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The Security Pretext

An Examination of the Growth of Federal

Police Agencies
by Melanie Scarborough

No. 94 June

Executive Summary
Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, Second, Congress must stop federal police agen-
2001, bureaucrats and special interest groups have cies from acting arbitrarily. Before imposing costly
been busy repackaging everything from peanut and restrictive security measures that inconven-
subsidies to steel protectionism under the rubric ience thousands of people, police agencies ought to
of “national security.” Federal law enforcement be required to produce cost-benefit analyses.
agencies have also been expanding their power in Third, government officials must demon-
the name of combating terrorism, whether or not strate courage rather than give in to their fears.
such expansion has anything to do with enhanc- Radical Islamic terrorists are not the first enemy
ing security. One safeguard that exists to prevent that America has faced. British troops burned the
such abuse is congressional oversight, but too White House in 1814, the Japanese navy launched
many members of Congress are too often reluc- a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and the Soviet
tant to challenge law enforcement officials. Union deployed hundreds of nuclear missiles
For freedom to prevail in the age of terror- that targeted American cities. If policymakers are
ism, three things are essential. First, government serious about defending our freedom and our
officials must take a sober look at the potential way of life, they must wage this war without dis-
risk and recognize that there is no reason to carding our traditional constitutional framework
panic and act rashly. of limited government.

Melanie Scarborough writes a monthly column for the Washington Post.

Cato Institute • 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20001 • (202) 842-0200
Instead of United States Park Police, which means that
checking the Introduction the president controls access to all national
parks and monuments. Historically, that
expansion of “The Constitution of the United States power has not been abused. But consider the
executive branch was written by 55 men—and one ghost,” actions that the Bush administration has
writes military historian Dave R. Palmer in taken over the last several years.
power, members 1794.1 This nation’s Founders were well
of Congress have aware of the example of Oliver Cromwell, • After 9/11, Bush closed the Statue of
virtually who led the revolution that deposed King Liberty. Liberty Island reopened, but
Charles I and established civil government in people can no longer go inside the stat-
abandoned their Great Britain. That democracy was short- ue to overlook New York City and the
critical oversight lived, because when the newly formed Rump harbor. The statue that stands as a bea-
responsibilities. Parliament refused to meet Cromwell’s con of courage and freedom has now
demands, he used the army to seize power been closed off because of fear.
and establish himself as Great Britain’s “Lord • Independence Hall in Philadelphia resem-
Protector.” To America’s Founders, the les- bles a minimum security prison facility.
son was obvious: standing armies threaten To protest the metal barriers surrounding
liberty. That explains why the Constitution the building where the Declaration of
divided the power over the military between Independence was adopted, local resident
the executive branch and the legislative Jake Browne placed a sign reading “Free
branch. Independence Hall” on a park bench one
What America’s Founders did not foresee day as he ate his lunch. A park ranger told
was Congress allowing the president to con- Browne to remove his sign. “What about
trol small armies of civilian police forces. The my First Amendment right to free
Secret Service, the National Park Service, the speech?” Browne asked. “This is a First-
Transportation Security Administration, and Amendment-free zone,” said the ranger,
dozens of other executive agencies act solely at directing Browne to an area two blocks
the president’s behest. But instead of checking away. Not wanting to move, Browne
the expansion of executive branch power, offered instead to turn his sign around.
members of Congress have virtually aban- “Fine,” said the ranger, “but if you turn it
doned their critical oversight responsibilities. back, you’re under arrest.”2
Although the growth of federal police • Some Americans have simply given up
powers began before the September 11, 2001, on plans to visit national parks and mon-
terrorist attacks, the threat of terrorism is uments. While in Hawaii, Dan and Lisa
now used to justify their reflexive expansion. Holland of Meridian, Mississippi, took
Restrictions on individual freedom go virtu- their young sons to the Pearl Harbor
ally unchallenged as long as they are charac- memorial. The family waited in line two
terized as “security measures.” Cost-benefit hours to get through security—only to be
analyses are rarely, if ever, offered or required. handed timed tickets dictating another
This paper will briefly examine the enhanced two-hour wait. “And you couldn’t even
powers of four federal police agencies and spend that time looking around,” Mrs.
will explain how those enhanced powers Holland says, “because you couldn’t leave
threaten individual liberty. the secured area.” The family outing they
had hoped to enjoy became a burden-
some ordeal.3
National Park Police • In Washington, D.C., entrances to public
buildings are blocked by metal detectors
Since the secretary of the interior reports and armed guards. Drivers near the
to the president, George W. Bush oversees the Capitol can be stopped by police on city

streets and their cars searched by bomb- Subjecting Americans to police searches
sniffing dogs. Visiting museums requires before entering the National Mall protects no
waiting in long lines while backpacks and one but may endanger many, and defies the
pocketbooks are searched.4 freedom the Mall is supposed to memorial-
• The Park Service has turned the Washing- ize. Yet the Park Police are rarely asked to jus-
ton Monument into a surveillance tower, tify their practices. And when they are asked
placing cameras on its observation deck but refuse to account, they suffer no adverse
that record activity on the National Mall consequences.
and beyond. After the Bush administra- No one disputes that American land-
tion announced its plans to begin elec- marks are prime terrorist targets. But what
tronic surveillance of visitors to national the Bush administration ought to be exem-
monuments, Rep. Constance Morella (R- plifying—and what its policies should
MD) called a hearing and asked for details. reflect—is a defiant refusal to be terrorized.
“How long are they going to capture on As Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has put it: “Get
these cameras every face of every person on the damn elevator! Fly on the damn
who is there? How long do they hold this plane! Calculate the odds of being harmed by
material? Who will have access to it?” she a terrorist! It’s still about as likely as being
asked John Parsons of the Park Service. swept out to sea by a tidal wave. Suck it up,
As Sen. John
Parsons’s dismissive response was that it for crying out loud. You’re almost certainly McCain put it:
would be used “only for valid law enforce- going to be okay. And in the unlikely event “Get on the damn
ment purposes.”5 you’re not, do you really want to spend your
last days cowering behind plastic sheets and elevator! Fly on
Surveillance cameras cannot prevent a ter- duct tape? That’s not a life worth living, is the damn plane!”
rorist attack. If a suicide bomber walks into it?”7 That’s useful advice as well for
the rotunda of the Jefferson Memorial with Homeland Security officials. The vain quest
explosives strapped to his body, a police offi- to “terrorproof” each and every possible tar-
cer watching at a remote site can do nothing get is making the nation’s capital a monu-
to prevent disaster. And what sort of imag- ment to fear.
ined threat is forestalled by fencing off the Is the astronomical chance that terrorists
rear of the Lincoln Memorial? Almost no one will attack a national landmark at the precise
goes behind the Lincoln Memorial, but the moment of one’s visit worth hours wasted by
fencing makes the monument an ugly site. every individual before every visit to every park
Other measures are not only equally and museum? Trying to find a handful of ter-
pointless, but they are likely to be counter- rorists by institutionalizing inconvenience
productive. Consider how the Park Police for millions of Americans would seem to be a
fence off the National Mall before such prime example of an unreasonable search.
events as the Fourth of July festivities and Instead of sacrificing civil liberties for
herd visitors in through checkpoints, which unneeded and ineffective homeland security
the Park Police no longer pretend are purely measures, policymakers should be focusing
anti-terrorism measures. Park officials have on a few key areas that will make a significant
admitted that they search picnic baskets and difference in preventing a future terrorist
coolers for contraband—“alcoholic beverages, attack—such as safeguarding nuclear and
glass bottles, fireworks.”6 chemical facilities.8
The searches almost certainly yield noth-
ing but inconvenience. Determined scofflaws
will hide drugs in potato chip bags or pour Capitol Police
liquor into soda bottles. More important, if
something does go wrong, thousands of peo- In addition to the Washington, D.C., met-
ple will be trapped in a confined space. ropolitan police department, members of

Congress are also protected by the Capitol tion is approaching the point of absurdity.
Police. As it has other federal police agencies, William Pickle, the Senate’s sergeant at arms
terrorism has provided the Capitol Police and chairman of the Capitol Police Board,
with a golden opportunity to expand their says beefing up the police force is necessary
authority. Within weeks of 9/11, Congress to protect “not only the institution and the
rushed into place a $600 million security plan members, but also the officers themselves.”13
to hire more police officers and give them a So now we need more Capitol Police to pro-
new command center and an upgraded vehi- tect the other Capitol Police?
cle fleet, among other things.9 Eighteen That enough-is-never-enough mentality is
months later, Capitol Police chief Terrance evident in one of the most unnecessary
Gainer asked for more money and power, restrictions imposed after 9/11: the closing
seeking to expand the force from 1,393 sworn of the Capitol’s west steps, which afford
officers to 1,833 and to more than double the access to one of Washington’s most magnifi-
number of civilian employees (from 227 to cent views. What possible purpose could that
573). Gainer also asked Congress to enlarge serve? No one can drive a bomb-laden truck
the police force’s jurisdiction to include all of up those steps. A terrorist with explosives
Washington, D.C., and its suburbs—from strapped to his body could not carry enough
Frederick County, Maryland, to Loudoun ammunition to damage the tremendous
County, Virginia.10 marble edifice. Moreover, the steps naturally
Exercising commendable oversight, Con- form a progressive barricade. Anyone appear-
gress did not allow the expanded jurisdiction. ing suspect could be seen climbing the steps
Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) was a and intercepted long before he reached the
notable critic. “The Capitol Police chief is over- building.
reaching, both in the scope of his responsibili- Fear also drives the massive expansion of
ties and in his jurisdiction,” Moran said. “It’s the Capitol’s underground visitors’ center,
almost as though he’s trying to create his own which Congress approved after a deranged
army on Capitol Hill.”11 But the 2004 budget gunman opened fire in the Capitol in 1998.
allotted $207 million to cover salaries for more When the idea was bandied about in the early
Capitol Police officers. The force has around 1990s, construction of the center was estimat-
1,600 officers now and is actively recruiting ed to cost $71 million. But in the wake of the
more.12 When it reaches the 1,800 requested 9/11 attacks, lawmakers added to the plan two
by Gainer, it will have one officer for every four underground escape routes, a tunnel to the
members of Congress. When will the force be Library of Congress, and underground offices
Costs may considered large enough? When every mem- to operate from in the event of an attack.
reach $500 ber of Congress has a personal bodyguard? Completion of the project has been delayed
As with other federal police agencies, a until late 2006, and costs may reach $500 mil-
million—a worrisome aspect of the Capitol Police force lion—a monstrous overrun resulting from
monstrous is that its officers serve the citizenry only weak congressional oversight, according to
overrun resulting indirectly. In 1992, after a representative was the Government Accountability Office.14
mugged on Capitol Hill and a congressional
from weak spouse was robbed, Congress expanded the
congressional Capitol Police jurisdiction to include the sur- Secret Service
rounding neighborhood. Moreover, the
oversight, Capitol Police have authority to make arrests The Secret Service began protecting presi-
according to the nationwide when accompanying members of dents unofficially as an outgrowth of its offi-
Government Congress. How many regular citizens, after cial duties. Created in 1865 with the principal
becoming crime victims, can order personal mission of nabbing counterfeiters, the
Accountability police protection at taxpayer expense? And, agency’s task soon expanded to include other
Office. as with other agencies, that level of protec- forms of federal fraud. In 1894, when two

Secret Service agents in Colorado reported about the utilization of checkpoints. At no Whenever the
that the suspects they were investigating time in history have citizens been required to president makes
made threats against President Grover go through checkpoints to exercise their free-
Cleveland, the agency’s chief dispatched two dom to watch their leaders and present their a public
men to protect Cleveland personally.15 political views or receive others’ political appearance, the
When President William McKinley was views,” Kessler said.18 “[There is] no question
assassinated in 1901, Congress again ad- that for a significant number of people, it will
Secret Service
dressed the problem of how to protect the chill their participation, as well as that of directs local
president from bodily harm without affording demonstrators.”19 police to confine
him royal treatment. Sen. Stephen Mallory (R- That may have been the point. The
FL) said, “I would object on general principles administration evidently has charged the Bush’s critics to a
that it is antagonistic to our traditions, to our Secret Service with protecting President Bush remote area—
habits of thought, and to our customs that not only from physical harm but from polit-
the president should surround himself with a ical embarrassment as well.20 Whenever the
ironically defined
body of Janizarries or a sort of Praetorian president makes a public appearance, the as a “free-speech
guard and never go anywhere unless he is Secret Service directs local police to confine zone.”
accompanied by men in uniform and men Bush’s critics to a remote area—ironically
with sabers as is done by the monarchs in the defined as a “free-speech zone”—where they
continent of Europe.”16 The House Judiciary will go unseen by the president and the
Committee objected to the proposal that a media. Only supporters are allowed proximi-
cabinet secretary send presidential protectors ty to the president; dissenters who infiltrate
“among the people to act under secret orders. those ranks are subject to arrest.21
When such laws begin to operate in the Brett Bursey is among those who have
Republic, the liberties of the people will take been hauled off in paddy wagons for exercis-
wings and fly away.”17 Despite such objec- ing their right to free speech. During a presi-
tions, in 1906 Congress authorized the Secret dential visit to Columbia, South Carolina, in
Service to use appropriated funds to cover 2002, Bursey joined a crowd of Bush sup-
temporarily “the protection of the person of porters and held up a sign reading, “No War
the President of the United States.” That for Oil.” A Secret Service agent told him to
authorization was subject to annual renewal move to the so-called free-speech zone. “I told
until it was made permanent in 1951. The her that I was already in a free-speech zone—
terms of the debate have shifted dramatically the United States of America,” Bursey says,
since Sen. Mallory registered his objection on “and she ordered a local cop to arrest me.”
the Senate floor in 1901. Indeed, today When he asked what the problem was,
Congress hardly even questions the remark- Bursey said the police officer replied, “It’s the
able expansion of the Secret Service. content of your sign that’s the problem.”22
Bush’s first Inauguration Day marked the Because South Carolina law says trespass-
first time in history that Americans were not ing charges cannot apply to public property,
free to line the streets of Pennsylvania the official charge against Bursey was subse-
Avenue. Claiming that protesters posed a quently dropped. But the Bush administra-
threat to the president, the Secret Service tion was so determined to see Bursey pun-
declared “America’s Main Street” off-limits ished that federal prosecutors brought
and permitted access only through police charges under a law against “entering a
checkpoints. When protesters took the mat- restricted area around the president of the
ter to court, Judge Gladys Kessler declined to United States.” Bursey was convicted and
order the Secret Service to dismantle its plan. fined $500, despite the judge’s acknowledge-
But she made clear in her ruling that she con- ment that Bursey had presented no threat to
sidered the proposal an assault on democrat- the president. So why was it necessary to
ic ideals. “This court has very deep concerns bring the full force of the federal government

down on a harmless protestor? “There has to law, the agency protects the president, vice
be a consequence when people ignore the president, president elect, vice president elect,
directions of the Secret Service,” the prosecu- and their immediate families; former presi-
tor said.23 dents and their spouses (unless the spouse
It is difficult to account for the way the remarries); former presidents’ children under
Secret Service behaves toward citizens such as the age of 16; visiting heads of foreign gov-
Glenn Givens. Four years ago, as editor of the ernments; other distinguished foreign visi-
student newspaper at the State University of tors; and major presidential candidates.28 But
New York–Stony Brook, Givens wrote a satir- nowadays presidents seem to dispense Secret
ical editorial in which he asked Jesus to Service protection as a perk. In one of his last
“smite” George Bush and MTV host Carson acts before leaving office, Bill Clinton issued
Daly. Secret Service agents arrived unan- an executive order prolonging Secret Service
nounced at the newspaper’s offices where protection for his daughter Chelsea and his
they questioned Givens extensively and asked former vice president. Neither would be
him to submit to a psychological evaluation assuming an official capacity, nor was either
and to allow them to search his home and in particular danger. But Secret Service pro-
obtain his medical records. The federal tection is the ultimate convenience; pro-
Federal agents agents told Givens his editorial was not cov- tectees never have to wait in a line. President
told Givens his ered by free speech rights and threatened to Bush has reportedly expanded round-the-
editorial was not bring charges against him.24 clock Secret Service protection to 20 individ-
Those heavy-handed tactics finally drew uals in the Bush and Cheney families, which
covered by free criticism from Congress when the Secret is the largest number ever.29 No one in
speech rights and Service moved against a Pulitzer Prize–win- Congress wants to challenge the president by
ning cartoonist, Michael Ramirez. To illus- requiring him to make the case that such
threatened to trate his opinion that President Bush “is the expenses are justified.
bring charges target of political assassination because of his In some cases, security measures seem arbi-
against him. State of the Union address,” Ramirez drew an trary. Shortly after 9/11, Bush closed Reagan
editorial cartoon showing Bush being held National Airport to general aviation. The air-
hostage with a gun pointed at his head. The port reopened to commercial traffic, but pri-
gun is held by a man who is labeled “politics.” vate aviation remains tightly restricted by the
The Secret Service deemed the illustration a Transportation Security Administration.30
threat to Bush and announced it was investi- Waivers to land at Reagan airport are now
gating “what action, if any, could be taken.”25 granted to high-ranking officials, such as gov-
In a letter to Secret Service director Ralph ernors—but only if their pilots undergo federal
Basham, Rep. Christopher Cox (R-CA) said he security screening and the governor is accom-
was “disappointed” to read of the agency’s panied by sworn law enforcement officers.31
position and said that “the use of federal None of those restrictions prevents terrorists
power to attempt to influence the work of an from taking off from open fields or deserted
editorial cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times highways and flying into restricted airspace.
reflects profoundly bad judgment.”26 The salient fact is that even if that happens, it
Unfortunately, such congressional criti- poses no dire threat. A jet plane is a flying
cism of the Secret Service is unusual. Indeed, bomb, but a Cessna puttering along at about
lawmakers allow the president’s police force 100 mph carrying 50 gallons of fuel is not. At
to function with virtually no oversight. The 2,500 pounds, the plane weighs less than a Ford
Secret Service now has a budget of $1.3 bil- Explorer. When a deranged pilot flew a Cessna
lion, but the agency claims that its expendi- into the White House in 1994, the crash killed
tures must be classified.27 the pilot but barely nicked the building.32
And who is keeping track of how many If it were providing serious oversight,
people the Secret Service is protecting? By Congress would also question security mea-

sures that merely serve the convenience of the wouldn’t say how many people accompanied
Secret Service and the president’s family. One her. Fifty is a guess. If so, that was another
of the most expensive practices that has devel- $158,200 in per diems.35 All told, taxpayers
oped in recent years on the pretense of securi- may have spent more than $800,000 for Mrs.
ty is ferrying the president’s family in Air Force Bush to enjoy a nine-day vacation with her
jets. Hillary Clinton traveled the world at pub- daughter.36 Legislators ought to be asking
lic expense with her daughter, planning questions about such expenses, but their
“goodwill tours” that always managed to coin- silence is deafening.
cide with Chelsea’s school vacations. On the Certainly, no one argues that it is unim-
taxpayers’ nickel, mother and daughter toured portant to protect the president’s wife and
South Asia, Europe, and Africa. Laura Bush daughters. But can the Secret Service make
continued the tradition by taking her daugh- the case that the women would be uniquely
ter Jenna to Paris in 2002, purportedly to endangered on a commercial airplane or a
thank our European allies. private jet, any more than they are in restau-
That explanation was hard to believe. A First rants or bars or college classrooms?
Lady can command a platform in Peoria as eas-
ily as she can in Paris. Moreover, her husband
was traveling to Europe later in the month. Transportation Security
Surely, thanking the allies could have waited Administration
until Mrs. Bush caught a ride on Air Force One.
The costs of Laura Bush’s mother-daugh- The Transportation Security Administration
ter vacation are difficult to assess, but consid- was created two months after the September 11
er: Everywhere the Bush women traveled was attacks. Prior to 9/11, private commercial firms
visited by advance teams of planners and screened passengers and luggage. Congress cre-
Secret Service agents. The White House is ated the TSA so that all airport security checkers
cagey about releasing numbers, but if 10 would be federal employees.
advance people flew commercial airlines In 2002 the TSA announced a major initia-
round-trip from Washington to Paris to tive called the Computer Assisted Passenger
Budapest to Prague, the airfare would have Prescreening System. The current system of
totaled about $21,000. More likely, the team passenger screening is administered by the air-
spent at least 10 times more by flying a mili- lines—the airlines essentially check names
tary jet, such as the C-32, which costs $10,000 against a government “watch list” and select
an hour to operate (according to the Air passengers for extra screening, or rejection in
Force; nonmilitary sources estimate the cost the event of a match. CAPPS II would require
as at least three times higher). The average per prospective travelers to give their full name,
diem allotted by the State Department for date of birth, address, and home telephone
those cities was $226; so over 14 days, a team number when making a flight reservation.
of 10 would run up a tab of $31,640.33 That information will be sent to the TSA,
If Mrs. Bush and Jenna also traveled on an where government computers will comb data-
Air Force C-32, then taxpayers shelled out bases and build a file on the individual. Secret Taxpayers may
another $220,000 for the plane to fly to algorithms will assess the passenger’s threat
Europe and return Jenna home after the First level and encrypt it on the airline ticket.37 have spent more
Lady joined her husband.34 And that round- Travelers bearing green labels will pass than $800,000 for
trip expense was matched or exceeded by the through regular security; those rated yellow
cargo plane carrying their motorcade vehi- will be scrutinized. Passengers assigned red—
Mrs. Bush to
cles. The Bush women stayed with friends or “no-fly status”—will be barred from board- enjoy a nine-day
now enjoying ambassadorships, but the cost ing planes. vacation with her
of feeding and sheltering their entourage CAPPS II has proved to be a very unpopu-
went on the taxpayers’ tab. Mrs. Bush’s office lar proposal because of the privacy intrusions daughter.

TSA screeners it entails. Airlines that cooperated with the for consorting with prostitutes, nonfelony
have flagged government in designing CAPPS II now face violations of the Fish and Game Code, grow-
boycotts and lawsuits from customers.38 But ing peyote, playing sound equipment on
members of instead of changing its approach, the TSA public transportation, or beating a vending
Congress as has simply renamed the program (it is now machine.41 Florida reserves the right to
called “Secure Flight”) and says it will force revoke a driver’s license for any “immoral act
suspects who the airlines to comply. in which a motor vehicle was used.”42 In sev-
ought to be And for what supposed gain will air travelers eral states, drivers’ licenses can be revoked as
denied access to forfeit their privacy? Among the many draw- a penalty for bicycling infractions.43
backs of CAPPS II is that it almost certainly will Does anyone believe that the TSA will not
commercial not work. Planners of the September 11 attacks similarly expand its reach? Before CAPPS II is
aircraft, searched, plainly understood how to avoid detection by even fully in place, its dragnet has already
and questioned the present system, CAPPS I. The terrorists took widened. TSA officials announced that the
practice runs on the flights they would hijack, to program also will snare individuals with out-
by law be sure the computer didn’t flag them. To crack standing warrants.44 Undoubtedly, the agency
enforcement. the code on CAPPS II, terrorists need only test- intends to add other ranks of miscreants to
book flights and see who among them rates a that list. The TSA initially said the program
“low risk.” would flag “a statistically infinitesimal num-
The TSA screeners have flagged members ber” of passengers. Now, it predicts that 5 per-
of Congress as suspects who ought to be cent of travelers will be labeled red or yellow.
denied access to commercial aircraft, searched, Unless 1 of every 20 passengers is a terrorist,
and questioned by law enforcement. Sen. the system is either grossly inefficient or its
Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Rep. John Lewis qualifiers of “high risk” are alarmingly broad.
(D-GA) have both experienced problems at air- The latter is suggested by many of the inci-
ports because their names matched names on dents that have been reported in recent years.
secret “no fly” lists.39 Of course, members of Travelers now face stiff penalties for merely
Congress can cut through the bureaucracy’s indicating annoyance over the arbitrary
red tape so that the problem will not recur, but enforcement of vague regulations.45
ordinary citizens are stuck. For example, one
family has had to resort to a special seating • In 2002 a member of the U.S. boomerang
arrangement when they fly together. Because team was arrested and charged with
the father’s name matches one on the watch breach of the peace. Like many business
list, he now takes a seat that is far away from travelers who are frustrated by inconsis-
his wife and children. He does that so his tent policies about what may be included
daughters will not see the recurring question- in carry-on baggage, this young woman
ing, searches, and demands for identification started to argue with a police officer who
papers.40 said her boomerangs could not be
Yet the real menace of CAPPS II is not that brought into the main cabin. The officer
it won’t work but that it will work in unto- was not interested in knowing about how
ward ways. Once air travel is considered a many times she had flown with them
privilege, the government can revoke it at before, or how boomerangs are less
will. Inevitably, the “privilege” to fly—like the threatening than tennis rackets, which
“privilege” to drive—will become a tool for apparently are allowed on airplanes.46
government social engineering schemes. • TSA agents held an entire cabin of a jet-
Consider how many behaviors unrelated to liner at gunpoint for a half hour in
driving are punished by rescinding that priv- response to a perceived threat. Upon
ilege. In nearly half the states, drivers’ licens- landing, the agents arrested a retired
es are suspended for not paying child sup- Army physician and detained him for
port. Californians can lose their right to drive several hours before releasing him with-

out any charges. The TSA agents made upset after facing several airport security
the arrest because the physician was checkpoints, was arrested after making a
apparently observing the agents “too sarcastic remark to security screeners.
closely.” The TSA initially denied any When Hubbell, a World War II veteran,
wrongdoing, but after a lawsuit was filed, saw an agent poking through his wallet,
it agreed to pay $50,000 to the falsely he said, “You better look at it real good;
arrested physician, issued a formal apolo- there may be a rifle in there.” Dana
gy, and agreed to revise its training pro- Cosgrove, head of the airport security
gram. After the lawsuit was filed, civil force, explained that because people in
rights lawyers discovered that one of the the vicinity heard the word “rifle,” an
TSA agents involved had sought employ- arrest was appropriate. A state police
ment with the Philadelphia police and sergeant explained that serious charges
fire departments but had been rejected were reserved for travelers who become
because of his performance on a psycho- “obnoxious or irate,” but since Hubbell
logical exam.47 simply made a remark, a $78 fine would
• When Patti LuPone, the singer and be appropriate.51
actress, was told to remove her clothing
at an airport security checkpoint, she Are legislators so afraid of appearing soft on
The TSA has
removed her jacket, belt, and shoes. But terrorism that they will not rein in such obvi- misled both
when the screener said, “Now take off ous abuses? Congress and the
your shirt,” LuPone objected. Screeners Once airlines are forced to relinquish pas-
barred LuPone from her flight for her senger data to the government, citizens will press about its
persistent objections.48 have no idea what information is collected, past activities.
• When a French woman became exasper- who has access to it, or how else it might be
ated by a screener’s repeated “wanding” used, because the TSA says revealing that
of her chest, she took a step back and knowledge would compromise security. The
removed her sweater and bra to prove agency’s promise that it will strictly limit use of
she had nothing to hide and to finally the data is not much of an assurance. History
end the search. The police placed the 57- teaches that government functions rarely
year-old tourist under arrest for “disor- remain tethered to their original purposes.52
derly conduct.” Prosecutors initially And the TSA has misled both Congress and
pursued the felony charge but dropped the press about its past activities. In November
it after a public outcry.49 2003 Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) asked TSA
• Federal agents charged Gurdeep Wander, chief admiral James Loy whether any of his
a 48-year-old American citizen, with contractors had used any real-world data for
“intimidating a flight attendant” because testing purposes. In a sworn written response,
he used a washroom too long. Shortly Loy said: “No. TSA has not used any (passen-
after takeoff, Wander went to use the ger) data to test any of the functions of CAPPS
bathroom. After 10 minutes, Wander was II.”53 In 2004 the TSA confirmed rumors that
asked to return to his seat. He responded its contractors had indeed acquired and tested
that he needed a few minutes to finish sensitive passenger data.54
shaving. Because the flight attendant felt The crucial step is checking passengers’
“intimidated” by his stubbornness, names against terrorist watch lists—and air-
Wander was arrested when the plane lines can perform that role as ably as the gov-
landed. Although no one believes that ernment can. CAPPS II will only inconven-
Wander was doing anything other than ience the innocent while invading every air
shaving, federal prosecutors believed that traveler’s privacy.55 And by allowing the federal
a felony charge was warranted.50 government to create files on honest citizens, it
• Eighty-year-old Fred Hubbell, tired and will set a dangerous precedent.

statue in 1964.58 In 1980 a bomber was suc-
Conclusion cessful—but the damage to the statue was
minimal.59 Engineers have testified that the
In October 2001 Osama bin Laden boasted Washington Monument, with its 15-foot-
that terrorist attacks would achieve their pur- thick walls, is virtually immune to destruc-
pose: “I tell you, freedom and human rights in tion from hand-carried explosives.60 Bombs
America are doomed. The United States gov- have detonated in the Capitol three times
ernment will lead the American people into an since 1915, with no injuries or structural ca-
unbearable hell and a choking life.”56 Life in tastrophe.61 Terrorists have already hit our
the United States remains exceptionally good national monuments. The difference is that
and is a far cry from bin Laden’s “unbearable after those earlier attacks, the government
hell.” But some changes in recent years are did not respond with hysteria.
worrisome. Long lines, searches, and identifi- The war against terrorism is in large part a
cation requirements are becoming routine. war against fear. To win this war, three things
Unwarranted intrusion and inconvenience are are critically needed. First, all Americans
becoming the American way of life. must accept the reality that our society will
It is naive to believe, as some do, that the never be able to afford an environment that is
“pendulum will swing back toward liberty” totally free from the risk of terrorist attacks.
when the threat of terrorism wanes. The con- Nor would most Americans want to live with
cept of what it means to be free can be lost in the restrictions that such a risk-free environ-
one generation. Unless reason soon prevails, ment would demand. Thus, policymakers
today’s children will grow up accustomed to should resist the temptation to enact a
being routinely stopped and searched. How hodgepodge of hastily assembled initiatives
can they learn to cherish freedoms they have in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist
never known? To counter the push for incident.62
diminishing liberty, it is necessary to counter Second, policymakers should employ
the specious arguments behind it. The most cost-benefit analyses when choosing among
common argument is that 9/11 “changed the policy proposals that will substantially
everything.” But life changed forever with the reduce the threat of terrorism. As economist
invention of gunpowder, germ warfare, and Robert W. Hahn has observed, “Improving
the atomic bomb. History is, in large part, the security is important, but we need to assess
story of aggression’s innovation. Restricting the cost and effectiveness of each measure
freedom cannot stop or turn back hostility’s before spending billions of taxpayers’ dollars
advancement. on security-enhancing measures.”63 Even
Another canard used to justify excessive though it will not always be possible to pre-
security at public landmarks is that police are cisely quantify estimates in the homeland
merely “protecting the symbols of democra- security context, it would be a mistake to
All Americans cy.” But the symbol of democracy is an open abandon the exercise altogether. Cost-benefit
must accept the society, not an ominous police presence. analyses “offer the foundation of a principled
Installing cameras in monuments, surround- approach for making difficult decisions.”64
reality that our ing them with unsightly fences, and limiting The third essential is for the nation’s lead-
society will never citizens’ access doesn’t protect the symbols of ers to be willing to demonstrate courage.
be able to afford democracy, it desecrates them. Freedom prevailed in other times of national
Freedom is a fragile thing; stone and steel attack because leaders did not succumb to
an environment are not. The Statue of Liberty has been taken fear. When John F. Kennedy was assassinated
that is totally free over by Puerto Rican nationalists, dissident in 1963 during the iciest days of the Cold
Iranians, the Attica Brigade, and the Vietnam War, many in his administration initially
from the risk of Veterans against the War (twice).57 The Black feared the murder was the start of a coup.65 If
terrorist attacks. Liberation Front attempted to blow up the so, his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, was the

next obvious target. Yet when Kennedy’s 13. Quoted in Sewell Chan, “U.S. Capitol Police
Want 4.21 Officers for Every Member of
widow announced her intention to walk the Congress,” Washington Post, May 27, 2003, p. B1.
several blocks from the White House to her
husband’s funeral, Johnson helped lead the 14. Christopher Lee, “Digging Deep for Capitol
procession that marched through the streets Visitors,” Washington Post, November 11, 2003, p.
of downtown Washington.66
After winning wars against the empires of 15. Philip Melanson and Peter Stevens, The Secret
Great Britain, Japan, and the Soviet Union, will Service: The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency
Americans now lose their freedom to some (New York: Carroll and Graf, 2002), p. 24.
zealots? “Terrorism succeeds,” said the late sen- 16. Quoted in ibid., p. 30.
ator Patrick Moynihan, “when people become
terrified.”67 Sadly, such success looms—unless 17. Quoted in ibid., pp. 30–31.
American policymakers begin defending free-
18. Quoted in “Inaugural Protesters Lose Court
dom rather than pandering to fears. Challenge,” United Press International, January
19, 2001.

Notes 19. Ibid.

1. Dave R. Palmer, 1794: America, Its Army, and the 20. Liberal critics sometimes ignore the fact that
Birth of the Nation (Novato, California: Presidio, Bush is employing the tactics of his predecessors.
1994). See, for example, Mahoney v. Babbitt, 105 F.3d 1452
(D.C. Cir. 1997).
2. Ronnie Polaneczky, “Rangers Taught a History
Lesson,” Philadelphia News, July 10, 2003, p. 7. 21. See Carol Leonnig, “Lawsuit Criticizes Secret
Service,” Washington Post, September 24, 2003, p.
3. Interview with author. A27.

4. See Paul Schwartzman, “Security Measures 22. Brett Bursey, “Prosecuted for Politics, Not
Altering Tourists’ Views of Capital,” Washington Security,” State, January 31, 2004.
Post, March 27, 2005, p. A1.
23. Quoted in Clif LeBlanc, “Bursey Found
5. Quoted in Spencer Hsu, “Video Surveillance Guilty, Fined $500,” State, January 6, 2004, p. B1.
Planned on Mall,” Washington Post, March 22, See also James Bovard, “Protests Pre-empted,”
2002, p. A1. Baltimore Sun, August 6, 2004, p. A13.

6. Park Police spokesman quoted on News 24. “Secret Service Questions College Journalist
Channel 4, July 4, 2003. over Bush Editorial,” Associated Press, February
19, 2001.
7. John McCain with Mark Salter, Why Courage
Matters (New York: Random House, 2004), pp. 25. Office of Representative Christopher Cox (R-CA),
35–36. http://cox.house.gov/html/release.cfm?id=683.

8. Charles V. Peña, “Homeland Security,” in Cato 26. Quoted in Albert Eisele, “Much in Mind in
Handbook on Policy (Washington: Cato Institute, August,” The Hill, July 30, 2003, p. 15.
2005), pp. 501–10.
27. Office of Management and Budget, Budget of
9. Spencer Hsu, “New Needs Transform Capitol the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2006,
Security,” Washington Post, November 29, 2001, p. Analytical Perspectives, (Washington: Government
A1. Printing Office, 2005), chap. 25, p. 59.

10. Sewell Chan, “U.S. Capitol Police Seek to 28. U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 3056.
Expand Authority,” Washington Post, June 12, 2003,
p. B1. 29. Paul Bedard, “Bush Wears on Secret Service,”
U.S. News and World Report, May 14, 2001, http://
11. Quoted in ibid. www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/whispers/arti
12. Interview with Capitol Police spokesman
Michael Lauer. 30. See Annie Gowen and Sara Kehaulani Goo,

“Bill Seeks to Speed Reopening of National to Intimidate. Control.’ The Sorry Record of the
Private Planes,” Washington Post, February 18, Transportation Security Administration,” Reason,
2005, p. A9. February 2004.

31. See Steven Ginsberg, “Private Flights to 46. Joe Sharkey, “On the Road: The Case of the
Resume at National under Strict Limits,” Banned Boomerangs,” New York Times, July 9,
Washington Post, May 26, 2005, p. A1. 2002, p. C10.

32. U.S. Department of the Treasury, Public Report 47. Thomas Ginsberg, “Air Marshal Arrest Case
of the White House Security Review (Washington: Settled,” Philadelphia Inquirer, August 1, 2003, p.
Government Printing Office, 1995), http://www. B1.
48. Joe Sharkey, “Many Women Say Airport Pat-
33. The author used the State Department’s per Downs Are a Humiliation,” New York Times,
diem numbers to make this estimate, http:// November 23, 2004.
49. “Woman Allegedly Disrobes at Airport,”
34. Ibid. Associated Press, October 30, 2002.

35. Ibid. 50. Edward Wong, “Bound for Las Vegas, 2 Men
Take a 9/11 Detour to Jail,” New York Times,
36. Ibid. September 20, 2002, p. A18.

37. Ryan Singel, “Secure Flight Gets Wary 51. Paul Marks, “Texan Learns to Rue Remark,”
Welcome,” Wired News, August 27, 2004, http:// Hartford Courant, August 3, 2002, p. B1.
64748,00.html. 52. See Robert Higgs, Crisis and Leviathan: Critical
Episodes in the Growth of American Government (New
38. See Eric Lichtblau, “Government’s ‘No Fly’ List York: Oxford University Press, 1987).
Is Challenged in a Lawsuit,” New York Times, April
23, 2003, p. A17. See also Brian Doherty, “Wanna 53. Quoted in Ryan Singel, “More False
Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name?” Reason, Information from TSA,” Wired News, June 23, 2004,
January 13, 2004. http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,
39. Lolita C. Baldor, “Terror List Snag Nearly
Grounded Ted Kennedy,” Associated Press, 54. Ryan Singel, “TSA Work Sloppy, but Not
August 20, 2004. Illegal,” Wired News, March 26, 2005, http://www.
40. Lisa Friedman, “Paying for a Name,” Los
Angeles Daily News, June 15, 2003. 55. Richard Rahn, “Confusing Control and
Security,” Washington Times, March 28, 2005, p. A15.
41. Thomas D. Elias, “Licenses Lifted for Non-dri-
ving Offenses,” Washington Times, February 5, 56. “Bin Laden’s Sole Post–September 11 TV
1998, p. A2. Interview Aired,” CNN News, February 5, 2002.

42. See Florida Driver Handbook, chap. 2, http: 57. Barbara Blumberg, Celebrating the Immigrant:
//www.hsmv.state.fl.us/handbooks/English/ch_ An Administrative History of the Statue of Liberty
202.html. National Monument, 195–1982, National Park
Service Cultural Resource Management Study no.
43. For example, eight states have determined that 10, 1985, http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/online_
drunk “cycling” falls within their drunk driving books/stli/adhi.htm.
laws, http://www.insidetri.com/news/fea/1532.0.
html. 58. Ibid.

44. Department of Homeland Security, “CAPPS II: 59. Ibid.

Myths and Facts,” news release, February 13, 2003,
http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/display?con 60. See Monte Reel, “Washington Monument
tent=3163. Dispute Resurfaces,” Washington Post, August 4,
2003, p. A1.
45. See Bob Barr, “Outside View: TSA’s Attitude
Adjustment,” United Press International, February 61. See Amy Sinatra, “Violence at the Capitol,”
28, 2004. See also James Bovard, “‘Dominate. ABCNews.com, July 27, 1998.

62. See Timothy Lynch, “Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Precautionary Principle as a Basis for Decision
Preserving Our Libertiess While Fighting Terrorism,” Making,” The Economists’ Voice 2, no. 2 (2005).
Cato Institute Policy Analysis no. 443, June 26, 2002.
65. William Manchester, The Death of a President
63. Robert W. Hahn, “The Cost of Antiterrorist (New York: Harper & Row, 1967).
Rhetoric,” Regulation 19, no. 4 (1996): 51. See also
John Mueller, “A False Sense of Insecurity?” 66. Ibid.
Regulation 27, no. 3 (Fall 2004).
67. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “Ethnicity Now,”
64. Robert W. Hahn and Cass R. Sunstein, “The Washington Post, September 16, 2001, p. B7.


93. Keep the Cap: Why a Tax Increase Will Not Save Social Security by Michael Tanner
(June 8, 2005)

92. A Better Deal at Half the Cost: SSA Scoring of the Cato Social Security Reform
Plan by Michael Tanner (April 26, 2005)

91. Medicare Prescription Drugs: Medical Necessity Meets Fiscal Insanity by Joseph
Antos and Jagadeesh Gokhale (February 9, 2005)

90. Hydrogen’s Empty Environmental Promise by Donald Anthrop (December 7, 2004)

89. Caught Stealing: Debunking the Economic Case for D.C. Baseball by Dennis
Coates and Brad R. Humphreys (October 27, 2004)

88. Show Me the Money! Dividend Payouts after the Bush Tax Cut by Stephen Moore
and Phil Kerpen (October 11, 2004)

87. The Republican Spending Explosion by Veronique de Rugy (March 3, 2004)

86. School Choice in the District of Columbia: Saving Taxpayers Money, Increasing
Opportunities for Children by Casey J. Lartigue Jr. (September 19, 2003)

85. Smallpox and Bioterrorism: Why the Plan to Protect the Nation Is Stalled and
What to Do by William J. Bicknell, M.D., and Kenneth D. Bloem (September 5, 2003)

84. The Benefits of Campaign Spending by John J. Coleman (September 4, 2003)

83. Proposition 13 and State Budget Limitations: Past Successes and Future Options
by Michael J. New (June 19, 2003)

82. Failing by a Wide Margin: Methods and Findings in the 2003 Social Security
Trustees Report by Andrew G. Biggs (April 22, 2003)

81. Lessons from Florida: School Choice Gives Increased Opportunities to Children
with Special Needs by David F. Salisbury (March 20, 2003)

80. States Face Fiscal Crunch after 1990s Spending Surge by Chris Edwards, Stephen
Moore, and Phil Kerpen (February 12, 2003)

79. Is America Exporting Misguided Telecommunications Policy? The U.S.-Japan

Telecom Trade Negotiations and Beyond by Motohiro Tuschiya and Adam Thierer
(January 7, 2003)

78. This Is Reform? Predicting the Impact of the New Campaign Financing
Regulations by Patrick Basham (November 20, 2002)
77. Corporate Accounting: Congress and FASB Ignore Business Realities by T. J.
Rodgers (October 25, 2002)

76. Fat Cats and Thin Kittens: Are People Who Make Large Campaign Contribu-
tions Different? by John McAdams and John C. Green (September 25, 2002)

75. 10 Reasons to Oppose Virginia Sales Tax Increases by Chris Edwards and
Peter Ferrara (September 18, 2002)

74. Personal Accounts in a Down Market: How Recent Stock Market

Declines Affect the Social Security Reform Debate by Andrew Biggs
(September 10, 2002)

73. Campaign Finance Regulation: Lessons from Washington State by

Michael J. New (September 5, 2002)

72. Did Enron Pillage California? by Jerry Taylor and Peter VanDoren (August 22, 2002)

71. Caught in the Seamless Web: Does the Internet’s Global Reach Justify
Less Freedom of Speech? by Robert Corn-Revere (July 24, 2002)

70. Farm Subsidies at Record Levels As Congress Considers New Farm Bill
by Chris Edwards and Tad De Haven (October 18, 2001)

69. Watching You: Systematic Federal Surveillance of Ordinary Americans by

Charlotte Twight (October 17, 2001)

68. The Failed Critique of Personal Accounts by Peter Ferrara

(October 8, 2001)

67. Lessons from Vermont: 32-Year-Old Voucher Program Rebuts Critics by

Libby Sternberg (September 10, 2001)

66. Lessons from Maine: Education Vouchers for Students since 1873 by Frank
Heller (September 10, 2001)

65. Internet Privacy and Self-Regulation: Lessons from the Porn Wars by Tom
W. Bell (August 9, 2001)

64. It’s the Spending, Stupid! Understanding Campaign Finance in the Big-
Government Era by Patrick Basham (July 18, 2001)

63. A 10-Point Agenda for Comprehensive Telecom Reform by Adam D. Thierer

(May 8, 2001)

62. Corrupting Charity: Why Government Should Not Fund Faith-Based

Charities by Michael Tanner (March 22, 2001)
61. Disparate Impact: Social Security and African Americans by Michael Tanner
(February 5, 2001)

60. Public Opinion and Campaign Finance: A Skeptical Look at Senator

McCain’s Claims by David M. Primo (January 31, 2001)

59. Lessons of Election 2000 by John Samples, Tom G. Palmer, and Patrick
Basham (January 2, 2001)

58. Will the Net Turn Car Dealers into Dinosaurs? State Limits on Auto Sales
Online by Solveig Singleton (July 25, 2000)

57. Legislative Malpractice: Misdiagnosing Patients’ Rights by Greg Scandlen

(April 7, 2000)

56. “We Own the Night”: Amadou Diallo’s Deadly Encounter with New York
City’s Street Crimes Unit by Timothy Lynch (March 31, 2000)

55. The Archer-Shaw Social Security Plan: Laying the Groundwork for Another
S&L Crisis by Andrew G. Biggs (February 16, 2000)

54. Nameless in Cyberspace: Anonymity on the Internet by Jonathan D. Wallace

(December 8, 1999)

53. The Case against a Tennessee Income Tax by Stephen Moore and Richard
Vedder (November 1, 1999)

52. Too Big to Fail? Long-Term Capital Management and the Federal
Reserve by Kevin Dowd (September 23, 1999)

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