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Witchcraft is a phenomenon that has captured the minds of millions since the beginning of history.

These so-called witches have caused fear, hatred, interest, widespread panic, and a variety of other emotions in other people from all over the world. Every society and civilization on this planet has all some form of witchcraft in his or her history. Witchcraft itself has a deep history of its own causing it to be recognized in literature and modern society. When you think of a Witch, people usually picture an old, ugly, hook-nosed woman, stirring up a steaming potion that is brewing away inside a cauldron. Of course her usual sidekick, the proverbial black cat is probably not far away as you envision the witch clearly in your minds eye. The word Witch actually is derived from the word Wicca meaning Wise One. In todays period witches are suppose to be considered feared and avoided but earlier they were considered to be wise and a knowledgeable. Thousands of years ago, people were forced to live much more primitive lives than we currently know today. Without the luxury of modern medicine and treatments, when a person was sick, ill or in pain there was little that could be done about it. Becoming ill was much more dangerous in those ancient days, and the ramifications of any sickness were frequently much more serious. During those early days, there were some sage women that learned the value of healing herbs, and other types of homeopathic treatments. These women were actually very wise when it came to their knowledge of herbal remedies. Many people received aid and were helped by the homemade remedies made by these wise women. These astute women, skilled in the art of natural medicine, also sometimes functioned as midwives and assisted in the delivery of babies, using various plant-based medicines to ease the pain and suffering experienced during childbirth. In India, witchcraft dates right back to the Iron Age. The Atharva Veda is a collection of spells and charms that were used to harm the enemy or win the heart of a loved

one. But the urban Indian witch seldom follows this traditional form. The urban Indian witch follows the Wiccan faith. Wicca is a modern religion based on the reconstruction of an ancient European religion. It is also known as the craft of the wise. Wicca is about an intense love and worship of the elements of nature. People of all faiths, religions and backgrounds are welcome to study, join and become a part of this faith, say its practitioners. Indian witchcraft has been around for centuries and is part of the society in the use of the magical protection such as charms and amulets, often composed of natural substances, used against evil spirits and other menaces, as well sail fortune. Magical practices include a wealth of healing and other rituals, often linked with cults. Even the Vedas is almost entirely devoted to spells and the detailed rites of magician-priests. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, over 1791 women had died between 2001and 2010 on account of black magic and witchcraft. Belief in the supernatural is strong in all parts of India, and lynchings for witchcraft are reported in the press from time to time. It is estimated that 750 people have been killed in witch-hunts in the states of Assam and West Bengal since 2003. More than 100 women are tortured, paraded naked, or harassed in the state of Chhattisgarh annually, officials said. A social activist in the region said the reported cases were only the tip of the iceberg. -- CHANGE THE WHOLE THING OR WRITE IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS

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