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Harmonics - what are they.

how to measure them and how to solve the problem (in connection with Standards IEEE 1 159-1995 & IEEE 5 19-1992 ). AVISHAI RASH BScEE&PE Consulting Engineer Yericho 1 P.O.Box 39292 Tel-Aviv 61392
Phone & Fax : 03-6043807 Celular : 050-349030 E-mail : a rash@gold.net.il It is common these days to hear or to read about Harmonics . In fact if we use this expression alone without any additional term or without any connection to a physical value it has no electrical meaning. 0 What are Harmonics ? ( Basic terms ) To express a deviation from a pure sine wave usually the term Harmonics components is used .Together with the use of the term Harmonics we mention the name of the famous mathematician Fourier who developed a mathematical way to investigate a complex wave and to express it in a form that is simple and useful. with frequencies of 50-100-150-200-250 ....2500Hz ... that are added to the fundamental on a steady state base , as opposed to instantaneous disturbings (dropout, dip, sag, notch, swell, etc..) Harmonics exist in power systems and are known for years ,so why should we care about them today ? The main reasons are : -Harmonics are harming many consumers in the power supply networks . -Accorbg to new standards tcday the level of harmonics in the supply network is limited. -Due to harmonics existence available power is reduced . These are the main reasons why these days we hear more about harmonics and other kind of disturbances in the power supply network .Together with the growth in awareness to harmonics two phenomena arose : -Many people began to deal with harmonics. -Many new terms were added to the existing technical vocabulary , some of them not clearly defined anywhere . Here I am going to state from IEEE 5 19-1992 seven definitions that , in my opinion , are very important and misused in many places : One of the mostly used term in harmonics is THD or Total Harmonic Distortion (U & I ).

+ - T 4

A Deriodic function f(t)=f(t+T) This function (as it is periodic) can be described as a Fourier series

1 f ( t ) = -ao +alcosmOt+a2cos2mot+....+h,sin 2
1 m +C ( a , cosnuOt+bnsinnw,t)

or f ( t ) = -ao

Or in its trigonometric form


c, + zc,,c o s ( n ~ ~-oe,,) t

In Electricity Harmonics are described as fOllO\vS (REF IEEE 1159-1995) : Harmonics are sinusoidal voltages or currents having frequencies that are integer multiples of the frequency at which the supply system is designed to
operate .

The multiples are integer multiples 1-2-34-5 of the basic (fundamental) frequency 50Hz . Accordmg to that we are dealing
0-7803-3330-6/96/$5.00 1996-IEEE

1- Total harmonic distortion disturbance &.The level of a given electromagnetic disturbance caused by superposition of the emission of all pieces of equipment in a given system . The ratio of the harmonic content to the rms value of the

fimdamental quantity , expressed as a percent of the fundamental . 2-Distortion factor (harmonic factor) . The ratio of the root-mean-square of the harmonic content to the root-mean-square value of the fUndamental quantity , expressed as a percent 3- Harmonic factor . The ratio of the root-sum-square (rss) value of all the harmonics to the root-mean-square value of the fundamental .
h n i c factor (for voltage) =

1 1

harmonic factor (for current) =

. The inductive influence expressed in terms of the product of its root-mean-square magnitude (I) , in amperes , times its telephone influence factor (TIF). 5- kV.T twoduct . Inductive influence expressed in terms of the product of the product of its root-mcan-squarc V t u d e , in kilovolts , times its telephone influence factor (TIF). 6- Telephone influence factor (TIF). For a voltage or current wave in an electrical supply circuit the ratio of the square root of the sum of the squares of the weighted root-mean-square values of all the sinewave components (includmg alternating current waves both fundamental and harmonic) to the root-mean-square value (unweighted) of the entire wave . 7- Total demand distortion (TDD). The total root-sum-square harmonic current distortion , in percent of the maximum demand load current (15 or 30 min demand ). Remark : many of these definitions are bascd on or includc thc cxprcssion rms that is defined as root-mean-square (effective value) that has been found to be problematic in systems where harmonics are present .
4- 1.T twoduct

and 5 19-1992 begins with chapters concerning terms to use or more specifically ambiguous terms to avoid . The terms described above have been taken from these Standards . These Standards also point to the fact that harmonics have been found guilty of many problems not only the classical ones described in many books like Destruction of Power factor capacitors , Heating of HV transformers harms to electronic devices but also Flickering of lighting systems , decrease in reliability of communication systems , increase in interferences to communication systems , lost of balance in balanced systems , raise of current and overheating in the 0 conductor , overheating of switchboards and more .... 8 Who are the vroducers of Harmonics ? In fact every electric power consumer whose consumption behavior is not linear is an Harmonic producer . The important point is to read carefully the information about the consumer and the electric network data thus enabling to quantize properly the level of the harmonic potential of each consumer so that it wont be minimized or ignored . The main Harmonics potential producers are : - Power supplies (linear and switchers)


- Static Electronic motor soft starters

Variable speed dnvers (VFD& VSD) - Large engines heavily loaded - Unloaded transformers - Overloaded transformers etc.. OHOW do we monitor Harmonics and intemret these results ? Monitoring equipment became less expensive during the last few years so that many people bought it and began to monitor harmonics . As a result different techmques were used for monitoring and the reliability of the results were not evident . As a direct result many interpretations were based on incorrect data and lead to wrong solutions In order to avoid this kmd of problems IEEE wrote the 1159-1995 standard : IEEE Recommended Practices for Monitoring Electric Power Quality . The first step in building an harmonic monitoring plan is in describing its goal :

- Static


Where Mh is the rms vnlue o f hnrmonuic component h o f the quantity M.

As a result of the use of ambiguous terms , the IEEE standards 1159-1995


Are we dealing with a site that has some .kind of problems suspected to be harmonics , or do we want to anticipate disturbances in the power system ? Are we dealing with low voltage or high voltage problems ? Are we supposed to solve a specific problem diagnosed as harmonics problem ? etc...

network as accurately as possible. llus model is the one that will enable us to interpret the results and design a solution to the problems found . The aspect and the impact of problems connected to harmonics are covered by E E E 5 19-1992 :"IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic

overall assesment
of power quality

equipment problem

Suwested monitoring locations on a twical low voltage system ( Based on IEEE 1159 -1995 D 39 figure 15 ) As it may be seen in the figure above for Control in Electrical Power Systems ". each kind of monitoring it is necessary to Most of the time a proper monitoring find the proper location and define the requires at least 24 consecutive recording adequate parameters according to the hours of all the network parameters . predefined goal . The results of the monitoring are This god will then be the base upon computed according to the parameters which we design steps and locations used to define how , where , and how long to record the data accordmg to pne of the where to install the measunng equipment , and durations : Thls is done according to models used for designing suitable solutions for the specific site . the description of the power dimbution in the facility and what we thmk the flow It is crucial to understand that the model of the harmonics path , that is not defined is used to check the suitability of any by the electric scheme of the network , but solution to the site and not to derive a & by the dynamic impedance behavior solution from a model without a proper of each consumer for each different on site check . A mistake of that land could lead to disastrous .results as far as frequency or harmonic .The electrical behavior or the flowing flux of the having a high voltage transformer blown harmonics in a network is changmg up. according to the consumers switchrig 8 WhataretheDossiblesolutions? ON&OFF who are harmonics generators It is highly risky to t a l k about the possible or harmonics "pumps '' and their solution, as there is no automatic solution for harmonics , as stated above . Just the resonance behavior in the network . A stable behavior that is representing the same it is possible to list the known system usually it is quite complex to find exisnng solutions to harmonic problems as we have consumers switching as long as it is reminded that it has to be ON&OFF . That is why we have to find a based upon proper monitoring prior to model that wdl represent the speclfic solutiondesign.


One of the most popular solutions ( mostly the cheapest ) is to design the proper Band Reject Filter together with the Power Factor Correction Capacitors . This way it is possible to achieve two goals in one solution : Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Reduction or Control . his solution is not deauate to all uroblems ! In some cases , it is necessary to install Band Pass Filters for specific Harmonics . This solution is less popular, especially as it is quite expensive . Acwrdmg to spec& problems ,there are some special solutions like : A. Special transformers : - Delta Wye Delta - Delta Wye Wye - Wye Wye ( Coupled , Common 0 , Common or Isolated ground etc.. ) - Wye G-Delta - Equal Homopolar 2% Impedance - Zigzag Connected Secondary - Magnetx Flux Compensation B. Harmonic Injection C. DC hpple Injection 0 Conclusion IEEE 1159-1995 describes its purpose in this matter : - The purpose of this recommended practice is to direct users in the proper monitoring and data interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena that cause power quality problems . It defines power quality phenomena in order to facilitate communication within the power quality community . T h ~ s document (REF : IEEE1159-1995) also forms the consensus opinion about safe and acceptable methods for monitoring electnc power systems and interpreting the results . It further offers a tutorial on power system disturbances and their common causes . The major problem with harmonics today is that most of the Power Engineers are used to consider only the fundamental in their power supplymg . Therefore Power Enpeers are faced with diu phenomena , especially unfarmliar to the customers who are suffering from problems in their locations . Nowadays quality is associate with everythmg where we can measure it and- standards are leading us on the proper way to arrive to tlus quality , this includes

harmonic monitoring engineering of harmonic solutions and design of new electncal plans . Although , harmonic can cause a lot of problems in sites where they exist in high levels , proper monitoring and good engineering can solve the problems at reasonable cost, and permit efficient use of power .
0 Bibliomphv IEEE 5 19-1992 staadard :IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems I E E E 1159-1995 standard 1 IEEE Recommended Practices for Monitoring Electric Power Quality . IEC-555-2 (First Edition 1982 ) : Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and similar electrical aquipment . Power Systems Harmonics J.Amiaga, editions John Wiley & Sons . Electrical Power Svstems Oualitv Home U:http ://vmw.electrotek.com/pqbook/


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