 23 years later, the 58-year-old who was wrongfully convicted of murdering a New York City rabbi heard his handcuffs clink for the last time. He walked out of State Supreme Court in Brooklyn after Judge Miriam Cyrulnik vacated his conviction. Its clear that the effects of this case have been devastating, Cyrulnik said. To say Im sorry for what you have endured would be an understatement. Rantas relatives applauded in court and wail http://abcnews.go.com/US/man-wrongly-convicted-rabbis-murder-released-23-years/story? id=18784699


If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KCyn Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


3/23/13 LIONEL MESSI LEADS ARGENTINA PAST VENEZUELA,3-0,WORLD CUP QUALIFIER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130323-messi-magic-leaves-argentina-charge-wcup-qualifyingrace Lionel Messi scored once and set up two goals as Argentina beat Venezuela 3-0 to remain in control of the South American qualifying race for the 2014 World Cup. The Argentinian skipper http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130323-messi-magic-leaves-argentina-charge-wcup-qualifyingrace If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land.


2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KCkA

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

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24 Mar


3/23/13 LaSALLE UPSETS KANSAS STATE,63-61,MARCH MADNESS, *read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/la-salle-beats-kansas-state-ncaatournament-second-round-032213 The coachs message every time was simple: Keep playing defense. The Explorers finally answered his challenge. Jerrell Wright made three foul shots in the final 30 seconds, and the No. 13 seed from the Atlantic 10 buckled down on defense in the closing minutes, allowing the Explorers to polish off a 63-61 upset win Friday in the second round of the NCAA tournament http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/la-salle-beats-kansas-state-ncaa-tournamentsecond-round-032213 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn


from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KCeX Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


3/23/13 WICHITA ST. HITS 7 STRAIGHT 3-POINTERS in VICTORY OVER TOP-SEED GONZAGA,76-70,*read more athttp://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/wichita-statebeats-1-seed-gonzaga-76-70%2C-top-ranked-bulldogs-first-1-seed-eliminated-032313 seven consecutive three-pointers late to knock the top-ranked and No. 1 seeded Bulldogs out of the NCAA tournament 76-70 on Saturday. The Shockers (28-8) advanced to the Round of 16 for the first time since 2006, while Gonzaga became the first top seed to be eliminated http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/wichita-state-beats-1-seed-gonzaga-76-70%2Ctop-ranked-bulldogs-first-1-seed-eliminated-032313 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KC8e


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


3/23/13 JAY LENO JOKES re NBC EXECUTIVES,*read more at http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/03/22/jay-leno-knife-back-nbc/ The first: Doctors in Canada were shocked after pulling a three-inch knife blade from the back of a 32-year old man. The knife had been in there for three years! Imagine that, the guy had a knife in his back for three years. He mustve worked at NBC too.And the second: http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/03/22/jay-leno-knife-back-nbc/ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KBXt Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


3/23/13 MY CALVIN COLLEGE NAMED TO 13 PRESIDENTs HONOR ROLL,*read more at http://fox17online.com/2013/03/22/calvin-college-named-to-presidents-honorroll/#axzz2ON2qdjKBGRAND GRAPIDS, Mich. Calvin College has been named to the 2013 Presidents Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning and civic engagement. This is Calvins second time being so honored. (The college was recognized previously in 2009.) Receiving this award is another reminder, to ourselves, our partners, and the larger society, of what Calvin College values, said Jeff Bouman, director of Calvins service-learning center (I knew Jeff when he was a child!) http://fox17online.com/2013/03/22/calvin-college-named-to-presidents-honorroll/#axzz2ON2qdjKB If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet &


mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KvZq Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


3/23/13 MAN HELD HOSTAGE for 15 MONTHS SET FREE IN PHILIPPINES,*read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/world/asia/kidnapped-australian-is-freed-in-southernphilippines.html?_r=0 By FLOYD WHALEY MANILA An emaciated 54-year-old Australian man held for 15 months by a kidnap-for-ransom group in the southern Philippines was released Saturday, officials said. He was fine, but he looked very thin, said Col. Rodrigo Gregorio http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/world/asia/kidnapped-australian-is-freed-in-southernphilippines.html?_r=0 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen . 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KvP1 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


VidLink 3/13 KID DOES FLIP OVER COPS, GETS ARRESTED,See vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thMckjuhTCI&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/20/youtube-prankster-tackled-arrested-for-doing-frontflip-over-cops-in-viral-video-but-did-he-break-any-laws/ landing the impressive flip without touching the cops, once one of the deputies realized he had recorded the stunt, he completely changed his tone. Because you just filmed that, Im about to ruin your day and erase it, the cop said. No youre not, Ross replied. When he went after his camera, http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/20/youtube-prankster-tackled-arrested-for-doing-frontflip-over-cops-in-viral-video-but-did-he-break-any-laws/ ***In those days John the Baptist came saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu en disant: Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche. Matthieu 3:1-2 http://ow.ly/i/1KvCw Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


24 Mar


Pray4 3/21/13 5 ON TRIAL in IRAN for CHRISTIAN EVANGELISM,*read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/five-christians-arrested-at-prayer-service-facing-trial-withpolitical-charges-91466/ Recent reports indicate that five Christian members of the Church of Iran will soon be going on trial for their religion, facing multiple charges which include threatening national security and evangelism. The five imprisoned men, Mohammad Roghangir, Surush Saraie, Eskandar Rezaie, Shahin Lahooti and Massoud Rezaie have been detained since October 2012, and are facing charges of disturbing public order, evangelizing, http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/five-christians-arrested-at-prayer-service-facing-trial-withpolitical-charges-91466/ ***In those days John the Baptist came saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu en disant: Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche. Matthieu 3:1-2 http://ow.ly/i/1Kvpc


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


23 Mar


3/21/13 MICHELLE SHOCKED PERSECUTED 4 SPEAKING HER CONVICTIONS @ CONCERT, (they pulled the plug on her for speaking what she believes?!) *read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1999065?preferredArticleViewMode=singleControversial singer Michelle Shocked is under fire for her antigay tirade during a concert Sunday night in San Francisco. Witnesses say the born-again Christian told the crowd at Yoshis, When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back, and You can go on Twitter and say, Michelle Shocked says God hates (anti-gay slur). The staff at the venue finally turned off the stage lights and pulled the plug on her performance http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1999065?preferredArticleViewMode=single ***In those days John the Baptist came saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu en disant: Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche. Matthieu 3:1-2 http://ow.ly/i/1Kdq8 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


21 Mar


3/20/13 RIP, ZILLUR RAHMAN, BANGLADESH PRESIDENT,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-bangladesh-president-dies-singapore-embassy Bangladesh President Zillur Rahman, a veteran ruling party politician, died Wednesday in a Singapore hospital where he was being treated for kidney and respiratory problems, an embassy official told AFP.The president died at a hospital here in Singapore http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-bangladesh-president-dies-singapore-embassy ***In those days John the Baptist came saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu en disant: Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche. Matthieu 3:1-2 http://ow.ly/i/1JA7S Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


21 Mar

3/21/13 OXFORD STUDENTS PROTEST UNFAIR TERMINATION of LIBRARIAN,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-oxford-students-protest-harlem-shake-sacking


Oxford University students have lodged a protest about the hugely unjust sacking of a librarian who failed to stop about 30 students performing the Harlem Shake in a college library. They claim that Calypso Nash, a graduate student of St Hildas College, had nothing to do with the filming of the Internet dance craze last month but just happened to be there at the time. We feel the librarian has been treated unfairly, thus we call for her reinstatement, student leader Ellen Gibson told AFP. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-oxford-students-protest-harlem-shake-sacking ***In those days John the Baptist came saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu en disant: Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche. Matthieu 3:1-2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


21 Mar


3/20/13 NEW FULLER PREZ ADVOCATES DANGEROUS ACTS,(prayers4 new prez)*read more at http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacher-ofdangerous-acts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html Labberton served for 16 years as senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, California, before coming to Fuller in 2009. He co-founded the Christian International Scholarship Foundation (now ScholarLeaders, Intl), worked closely with John Stott Ministries (now called Langham Partnership), and serves as a senior fellow of the International Justice Mission. His books include First Things: A Theology of the World, the Church, the Pastor, and the Sermon (2013); The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor: Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus (2010) and The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living Gods Call to Justice (2007). Labberton has contributed to CT http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacher-ofdangerous-acts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html


Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1Jjfq Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


21 Mar


3/20/13 re VETERANs RANDOM ACT-of-KINDNESS (aka SimpleAct of Kindness) *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/military-veterans-random-act-of-kindness-wouldmake-even-the-worst-day-better/ One military veterans random act of kindness , though he certainly didnt do it for the attention, has gone viral, infecting people with smiles across the country. On Sunday, a random person with a big heart left a touching note and $40 on a womans windshield in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot for no other reason than a bumper sticker. I noticed the sticker on the back of your car, the note read, referring to a Half my Heart is in Afghanistan bumper sticker. Take your hero out to dinner when he comes home. Thank you both for serving. Him deployed and you for waiting. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/military-veterans-random-act-of-kindness-wouldmake-even-the-worst-day-better/ Anyone, then, who knows the good


he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1JiSG Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


21 Mar


3/20/13 CHINAs ABORTION #s the POPULATION OF ENTIRE USA,(protect the unborn!) *read more at http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/19/abortions-in-china-since-1971-higher-than-population-ofthe-u-s/ Since 1971, doctors have performed 336m abortions and 196m sterilisations, the data reveal. They have also inserted 403m intrauterine devices, a normal birth control procedure in the west but one that local officials often force on women in China. (my emphasis). The magnitude of these figures is staggering. By comparison, at present there are 315 million people living in the United States. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/19/abortions-in-china-since-1971-higher-than-population-ofthe-u-s/


Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1Jiwz Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


21 Mar


3/20/13 RIP, JASON MOLINA*read more at http://m.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2013/03/postscript-jason-molina.html Molina was born in Lorain, Ohio [1] and attended Oberlin College. After playing bass guitar in various heavy metal bands in and around Cleveland, Molina made the decision to become a solo artist under an assumed band name, recruiting other musicians for each individual project as needed. He made several home recordings under various names, including Songs: Albian, Songs: Radix, and Songs: Unitas, which he distributed himself at live performances. In 2011 a note on the bands website stated that Jason Molina had to quit making music for a while due to a severe but not clearly named illness. Furthermore, the medical treatment had drawn the singer (who did not have medical insurance) into debt. His family, accompanied by the label Secretly Canadian , set up the


Jason Molina Medical Fund to support him: Fans who donated money via PayPal received a compilation of live songs to download in return. [2] http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Molina Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


20 Mar


3/20/13 RUSH LIMBAUGH LAUDS BEN CARSON AS THREAT TO LIBERALS,*read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/who-is-the-one-conservative-that-rush-limbaughsays-has-every-democrat-scared-to-death/ Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday said Dr. Ben Carson has the entire Democratic Party scared to death for several reasons. He is able to articulate and explain conservatism in a way that is persuasive, without raising his voice at all, Limbaugh said.It sounds like http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/who-is-the-one-conservative-that-rush-limbaughsays-has-every-democrat-scared-to-death/ Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IZET Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/10 note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings )


20 Mar


3/20/13 CONGRESSMAN DEMANDS TO KNOW WHY DHS IS STOCKING UP ON AMMUNITION,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/big-sis-asked-to-explain-huge-ammo-buys/ (INFOWARS) New Jersey Congressman Leonard Lance (R) has demanded an explanation from Secretary Janet Napolitano as to why the Department of Homeland Security is buying huge amounts of bullets. Asked about the federal agencys purchase of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the past year enough to wage a 20 year plus war as well as thousands of armored vehicles Lance called on Congress to get http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/big-sis-asked-to-explain-huge-ammo-buys/ Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IYAz Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


20 Mar


3/20/13 CHINESE 14-yo to PLAY @ MASTERS,AUGUSTA,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-chinese-golf-prodigy-dreams-legendary-grand-slam Guan will next month become the youngest golfer to compete in the US Masters the first of the seasons most prestigious tournaments when he tees off at Augusta National aged just 14 years, five months and 17 days. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-chinese-golf-prodigy-dreams-legendary-grand-slam Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IYlO Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybod


20 Mar


3/20/13 LINDSAY LOHAN SENTENCED TO 90 DAYS REHAB,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-lindsay-lohan-gets-90-days-rehab-us-plea-deal Troubled US actress Lindsay Lohan was sentenced Monday to 90 days in locked rehab facility, as part of a plea deal announced as her trial for allegedly lying to police was due to begin.She will also have to carry out 30 days of community labor and undergo 18 months of psychotherapy as part of the deal, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-lindsay-lohan-gets-90-days-rehab-us-plea-deal Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IY44


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


20 Mar


3/20/13 NIK WALLENDA 2 TIGHTROPE GRAND CANYON, NO HARNESS, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-us-tightrope-walker-tackle-grand-canyon Hes at it again. The US tightrope artist who crossed Niagara Falls last year will try to do the same at the Grand Canyon but this time much further up and without a safety harness. Nik Wallenda will attempt his highest ever wire walk on June 23,.. stunt will take him 1,500 feet (457 meters) above the Little Colorado River thats higher up than the top of New Yorks Empire State Building, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-us-tightrope-walker-tackle-grand-canyon Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IXfc Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


20 Mar


3/20/13 ESTIMATED 15,000 PIGS FOUND DEAD IN SHANGHAI RIVER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-shanghai-rivers-dead-pig-total-approaches-15000 number of dead pigs found in a river which runs through Shanghai has reached nearly 15,000, officials and reports said Tuesday, as a newspaper claimed the government was concealing the true tally http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-shanghai-rivers-dead-pig-total-approaches-15000 Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IWYr Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


20 Mar


Sickening:( 3/20/13 POACHERS KILL 89 ELEPHANTS, SOME PREGNANT,S. CHAD,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-poachers-massacre-89-elephants-chad-wwf .A group of poachers last week massacred 89 elephants in one night near the town of Ganba in southern Chad, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said in a statement Tuesday. Some 50 Arabic-speaking poachers on horseback carried out the mass killing of the elephants, including 33 pregnant females and 15 calves last Thursday night, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-poachers-massacre-89-elephants-chad-wwf Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


20 Mar


3/20/13 OVERFISHING OF SMALL FISH LEADS TO JELLYFISH POPULATION EXPLOSION,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-overfishing-small-species-causes-jellyfish-curse proliferation of jellyfish, a worsening phenomenon whose causes have been unclear. The scientists monitored ecosystems in two ocean zones a thousand kilometres (600 miles) apart, traversed by the same current. One zone was off Namibia, where fishing has been unregulated, and the other was off South Africa, where catches of so-called forage fish sardines, anchovies and herrings are controlled according to available stocks. In the 1960s, the waters off Namibia used to yield 10 million tonnes of sardines annually. This has been replaced by 12 million tonnes of jellyfish, Philippe


Cury at Frances Institute for Development Research (IRD) told AFP on Tuesday. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-overfishing-small-species-causes-jellyfish-curse Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesnt do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi. James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IWpp Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


19 Mar


3/18/13 TIM BRADLEY DEFEATS PROVODNIKOV,WBO BOXING,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130317-unbeaten-bradley-keeps-wbo-title-with-narrow-escape Unbeaten champion Timothy Bradley captured a unanimous but narrow decision over Russias Ruslan Provodnikov to keep his welterweight title despite being knocked down in the fights final seconds. In his first defense of the World Boxing Organization crown that he took from Filipino superstar Manny Pacquiao http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130317-unbeaten-bradley-keeps-wbo-title-with-narrow-escape ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von


den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1IoD2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


19 Mar


3/18/13 TITANIC VIOLIN DISCOVERED ?! *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/auction-housefound-titanic-violin-163222647.html .the violin played by the bandmaster of the Titanic as the oceanliner sank has been unearthed, a British auction house said Friday. Survivors of the Titanic have said they remember the band, led by Wallace Hartley, playing on deck even as passengers boarded lifeboats after the ship hit an iceberg.Hartleys violin was believed lost in the 1912 disaster, but auctioneers Henry Aldridge & Son say an instrument unearthed in 2006 and has undergone rigorous testing and proven to be Hartleys. http://news.yahoo.com/auction-house-found-titanic-violin-163222647.html ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser,


sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1IofY Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


19 Mar


http://ow.ly/i/1InVK 3/18/13 SCIENTISTS CONFIDENT OF GOD PARTICLE 2nd TIME AROUND, (I like that they call it the god particle, an acknowledgment by secular scientists of the Father-Son-Spirit !) *read more athttp://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/03/14/f-godparticle-higgs-boson-why-matters.html physicists working at the $10-billion Large Hadron Collider near the French-Swiss border say they believe they have discovered the Higgs boson particle, also known as the God particleScientists said Thursday that they believe they have discovered the elusive Higgs boson particle, sometimes called the God particle, that is theorized to be a crucial building block of the universe. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/03/14/f-god-particle-higgs-boson-whymatters.html ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von


den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


19 Mar


3/18/13 CALVINS MARCH MADNESS RUN ENDS @ SWEET 16, EDGED OUT BY ST. THOMAS,63-62,*read more at http://www.calvin.edu/sports/news/comments/knights-drop-heartbreaker-to-top-ranked-st.thomas-63-62-in-round-of-16-nca/ ST. PAUL, Minn. The Calvin College mens basketball teams season came to its conclusion Sat., Mar. 16 on the campus of the University of St. Thomas. The 12th ranked Knights gave the top-ranked Tommies all they could handle on their home court, but fell 63-62. Calvin ends its season with a 26-4 record http://www.calvin.edu/sports/news/comments/knights-drop-heartbreaker-to-top-ranked-st.thomas-63-62-in-round-of-16-nca/ ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser,


sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1InCV Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


19 Mar


http://ow.ly/i/1InkY 3/18/13 YOUTH 4 LIFE ! *read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/16/cpac-panel-calls-americas-youth-the-most-importanttool-in-the-pro-life-movement/ pro-life movement in America has found its new target Millennials and is confident that it can win it, according to those participating in the panel The Pro-Life Fight: 40 Years After Roe v. Wade during CPAC on Friday. According to Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-Mo.), Americas youth is the most important tool for the pro-life movement. http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/16/cpac-panel-calls-americas-youth-the-most-important-toolin-the-pro-life-movement/ ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im


Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


19 Mar


3/18/13 POPE JOHN PAUL II DEFEATS HOLY SAVIOR ?! *read more athttp://www.thenewsstar.com/article/20130315/SPORTS/303150319/Pope-John-Paul-IIcaptures-state-titles?nclick_check=1 ..Pope John Paul II swept the opening day of the state powerlifting meets en route to boys and girls state championships in Division IV. The girls team dominated the competition, winning first place in nine of the 11 weight classes. The boys team also coasted to a title. The second-place finisher, Holy Savior Menard, finished 22 points behind Pope John Paul. http://www.thenewsstar.com/article/20130315/SPORTS/303150319/Pope-John-Paul-II-capturesstate-titles?nclick_check=1 ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos


pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1Ineh Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


18 Mar

3/18/13 ALAN TRAMMEL & DON BAYLOR, DIAMONDBACK COACHES & FORMER STARS, standing for national anthem @ spring training game v dodgers, pic by vk, http://ow.ly/i/1IedA

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/11 note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings ) 225


18 Mar

http://ow.ly/i/1Ie4D 3/18/13 KIRK GIBSON,DIAMONDBACKS MANAGER,spring training, v dodgers, Pic by Vk


18 Mar


3/18/13 PUERTO RICO ELIMINATES USA, WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC, *read more athttp://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/figueroa-helps-puerto-rico-oust-us-wbc-18743150 Friday nights disappointing 4-3 loss to Puerto Rico in the books, Team USA has fallen short of reaching the World Baseball Classic finals for the third time in as many tournaments. http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=2c9d75ae-5444-3fa0-9a22a4f3335da63e&.ts=1363451060&.intl=US&.lang=en the United States could only watch as an opposing pitcher celebrated at the World Baseball Classic. This time it was 38-year-old right-hander Nelson Figueroa, who became the pride of Puerto Rico on Friday night when he led his team into the semifinals and eliminated the Americans, 4-3 http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/figueroa-helps-puerto-rico-oust-us-wbc-18743150 ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right


hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I52P Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


18 Mar


Sickening! 3/18/13 PLANNED PARENTHOOD WORKER ASSAULTS PRO-LIFE GRANDMA,*read more athttp://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/17/video-catholic-grandmother-assaulted-whilepraying-outside-planned-parenthood/ shes abruptly cut off as the woman slaps the running iPhone out of her hand. The phone clatters to the ground and the woman appears to stomp on it. There are sounds of a scuffle and Staboszs yells. The woman is heard saying, Get the fk away. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/17/video-catholic-grandmother-assaulted-whilepraying-outside-planned-parenthood/ ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos


pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I4K7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


18 Mar


Stunning! 3/18/13 SCIENTISTS ABLE TO BRING EXTINCT FROG BACK2 LIFE! *read more athttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2295146/Back-dead-nearly-Scientists-createliving-embryo-extinct-frog-gives-birth-MOUTH.html an extinct frog is on the verge of revival after scientists used cloning technology to implant a dead cell nucleus into a fresh egg from another frog species. Although the resulting embryos lived for just a few days, the groundbreaking research by an international team has brought the de-extinction of creatures like woolly mammoths a step closer. The scientists working for the socalled Lazarus Project are yet to publish their results, but say future barriers to bringing the frog back to life are technological, not biological http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2295146/Back-dead-nearly-Scientists-create-livingembryo-extinct-frog-gives-birth-MOUTH.html ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im


Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I4r4 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


18 Mar


3/18/13 ANGELS GET PHILLIES MIKE CISCO AS FREEBIE,*read more at http://www.sportsoutwest.com/2013/03/17/mike-cisco-trade-no-compensation-angels/ In what may be a first in Major League Baseball, the Philadelphia Phillies have traded minor league pitcher Michael Cisco to the Los Angeles Angels for no compensation, according to CSNPhilly.coms Jim Salisbury via Twitter . Cisco, 25, was originally drafted in the 36th round of the 2008 draft. Over the last two seasons with Double-A Reading Phillies and Triple-A Lehigh Valley IronPigs, he pitched in 69 outings, recording a 13-3 record, 1.70 ERA and six saves. http://www.sportsoutwest.com/2013/03/17/mike-cisco-trade-no-compensation-angels/ ****The Son is the radiance of Gods glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. Hebrer 1:3O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser,


sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I4ch Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


17 Mar


*3/17/13 I TALKED TO GEORGE FOSTER,FORMER CINCI REDS, got a signed photo of him (for $10)I asked him about frank pastore..he remembered playing with frank& was aware of his tragic motorcycle accident..and his Christian radio showI didnt turn the video camera on in time to capture his comments (did get a photo ) as I was leaving I asked him if he thinks pete rose should be allowed back in and he said He should be reinstated and be in the hall-of-fame. This is at a cactus league spring training game, phoenix area, goodyear ballpark, indians v reds.Foster is in the reds hall-of-fame, but not yet the mlb hall-of-fame. Should he be? He had some great years with the reds, & has the world series rings. I remember watching the big red machine as I was growing up in the 70s,in 1977 I was 10 years old. They had a cast of players that is legendarypete rose, johnny bench, joe morgan, goerge foster, & the list goes on privilege to talk to george..hope all is well for him & his family.


17 Mar


*3/17/13 I TALKED TO GEORGE FOSTER,FORMER CINCI REDS, got a signed photo of him (for $10)I asked him about frank pastore..he remembered playing with frank& was aware of his tragic motorcycle accident..and his Christian radio showI didnt turn the video camera on in time to capture his comments (did get a photo ) as I was leaving I asked him if he thinks pete rose should be allowed back in and he said He should be reinstated and be in the hall-of-fame. This is at a cactus league spring training game, phoenix area, goodyear ballpark, indians v reds.Foster is in the reds hall-of-fame, but not yet the mlb hall-of-fame. Should he be? He had some great years with the reds, & has the world series rings. I remember watching the big red machine as I was growing up in the 70s,in 1977 I was 10 years old. They had a cast of players that is legendarypete rose, johnny bench, joe morgan, goerge foster, & the list goes on privilege to talk to george..hope all is well for him & his family.


17 Mar


15 Mar

http://ow.ly/i/1HiwH 3/15/13 MARIA KIRILENKO (v Sharapova) at INDIAN WELLS semi-finals


15 Mar


http://ow.ly/i/1Hisg 3/15/13 MARIA SHARAPOVA SERVING v KIRILENKO, INDIAN WELLS semi-finals


15 Mar

3/14/13 CPAC SCHEDULE Includes RUBIO,CRUZ,RYAN,et al *read more at http://www.mediaite.com/tv/view-the-full-schedule-for-cpac-2013-march-14th-16th/ The 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference will take place from March 14th 16th in Washington, D.C. CPAC will feature speeches from Republican lawmakers such as


Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Marco Rubio (R-FL), Congressmen Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Eric Cantor (R-VA), among many others.. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/view-the-full-schedule-for-cpac-2013-march-14th-16th/ ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch. John 8:24 Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima. John 8:24 http://ow.ly/i/1HedP Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


15 Mar


(I was there! 3/14/13 DKOKOVIC DEFEATS QUERREY @ INDIAN WELLS,*read more athttp://bostonherald.com/sports/other/tennis/2013/03/djokovic_nadal_federer_win_at_indian_ wells INDIAN WELLS, Calif. Top-ranked Novak Djokovic defeated Sam Querrey 6-0, 7-6 (6) to reach the quarterfinals of the BNP Paribas Open early Thursday morning in a match that began four hours late after a marathon day. [it ended at 2am ! I stayed to the end] http://bostonherald.com/sports/other/tennis/2013/03/djokovic_nadal_federer_win_at_indian_w ells ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch. John 8:24 Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima. John 8:24 http://ow.ly/i/1He0p Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


15 Mar


3/14/13 NEW POPE is JUST FRANCIS, NOT FRANCIS I, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-its-pope-francis-not-francis-I Latin Americas first pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio will be known as Francis, rather than Francis I, until such time as a future pope chooses the same name. Cardinalem Bergoglio qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum, the Vaticans protodeacon said as he presented the new leader of the worlds 1.2 billion Catholics to the world on Wednesday crucially without adding the world Primum (the first). He will remain a plain Francis until a successor calls himself Francis II if any should choose to do so http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-its-pope-francis-not-francis-I ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch. John 8:24 Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima. John 8:24 http://ow.ly/i/1HdHw Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


15 Mar


http://ow.ly/i/1Hd0K 3/13/13 RAFAEL NADAL SERVES, @ INDIAN WELLS on way to winning (pic by vk)


15 Mar

http://ow.ly/i/1HcE4 3/13/13 ROGER FEDERER WAITS FOR THE SERVE, INDIAN WELLS,CA (pic by vk)


Scroll upward 19. FROM MY TUMBLR NEWS SITE

20. www



15 Mar

http://ow.ly/i/1HcxM ANDY MURRAY IN ACTION @ INDIAN WELLS,2013 (Pic by vk)


15 Mar




15 Mar



15 Mar


3/15/13 SCIENTISTS THINK EARLY BIRDS HAD 4 WINGS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-early-birds-had-four-wings-not-two-study Some primitive birds boasted four wings, before evolution led them to ditch their hind feathers in favor of webbed or scaly feet, scientists in China said on Thursday. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-early-birds-had-four-wings-not-two-study ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch. John 8:24 Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima. John 8:24

Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


14 Mar


3/13/13 UK BOXER,CURTIS WOODHOUSE, TRACKS DOWN TWITTER BULLY *read more athttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2292040/Curtis-Woodhouse-tracks-Twittertroll.html The 32-year-old former tough-tackling midfield midfielder -who switched sports to boxing aged 26 - was so enraged with the abuse that he offered 1,000 to anyone who could help him find the culprit. Woodhouse kept his swiftly-increasing number of followers updated on his progress as he honed in on Jimbob. He tweeted a picture of a street sign on the road which Jimbob lives with the words, Right Jimbob im here, adding: Someone tell me what number he lives at or do I have to knock on every door #itsshowtime.Quickly backtracking, Jimmyob88 tweeted: I am sorry its getting a bit out of hand, he tweeted. I am in the wrong. I accept that. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2292040/Curtis-Woodhouse-tracks-Twittertroll.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 - 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GNzl

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


14 Mar


3/13/13 GRCH EAGLE, DRAKE HARRIS, WITHDRAWS COMMITMENT TO MSU,[take your time,drake, no hurry]*read more athttp://www.mlive.com/spartans/index.ssf/2013/03/grand_rapids_christians_drake.html Grand Rapids Christian football and basketball standout Drake Harris verbally committed to play both sports at Michigan State University this past June. On Monday, Harris withdrew his commitment to MSU http://www.mlive.com/spartans/index.ssf/2013/03/grand_rapids_christians_drake.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 - 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GN6U Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


14 Mar


3/13/13 GO CALVIN ! KNIGHTS MAKE SWEET 16,DIVISION III BASKETBALL,*read more athttp://m.hollandsentinel.com/holland/pm_29440/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=IoQzvPiZ fifth time in school history, the Calvin College mens basketball basketball team is headed to the Sweet 16 round of the NCAA III Tournament. Calvin punched its ticket Sweet 16 with a 67-58 victory over Wisconsin-Stevens Point Saturday night in a second round NCAA III Tournament contest. Calvin (26-3) will travel to top-ranked St. Thomas, Minn. (28-1) next Saturday for its next game.. http://m.hollandsentinel.com/holland/pm_29440/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=IoQzvPiZ **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 - 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GMW2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


14 Mar


3/13/13 BRUNO MARS SAYS SONG WAS ABOUT HALLE BERRY,*read more at http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/97269/Bruno-Mars-Admits-Locked-Out-Of-HeavenLyrics-Are-About-Crush-Halle-Berry With lyrics such as Your sex takes me to paradise, and You make feel like Ive been locked out of heaven, many fans have wondered just who has made Bruno weak at the knees. While the cutie may not have had sex with Oscar award- winning actress Halle, Bruno has joked he wrote the lyrics with her in mind. I might as well just say it - Halle Berry, Bruno told Capital FM. http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/97269/Bruno-Mars-Admits-Locked-Out-Of-HeavenLyrics-Are-About-Crush-Halle-Berry **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 - 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GMMb


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


14 Mar


3/13/13 MESSI LEADS BARCA PAST AC MILAN,4-0, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130313-messis-brilliance-dispels-barca-doubts Two goals from Lionel Messli led a stunning Barcelona fightback as they overturned a 2-0 first-leg deficit against AC Milan with a 4-0 demolition of the Italians http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130313-messis-brilliance-dispels-barca-doubts **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 - 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GMmX Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybod


14 Mar


3/13/13 GREGOR SCHLIERENZAUER WINS MENS SKI JUMP,WORLD CUP TOUR, *read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130312-schlierenzauer-wins-second-world-cup-title Austrian Gregor Schlierenzauer won the mens ski jump World Cup overall title for the second time on Tuesday after finishing fifth in the event here. The 23-year-old, who won his previous title in the 2008/09 season, holds a 469-point lead over outgoing http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130312-schlierenzauer-wins-second-world-cup-title **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 - 1:20


http://ow.ly/i/1GMav Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


14 Mar


3/13/13 FLOATING JUNK LOOMS to become a FUTURE OBSTACLE to OUTER SPACE MISSIONS, *read more athttp://news.yahoo.com/russian-satellite-hit-chinese-debris-highlights-space-junk112047883.htmlwith Because of the large number of active satellites in space (more than 900) and the very large amount of debris, we estimate that a collision between a piece of debris larger than 1 cm (0.4 inch) with some active satellite in a near-Earth orbit would occur on average every 2 to 3 years over the next decade (prior to several debris-producing events in 2007, our estimate was a collision every 5 to 6 years), Wright wrote . The observed collisions in 1996, 2007, and 2009 seem to roughly agree with this estimate. The Chinese anti-satellite test was, of course, one of the debris-producing events in 2007 that Wright references. In that controversial test, China destroyed one of its own defunct weather satellites, adding about 3,000 pieces of space junk to the ever-growing debris cloud around Earth. http://news.yahoo.com/russian-satellite-hit-chinese-debris-highlights-spacejunk-112047883.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 -


1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GKfk Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women!

See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


14 Mar


pray4 3/13/13 MARK LABBERTON CHOSEN TO BE NEW FULLER SEMINARY PRESIDENT,(we hope & pray that he will lead the seminary according to Gods true will,)*read more at http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacherof-dangerous-acts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html currently serves as director of Fullers Lloyd John Ogilvie Institute of Preaching, replaces longtime president Richard Mouw, who retires in June after leading the seminary for the past two decades. Fuller has had only two presidents over the past 50 years: Mouw and his predecessor, David Hubbard. Labberton will be the seminarys fifth president http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacher-ofdangerous-acts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20 - , , 1 20 -


1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GJQA Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


13 Mar


13 Mar


3/11/13 S. AFRICAs #37 KEVIN ANDERSON def #4 FERRER @ INDIAN WELLS,*read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-anderson-upsets-ferrer-indian-wells Indian Wells World No. 4 David Ferrer was bundled out of the second round of the Indian Wells ATP Masters on Saturday by 37th-ranked South African Kevin Anderson. Anderson, who had right elbow surgery on January 21, defeated the fourth-seeded Spaniard 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-anderson-upsets-ferrer-indian-wells ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1G9k8 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


13 Mar

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12 Mar


3/11/13 RECORD CROWDS @ KUMBH MELA HINDU [only Christ can wash away sin! & He already did! Just believe. ] *read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-record-120-millionwash-away-sins-india-festival-ends .A record 120 million pilgrims washed away their sins with plunges in an Indian holy river during the worlds biggest religious festival set to end Sunday, officials said. The two-month-long Kumbh Mela Hindu festival celebrated every 12 years http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-record-120-million-wash-away-sins-india-festival-ends ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FJ0V Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar

3/11/13 CHELSEA TIES MANCHESTER UNITED,2-2, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-chelsea-roar-back-defy-united-fa-cup Holders


Chelsea stormed back from two goals down to draw 2-2 against Manchester United at Old Trafford on Sunday and take their FA Cup quarter-final to a replay. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-chelsea-roar-back-defy-united-fa-cup ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FIHn Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar


3/11/13 BERNARD HOPKINS,48,OLDEST BOXER TO WIN MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-hopkins-becomes-oldest-boxer-win-major-title Bernard Hopkins became the oldest boxer to win a major world championship, breaking his own record by beating Tavoris Cloud at the age of 48 in New York. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-hopkins-becomes-oldest-boxer-win-major-title ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FIlZ Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar


3/11/13 The REAL REASON(s) 4 STONEHENGE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-stonehenge-was-ancient-rave-spot-new-theory-says University College London said Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is both older and had a different function than previously thought.. They said the original Stonehenge appeared to have been a graveyard for elite families built around 3000 BC, 500 years earlier [Research] also suggest[s] that around 2500 BC, Stonehenge was the site of vast communal feasts http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-stonehenge-was-ancient-rave-spotnew-theory-says ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FHFN Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar


12 Mar


yes! 3/11/13 TED LIGETYs DOMINATION CONTINUES, WORLD CUP SKIING, (way2go Ted! ) *read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-ligety-clinches-giant-slalom-world-cup Ted Ligety won the World Cup giant slalom at Kranjska Gora on Saturday, ensuring he takes the crystal globe for the overall seasonIt is the fourth time that Ligety has won the World Cup giant slalom title http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-ligety-clinches-giant-slalom-world-cup ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1Fykg Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar

3/11/13 TIGER WOODS WINS WGC @ BLUE MONSTER, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-woods-wins-wgc-cadillac-championship Tiger Woods won the WGCCadillac Championship at the Blue Monster course Sunday


with a two-shot victory over runner-up Steve Stricker. Woods fired a final round one-under 71 to earn his http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-woods-wins-wgc-cadillac-championship ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people,*read more at holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1Fy7y Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar


3/11/13 ORIGINAL VAN DYCK PAINTING DISCOVERED DUE TO INTERNET PROJECT,*read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-online-museum-project-unearths-van-dyckmasterpiece A filthy oil painting locked away in a museum in the northeast of England was on Saturday revealed to be an original masterpiece by Van Dyck. The portrait was spotted when it was photographed for an ambitious project to catalogue every single one of Britains oil paintings in public ownership in an online museum. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-online-museum-project-unearths-van-dyck-masterpiece ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FxVz


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar


3/11/13 USA DEFEATS CANADA,9-4, WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC,*read more athttp://m.worldbaseballclassic.com/news/article/42553816 PHOENIX Team USA is going to Miami. With a spot in the second round of the World Baseball Classic on the line, the U.S. came from behind twice on Sunday to defeat Canada, 9-4, at Chase Field. http://m.worldbaseballclassic.com/news/article/42553816/ ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


12 Mar


3/11/13 DISNEYs OZ the GREAT & POWERFUL STRONG @ BOX OFFICE,*read more athttp://www.cnn.com/2013/03/10/showbiz/oz-powerful-box-office Families and couples flocked to theaters to see Disneys Oz the Great and Powerful, raising opening weekend ticket sales around the world to $150.2 million, according to box office estimates released Sunday. The film stars James Franco as a carnival magician swept into the land of Oz by a tornado, a prequel to the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz, which starred a teenage Judy Garland. Oz sold an estimated $80.3 million http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/10/showbiz/oz-powerful-box-office/ ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FxxN Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Mar

3/8/13 MAN CATCHES MILLION-DOLLAR TUNA, 427 POUNDS, (I say, be a fisher of men!) *read more at


http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/51259/angler+collects+1million+paycheck+for+catch+of+world-record+tuna/ Guy Yocom (holding fishing rod) smiles while posing alongside 427-pound yellowfin tuna. The catch has since been recognized as a world record and earned Yocom a check for $1 million.[as the] first angler who sets a world record, with one of the companys hooks, before the end of last September.Yocom caught the behemoth on September 18. http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/51259/angler+collects+1million+paycheck+for+catch+of+world-record+tuna/ ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1Fvdi Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody



11 Mar

3/10/13 re CANADA & MEXICO BRAWL @ WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1975877 PHOENIX An ugly brawl broke out Saturday afternoon in the World Baseball Classic between Canada and Mexico, nearly causing the game to end in forfeiture. Team Mexico, visibly frustrated and angry while losing 9-3 in the ninth inning, started the brawl when Mexico pitcher Arnold Leon hit Rene Tosoni http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1975877 ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people,at holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12


http://ow.ly/i/1FuXx Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Mar


3/9/13 R.I.P., BILL MOODY, 58,aka PAUL BEARER, WWE MANAGER,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-paul-bearer-dies-20130307,0,3494196.story Bill Moody, who portrayed legendary pro wrestling manager Paul Bearer for years in WWE, passed away Tuesday night. Moody, 58, was a popular figure among other wrestlers, as can be witnessed by the number of tweets his passing drew from those in the pro wrestling community, many of which you can see below http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-paul-bearer-dies-20130307,0,3494196.story ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna


hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1FuN3 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/14 note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings ) 1.
11 Mar


yes! Protect Our Women! 3/9/13 SIR PATRICK STEWART TAKES A STAND AGAINST VIOLENCE v WOMEN,*read more athttp://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/patrick-stewart-million-menviolence-women-011042478.html Sir Patrick Stewart stood in the center of the Diplomat Ballroom at the UN Hotel here on Friday, pounding his fist methodically against a podium, each thump punctuated with a number (One two three ) until he got to nine. Every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten in the United States, Stewart said.The 72-year-old British-born actor, best known for his roles in X-Men and Star Trek: The Next Generation, served as host for the launch of Ring The Bell,The eventcoinciding with International Womens Day and the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women at United Nations http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/patrick-stewart-million-men-violence-women011042478.html ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the


Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1FuB4 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Mar


3/13 CALVIN COLLEGE STRUGGLING w/ UNEXPECTED DEBT, (my calvin! You are in our thoughts & prayers! )*read more athttp://www.mlive.com/news/grandrapids/index.ssf/2013/03/faculty_weigh_in_on_calvin_col.html GRAND RAPIDS, MI Calvin College faculty say theyre bewildered that past administrators pursued a business strategy that has left the college facing $115 million in long-term debt, with insufficient money set aside to cover the expense. http://www.mlive.com/news/grandrapids/index.ssf/2013/03/faculty_weigh_in_on_calvin_col.html ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s


att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1Fur5 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


11 Mar


3/11/13 SEBASTIEN OGIER WINS RALLY of MEXICO,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-ogier-wins-mexico-rallySebastien Ogier, driving a Volkswagen, won the Rally of Mexico on Sunday, seeing off Citroens Mikko Hirvonen of Finland and Belgian Thierry Neuville in a Ford Fiesta. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-ogier-wins-mexico-rally ***Therefore, as Gods chosen people,*read more at holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld. Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FrP5 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


10 Mar


10 Mar


10 Mar



10 Mar



10 Mar


9 Mar


3/7/13 MICHIGANs CARL LEVIN FINALLY CALLS IT QUITS AFTER 34 YEARS,[hes been in office since I was 12 years old] *read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/politics/sen-carl-levin-wontseek-reelection-in-2014/2013/03/07/b66a4286-8782-11e2-9d71-f0feafdd1394_story.html Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan) announced on Thursday that he will not seek reelection in 2014, saying he wanted to focus on the nations challenges and not on politics.In a statement, Levin explained that he and his wife decided that I can best serve my state and nation by concentrating in the next two years on the challenging issues before us that I am in a position to help address; in other words, by doing my job without the distraction of campaigning for re-election.The 78-year-old senator has held his seat since 1979, http://m.washingtonpost.com/politics/sen-carl-levin-wont-seek-reelection-in2014/2013/03/07/b66a4286-8782-11e2-9d71-f0feafdd1394_story.html *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EPrO Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Mar


3/8/13 JUDGE ORDERS RELEASE of (falsely?) CONVICTED TRIPLE MURDERER AFTER 16 years in PRISON,*read more athttp://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arson20130309,0,371114.story?track=rss a prisoner serving life without parole for a triple murder arson should be released because his lawyer failed to defend him adequately in afundamentally unfair trial, a federal magistrate has recommended. The magistrates 93-page decision followed a ruling last year that George Souliotes, 72, had proved actual innocence and that no reasonable juror would have convicted him given the state of the evidence today.. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arson-20130309,0,371114.story?track=rss ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENVn Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody



9 Mar

3/8/13 NETHERLANDS STUNS CUBA,6-2, WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-netherlands-stun-cuba-world-baseball-classic The Netherlands stunned Cuba 6-2 in the World Baseball Classics second round Friday to move one win from reaching the tournaments final stage for the first time.The win at Tokyo Dome, against one of the tournament favourites and 2006 finalists, was the second big upset recorded by the Netherlands after they shocked South Korea, runners-up in 2009, in http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-netherlands-stun-cuba-world-baseball-classic ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your


heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENQP Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Mar


3/8/13 FORMER FBI AGENT ALLEGEDLY SAYS NEW CIA DIRECTOR, BRENNAN, CONVERTED TO ISLAM,*read more athttp://www.westernjournalism.com/stunning-obamas-pick-for-cia-is-aconverted-muslim/ ..Tom Trentos radio show, former FBI agent John Guandolo, who wrote the first Muslim Brotherhood training manual for the FBI, outs John Brennan, Obamas nominee for CIA Director, as having converted to Islam while working in Saudi Arabia http://www.westernjournalism.com/stunning-obamas-pick-for-cia-is-a-converted-muslim/ ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna


hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENK6 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Mar


Pray4 3/8/13 POACHING THREATENS TO ELIMINATE S. AFRICA WHITE RHINOS, *read more at.http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-poaching-pushing-south-african-rhino-towards-edge South Africas white rhino population will begin to decline by 2016 if the current rate of poaching continues, authorities warned on Friday, following the killing of scores of the creatures this year. The stark warning was issued by the countrys Environment Minister Edna Molewa 146 rhinos have been killed illegally since the start of the year with 50 suspected poachers arrested over the same period.Some 668 rhinos were slaughtered in 2012 http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-poaching-pushing-south-african-rhino-towards-edge ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s


att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENy0 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Mar


3/8/13 RIP,ALVIN LEE, GUITARIST, TEN YEARS AFTER, 68, *read more at. http://m.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/alvin-lee-guitarist-in-ten-years-after-dies-at68/2013/03/07/267cfd1a-873e-11e2-98a3-b3db6b9ac586_story.html Alvin Lee, the guitarist with the English blues-rock band Ten Years After whose pyrotechnic skill pushed the band to stardom at the Woodstock music festival, died March 6 in Spain http://m.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/alvin-lee-guitarist-in-ten-years-after-diesat-68/2013/03/07/267cfd1a-873e-11e2-98a3-b3db6b9ac586_story.html ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han


hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1EIK3 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Mar


3/8/13 FULLER SEMINARYs GLEN STASSEN AWARDED BAPTIST HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD, [congrats to Glen, albeit my experience with him as a professor was less than positive. At one point he looked at me & said I grew up in a huge house in Kentucky too or somethink of that sort, completely taking me off gurd, as if he were trying to say something it took me a while to figure out what he was trying to convey..the best I could come up with was that when I got accepted to fuller seminary, the professor read the letters of recommendation on my behalf, & somebody at calvin seminary, or mouw himself (who is familiar with my familial history) mentioned something about my grandpa (Leo Peters, the late founder of butterball in grand rapids,mi) and the mansion he owned (beautiful old historic house in east grand rapids), and apparently tried to insinuate that I was a snob because of my grandpas succeshow FAR AWAY from any semblance of truth whatsoever not only did we have antagonistic relations with grandpa, we never benefited financially from our relationship, and apart from the fancy mansion & being a millionaire grandpa lived a fairly plain life (during my time)..always driving station wagons, & only owning a basic motorboat for lake michigan summers (as opposed to a fancy super speedboat or large yacht). Furthermore, I grew up as a normal middle-class kid with a paper route, shoveling snow,raking leaves, cutting wood with a chainsaw, fishing, hunting,..not a fancy lifehanging out with similar socio-economic friends (ie parents who made less than $40,000 more or less)so stassen & whoever tried to make the false impression was


being evilessentially trying to depopularize me, ironically not very ethical, because the shoe doesnt fithope he enjoys his luxury trip to jamaica to receive the award..while most of us seminary graduates can barely pay our student loan debt] *read more athttp://www.abpnews.com/ministry/people/item/8277-ethicist-glen-stassen-wins-bwa-award Eth icist Glen Stassen has been named the 2013 recipient of the Baptist World Alliance Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award. The award, approved March 5 during a meeting of the BWA executive committee in Falls Church, Va., will be presented during the BWA annual gathering scheduled July 1-6 in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Stassen, who is Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif., has for three decades been a leading Baptist voice for peacemaking around the world. http://www.abpnews.com/ministry/people/item/8277-ethicist-glen-stassen-winsbwa-award ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1EIuh Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com


www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/15 note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings )

3/8/13 SON-in-LAW of OSAMA BIN LADEN PLEADS NOT GUILTY IN NYC COURT,*read more at http://tammybruce.com/2013/03/a-911-al-qaeda-organizer-who-is-also-bin-ladens-son-in-law-


is-captured-brought-to-new-york-for-a-civilian-trial.html?utm_content= %23tbrs&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Prosecutors unsealed an indictment against a son-in-law of Osama bin Laden on Thursday that charged him with conspiracy to kill Americans, after U.S. government sources said he was arrested overseas and brought to New York. Suleiman Abu Ghaith, a militant who appeared in videos representing al Qaeda after the September 11 attacks in 2001U.S. officials including Attorney General Eric Holder announced the indictments on Thursday, saying he would be arraigned on Friday at U.S. District Court in lower Manhattan, only blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the September 11 attacks. http://tammybruce.com/2013/03/a-911-al-qaeda-organizer-who-is-also-bin-ladens-son-in-law-iscaptured-brought-to-new-york-for-a-civilian-trial.html?utm_content= %23tbrs&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1EI7N Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @


www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


9 Mar

3/9/13 BALOTELLI LEADS AC MILAN to WIN MARRED BY RED-CARD ANTICS OF KEVIN CONSTANT,*read more at.http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-balotelli-scores-milan-go-10unbeaten Mario Balotelli who started on the bench, scored the clinching second after his replacement, Giampaolo Pazzini, had notched the opener. But the result was marred by an ugly second half incident as Guinea full-back Kevin Constant was sent-


off for a sustained attempt to confront Genoas Cesare Bovo 25 minutes from time. Despite receiving first a second yellow from the referee, and eventually the subsequent red, Constant refused to leave the field as he persistently attempted to approach Bovo. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-balotelli-scores-milan-go-10-unbeaten ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. Efesierbrevet 1:17-20Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. Efesios 1:17-20 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody



8 Mar

Yes! 3/7/13 ARKANSAS MAKES MOST RESTRICTIVE ABORTION LAW NATIONWIDE,*read more athttp://news.yahoo.com/arkansas-adopts-uss-most-restrictive-abortion-law-210405671.html LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) Arkansas soon will have the nations most restrictive abortion law a near-ban on the procedure from the 12th week of pregnancy onward unless a lawsuit or court action intervenes. Lawmakers in the Republican-dominated Legislature defied Gov. Mike Beebe, overriding the Democrats veto. The House voted 56-33 on Wednesday to override Beebes veto, a day after the Senate voted to do the sameThe 12-week ban would prohibit abortions from the point when a fetus heartbeat can typically be detected using an abdominal ultrasound. It includes exemptions for rape, incest, the life of the mother and highly lethal fetal disorders. http://news.yahoo.com/arkansas-adopts-uss-most-restrictive-abortion-law-210405671.html *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3Con toda humildad y


mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1Eqmu Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Mar


3/7/13 TONY LOMMI of BLACK SABBATH COMPOSED MUSIC FOR ARMENIA @ EUROVISION,*read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-black-sabbath-guitaristwrites-armenia-eurovision-song The guitarist of British rock band Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi, has composed the music for Armenias entry to this years Eurovision song contest, the performers said Thursday. Iommis rock ballad Lonely Planet will be performed by Armenian rock singer Gor Sujyan and his band, Dorians, the groups spokeswoman Diana Hovannisyan told AFP. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-black-sabbath-guitarist-writes-armenia-eurovision-song *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la


unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EpvB Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Mar


3/7/13 CAFFEINE-BUZZED BEES DO IT BETTER, [have to wonder what gave the scientists the notion to feed caffeeine to bees? And what significance does it have?] *read more at http://mobile.france24.comk/en/20130307-bees-caffeine-buzz-pollinate-better-study makes them better pollinators, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science. Honeybees fed a sugar solution containing caffeine, which exists naturally in the nectar of coffee and citrus flowers, were three times more likely to remember a flowers scent than those feeding on just sugar. http://mobile.france24.comk/en/20130307-bees-caffeine-buzz-pollinate-better-study *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la


unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EaGo Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Mar


3/7/13 SPERM WHALE KILLED by GREENHOUSE PLASTIC SHEETS & WASTE, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-beached-whale-spain-dies-ingestingplastic-waste A 4.5 tonne sperm whale that washed ashore in southern Spain died from ingesting large amounts of plastic sheets used in greenhouses on farms in the region, a scientist said Thursday. The whale, which came ashore last year on a beach in Andalusia, had over 17 kilogrammes (37 pounds) of garbage blocking its stomach, including some 30 square metres (36 square yards) of plastic canvas, said Renaud de Stephanis, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-beached-whale-spain-dies-ingesting-plastic-waste *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1Earl Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Mar


3/7/13 AUSTRALIAs ANIMAL EXTINCTION LIST KEEPS GROWING,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-extinct-tassie-tiger-cut-wildlife-protection-list A ban on the international trade of the Tasmanian tiger, the buff-nosed kangaroo rat and the pigfooted bandicoot was lifted Thursday because the species have been extinct for decades http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-extinct-tassie-tiger-cut-wildlife-protection-list *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EagO Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


8 Mar


3/7/13 AUSTRALIAN BILBY THREATENED w/ EXTINCTION AFTER FLOODS,*read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-australias-nocturnal-bilby-under-threat-after-floods Australias desert-dwelling bilby is under threat after floods destroyed a predator fence which allowed feral cats to kill 150 of the newborn marsupials, conservationists said Thursday. The once-prolific nocturnal creature, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-australias-nocturnal-bilby-under-threat-after-floods *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1E9SV Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Mar

3/7/13 RIP HUGO CHAVEZ,58 ,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-hugochavez-funeral-procession-begins-caracas-venezuela-rhousands-mourners The funeral procession


for deceased Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez began in the streets of Caracas on Wednesday, where mourners gathered en masse to pay last respects. Chavez died on Tuesday aged 58 after a long battle with cancer. Devastated supporters of deceased Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez paraded his coffin through the streets of Caracas on Wednesday in a flood of emotion that allies hope will help his deputy win a coming election and keep the Chavez revolution alive. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-hugo-chavez-funeral-procession-begins-caracasvenezuela-rhousands-mourners Chavez was democratically elected in 1999, with huge support from the countrys poor. During his time in office, he became one of Latin Americas most well-known and polarizing figures. A constant thorn in the side of the United States, he commanded headlines in newspapers http://abcnews.go.com/International/hugo-chavez-dead-president-venezuela-58-diedcancer/story?id=16198379 **** Jesus said,I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life. John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6SH Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Mar


3/6/13 BRAINPAINTING A BIG HIT AT TECH FAIR,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-brainpainting-draws-crowds-worlds-top-tech-fair A computer programme enabling paralysed patients to create artwork using just the power of their brains drew big crowds on Wednesday at the CeBIT, the worlds top IT fair the user wears a cap that measures brain activity. By focusing hard on a flashing icon on a screen, the cap can recognise the specific brain activity connected to that item, allowing the user to choose what he or she wants the computer [to do] http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-brainpainting-draws-crowds-worlds-top-tech-fair **** Jesus said,I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life. John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6ML Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Mar

3/7/13 16th CENTURY SUNSTONE RECOVERED from SHIPWRECK? *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-shipwreck-find-could-be-legendary-sunstone An oblong crystal found in the wreck of a 16th-century English warship is a sunstone, a near-mythical navigational aid said to have been used by Viking


mariners, researchers said on Wednesday. It was found in the remains of a ship that had been dispatched to France in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I as a precaution against a second Spanish Armada but foundered off the island of Alderney, in the Channel. British and French scientists have long argued that the find is a sunstone a device that fractures the light,.. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-shipwreck-find-could-be-legendary-sunstone **** Jesus said,I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life. John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6F7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Mar


Yes! 3/7/13 INDIA RANGERS KILL 2 RHINO POACHERS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-two-rhino-poachers-killed-india Forest rangers in northeast India shot dead two poachers on Wednesday at a wildlife sanctuary where 13 threatened one-horned rhinos have been killed in the past two months, an official said.Four men entered Kaziranga National Park, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-two-rhino-poachers-killed-india **** Jesus said,I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life. John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6uY Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan


*Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Mar

3/7/13 OBAMA CANCELS WHITE HOUSE TOURS; CRITICS SAY ITS UNNECCESSARY,*read more athttp://patriotupdate.com/2013/03/obama-shuts-down-white-house-tours-run-byvolunteers-blames-sequester/ On Tuesday, the White House announced that it was canceling all public tours of the presidential residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue due to the sequester, the Washington Post reported. Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013 until further notice. Unfortunately, we will


not be able to reschedule affected tours, the White House said http://patriotupdate.com/2013/03/obama-shuts-down-white-house-tours-run-by-volunteersblames-sequester/ **** Jesus said,I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life. John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6oL Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


7 Mar


7 Mar


Pray4 3/6/13 VALERIE HARPER (Rhoda,Mary Tyler Moore show et al) DIAGNOSED w/ TERMINAL BRAIN CANCER, [thoughts & prayers for ValerieGod be with her, Jesus please give her strength; & for her loved ones] *read more athttp://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1966543 Known and loved for her frank and funny role as upstairs neighbor Rhoda Morgenstern on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Valerie Harper has revealed she is facing terminal brain cancer. The actress, 73, tells People mag (on newsstands Friday) that she got the diagnosis on Jan. 15. According to People, her doctors say she may only have three months left to livehttp://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1966543 For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1DKh7 Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/16 (note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings )



3/5/13 PUNISH the PEOPLE IS the ONE PROMISE OBAMA IS ADAMANT ABOUT KEEPING?! *read more athttp://michellemalkin.com/2013/03/05/obama-administration-sequester/ break promises all the time and this is the one they want to keep? Im thinking of a slight alteration to the script for The Longest Yard one where at halftime Paul Crewe writes a letter to his teammates telling them dont try too hard in the second half because it would contradict a promise I just made to the warden. J-Nap is dutifully obliging, however. Now she just needs to turn some of these green dots red. ***** http://michellemalkin.com/2013/03/05/obama-administration-sequester/ For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20


http://ow.ly/i/1DKaP Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


6 Mar


Pray4 3/6/13 VALERIE HARPER (Rhoda,Mary Tyler Moore show et al) DIAGNOSED w/ TERMINAL BRAIN CANCER,(our thoughts & prayers for Valerie) *read more at. http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1966543 Known and loved for her frank and funny role as upstairs neighbor Rhoda Morgenstern on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Valerie Harper has revealed she is facing terminal brain cancer. The actress, 73, tells People mag (on newsstands Friday) that she got the diagnosis on Jan. 15. According to People, her doctors say she may only have three months left to live http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1966543 For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1DCMH


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


6 Mar


3/6/13 REAL MADRID DEFEATS MANCHESTER UNITED,3-2*read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer/championsleague/story/cristiano-ronaldo-emotional-uponmanchester-united-return-real-madrid-champions-league-030613 ..Cristiano Ronaldo admitted he struggled to contain his emotions on his return to Old Trafford as Real Madrid ended Manchester Uniteds UEFA Champions League dreams.The Portuguese superstar scored the crucial goal to secure a 2-1 success on the night and a 3-2 aggregate triumph to send the Spanish giants through to the quarter-finals http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer/championsleague/story/cristiano-ronaldo-emotional-uponmanchester-united-return-real-madrid-champions-league-030613 For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1DC0G Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/vanderkok Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


6 Mar


5 Mar


Thoughts&Prayers 3/5/13 46-yo MAN DIES of HEART ATTACK IN ESCAPE from ALCATRAZ TRIATHLON,*read more at.http://wap.myfoxdc.com/w/main/story/86272703 A 46-year-old Texas man died of an apparent heart attack Sunday in the frigid waters of the San Francisco Bay just moments after the start of the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon, race officials said. We have reason to believe the gentleman suffered from a massive cardiac event as he entered the water and began the swim, race officials said in a statement.The race was held three months earlier than previous years and in far http://wap.myfoxdc.com/w/main/story/86272703/ For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1DfJD Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


http://ow.ly/i/1DfE2 Pray4 3/5/13 36 KILLED IN CONGOLESE PLANE CRASH,*read more at http://m.scotsman.com/news/international/36-die-as-plane-crashes-in-centre-of-congolese-city-12820384 THIRTY-SIX people died when a twin-propeller aircraft carrying passengers and cargo crashed in the eastern Congolese city of Goma, as it tried to land in bad weather. The Fokker 50 aircraft, owned by private airline CAA,had 40 people on board and only four survived, Gomas http://m.scotsman.com/news/international/36-die-as-plane-crashes-in-centre-of-congolese-city-12820384 For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


3/4/13 WHO IS OBAMAs SPIRITUAL ADVISOR? *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/02/meet-obamas-pastor-in-chief-the-man-whosends-the-president-daily-scripture-plus-key-details-about-obamas-faith Obama reportedly reads scripture each morning, reflecting upon it and applying Biblical teachings to his personal and professional actions. Consider Obamas friend and former employee Joshua DuBois and his daily communications with the president. A so-called pastor-in-chief, DuBois headed the White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnership and has consulted the president on matters of faith since his days in the Illinois Senate. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/02/meet-obamas-pastor-in-chief-the-man-who-sendsthe-president-daily-scripture-plus-key-details-about-obamas-faith/ For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , ,


.- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1Dfzl Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


3/4/13 ABORTION PILLS & BIRTH CONTROL LINKED 2 BREAST CANCER,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/evidence-mounts-abortion-birth-control-cause-cancer The evidence linking hormones and breast cancer just keeps pouring in. What kind of hormones? Those found in birth-control pills and those associated with abortions.The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported Feb. 27 the rate of metastatic breast cancer in women ages 25 to 39 nearly doubled between 1976 and 2009, from 1.53 to 2.9 per 100,000. The American Council on Science and Health calls the increase slight. But Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons , points out there has been no corresponding increase in older women. Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/evidence-mounts-abortion-birth-control-cause-cancer/ For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , ,


.- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1DfvQ http://ow.ly/i/1Dfsw Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


3/4/13 ABORTION PILLS & BIRTH CONTROL LINKED 2 BREAST CANCER,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/evidence-mounts-abortion-birth-control-cause-cancer The evidence linking hormones and breast cancer just keeps pouring in. What kind of hormones? Those found in birth-control pills and those associated with abortions.The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported Feb. 27 the rate of metastatic breast cancer in women ages 25 to 39 nearly doubled between 1976 and 2009, from 1.53 to 2.9 per 100,000. The American Council on Science and Health calls the increase slight. But Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons , points out there has been no corresponding increase in older women. Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/evidence-mounts-abortion-birth-control-cause-cancer/ For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, -


- , , , .- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1Dfsw Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


ShameOnBieber! 3/4/13 JUSTIN BIEBER CHEATS YOUNG FANS BY SHOWING UP 2 HOURS LATE, (not fair for bieber to do this to kids with parents on a school night; lack of class) *read more at http://m.guardiannews.com/money/2013/mar/05/gig-late-appearance-consumer-rights-refund Justin Biebers late appearance on stage at a gig at Londons O2 arena on Monday night angered hundreds of parents who felt that appearing at 10.24pm on a school night instead of the scheduled time of 8.30pm was unfair. Hes not the first artist to make the headlines for keeping fans waiting, so what are your rights when an artist turns up late, or fails to do so at all? http://m.guardiannews.com/money/2013/mar/05/gig-late-appearance-consumer-rights-refund For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20


http://ow.ly/i/1Dfck Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


3/5/13 IF U EVER GOT A RED-LIGHT CAMERA TICKET, U PROBABLY R a VICTIM, NOT a PERPETRATOR, (yes, they cheated me too, in pasadenashortened yellow light,.$500 ticket, increased insurance for 3 years.what a bunch of sleaze bags) *read more athttp://m.voiceofsandiego.org/mobile/opinion/article_1ff936e4-38fa-11e2-98d80019bb2963f4.html Imagine a law prohibiting water to boil. Imagine the police fining every person for walking down stairs. Imagine the police fining every person for making coffee. How much money do you think the police would make doing this? Well you do not have to imagine because that is exactly what the police are doing with respect to drivers running red lights. The reason why red-light cameras make the obscene profit they do, is because California traffic engineers apply a mathematical formula for yellow-light times which directly contradicts Newtons laws of motion. California has been doing it for 50 years. California enforcements incompatibility with the laws of physics entraps drivers and guarantees a steady stream of involuntary red-light runners. Redflex, ATS, ACS and every red light camera company simply step in to


exploit the error. The result is an insane amount of profit. The result is also a guaranteed steady stream of crashes and fatalities. The slogan from the old commercial is very true: It is not nice to fool Mother Nature. Just like cameras do not enable drunk drivers to drive undrunk, neither do cameras enable drivers to walk on water http://m.voiceofsandiego.org/mobile/opinion/article_1ff936e4-38fa-11e2-98d80019bb2963f4.html For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse. -Romains 1:20, - - , , , .- 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1Df4l Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


3/4/13 HOW HOT is the HEAT?!,MIAMI WINS 14th STRAIGHT,*read more athttp://www.freep.com/article/20130304/SPORTS03/303040079/nba-roundup-miami-heatlebron-jamesarm The Heat took the Knicks best shot Sunday, but it wasnt good enough to beat the defending champ. Nothing is right now.James had 29 points, 11 rebounds and seven assists, and Miami tied a franchise record with its 14th straight victory, 99-93. http://www.freep.com/article/20130304/SPORTS03/303040079/nba-roundup-miamiheat-lebron-james All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1D8Uk Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


5 Mar


3/4/13 SOCCER SCORES: MAN UNITED>NORWICH 4-0, Shinji Kagawa hit a hat-trick as Manchester United warmed up for the visit of Real Madrid with a 4-0 rout of Norwich City on Saturday .http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-kagawatreble-swells-united-lead-qpr-strike-back-0 REIMS>PSG ,1-0 Paris Saint-Germain suffered another shock away defeat on Saturday, going down 1-0 away to struggling Reims despite the hosts having to play with 10 men for the final half an hour.The introduction of David Beckham for the final 26 minutes could not prevent the capital club slipping to their fifth Ligue 1 defeat this season,.. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-psg-slump-shock-defeat-reims-0 BAYERN WINS,1-0, Dutch star Arjen Robbens first-half strike clocked 70mph (115km/h) when it hit the net to give Bayern a 1-0 home win http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130303-bayern-return-bundesliga-after-german-cup-win-0 AC MILAN>LAZIO 3-0, Giampaolo Pazzini scored a brace and Kevin Prince Boateng his second goal inside a week as AC Milan outclassed Lazio 3-0 on Saturday http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-milan-punish-depleted-lazio-go-third-0 DORTMUND>HANOVER,3-1Hosts Borussia Dortmund warmed up for their looming Champions League clash at home to Shakhtar Donetsk with a 3-1 win over Hanover 96http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-dortmund-down-hanover-donetsklooms-europe-0 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1D8lc Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women!


See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar

3/4/13 HOW GOOGLE GOT ITS NAME, BY ACCIDENT,*read more at http://m.siliconindia.com/news/technology/things-you-never-knew-about-google-nid-142037cid-2.html The search engine was originally named BackRub, but Page and Brin decided to change the moniker to the word googol, which translates to the number 100 100 , playing off the suggestion of infinite search results. However the name Google was created by mistake after the co- founders made a spelling error over the original name: googol.http://m.siliconindia.com/news/technology/things-you-never-knew-about-google-nid142037-cid-2.html All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God


by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CN23 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


3/4/13 OBAMA ADMIN ACCUSED OF VERBALLY BULLYING FEMALE REPORTER,*read more athttp://www.punditpress.com/2013/03/obama-administration-calls-female.html?m=1. Jonathan Alter who frequently appears on the Obama-friendly MSNBC came forward to say he, too, had been treated horribly by the administration for writing something they didnt like. There is a kind of threatening tone that, from time to time not all the time comes out of these guys, Alter said this week. During the 2008 campaign I had a young reporter asking tough, important questions of an Obama Cabinet secretary, says one DC veteran. She was doing her job, and they were trying to bully her. In an e-mail, they called her the vilest nameshttp://www.punditpress.com/2013/03/obama-administration-calls-female.html?m=1 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CMOX Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/17(note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings )



(True?) 3/4/13 DOCTORS CLAIM 2 HAVE CURED A BABY OF HIV,*read more at http://www.sacbee.com/2013/03/04/5233280/babys-reported-cure-may-shift.html Doctors announced Sunday that a baby had been cured of an HIV infection for the first time, a startling development that could change how infected newborns are treated and sharply reduce the number of children living with the AIDS virus. The baby, born in rural Mississippi, was treated aggressively with antiretroviral drugs starting around 30 hours after birth, something that is not usually done. http://www.sacbee.com/2013/03/04/5233280/babys-reported-cure-may-shift.html All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CMsM Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


(4betterOr4Worse?) 3/3/13 Re POPULARITY OF La SANTA MUERTE AMONGST COUNTERCULTURE,*read more athttp://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U US_SANTA_MUERTE_CULT_BOOM? SITE=NMALJ&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_mediu m=twitter Popular in Mexico, and sometimes linked to the illicit drug trade, the skeleton saint known as La Santa Muerte in recent years has found a robust and diverse following north of the border: immigrant small business owners, artists,. and the poor, among others - many of them non-Latinos and not all involved with organized religion. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_SANTA_MUERTE_CULT_BOOM? SITE=NMALJ&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_mediu m=twitter All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CMhy Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


TinaMAZEing 3/4/13 TINA MAZE CONTINUES TO BREAK WORLD CUP SKIING RECORDS,*read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-record-breaking-maze-wins-garmisch-downhill0Tina Maze won the womens downhill here on Saturday to break Hermann Maiers 13-year-old record for the most World Cup points collected in a season. Mazes tally of 2024 bettered Maiers record of 2000 points, set in the 1999-2000 season, for the highest tally of World Cup points and she has already beenhttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-record-breaking-maze-winsgarmisch-downhill-0 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CLfS Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar

3/4/13 RAFAEL NADAL MAKES FINALS @ MEXICAN OPEN,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-nadal-reaches-mexican-open-final-0 Former world


No. 1 Rafael Nadal continued his domination over countryman Nicolas Almagro to book his spot in the Mexican Open final against three-time defending champ David Ferrer.The 26-year-old Nadal, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-nadal-reaches-mexican-open-final-0 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CL2Q Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


3/4/13 MICH GOV,RICK SNYDER,PREPARES TO TAKE CONTROL OF DETROIT,*read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-michigan-governor-plans-takeover-detroit-0 Michigan Governor Rick Snyder prepared for a state takeover of Detroit, the epitome of urban decay, by declaring the Motor City in a state of financial emergency. Detroit cant wait, Snyder said at a televised town hall meeting. We need to solve real issues here today because http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-michigan-governor-plans-takeoverdetroit-0 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CKS6 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


(Hes No Joke!) 3/4/13 NOVAK DJOKOVIC WINS DUBAI OPEN, *read more at. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-djokovic-beats-berdych-win-fourth-dubai-open-0 Novak Djokovic won his fifth title in six tournaments and his 36th altogether, and extended his unbeaten run to 18 matches as he regained the Dubai Open title with a 7-5, 6-3 win over Tomas Berdychhttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-djokovic-beats-berdych-win-fourth-dubaiopen-0 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CKJW Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


3/4/13 LENO CHIDES MAXINE WATERS re 170 MILLION JOBS, *read more at http://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/03/02/leno-blames-maxine-waters-170million-job-loss-claim-why-everything-i?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Leno walked out onto the stage and said, Welcome sequestration survivors. Yes! As you know, Congress did not reach an agreement, he continued, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters said today that 170 million jobs could be lost because of it.Now, there are only 155 million workers in America, Leno explained, yet, she says well lose 170 million jobs. Beginning to understand why were in this situation in the first place now? he asked. http://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/03/02/leno-blames-maxine-waters-170million-job-loss-claim-why-everything-i?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem


tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CKzt Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


3/3/13 SNOOP DOG BLAMES WILLIE NELSON,AFTER BILL MAHER CHIDES HIM re SMOKING TOO MUCH POT; *read more athttp://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/noelsheppard/2013/03/02/pothead-bill-maher-tells-snoop-dogg-you-smoke-too-much-pot? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter .. Maher I mean, I say this as a friend, and as someone who I think has impeccable credentials as a stoner: you smoke too much pot. I really mean this from a health perspective. You smoketoo much pot.But Bill, countered Snoop, Im on a quest. Im trying to catch somebody right now. Im trying to catch the great Willie Nelson. Well, Maher replied, youve got a ways to go. Exactly, said Snoop. http://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/03/02/pothead-bill-maher-tells-snoop-doggyou-smoke-too-much-pot?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem


tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CJGq Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


4 Mar


SleazyLiberals 3//3/13 CHEAPSHOT LIBERALS ATTACK MITCH McCONNELLs ASIAN HERITAGE,*read more at.http://news.yahoo.com/mcconnell-takes-group-criticizing-wife020757436election.html Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell lambasted a liberal group on Saturday for criticizing the Asian heritage of his wife, former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, calling its Twitter messages racial slurs and the ultimate outrage. They will not get away with attacking my wife in this campaign, McConnell told about 100 home-state supporters at a Republican dinner in Winchester. http://news.yahoo.com/mcconnell-takes-group-criticizing-wife-020757436election.html All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CEpU


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


3/2/13 N. ZEALAND SHARK KILLS ADAM STRANGE,*read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/shark-kills-film-director-at-new-zealand-beach-thewater-was-red-says-witness-90963/.Local authorities in New Zealand have closed a popular beach after a horrific shark attack left a father dead and a community in mourning..Adam Strange, a 46year-old father of one and an awardwinning short film director, was attacked and killed by a shark that was thought to be a great white. http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/shark-kills-film-director-at-new-zealand-beach-the-waterwas-red-says-witness-90963/ All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CDwV Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


ForTheKingdom! 3/2/13 LINDSEY HAMON LITERALLY CARRIES the CROSS, AROUND the WORLD, *read more at.http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/lindsay-hamon-evangelist-carried12-foot-cross-worldwide-for-26-years-91016/ A British man dedicated to spreading the message of Christ spent the last 26 years carrying a 12foot wooden cross around the globe. Lindsay Hamon, 60, from Camborne, Cornwall, has visited 19 countries including India, New Zealand, and Bangladesh as he continues on his journey hoping to inspire those he may come across during his travels. Hamon began carrying the 12 x 6 foot cedar wood cross in 1987 when he decided that he was going to take up Gods calling and travel the globe talking about Jesus to anyone who will listen. http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/lindsay-hamon-evangelist-carried-12-foot-crossworldwide-for-26-years-91016/ All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a


trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CBIQ Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


3/4/13 ADRIEN THEAUX WINS DOWNHILL,WORLD CUP TOUR *read more at. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-theaux-triumphs-kvitfjell-downhill-0 Adrien Theaux of France on Saturday claimed his second career World Cup win, and first of the season, in the downhill in the Norwegian resort of Kvitfjell. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-theaux-triumphs-kvitfjell-downhill-0 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CB8G Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar

3/3/13 RESEARCHERS DISCOVER MANY MORE NAZI DEATH CAMPS THAN PREVIOUSLY ESTIMATED,*read more at.http://www.therightscoop.com/numbers-of-nazi-death-campsghettosfar-worse-than-previously-known/When the research began in 2000, Dr. Megargee said he


expected to find perhaps 7,000 Nazi camps and ghettos, based on postwar estimates. But the numbers kept climbing first to 11,500, then 20,000, then 30,000, and now 42,500. The numbers astound: 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm, performing forced abortions, http://www.therightscoop.com/numbers-of-nazi-death-campsghettos-far-worse-than-previouslyknown/ All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CAPG Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


4 Mar


3/3/13 LIST OF BLOGGER AWARD WINNERS *read more at http://www.rightwingnews.com/column-2/the-nominees-for-the-the-11th-annual-bloggerawards-sponsored-by-right-wing-news-theteaparty-net-at-cpac-2013/ All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CAwj Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/page/18 (note: the content on this page will change over time, ex post facto, due to additional postings ) 1.

3/4/13 WARNING 2 CONSERVATIVES re WIKIPEDIA, *read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/why-should-a-conservative-bother-using-wikipedia/ Most people turn to Wikipedia for information nowadays. However, conservatives need to know that this


online encyclopedia should be used with extreme caution, especially when looking up topics touching on politics, the Bible, climate change, social issues and worldviews. Take, for instance, Wikipedias articles about biblical creation and evolution. Creationism is commonly used to refer to religiously motivated rejection of certain biological processes, in particular evolution, in favour of an interpretation of a creation myth as an explanation accounting for the history, diversity, and complexity of life on earth In contrast to what it calls the creation myth, Wikipedia describes evolution as a powerful explanatory and predictive theory [that] has become the central organizing principle of modern biology In other words, biblical creation is a myth and evolution is true. As Conservapedia quite correctly points out, Wikipedia was initiated by two atheists: entrepreneur Jimmy Wales and philosophy professor Larry Sanger on January 15, 2001. Despite its official neutrality policy, Wikipedia has a strong liberal bias. http://www.therightscoop.com/why-should-a-conservative-bother-using-wikipedia/ All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law. Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, The righteous will live by faith. Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny. Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal. Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1CAe8 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women!


See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


3 Mar

3/2/13 FORMER CHICAGO BULLS STAR,DENNIS RODMAN,PLAYS PEACEMAKER IN NORTH KOREA, *read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130301-north-koreas-kim-jong-un-meetsworm-0 Flamboyant former NBA star Dennis Rodman has become the most high-profile American to meet the new leader of North Korea, vowing eternal friendship with Kim Jong-Un at a basketball game in Pyongyang. The man who once dated Madonna brought his charm


to bear on the leader of the impoverished, isolated state, as the unlikely pairing sat together in a packed stadium for Thursdays game that ended in a diplomatic 110-110 tie. You have a friend for life, Rodman told Kim in a speech to the crowd, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130301-north-koreas-kim-jong-un-meets-worm-0 **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1CmQJ Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


3 Mar


3/1/13 IS CALIFORNIA GOING TO GREEN ITSELF INTO ROLLING BLACKOUTS? *read more athttp://wyblog.us/blog/agw/ca-greening-to-3rd-world-grid.html? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter California is greening itself toward a third world electrical grid The greening of Californias energy infrastructure is producing some unforeseen consequences. Solar power doesnt work very well at night. Or on cloudy days. Wind power tends to operate intermittantly. A robust power grid takes those factors into account, usually by having natural gas turbine generators on standby. Alas, Californias ecotwits have forced most of the states fossil fueled power plants into mothballs. The ones that are still limping along will likely be shuttered by 2020 thanks to onerous and prohibitively expensive upgrades required under the Clean Air Act. http://wyblog.us/blog/agw/ca-greening-to-3rd-world-grid.html? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter


**** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar


3/1/13 RIP,BONNIE FRANKLIN, (ONE DAY at a TIME et al)*read more at, http://www.contactmusic.com/news/television-favourite-bonnie-franklin-dies-ages69_3536033 My heart is breaking, Valerie Bertinelli, who played the younger daughter, Barbara, said in a statement. Bonnie has always been one of the most important women in my life and was a second mother to me. She taught me how to navigate this business and life itself with grace and humour, and to always be true to myself. I will miss her terribly, Bertinelli added. Ms. Franklin helped define and illuminate the role of single, working mothers within the cultural landscape, CBS said in its statement. Best known for her role in the Norman Lear-produced sitcom One Day at a Time, Franklins career spanned six decades, with appearances in more than 30 television series and made-for-TV movies http://www.contactmusic.com/news/television-favourite-bonnie-franklin-dies-ages-69_3536033 **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar


3/1/13 OVER-KILL OF SHARKS for their FINS has LED to 90% DECLINE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130301-shark-fin-hungry-china-drives-chaotic-fishingindonesia-0 Humans kill about 100 million sharks each year,mostly for their fins, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), and conservationists are warning that dozens of species are under threat. Ninety percent of the worlds sharks have disappeared over the past 100 years, mostly because of overfishing in countries such as Indonesia, the FAO said.http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130301-shark-fin-hungry-china-drives-chaotic-fishingindonesia-0 **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C93J Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar

3/1/13 DAVID BOWIE RELEASES NEW ALBUM,1st in 10 YEARS,*read more at. http://mobile.france24.com/en/node/5396567 British rock icon David Bowie released his first album in a decade, streaming the comeback record exclusively on iTunes.


The highly anticipated surprise release coming more than a week before its commercial launch on March 12 will be streamed on Apples media player until the album is formally made available in stores. On his official Facebook page, Bowie said that fans would have a chance in the coming days to win signed deluxe copies of the album if they indicate their favorite tracks http://mobile.france24.com/en/node/5396567 **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C8Xn Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar


Pray4 3/2/13 50 CHRISTIANS ARRESTED IN BENGHAZI for ALLEGED PROSELYTIZING, *read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130301-dozens-egypt-christians-held-libyas-benghazi0 ..Around 50 Egyptian Christians suspected of trying to convert Muslims have been arrested in the eastern city of Benghazi on illegal immigration charges, a Libyan security official said on Friday. Forty-eight Egyptian traders who worked in the Benghazi municipal market have been arrested based on reports of suspect activities, the source told AFP on condition of anonymity. He said they were found in possession of a quantity of Bibles, texts encouraging conversion to Christianity, and images of Christ and the late Pope Shenuda of Egypts Coptic Christians, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130301-dozens-egypt-christians-held-libyas-benghazi-0 **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C8Sk Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar


(Outrageous!) 2/28/13 VICTIMIZED PRO-LIFER NOW THREATENED BY SCHOOL for EXPOSING PERPETRATORS,*read more athttp://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/28/pro-lifestudent-reportedly-threatened-with-expulsion-and-youll-never-believe-why/ launched an investigation and eventually identified 13 students who confessed to the crime. Those names were then released by the university to Del Campo. On Feb. 5 the national Young Americans for Freedom organization posted the names of the vandals on their website. The posting generated negative comments directed at the vandals and the university held Del Campo responsible. So, Del Campo, a psychology major, is apparently being held accountable for the negative comments that were waged against the perpetrators. Ten days after the posting of the names went public, the student was officially charged withviolating the schools Code of Student Responsibility. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/28/pro-life-student-reportedly-threatened-withexpulsion-and-youll-never-believe-why/ **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C8mG Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar




2 Mar


2 Mar


2 Mar

ACTOR RICHARD BURTON RECEIVED HIS HOLLYWOOD STAR POSTHUMOUSLYSchauspieler Richard Burton erhielt seine HOLLYWOOD-STAR posthumKNOWN best for his film Cleopat


2 Mar


3/2/13 TV SHOW ABOUT DUCK CALLS HITS TOP SPOT, SPURS FIGHT btw KIMMEL & MORRISEY,*read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/tv-column/post/after-jimmy-kimmelmorrissey-fight-duckdynasty-lands-biggest-numbers-in-aande-history/2013/02/28/8b617e48-81e1-11e2-a35049866afab584_blog.html A Jimmy Kimmel/Morrissey catfight over a show about duck-call manufacturers has handed A&E network its biggest audience ever. Nearly 9million people watched Wednesday nights third-season debut of Duck Dynasty one night afterDD family members appeared on Kimmels ABC late-night show, getting Morrisseys knickers in a knot. Duck Dynasty is now the No.1-rated nonfiction series on cable this year. According to Blufin Labs, Trendrr.TV and Social Guide, Duck Dynasty also had more activity across social-media platforms Wednesday night than American Idol. Duck Dynasty follows the Robertson family, whose business making products for duck hunters (primarily a duck call) has become a multimillion-dollar deal.


http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/tv-column/post/after-jimmy-kimmelmorrissey-fight-duckdynasty-lands-biggest-numbers-in-aande-history/2013/02/28/8b617e48-81e1-11e2-a35049866afab584_blog.html **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C5vB Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar


3/2/13 8-yo RUSSIAN GIRL CONFIDENTLY CRUISING HIGHWAY (Video) at 60mph CAUSES CONCERN, *read more,see vid, at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130228-russian-girl-8-filmed-while-driving-100km-hour-0 creeping up to 100 kilometres. If Nastya saw me drive a car, shed pass out right away! the smiling girl says at one point, apparently referring to a friend, as she speeds through a snow-covered field on a narrow road.She does not appear to be wearing a seatbelt. At the end of the five-minute clip, the car pulls up to a house in a rural village. After the mother posted the footage on her social networking page and YouTube, it was shown on television and caused a scandal. Police in Saint PetersburgThe clip is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvCHei7UTBE Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130228-russian-girl-8-filmed-while-driving-100km-hour-0



2 Mar

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1. 2 Mar


2/28/13 re MUMMIFIED HEART of RICHARD the LIONHEARTED, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130228-richard-lionheart-had-mummified-heart-0 It indicates that the organ was treated with the veneration reserved for a Christian relic, said Philippe Charlier of the Raymond Poincare University Hospital in Garches, near Paris. We found things that we didnt expect, said Charlier, one of the worlds top historical pathologists. Mediaeval embalmers used mercury and tar-like creosote to preserve the heart, then applied frankincense, myrtle, daisy and mint to it so that it would smell sweet, his team found. The organ was then wrapped in linen and sealed for eternity inside a lead box. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130228-richard-lionheart-had-mummified-heart-0 **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C3hZ Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar

3/2/13 POLANDs KAMIL STOCH WINS NORDIC WORLD SKI JUMP CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130228-stoch-wins-world-ski-jump-title-0 Polands


Kamil Stoch won ski jump gold at the Nordic world championships on Thursday but World Cup leader Gregor Schlierenzauer only managed eighth place.http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130228-stoch-winsworld-ski-jump-title-0 **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & deathRomans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C3bH Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar


StandStrong! 3/2/13 MEXICAN-AMERICAN STUDENT PUNISHED 4 REFUSING TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO MEXICAN FLAG,*read more at http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/2013/02/brenda-brinsdon-understand-indoctrination-15-yrold-refuses-to-pledge-allegiance-to-mexican-flag-lawsuit/? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter school claims this was a single assignment but students also had to stand individually and recite the pledge which went on for several days. Brenda offered to recite the pledge to the American flag in Spanish, but that wasnt acceptable. http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/2013/02/brenda-brinsdon-understand-indoctrination-15-yrold-refuses-to-pledge-allegiance-to-mexican-flag-lawsuit/? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter **** through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin & death Romans 8:2 http://ow.ly/i/1C31s Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


2 Mar


1 Mar


2/26/13 RONALDO SCORES TWICE IN REAL MADRID WIN v BARCELONA,3-1, COPA del REY TOURNAMENT,*read more athttp://m.guardiannews.com/football/2013/feb/26/barcelona-realmadrid-copa-del-rey Real Madrid are in the final of the Copa del Rey. Two goals from Cristiano Ronaldo early in each half left Barcelona an impossible task and the pain was far from over. With the score 2-0 to Madrid on the night, 3-1 on aggregate, the Catalans were left to play the final half an hour more out of obligation than anything else. And then with 68 minutes gone, Raphal Varane headed the third to bring Jos Mourinhos finger to his lips and make this another brilliant night. Jordi Albas goal was irrelevant, clinched in the 88th minute before http://m.guardiannews.com/football/2013/feb/26/barcelona-realmadrid-copa-del-rey *******Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 http://ow.ly/i/1BWnt Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin Many Good Video Sharing Websites & Individuals


1 Mar


2/27/13 US NAVY STILL STUCK ON PHILIPPINES REEF, SHIP TOTALLED. *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130227-funnel-removed-us-navy-ship-stuck-coral-reef-0 [they say the map was wrongly marked, but what about radar/sonar ? Doesnt radar/sonar detect approaching obstacles? Or were they relying strictly upon a bad map? & yet, this is a national heritage site for the Philippines,a protected reef. Wouldnt it be clearly marked on any decent map? How old are the maps that the US Navy uses? Or are they making a bad excuse? The ship apparently is ruined ie millions of dollars down the drain] the funnel as a major step. The team has also removed the ships winch, used to operate its sonar equipment, and plans to dismantle the mast later Wednesday, said regional coastguard spokeswoman Lieutenant Greanata Jude. Most of the equipment on top of the deck has already been transferred to a barge but they have yet to get the large equipment inside the ship, she told AFP. Sensitive equipment from the USS Guardian will be re-used but most of the ship will have to be scrapped after its hull was breached when it ran aground the reef in a remote part of the Sulu Sea, she said. The ship damaged a section of the reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its rich marine life. President Benigno Aquino has said the US Navy will have to pay penalties for the damage.


The US Navy had originally targeted March 23 for http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130227-funnel-removed-us-navy-ship-stuck-coral-reef-0 Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin Many Good Video Sharing Websites & Individuals


1 Mar


2/27/13 CHELSEA DEFEATS MIDDLESBROUGH,2-0,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130227-chelsea-sink-boro-set-united-quarter-final-0 Holders Chelsea ground out a 2-0 win at second-tier Middlesbrough on Wednesday to set up an FA Cup quarter-final glamour tie at Manchester United. Second-half goals from Ramires and Victor Moses secured victory at the Riverside Stadium as Chelsea bounced back from Sundays 2-0 loss at Manchester City, which had seen them slip to fourth place in the Premier League.Victory in the fifth-round tie means http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130227-chelsea-sink-boro-set-united-quarter-final-0 Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 (Discontinued) Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin Many Good Video Sharing Websitesi


1 Mar


2/27/12 HOT AIR BALLOON EXPLOSION KILLS 19,*read more at http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/luxor-hot-air-balloon-disaster-horror-oftourist-who-saw-wife-die-in-fireball-8510814.html One of the passengers possibly Mr Rennie managed to escape by leaping into the field below when the balloon was around five metres from the ground. I saw one person jump out, said Mr Yasin. Investigators described the balloon shooting upwards sharply as hot air rushed into the balloon, which by this stage was unbalanced. At an altitude of around 1,000ft one of the gas canisters exploded, sending it plunging down to where it landed in a sugar cane field. Some of the passengers leapt to their deaths on the way down, as jets of flaming gas engulfed the wicker cabin. Others appear to have remained trapped in the balloon as it careered into the cornfield below. In all 19 people were killed: nine from Hong Kong, four from Japan, two Britons, two French nationals, a Hungarian and an Egyptian http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/luxor-hot-air-balloon-disaster-horror-of-touristwho-saw-wife-die-in-fireball-8510814.html Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin Many Good Video Sharing Websites


1 Mar




1 Mar



1 Mar



1 Mar


2/28/13 S. KOREAN KINGS RECOVERED 500-yo HAT HOLDS CLUES TO ANCIENT ALPHABET, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130227-ancient-kings-hat-holds-clues-korean-alphabet-0 A hat which belonged to South Koreas most revered monarch King Sejong has been recovered more than 500 years after it was looted by Japanese invaders, a senior scholar said Wednesday. Apart from its intrinsic value as an historical relic, the discovery has thrilled scholars after documents were found stitched inside the hat carrying explanations of King Sejongs greatest legacy the Hangeul alphabet. The monarch known as Sejong the Great ruled from 1418-1450. His reign had a profound impact on Korean history with the introduction of the Hangeul phonetic alphabet that replaced classical Chinese characters.Hangeul vastly increased literacy previously restricted to the top scholarly class


and remains http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130227-ancient-kings-hat-holds-clues-korean-alphabet-0 Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Vexatious Individuals Persons will Eventually Ruin Many Good Video Sharing Websites


1 Mar


3/1/13 MORE BACKLASH re SETH McFARLANEs OSCARS PERFORMANCE (Atlantic mag),*read more athttp://m.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/02/the-banality-of-sethmacfarlanes-sexism-and-racism-at-the-oscars/273460/ Everything, including punchlines about the Jews cutting non-Jews out of Hollywood, snickers about women faking the flu to lose weight, and cracks that theres no need to try to understand what Salma Hayeks saying because shes so hot, is OK. Its a free country, etc. But that doesnt mean those jokes arent hurtful, obvious, or dumb. It doesnt mean they dont make the world a worse place. Humor, after all, can be an incredible weapon for social progress, but it can also be regressive: The more we pass off old stereotypes, rooted in hate, as normalas MacFarlane did again and again last nightthe longer those stereotypes, and their ability to harm people, will be in place. If only Captain Kirk had told us whether well have moved past this nonsense by the 23rd century. http://m.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/02/the-banality-of-seth-macfarlanes-


sexism-and-racism-at-the-oscars/273460/ Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin Many Good Video Sharing Websites


1 Mar


2/28/13 TADPOLES w/ EYES IMPLANTED ON THEIR TAILS COULD SEE !*read more at http://www.livescience.com/27518-tadpoles-sprout-eyeballs-on-tails.html We have four-headed worms, six-legged frogs, and many other unusual creatures here as part of our work on bioelectricity and organ regeneration. These experimental tadpoles then received a vision test the researchers first refined on normal tadpoles. The tadpoles were placed in a circular arena half illuminated with red light and half with blue light, with software regularly switching what color light the areas received. When tadpoles entered places lit by red light, they received a tiny electric zap. A motion-tracking camera kept tabs on where the tadpoles were. Remarkably, the scientists found that six tadpoles that had eyes implanted in their tails could apparently see, choosing to remain in the safer blue-light areas. http://www.livescience.com/27518-tadpoles-sprout-eyeballs-on-tails.html Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Random Persons will Eventually Ruin Many Quality Video Sharing Websites


1 Mar


2/28/13 RIP,RALPH MARTIN,88, NEW TESTAMENT PROFESSOR, FULLER SEMINARY et al, *read more at http://www.charismanews.com/us/38434-new-testament-scholar-ralph-p-martin-dies [I had Ralph for a new testament class at fuller, circa 1998] Ralph P. Martin, a prominent Bible scholar and author of numerous studies and commentaries on the New Testament, died Monday in Southport, England. He was 88. Martin was professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, where he served for many years. He was also an associate professor in biblical studies at the University of Sheffield and taught at the Graduate School of Theology of Azusa Pacific University. Martins doctoral dissertation, Carmen Christi: Philippians ii. 5-11 in Recent Interpretation and in the Setting of Early Christian Worship, established him as an authority on Phil. 2:5-11. In 1997, his dissertation was reissued by InterVarsity Press (IVP) as A Hymn of Christ. http://www.charismanews.com/us/38434-new-testament-scholar-ralph-p-martin-dies


Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin Quality Grassroot Video Sharing Websites

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2/28/13 RIP, VAN CLIBURN,PIANIST,78, *read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/28/arts/music/van-cliburn-pianist-dies-at78.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 Van Cliburn , the American pianist whose first-place award at the 1958 International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow made him an overnight sensation and propelled him to a phenomenally successful and lucrative career, though a short-lived one, died on Wednesday at his home in Fort Worth. He was 78. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/28/arts/music/van-cliburn-pianist-dies-at-78.html? pagewanted=all&_r=0 Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by will Eventually Ruin Many QualityVideo Sharing Websites


1 Mar


2/26/13 MAN ARRESTED AFTER CALLING 911 NINE TIMES for a CHEESEBURGER,*read more athttp://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-arrested-calling-911-nine-times-trying-order002943552.html ..By Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo! News | An Indiana man got the attention of local police after he tried to order a cheeseburger by calling 911 nine times. According to WISHTV, 52-year-old Gregory Jackson Sr. has reportedly had past run-ins with police, but this may be the most bizarre. Jackson reportedly made the nine phone calls in just 90 minutes. Eventually, New Castle, Ind., police showed up at Jacksons home and arrested him. Finally, the dispatcher sent police to Jacksons residence. Though, despite the series of strange calls, the dispatcher was reportedly concerned Jackson was calling, because he hadnt eaten food in a long time http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-arrested-calling-911-nine-times-trying-order002943552.html Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness

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IN THE NEWS 2/18 to 2/28/13

Tags, body batteries, otis harris, temptations, search visualizer,rand paul, richard koop, surgeon general, iran, argo, ben affleck, dennis rodman, north korea, sixto rodriguez, sugarman, anne hathaway, jennifer lawrence, daniel day-lewis, manchester united, jimmie johnson, daytona 500, poisonous mice, guam snakes, emmanuelle riva, innerhofer, wolfgang puck, malayan sun bears, oscars, academy awards, ronda rousey, evolution, god, jesus, christ, faith, bible, razzie awards, zero dark thirty, skyfall, les miserables, jaqueline duran, life of pi, christopher waltz, kenny cherry, drew peterson, bees and flowers, nkosi thandiwe, fawad mohammadi,coptics, boris becker, high treason, oscar pistorius, jerry buss, jesse jackson jr., dean gilliland, fuller seminary, yandex maps, ac milan, office max, office depot, chelsea, swiss bear, 1.


28 Feb

Cool! 2/28/12 R BODY BATTERIES the WAVE of the FUTURE? *read more at http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-02-25/japan-matrix-now-reality-humans-are-used-livingbatteries developed a resin sheet that generates electricity, utilizing the temperature difference between human body and the air.The power-generating sheet developed by Fujifilm and AIST could be used to provide additional power for portable devices.The sheet uses the thermoelectric effect, which generates a voltages due to the temperature difference between the surface of an object and its reverse side. The sheet is 0.4mm thick and soft. In a normal environment, the temperature 414

ofthe air is lower than that of the human body or the surface of clothes. That temperature difference can be used to generate a steady flow of electricity http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-02-25/japan-matrix-now-reality-humans-are-used-livingbatteries Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin the Video Sharing Websites


28 Feb


(Horrific!) 2/28/13 S. AFRICA POLICE DRAG MAN 2 DEATH BEHIND VEHICLE? *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/video-safrican-police-drag-man-later-dies-091759847.html hands are tied to the rear of a police van while his body lay behind it, on the ground. The van speeds off, dragging the slender man along the pavement as a crowd of onlookers shouts in dismay and at least one videotapes the scene. He is later found dead in a police cell. Its a gut-wrenching video, made all the more disturbing by the fact that the men who carried out the abuse were uniformed South African police officers and the van was a marked police vehicle . The Daily Sun, a South African newspaper, posted video the footage Thursday and it was quickly picked up by other South African news outlets and carried on the Internet. It sparked immediate outrage. Some of those in the crowd who watched the scene unfold in a township east of Johannesburg shouted at the police http://news.yahoo.com/video-safrican-police-drag-man-later-dies-091759847.html Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False Copyright Flags by Anonymous Persons will Eventually Ruin All Video Sharing Websites


27 Feb

2/25/13 RIP TEMPTATIONS OTIS HARRIS,62, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-temptations-singer-dies-62-0 Otis Damon Harris, who as first tenor of the Motown ensemble The Temptations sang on such 1970s hits as Papa Was a Rollin Stone, has died at the age of 62, US news media reported Monday. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-temptations-singer-dies-62-0


***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False copyright claims will lead to the end of fun & unique video sharing


27 Feb


2/25/13 ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE NOT HAPPY w/ SETH McFARLANEs JEWISH SARCASM @ OSCARS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-jewish-group-slams-offensiveoscars-show-sketch-0 In the sketch during the three-hour Oscars show, the climax of Hollywoods annual awards season, Ted mentions to onscreen buddy actor Mark Wahlberg that if you want to work in this town you have to be Jewish. For the insiders at the Oscars this kind of joke is obviously not taken seriously, said Foxman. But when one considers the global audience of the Oscars of upwards of two billion people, including many who know little or nothing about Hollywood or the falsity of such Jewish stereotypes, theres a much higher potential for the Jews control Hollywood myth to be accepted as fact.He added: We wish that Mr MacFarlane and the Academy Awards producers had shown greater sensitivity and decided against airing a sketch that so reinforces the age-old canard about Jewish control of the film industry. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-jewish-group-slams-offensive-oscars-show-sketch-0 [Im not Jewish but I agree with the ADL. I dont like any kind of negative stereotypes being used as jokes. Shame on Seth. Cheapshot] ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *False copyright claims will lead to the end of fun & unique video sharing


27 Feb


2/22/13 SEARCH VISUALIZER OFFERS NEW PERSPECTIVE ON SOME BIBLICAL PASSAGES,*read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/22/researchers-uncover-secret-code-used-to-bury-badnews-about-death-in-the-bible-the-genesis-death-sandwich/ whoever wrote the version of the text that has been passed down to us was clearly employing this rhetorical structure, explained Dr. Gordon Rugg of Keele University, the individual who developed the tool used to analyze the text. This tool, called Search Visualizer, looks at texts through a grid. Each square present represents a word, with colored suares representing search terms. When the words life and death were searched in the King James Version of Genesis, the aforementioned sandwich pattern became evident, the Daily Mail reports . Heres how the Search Visualizer web site explains the search process : The core concept behind the SV is simple. You can tell a lot about a document just by seeing where your keywords occur within it. Imagine that youre seeing a printout of the entire document with colour-coded highlighting on each of your keywords. The illustration show what happens when you do this for the text of Macbeth, with red highlighting for where the word sleep occurs and green highlighting where the word witch occurs. You can see at a glance


http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/22/researchers-uncover-secret-code-used-to-bury-badnews-about-death-in-the-bible-the-genesis-death-sandwich/ ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *false copyright claims will lead to the end of fun & unique video sharing


27 Feb


2/21/13 RAND PAUL GIVES $600,000 to the U.S. TREASURY,*read more at http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheat-sheets/2013/02/21/cheat-sheet.html Just when you thought Sen. Rand Paul had no more tricks up his sleeve, he hands $600,000 to the U.S. Treasury and proves you silly wrong. The move, announced Wednesday, was a symbolic gesture meant to highlight how easily the government can reduce its spending. Paul says the sizable sum came from a closely monitored office budget. We watch every purchase what computers we buy, what paper we buy, the ink cartridges, Paul said. We treat the money like its our money, or your money, and we look at every expenditure. Pauls donation was coupled by a smaller one from South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney, who pledged to give $160,000 of his budget (12 percent) back to the government. At a time when Americans are tightening their budgets, I have made http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheat-sheets/2013/02/21/cheat-sheet.html ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org


26 Feb

2/26/13 RIP, FORMER SURGEON GENERAL,RICHARD C. KOOP,96,*read more at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBIT_KOOP? SITE=NYMID&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT when he left his post in 1989, he left behind a landscape where AIDS was a top research and educational priority, smoking was considered a public health hazard, and access to abortion remained largely intact. Koop, who turned his once-obscure post into a bully pulpit for seven years during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and who surprised both ends of the political spectrumdied Monday at his home in Hanover, N.H. He was 96. An assistant at Koops Dartmouth College institute, Susan Wills,confirmed his death but didnt


disclose its cause http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBIT_KOOP? SITE=NYMID&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Google/YouTube is NOT a dictatorship!


26 Feb


2/26/13 IRAN RESPONDS TO ARGO, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-iran-media-dismiss-argo-oscar-political-0 Irans contempt of Hollywood is no secret. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei last Wednesday criticised it as a totally political machine that propagates policies brewed in Washington. Hollywood is totally political. Otherwise it would have let our anti-Zionist movies participate in film festivals, he said in remarks reported by his Khamenei.ir website. Producing political anti-Iranian movies and givingawards to anti-Iranian movies is a clear sign that politics is mixed with art in the US, Khamenei added in an allusion to Argo. Hollywood in 2007 drew the wrath of Iranians for its http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-iran-media-dismiss-argo-oscar-political-0 ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7


Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Google/YouTube is NOT a dictatorship!


26 Feb

2/26/13 DENNIS RODMAN 2 VISIT N.KOREA w/ HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS,*read more at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/AS_NKOREA_RODMAN? SITE=DCUSN&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) Flamboyant former NBA star Dennis Rodman is heading to North Korea tattoos, piercings, bad-boy reputation and all. The American known as the worm is set to arrive Tuesday in Pyongyang, becoming an unlikely ambassador at a time of heightened tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. Rodman, three members of the Harlem Globetrottersbasketball team and a camera crew from VICE television are visiting North Korea for a news show


set to air on HBO in April. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/AS_NKOREA_RODMAN? SITE=DCUSN&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Google/YouTube is NOT a dictatorship!


26 Feb


2/26/13 SEARCHING 4 SUGARMAN WAS ALL ABOUT SIXTO RODRIGUEZ,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-sugar-man-story-forgotten-singer-wins-doc-oscar Searching for Sugar Man, about a singer whose musical star faded without a trace until he was rediscovered in South Africa, won the best documentary feature Oscar in Hollywood on Sunday. The film tells the story of Sixto Rodriguez, who made two albums in the early 1970s but then quit music and who knows nothing about his fame on another continent. The documentary was made by first-time director Malik Bendjelloul, who first discovered Rodriguez while travelling for six months in Africa in 2006, and was fascinated by his story. The award was accepted by Bendjelloul and producer http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-sugar-man-story-forgotten-singer-wins-doc-oscar ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Google/YouTube is NOT a dictatorship!


26 Feb

2/26/13 ANNE HATHAWAY,30,WINS OSCAR for ROLE of PROSTITUTE IN LES MISERABLES *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-anne-hathaways-dream-comes-true-with-first-oscar Anne Hathaway won an Oscar on


her second nomination Sunday, confirming her status as one of Hollywoods brightest acting talents and an astonishingly powerful singer who Dreamed a Dream. The 30-year-old, who took home the Academy Award for best supporting actress, had already won the Golden Globe last month for her role as the young mother and prostitute Fantine in the musical adaptation Les Miserables. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130225-anne-hathaways-dream-comes-true-with-first-oscar ***** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, Whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Hellignden steg ned p ham [Jesus] i legemlig skikkelse som en due. Og en rst fra himlene: Du er min sn, som jeg elsker, med dig har jeg fundet velbehag. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Google/YouTube is NOT a dictatorship!


25 Feb


2/24/13 JENNIFER LAWRENCE WINS BEST ACTRESS (SILVER LINING PLAYBOOK), OSCARS 2013 ! ***** Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org


25 Feb


2/24/13 DANIEL DAY-LEWIS WINS BEST ACTOR (LINCOLN),HIS 3RD ! Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org


25 Feb


2/23/13 da SILVA LEADS MANCHESTER UNITED PAST QPR,2-0, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-united-go-15-points-clear-arsenal-turn-page A thunderbolt from Rafael da Silva set Manchester United on the way to a 2-0 win at bottom club Queens Park Rangers on Saturday that sent Alex Fergusons side 15 points clear in the Premier League. The Brazilian right-back struck in the 23rd minute, arrowing a crisp, first-time drive right into the top-left corner from outside the box after Julio Cesar had pushed away a shot from Robin van Persie http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-united-go-15-points-clear-arsenal-turn-page Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com


www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org


25 Feb

2/25/13 JIMMIE JOHNSON WINS DAYTONA 500 ! http://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/Johnson-back-on-top-with-2nd-Daytona-500-victory4305299.php Jimmie Johnson went two years without a title and suddenly became an afterthought at the Daytona 500. All the attention went to Danica Patrick and a handful of other drivers.Not that it mattered Sunday, because look who pulled into Victory Lane. Five-time is back. Not that he ever went away. Johnson won his second Daytona 500 on Sunday, a year after he completed just one lap in the race and three months after falling short in his bid for a sixth Sprint Cuptitle. That so-called drought had made him something of a http://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/Johnson-back-on-top-with-2nd-Daytona-500-victory4305299.php


Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org


25 Feb

2/24/13 WHAT is the ARRI ALEXA CAMERA? *read more at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arri_Alexa Arri Alexa is a film-style digital motion picturecamera system made by Arri first introduced in 435

April 2010. The camera marks Arris first major transition into digital cinematography after smaller previous efforts such as the Arriflex D-20 and D-21 . It features modularity, PL mount lenses, a Super 35 sized CMOS sensor shooting up to 2880 x 2160 resolution and supports uncompressed video or proprietary raw (ARRIRAW) data. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arri_Alexa Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *say NO 2 google scroogling !


25 Feb


2/25/13 INTERESTING re ARGO from an IRANIAN PERSPECTIVE, http://m.guardiannews.com/world/iran-blog/2012/nov/13/argo-iranians-ben-affleck Minor mistakes aside, the film takes a black and white view towards Iranians, like many other western films about Iran. It portrays them as ugly, poor, strictly religious, fanatical and ignorant almost in line with the young revolutionaries behind the hostage-taking at the US embassy in Tehran after the 1979 Islamic revolution, which the film is about. The only nice Iranian in the film is the Canadian ambassadors maid. The whole experience is like asking an Iranian who has never been to the US to make a film (lets say in Cuba) about the Columbine high school massacre. Youll probably end up watching a film in which all Americans are crazy, have a gun at home and are ready to shoot their classmates http://m.guardiannews.com/world/iran-blog/2012/nov/13/argo-iranians-ben-affleck Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


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25 Feb

2/22/13 CROWDS-on-DEMAND SERVES UP FAKE PAPARAZZI & FANS for a FEE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130222-paying-15-minutes-fame-la Paying for 15 minutes of fame in LA In Los Angeles the land of paparazzi, dazzling dental work and endless glitz it turns out that you, too, can be hot enough to draw a crowd. For a price, of course.Crowds on Demand is the brainchild of a young


entrepreneur who came up with a novel idea for giving everyday people a taste of fame, even if it is brief and bogus.They do it for popularity, or they want to impress somebody, said company founder Adam Swart http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130222-paying-15-minutes-fame-la Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org Say NO 2 gooogle SCROOGLING!


25 Feb


2/22/13 GUAM/USA PLANS TO AIR-DROP POISONOUS MICE TO KILL SNAKES,*read more at http://abcnews.go.com/International/snake-population-bombed-poison-mice/story?id=18568107 in Guam, pest control is a little more complicated than buying a better mousetrap. In fact it can require a few helicopters.To combat the invasive population of brown tree snakes, the U.S. Department of Agricultures Wildlife Services will air drop mice laced with the painkiller acetaminophen into the dense jungles on the island. We are taking this to a new phase, said Daniel Vice, assistant state director of U.S. Department of Agricultures Wildlife Services in Hawaii, Guam, and the Pacific Islands. There really is no other place in the world with a snake problem like Guam. There are an estimated 2 million brown tree snakes on Guam with around 20 to 30 snakes infesting every acre of the island. The snakes showed up on the island after World War II, arriving on U.S. military ships from other parts of the Pacific war theater including Indonesia , New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Australia. The snakes have decimated Guams native bird population, wiping out nearly all species. Growing between three to ten feet, the snakes have affected humans by http://abcnews.go.com/International/snake-population-bombed-poison-mice/story?id=18568107 Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *say NO 2 google SCROOGLING!


25 Feb

(That would have been neat) 2/24/13 FRENCH ACTRESS EMMANUELLE RIVA TURNED 86 ON OSCARS DAY BUT DIDNT WIN BEST ACTRESS re AMOUR,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-birthday-oscar-french-oldest-actress-nominee Veteran French star Emmanuelle Riva turns 86 on Sunday and could end up [but didnt] celebrating her birthday by becoming the oldest ever best actress Oscar winner.


Riva, already the oldest nominee in the category forher moving performance in Cannes-winning Amour, could also become only the sixth actor to win an Oscar for a performance in a language other than English. The clear frontrunners this year are Jennifer Lawrence in romcom Silver Linings Playbook and Jessica Chastain in Zero Dark Thirty, but http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-birthday-oscar-french-oldest-actress-nominee Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *say NO 2 google SCROOGLING!


25 Feb


2/23/13 ITALYs INNERHOFER WINS ALPINE SKIING, WORLD CUP TOUR, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-innerhofer-wins-garmisch-downhill Italys Christof Innerhofer claimed his third win of the alpine skiing World Cup season on Saturday in the downhill at Garmisch-Partenkirchen. In a time of 1min 37.83secs, Innerhofer finished 12 hundredths of a second ahead of Austrias Georg Streitberger, with another Austrian, Klaus Kroell, four hundredths further back in third on a shortended course. World champion Aksel Lund Svindal, of Norway, was fifth at 0.47secs, to put him at the top of the overall World Cup standings. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-innerhofer-wins-garmisch-downhill Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


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25 Feb

(This lady was working with kids?!) 2/23/13 KINDERGARTEN TEACHER & SCHOOL NURSE ARRESTED 4 HIRING HITMAN TO KILL ex-HUSBAND,*read more at http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/kindergarten-teacher-school-nurse-held-murder-hire-plot171429058abc-news-topstories.html By Gillian Mohney A Virginia elementary school teacher and a school nurse are facing charges in what police are calling a murderfor-hire plot. Angela Nolen, a 47-year-old kindergarten teacher, was arrested Wednesday for


allegedly plotting to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband for $8,000. According to police, Nolens friend 37-year-old Cathy Bennett, a school nurse, worked with Nolen to find a hit man. According to the Franklin County Sheriffs Office, Nolens plan unraveled when she gave a police officer, working under cover as a hit man, an up-front fee of $4,000 to kill her ex-husband, 63-year-old Paul Strickler. Strickler, who is the father of Nolens 7-year-old daughter, told the Roanoke Times he had been working on a deal to sell his house to Nolen. If I was dead, she would not have to give me the money, http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/kindergarten-teacher-school-nurse-held-murder-hire-plot171429058abc-news-topstories.html Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to google SCROOGLING!


25 Feb


2/24/13 WOLFGANG PUCK CONTINUES 2 SERVE UP the BEST 4 the OSCARS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-chef-wolfgang-puck-19-years-feeding-oscars-hungry Hollywoods biggest stars, after weeks of dieting for the Red Carpet, finally get to pick up their cocktail forks again at the glittering banquet that follows Sundays Academy Awards ceremony. And celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck has the daunting task of preparing a post-Oscars spread worthy of the wait. Puck will feed [did feed] the 1,500 hungry guests attending the glitzy Academy Awards, one of the most glamourous on the US social calendar a gathering of Hollywoods most powerful and best known stars, directors, producers, and movie studio heads. Puck, who has catered the event for nearly 19 years, says he aims to create a culinary experience as http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130223-chef-wolfgang-puck-19-years-feeding-oscars-hungry Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


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25 Feb

2/22/13 TWO MALAYAN SUN BEARS FOUND in ABANDONED CAMBODIAN GARMENT FACTORY,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130222-rare-sun-bears-found-abandoned-cambodia-factory [Theyve been in there since December? Without food or water? ] Two rare Malayan sun bears have been rescued in Cambodia after being discovered in an abandoned garment factory, a zoo official said Friday. The male and female bears were rescued by officials from the Phnom Tamao Zoo and the Wildlife


Alliance, who found them in the factory in southern Kandal province last week, according to zoo director Nhek Rattanak Pich. The bears were left with no food and no one to care for them after the factory owner fled the country, the Wildlife Alliance said on its website. The group said local authorities had called them after the bears were found in purpose-built cages at the factory, which closed without notice in December http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130222-rare-sun-bears-found-abandoned-cambodia-factory Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *say NO to google SCROOGLING!


25 Feb


(Old News but New 2me fyi) LIFESAVERS CLOSES HOLLAND (MI) SHOP, MOVES TO CANADA*read more at http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0320-02.htm [This is interesting to me because despite growing up in west Michigan in the 70s & in Holland in the summers, I never realized LifeSavers was right in my own backyard. I just came across this story as I was browsing the web] HOLLAND, Mich. As factory jobs go, Stan Rewa always thought his was pretty neat. The work is steady and the pay good, and theres the added satisfaction of producing something special, a piece of Americana that has delighted and hushedgenerations of rambunctious kids. Rewa doesnt make electric trains. Or yo-yos. He makes Life Savers. We are a part of America, said Rewa, who cooks and flavors the candy at the Life Savers factory here. I dont know anybody who didnt grow up eating them, to see if you could get a whole roll in your mouth. The memories will endure, but the factory that turns out 46 billion Life Savers each year wont. Kraft Foods Inc. is closing the plant and moving its operations to Canada, where sugar is half the price and its work force will be nonunion. The move will wipe out 600 union jobs that pay an average of $15.50 an hour. For 35 years, the Life Savers plant was a symbol of stability and


financial security for 115,000 residents living in and http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0320-02.htm Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to google SCROOGLING!


25 Feb


2/24/13 GOD or EVOLUTION? I SAY GOD! *read more at http://m.latinospost.com/articles/12826/20130223/new-study-shows-unique-brainstructures-found.htm [Its mind-boggling that these scientists never consider the possibility that the human being is on a totally different level than any & all animals,plants, etc! It was GOD, not evolution, that made man distinctly different! There is NO missing link!] This discovery was found through a study that analyzed, compared and contrasted the functional brain scans of humans and rhesus monkeys during different activities. As a result, the evidence leads scientists to believe that the ancestors of modern humans evolutionarily split from those of rhesus monkeys. About 25 million years ago, different areas of the brain were added, disappeared or changed in function. Now scientists are asking, Has evolution given humans unique brain structures? Though this question has been raised before, no conclusive evidence existed to support it until now? One of the leading researchers who published the study, neurophysiologist Wim Vanduffel, explained the results of the study in detail: We did functional brain scans in humans and http://m.latinospost.com/articles/12826/20130223/new-study-shows-unique-brain-structuresfound.htm


Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *say NO to google SCROOGLING !


25 Feb

2/24/13 RONDA ROUSEY DEFEATS LIZ CARMOUCHE,1st FEMALE UFC FIGHT, *read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-ufc-rousey-carmouche-20130224,0,6630744.story


Ronda Rouseys pursuit of her dream career was fulfilled dramatically Saturday, the first female to ever win an Ultimate Fighting Championship bout doing so in nearly five full minutes of riveting action. Rousey survived a strong rear naked chokehold attempt with challenger and former Marine Liz Carmouche draped across her back, escaping the position just as Carmouche appeared to have seized a defining moment in the main event of UFC 157 at Honda Center. Instead, Rousey rid herself of Carmouches grip, perhaps appropriately adjusting her slipping top in the unlady http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-ufc-rousey-carmouche-20130224,0,6630744.story Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org Say NO to google SCROOGLING!


25 Feb


2/24/13 KRISTIN STEWART & TAYLOR LAUTNER TOP WINNERS @ 11th ANNUAL RAZZIE AWARDS,*read more at http://www.contactmusic.com/news/twilight-conclusion-lands-seven-razzie-awards_3522004 final installment in the vampire franchise was voted Worst Picture at the 11th annual Razzie Awards on the eve of the Oscars on Saturday (23Feb13), seeing off competition from Battleship, The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure, Thats My Boy and A Thousand Words. Twilight leading lady Kristen Stewart landed Worst Actress, while co-star Taylor Lautner was branded the Worst Supporting Actor for his turn as werewolf Jacob Black. Stewart did not attend the spoof prizegiving, so organisers brought a cardboard cut-out of the actress to a press conference to accept her trophy http://www.contactmusic.com/news/twilight-conclusion-lands-seven-razzie-awards_3522004 Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


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24 Feb

2/24/13 ZERO-DARK-30 & SKYFALL SHARE BEST SOUND EDITING OSCAR,ACADEMY AWARDS 2013! **** I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13, Je puis tout par celui qui me fortifie. Philippiens 4:13



24 Feb

2/24/13 ARGO WINS BEST EDITING, OSCARS 13 ! For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.1 Peter 3:18Ty Kristus dog fr synder en gng fr alla, de rttfrdiga fr de orttfrdiga, att ta dig till Gud. 1 Petrus 3:18


24 Feb


2/24/13 ANNE HATHAWAY (Les Miz)WINS BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS, OSCARS 13! for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24


24 Feb


2/24/13 LES MISERABLES WINS BEST SOUND MIXING, OSCARS 13 ! *******Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21


24 Feb


2/24/13 SEARCHING 4 SUGARMAN WINS BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE, OSCARS 13! But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23


24 Feb


2/24/13 JAQUELINE DURAN WINS BEST COSTUME DESIGN for ANNA KARENINA! May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14 Mogu ja nikada pohvaliti osim kriem Gospodina naega Isusa Krista, kroz koje svijet je razapet za mene,i ja na svijetu. Galaanima 6:14


24 Feb




24 Feb


2/24/13 BRAVE & PAPERMAN WIN ANIMATED OSCARS ! Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2


24 Feb




24 Feb


Pray4 2/22/13 RIP KENNY CLUTCH CHERRY (et al), ASPIRING RAPPER (et al) GUNNED DOWN IN VEGAS,*read more at http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/22/17056170-aspiring-rapper-among-the-dead-afterexplosive-vegas-strip-shooting Kenny Clutch Cherry of Oakland, Calif. was at the wheel of the Maserati, his father told NBCBayArea.com on Thursday, when a black Range Rover with tinted windows and black rims pulled up and allegedly opened fire near a stoplight in the pre-dawn hours. A passenger was injured by the gunfire and Cherry was killed, causing the car to spin out of control. The careening silver Maserati smashed into a taxi cab, trapping the passenger and driver and causing the cab to burst into flames; both occupants were killed, police said. Then, the Maserati smashed into three other cars before coming to a stop.The Maserati driver was a Chico State dropout who http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/22/17056170-aspiring-rapper-among-the-dead-afterexplosive-vegas-strip-shooting Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7


Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Ask Google/YouTube to be Gracious!


24 Feb

(Scary or re-Assuring?)2/24/13 re ALMOST 14,000 SEARCH WARRANTS (or lack of) SERVED ON GOOGLE/GMAIL,*read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/13753-gov-t-requests-googlee-mail-data-2012-most-without-warrant?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed - American government agencies state, local, and federal made a record 13,753 requests to read emails or gather other information sent through Google s Gmail and other services in 2012, more than half without warrants , according to statistics released by Google . The total number of users about whom government agencies wanted information also set a record at 31,072 , up


from 23,300 in 2011, the first year Google began reporting the data . The discrepancy comes because government agencies request information on multiple users or accounts at the same time.Most of these 13,753 requests , 6,542 of 8, 438 in the latter half of 2012 alone, were done without a search warrant , Google data show. Google did not make available any detailed data prior to June 2012 , nor did it make available which requests came from the federal government and which came from state or local law enforcement agencies , when asked by CNSNews. com . Google spokesman Chris Gaither said the company only http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/13753-gov-t-requests-google-e-mail-data-2012-most-withoutwarrant?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Ask Google/YouTube to be Gracious!


24 Feb


2/21/13 DREW PETERSON to SPEND REST OF LIFE IN PRISON,*read more at http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-drew-peterson-sentence20130221,0,1883440.story Drew Peterson wanted to make sure he was heard when he was given one last chance to speak Thursday, shortly before being sentenced to 38 years in prison for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. Declining to speak from the defense table, where there was no microphone, the former Bolingbrook police sergeant shuffled to the witness stand in his jail-issued blue scrubs and orange shoes and began quietly. I hope I dont aggravate the situation, he turned and told the judge. Then Peterson screamed into the microphone, I did not kill Kathleen! startling almost everyone in the courtroom. Yes, you did! Savios sister Sue Doman yelled back from the gallery, prompting Will County Circuit Judge Edward Burmila to order her out http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-drew-peterson-sentence20130221,0,1883440.story Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Ask Google/YouTube to be Gracious!


24 Feb

2/22/13 NEW STUDY SAYS BUMBLE BEES & FLOWERS RECIPROCATE re ELECTRIC CHARGE, *read more at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/02/22/flower_electric_signal_bees/ As they fly through the air, bumblebees acquire a positive electric charge, while flowers, which are grounded, have a


negative charge. When the two meet, the bee somehow senses the difference, and its that information - along with bright colours, patterns and enticing fragrance - that attracts pollinators to blooms. Bio-boffins at the University of Bristol, which conducted the study, found that when a bee visits a flower and picks up its pollen, some of the positive charge on the insect may transfer to the plant and alter its electric charge. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/02/22/flower_electric_signal_bees/ Be completely humble & gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in loveEphesians 4:2 headline image, Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Ask Google/YouTube to be Gracious!


2/13 MAN SHOOTS 3, KILLS ONE, AFTER LEARNING 2 HATE WHITES AT COLLEGE, *read more at http://m.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/mass-shooter-confesses-he-learned-to-hate-whitepeople-in-college/ Nkosi Thandiwe shot dead 26-year-old Brittany Watts and and injured two other women in the parking deck of the Proscenium building on July 15, 2011. His trial went to court this week. Thankiwe confessed that he shot the three white women after he learned to hate white people in college. That sounds about right. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported: During his testimony Wednesday, Thandiwe suggested that his reason for even purchasing the gun he used in the shootings was to enforce beliefs hed developed about white people during his later years as an anthropology major at the University of West Georgia. I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today, he said. In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend. He said the night before the shooting, he attended a so-called Peace Party intended to address his concerns about helping the black community find equal footing, but two white people


were there. I was upset, Thandiwe said. I was still upset Friday. I took the gun to work because I was still upset from Thursday night. Nkosi Thandiwe was found guilty of murdering a woman and wounding two others in a 2011 Midtown shooting spree was sentenced to life without parole plus 65 years in prison http://m.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/mass-shooter-confesses-he-learned-to-hate-whitepeople-in-college/ **** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******

1. 22 Feb


2/22/13 14-yo AFGHAN KID GETS TICKET to the OSCARS ! *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130219-afghan-street-kid-heads-oscars-red-carpet Fawad Mohammadi, 14, was selling maps to passingforeigners on Kabuls famed Chicken Street to help feed his family when he met American director Sam French.who cast Mohammadi as one of the main characters in Buzkashi Boys, a movie shot entirely in http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130219-afghan-street-kid-heads-oscars-red-carpet ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!

2. 22 Feb

Pray4 2/22/13 MUSLIM ACCUSED OF BEHEADING 2 COPTIC CHRISTIANS IN NEW JERSEY,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/muslim-accused-of-beheading-2-christians-in-u-s/ Ibrahim killed the victims then severed their heads and hands, and buried the remains in the back yard of a home in Buena Vista, N.J.The report said the victims were from the Coptic Christian community in the area. One of the victims had come from Egypt not many years ago. http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/muslim-accused-of-beheading-2-christians-in-u-s/


****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!

3. 22 Feb


2/19/13 BAYERN DEFEATS ARSENAL,3-1*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130219-bristling-bayern-blacken-arsenals-nightmare Bayern Munich loaded fresh misery onto beleaguered Arsenal with a 3-1 win at the Emirates Stadium on Tuesday that left them with one foot in the Champions League quarter-finals. Seeking a reaction after Saturdays shock FA Cup exit at the hands of second-tier Blackburn Rovers, Arsenal were instead soundly beaten by a Bayern side desperate to atone for last seasons Champions League final heartache http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130219-bristling-bayern-blacken-arsenals-nightmare ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!

4. 22 Feb


5. 22 Feb


2/20/13 BORIS BECKER TO APPEAR AT CUBAN CIGAR FESTIVAL,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130219-boris-becker-headline-cuba-cigar-festival Retired German tennis great Boris Becker will headline the XV Habanos Festival, an event in Cuba designed to promote cigars and tobacco use, organizers said Tuesday.It will be my first time in Cuba, and Ive heard some great things, Becker said, according to a statement from the Cuban-Spanish company Habanos S.A.,As a Habano aficionado, Montecristo and Partagas are among my favorites, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130219-boris-becker-headline-cuba-cigar-festival ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!

6. 22 Feb


2/18/13 NANI LEADS MANCHESTER UNITED PAST READING,2-1,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130218-nani-propels-united-cup-quarter-finals Nani scored one and made the other as Manchester United beat Reading 2-1 to book their place in the FA Cup quarter-finals here on Monday.The Portuguese winger was only brought on as a substitute because of a first-half injury to Phil Jones but he certainly made his mark with a powerful second-half strike before setting up Javier Hernandez with a pinpoint cross. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130218-nani-propels-united-cup-quarter-finals ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


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7. 22 Feb

2/20/13 re BARACK OBAMA,SUPREME COURT CLERKS, & HIGH TREASON?,*read more at http://www.conservativedailynews.com/2013/02/scouts-employees-caught-withholding-legaldocuments-from-supreme-court-justices/ Noonan v Bowen is a case which provides an undeniable evidence of usurpation of the U.S. Presidency by a criminal, a citizen of Indonesia who claims that his name is Barack Obama, who is using all forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number and a last name not legally his. Allowing this usurpation to go on is an act of HIGH TREASON. The nation has a right to know


who is committing high treason: 9 justices of the Supreme Court of clerks, who hide the pleadings and sworn affidavits from justices. For that reason plaintiffs respectfully demand signatures of the justices on the order or on the front page of the application. If there are no actual signatures of the justices the plaintiffs and the nation as a whole will know that the justices never saw a word of pleadings an the case was ruled upon by court employees with unknown allegiance. Plaintiffs also demand to know the names of the court employees who summarized the case, provided it to the justices and compiled the list of approved or denied applications. Plaintiffs, U.S. Congress, law enforcement and World Community at large deserve to know who committed HIGH TREASON, who should be tried for high treason, who should be getting a penalty which is customary in such cases, which is a life in prison or death penalty. http://www.conservativedailynews.com/2013/02/scouts-employees-caught-withholding-legaldocuments-from-supreme-court-justices/ ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!

8. 22 Feb


2/20/13 DETECTIVE IN PISTORIUS CASE NOW CHARGED w/ ATTEMPTED MURDER, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-pistorius-lead-detective-faces-attempted-murder-charges the lead detective in the murder case against Oscar Pistorius is himself facing attempted murder charges, police announced on Thursday, dealing a further blow to the prosecutions case against the star sprinter Lead detective Hilton Botha, whose testimony was challenged by defence attorneys on Wednesday, is facing seven attempted murder charges for shooting at a minibus taxi in 2009, police said. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-pistorius-lead-detective-faces-attempted-murder-charges ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!

9. 22 Feb

2/19/13 R.I.P JERRY BUSS,LEGENDARY LAKERS OWNER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-lakers-win-one-ex-owner-buss The Los Angeles Lakers won in their first game since their longtime owner Jerry Buss died, beating their mighty rivals the Boston Celtics 113-99 the Lakers celebrated their bittersweet victory over the Celtics,


whom they have met 12 times in the NBA finals. It was personally very important, Bryant said of Wednesdays victory. I know how much it meant to http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-lakers-win-one-ex-owner-buss ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!

10. 22 Feb


Pray4 2/20/13 JESSE JACKSON JR PLEADS GUILTY TO STEALING CAMPAIGN DONATIONS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-former-us-lawmaker-jackson-jr-admits-fraud Former US congressman Jesse Jackson Jr, the son of the wellknown civil rights leader, pleaded guilty to stealing $750,000 in campaign donations to fund a lavish lifestyle. The admission capped a stunning fall from grace for the Illinois Democrat who was once a rising national star but resigned under a cloud in November after http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-former-us-lawmaker-jackson-jr-admits-fraud ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly! 11.


22 Feb

2/22/13 CAST of LES MIZ (Miserables) 2 SING TOGETHER @ the OSCARS? *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-oscars-show-hit-musical-high-note. The cast of Les Miz will likely sing together Sunday coincidentally, Hathaway and Jackman have already sung together on the Oscars stage, as part of the Australians opening segment as host in 2009. Helped by the success of the film version, the Les Miserables stage show will be going back to Broadway in March next year, producer Cameron. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130221-oscars-show-hit-musical-high-note


****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!


21 Feb


2/20/13 R.I.P DEAN GILLILAND, FULLER SEMINARY PROFESSOR, *read more at http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci_22623191/fuller-professor-pioneer-cross-culturalmissionary-work-dies Dean Gilliland, a former Fuller Theological Seminary professor and a leader of the missiology movement to bring respect and understanding of cultural diversity to global missionary work, died on Feb. 17. He was 84. Gilliland joined Pasadenas Fuller faculty in 1977 after many years in the missionary field, including 22 years in Nigeria. While there, he trained lay ministers and studied how to bring cross-cultural elements into Christian theology, seminary officials said; he was also founder of the West African Association of Theological Studies and spent several years ministering to Muslims in Africa before coming to Fuller http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/news/ci_22623191/fuller-professor-pioneer-cross-culturalmissionary-work-dies Note: I remember seeing him around campus when i was there,albeit I never had him for a class.I always thought he was a dean, not that his first name was Dean. ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!


21 Feb

2/20/13 WOMAN DISCOVERS BOYFRIEND CHEATING ON YANDEX MAPS (like Google Maps),*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/woman-dumps-boyfriend-finding-him-anotherwoman-online-200641774.html


one woman in Russia discovered her boyfriends infidelity in a pretty surprising manner. Marina Voinova was looking up an address on Russias version of Google Maps, Yandex Maps. She wanted to get a closer glimpse of a building using the street view feature. So she zoomed in, and there was her boyfriend Sasha with his arms around another woman. Well, perhaps it was just an old picture that was taken before he and Marina were a couple. Only problem with that was that Marina and Sasha had been together http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/woman-dumps-boyfriend-finding-him-anotherwoman-online-200641774.html ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!


21 Feb


http://ow.ly/i/1z13N 2/20/13 AC MILAN DEFEATS BARCELONA,2-0, *read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer/championsleague/story/ac-milan-2-0-barcelona-round-of-16first-leg-match-report-022013 AC Milan stunned Barcelona 2-0 in the first leg of its Champions League last-16 tie on Wednesday, beating the Spanish giant for the first time in eight matches. Kevin-Prince Boateng gave Milan the lead in controversial circumstances in the 57th minute. Cristian Zapata appeared to handle Riccardo Montolivos assist in the buildup. Barcelona players protested but to no avail and Gerard Pique was booked in the process.http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer/championsleague/story/acmilan-2-0-barcelona-round-of-16-first-leg-match-report-022013 ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!


21 Feb

2/20/13 OFFICE DEPOT & OFFICE MAX 2 MERGE:*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130220-office-depot-officemax-announce-merger Office Depot and OfficeMax announced Wednesday a merger to create an office-supplies retail giant better designed for an


increasingly competitive retail landscape. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130220-office-depot-officemax-announce-merger ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!


21 Feb


2/20/13 SWITZERLAND KILLS THEIR ONLY BEAR,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130220-switzerlands-only-bear-killed-amid-threat-fears Switzerlands only recorded wild bear has been culled after fears that it could pose a threat to humans, the authorities announced on Wednesday. The male bear, known as M13, was shot dead by wildlife rangers on Tuesday, said Adrian Aeschlimann, spokesman for the Federal Office for the Environment http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130220-switzerlands-only-bear-killed-amid-threat-fears Comment: you would think that they would try to capture their ONLY bear alive & put it in a zoo or something ! ****He had to be made like His brothers in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17 Musel bt jako jeho brati v kadm smru, v rozkazu, e on by mohl bt milosrdnm a vrnm veleknzem ve slub Bohu, a e on by mohl dlat odinn za hchy lidu. idm 2:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/van.d.kok.7 Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Say NO to a Google/YouTube Monopoly!


21 Feb

2/18/13 CHELSEA DEFEATS BRENTFORD,4-0,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-chelsea-rout-brentford-reach-fa-cup-fifth-round Chelsea avoided becoming the latest victims of the FA Cups spate of giant-killings as the holders eased into the fifth round with a 4-0 win over League One minnows Brentford on Sunday. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-chelsea-rout-brentford-reach-fa-cup-fifth-round


But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


21 Feb


http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-egypt-orders-islamist-detained-insulting-christianity Egypts state prosecutor ordered on Sunday an extremist Islamic preacher detained for questioning on suspicion of insulting religion after a complaint from a Christian activist, a judicial source said. The preacher Ahmed Abdullah, known as Abu Islam, is already on trial for tearing up a bible during a protest outside the American embassy in Cairo in September over a short film made in the United States that insulted the Prophet Mohammed. The latest probe came after a complaint filed by Coptic Christian activist Nagib Gibrail who accused Abu Islam of insulting Christians on a television show. Egyptian law forbids insults against religion, allowing police in the past to arrest Shiite Muslims and Christians for alleged slights against Islam. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-egypt-orders-islamist-detained-insulting-christianity But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us

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20 click on these words to hear important message from the Bible

Bv 2/20/13 For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves Colossians 1:13Sill hn on pelastanut meidt valta pimeyden ja toi meidt valtakuntaan Poikansa hn rakastaa Kol 1:13Car il nous a dlivrs de la puissance des tnbres et nous a transports dans le royaume du Fils de son amour Colossiens 1:13
Lomita bball


19 Feb


2/18/13 RAFAEL NADAL WINS BRAZIL OPEN,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-nadal-wins-brazil-open-final Rafael Nadal clinched his first tournament title since ending a seven-month knee injury layoff in winning the Brazil Open here Sunday. The Spanish former world number one, who has been complaining of nagging knee pain, beat Argentine David Nalbandian in straight sets 6-2, 6-3 http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-nadal-wins-brazil-open-final But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb



http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/ethiopian-church-severs-ties-with-lutherans-overhomosexuality-89745/Evangelical denomination in Ethiopia has recently announced that it is severing ties with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its sister church, the Church of Sweden, because of its position regarding homosexuality in the church. The denomination, known as the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, also announced that it will not be affiliated with any churches who have openly accepted same-sex marriage, and from this point onward may not accept Holy Communion from ELCA pastors, nor are they allowed to distribute Holy Communion to ELCA members. http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/ethiopian-church-severs-ties-with-lutherans-overhomosexuality-89745/ But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 MAN CITY DEFEATS LEEDS,4-0,FA CUP 5th ROUND, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-man-city-swamp-leeds-fa-cup-romp A Sergio Aguero brace was the highlight of Manchester Citys comfortable 4-0 FA Cup fifth round victory over Leeds on Sunday, a win that will lift, at least temporarily, speculation about the future of manager Roberto Mancini. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-man-city-swamp-leeds-fa-cup-romp But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb

2/18/13 KILLED USA-LIBYA AMBASSADOR WASNT FULLY INFORMED by OBAMA re BENGHAZI, *read more athttp://www.therightscoop.com/ambassador-chris-stevens-didnt-have-todie-in-benghazi-the-real-story-of-what-led-to-his-death/ In short there were two operations going on in Benghazi,


neither of which Stevens nor the CIA [Petraeus] were made aware, that made the situation on the ground in Benghazi far more dangerous than they even knew. We already know that Stevens was concerned about security, but he didnt even know the full story. http://www.therightscoop.com/ambassador-chris-stevens-didnt-have-to-die-in-benghazi-the-realstory-of-what-led-to-his-death/ But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 5000-yo FIREPLACE, aka TEMPLE of FIRE DISCOVERED in PERU, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-ancient-mysteries-unveiled-perus-temple-fire recent discovery of a ceremonial fireplace believed to be more than 5,000 years old sheds light on one of the oldest populated sites in the Americas. The fireplace, dubbed the Temple of Fire, was discovered within the El Paraiso archeological complex in the Chillon valley, located just outside the bustling Peruvian capital. Archeologists say the site is comparable in age to Caral, the oldest pre-Columbian site in the Americas that was inhabited between 2,600 - 2,100 BC. Caral is located some 200 kilometers (125 miles) to the north and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-ancient-mysteries-unveiled-perus-temple-fire But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 WHY IS OBAMA ADMIN BUYING TONS & TONS of AMMUNITION ?! *read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/preparing-for-societal-collapse-why-mark-levin-believes-thegovt-is-buy-vast-amounts-of-ammo/ In a puzzling, unexplained development, the Obama administration has been buying and storing vast amounts of ammunition in recent months, with the Department of Homeland Security just placing another order for an additional 21.6 million rounds. Several other agencies of the federal government also began buying large quantities of bullets last year. The Social Security Administration, for instance, not normally considered on the frontlines of anything but dealing with seniors, explained that its purchase of millions of rounds was for special agents required quarterly weapons qualifications. They must be pretty poor shots. But DHS has been silent about its need for numerous orders of bullets in the multiple millions.


According to one estimate, just since last spring DHS has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. Quoted Comment:. I believe its both to prepare for the collapse and for insurrection. Not to prevent insurrection however but instead to start insurrection so they can be the ones to stop it. Think about it. Why are they collapsing the economy? Answer: To create the conditions (chaos) for insurrection in order to overturn the rule of law. Their end aim in everything they do is to overturn the rule of law because no man can rule until they have unseated the ruler. In this case the ruler is THE PEOPLES LAW. Why do they ignore the Constitution? Answer: Because its the PEOPLES LAW. We are not a nation of men but a nation of laws. Thats what progressives hate most about us because it makes us impervious to their dictates. The law is what stands between us and them. Notice how law and order are always spoken of together. They are synonymous. They are one and the same. If you can create chaos you have successfully overturned the law. The best way to create chaos is to collapse the economy. Then somebody has to be prepared to restore order. Their answer will inevitable be RULERS LAW. Why? Because THEY will be the only ones left with the means (i.e. guns and ammo) to establish order especially after they have confiscated our weapons. http://www.therightscoop.com/preparing-for-societal-collapse-why-mark-levin-believes-the-govtis-buy-vast-amounts-of-ammo/ But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women!


See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb

2/19/13 AZARENKA DEFEATS SERENA WILLIAMS TO WIN QATAR OPEN, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-azarenka-beats-serena-retain-qatar-title Top seed Victoria Azarenka retained her Qatar Open title on Sunday with a 7-6 (8/6), 2-6, 6-3 win over Serena Williams. The Belarusian will lose the world number one ranking to the veteran American on Monday and she went into Sundays final having lost her last nine meetings with Williams. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-azarenka-beats-serena-retain-qatar-title


But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 TED LIGETY WINS 3rd WORLD SKI GOLD, 1st SINCE JEAN-CLAUDE KILLY,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/16/Super-Ted-all-hail-Ligety-after-treblegold Ted Ligety has etched his name in the pantheon of ski greats after sealing a third mens gold at the World Ski Championships, a feat last achieved by Jean-Claude Killy in 1968. Not taking anything away from French icon Killy, skiing has come a long way since the 1960s, and for a skier nowadays to dominate multiple events is a rare feat given technical advancements that invariably accentuate specialisation in either the speed or technical events. In Schladming, Ligety shocked the field to claim super-G gold before turning on the after-burners in the slalom to scoop the super-combined title. He admitted he placed more worth on the giant slalom, a


http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/16/Super-Ted-all-hail-Ligety-after-treblegold But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/19/13 DARK MATTER DISCOVERY TO BE REVEALED SOON, *read more athttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/science/mit-physicists-experiment-pulls-darkmatter-into-the-spotlight/article8783097/?cmpid=rss1 Dr. Ting, who already has a Nobel prize to his name, happens to run the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), a $1.5-billion piece of hardware currently whizzing around Earth on board the International Space Station. Now Dr. Ting has let drop that his experiment has revealed something significant about dark matter, the invisible stuff that accounts for most of the mass in the universe. Exactly what he has found, he wont say, [but will] reveal all with the first publication of AMS results in the coming two or three weeks. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/science/mit-physicists-experiment-pulls-darkmatter-into-the-spotlight/article8783097/?cmpid=rss1 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 FATHER REFUSES 2 COME DOWN FROM CRANE UNTIL HE CAN SEE HIS SON, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-french-father-perches-crane-regain-access-son A father denied access to his young son was perched atop a giant shipyard crane in the western French city of Nantes for a third day Sunday, vowing to stay put until a legal order was reversed. Serge Charnay mounted the yellow crane on Friday amid morning fog to highlight his case, unfurling a large banner that read: Benoit, two years without a dad. Charnay has struggled to win back the right to see his son, born in 2006, after losing custody and all visiting rights when he was accused of kidnapping the boyCharnay invited the media for an event on Sunday afternoon, saying he will not climb down.


http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130217-french-father-perches-crane-regain-access-son But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 ASSOC PRESS MISQUOTES RAND PAUL, MAKES RETRACTION,*read more athttp://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/17/ap-retracts-rand-paul-story-after-reporting-theopposite-of-what-he-actually-said/ Associated Press retracted a story Sunday after wildly misreporting a quote by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) The retraction notice explains: The Associated Press has withdrawn its story about Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., saying he sees some in the his party favoring a 2016 presidential candidate with an immigration policy that would round up people and send them back to Mexico. That quote was in the transcript of Fox News Sunday that was distributed after Pauls interview on the show. A subsequent Associated Press review of an audio recording of the show determined that the transcript had dropped the word dont from that quote, and Paul actually said, They dont want somebody who wants to round people up, put them in camps and send them back to Mexico. [All emphasis added]


http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/17/ap-retracts-rand-paul-story-after-reporting-theopposite-of-what-he-actually-said/ But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb



19 Feb


Thoughts&Prayers4 2/18/13 COUNTRY MUSIC STAR,MINDY McREADY, TAKES HER OWN LIFE*read more at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/18/entertainment-us-mindymccreadyidUSBRE91H02C20130218 tragic,prayers4,thoughts & condolences:Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayer for the repose of Mindys soul, & we ask for Your presence to comfort her loved ones during this difficult time , (Reuters) Country music star Mindy McCready, whose albums include Ten Thousand Angels and If I Dont Stay the Night, has died at age 37 apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, an Arkansas sheriff said on Sunday. McCready was found dead on the porch of a house in Heber Springs, Arkansas, on Sunday afternoon with what appears to be a single selfinflicted gunshot wound, http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/18/entertainment-usmindymccready-idUSBRE91H02C20130218


But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 DANICA PATRICK WINS DAYTONA 500 POLE,1ST FEMALE EVER, *read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/17/Danica-Makes-Auto-Racing-History Patrick was the eighth driver on the track in Sundays qualifying session at Daytona and had the fastest qualifying time, covering the 2 1/2-mile Daytona superspeedway lap in 45.817 seconds. She averaged 196.434 mph. She is also the first woman to win a pole at any major auto race in history http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/17/Danica-Makes-Auto-Racing-History But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us

19 Feb

2/18/13 OBAMA GOES GOLFING w/ TIGER WOODS,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/17/Obama-Golfs-With-Tiger Golf Digest writer Tim Rosaforte reported that Woods holed out from a bunker on the first hole against Obama


for a birdie. This is the first time Woods and Obama have ever played golf together http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/17/Obama-Golfs-With-Tiger But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 FRENCH SUBWAY SANDWICH TAKES STAND AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE,*read more athttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2280123/Subway-franchise-closes-France-outcryValentines-Day-special-offered-heterosexual-couples-only.html? ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 [Note: The gay community, despite being only a small fraction (less than %%) is becoming vicious towards any slight against them.Its frightening.When will they become violent?] By STEVE ROBSONA French branch of the sandwich chain Subway has caused outrage after offering a Valentines Day special to heterosexual couples only. The franchise in Angers, in the north-west of the country, has been forced to close after the owners poster went viral and sparked widespread condemnation on Thursday. Subways corporate offices swiftly intervened and the shop was closed the next day. The poster advertised a meal deal which included a footlong Subway sandwich, a drink and a dessert each for 14 Euros for couples on Valentines Day. But in brackets next to the word couples were the letters H/ F to indicate that this was defined as a man and a woman only..http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ article-2280123/Subway-franchise-closes-France-outcry-Valentines-Day-special-offered-


heterosexual-couples-only.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 The TRUE STORY BEHIND ARGO the MOVIE,*read more at http://www.npr.org/2013/02/16/172098605/argo-what-really-happened-in-tehran-a-cia-agentremembers?ft=1&f=1004 up for seven Oscars at this years Academy Awards, [Argo] is based on the true story of the CIA rescue of Americans in Tehran during the 1979 hostage crisis. Missing from most of the coverage of this movie? The actual guy who ran the mission, played by Ben Affleck in the movie. Movie aficionados and historians know that the movie sticks pretty close to what really happened during the Iranian Revolution. In 1980, a CIA agent named Tony Mendez sneaked into Iran and spirited away six American diplomats who were hiding with Canadians. The chase scene at the end of the movie is pretty http://www.npr.org/2013/02/16/172098605/argo-what-really-happened-in-tehran-a-cia-agentremembers?ft=1&f=1004 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us !


19 Feb


2/18/13 BREASTFEEDING IMMEDIATELY AFTER BIRTH IS CRUCIAL TO NEWBORN HEALTH,*read more at http://news.sky.com/story/1053329/breastfeeding-could-save-95-babies-every-hour The lives of 95 babies could be saved every hour if mothers started breastfeeding their newborns in the hour after their birth, a charity has said. Receiving a mothers first milk within an hour will kickstart the childs immune system, making a newborn three times more likely to survive, according to a report by Save the Children . If the mother continues feeding for the next six months, then a child growing up in the developing world is up to 15 times less likely to die from killer diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhoea, the report said. http://news.sky.com/story/1053329/breastfeeding-could-save-95-babies-every-hour But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


2/18/13 SORCERY REVENGE IN SOUTH PACIFIC is a WITCH HUNT,*read more athttp://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/02/18/the-scourge-of-witch-burnings-in-the-southpacific.html When people die, especially men, people start asking Whos behind it? not Whats behind it? Dr. Philip Gibbs, an anthropologist, sorcery specialist, and Catholic priest, told The Global Mail. Payback against those accused of practicing sorcery is a deepset custom in some parts of the ethnically diverse nation. Ritual attacks on accused sorcerershistorically brutal in some parts of the country, notoriously so in the highlands appear to have broken out of traditional boundaries.Sorcery accusations are commonly used to deprive women of their land, Rashida Manjoo, the U.N. special rapporteur on violence against women, reported last year. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/02/18/the-scourge-of-witch-burnings-in-thesouth-pacific.html But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb


Amazing! 2/18/13 PLANE CRASH CAUGHT ON CAM BY PASSENGER.ALL SURVIVE CRASH LANDING. (or is it a hoax?) *read more,see vid, at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/16/kind-of-scary-kind-of-exciting-man-recordsplane-crash-from-the-passenger-seat/ Jonathan Fielding explained in the videos description:I was up for a birthday flight with my wife (her first flight ever), her mother and my seven month old boy when we received the shocking news that our carburator had iced over. After gliding over some field we found an ideal place to land the plane. The pilot was experienced in field landings but unfortunately the snow caused the landing gear to sever from the plane, flipping the plane front to back and smashing the tail before it came to a rest upside down. No one was hurt in the accident save for bruises, whiplash and minor http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/16/kind-of-scary-kind-of-exciting-man-records-planecrash-from-the-passenger-seat/


But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us *Also posted at *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/16/kind-of-scary-kind-of-exciting-man-records-planecrash-from-the-passenger-seat/ video claiming to document a plane crash from inside a plane has roughly half a million views since being posted on YouTube a little over a week ago. And its no surprise though the experience must have been terrifying, the man expresses a calm confidence that theyd all survive, even with the horror of knowing his 7-month-old baby was aboard. I know were going to be just fine, but this is kind of scary and kind of exciting at the same time, he says, recording the snowy Utah ground that awaited them. Jonathan Fielding explained in the videos description: I was up for a birthday flight with http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/16/kind-of-scary-kind-of-exciting-man-records-planecrash-from-the-passenger-seat/ But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


19 Feb

BelieveItOrNot,2/18/13 re FAMOUS 3 MILLION-yo LUCY APE REMAINS ON DISPLAY @ SANTA ANA BOWERS MUSEUM, *read more at http://www.ocregister.com/entertainment/lucy-


496080-human-ethiopia.html The Bowers exhibit showcases Lucys remains in an airtight, bulletproof glass case. A backlit text panel says Australopithecus afarensis means southern ape from the Afar region. When she was alive 3.2 million years ago, she measured 3 feet tall and weighed 60-65 pounds. http://www.ocregister.com/entertainment/lucy-496080-human-ethiopia.html But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


18 Feb


2/18/13 FOREST WHITAKER GETS FALSELY ACCUSED OF SHOPLIFTING;*read more at http://m.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/forest_whitaker_frisked_in_manhattan_jlbnkBy0Y KLiYnTIC8yAKM in town filming Black Nativity with Jennifer Hudson, was about to leave the Milano Market on Broadway when one of the workers there claimed to have seen him snag an item from a store shelf, his spokesperson said. The worker stopped Whitaker and allegedly gave him a humiliating pat down in full view of everyone in the Morningside Heights store. No stolen items were found and Whitaker left. His driver, Reggie Crupe, said he was parked outside waiting when the actor came out of the store. An employee from the store came outside to speak with him and to apologize, Crupe said in a statement. He told Mr. Whitaker that the cameras in the store were at a bad angle and that


he could not see if Forest had stolen anything. The employee even tried to offer the millionaire actor free food to make up for what had happened. Whitakers spokeswoman said the incident violated the actors rights. This was an upsetting incident given the fact that Forest did nothing more than walk into the deli, Jennifer Plante said. Forest did not call the authorities at the request of the worker who was in fear of losing his http://m.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/forest_whitaker_frisked_in_manhattan_jlbnkBy0Y KLiYnTIC8yAKM But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for usRomans 5:8 Cast all your anxiety on God because He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Stop Google/YouTube from Controlling Us


18 Feb

2/18/13 Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.Ephesians 3:20-21Aga Jumalale, kes on vimeline tegema mtmatult rohkem kui kik me ksida vi ette kujutada, vastavalt oma vimu, et on tl meie sees, temale olgu kirkus koguduses ja Kristuses Jeesuses plvest plve, igavesest ajast igavesti! Aamen. Ef 3:20-21 Above san pedro, view of LB harbor



18 Feb



18 Feb

Bv 2/17/13 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve & said, If anyone wants to be first,he must be the very last, & the servant of all.Mark 9:35 Frascati Trail,Palos Verdes,CA


17 Feb


2/15/13 IF THE FBI KNOCKS ON YOUR DOOR: Note: This story caught my attention because,after 911, i used to travel a lot across the usa in my car, often filming historic places, and things that caught my eye for one reason or another, most often for my Christian ministry, & apparently on one of these trips somebody observed me filming a bridge somewhere. Could have been anywhere, from Detroit (Windsor crossing) to NYC (brooklyn bridge et al), to San Francisco (Golden Gate, many times) or many other places. For a while I also had a beard, so I suppose i may have fit a stereotype in somebodys mind. Anyways, i didnt know somebody reporte me for filming a bridge (which is not illegal by the way) until one day my mom happened to mention to me that the FBI had come knocking at their door in Bellflower, CA . They apparently questioned my parents, & freaked them out in the process. And Im a patriotic American-born American, & so are my parents & grandparents & great-grandparents. Chances are one of the FBI agents is closer to a first-generation immigrant than me. At the same time I feel its good they did at least take the time to do a little check-up (apparently with good intentions for the right reasons this time). However, what IF at some point the government does become corrupt and suddenly loyal insiders become outsiders? Its not far-fetched. Suddenly, youre a suspect for all the wrong reasons & they may be out to try to get something on you, in which case innocently conversing with them could be used against you (ie he said, she said). So just be aware of the potential for abuse, even if not all situations of investigation are going to be abusive or unfair or intended to falsely incriminate. -VanderFederal Investigators and Your Rights.For more information about what to do if the FBI knocks on your door go to.. http://www.patriotnetwork.info/NWO-FB Also http://www.scribd.com/doc/8578721/Wha . This is a ZGraphix production. http://zgraphix.org Produced by Jeffry Zavala. Mirrored Video From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkZusZ See http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2e7_1360983822 This version of the video was made because of a privacy complaint made by the FBI to YouTube. The previous versions have been deleted from YouTube, so please spread this to everyone and re-post any comments that were lost the only prudent answer, when interrogated by government officials, is to exercise your Right to Remain Silent, and request an attorney, specially, during the current times of political agitation and war hysteria. Just remember that as Voltaire once said, Its


dangerous to be right when the government is wrong and that In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2e7_1360983822 & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !


17 Feb


2/16/13 ONE BILLION RISING RAISES AWARENESS re VIOLENCE TOWARDS WOMEN,* see vid at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=49c_1360926371 A global project of women dancing across the world was held yesterday. They were dancing as a protest against violence towards women and girls.The photos were taken yesterday when hundreds of women danced simultaneously in Tel-Aviv and Jerus http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=49c_1360926371 ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube !


17 Feb


2/17/13 CARJACKED MAN FELT DORNER HAD a COMPASSION SIDE:*read more athttp://www.presstelegram.com/ci_22597844/dorner-carjacking-victim-saw-compassiongunman?source=rss_viewed man carjacked by Christopher Dorner before Tuesdays deadly gun battle in Seven Oaks saw something unusual in the mans eyes before surrendering his truck and fleeing with his dog. This morning, Rick Heltebrake, 61, of Angelus Oaks returned to the neighborhood where he was confronted by the camouflage-wearing gunman. I felt I saw a compassion inside of him, Heltebrake said. He was concerned about my dog, it appeared. Im not justifying anything else. That was one side of him I did see. Heltebrake reflected on that chaotic day, one that brought an end to the statewide manhunt. He said he wanted to get killed by cops. He was right, he saidhttp://www.presstelegram.com/ci_22597844/dorner-carjacking-victim-saw-compassiongunman?source=rss_viewed & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !


17 Feb


2/17/13 ARSENAL DEFEATED BY BLACKBURN,1-0 ,ENDING FA CUP HOPES, *read more athttp://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-arsenal-knocked-out-fa-cup-blackburn Arsenals hopes of ending their eight-year trophy drought suffered a huge setback after they were dumped out of the FA Cup at home to second-tier Blackburn Rovers on Saturday. Colin Kazim-Richards scored the only goal in Indianowned Blackburns 1-0 victory when he struck in the 72nd minute http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-arsenal-knocked-out-fa-cup-blackburn & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !

17 Feb

2/17/13 NOBODY WINS the $67,000 FISH @ ESTONIA GOLDFISH FESTIVAL, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-thousands-seek-50000-euro-jackpot-estonia-fishing-test Thousands took to the ice of a


frozen lake in southern Estonia on Saturday in the hopes of catching the big one a marked fish worth a 50,000 euro ($67,000) jackpot. Sadly it was the one that got away, despite the 6,500 people who tried their luck at the Estonian Gold Fish Festival on Lake Viljandi, organisers said. The annual festival saw 130 marked fish released into the lake a week earlier. To win the jackpot contestants had to catch at least 17 marked fish from three different types and the jackpot fish. Nursing student Merike Maetaga, a 28-year-old from Tartu, came away the days big winner by catching a marked fish worth 3,000 euros. I came here just for fun and getting the biggest p http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-thousands-seek-50000-euro-jackpot-estonia-fishing-test & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !


17 Feb


2/17/13 LIONEL MESSI GETS 300th GOAL,+14-GAME SCORING STREAK,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-messi-hits-300th-barcelona-goal Lionel Messi struck his 300th Barcelona goal as he stretched his record scoring streak to 14 league games away to Granada on Saturday http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-messi-hits-300th-barcelona-goal & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com


www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !


17 Feb

2/17/13 IRANs AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI SAYS THEY DO NOT WANT NUCLEAR WEAPONS, BUT IF THEY DID*read more athttp://www.telegram.com/article/20130217/NEWS/102179837/1052&template=MOBILE The supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whose 2005 edict banning nuclear weapons is regarded as binding in Iran, told a group of visitors to his home in Tehran, the capital, that his country favored the worldwide elimination of nuclear


weapons. We believe that nuclear weapons must be eliminated,Khamenei said. We dont want to build atomic weapons. But if we didnt believe so and intended to possess nuclearweapons, no power could stop us. http://www.telegram.com/article/20130217/NEWS/102179837/1052&template=MOBILE & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !

4. click on these words for video

2/27/13 WALKING, HOLLYWOOD BLVD & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11



click on these words for video 6. described below

2/17/13 PUBLIC RADIO HOST LARRY MANTLE (talking) at KPCCs OSCARS FILM TALK @ EGYPTIAN THEATRE see pic athttp://vanderkok.tumblr.com/post/43340350646
17 Feb



17 Feb

2/17/13 IM @ HOLLYWOODS EGYPTIAN THEATRE WAITING 4 OSCARS PREVIEW (sponsored by kpcc public radio, hosted by Larry Mantle(?))two hours of discussion & I presume clips from the various oscars nominated films. I grew up in Grand Rapids (MI) and after I moved to southern Cal (semi-permanently as an adult) I began to realize what an impact the oscars have on the local community here whether you like movies or not. Its inescapable. So i began paying a little more attention to the craft of movie-making etc, & every year make a point of coming to hollywood for the various events, which is not just oscars night alone. Theres a week of events, including showings of the shorts and the docs (documentaries) & even a presentation about makeup artists, et al, So stay tuned to my various websites ( no longer am I posting to YouTube, but many other great websites) for updates.


& if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11


17 Feb

Pray4 2/17/13 BOMB KILLS 80+ PAKISTANIS, incl WOMEN & CHILDREN,*read more at http://m.voanews.com/1605254.html Pakistani police say at least 80 people have been killed and well over 100 wounded in a bombing targeting Shiites in southwestern Pakistan.The death toll grew overnight with the deaths of critically wounded victims from Saturdays attack.He says most of the victims were Shiite, and that women and children were among those killed http://m.voanews.com/1605254.html


& if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !


17 Feb


2/17/13 MIKAELA SHIFFRIN,17, CROWNED SLALOM WORLD CHAMPION !*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-slalom-princess-shiffrin-crowned-world-queen. US teenage sensation Mikaela Shiffrin was crowned womens slalom world champion here on Saturday, confirming her nickname as slalom princess. The 17-year-old clocked an aggregate time over both runs of 1min 39.85 to finish first in a nail-biting last http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130216-slalom-princess-shiffrin-crowned-world-queen & if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you.Romans 8:11 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Report Google/YouTube if They Abuse U !


17 Feb

2/17/13 RUSSIAN ORTHODOX WORSHIP, LOS ANGELES,CA,also see another video athttp://vanderkok.tumblr.com/post/43333963906


17 Feb



17 Feb


Stunningly mind-boggling! 2/16/13 FORMER SD MAYOR, & J-BOX HEIRESS, ADMITS to BILLION-DOLLAR GAMBLING PROBLEM, NOW BROKE:*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/ex-mayors-1-billion-gambling-woes-stun-san-095015218.html Maureen OConnor was a physical education teacher who won a seat on the San Diego City Council when she was only 25 years old, later winning two terms as the citys first female mayor as she charmed voters with a populist flair. But her rapid rise was matched by her fall, culminating Thursday when she acknowledged in federal court that she took $2.1 million from her late husbands charitable foundation during a decade-long gambling spree in which she won and lost more than $1 billion. OConnor pleaded not guilty to a money laundering charge in an agreement with the Justice Department that defers prosecution for two years while she tries to repay the foundation and receives treatment for gambling.


OConnor, 66, once had a personal fortune that her attorney estimated between $40 million and $50 million, inherited from her husband of 17 years, Robert O. Peterson, founder of the Jack in the Box Inc. fast-food chain. She is now virtually broke, living with a sister http://news.yahoo.com/ex-mayors-1-billion-gambling-woes-stun-san-095015218.html ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube !


16 Feb

2/16/13 CHINA KIDS ALL DRESSED UP, CHINA NEW YEAR PARADE, L.A also the ROYAL COURT, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN CHINA NEW YEAR PARADE, L.A. (see http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/post/43254607931 ) Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. Corinthians 10:24Personne ne cherche son propre intrt, mais le bien des autres. 1 Corinthiens 10:24 http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/post/43254607931


16 Feb


2/16/13 the ROYAL COURT, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN CHINA NEW YEAR PARADE, L.A. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. Corinthians 10:24Personne ne cherche son propre intrt, mais le bien des autres. 1 Corinthiens 10:24


16 Feb

2/16/13 MOTHERs BABY PICS of 13-yo CAPTIVATES the WORLD, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/mother-newborn-photos-13-old-adopted-son-viral211035668.html# Three years ago, Kelli Higgins of Crestview, Florida told the kids that she would be doing a newborn photo session. Latrell [adopted], who spent much of his youth in foster care, mentioned to his mother that he didnt have any baby photos of himself. That gave his 12year-old sister Alycia an idea : Their mom should take newborn pictures of Latrell now, at age 13! Amid laughter and fun, Higgins shot the images of Latrell as if he were a few weeks old. she posted an announcement of sorts to her photography companys Facebook fanpage . The caption read, Heres my sweet not so little Newborn! His name is Latrell and weighs 112lbs ;). The post quickly


went viral, garnering 13,000 likes, and it was shared more than 5,000 times http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/mother-newborn-photos-13-old-adopted-son-viral211035668.html# *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U !

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16 Feb


2/16/13 CAT with ONLY TWO LEGS CAPTURES WORLDWIDE AFFECTION,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/cat-only-two-legs-inspires-185907909.html his left hind leg 10 years ago after being run over by a car. His left front paw was badly damaged, and his owner, Sue Greaves, paid nearly $5,500 for the surgery to save his left front leg. Four months ago, Caffreys veterinarian found a malignant tumor in his left front leg and advised that it might be best to euthanize Caffrey. Instead, Greaves decided to have Caffreys leg amputated, and soon after the surgery Caffrey was bouncing around on his two remaining legs.the video of Caffrey getting around is racking up the likes on YouTube . So far, his video has more than 200,000 views and counting. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/trending-now/cat-only-two-legs-inspires-185907909.html *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at


dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U !


16 Feb


Wow! 2/16/13 HARRISON FORD 2 PLAY HAN SOLO AGAIN IN NEW STAR WARS SEQUEL:*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/legobpengine/omg/news/star-wars-harrison-ford-bring-han-solo-back175912046.html?.b=index&.ts=1360985117&.intl=US&.lang=en Han Solo is reportedly returning in Star Wars: Episode VII and hell be played once again by Harrison Ford. According to Latino Review , the 70-year-old actor will reprise his iconic role that he last played in 1983s Return of the Jedi. http://m.yahoo.com/w/legobpengine/omg/news/star-wars-harrison-ford-bring-han-solo-back175912046.html?.b=index&.ts=1360985117&.intl=US&.lang=en *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U !


16 Feb


2/16/13 OBAMA WAS pre-AWARE OF BENGHAZI VULNERABILITIES,*read more at http://www.foxnews.mobi/quickPage.html? page=22995&content=88932286&pageNum=3#quickPage_html_page_22995_content_88932286 _pageNum_1 [By the way, i heard for the first time,on the radio, that Christophet Stevens was openly gay. Wouldnt it be ironic if our purportedly 1st gay president abandoned Stevens due to actual underlying anti-gay sentiment?! Its one thing to SAY you are gay-friendly. Personally, I am theologically against homosexuality, but in action still live by a code protective of all people (apart from defense of the defenseless,women, & children), President Obama knew about the IED attacks on the Benghazi consulate in the run-up to the deadly Sept. 11 assault, a top Republican lawmaker claims,suggesting the president was aware of the deteriorating security situation. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Thursday that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told him the president was informed of the April and June attacks. One of those attacks, in June, blew a hole in the perimeter wall of the Benghazi compound. The two strikes were among dozens of security incidents recorded in the region in the months http://www.foxnews.mobi/quickPage.html? page=22995&content=88932286&pageNum=3#quickPage_html_page_22995_content_88932286 _pageNum_1 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


*Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U!


16 Feb

2/16/13 re TRILLIONS of CARATS of DIAMONDS IN RUSSIAs POPIGAI CRATER *read more athttp://tammybruce.com/2013/02/trillions-of-carats-of-diamonds-found-under-russian-asteroidcrater.html?utm_content=%23tbrs&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter The Russian government has revealed that a vast quantity of high-quality diamonds rests beneath a Siberian impact crater, numbering in the trillions of carats. The Popigai crater, 100km-wide and located in the isolated north of the country, was formed roughly 35.7 million years ago by the impact of an asteroid estimated to be between five and eight kilometres wide. Its collision created a wealth of impact diamonds which form when


an existing diamond seam is hit by a large falling body in such quantities that could, it is claimed, supply the world diamond market for the next 3,000 years. http://tammybruce.com/2013/02/trillions-of-carats-of-diamonds-found-under-russian-asteroidcrater.html?utm_content=%23tbrs&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U ! *Also posted at


16 Feb


StopJapanWhaling! 2/16/13 JAPAN WHALING INDISCRETION CONFRONTATION CAUGHT ON CAMERA, *read more,see vid at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5f1_1361013605 Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson said when the protesters tried to block the transfer of the harpooned whales carcass from one vessel to another, the irate whalers tried to ram their boat. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5f1_1361013605 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U !


16 Feb


2/16/13 CUBA SAW A METEOR TOO ?! *read more,see vid at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c7d_1361010742 what is going on?? First Video of Supposed Cuban Meteor! HAVANA: An object fell from the sky over central Cuba on Thursday night and turned into a fireball bigger than the sun before it exploded, a Cuban TV channel reported Friday, citing eyewitnessesThe object then turned into a fireball bigger than the sun,said the witnesses, adding that several minutes later they heard a loud explosion. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c7d_1361010742 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U !


16 Feb


2/16/13 SD SEAWORLD:SHAMU GIVES BIRTH 2 a BABY !*more info, vid at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a68_1361005009 SeaWorld Killer Whale, Gives Birth Underwater In Amazing VideoSan Diego, California. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a68_1361005009 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U ! *Also posted at


16 Feb

2/15/13 JAPAN METEOR EXPLOSION ALSO? *read more,see vid athttp://www.liveleak.com/view? i=f57_1361007587 this was recorded the day after the russia meteorite explosion http://www.liveleak.com/view? i=f57_1361007587 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:]


Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U !


16 Feb


2/16/13 PLANE CRASH CAUGHT ON CAMERA,*read more,see vid at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=117_1361017121 Plane Crash Caught live on camera !!! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=117_1361017121 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U !


16 Feb

2/16/13 CRAZY BUS DRIVER FIGHT CAUGHT ON VIDEO,*read more,see vid at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0e9_1361016156 The bus driver hits car on purpose. Angry man stops, get off his car and smashes the door, bus driver opened the already.


And fight begins. The struggle inside begins 2:00 for the knife on bus driver. Angry hulk says drop the knife, drop the knife because of this crowd doesnt want to involve. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=0e9_1361016156 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U ! *Also posted at


16 Feb


2/16/13 ODDEST LOOKING LITTLE RAINFROG,*read more at,see vid at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e4f_1360937602 get one of these as a pet if you want to be http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e4f_1360937602 *****[The apostle Paul said] God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 [Apostulli Pal tha:] Perndia e bri kt n mnyr q njerzit do t krkojn at dhe ndoshta t arritur jasht pr at dhe pr t gjetur at, ndonse ai nuk sht larg nga secili prej nesh. Veprat 17:27[Die apostel Paulus s] God het dit gedoen sodat n mens sou Hom soek en miskien uit te reik vir hom en vind hom, al is Hy nie ver van elkeen van ons. Handelinge 17:27 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2 Abuse U ! *Also posted at


15 Feb

2/15/13 KATIE COURIC CONFIDES re LATE HUSBANDs MYSTERIOUS PHONE CALLS (from the grave?),*read more at http://m.newser.com/story/162824/katie-courics-dead-husband-calling-911.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130214 Katie Couric has a depressing mystery on her hands: At 2am every Tuesday, a phone line registered to her husband calls 911. The depressing part: Her husband, Jay Monahan, has been dead since 1998. There have been at least


10 calls so far, and each time a patrol officer has responded to Courics home. Couric told the story to her audience during a break while taping her talk show Tuesday, and audience members passed it on to the New York Daily News http://m.newser.com/story/162824/katie-courics-dead-husband-calling-911.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130214 ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube !


15 Feb


2/15/13 MANs CAR GETS STUCK AT 125mph; COULDNT STOP UNTIL OUT OF GAS,*read more at http://m.newser.com/story/162797/driver-stuck-in-car-going-125mph-for-an-hour.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130214 [Something doesnt make sense about this story] n amazing tale of survival out of Franceand Belgium. Frank Lecerfs attempt to drive to the supermarket took a crazy turn on Saturday after his cars brakes failed while he was traveling 60mph. His attempts to use them only caused the car to accelerate, until it eventually hit 125mph, and stuck there, for an hour. Lecerf managed to call police to alert them to his plight; they decided to escort his Renault Laguna (which the Week notes was customized in light of Lecerfs epilepsy, with the gas and brake controls moved to the steering wheel) until it ran out of gas, which it did 125 miles later, allowing him to swerve into a ditch and come to a halt, in Belgium http://m.newser.com/story/162797/driver-stuck-in-car-going-125mph-for-an-hour.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130214 ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds


will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube ! *Also posted at


15 Feb


2/15/12 POWERLESS CRUISE SHIP FINALLY TOWED BACK TO PORT AFTER DAYS ADRIFT,*read more athttp://www.boston.com/news/nation/2013/02/15/cruise-ship-passengersarrive-new-orleans-hotel/XCTFyxTWCzq5RGQuYvY4aL/story.html Passengers from a disabled cruise ship have arrived at a hotel in New Orleans after a days-long odyssey in the Gulf of Mexico that was marked by overflowing toilets, food shortages and foul odors. Buses arrived at the Hilton in New Orleans early Friday and were greeted by paramedics with wheelchairs to roll in passengers who were elderly or too fatigued to walk. Many were tired and didnt want to talk. There were long lines as they waited to get checked into rooms. For 28-year-old Maria Hernandez of Angleton, Texas, the hotel stay is only part of her journey home. Hernandez, like hundreds others, will have a brief reprieve at the hotel before flying home later in the day. .. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/2013/02/15/cruise-ship-passengers-arrive-new-orleanshotel/XCTFyxTWCzq5RGQuYvY4aL/story.html ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar


wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube !


15 Feb


(AmazingVids@Link)2/15/13 METEOR CRASHES IN RUSSIAs URALs,INJURING MANY:*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/02/15/injuries-reported-after-meteorite-falls-in-russiaural-mountains/MOSCOW (AP) A meteor streaked across the sky above Russias Ural Mountains on Friday morning, causing sharp explosions and reportedly injuring around 100 people, including many hurt by broken glass. Fragments of the meteor fell in a thinly populated area of the Chelyabinsk region, the Emergency Ministry said in a statement. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/15/stunning-pics-video-reports-of-many-injuries-frommeteor-strike-in-russias-ural-mountains/ meteor streaked across the sky above Russias Ural Mountains on Friday morning, causing sharp explosions and injuring more than 400 people, many of them hurt by broken glass.We saw a big burst of light then went outside to see what it was and we heard a really loud thundering sound, he told The Associated Press by telephone. Kolsenikov also said about 600 square meters (6000 square feet) of a roof at a zinc factory had collapsed.Amateur video broadcast on Russian television showed an object speeding across the sky about 9:20 a.m. local time (0320 GMT), leaving a thick white contrail and an intense flash. http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/02/15/injuries-reported-after-meteorite-falls-in-russiaural-mountains/ ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube ! *Also posted at


15 Feb

(vid@Link) Hilarious! 2/15/13 WILL FERRELL POSES AS SECURITY @ LAKERS GAME; ESCORTS SHAQ OUT: *read more at


http://thegrio.com/2013/02/13/will-ferrell-poses-as-security-at-lakers-game-escorts-shaq-out-ofstadium/ Actor and comedian Will Ferrell posed as a Staples Center security guard at Tuesday nights Los Angeles Lakers game. Sporting a full mustache, at one point the Semi-Pro star even escorted former NBA star Shaquille ONeal out of the stadium. Later this year, Ferrell will star in the highly anticipated Anchorman sequel, Anchorman: The Legend Continues http://thegrio.com/2013/02/13/will-ferrell-poses-as-security-at-lakers-game-escorts-shaq-out-ofstadium/ ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube !


15 Feb


2/15/13 TEXAS PRISON ESCAPEE CAPTURED IN MEXICO AFTER 16 YEARS ON the RUN:*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/06/texas-prison-inmate-who-escaped-nearly-16-years-agocaught-in-mexico/ A Texas prison escapee on the run for almost 16 years has been captured by authorities in Mexico and awaits extradition to the U.S. to finish serving his sentence on charges of attempted capital murder of a police officer, state Department of Criminal Justice officials said Wednesday. Juan Salaz was apprehended last week. The 37-year-old American citizen had been sought for years by authorities on both sides of the border. Salaz escaped the night of March 22, 1997, from the Garza East prison in Beeville in South Texas by climbing over three 16foot fences all topped with razor wire http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/06/texas-prison-inmate-who-escaped-nearly-16-years-agocaught-in-mexico/ ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua


valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube ! *Also, can we trust LiveLeak?


15 Feb


2/15/13 WARREN BUFFET et al BUY HEINZ KETCHUP et al:*read more at http://bostonglobe.com/business/2013/02/15/buffett-firm-dips-into-heinz-ketchupdeal/32djjVHZiqvsHpkxwqvOFO/story.html Billionaire Warren Buffett is dipping into the ketchup business as part of a $23.3 billion deal to buy H.J. Heinz Co., uniting a legend of American investing with a mainstay on grocery store shelves. Its the largest deal to date in the food industry and is intended to help Heinz accelerate its transformation into a global business. The company, based in Pittsburgh, also makes Classico pasta sauces, Ore-Ida potatoes, and Smart Ones frozen meals http://bostonglobe.com/business/2013/02/15/buffett-firm-dips-into-heinz-ketchupdeal/32djjVHZiqvsHpkxwqvOFO/story.html ****Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds


will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. - John 3:20-21 Iedereen die kwaad doet, haat het licht, en zal niet in het licht te komen uit angst dat zijn daden zullen worden blootgesteld. Maar wie leeft door de waarheid komt aan het licht, zodat het duidelijk te zien dat wat hij heeft gedaan is gedaan door middel van God -. John 3:20-21Igaks, kes teeb kurja, vihkab valgust ja ei jua valgust juure, et ta teod kokku puutub. Aga kes elab poolt tde satub valgus, nii et see vib nha selgelt, et mida ta on teinud on tehtud Jumala kaudu. - John 3:20-21 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Shame on Google/YouTube ! *Also, can we trust LiveLeak?


14 Feb


2/14/13 B. DORTMUND v S. DONETSK OVERSHADOWED BY DEATH OF FANS: *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-fans-deaths-casts-shadow-over-dortmund-draw Germany defender Mats Hummelss late header gave Borussia Dortmund a Champions League lifeline with a 2-2 draw at Shakhtar Donetsk in Wednesdays last 16, first-leg, clash. However, Dortmunds impressive result will be overshadowed by the deaths of five fans and 12 injured when a plane from Odessa, south Ukraine, carrying 45 people crashed while landing at Donetsk airport, just hours before kick-off http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-fans-deaths-casts-shadow-over-dortmund-draw ****Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Galatians 3:13 Kristus lskbte os fra den forbandelse af loven ved at blive en forbandelse for os, for der str skrevet: Forbandet er enhver, der er ophngt p


et tr. Galaterne 3:13 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2b Abusive!


14 Feb


2/14/13 SLOVENIAS JAKA HVALA WINS HIS 1ST WORLD CUP SKI-JUMP EVENT, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-hvala-nails-first-world-cup-victory Hvala nails first World Cup victory Slovenias Jaka Hvala on Wednesday won his first World Cup ski-jumping event in what was the penultimate stop before the world championships. The 20-year-old, who was part of the Slovenian team that won last week at Willingen, took advantage of a massive first leap of 142.4 metres before sealing victory with a solid second jump to finish 4.9 point ahead of Japans Taku Takeuchi http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-hvala-nails-first-world-cup-victory ****Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Galatians 3:13 Kristus lskbte os fra den forbandelse af


loven ved at blive en forbandelse for os, for der str skrevet: Forbandet er enhver, der er ophngt p et tr. Galaterne 3:13 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2b Abusive!


14 Feb


2/14/13 SWEDISH GOLFER EXTRACTS POISON SPIDER VENOM HERSELF & KEEPS PLAYING,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-swedish-golfer-finds-novel-antidote-spider-bite has told how she used a tee to extract venom from her leg after being bitten by a dangerous spider during a qualifying tournament in Australia. The Swedish Golf Federation reported on their website how 24-year-old Daniela Holmqvist saw a redback spider on her lower leg and then felt a sharp pain above her left ankle. Seeing her leg swell up, Holmqvist did not seek medical attention but instead grabbed a golf tee from her bag, pierced her skin and squeezed out.. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-swedish-golfer-finds-novel-antidote-spider-bite ****Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Galatians 3:13 Kristus lskbte os fra den forbandelse af


loven ved at blive en forbandelse for os, for der str skrevet: Forbandet er enhver, der er ophngt p et tr. Galaterne 3:13 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2b Abusive!


14 Feb


Pray4,2/14/13 PARALYMPIC STAR, OSCAR PISTORIUS (aka BLADERUNNER) ARRESTED 4 MURDER of GIRLFRIEND,REEVA STEENKAMP: *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/02/14/slain-model-reeva-steenkamp-anomaly-inworld-pretty-faces/ But her happy day took a tragic turn when she was shot four times in the predawn hours in the home of her boyfriend, Olympic Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius. Her publicist Sarit Tomlinson confirmed the models death to Fox News but said she knew very few details about the incident. At the moment we can confirm that Reeva passed away, she said. We are all in shock. We are devastated. We didnt see this coming. No one saw this coming. Police said there had previously been incidents at the home of Mr. Oscar Pistorius. Tomlinson also acknowledged reports that the models death could have been an accident, and perhaps Pistorius mistook her for an intruder. In Steenkamps Twitter profile, she describes herself as an SA Model, Cover Girl, Tropika Island of Treasure Celeb Contestant, Law Graduate, Child of God.Steenkamp was born in Cape Town, South Africa and http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/02/14/slain-model-reeva-steenkamp-anomaly-inworld-pretty-faces/


****Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Galatians 3:13 Kristus lskbte os fra den forbandelse af loven ved at blive en forbandelse for os, for der str skrevet: Forbandet er enhver, der er ophngt p et tr. Galaterne 3:13 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2b Abusive! *Also posted at


14 Feb


Pray4,2/14/13 PARALYMPIC STAR, OSCAR PISTORIUS (aka BLADERUNNER) ARRESTED 4 MURDER of GIRLFRIEND,REEVA STEENKAMP: *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/02/14/slain-model-reeva-steenkamp-anomaly-inworld-pretty-faces/ But her happy day took a tragic turn when she was shot four times in the predawn hours in the home of her boyfriend, Olympic Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius. Her publicist Sarit Tomlinson confirmed the models death to Fox News but said she knew very few details about the incident. At the moment we can confirm that Reeva passed away, she said. We are all in shock. We are devastated. We didnt see this coming. No one saw this coming. Police said there had previously been incidents at the home of Mr. Oscar Pistorius. Tomlinson also acknowledged reports that the models death could have been an accident, and perhaps Pistorius mistook her for an intruder. In Steenkamps Twitter profile, she describes herself as an SA Model, Cover Girl, Tropika Island of Treasure Celeb Contestant, Law Graduate, Child of God.Steenkamp was born in Cape Town, South


Africa and http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/02/14/slain-model-reeva-steenkamp-anomaly-inworld-pretty-faces/ ****Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Galatians 3:13 Kristus lskbte os fra den forbandelse af loven ved at blive en forbandelse for os, for der str skrevet: Forbandet er enhver, der er ophngt p et tr. Galaterne 3:13 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2b Abusive!


14 Feb


Pray4 2/14/13 TANZANIA PASTOR BEHEADED BY MUSLIM: *read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/christian-pastor-beheaded-by-muslim-mob-intanzania/ A PASTOR with the Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) Church at Buseresere has been beheaded during religious-linked conflicts at Buseresere town, in Geita Region. A spokesperson for the Geita Regional Police Commanders Office, Mr Denis Stephano, identified the deceased pastor as Mathayo Kachili. He said conflicts had been boiling for quite a while now in the area where a section of what are believed to be Muslim leaders had demanded immediate closure of butcheries owned by Christians http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/christian-pastor-beheaded-by-muslim-mob-intanzania/ Note; Ive been to Tanzania. I would never expect to hear such a thing in Tanzania. ****Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written:


Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Galatians 3:13 Kristus lskbte os fra den forbandelse af loven ved at blive en forbandelse for os, for der str skrevet: Forbandet er enhver, der er ophngt p et tr. Galaterne 3:13 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Stop Violence v Women! See www.OneBillionRising.org *Dont Allow Google/YouTube 2b Abusive! * We ask our Lord Jesus to be with our brothers & sisters in Christ around the world being persecuted.


14 Feb


2/14/13 REAL MADRID v MANCHESTER UNITED ENDS IN TIE,1-1: *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130214-its-davids-night-not-ronaldos-bernabeu Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho insisted that the Champions League duel with Manchester United, which will probably decide his fate and legacy in Spain, is far from finished. The two sides battled out a 1-1 draw in the first leg of their last-16 tie at the Bernabeu, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130214-real-united-tie-finely-poised Its Davids night, not Ronaldos at BernabeuIt is your night, ran the headline of Madrid sports daily Marca next to a giant picture of Cristiano Ronaldo ahead of the stars first encounter with


Manchester United, the club he left three and a half years ago. Ronaldo, almost inevitably, did have his moment as he soared above a stranded Patrice Evra at the back post to majestically head home his seventh Champions League goal in as many games this season. But on a pitch filled with stellar attacking talent, it was a Spanish goalkeeper making a return of his own, to his home city, who was the star of the show as the Champions League tie ended 1-1. David De Gea had only ever suffered heartbreak, as most Atletico Madrid keepers do, against Real http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130214-its-davids-night-not-ronaldos-bernabeu ****Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree. Galatians 3:13 Kristus lskbte os fra den forbandelse af loven ved at blive en forbandelse for os, for der str skrevet: Forbandet er enhver, der er ophngt p et tr. Galaterne 3:13 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


14 Feb

VanderKOK or VANDER Twitter | VanderKOK or VANDER Trending


14 Feb


vanderkok: 2/14/13 PIC of NAOMI WATTS & SIMON BAKER (The Mentalist et al) @ HIS HOLLYWOOD STAR CEREMONY (video link at bottom), **** This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 *Also see video of Simon speaking, posted at http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/post/43092360029 Pic by vanderKok



14 Feb

LiveLeak.com - 2/14/13 SIMON BAKER ("The MENTALIST") et al, HOLLYWOOD STAR ACCEPTANCE SPEECH (in part)
I was there (took this short video clip, among others). It was a nice acceptance speech. He seems like a genuinely nice & decent guy. Here, after thanking his wife & choking up a bit, he acknowledges his kids (cant see them, but apparently they are there in front), saying My cup runneth over. Way 2 go Simon !


14 Feb


2/14/13 PIC of NAOMI WATTS & SIMON BAKER (The Mentalist et al) @ HIS HOLLYWOOD STAR CEREMONY (video link at bottom), **** This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10 *Also see video of Simon speaking, posted at http://vanderkok.tumblr.com/post/43092360029 Pic by vanderKok


14 Feb

2/14/13 SIMON BAKER, ACCEPTANCE SPEECH,:HOLLYWOOD STAR CEREMONY, **** This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy.1 Jana 4:10


14 Feb


*** This is love: not that we loved


God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.1 John 4:10 To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy. 1 Jana 4:10






14 Feb



13 Feb


Amazing ! VidLink 2/13/13 BUFFALO MANHANDLES CROCODILE, see http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1df_1360656620 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


13 Feb


2/13/13 W. BROMWICH DEFEATS LIVERPOOL,2-0, *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-gerrard-penalty-miss-triggersliverpool-meltdown Liverpool crashed to a dismal 2-0 defeat against West Bromwich Albion on Monday as Steven Gerrards penalty miss triggered an Anfield meltdown. Brendan Rodgers side looked set to secure their first win in four Premier League matches when Gerrard stepped up to take a late penalty, but the Liverpool captains effort was saved by Ben Foster and Albion http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-gerrard-penalty-miss-triggersliverpool-meltdown For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com

Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


13 Feb

2/13/13 MSU SPARTANS UPSET MICH WOLVERINES,75-52; *Read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn %3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle %2Ce21df484-aca1-3d8c-9a39-671e84eca219-l %3A1&.ts=1360733328&.intl=US&.lang=en Gary Harris scored 17 points and Derrick Nix had 14 to help the eighth-ranked Spartans rout No. 4 Michigan 75-52 on Tuesday night in the rivalrys first matchup of top 10 teams. It was the perfect storm, Michigan State coach Tom Izzo said. We played about as well as we can. http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn %3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle

%2Ce21df484-aca1-3d8c-9a39-671e84eca219-l %3A1&.ts=1360733328&.intl=US&.lang=en For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


13 Feb


2/13/13 BIEBER TWEETS RESPONSE TO BLACK KEYS GRAMMYS CHEAPSHOT,*Read more athttp://www.oregonlive.com/movies/index.ssf/2013/02/justin_bieber_sn ubbed_by_gramm.html to comments from the drummer of the Black Keys who said Bieber doesnt deserve a Grammy.The black keys drummer should be slapped around, Bieber tweeted. He added haha at the end to show he was joking, but who knows how his legion of devoted some would say disturbed fans will take theirheartthrobs fatwa. After winning several awards Sunday at the Grammys, the Black Keys stepped out to celebrate. Drummer Patrick Carney talked with TMZ, which for some reason asked him about Bieber being snubbed this year by the Recording Academy. Hes rich, right? Carney said. Grammys are for, like,music, not for money and hes making a lot of money.He should be happy, I guess. http://www.oregonlive.com/movies/index.ssf/2013/02/justin_bieber_snub bed_by_gramm.html For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


13 Feb


2/13/13 GIANT SEA TURTLE SUCCESSFULLY FITTED w/ ARTIFICIAL LIMBS:*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130212-artificial-legs-boost-limblessloggerhead-turtle A sea turtle that lost her front legs to a shark attack was bidding to match Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius on Tuesday, as she donned the latest in artificial flipper technology in Japan. Yu, an approximately 25-year-old female loggerhead turtle, was test-driving her 27th pair of artificial front legs around her home aquarium near Kobe in western Japan, where she proves a draw for the crowds http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130212-artificial-legs-boost-limblessloggerhead-turtle


For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14 Mogu ja nikada pohvaliti osim kriem Gospodina naega Isusa Krista, kroz koje svijet je razapet za mene,i ja na

svijetu. Galaanima 6:14

Posted by VanderKOK

13 Feb

2/13/13 MARCHEL HIRSCHER LEADS AUSTRIA TO TEAM GOLD @ WORLD SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130212-hirscher-leads-austria-firstworld-gold Slalom star Marcel Hirscher led Austria to gold in the team event at the World Ski Championships on Tuesday with a convincing 4-0 victory over Sweden in the final http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130212-hirscher-leads-austria-firstworld-gold

For God did not send his Son into the


world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17
Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!

13 Feb


2/13/12 CHRIS BROWN REFUSES 2 STAND 4 FRANK OCEAN @ GRAMMYS *Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/chris-brown-sitsfrank-ocean-standing-ovation-article-1.1260982 On the heels of a parking-lot spat between the two, Frank Ocean and Chris Brown went head to head at the Grammy Awards, with Ocean coming out on top. Channel Orange edged out Browns Fortune and Miguels Kaleidoscope Dream to win Best Urban Contemporary Album, but neither of the losers participated in the standing ovation that the rest of the room gave Ocean.Adele, standing a few seats away from Brown, appeared to look over in surprise. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/chris-brown-sitsfrank-ocean-standing-ovation-article-1.1260982 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness

*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


13 Feb

Hilarious 2/13/13 HACKERS ISSUED EMERGENCY WARNING that ZOMBIES WERE ATTACKING: http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130212-hackers-broadcast-zombieapocalypse-alert-us-tv Hackers caused a bizarre alert in the US state of Montana by broadcasting a warning about zombies attacking the living,

local television channels said Tuesday. The apocalyptic warning interrupted programming via the Emergency Alert System a voice intoned: Civilian authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves, and attacking the living. Follow the messages on screen, that will be updated as information becomes available. Do not attempt or apprehend these bodies, as they are considered extremely dangerous, it added.This warning applies to all areas receiving this http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130212-hackers-broadcast-zombieapocalypse-alert-us-tv For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


13 Feb


2/13/13 ZOOKEEPERS BAFFLED BY THEFT OF EMU, read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-keepers-baffled-emu-stolenaustralian-park Keepers at an Australian wildlife park said they were concerned and baffled at the theft of an emu in a night raid, saying it would be frightened and possibly injured.The tall female bird was discovered missing from Featherdale Wildlife Park in Sydneys western suburbs early Tuesday. Her enclosure contained a large http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-keepers-baffled-emu-stolenaustralian-park


For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


13 Feb


Bizarre! 2/13/12 SCIENTISTS SAY SEA SLUG HAS DISPOSABLE PENIS:*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-seaanimal-has-grow-again-penis Scientists reported Wednesday on the bizarre sex life of a sea slug that discards its penis after copulation. Then grows a new one.No other animal is known to repeatedly copulate using such disposable penes, Japanese biologists wrote in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, describing the behaviour as extremely peculiar. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130213-sea-animal-has-grow-againpenis For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. John 3:17 Car Dieu na pas envoy son Fils dans le monde pour condamner le monde, mais pour sauver le monde par

lui. Jean 3:17 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *Google/YouTube is not our dictator!


12 Feb


2/12/13 MAN MISTAKES HOT IRON 4 PHONE,BURNS FACE:*Read more at http://m.smh.com.au/world/strangebuttrue/husband-makes-a-bad-callwith-the-iron-20121213-2bb15.html a Polish man has burnt the side of his head while doing housework after mistaking the iron for a phone.Tomasz Paczkowski, from the northern Polish town of Elblag, is now swathed in bandages after his wife asked him to help with the housework while he enjoyed a few days off work. My wife had gone to work, the 32-year old told the Polish newspaper Fakt. After breakfast I started to work. I turned on the boxing channel on the TV, opened a beer and started ironing.I was really getting involved in the boxing and was not really thinking about what I was doing. Suddenly the phone rang and I mucked things up. Instead of grabbing the receiver I picked up the iron and put it to my ear. Mr Paczkowski said a burning sensation on his ear soon made him realise his mistake. To compound his misfortune, he hit his head on a *Read more at http://m.smh.com.au/world/strangebuttrue/husband-makes-a-bad-callwith-the-iron-20121213-2bb15.html ***May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14 Mogu ja nikada pohvaliti osim kriem Gospodina naega Isusa Krista, kroz koje svijet je razapet za mene,i ja na svijetu. Galaanima 6:14 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *We Must Keep Google/YouTube Honest ! Dont Allow Them 2 become a Dictatorship!



12 Feb

2/11/13 DOG w/ HUMAN FACE UP 4 ADOPTION:A Poodle - Shih Tzu mix whos up for adoption after being saved by an Indiana animal welfare group has become an Internet sensation. According to his Petfinder profile, Tonik was rescued from a Kentucky kill shelter by Homeward Bound, and is a very sweet boy who will need a home with lots of patience & good energy. But its the photo with his listing - with what many people see as a human-like expression on his face and look in eyes - thats made the 2-year-old dog instantly famous http://m.yahoo.com/w/legobpengine/lifestyles/blogs/pets/dog-humanface-goes-viral163200103.html?.b=index&.ts=1360680123&.intl=us&.lang=en&.ysid=iZRf t0IxIZ8r7KsmHKaBpnjb

***May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14 Mogu ja nikada pohvaliti osim kriem Gospodina naega Isusa Krista, kroz koje svijet je razapet za mene,i ja na svijetu. Galaanima 6:14
Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com *We Must Keep Google/YouTube Honest ! Dont Allow Them 2 become a Dictatorship!

**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22
12 Feb


2/12/13 WRITER THINKS CHURCH FAILED CHRIS DORNER: I am convinced that Christopher Dorner regarded the American church with the same bitter disdain that he carried for the institutions of state law enforcement even though both spheres have a few bad apples that spoil the reputation of the upstanding majority. Even as an adult, he was unable to make the connection between the racial persecution he suffered as a child and the persecution that Jesus suffered as a man. His eyes saw another institutional culture resistant to reform, and had no reason to believe the church could be any different. This, to me, is the churchs essential failing. For Christopher Dorner and others like him struggling under the weight of racism and corruption in virtually every sphere of public life, pat answers are not enough Read ALL at http://www.urbanfaith.com/2013/02/how-the-church-failed-christopherdorner.html/


2/11/13 CALIFORNIA F2 TORNADOES CAUGHT ON VIDEO:*Read more,see video,at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bbc_1360451278 series of F2 tornadoes that I recorded on my way home from Los Angeles to Menifee.Took out a semi truck numerous cars and 7 train carsAs long as the weather conditions are right a tornado can touch down at anytime in California. It is not very common, but dozens of tornadoes have touched down in California over the years. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bbc_1360451278 **** if you seek the LORD your God,you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart & with all your soul. Nhng nu t bn tm kim Cha ca Thin Cha,bn s tm thy anh ta nu bn tm kim Ngivi tt c tri tim ca bn v vi tt c tm hn ca

bn Deuteronomy 4:29 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb


Outrageous! 2/11/13 BIOFUEL TRAIN CROSSED USA/CANADA BORDER 24 TIMES w/ SAME CARGO: *Read more at http://www.allamericanblogger.com/24799/train-carries-biofuel-acrossborder-24-times-never-unloads-earns-millions-in-taxpayer-funded-greenenergy-money/ A cargo train filled with biofuels crossed the border between the US and Canada 24 times between the 15th of June and the 28th of June 2010; not once did it unload its cargo, yet it still earned millions of dollars. CBC News of Canada was the first to pick up on this story on the 3rd of December 2012, and began their own investigation into the possible explanations behind this odd behaviour. CN Rail, the operator of the train, stated their innocence in the matter as they had only received shipping directions from the customer, which, under law, it has an obligation to meet. CN discharged its obligations with respect to those movements in strict compliance with its obligations as a common carrier, and was compensated accordingly. Even so, they still managed to earn C$2.6 million in shipping fees. During their investigation CBC managed to obtain an internal email which stated that the cars of the train were all reconfigured between each trip but that the cargo was never actually unloaded, because each move per car across the border is revenue generated, the sale of the cargo itself was inconsequential. http://www.allamericanblogger.com/24799/train-carries-biofuel-acrossborder-24-times-never-unloads-earns-millions-in-taxpayer-funded-greenenergy-money/ **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan

*Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb

2/11/13 EXCELLENT ARTICLE BY A HS TEACHER TO COLLEGE PROFESSORS:By Valerie Strauss*Read all at http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2013/02/09/awarning-to-college-profs-from-a-high-school-teacher/ **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife

*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb

2/11/13 S. AFRICAN SKATEBOARDER CLOCKED AT 68mph, WANTED BY POLICE: *Read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/08/once-you-see-the-video-of-a631

skateboarder-setting-off-a-speed-camera-at-68-mph-youll-realize-whycops-are-looking-for-him/ Its not just the video showing South African skateboarder Decio Lourenco speeding downhill in and out of traffic on a busy road that has him in hot water with authorities. He apparently set off a speed camera in a 60 kilometers per hour zone (about 37 miles per hour) going 110 km/h (68 mph).Lourenco could face arrest http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/08/once-you-see-the-video-of-askateboarder-setting-off-a-speed-camera-at-68-mph-youll-realize-whycops-are-looking-for-him/ **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb


2/11/13 CLINT EASTWOOD, A HOLLYOOD VOICE AGAINST OBAMA:*Read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/09/clint-eastwood-why-shouldwe-care-when-d-c-seems-like-it-doesnt-give-a-damn/ Clint Eastwood appeared on CNBCs Squawk Box Friday to discuss a number of issues ranging from his now-famous empty chair speech at the RNC, to Washingtons apparent inability to do anything productive. When CNBCs Becky Quick asked Eastwood what he thinks of the empty chair speech in retrospect, knowing that some called it embarrassing while others still reference it as a crystallization of the Obama presidency, Eastwood remarked: You know, the one thing about getting into the senior status of life you dont really care. You just say what you say and then you can get away with it. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/09/clint-eastwood-why-shouldwe-care-when-d-c-seems-like-it-doesnt-give-a-damn/

**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22
Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


2/11/13 EVEN PERFECT SOLAR POWER LEAVES an un-GREEN FOOTPRINT (Hazardous waste):*Read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/10/associated-press-solar-energy-actually-has-a-bighazardous-waste-problem-and-how-much-did-solyndra-contaminate/ While solar is a far less polluting energy source than coal or natural gas, many panel makers are nevertheless grappling with a hazardous waste problem. Fueled partly by billions in government incentives, the industry is creating millions of solar panels each year and, in the process, millions of pounds of polluted sludge and contaminated water.To dispose of the material, the companies must transport. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/10/associated-press-solar-energy-actually-has-a-bighazardous-waste-problem-and-how-much-did-solyndra-contaminate/ **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb

Excessive?! 2/11/13 AMISH BEARD CUTTER GETS 15 YEARS IN PRISON,*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-amish-leader-gets-15-years-beard-chopping-attacks


The leader of a breakaway Amish group who ordered his followers to chop off his rivals beards was sentenced to 15 years in prison after being convicted of hate crimes. Fifteen others convicted in the attacks, including three of ringleader Samuel Mullets brothers and six women,were given lesser sentences of between one and seven years in prison. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-amish-leader-gets-15-years-beard-chopping-attacks Note: sure,its a crime, but 15 years for cutting off a mans beard?! Think of how much worse he could have done, from serious bodily harm or more. A beard can grow back fairly fast. This was a crime/prank not worthy of 15 years (unless theres something I dont know) **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb


Pray4 2/11/13 CHRISTIAN VILLAGE of al-YAKUBIYE PILLAGED BY SYRIA FIGHTERS:*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-christian-hamlet-alls-prey-syrian-looters The bibles lie untouched on the carved wooden stands but the chandeliers have been dumped upside down on the altar; the Christian village of Al-Yakubiye may have escaped the full ravages of Syrias civil war but it could not avoid the plundering of the fighters. Along the main road of this agricultural village http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-christian-hamlet-alls-prey-syrian-looters **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb

2/11/13 NORWAYs AKSEL SVINDAL WINS 8th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MEDAL w/ DOWNHILL WIN:*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-svindal-wins-mens-world-downhill-title downhill


title Norways Aksel Lund Svindal regained the mens world downhill title here Saturday to win his eighth world championship medal and second in Schladming after a super-G bronze. The 2007 downhill world champion and Olympic silver-medallist dominated the race with a masterful run that saw him cross the finish line in a time of 2min 01.32sec. Italys Dominik Paris was second at 0.46sec, with http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-svindal-wins-mens-world-downhill-title **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb


2/11/13 CHELSEA DEFEATS WIGAN,4-1:*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-chelsea-ease-benitez-worries-wilshere-injured Chelsea eased the pressure on boss Rafael Benitez with a 4-1 win over Wigan, while England star Jack Wilshere suffered a worrying thigh injury in 10-man Arsenals 1-0 victory at Sunderland on Saturday. Benitez admitted this week that he hasnt spoken to notoriously demanding Blues owner Roman http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-chelsea-ease-benitez-worries-wilshere-injured **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com


www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


12 Feb

2/11/13 CRISTIANO RONALDO GETS 20th HAT-TRICK IN REAL MADRID WIN v SEVILLA,4-1 *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-ronaldo-hat-trick-eases-madrid-past-sevilla eases Madrid past Sevilla Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 20th hat-trick as a Real Madrid player as the Spanish champions cruised to a 4-1 victory over Sevilla on Saturday. Ronaldo was even involved in the goal he didnt score as he squared for Karim Benzema to open the scoring


on 18 minutes before smashing in his first of the http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-ronaldo-hat-trick-eases-madrid-past-sevilla **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with You I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 FOX ENTER HOUSE,ATTACKS BABY: *Read more at http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21399709 BBCs John Andrew said: The mother was at home and heard this awful scream, went next door where the baby was, found it had been dragged from the cot onto the floor and the babys hand was in the jaws of the fox. She was obviously in a terrible panic and did what she could to get the fox off, including kicking it. Eventually it did let go but the baby was found with quite serious injuries. Our correspondent said it was believed one of the babys fingers was severed but later re-attached by surgeons, although it has not been confirmed by the hospital http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21399709 **** if you seek the LORD your God,you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart & with all your soul.


Nhng nu t bn tm kim Cha ca Thin Cha,bn s tm thy anh ta nu bn tm kim Ngivi tt c tri tim ca bn v vi tt c tm hn ca bn Deuteronomy 4:29 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/10/13 NOTRE DAME DEFEATS LOUISVILLE IN 5 OVERTIMES: *Read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/10/sports/ncaabasketball/notre-dame-outlasts-louisville-infive-overtimes.html?_r=0 the longest game in Big East regularseason history. it could not have been any more thrilling than the No. 25 Fighting Irishs fiveovertime victory over the 11th-ranked Cardinals, 104-101, on Saturday night http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/10/sports/ncaabasketball/notre-dame-outlasts-louisville-infive-overtimes.html?_r=0 **** if you seek the LORD your God,you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart & with all your soul. Nhng nu t bn tm kim Cha ca Thin Cha,bn s tm thy anh ta nu bn tm kim Ngivi tt c tri tim ca bn v vi tt c tm hn ca bn Deuteronomy 4:29 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 JUVENTUS DEFEATS NAPOLI,2-0 *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-vucinic-bootless-matri-carry-juve-win a goal in his socks from Alessandro Matri helped Juventus to a 2-0 home win over Fiorentina and a six-point lead over Serie A title rivals Napoli. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-vucinic-bootless-matri-carry-juve-win **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power ! *Read more at vanderkok@onsugar.com, , vanderkokAAAA@post.livejournal.com, Toji978megi@post.wordpress.com, vanderkok@my.shozu.com


11 Feb


Pray4 2/11/13 REBELS KILL 100+, Incl WOMEN & CHILDREN, SOUTH SUDAN: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-scores-slain-south-sudan-cattle-raid-governor Heavily armed rebels have killed more than 100 people including women and children in a cattle raid in South Sudans troubled Jonglei state, local officials said Sunday.The people of Walgak in Akobo County were migrating north Friday to the wetlands with cattle and were http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-scores-slain-south-sudan-cattle-raid-governor **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 POPE BENEDICT ANNOUNCES HIS RETIREMENT to the SURPRISE OF MANY;PAPST BENEDIKT kndigt seinen Rcktritt zum Erstaunen :*Read more at http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/02/11/pope-benedict-xvi-tried-to-awaken-faith-but-papacyclouded-by-sex-abuse-scandal/ Benedict XVI always cast himself as the reluctant pope, a shy bookworm who preferred solitary walks in the Alps to the public glare and the majesty of Vatican pageantry. And on Monday, the Vatican announced that the leader of the worlds billion Roman Catholics was stepping down the first pontiff to do so since 1415 Benedikt XVI immer warf sich wie die ungern Papst, ein schchterner Bcherwurm, die einsamen Spaziergnge bevorzugt in den Alpen an die ffentlichkeit Blendung und der Majestt des Vatikans Prunk. Und am Montag verkndete der Vatikan, dass der Fhrer der Welt Milliarden Katholiken wurde verstrkt down - der erste Pontifex, so zu tun, da 1415 . http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/02/11/pope-benedict-xvi-tried-to-awaken-faith-but-papacyclouded-by-sex-abuse-scandal/


**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 JAPANs MAO ASADA WINS SKATING @ 4 CONTINENTS CHAMPIONSHIP: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-japans-asada-skates-medal-sweep-four-continents Former world champion Mao Asada led Japans medal sweep in the womens singles at the Four Continents championships, remaining unbeaten with five wins in the pre-Olympic season.skating to Tchaikovskys Swan Lake, 5 . http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-japans-asada-skates-medal-sweep-four-continents **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 BEACH BOYS BRIAN WILSON WINS GRAMMY BUT SAYS THEY WONT re-UNITE AGAIN: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-beach-boy-wilson-wins-grammy-says-no-new-reunion Beach Boy founder Brian Wilson won a Grammy on Sunday, but said the iconic 60s band would probably not get back together, after last years 50th anniversary reunion.I doubt it, no, I dont think so, the frail-looking veteran star told reporters backstage, after winning the Grammy for best historical album for The Smile Sessions from 2011 http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-beach-boy-wilson-wins-grammy-says-no-new-reunion **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb

2/11/13 BRANDT SNEDEKER WINS PEBBLE BEACH ! *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-snedeker-wins-pebble-beach Brandt Snedeker, who


finished second each of the last two weeks, busted through for his first win of the year on Sunday, firing a seven-under 65 to capture the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am.The red-hot Snedeker saved his best round of the week for the final day http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-snedeker-wins-pebble-beach **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 MANCHESTER UNITED DEFEATS EVERTON,2-0, to STAY ON TOP of PREMIER LEAGUE: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-united-sink-everton-open-12-point-lead Manchester United surged 12 points clear at the top of the Premier League with a 2-0 win over Everton on Sunday http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-united-sink-everton-open-12-point-lead **** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com


Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


In the NEWS
By vander !

2/11/13 BABEL by MUMFORD & SONS WINS GRAMMYs ALBUM of the YEAR,*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-babel-mumford-sons-wins-best-album-grammy Babel by British folk rockers Mumford & Sons won the coveted Album of the Year award at the 55th Grammy Awards on Sunday.They beat El Camino by The Black Keys, Some Nights by fun., Channel Orange by R&B singer http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-babel-mumford-sons-wins-best-album-grammy

**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb



http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/international/nigeria-beat-burkina-faso-to-triumphat-the-african-cup-of-nations-8489186.html the Super Eagles beat Burkina Faso comfortably enough last night and so ended their 19-year wait for a third Cup of Nations triumph. The captain when they won the trophy in 1994 was Stephen Keshi and there was little doubt that he was key again as he became only the second man, after the EgyptianMahmoud El Gohary, to win the Cup of Nations as player and coach. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/international/nigeria-beat-burkina-faso-to-triumphat-the-african-cup-of-nations-8489186.html

Nigerias third Africa Cup of Nations title, clinched here Sunday against Burkina Faso, was a huge personal triumph for coach Stephen Keshi http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-nigerias-nations-cup-win-triumph-keshi

**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 MARSEILLE TIES EVIAN,1-1 : *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-marseille-pair-see-red-stumble-evian Marseilles hopes of catching French pace-setters Paris Saint Germain took a knock on Sunday after the 2010 champions could only manage a 1-1 draw at modest Evian after finishing with nine men http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130210-marseille-pair-see-red-stumble-evian

**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com


Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb

(I went to a memorial 4 him) 2/11/13 (the late) RAVI SHANKARs DAUGHTER ACCEPTS GRAMMY ON HIS BEHALF: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-ravi-shankar-daughter-accepts-grammy-late-legend Indian sitar player Ravi Shankars


daughter Anoushka accepted a Grammy on behalf of her late father Sunday in a category in which she had also been nominated. Its OK to lose to your father, the 31-year-old, who is also a sitar player and composer, said as she received the best world music album Grammy for her father http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130211-ravi-shankar-daughter-accepts-grammy-late-legend Note: i went to a memorial to him & his student/disciple who also died shortly after Ravi (whose name escapes me) at Occidental college here in L.A. (where Obama attended back in the day). It was a beautiful tribute (not the official funeral memorial but a tribute by a music foundation he & a few others founded)

**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


11 Feb


2/11/13 TOTTENHAM DEFEATS NEWCASTLE,2-1, *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-brilliant-bale-bags-brace-sink-newcastle Newcastle Gareth Bale maintained his sublime form with a brilliant brace to inspire Tottenham Hotspurs 2-1 victory over Newcastle United at White Hart Lane on Saturday. Bale added to the growing belief that he is currently the best player in the Premier League with a superb http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130209-brilliant-bale-bags-brace-sink-newcastle

**** the Holy Spirit descended on Him [Jesus] in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. Luke 3:22 Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


10 Feb



10 Feb


2/10/13 INDIAs PUNJABI RURAL OLYMPICS LIKE EXTREME REDNECK GAMES: *Read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2273392/Indias-Rural-Olympics-Being-run-tractorcarrying-bricks-teeth-cow-chariot-racers.html#axzz2KU9uHBbR a plough with his mouth at the Rural Olympics in India Bizarre: This competitor proved his strength by lifting two bicycles with his teeth Formally known as the Kila Raipur Sports Festival, competitors range in age from teenagers to pensioners. Around a million people attend the annual sporting event which has now become an important part of Indias Punjab culture. Thats got to hurt: A tractor drives over Balbir Singh (right) and Lakha Singh (left) at Indias Rural Olympics Built strong: A man carries 26 bricks with teeth while another participant uses his dentures to pull a tractor Categories include holding bicycles in teeth and pulling


vehicles with hair.The three-day event is a celebration of rural life in Indias farming and has taken place every year since 1933. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2273392/Indias-Rural-Olympics-Being-run-tractorcarrying-bricks-teeth-cow-chariot-racers.html#axzz2KU9uHBbR **** if you seek the LORD your God,you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart & with all your soul. Nhng nu t bn tm kim Cha ca Thin Cha,bn s tm thy anh ta nu bn tm kim Ngivi tt c tri tim ca bn v vi tt c tm hn ca bn Deuteronomy 4:29 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


10 Feb


2/10/13 WISCONSIN DEFEATS #3 MICHIGAN,65-62:*Read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=1&urn=urn%3Anewsml %3Asports.yahoo%2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C5ef47ca2-b76b-373a-be2e6c47f9146f0e-l%3A1&.ts=1360488211&.intl=US&.lang=en Brust hit a tiebreaking 3-pointer with less than 40 seconds left in overtime as Wisconsin beat No. 3 Michigan 65-62 on Saturday.The Wolverines became the third top three team to lose this week as No. 1 Indiana lost to Illinois and No. 2 Florida was beaten by Arkansas. http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=1&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo %2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C5ef47ca2-b76b-373a-be2e-6c47f9146f0e-l %3A1&.ts=1360488211&.intl=US&.lang=en **** if you seek the LORD your God,you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart & with all your soul. Nhng nu t bn tm kim Cha ca Thin Cha,bn s tm thy anh ta nu bn tm kim Ngivi tt c tri tim ca bn v vi tt c tm hn ca bn Deuteronomy 4:29 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


10 Feb

Funny 2/10/13 CONDOR GETS LOOSE AT ICE-HOCKEY GAME:*Read more at http://nesn.com/2013/02/bakersfield-condors-live-condor-mascot-escapes-handler-invades-teams-


bench-before-game-video/ The Bakersfield Condors brought a live condor to the teams latest game against the Las Vegas Wranglers, and things quickly got out of hand. Almost immediately after the condor was removed from its cage, the bird began struggling with its handler. After breaking free during the national anthem, it was corralled by the handler, only to slip free again when the poor guy wiped out on the ice. http://nesn.com/2013/02/bakersfield-condors-live-condor-mascot-escapes-handler-invades-teamsbench-before-game-video/ **** if you seek the LORD your God,you will find Him if you look for Him with all your heart & with all your soul. Nhng nu t bn tm kim Cha ca Thin Cha,bn s tm thy anh ta nu bn tm kim Ngivi tt c tri tim ca bn v vi tt c tm hn ca bn Deuteronomy 4:29 Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray Google/YouTube wont abuse their power !


10 Feb


2/10/13 HOPE DEFEATS CALVIN,73-70, in The RIVALRY re-MATCH:HOLLAND, MI The 184th meeting between Calvin and Hope took place Saturday afternoon in front of a sold out DeVos Fieldhouse on the campus of Hope College. The Flying Dutchmen defeated rival Calvin 73-70, marking the Knights first defeat since falling to Carthage in the MIAA/CCIW Challenge back on Dec. 1 of 2012. http://www.calvin.edu/sports/news/comments/mens-basketball-falls-to-hope-73-70/ .. Hope was downright humiliated last time these two teams met. Calvin won by 26 points http://www.calvin.edu/chimes/2013/02/08/five-things-to-watch-for-the-rivalry/

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb

LiveLeak.com - Are You Alright Bro?


9 Feb


2/7/13 N. KOREA USES YOUTUBE TO PROMOTE THEMSELVES:Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fe6_1360137558 The three-and-a-half-minute clip titled - On Board Unha-9 and posted on YouTube on Saturday by Uriminzokkiri, a North Korean government Web site - is the latest evidence of the propaganda mileage Pyeongyang is extracting from its Dec. 12 launching of its Unha-3 rocket, which it considers as their first successful test of long-rangemissile technology. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fe6_1360137558

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


9 Feb



http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=aa8_1359972616 MEXICO CITY - A circus tiger attacked its trainer in the city of Etchojoa, Sonora. Police statement issued indicates that Alexander Crispin, 35, died after being attacked by the big cat at 22:30 pm on Saturday inside the Suarez circus tent. Crispin, who was originally from the United States and worked as a tiger tamer, was bitten on the neck by the enraged animal in the middle of the show.hysteric spectators ran out of the scene during the attack http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=aa8_1359972616

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


9 Feb


2/4/13 COPTIC TELLS HANNITY THAT MORSI is NO BETTER THAN OSAMA BIN LADEN read full story at http://www.therightscoop.com/coptic-christian-to-hannity-sending-f-16s-and-tanks-to-morsi-is-likesending-them-to-osama-bin-laden/? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheRightScoop+ (The+Right+Scoop) A Coptic Christian who lives in the US called into Hannitys radio show today asking how the American people would feel if America was sending tanks and F-16s to Osama bin Laden would there be outrage? He asks because he says Osama bin Laden and Mohammed Morsi are exactly the same. And he says the tanks were sending to Egypt are being used to oppress Coptic Christians http://www.therightscoop.com/coptic-christian-to-hannity-sending-f-16s-and-tanks-to-morsi-is-likesending-them-to-osama-bin-laden/? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheRightScoop+ (The+Right+Scoop)


Egypt and the United States held a joint ceremony today in Cairo to mark the delivery of new F-16 aircraft to the Egyptian Air Force, confirming the two nations joint commitment to regional security. Todays ceremony demonstrates the firm belief of the United States that a strong Egypt is in the interest of the U.S., the region, and the world, said U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne W. Patterson http://www.therightscoop.com/coptic-christian-to-hannity-sending-f-16s-and-tanks-to-morsi-is-likesending-them-to-osama-bin-laden/? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+TheRightScoop+ (The+Right+Scoop)

**** [Jesus said] Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.Matthew 7:13-14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


9 Feb


Pray4 2/5/13 MAGNITUDE 8 QUAKE ROCKS SOLOMON ISLANDS;TSUNAMI FOLLOWS: Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-earthquakes A major 8.0 magnitude earthquake jolted the Solomon Islands Wednesday with small tsunami waves buffeting Pacific coastlines, leaving several people dead and dozens of homes damaged or destroyed. A quake-generated wave of just under one metre reached parts of the Solomons, and Vanuatu and New Caledonia also reported rising sea levels, before a http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-earthquakes

The magnitude 8.0 quake struck at 01:12 GMT near the Santa Cruz islands, part of the Solomon Islands nation, the US Geological Survey said.


A tsunami measuring 0.9m (3ft) subsequently hit Lata in the far eastern Solomons The wave went 500m inland, and at this stage I was told that three villages were basically damaged, Robert Iroga, press secretary to the Solomons prime minister, told the BBC. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21347496

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian



9 Feb


2/9/13 LINCOLN SCREENWRITER ADMITS CONNECTICUT VOTE WAS HISTORICALLY INACCURATE: the screenwriter of Lincoln, which has 12 Oscar nominations, conceded on Friday that the taut political drama changed the historical record for 15 seconds, after a lawmaker complained. Democratic Representative Joe Courtney of Connecticut said a key scene in the film was wrong to suggest that two congressmen from his state voted against the US Constitutions 13th Amendment that abolished slavery in 1865.Representative Courtney is correct that the four members of the Connecticut delegation voted for the amendment, screenwriter Tony Kushner wrote in a letter he made public http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-lincoln-screenwriter-apologizes-15-second-error


*Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/02/07/Congressman-Challenges-Speilberg-OnLincoln-Accuracy

Rep. Joe Courtney challenges the historical accuracy of a key scene in Steven Spielbergs Lincoln. 7 Feb 2013 Post as Is nothing more important for them to be doing? Distraction is all it is! The movie is a joke-Lincoln the way liberals would see it. If you can stomach watching the movie-I stopped after 5 minutes-the black Union soldiers who recited the Gettysburg Address verbatim was the last straw for me. I am a Civil War buff and this movie was crap. The War of Northern Aggression Wait does this mean Inglorious Basterds wasnt historically accurate either? What can one believe in anymore? DEM CONGRESSMAN CHALLENGES SPIELBERG ON LINCOLN ACCURACY Recommend 9 people recommend this. Be the first of your friends. SUBSCRIBE advertisement MOST POPULAR Dereliction of Duty: Obama Did Nothing to Save American Lives in Benghaziand Lied About It 470 comments 0 minutes ago Panetta: Obama AWOL on Night of Benghazi Attack 484 comments 9 minutes ago Doctor Slams National Debt, Political Correctness, And Health Care In Front Of President Obama 438 comments 13 minutes ago Suspected Mass-Murderers Manifesto Endorses Hillary, Obama, Gun Control, Elite Media 406 comments 2 minutes ago The Civil War Has Begun 955 comments 0 minutes ago


advertisement BREITBART VIDEO PICKS Fox Points Out Hypocrisy Of Costas Anti-Gun Rant SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER advertisement 4 *Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/02/07/Congressman-Challenges-Speilberg-OnLincoln-Accuracy

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


9 Feb


2/5/13 RAND & FATHER RON PAUL CLASH re CHRIS KYLE: read full story at http://weaselzippers.us/2013/02/04/rand-paul-responds-to-idiot-fathers-slander-of-murdered-sealchris-kyle-was-a-hero/ In the aftermath of Ron Pauls despicable tweet today slamming US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, murdered on Saturday while helping a fellow soldier learn to cope with post traumatic stress syndrome, Pauls son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has told Breitbart News exclusively, Chris Kyle was a hero like all Americans who don the uniform to defend our country. Our prayers are with his family during this tragic time. http://weaselzippers.us/2013/02/04/rand-paul-responds-to-idiot-fathers-slander-of-murdered-sealchris-kyle-was-a-hero/

Former congressman and libertarian icon Ron Paul tweeted a startling reaction to the death of SEAL sniper


Chris Kyle on Monday: Chris Kyles death seems to confirm that he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Treating PTSD at a firing range doesnt make sense 5:05 PM - 04 Feb 13 Ron Paul @RonPaul Follow 845 RETWEETS 315 FAVORITES Kyle and a friend were both killed by a veteran struggling with PTSD while working with him at a gun range on Saturday. The former Marine, Eddie Ray Routh, turned his weapon on the other two men and shot them at close range, according to news accounts. Kyle was the author of the best-selling American Sniper, which detailed his time as a record-holding SEAL sniper. Paul has a long history of being opposed to American military intervention abroad. http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/04/ron-paul-tweets-about-seal-snipers-death-he-who-lives-by-thesword-dies-by-the-sword/

nd shot them at close range, according to news accounts. How DARE He make that heartless, unappreciative tweet. Chris Kyle was a decorated war hero who risked his life to save Dr. Pauls racist/anti-Semitic ass. Kyle was killed by someone who he was trying to help, someone whos severe case of PTSD warped his reality. What is Ron Pauls excuse for his warped reality? read full story at http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2013/02/its-official-ron-paul-is-low-life.html? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed:+YidWithLid+ (YID+With+LID)&m=1

**** [Jesus said] Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.Matthew 7:13-14


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


9 Feb


2/7/13 MALAYSIA WILL OFFER $16,000 re DEAD ELEPHANTS IF: Malaysian authorities will offer a $16,000 reward for information on 14 rare Borneo pygmy elephants found dead last month, if it is confirmed they were poisoned. Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-malaysia-considers-reward-dead-elephants-case

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian ******


9 Feb


2/9/13 TUNISIA TENSION RISES AFTER ASSASSINATION OF OPPOSITION LEADER: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-tunisia-faces-general-strike-political-crisis-deepens Tunisia faces general strike as political crisis deepens Tunisia faces a general strike Friday, with tens of thousands expected to take to the streets after the murder this week of a leftist opposition leader [Chokri Belaid] that sparked violent clashes with police. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-tunisia-faces-general-strike-political-crisis-deepens

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


2/7/13 35 SMALL PYRAMIDS DISCOVERED IN SUDAN Read more at http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/02/07/35-ancient-pyramids-discovered-in-sudan/ 35 small pyramids, along with graves, have been discovered clustered closely together at a site called Sedeinga in Sudan. Discovered between 2009 and 2012, researchers are surprised at how densely the pyramids are concentratedThey date back around 2,000 years to a time when a kingdom named Kush flourished in Sudan.


****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


9 Feb


2/5/13 FEDS BUST THRU BUNKER,RESCUE 5-yo HOSTAGE,KILL DYKES: read full story at http://m.theatlanticwire.com/national/2013/02/play-play-account-fbis-heroic-hostage-rescuealabama/61792/

It was initially unclear what happened in Midland City, Alabama on Monday afternoon. There were reports of an explosion, gunfire, a dead suspect and a freed hostage. Combing through reports from both local and national news outlets, though, weve been able to piece together a playby-play account of what happened in the final moments read full story at http://m.theatlanticwire.com/national/2013/02/play-play-account-fbis-heroic-hostage-rescuealabama/61792/

**** [Jesus said] Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.Matthew 7:13-14


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


9 Feb


2/7/13 NINE-YO (?) MEXICAN GIVES BIRTH TO BABY GIRL: Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-mexican-girl-9-gives-birth-authorities-seek-father A nine-year-old Mexican girl has given birth and authorities are looking for the presumed father, who is 17, officials said Wednesday.The girl, identified as Dafne, gave birth by Cesarean section to a baby girl weighing 2.7 kilos (5.7 pounds) and measuring 50 centimeters (20 inches) on January 27 in http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-mexican-girl-9-gives-birth-authorities-seek-father

2/9/13 SOME QUESTION WHETHER MEXICAN GIRL MAY BE OLDER: .. Mexican girl said to have given birth last month at the age of nine has disappeared with her baby, and authorities now suspect she may be older Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-mexican-nine-year-old-mother-vanishes-may-be-older ****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


9 Feb


2/7/13 JAPANESE TOWN UNCOMFORTABLE re NAKED DAVID STATUE: They are statues of unclothed humans, and such pieces of art work are very rare in our area. Some people apparently said the statues might not be good for their children, he said.some have asked for David to wear underwear to preserve his modesty, the Yomiuri Shimbun

Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-japan-town-demands-pants-michelangelos-david

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


9 Feb


2/6/13 BIONIC EYE SUCCESSFULLY RESTORES SIGHT FOR CERTAIN FORMS OF BLINDNESS: Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-bionic-eye-gives-hope-blind

said Brian Mech, the California-based companys vice president of business development. Those to benefit from Argus II are people with retinitis pigmentosa, a rare genetic disease, affecting about 100,000 people in the US, that results in the degeneration of the retinal photoreceptors. The photoreceptor cells convert light into electrochemical impulses that are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve, where they are decoded into images. The way the prosthesis works (is) it replaces the function of the photoreceptors, Mech told AFP. Thirty people aged 28 to 77 took part in the clinical trial for the product, all of whom were completely blind. Mech said the outcomes varied by participant. We had some patients who got just a little bit of benefit and others who could do amazing things like reading newspaper headlines, he said. In some cases, the subjects could even see in color. Mostly they see in black and white, but we have demonstrated more recently we can produce color vision as well, Mech said. According to Mech, Argus II is already avail

Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-bionic-eye-gives-hope-blind

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


9 Feb

2/5/13 BALLOONS IN STOMACH MAY BE DIET of the FUTURE: read full story at http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/health&id=8980637 HOUSTON (KTRK) In December, we told you about a new


procedure that uses balloons to help people lose weight. Now, were checking back with our first patient to see how well the weight loss is going. Alice Pacheco went on a cruise and actually lost weight 14 poundsTwo uninflated balloons are inserted into the stomach through the mouth read full story at http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/health&id=8980637

**** [Jesus said] Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.Matthew 7:13-14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


9 Feb


2/7/13 (?) HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY,MARY LEAKEY ! marks the 100th birthday of anthropologist Mary Leakey , whose extensive research in Africas Rift Valley taught us that our ancestors had capabilities far beyond the image of the primitive, brutish Neanderthal (although the existence of Arnold Schwarzenegger could argue against it) http://www.biography.com/bio-now/mary-leakeys-100th-birthday-a-look-at-her-humanachievements-21117571

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb



http://www.maggiesnotebook.com/2013/02/pentagon-knew-stevens-smith-were-dead-at-530-pmobama-not-notified-until-4-am-next-day-what-about-the-5-pm-meeting/? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


2/8/13 PSG DEFEATS BASTIA,3-1, TOP of LIGUE 1: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-second-half-rally-sees-psg-go-six-points-clear Paris Saint-Germain shook off a lacklustre first half to defeat Bastia 3-1 on Friday and go six points clear at the top of Ligue 1 in a morale-boosting win ahead of their Champions League duty next week. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-second-half-rally-sees-psg-go-six-points-clear

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb



http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-it-bird-it-plane-no-its-squid A species of oceanic squid can fly more than 30 metres (100 feet) through the air at speeds faster than Usain Bolt if it wants to escape predators, Japanese researchers said Friday. The Neon Flying Squid propels itself out of the ocean by shooting a jet of water at high pressure, before opening its fins to glide at up to 11.2 metres per second, Jun Yamamoto of Hokkaido University said. Olympic Gold medallist Bolt averaged 10.31 metres a second when he won at the London Games last year http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-it-bird-it-plane-no-its-squid

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


2/9/13 CBS WARNS GRAMMY PERFORMERS ABOUT REVEALING CERTAIN BODY PARTS, OR PARTS OF: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130207-grammy-stars-warned-not-flash-flesh They covered everything: US television network CBS has warned stars attending the Grammys music awards show not to reveal too much skinPlease be sure that buttocks and female breasts are adequately covered, read the letter from CBSs Standards and Practices department Thong type costumes are problematic. Please avoid exposing bare flesh under curves of the buttocks and buttock crack, it added. The letter continued: Bare sides or under curvature of the breasts is also problematic http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130207-grammy-stars-warned-not-flash-flesh


****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!

9 Feb


2/9/13 OHIO INVESTIGATING RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD,re 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: *Read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/i-voted-twice-for-obama-obama-poll-worker-admits-on-camera/ Richardson voted more than twice, and she admits as much on camera. She also says that she voted for Obama and registered thousands of voters for him. The Hamilton County (OH) board of elections has issued 28 subpoenas involving double voting and general voter fraud in the 2012 Presidential election. these are federal felonies enforced by the United States Department of Justice. Where is U.S. Attorney Carter Stewart? The vote fraud deniers and enablers are corrupting the sanctity of American elections. http://www.therightscoop.com/i-voted-twice-for-obama-obama-poll-worker-admits-on-camera/

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7


Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


Pray4 2/9/13 WOMAN DIES from LATE-TERM ABORTION COMPLICATIONS PERFORMED BY INFAMOUS ABORTIONIST,LeROY CARHART: *Read more at http://www.sba-list.org/suzy-b-blog/woman-dies-following-late-term-abortion-carhart-clinic This morning Operation Rescue and the Maryland Coalition for Life announced that yesterday a woman died from complications after undergoing a late-term, 33-week abortion at the hands of the infamous abortionist, LeRoy Carhart, in Germantown, Maryland.From Operation Rescues press release: The woman, who came for a third trimester abortion from out-of-state,.. http://www.sba-list.org/suzy-b-blog/woman-dies-following-late-term-abortion-carhart-clinic

1st, we pray for the repose of the womans soul, & we pray likewise for the baby, ..we ask our Lord Jesus to be the final judge of all eternal matters; and we pray for Gods providence in the matters of abortion & protecting the unborn. May we do what is RIGHT, according to Gods will.We pray for the abortion doctors conscience to be convicted according to what we pro-life activists believe to be the only right & conscionable alternative to abortion, namely adoption. Let us create a worldwide community of hope whereby nobody feels it necessary to terminate their pregnancy. Hear our


prayer,Lord. ****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


Pray4 2/9/13 RUSSIAs HIGH ABORTION RATE COMPOUNDS DEMOGRAPHICS DISASTER: *Read more at http://m.weeklystandard.com/blogs/13-abortions-every-10-live-births-russia_700451.html Vladimir Putin brought Boyz II Men to Moscow to hopefully [ give] Russian men some inspiration ahead of St . Valentine s Day, according to the Moscow Times . That is, Putin brought the music group to town to encourage love-making, and, he hopes , baby making to offset Russia s demographic disaster . But, according to statistics in a new book by Jonathan V. Last, it might have been a wiser move for Putin bring in a pro -life group instead. The book is titled What to Expect When No Ones Expecting . Russia s demographic disaster , Last details , is being exacerbated by the fact that abortions are outpacing live births in Russia . Abortion is rampant, with 13 abortions performed for every 10 live births , writes Last. Consider


that for a moment: Russians are so despondent about the future that they have 30 percent more abortions than births. http://m.weeklystandard.com/blogs/13-abortions-every-10-live-births-russia_700451.html Note: Ive been advocating for unborn babies for some time now, & ask for your prayers for Russia & for all countries where abortion is still legal, including the USA ! We must stop the killing fields! It effects everything.Jesus, we pray for Your will to be done, God give us strength! ****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


Congrats! 2/9/13 MARIA HOEFL-RIESCH of GERMANY WINS SUPER-COMBO @ WORLD SKI CHAMPIONSHIP: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-hoefl-riesch-wins-womens-world-super-combined Germanys Maria Hoefl-Riesch won the womens supercombined event at the World Ski Championships on Friday. The Olympic champion timed an aggregate of 2min 39.92sec over one downhill and one slalom run to finish 0.46sec ahead of Slovenian Tina Maze, with Austrian Nicole Hosp taking bronze at 1sec. *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-hoefl-riesch-wins-womens-world-super-combined


****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


YearOfTheSnake! 2/9/13 HONG KONG FINDS AIR CARGO w/ 2600 LIVE SNAKES,FALSELY LABELED:*Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-hong-kong-customs-discover-2600-live-snakes Hong Kong customs authorities investigating a shipment from Thailand marked as fruit were shocked to discover the consignment instead contained 2,600 live snakes, officials said Friday. Customs intercepted the air cargo shipment of 2,400 common rat snakes and 200 cobras on Tuesday and returned them on Thursday, a government spokeswoman said, just days before the start of the Year of the Snake in the Chinese horoscope.. *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130208-hong-kong-customs-discover-2600-live-snakes


****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7 Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


2/9/13 TIGER WOODS SENDS HIS JET TO THE RESCUE OF LINDSEY VONN (albeit she denies a romantic relationship,plus theres a rumor that he re-proposed to his ex-wife) *Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/vonn-photographed-boarding-tiger-woodsprivate-jet-article-1.1259307?localLinksEnabled=false Tiger Woods earned his stripes for flying to the rescue for his rumored girlfriend injured skier Lindsey Vonn .Although the Olympic heroine has denied she is romantically linked to Woods, 37, claiming the two are just friends, the golf pro sent his private jet to Austria to pick up her up after her horrific ski accident earlier in the week, TMZ reported. *Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/vonn-photographed-boarding-tiger-woodsprivate-jet-article-1.1259307?localLinksEnabled=false

****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7


Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


9 Feb


2/9/13 AUSTRALIAs MARK BOURNE WINS EMPIRE STATE BUILDING STAIR RACE: *Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130207-aussie-wins-race-top-empire-state-building Australian Mark Bourne has won the 36th race to the top of the Empire State Building, dethroning seven-time champ Thomas Dold of Germany, who was ill.in 10 minutes and 12 seconds http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130207-aussie-wins-race-top-empire-state-building

Note: i once ran the race to the top of the tallest building in los angeles (also the tallest building west of the mississippi river, which i believe is shorter than the empire sb, but i could never do either in ten minutes, let alone 30, (at that time anyways, albeit Im in better condition now, but 10 minutes is incredible) ****When they kept on questioning Him, he straightened up and said to them, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her [the woman caught in adultery]. John 8:7


Toen ze bleven aandringen, richtte hij zich op en zei tot hen: Als iemand van jullie zonder zonde is, laat die als eerste een steen op haar werpen [de vrouw betrapt op overspel]. Johannes 8:7

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship and/or more anti-Christian! Say NO 2 an Orwell big brother!


8 Feb


2/8/13 LAPD WEBSITE HACKED BY DORNER SYMPATHIZERS: *Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/02/07/Anonymous-Declares-War-On-Los-AngelesPolice-Department-Offers-To-Release-Info-From-Cop-Killker

As of this writing, the LAPDs official website does appear to be down, most likely as a result of a Denial of Service attacks.At approximately 6:35pm Pacific Time, the account tweeted that it would release information about Dorner, stating, Dormer needs to be placed in custody without being killed. He also may have information he wants leaked; we will leak it if he desires. *Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/02/07/Anonymous-Declares-War-On-Los-AngelesPolice-Department-Offers-To-Release-Info-From-Cop-Killker


***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


8 Feb


2/8/13 LIBERALS NOT SURE WHO 2 BLAME GIVEN DORNERS LIBERAL-LOVING MANIFESTO; TRY TO COVER UP PARTS OF IT: *Read more at http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2986463/posts Question: What will this rabid Blame Righty mob do now that an alleged triple-murderer has singled out prominent lefties in the media and Hollywood for fawning praise as part of his crazed manifesto advocating cop-killing? Answer: Evade, deflect, ignore, and whitewash. *Read more at http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2986463/posts

2/8/13 LIBERAL MEDIA EDITS DORNERs MANIFESTO *Read more at http://www.soopermexican.com/2013/02/07/news-media-scrub-cop-murderers-manifesto-of-proobama-pro-hillary-loved-msnbc-pro-gay-and-anti-gun-comments/


***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


8 Feb


2/8/13 re CHRIS DORNERs NAVY RECORD: *Read more at http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2986398/posts

Note: he appeared to have gotten rave reviews for his citizenship & performance. How could this have happened with the LAPD ?!

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


8 Feb

2/8/13 REPUBLICAN GROUP PLANS COUNTER-ATTACK v ASHLEY JUDD *Read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/?wpmp_switcher=mobile Karl Rove was on The OReilly Factor tonight. The Republican


operative told Bill that his American Crossroads will continue to release video exposing radical Ashley Judd before the senate race in Kentucky.This is just the opening story. This is just the opening ad. She has said a bunch of stuff that the people of Kentucky when they hear about it are not going to likeDont forget her crazy Palin-bashing wolf slaughter ads *Read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/?wpmp_switcher=mobile

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


8 Feb


2/8/13 link 2 MARK LEVIN AUDIO re OBAMA & BENGHAZI: *Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/02/07/Levin-Destroys-Obama-On-Benghazi-He-didntdo-a-damn-thingNOTHING

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com


www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


8 Feb

28/13 OBAMA SLEPT DURING BENGHAZI ATTACK: *Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/02/07/Dereliction-of-Duty-Obama-Did-Nothing-to-SaveAmerican-Lives-in-Benghaziand-Lied-About-It Nothing. That is what President Barack Obama did on the night of September 11, 2012, as terrorists attacked the U.S.


consulate in Benghazi and killed four Americans, among them Ambassador Christopher Stevens. President Obamas inaction was revealed in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday by outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey. Under direct questioning by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Panetta admitted that he had no communication wit *Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/02/07/Dereliction-of-Duty-Obama-Did-Nothing-to-SaveAmerican-Lives-in-Benghaziand-Lied-About-It

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


8 Feb


2/8/13 CELTICS BLOW OUT LAKERS,116-95: *Read more at http://www.newsday.com/sports/basketball/celtics-rout-lakers-116-95-for-6th-straight-win1.4586934 On Thursday night, they saw a 116-95 rout by Boston, its biggest win of the season and Los Angeles worst loss. The Lakers got Dwight Howard back after he missed three *Read more at http://www.newsday.com/sports/basketball/celtics-rout-lakers-116-95-for-6th-straight-win1.4586934

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


8 Feb


GetOuttaHere! 2/8/13 SCIENTISTS SAY THE MISSING LINK IS A RAT-LIKE CREATURE *Read more at http://m.tgdaily.com/general-science-brief/69354-say-hello-to-your-oldest-mammal-ancestor Scientists believe theyve identified the common ancestor that links human beings with all other placental mammals: a rat-sized creature that lived on insects. University of Florida researchers analyzed the anatomy of living and fossil primates, including lemurs, monkeys and humans, as well as their closest living relatives, flying lemurs and tree shrews. *Read more at http://m.tgdaily.com/general-science-brief/69354-say-hello-to-your-oldest-mammal-ancestor

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian

8 Feb


2/8/13 ILLINOIS UPSETS #1 INDIANA,74-72 ! *Read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=b5d55687-6467-34e3-94470c10ee60f874&.ts=1360334848&.intl=US&.lang=en

Illinois stunned the top-ranked Hoosiers 74-72 in Champaign thanks to a game-ending defensive gaffe that will cost Indiana both sole possession of first place in the Big Ten and the No. 1 spot in the polls. With the score tied and Illinois guard Brandon Paul inbounding the ball from the corner with only nine tenths of a second remaining, Illini forward Tyler Griffey set a right-wing screen to try to free up a shooter and then cut to the basket. Christian Watford left Griffey to cover a shooter and Cody Zeller failed to pick him, a miscommunication that left the Illinois forward wide open underneath the basket for the


game-winning layup just before time expired *Read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=b5d55687-6467-34e3-94470c10ee60f874&.ts=1360334848&.intl=US&.lang=en

***But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord Philippians 3:7-8 En hva var a gra g huga n tap fyrir sakir Krists. Hva er meira, tel g allt tap mia vi framrskarandi htignar ekkja Krist Jes herra Filippbrfi 3:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


7 Feb


1/30/13 HILARY MANTEL WINS BRITAINs COSTA BOOK AWARD 4 BRING UP the BODIES: Hilary Mantel won Britains Costa Book Award for her novel Bring Up The Bodies, which has now done the double having claimed the Booker Prize Read full story at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130130-mantel-wins-costa-award-bring-bodies

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller


guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


7 Feb


2/5/13 asst. BASKETBALL COACH & FIANCE FOUND DEAD IN CAR, SHOT TO DEATH: Cal State Fullerton assistant womens basketball coach Monica Quan, 28, and her fiance University of Southern California public safety officer Keith Lawrence, 27, were found dead around 9 p.m. Sunday on the top floor of a parking structure at the complex, police said This was the story before the news broke re Chris Dorner (see below) read full story at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/05/monica-quan-keith-lawrence-dead_n_2623013.html

**** [Jesus said] Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.Matthew 7:13-14

(Also message to Chris) 2/7/13 POLICE SEARCH 4 ex-COP re DEATH of MONICA QUAN et al: Read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/07/suspect-identified-in-deaths-cal-state-coach-fiance/ multi-agency manhunt is under way in California after police say the former Los Angeles police officer suspected in the murders of a college basketball coach and her fianc last weekend opened fire Wednesday night on three police officers, killing one, KTTV.com reported. The suspect has been identified as Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33. The killings appear to be retribution for his 2009 termination from the Los Angeles Police Department, Read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/07/suspect-identified-in-deaths-cal-state-coach-fiance/

Note: Im in southern Cal and thats all they are talking about on local radio right now, & giving us the live police conference(s), & mostly defending the police & ; and of course killing is never the answer to perceived or actual injustice, but it should always make every agency be more circumspect about whether their modus operandi is being fair & just or otherwise. We will never know who is right or wrong in regards to this ex-officers termination, but we must continue to ask for complete candor & honesty from our police. Meanwhile, we pray for the victims, for the repose of their souls, & for our Lord Jesus to comfort their loved ones. We also pray for the accidental victims of the police shooting (who fired at a car that matched the description, but was just similar) earlier today (2/7), and we pray for Mr. Dorner. If you read this Chris, I encourage you to trust in Gods providence and His justice. I too was mistreated by police some time ago & it created resentment & mistrust in me for some time, but then i finally handed it ALL over to Jesus Christ, & know that Gods providence will be all the justice & more that is necessary. You sound like u were a pretty good guy before all this began, Chris, but maybe u do not yet know Christ (u couldnt have if u killed outside of self-defense) , and so you still have a chance to submit to Christ, & you can still be forgiven. PLEASE do it now! I know every message u hear is to surrender (to police), but most importantly, surrender to Christ ! ****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God


and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


7 Feb


2/7/13 SAY NO TO CHUCK STOP THE NOMINATION OF CHUCK HAGEL for SECRETARY of DEFENSE: You can notify your senator of your opposition at www.NoToChuck.com Read more at http://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2013/02/01/while-many-liberal-outlets-note-hagelshorrible-performance-washpost-p Former senator Chuck Hagels shoddy performance at his confirmation hearing yesterday has not merely been panned by conservative outlets but also liberal ones. For example, in What Happened to Hagel?, Daily Beasts Ali Gharib concluded that a proud statesman appeared confused and unsure as he took body shots from skeptical senators, all the while being unable to explain some versionany versionof the sober views hes put forward over his years as a foreign policy thinker. John Judis of The New Republic complained that [f]ormer Sen. Chuck Hagel didnt acquit himself well. He


Read more at http://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2013/02/01/while-many-liberal-outlets-note-hagelshorrible-performance-washpost-p ****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian


7 Feb


2/6/13 TWITTER PURCHASES BLUEFIN LABS re SMARTPHONE CHAT re TV SHOWS: Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-twitter-buys-firm-tracking-social-network-tv-talk

Twitter announced Tuesday that it has bought Bluefin Labs to ride the trend of viewers using smartphones or tablet computers to chat at social networks about shows they are watching.Bluefins data science capabilities and social TV Read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130206-twitter-buys-firm-tracking-social-network-tv-talk

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


7 Feb


2/5/13 R.I.P. REG PRESLEY,71, of The TROGGS: Read more at http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/02/05/171165165/reg-presley-who-sang-wild-thingwith-the-troggs-dies Grab a guitar, hit those three chords (A, D, E) and take three minutes to pay your respects:Reg Presley, who sang Wild Thing with The Troggs in 1966, is dead. He was 71 and had suffered a series of strokes recently http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/02/05/171165165/reg-presley-who-sang-wild-thingwith-the-troggs-dies

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


7 Feb


2/5/13 IS FOOTBALL REALLY CAUSING BRAIN DAMAGE? READ FULL STORY AT http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/02/04/everything-thats-wrong-withfootball-in-one-ad/ Weve all been hearing the stories over the past year about concussions, etc, causing permanent brain damage, & ive been listening, having played football from pee wee thru high school, & wondering if theres any merit to all of this new medical information. So far, Im just a spectator listening in, still undecided, but starting to wonder if its something to be taken more seriously. I dont put a lot of stock in the liberal washington post, but heres a story by them, another one meant to make us think twice. Should we take it seriously, this time? Im not being rhetorical, seriously wondering . Last Sunday night watching the Super Bowl. And like millions of other Americans, I did so with a pang of guilt. Football is a cruel sport that permanently injures the brains of its players. A great hit, the kind that elicits oohs and leads to instant replays, is a trauma. The brain slams into the skull. Hard. At the University of North Carolinas Sports Concussion Research Program,


they put six sensors into the helmets of their players. Malcolm Gladwell reported the results for one young defensive lineman, who in a simple day of practice, sustained four hits ranging from 63 to 96 gs. To put those numbers in perspective, Gladwell writes, if you drove your car into a wall at 25 miles per hour and you werent wearing your seat belt, the force of your head hitting the windshield would be around 100 gs.

READ FULL STORY AT http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/02/04/everything-thats-wrong-withfootball-in-one-ad/

**** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


7 Feb


Pray4 1/30/13 RAYMOND IBRAHIM re the PLIGHT OF YEMEN CHRISTIANS Read full story at http://www.meforum.org/3437/yemen-christians new Arabic report discusses the existence of Christians in Yemen, and their plighta plight that should be familiar by now, wherever Christian minorities live under Muslim majorities.Unofficial statistics suggest that there are some 2,500 indigenous Christians in the nation, practicing their faith underground, even as hostile tribes surround them.

Read full story at http://www.meforum.org/3437/yemen-christians

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai


vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


7 Feb


(Also message to Chris) 2/7/13 POLICE SEARCH 4 ex-COP re DEATH of MONICA QUAN et al:Read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/07/suspect-identified-in-deaths-cal-state-coach-fiance/ multi-agency manhunt is under way in California after police say the former Los Angeles police officer suspected in the murders of a college basketball coach and her fianc last weekend opened fire Wednesday night on three police officers, killing one, KTTV.com reported. The suspect has been identified as Christopher Jordan Dorner, 33. The killings appear to be retribution for his 2009 termination from the Los Angeles Police Department, Read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/02/07/suspect-identified-in-deaths-cal-state-coach-fiance/

Im in southern Cal and thats all they are talking about on local radio right now, & giving us the live police conference(s), & mostly defending the police & ; and of course killing is never the answer to perceived or actual injustice, but it should always make every agency be more circumspect about whether their modus operandi is being fair & just or otherwise. We will never know who is right or wrong in regards to this ex-officers termination, but we must continue to ask for complete candor &


honesty from our police. Meanwhile, we pray for the victims, for the repose of their souls, & for our Lord Jesus to comfort their loved ones. We also pray for the accidental victims of the police shooting (who fired at a car that matched the description, but was just similar) earlier today (2/7), and we pray for Mr. Dorner. If you read this Chris, I encourage you to trust in Gods providence and His justice. I too was mistreated by police some time ago & it created resentment & mistrust in me for some time, but then i finally handed it ALL over to Jesus Christ, & know that Gods providence will be all the justice & more that is necessary. You sound like u were a pretty good guy before all this began, Chris, but maybe u do not yet know Christ (u couldnt have if u killed outside of self-defense) , and so you still have a chance to submit to Christ, & you can still be forgiven. PLEASE do it now! I know every message u hear is to surrender (to police), but most importantly, surrender to Christ ! ****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


7 Feb


Yes! 2/7/13 MORE MUSLIMS than EVER R CONVERING TO CHRISTIANITY: Read more at http://www.firstthings.com/blogs/leithart/2013/01/31/islam-and-jesus/ Revival taking place among Muslims in Iraq and Iran: Mission researchers estimate more Muslims have committed to follow Christ in the last 10 years than in the last 15 centuries of Islam. Yet Islamic governments make up some of the worst persecutors of Christians, according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Despite the persecution, reports indicate God is moving dramatically in Islamic strongholds such as Indonesia, Pakistan and the


following Middle East hot spots: Iran: At the time of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 there were only about 500 known Muslim converts in the country, according to missions almanac Operation World. By 2000, there were a reported 220,000 Read more at http://www.firstthings.com/blogs/leithart/2013/01/31/islam-and-jesus/

****Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you doubleminded.James 4:7-8

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Pray for Google/YouTube that they dont become a dictatorship by the way they censor accounts, especially that they dont become anti-Christian *******


6 Feb


2/6/13 OWNER of IN-N-OUT BURGER is YOUNGEST FEMALE BILLIONAIRE in USA:Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/owner-in-n-out-burger-chain-revealed-u-s-s-youngestfemale-billionaire-article-1.1256204 she does not have a college degree and received little business training before taking the helm of In-N-Out. The youngest female billionaire in the U.S. has made a fortune on fast food. But little is known about Lynsi Torres, the 30-year-old owner and president of the beloved In-N-Out Burger chain and one ofthe worlds youngest billionaires, Bloomberg reported.. [she] inherited the West Coast-based company from her grandparents, Harry and Esther Snyder.

Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/owner-in-n-out-burger-chain-revealed-u-s-s-youngestfemale-billionaire-article-1.1256204

**** If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9Se confessiamo i nostri peccati, egli fedele e giusto da perdonarci i


peccati e purificarci da ogni iniquit. 1 Giovanni 1:9M Admham dinn r bpeaca, t s dlis agus ach agus beidh maith dhinn r bpeaca agus sinn purify gach unrighteousness. 1 John 1:09

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


6 Feb


2/6/13 MASSACHUSETTS GUN CRIME INCREASED LIKE CHICAGO AFTER GUN CONTROL BEGAN: Read more at http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2013/02/massachusetts-emulates-chicago-1998-gun.html?m=1

Massachusetts has a national reputation as a bastion of gun control, but crimes and injuries related to firearms have risen sometimes dramatically since the state passed a comprehensive package of gun laws in 1998 http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2013/02/massachusetts-emulates-chicago-1998-gun.html?m=1

**** If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9Se confessiamo i nostri peccati, egli fedele e giusto da perdonarci i peccati e purificarci da ogni iniquit. 1 Giovanni 1:9M Admham dinn r bpeaca, t s dlis agus ach agus beidh maith dhinn r bpeaca agus sinn purify gach unrighteousness. 1 John 1:09

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


6 Feb


2/6/13 USAs LINDSEY VONN SMASHES KNEE IN AUSTRIA RACE; AIR-LIFTED 2 HOSPITAL:Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/lindsey-vonn-airlifted-hospital-austrian-crasharticle-1.1255642 .Champion ski racer Lindsey Vonn wrecked her knee in a gruesome crash while racing in Austria Tuesday, one year before the 2014 Winter Olympics. Vonn tore both the ACL and MCL in her right knee and suffered a fracture of the lateral tibial plateau, according to U.S. Ski Team medical director Kyle Wilkens. The team addressed Vonns injury in a statement promising that Vonn would return to the sport. Read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/lindsey-vonn-airlifted-hospital-austrian-crasharticle-1.1255642

**** If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9Se confessiamo i nostri peccati, egli fedele e giusto da perdonarci i peccati e purificarci da ogni iniquit. 1 Giovanni 1:9M Admham dinn r bpeaca, t s dlis agus ach agus beidh maith dhinn r bpeaca agus sinn purify gach unrighteousness. 1 John 1:09

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


6 Feb


2/6/13 TEACHER SUSPENDED 4 SPEAKING HIS VIEWPOINT re HOMOSEXUALITY: Read more at http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/02/05/high-school-football-coach-suspended-for-saying-michelleobama-has-fat-butt-gays-abomination-against-god/

LAUDERDALE COUNTY, Ala. (CBS Atlanta) An Alabama high school football coach has been suspended without pay for 10 days for making derogatory comments about homosexuals. the Lauderdale County Board of Education punished Bob Grisham for saying that being gay is an abomination against God during a psychology class at the Lauderdale County High SchoolGrisham said in an audio recording according to WHNT. I dont, I dont hate them [homosexuals] as a person, but what they do is wrong. Its an abomination against God.[he also allegedly made a comment re Muchelle Obama]


Read more at http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/02/05/high-school-football-coach-suspended-for-saying-michelleobama-has-fat-butt-gays-abomination-against-god/

Im opposed to homosexuality as well, from a Biblical perspective. The late Frank Pastore warned that this would be the next thing, in terms of gay right, ie He called it lawfare, whereby they first pass one law (ie gay marriage, stricter forms of anti-bullying laws or hate crime legislation, & then the next thing would be that even stating your mind re homosexuality would be considered a violation of law. Of course this is a public school which probably has some rules re being all inclusive etc so that changes things a bit, However, if the topic comes up as a matter of discussion, or a student asks the teachers opinion, then it usually is fair game to state ones opinion candidly. Having said all of this & defended the teachet a bit, Ive also been the victim of anti-gay speech, even though Im NOT gay, so I understand why we need to have some sort of way to protect against indiscriminate use of gay-bashing that can marginalize people, paradoxically both gays AND nongays. In fact, a gay person, even a gay teacher could use gay bashing to marginalize a straight person (imagine an unscrupulous gay teacher (whether out-of-the-closet or not) calling a straight male person in a classroom a fag. Speaking against homosexuality should be done in theological terms, or other forms of higher discourse,not with the use of derogatory language such as queer etc. Nonetheless, we cant always be clinical when the other side is throwing rocks at us, so all of the above is contextual.

**** If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9Se confessiamo i nostri peccati, egli fedele e giusto da perdonarci i peccati e purificarci da ogni iniquit. 1 Giovanni 1:9M Admham dinn r bpeaca, t s dlis agus ach agus beidh maith dhinn r bpeaca agus sinn purify gach unrighteousness. 1 John 1:09

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******



6 Feb

Bv 2/6/13 *If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.1 Peter 4:11

Siena trail,pv

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4 Feb



http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/70-year-old-girls-b-ball-coach-shoots-two-attackerswhile-walking-players-to-their-cars-video/ 2/4/13 WOMANs BASKETBALL COACH SHOOTS 2 ATTACKERS : WXYZ reported, via Free Republic: Police sources tell 7 Action News that a womens basketball coach from Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School shot two men who attacked him as he was walking two basketball players to their cars in the school parking lot. Police sources say the coach was walking the two girls to their cars when two men allegedly approached and one pulled out a gun and grabbed him by his chain necklace. The coach then pulled out his gun and shot both of them, according to sources

READ FULL STORY AT http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/02/70-year-old-girls-b-ball-coach-shoots-two-attackerswhile-walking-players-to-their-cars-video/

**** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


4 Feb


Amazing ! 2/4/13 SKELETON CONFIRMED TO BE KING RICHARD IIIs from 1485; FOUND UNDER PARKING LOT: READ FULL STORY AT http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-21063882

A skeleton found beneath a Leicester car park has been confirmed as that of English king Richard III. Experts from the University of Leicester said DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the monarchs family. Lead archaeologist Richard Buckley, from the University of Leicester, told a press conference to applause: Beyond reasonable doubt its Richard. Richard, killed in battle in 1485, will be reinterred in Leicester Cathedral

READ FULL STORY AT 1455-1540. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-21063882

**** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus


those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


4 Feb


2/4/13 R.I.P. PATTY ANDREWS,LAST of the ANDREWS SISTERS: READ FULL STORY AT http://americanpowerblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/patty-andrews-last-surviving-member-of.html? m=1

overseas during World War II, singing catchy hit tunes such as Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy and Rum and Coca Cola that delighted Americans and catapulted the Andrews Sisters to the very top of the pop charts. One of the most successful female recording groups in pop history, the sisters LaVerne, Maxene and Patty Andrews became a beloved American institution, lifting the nations spirits during a conflict whose outcome seemed often in doubt. When the war ended in 1945, it was even the Andrews Sisters who announced it, to 5,000 GIs during a USO concert in Italy as the men were heading for duty in the Pacific. The troops commanding officer had interrupted the show, handing the women a note that was read aloud by the youngest, Patty Andrews. At first there was dead silence, her sister Maxene told The Times years later. Then Patty repeated the


message. This is really true, she told them, and then she started to cry. Suddenly there was a roar. They knew they would be going home, and they did.

READ FULL STORY AT http://americanpowerblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/patty-andrews-last-surviving-member-of.html? m=1

**** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


4 Feb


2/4/13 10-yo KID CATCHES 23 POUND GROUPER,BREAKS WORLD RECORD (for his age): READ FULL STORY AT http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/02/Kid-Breaks-Fishing-Record 10-year-old Virginia fifth-grader has broken the junior world record for catching the largest black grouper. Matthew Poldy reeled in a black grouper last Thanksgiving weekend in Key West, Florida that was 23 pounds and eight ounces, breaking the junior record of 17.5 pounds I was taking a break from fishing and eating an Oreo when we saw the rod bend READ FULL STORY AT http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/02/02/Kid-Breaks-Fishing-Record

**** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus


those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


4 Feb


2/4/13 BORUSSIA DORTMUND DEFEAT BAYER LEVERKUSEN,3-2: READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-dortmund-go-second-after-five-goal-thriller

Defending champions Borussia Dortmund went second in the Bundesliga on Sunday after a thrilling 3-2 victory at Bayer Leverkusen, but remain 12 points adrift of league leaders Bayern Munich. READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-dortmund-go-second-after-five-goal-thriller

**** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


4 Feb


2/4/13 TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR DEFEATS W. BROMWICH ALBION,1-0: Tottenham Hotspur lost Jermain Defoe to injury but won 1-0 at West Bromwich Albion through a fine Gareth Bale goal to bolster their push for Champions League qualification on Sunday. READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-bale-softens-defoe-blow-spurs-hunt-down-chelsea

**** We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.1 Thessalonians 4:14 1 4 14

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok.onsugar.com Www.vanderkok.tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb


Live! 7:49pm,pst, 2/3/13 SUPERBOWL 2013 FINAL SCORE,34-31, RAVENS DEFEAT 49ers in a 2nd Half THRILLER ! Game included a 109-yard kickoff return for TD (by Ravens) & a 30-minute power outage, among other things. And it looked like Ravens might blow out the Niners, but SF battled back & made it a good game in the 2nd half. But after all is said & done, Ravens are champs ! John beats Jim (Harbaugh) !


3 Feb


Live SuperBowl 2013 update, 539pm(pst) 2/3/13 POWER OUTAGE @ THE SUPERDOME !


3 Feb


Live SuperBowl 2013 update, 534pm(pst) 2/3/13 UNBELIEVABLE! Ravens Jacoby Jones returns 2nd half kickoff 109 yards for a TD ! Baltimore now leads San Francisco, 28-6 !


3 Feb


Live update, SUPERBOWL 2013 ! 449pm(pst) 2/3/13 Joe Flacco hits Jacoby Jones for a 56-yard TD near 2-minute warning, 1st half, now lead 21-3 v 49ers in New Orleans ! Earlier Ravens tried fake fieldgoal but couldnt get the 1st down. This made up for that, big time !


3 Feb


2/3/13 GHANA BLACK STARS DEFEAT CAPE VERDE,2-0,AFRICA CUP.Ghana end fairy-tale Cape Verde run in Africa Cup Ghana halted the fairy-tale run of debutants Cape Verde in the Africa Cup of Nations with a 2-0 quarter-final win Saturday. Victory set up the Black Stars for a February 6 semi-final clash with the winners of Sundays fixture between Burkina Faso and Togo in Nelspruit READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130202-ghana-end-fairy-tale-cape-verde-run-africa-cup

**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien


concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb


2/3/13 FORMER NAVY SEAL/SNIPER,CHRIS KYLE, KILLED AT GUN RANGE: READ FULL STORY AT http://abcnews.go.com/US/navy-seal-chris-kyle-killed-shooting-range-suspect/story?id=18389238

a man is under arrest in connection with the killing of two men at an Erath County, Texas, gun range, police said. One of the victims is reportedly former Navy SEAL and best-selling author Chris Kyle. ABC affiliate WFAA-TV in Dallas reported that three sources said Kyle, author of the New York Times bestselling book, American Sniper, and a neighbor of his were shot while helping a soldier who is recovering from post traumatic stress syndrome at a gun range in Glen Rose.The suspect, identified as Eddie Routh, 25, was arrested in Lancaster, Texas, after a brief police chase


READ FULL STORY AT http://abcnews.go.com/US/navy-seal-chris-kyle-killed-shooting-range-suspect/story?id=18389238

**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb


Live ! 4:23pm (pst) 2/3/13 SUPERBOWL 2013 UPDATE: RAVENS SCORE AGAIN,2nd Q, TD pass by Flacco, now Baltimore leads 14-3 !


3 Feb


2/3/13 ANTONIO BIGFOOT SILVA KNOCKS OUT ALISTAIR OVEREEM, UFC 156 UPSET: READ FULL STORY AT http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/1513401-ufc-156-bigfoot-shocks-overeem-throws-heavyweightdivision-into-tailspin Antonio Silva just put the entire UFC heavyweight division on notice. In one of the most memorable upsets in MMA history, Bigfoot managed to do the seemingly impossible and defeat title contender Alistair Overeem by KO Saturday night in Las Vegas.Silva amazingly battled back from getting dominated on the ground, catching Overeem on the feet with huge shots. Sensing an opportunity, Silva pressed the attack on the international kickboxing champion, as hook after hook after hook got through Overeems guard, eventually dropping The Demolition Man to the floor like a bad habit. READ FULL STORY AT



**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb


2/3/13 MAN TIES 24 QUARTS OF OIL TO BODY,TRIES TO SNEAK OUT OF STORE: READ FULL STORY AT http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/02/01/man-allegedly-tries-to-walk-out-of-costco-with-24quarts-of-oil-strapped-to-his-body/ I would have liked to see thissounds comical..how could he move,let alone out-run anybody with 24 quarts of oil strapped all over his body? Something about this story sounds unreal. A South Gate man was arrested Thursday for allegedly trying to steal 24 quarts of motor oil strapped to his body and stuffed into his clothing. Jorge Sanchez, 35, was spotted about 4:30 p.m. trying to leave a Burbank Costco without paying for the oil. Store employees gave chase and officials said they lost Sanchez after he jumped a fence at the west side of the Costco parking lot.Burbank Police Sgt. Darin Ryburn told CBS2/KCAL9 reporter Andrea Fujii that nine of the 24 quarts were recovered during the foot chase.


READ FULL STORY AT http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/02/01/man-allegedly-tries-to-walk-out-of-costco-with-24quarts-of-oil-strapped-to-his-body/

**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******

3 Feb


RAVENS SCORE 1st, on their 1st possession, 7-0, SUPERBOWL 2013, aka HARBAUGH BOWL, FLACCO throws TD PASS !


3 Feb


2/3/13 35,000 GUATEMALANS on MOTORCYCLES CELEBRATE BLACK CHRIST (NEGRO CRISTO) SUNDAY: READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130202-motorcycle-pilgrims-pay-homage-guatemalas-black-christ

35,000 motorcyclists roared through the streets of Guatemala City Saturday for an annual pilgrimage to the Cristo Negro the shrine of the Black Christ one of this countrys most venerated icons. The riders, many toting wives or children on their backs, will cover 195 kilometers (120 miles) from the center of the capital Guatemala City, to the town of Esquipulas, home to the basilica of the same name where the icon is housed READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130202-motorcycle-pilgrims-pay-homage-guatemalas-black-christ


**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb


2/3/13 #3 HOOSIERS DEFEAT #1 WOLVERINES,81-73, NCAA BASKETBALL: READ FULL STORY AT http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=2&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo %2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C1ae83441-4075-3a75-9ac4-dfb1dfe6a866-l %3A1&.ts=1359872799&.intl=US&.lang=en. Cody Zeller finished with 19 points and nine rebounds, and Victor Oladipo added 15 points, leading the third-ranked Hoosiers to an 81-73 victory against No. 1 Michigan on a day that the nations top two teams lost. The results will likely send Indiana back to the top spot, which it held for the first seven weeks this season

http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=2&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo %2Clego%3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C1ae83441-4075-3a75-9ac4-dfb1dfe6a866-l %3A1&.ts=1359872799&.intl=US&.lang=en


**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb



READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-ben-affleck-wins-top-prize-dga-awards I did it, and I worked very hard, Affleck said late Saturday as he received the award for outstanding directorial achievement in feature film from the Directors Guild of America. I worked really really hard to try to become the best director that I can be, Affleck added. I dont think that this makes me a real director but I think it means Im on the way.

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-ben-affleck-wins-top-prize-dga-awards

**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and


builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb



READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-sissoko-enthused-match-winning-newcastle-debut

Newcastle United beat Chelsea 3-2 as they seek to put daylight between themselves and the Premier League relegation zone. A January signing from Toulouse, Sissoko immediately endeared himself to the fans of his new club by completing a brace with a last-minute winner against the European champions on his first appearance at St James Park

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-sissoko-enthused-match-winning-newcastle-debut

**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien


concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb




READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-ronaldo-own-goal-condemns-madrid-granada-defeat-0

Real Madrids dismal season went from bad to worse when Cristiano Ronaldo scored an owngoal to hand relegation-threatened Granada a shock 1-0 win.There were doubts over whether or not Ronaldo would play on Saturday as he is struggling with an ankle injury and his mood didnt improve when he headed a Granada corner into his own goal after 22 minutes

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130203-ronaldo-own-goal-condemns-madrid-granada-defeat-0

**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb


2/3/13 BERDYCH & ROSOL WIN LONGEST DAVIS CUP MATCH EVER (> 6 hours) READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130202-czechs-edge-swiss-longest-ever-davis-cup-match Czech Republics Tomas Berdych and Lukas Rosol defeated Stanislas Wawrinka and Marco Chiudinelli of Switzerland 6-4, 5-7, 6-4, 6-7 (3/7), 24-22 in the longest Davis Cup rubber of all time on Saturday. The result surpassed the previous record in the history of the tournament of the 6 hours 22 minutes it took John McEnroe to beat Mats Wilander 9-7, 6-2, 15-17, 3-6, 8-6 in the tie between the United States

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130202-czechs-edge-swiss-longest-ever-davis-cup-match

**** From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.Ephesians 4:16De l [Cristo] todo el cuerpo, bien


concertado y unido por todos los ligamentos, crece y se edifica en amor, ya que cada parte hace su trabajo.Efesios 4:16

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


3 Feb

3 horses, chandler preserve

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20


3 Feb

Bv 2/3/13 1/20/13Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 Neka nam popraviti nae oi na Isusu, autor i Dovritelja nae vjere, koji


umjesto radosti stajala pred njim podnese kri, scorning svoju sramotu, i sjede s desne strane prijestolja Bojega. Hebrejima 12:02 perfecter 12:2


3 Feb

I walk the beaches every now & then around southern Cal. Wonder if ambergris has ever been found around here? 2/2/13 MAN FINDS $50,000+ CHUNK OF WHALE VOMIT (ambergris) ON BEACH (maybe)?: By Mike Krumboltz Just because somethings gross doesnt mean it isnt valuable. Case in point: Whale vomit. A man taking his dog for a walk on the beach came across a pile of (maybe! hopefully!) whale regurgitation. Now he could stand to make more than $50,000 from the find. Who would pay tens of thousands of dollars for whale excrement? The perfume industry, of course. The substance, while foul smelling when it first hits land, becomes much more pleasant as it dries in the sunand can be used to help prolong the scent of perfume. A French dealer has already offered more than $50,000.in 2006, a man in South Australia found a whopping 32.5-pound piece of ambergris. Estimated value: $300,000.


READ FULL STORY AT http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-finds-valuable-whale-vomit-english-beach165619292.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



2 Feb


This is the 1st time Ive ever read anything that shows the ACTUAL financial figures of the Crystal Cathedral & Hour of Power. Weve seen the debt figures which caused bankruptcy, but never the actual income breakdown. So they are down $4 million from 2011. Will it keep going down ? Yet questions remain. How much is Bobby (& others) making as the new official leader of the Hour of Power? I pray that he can be humble enough to truly lead this congregation. I couldnt keep going there with him at the helm because it felt too awkward being led by a younger man (or boy man), and I sensed a little too much cockiness in him. Humility is much more admirable these days. I just get this feeling of Bobby having experienced so much of the luxury of the good ol days at the Crystal Cathedral and envision in my mind how many big trips he must have made around the world (maybe even flying 1st class?) and to grandpas condo in Hawaii, et al, and wonder if he has ever really suffered? And if so, why not let us know? Has he ever had to cope as being a regular citizen? I sense orange county royalty in his persona. He has so many ties and open doors, from real estate to legal (OC localism).


And yet I sense a desparation in him to keep the Hour of Power formula going, but I wonder if thats the main problem: the children & grandchildren of the founder never discovering their OWN formula and modus operandi, but rather simply echoing their father/grandfather.

Everybody has to go thru a spiritual journey to the top of their own mountain. R.H.Schuller positive thinking message resonated with people because he had personally been thru the valley(s) including the tornado that destroyed their family farm. Yet I dont get the feeling that the kids or grandkids have had similar such valleys (apart from Carol who lost her leg in the motorcycle accident), so their positive thinking message(s) seem shallow. They MUST find their own true voice, not just repeat the formula. And we shall see who sticks with them after they leave the beautiful crystal cathedral campus. That will be the next test. Maybe leaving will the CC will be the real,true test for Bobby et al

2/2/13 CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL OPENS UP THEIR BOOKS, FINALLY:finances were in the black, she said. The bulk of the ministrys revenue comes from the Hour of Power television program that is telecast across the United States and 11 countries. In 2011, it accounted for 78 percent of the ministrys revenue, or about $12 million. In 2012, that amount dropped to approximately $8 million, or 72 percent of its revenue. Donations to the church itself netted nearly $1.2 million, Wiegel reported. School fees accounted for an additional $1.3 million. A large percentage of donations came from estates

READ FULL STORY AT http://m.ocregister.com/news/cathedral-409349-ministry-million.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb

I saw Beckham at the L.A. Galaxy MLS championship celebration, his last day with the Galaxy. He was great for but I got the feeling L.A. wasnt so great for him. Too bad L.A. hospitality is so inhospitable. I wish I could go to Paris too. 2/2/13 PSG DEFEATS TOULOUSE,4-0,UPON ARRIVAL of BECKHAM (who didnt play yet): Paris Saint-Germain celebrated David Beckhams arrival in the French capital with an emphatic


4-0 rout of 10-man Toulouse on Friday that provisionally pushed the title favourites three points clear at the top of Ligue 1.Javier Pastore, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Mamadou Sakho and Gregory van der Wiel were all on target for PSGREAD FULL STORY AT


**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


2/2/13 DAN MARINO REVEALS HIS LOVE CHILD: Desperate to keep his clean-cut all-American image intact, Dan Marino told no one but his wife that he had sired a baby with a co-worker, paying the mistress hush money and keeping his CBS Sports bosses and even his longtime lawyer-agent in the dark for seven years, sources told The Post Thursday. Danny did, as difficult as it was, tell his wife in 2005, when this occurred, said a source close to Marino, referring to Claire Marino, who has six children with the Hall of Famer. Marino, who has been a pregame analyst for CBSs READ FULL STORY AT http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/02/01/report-dan-marino-kept-love-child-payoffsfrom-cbs-for-seven-years/

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


2/2/13 R.I.P., FORMER 1st DOG,BARNEY, DIES: Former president George W. Bushs dog Barney has passed away, according to a statement released by the Bush family. Laura and I are sad to announce that our Scottish Terrier, Barney, has passed away. The little fellow had been suffering from lymphoma and after twelve and a half years of life, his body could not fight off the illness.

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/02/president-george-w-bushs-dog-barney-dies/?cat_orig=diversions

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


Good job Mark ! 2/2/13 MARK LEVINs LAW GROUP PERSEVERES v EPA: Back in October of last year Landmark Legal, Mark Levins law group, sued the EPA for failing to cooperate with a FOIA request for senior officials emails, especially that of Lisa Jackson and her secret email account with the alias Richard Windsor. After dragging their feet through this lawsuit, the EPA has finally said in the few hours that they would only cooperate and provide what Landmark has a right to and nothing more. In other words, no secret emails. But Levin says thats not going to work and Landmark will get these emails. He explains this isnt the first time theyve been around this block. But even more than that, he says the EPA should not be hiding anything from the America READ FULL STORY AT


**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His


incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******

2 Feb


Apparently it was only in UK for a brief period of time(?),& they say it wont happen again 2/2/13 re HORSE MEAT @ BURGER KING : Burger King has admitted to having horse meat in some of its burgers, including its trademark Whopper burgers. The chain has so far only admitted the fact to the extent of its United Kingdom franchises, http://m.christianpost.com/news/burger-king-admits-to-horse-meat-in-its-burgers-includingtrademark-whoppers-video89322/

2/2/13 BURGER KING SAYS IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN: While the Food Safety Authority of Ireland has stated that this is not a food safety issue, we are deeply troubled by the findings of our investigation and apologise to our guests, who trust us to source only the highest quality 100 percent beef burgers. Our supplier has failed us and in turn we have failed you. We are committed to ensuring that this does not happen again, read a statement by Diego Beamonte, the chains vice president of global quality READ FULL STORY AT



**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


See huge black marlin sinks fishing boat on YouTube, or see pics at link below 2/2/13 AMAZING FOOTAGE OF BOAT CAPSIZING WHILE REELING IN A MARLIN. BOAT MFR. SAYS IT WAS CAPTAINs FAULT, NOT LACK OF POWER: captains error that submerged the ship following a rogue wave that knocked him off balance, thesource wrote with Marlin Magazines photo of the incident on their Facebook wall. The manufacturer was quick to defend the ships strength and performance writing that the boat has previously captured hundreds of Marlin without issue or concern. READ FULL STORY AT


**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


Lord Jesus we pray for Your presencefor the repose of the souls of the deceased, for You to comfort their loved ones. Hear our prayer. 2/2/13 CHINESE FIREWORKS TRUCK EXPLODES,KILLING NINE: BEIJING (AP) - An elevated portion of highway in central China collapsed on Friday after a truck loaded with fireworks for Lunar New Year celebrations exploded, killing at least nine people and sending vehicles plummeting 30 meters (about 100 feet) to the ground. The official Xinhua News Agency said nine people were confirmed dead and another 13 injured, READ FULL STORY AT http://apnews.myway.com/article/20130201/DA45RNFO1.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


2/2/13 REWARD OFFERED 4 CAPTURE OF ESCAPED MURDERER (WHO WAS MISTAKENLY RELEASED): INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - A reward was offered on Friday for information leading to the capture of a convicted Indiana murderer who was mistakenly released from an Illinois jail as multiple law enforcement agencies sought him in both states.Officials are not yet certain how the mistake happened but are offering $12,000 for information leading to the capture of Steven Robbins , 44, who was released from a Chicago jail

READ FULL STORY AT http://news.yahoo.com/reward-offered-mistakenly-released-indiana-killer-025122344.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


2/2/13 ASTEROID TO PASS BY EARTH w/ RECORD-SETTING PROXIMITY: an asteroid half the size of a football field will give Earth the ultimate close shave this month, passing closer than many satellites when it whizzes by, but it wont hit the planet, NASA scientists say. The asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly by Earth on Feb. 15 and zip within 17,200 miles (27, 680 kilometers) of the planet during the cosmic close encounter. The asteroid will approach much closer to Earth than the moon

READ FULL STORY AT http://news.yahoo.com/asteroid-earth-record-setting-close-shave-feb-15-233041677.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika


snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


2 Feb


Awesome! 2/2/13 GRAVITY LIGHT WILL HELP LESSEN KEROSENE INJURIES: a lamp powered by gravity called the GravityLight that could free poor, off the grid communities, from using costly and dangerous kerosene fueled lamps. Attached to the lamp, which is expected to retail for around $10 when it comes to market, is a bag that can hold about 20 pounds of sand or rocks and gravel which acts as the fuel when combined with gravity. The bag is built to descend under the weight of the materials which then triggers a set of gears that translate the force into power and light. It also works as a generator and can be used to charge radios and batteries. Since the GravityLight runs.. READ FULL STORY AT


**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******



2 Feb

2/2/13 SEA LAUNCH ROCKET FAILS AFTER LIFTOFF: By Peter B. de Selding, Space News | SPACE.com PARIS A commercial Sea Launch rocket failed 40 seconds after liftoff from its floating launch platform in the Pacific Ocean on Friday (Feb. 1) destroying the Intelsat IS-27 telecommunications satellite and compromising Sea Launchs long road to recovery from its previous failure in January 2007.

READ FULL STORY AT http://news.yahoo.com/sea-launch-rocket-fails-during-liftoff-satellite-lost-195643371.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche


che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com Www.vanderkok@onsugar.com Www.vanderkok@tumblr.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com * Demand accountability from YouTube! They are abusing their power ! We dont want a dictatorship! *******


1 Feb


4 PEOPLE who LIKE 2B JUST a # 1/30/13 NEW SOCIAL NETWORK ALLOWS TOTAL ANONYMITY: identity you like. But for some people, its easier to have no identity at all. A new social networking site, Social Number, caters to those who have a preference for anonymity. Instead of a name or a handle or a thumbnail photo of themselves, users are identified only by a number. In this way, the site encourages users to discuss anything, from a bad job to a hot-button social issue to a substance-abuse problem, without fear that the conversation could be connected to their real-world identity READ FULL STORY AT http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/29/tech/social-media/social-number-anonymous/

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


I saw Beckham at the L.A. Galaxy championship celebration. He spoke his last few words as a member of the Galaxy. Nice guy, but I dont think L.A. treated him too well. Thats L.A. This town hasnt been too good to me either. I dont blame Beckham for leaving.I just wish I could go with him. 2/1/13 BECKHAM 2 SIGN w/ PSG (PARIS-SAINT GERMAIN) ! David Beckham is to return to elite European football after flying to France to sign a deal with Paris SaintGermain. The former England captain will be unveiled at a news conference at the Parc des Princes later on Thursday afternoon. The 37-year-old midfielders private jet touched down in the French capital at around 11am this morning and he travelled on to a Parisian hospital to undertake a medical. Beckham has been a free agent since leaving Los Angeles Galaxy after five and a half years just before Christmas, but had spent some time recently training with Arsenal at their base in London READ FULL STORY AT http://m.guardiannews.com/football/20130/jan/31/david-beckham-paris-saint-germain

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com




1 Feb

2/1/13 HAVE U SEEN KID PRESIDENT ON YOUTUBE? REMINDS ME OF ARNOLD ON DIFFERENT STROKES (RIP): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-gQLqv9f4o&feature=youtube_gdata_player

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb

2/1/13 LILO GOES TO COURT WHILE DADs GIRLFRIEND GIVES BIRTH TO LINDSAYs NEW SISTER:While Lindsay Lohan was in court in Los Angeles, her fathers girlfriend, Kate Major, was giving birth to a baby boy in Florida. Michael Lohan tells Gossip Cop that baby Landon Major Lohan weighed in at 7 pounds and 5 ounces


READ FULL STORY AT http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1879657

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


Awesome! 1/30/13 BARBRA STREISAND 2 SING AT ACADEMY AWARDS 13: Though Barbra Streisand has won two Academy Awards, shes only performed at the ceremony once nearly four decades ago. But today, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revealed that Streisand will sing at this years Oscars telecast her first time singing on the show in 36 years

READ FULL STORY AT http://insidemovies.ew.com/2013/01/30/barbra-streisand-oscars/

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb

Includes my CRC 2/1/13 CATHOLICS & PROTESTANTS AGREE TO RECOGNIZE EACH OTHERs BAPTISMS: In a monumental occasion for ecumenical relations, the U.S. Roman Catholic church and a group


of Protestant denominations plan to sign a document on Tuesday evening to formally agree to recognize each others baptisms. Catholic leaders will join representatives from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Christian Reformed Church in North America, Reformed Church in America and United Church of Christ at the ceremony in Austin, Texas, to sign the agreement, which is called the Common Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Baptism. the agreementhinges in part on invoking trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit during the baptism READ FULL STORY AT http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/29/catholic-protestant-baptismrecognize_n_2575915.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


2/1/13 EXPLOSION @ MEXICOS PEMEX HEADQUARTERS KILLS 25: MEXICO CITY An explosion rocked the headquarters of Mexicos state-run oil monopoly Pemex, killing 25 people, injuring at least 100 more, and damaging three floors of Mexicos second tallest building

READ FULL STORY AT http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1881659

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb

Outrageous :( 2/1/13 AN AVERAGE OF 2 RHINOS ILLEGALLY KILLED PER DAY IN SOUTH AFRICA Poachers have killed 57 rhinos from South Africas national parks since the beginning of the month, a rate of almost two a day, officials said Thursday. Despite stepped up anti-poaching operations, the Department of Environmental Affairs said 42 rhino alone had been poached in Kruger National


Park, a vast wilderness that straddled the Mozambique border.

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130131-two-rhinos-killed-day-africa-new-year

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


Lord Jesus,we pray for the safety of the child.Please protect him from harm & comfort his family at this traumatic time. We pray for wisdom by authorities in handling this matter. We ask for YOUR justice,God,re the perpetrator. 2/1/13 JIMMY LEE DYKES TAKES 5-yo HOSTAGE IN UNDERGROUND BUNKER: By Erin McClam and Matthew DeLuca, NBC NewsThe family of an Alabama boy being held captive in an underground bunker by a man described as a survivalist is holding on by a thread, a community leader said Thursday as the hostage drama stretched into a third day. The child, identified as Ethan, 5, was kidnapped Tuesday afternoon after a man stormed a school bus and demanded the driver hand over young children. When the driver refused, the man shot and killed him and grabbed the boy,

READ FULL STORY AT http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/31/16759153-alabama-bunker-hostage-boys-family-isholding-on-by-a-thread?lite

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche


che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/31/13 CALVIN COLLEGE CRUSHES ALBION,83-63: GRAND RAPIDS Albion College trimmed Calvin Colleges 19-point halftime lead to nine on two occasions midway through the second half, but that was as close as the Britons would get in a 83-63 loss to the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association leader Wednesday night.

READ FULL STORY AT http://www.mlive.com/sports/jackson/index.ssf/2013/01/calvin_answers_albions_second-.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


Lord Jesus we pray for the repose of this mans soul & ask for You to comfort his friends,family, & loved ones during this difficult time . And we ask for Gods justice. Pray4 2/1/13 COUNTY PROSECUTOR,M.HAASE,SHOT/KILLED AS HE WALKED TO COURT: Mark Hasse, 57, was walking from a parking lot toward the Kaufman County Courthouse annex when he was shot multiple times just before 9 a.m., Kaufman County sheriffs department spokeswoman Pat Laney said. Laney said late Thursday that no arrests had been made in the case

READ FULL STORY AT http://www.news10.net/news/national/227951/5/Texas-prosecutor-gunned-down-manhunt-for-2suspects

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere


incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


2/1/13 EIGHTY-SIX CAMELS KILLED BY WILDFIRE,S. GERMANY:.Eighty-six camels perished as a ferocious fire swept through their farm in southern Germany earlier on Thursday, causing nearly one million euros ($1.36 million) damage, police said.

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130131-86-camels-perish-german-blaze-police

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika


snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


2/1/13 APPLEBEE WAITRESS FIRED FOR POSTING CUSTOMERs RECEIPT/NOTE re TIP: Applebees waitress who posted a receipt with a note from a pastor complaining about the automatic gratuity added to the bill on the Internet was fired on Wednesday after the pastor complained to her manager.I give God 10%, Bell wrote on the receipt, scratching out the automatic tip and scribbling in an emphatic 0 where the additional tip would be. Why do you get 18? ..

READ FULL STORY AT http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/applebees-waitress-fired-pastor-receipt-193820748.html

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


2/1/13 ATLETICO MADRID DEFEATS SEVILLA,2-1: Atletico Madrid edged Sevilla 2-1 in the Spanish Cup semi-final first leg on Thursday in a match where all three goals came from the penalty spot and three players were red-carded.

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130201-atletico-edge-sevilla-three-see-red

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim


Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


Encouraging News 2/1/13 MEXICO RELEASED 100,000 SEA TURTLES LAST YEAR:A Mexican conservation group released more than 100,000 sea turtles into the ocean last year, in an effort to save a species threatened by egg poachers and fishing nets.The olive ridley sea turtles, known as golfina in Spanish, were released off the beaches of Mexicos Baja California peninsula

READ FULL STORY AT http://f24.my/TnSI7Y

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


2/1/13 R.I.P ED KOCH,88, FORMER NYC MAYOR Former New York Mayor Ed Koch , who led the nations biggest city for three terms in the late 1970s and 80s, died Friday in a Manhattan hospital. Koch, 88, His death came two days after a documentary about the former mayor, Koch, premiered in New York. READ FULL STORY AT http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-obit-koch-20130201,0,7453906.story

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife


*Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb

2/1/12 PHIL MICKELSON MISSES 59 BY 1 SHOT: Phil Mickelson came tantalizingly close to shooting golfs magic number of 59 on Thursday, but came up with a 60 in the first round of the US PGA Tour Phoenix Open. His long birdie attempt at his final hole of the day


TPC Scottsdales par-four ninth curled around the rim of the cup but didnt drop. You dont have chances to shoot 59 often, Mickelson said. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130131-mickelson-flirts-with-59-settles-60

**** I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead Ephesians 1:17-20 Prego anche che gli occhi del vostro cuore siano illuminati in modo che si pu sapere il suo potere incomparabilmente grande per noi che crediamo. Questo potere come il funzionamento della sua forza possente, che ha esercitato in Cristo, quando lo risuscit dai morti Efesini 1:17-20Molim Takoer da su oi vaeg srca moe biti prosvijetljen u cilju da znate Njegov neusporedivo velika snaga za nas koji vjerujemo. To je snaga poput djelovanju Njegove mone snage, to je napregnute u Kristu kad ga uskrisi od mrtvih Efeanima 1:17-20

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


1 Feb

Funny statue,malaga cove,ca


1 Feb

Where then are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them come if they can save you when you are in trouble! For you have as many gods as you have towns, O Judah. Jeremiah 2:28 Fejn allura huma l-allat li tkun gamilt gall yourselves? allihom ejjin jekk ikunu jistgu jiffrankaw inti meta inti fl-inkwiet! Galik jkollhom bala gods kemm inti gandek bliet, O Judah. eremija 2:28


2/1/13 malaga cove trail


1 Feb

Interesting fungi (?)


1 Feb

Bv 2/1/13 For we are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 Want wij zijn Gods maaksel, geschapen in Christus Jezus tot goede werken te doen, die God tevoren bereid voor ons te doen. Efezirs 2:10

Country club trail,palos verdes 254p


1 Feb


1/29/13 AUSTRIAs MARCEL HIRSCHER WINS SLALOM,WORLD CUP CIRCUIT Unstoppable Austrian Marcel Hirscher consolidated his lead atop the overall World Cup standings with a blazing victory in the Moscow parallel slalom on Tuesday, but female counterpart Tina Maze fell short READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130129-hirscher-duerr-win-moscow-parallel-slaloms

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile


olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb



See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOswONTSp4k&feature=youtube_gdata_player we pray for Caleb & the repose of his soul & ask You,Lord Jesus, to be with him & his family,friends, & loved ones.

DENVER Caleb Moore, an innovative freestyle snowmobile rider who was hurt in a crash at the Winter X Games in Colorado, died Thursday morning. He was 25. Moore was being treated at a hospital in Grand Junction since the Jan. 24 crash. Family spokeswoman Chelsea Lawson confirmed his death, the first in the 18-year history of the X Games, which are produced by ESPN.He lived his life to the fullest. He was an inspiration, Lawson said.A former all-terrain vehicle racer, Moore switched over to snowmobiles as a teenager and quickly rose to the top of the sport. He won four Winter X Games medals, including a bronze last season when his younger brother, Colten, captured gold. Caleb Moore was attempting a backflip in the freestyle event in Aspen when the skis on his 450pound snowmobile caught the lip of the landing area, sending him flying over the handlebars. Moore landed face first into the snow with his snowmobile rolling over him. Moore stayed down for quite some time, before walking off with help and going to a hospital to treat a concussion. Moore developed bleeding around his heart and was flown to a hospital in Grand Junction for surgery. The family later said that Moore, of Krum, Texas, also had a complication involving his brain. Colten Moore was injured in a separate crash that same night. He suffered a separated pelvis in the spill. The family said in a statement they were grateful for all the prayers and support they have received from people around the world READ FULL STORY AT


**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller


guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com

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1 Feb


Hope Daniel is ok. There was another crash as well,..Caleb Moore was in intensive care, then he passed away, may God be with Calebs family , & we pray for the repose of his soul. Link2Vid 1/29/13 DANIEL BODIN CRASHES SNOWMOBILE @ WINTER X-GAMES,ASPEN,see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXH3UQ1KWlc&feature=youtube_gdata_player

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK


*ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


1 Feb



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCp_XHQHvCA&feature=youtube_gdata_player Javier Fernandez on Saturday became the first Spaniard to win the European mens figure-skating title, clinching it with a fine free programme in which he landed three quadruple jumps. The 21-year-old totalled 274.87 points, to finish ahead of Frances 2011 European champion Florent Amodio with Czech Michel Brezina in third. He is just the fourth man in the history of figure-skating to execute three quadruple jumps in a single free programme after Timothy Goebel of the United

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130126-fernandez-gives-spain-historic-title

**** To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. Titus 1:15 Om de zuivere, alles rein, maar voor hen die zijn beschadigd en niet geloven, niets is zuiver. In feite zijn zowel hun verstand en geweten beschadigd. Titus 1:15 1 15 Untuk yang murni, segala sesuatu yang murni, tetapi untuk mereka yang rusak dan tidak percaya, tidak ada yang murni. Pada kenyataannya, baik pikiran dan hati nurani yang rusak. Titus 1:15

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/30/13 POLICE ARREST 4 re BRAZIL NIGHTCLUB FIRE: Brazilian police have arrested four suspects in connection with the Kiss nightclub fire that killed 231 people and forced officials to defend preparations for the soccer World Cup and Olympics. Two of the clubs owners were arrested along with two musicians who set off the pyrotechnic show that has been blamed for the cause of the tragedy in the southern

READ FULL STORY AT http://m.smh.com.au/world/arrests-made-in-brazil-nightclub-fire-case-20130129-2diqj.html

**** To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. Titus 1:15 Om de zuivere, alles rein, maar voor hen die zijn beschadigd en niet geloven, niets is zuiver. In feite zijn zowel hun verstand en geweten beschadigd. Titus 1:15 1 15 Untuk yang murni, segala sesuatu yang murni, tetapi untuk mereka yang rusak dan tidak percaya, tidak ada yang murni. Pada kenyataannya, baik pikiran dan hati nurani yang rusak. Titus 1:15


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


1 Feb

Lord Jesus we pray for the repose of the soul of the victims, & we ask for You to comfort their loved ones. We ask for Gods justice against the perpetrators.


1/30/13 14 MISSING MEMBERS OF KOMBO KOLUMBIA FOUND DEAD,MEXICO,+3 OTHERS: The killings underscored yet again the pervasiveness of Mexicos grisly drug violence, which has claimed more than 70,000 lives since the launch of a military crackdown on the powerful, feuding cartels in 2006. Authorities said late Tuesday they had pulled 17 corpses from a desert well in the northern state of Nuevo Leon since Sunday, with 14 confirmed so far as members of Kombo Kolombia. The bands 14 musicians and four roadies were snatched in the middle of a party early Friday in the town of Hidalgo. One member managed to escape his

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130130-mexico-probes-band-massacre-17-bodies-found

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com




1 Feb

1/29/13 BIG WAVE SURFER MCNAMARA CLAIMS TO HAVE SURFED 100-foot WAVE,PORTUGAL: Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara claims to have broken his own world record, surfing a reported 100ft wave off the coast of Nazar, Portugal. McNamara surfed a 90ft wave at the same event last year at the Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Awards. In this teaser clip from the organisers, McNamara appears to be nailing the big one at 41 seconds

READ FULL STORY AT http://m.guardiannews.com/sport/video/2013/jan/29/garrett-mcnamara-100ft-wave-video


**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/29/13 BIG WAVE SURFER MCNAMARA CLAIMS TO HAVE SURFED 100-foot WAVE,PORTUGAL: Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara claims to have broken his own world record, surfing a reported 100ft wave off the coast of Nazar, Portugal. McNamara surfed a 90ft wave at the same event last year at the Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Awards. In this teaser clip from the organisers, McNamara appears to be nailing the big one at 41 seconds

READ FULL STORY AT http://m.guardiannews.com/sport/video/2013/jan/29/garrett-mcnamara-100ft-wave-video

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con


cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/30/13 DOES GOD CARE WHO WINS the SUPERBOWL? I believe God does NOT CARE at all about something as relatively INSIGNIFICANT as the SuperBowl (in comparison to the larger scheme of things, any game of any sport, is relatively meaningless; what God CARES about are much larger issues of justicethe kind that often go overlooked in day-today life, & why we must keep reminding others of Gods justice (its called evangelism).By the way, my dad, a Christian pastor, was asked this question a few years ago by Sports Illustrated & he was quoted in their magazine. At the moment I cant recall what he said. 1/30/13 DOES GOD CARE WHO WINS the SUPERBOWL? Is the Super Bowl in Gods hands? Three in 10 Americans seem to think so, according to a study released Tuesday. Sundays annual American football extravaganza will see the Baltimore Ravens square off against the San Francisco 49ers. As millions stock up with snacks and beer to watch the game, they may also be saying a prayer. The Public Religion Research Institute found that 27 percent of Americans believe God plays a role in


determining which teams wins sports events. A majority or 53 percent also agree that God rewards believing athletes with success and good health.In an era where professional sports are driven bydollars and statistics, significant numbers of Americans see a divine hand at play, said Robert P. Jones, PRRIs chief executive

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130129-super-bowl-gods-hands-think-so

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb



1/29/13 LAZIO DEFEATS JUVENTUS,2-1,ITALIAN CUP SEMI-FINALS: dramatic Cup semi-final Lazio beat Juventus 2-1 after a dramatic finish to a pulsating Italian Cup semi-final second leg on Tuesday to seal their place in the final against either Inter Milan or city rivals AS Roma. With the tie level at 1-1 after last weeks first leg in Turin, Lazio took the lead on the night at the Stadio

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130129-lazio-edge-out-juve-dramatic-cup-semi-final


**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/29/13 LAZIO DEFEATS JUVENTUS,2-1,ITALIAN CUP SEMI-FINALS: dramatic Cup semi-final Lazio beat Juventus 2-1 after a dramatic finish to a pulsating Italian Cup semi-final second leg on Tuesday to seal their place in the final against either Inter Milan or city rivals AS Roma. With the tie level at 1-1 after last weeks first leg in Turin, Lazio took the lead on the night at the Stadio

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130129-lazio-edge-out-juve-dramatic-cup-semi-final

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da


gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/28/13 CHIEVO STUNS LAZIO w/ 1-0 WIN: Chievo stun title-chasers Lazio An Alberto Paloschi strike in the 61st minute handed Chievo a shock 1-0 win and derailed Lazios Serie A title hopes on Saturday. Lazio, sitting five points behind leaders Juventus in third, were expected to close the gap to the leaders in Romes Olympic stadium. But despite dominating

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130126-chievo-stun-title-chasers-lazio

**** To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. Titus 1:15 Om de zuivere, alles rein, maar voor hen die zijn beschadigd en niet geloven, niets is zuiver. In feite zijn zowel hun verstand en geweten beschadigd. Titus 1:15 1 15 Untuk yang murni, segala sesuatu yang murni, tetapi untuk


mereka yang rusak dan tidak percaya, tidak ada yang murni. Pada kenyataannya, baik pikiran dan hati nurani yang rusak. Titus 1:15

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


1 Feb

1/30/13 MANCHESTER CITY TIES QPR,0-0: post-Mario Balotelli era at Manchester City began in lacklustre fashion as they were held to a 0-0 draw at Queens Park Rangers on Tuesday that prevented them from making up ground on Manchester United. Victory for City would have cut Uniteds lead to just


two points but instead Alex Fergusons side will tackle Southampton on Wednesday with an opportunity to re-open a seven-point lead at the Premier League

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130129-qpr-frustrate-man-city-villa-sink-drop-zone

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/29/13 N. KOREAN MAN EXECUTED 4 EATING HIS CHILD Extremely disturbing,sad, & tragic, & we pray to Our Lord Jesus for a solution to the NK problems & issues, ..we pray for the oppressed, & we pray they will not become so discouraged that they do drastic things such as this , ..and we pray that the message of Hope (Christ) will get thru to themmay we have the courage to keep trying to get thru to NK with the good news. We ask You God for justice in NK. 1/29/13 N. KOREAN MAN EXECUTED 4 CANNIBALIZING HIS CHILDREN: starving man in North Korea has been executed after murdering his two children for food, reports from inside the secretive state claim. A hidden famine in the farming provinces of North and South Hwanghae is believed to have killed up to 10,000 people and there are fears that incidents of cannibalism have risen. The grim story is just one to emerge as residents battle starvation after a drought hit farms and shortages were compounded by party officials confiscating food.


READ FULL STORY AT http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2269094/North-Korean-parents-eat-children-driven-madhunger-famine-hit-pariah-state.html?ICO=most_read_module

**** For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18-19 Per lo sai che non con cose corruttibili, come largento e loro che siete stati riscattati dal vuoto stile di vita tramandato dai vostri padri, ma con il sangue prezioso di Cristo, agnello senza difetti e senza difetti. 1 Pietro 1:18-19 Senin iin bu sizin atalarnzdan kalma aa teslim hayat bo yaaynzdan olduu altn ya da gm gibi geici eyler ile deil, Mesihin deerli kan, kusursuz veya kusuru olmakszn bir kuzu ile olmadn biliyorum. 1 Petrus 1:18-19Fr du vet att det inte var med frgngliga ting, silver eller guld som du inlsta frn den tomma livsstil arv till dig frn dina frfder, men med dyrbara Kristi blod, ett lamm utan flck eller defekt. 1 Petrus 1:18-19

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/26/13 LINDSEY VONN WINS WOMENs WORLD CUP GIANT SLALOM, AHEAD OF TINA MAZE: Lindsey Vonn of the United States won the womens World Cup giant slalom here on Saturday, edging home ahead of World Cup leader and home favourite Tina Maze. The defending World Cup champion was in third place after the first run, but made up a half second on Maze on the second leg to win by 00.08secs. Maze, who surprisingly made two big mistakes

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130126-vonn-wins-world-cup-giant-slalom


**** But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 Ngunit ikaw ay isang pinili na mga tao, isang hari o reyna pari, isang banal na bansa, ng mga taong kabilang sa Diyos, na maaari mong ipinapahayag ang papuri sa kanya na tinatawag na out ka ng kadiliman sa kanyang kahanga-hangang liwanag. 1 Pedro 2:09En ert tvaldir, konunglegt prestaflag, heilg j, j sem tilheyra Gui, sem getur lst v yfir a lof af honum, sem kallai yur fr myrkrinu til dsamlegt ljs hans. 1 Peter 2:09

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



1 Feb


1/26/13 DOMINIK PARIS WINS MENs KITZBUEHEL DOWNHILL, WORLD CUP CIRCUIT: .Dominik Paris of Italy belied his relative inexperience on Saturday to keep his nerve and win the toughest and most dangerous event on the World Cup circuit, the mens Kitzbuehel downhill. The 23-year-old Italian timed 1min 57.56sec to finish 0.13sec ahead of Canadas Eric Guay, with Austrian Hannes Reichelt completing the podium at 0.36sec in front of a baying crowd of 50,000 people

READ FULL STORY AT http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130126-paris-keeps-nerve-win-kitzbuehel-downhill

**** But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. 1 Peter


2:9 Ngunit ikaw ay isang pinili na mga tao, isang hari o reyna pari, isang banal na bansa, ng mga taong kabilang sa Diyos, na maaari mong ipinapahayag ang papuri sa kanya na tinatawag na out ka ng kadiliman sa kanyang kahanga-hangang liwanag. 1 Pedro 2:09En ert tvaldir, konunglegt prestaflag, heilg j, j sem tilheyra Gui, sem getur lst v yfir a lof af honum, sem kallai yur fr myrkrinu til dsamlegt ljs hans. 1 Peter 2:09

Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com


1 Feb


Way2go Rick ! I admire Rick Perry & hope he makes another try for president. 1/26/13 RICK PERRY JOINS TEXANS IN AUSTIN MARCH 4LIFE: after an estimated half-million people converged on a snowy Washington, D.C., for the 40th annual March for Life, around 3,000 citizens attended the Rally for Life in Austin, Texas. Gov. Rick Perry was on hand to speak and pledge his support to the unborn. READ FULL STORY AT http://twitchy.com/2013/01/26/gov-rick-perry-joins-texas-rally-for-life-in-austin/

**** To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. Titus 1:15 Om de zuivere, alles rein, maar voor hen die zijn beschadigd en niet geloven, niets is zuiver. In feite zijn zowel hun verstand en geweten beschadigd. Titus 1:15 1 15 Untuk yang murni, segala sesuatu yang murni, tetapi untuk mereka yang rusak dan tidak percaya, tidak ada yang murni. Pada kenyataannya, baik pikiran dan hati nurani yang rusak. Titus 1:15


Posted by VanderKOK *ProtectUnbornLife *Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools www.KeepTheFaithbyVanderKok.blogspot.com www.Twitter.com/StanTheBigMan *Listen to God @ www.HearingtheWord.posterous.com



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