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d de la Sierra Norte de Puebla





Temario de Formulacin y Evaluacin de Proyectos TEMARIO Unidad 1 Temas Generalidades. N Subtemas 1.1 Naturaleza inversin. 1.2 Justificacin. 1.3 1.3 Clasificacin inversin. de los proyectos de de los proyectos de

1.4 Etapas en el desarrollo de un proyecto. 1.5 Esquema general de evaluacin. 1.6 Descripcin del proyecto. 2.1 Objetivos del estudio de mercado. 2.2 Caracterizacin del producto. 2.3 Segmentacin del mercado. 2.4 Comercializacin. 2.5 Anlisis del mercado. 2.5.1 Demanda. 2.5.2 Oferta. 2.5.3 Precio. 3.1 Magnitud del proyecto. 3.2.1 Economas de escala. 3.2.2 Disponibilidad de materia prima. 3.2.3 Mano de obra. 3.2.4 3.2.4 Recursos financieros. materiales y

Estudio de mercado.

Estudio tcnico.

3.2 Localizacin del proyecto.

Anlisis econmico.

4.1 Indicadores macroeconmicos. 4.1.1 ndice de precios.

4.1.2 4.1.2 El producto nacional distribucin. 4.1.3 Diagnstico regional.


4.2 Poltica fiscal y gasto pblico. 4.2.1 Programas de desarrollo del gobierno. 4.1 Teora de la conducta del consumidor. 4.2 Teora de la produccin y el costo. 4.3 La empresa y el mercado. 5.1 Presupuestos. 5.2.1 Gastos de operacin. 5.2.2 Capital de trabajo. 5.2.3 Costos unitarios. 5.2.4 Punto de equilibrio. Costos fijos. Costos variables.

Estudio financiero. Ingresos. 5.2 Valor del dinero en el tiempo. 5.2.1 Valor Futuro. 5.2.2 Valor Presente

Administracin del proyecto.

6.1 Problemas generales de organizacin. 6.2 Programacin del proyecto.

6.3 Plan de ejecucin. 6.4 Conclusiones y recomendaciones. 6.5 Organizacin.

FUENTES DE INFORMACIN 1. Baca Urbina, Gabriel. Evaluacin de proyectos. Mxico: Editorial Mc Graw Hill. 1995.

2. Coss Bu, Ral. Anlisis y evaluacin de proyectos deinversin. Mxico.: Editorial Limusa.1986.

3. Roura Horacio y Cepeda Horacio. Manual deidentificacin, formulacin y evaluacin de proyectos de desarrollo rural. Chile. Editorial Comisin Econmica para Amrica Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). 1999.

4. Baca Urbina, Gabriel. Fundamentos de ingeniera econmica. Mxico: Editorial Mc Graw Hill. 2003.

5. Sapag Chain, Nassir: Sapay Nassi, Reynaldo.Preparacin y evaluacin de proyectos. Chile: Editorial Mc Graw Hill.2000.

6. Soto, Espejel y Martnez. Formulacin y evaluacintcnico-econmica de proyectos industriales. Mxico: Editorial ECASA.1991.

7. Blank Leland T. Ingeniera econmica. Mxico: Editorial Mc Graw Hill, 2004.

8. Backer, Jacobsen y Ramrez Padilla. Contabilidad de Costos. Mxico: Editorial Mc Graw Hill.1996.

9. Bierman, Harold; Smidt, Seymour. El presupuesto debienes de capital.

Mxico: Editorial Fondo de Cultura Econmica. 1997.

10. J.F. Weston; E.F. Brigham. Finanzas en administracin. Mxico: Editorial Mc Graw Hill. 1994.


Gutirrez Marulanda, Luis Fernando. Finanzas prcticas para pases en

desarrollo. Colombia: Editorial: Norma.1995.

12. Kotler, Philip. Fundamentos de Marketing. Mxico: Editorial: Prentice Hall. 2003.


Gitlow, Howard S. Planificando para la calidad, la productividad y una

posicin competitiva. Mxico: Editorial Ventura Ediciones, S.A. de C.V. 1991.


Jimnez Lpez, Mario R. Aseguramiento de la calidad en el micro y la

pequea empresa. Mxico: Editorial Panorama Editorial. 2000.

15. Infante Gil, Said. Mtodos estadsticos. Mxico: Editorial: TRILLAS. 1990.

16. Jonson, Ferry y Acholes, Kevan. Direccin estratgica. Espaa: Editorial Prentice Hall. 1997.

17. Groover, Mikell. Fundamentos de ManufacturaModerna. Mxico: Editorial Prentice Hall. 1997.

18. Stephan Konz. Diseo de instalaciones industriales. Mxico: Editorial LIMUSA. 2002.


Ferguson, C., y Gould, J.P. Teora Microeconmica.Mxico: Editorial: Fondo

de Cultura Econmica. 1983.

20. Samuelson P. And W. Nordhaus. Economa. Mxico: Editorial Mc Graw Hill. 1993.

Investment projects The investment project is a discrete package of investments, inputs and activities designed to eliminate or reduce several restrictions on development, to achieve one or more products or benefits in terms of increased productivity and improved quality of life a group of recipients within a given period of time. The project is a prospective plan of action unit able to realize some aspect of economic and social development. This implies, from the economic point of view, proposing the production of any good or providing a service with the use of a certain technique and with a view to obtaining a particular result or economic or social advantage... The project is the focus of the elementary unit in the systematic process of rationalization of decisions on economic and social development. The investment project can be described as a plan that, if assigned a certain amount of capital and provide inputs of various types, may produce a good or a service, useful to humans or society in general. The evaluation of an investment project, whatever it is, is to know their social and economic performance, so ensuring solve a human need in an efficient, safe and profitable. Only then can allocate scarce economic resources to the best alternative. Classification There are different ways of classifying investment projects: A. Nature. B. Type of goods to produce. C. Unit.

D. Risk. E. Deadline. F. Sector. A. According to their nature New Projects. Investment projects are looking to start the production of a good or service. Expansion projects. Investment projects are seeking to grow in different economic branches. Expansion. Investments are looking to grow in the same branch of business. Maintenance or replacement. Investment projects are intended to replace existing equipment. From regulatory investments. The government regulation. Social Investment. Such projects are aimed at providing a community welfare. Example. - Mass transit system. B. According to the type of goods to produce Real final consumption (mass, etc.). The final goods are those that come from the producer to the end consumer's hands without undergoing transformations. In such markets, a clear example is composed of consumer goods (TVs, prepared foods, etc...). Intermediate goods. The intermediate goods are those that are used as inputs in the production of other goods (computer chips, machine screws, speakers for stereos, etc...). One of the most common characteristics of this type of product is not generally differentiated by its features but for the price and service. Capital goods. Capital assets are those acquired for the production of other products or services (electromechanical oven, mill, machinery and

equipment). Sales of these goods is highly dependent on the evolution of the industry which provide. Services. Service companies can be classified into two types: Those that provide services to other companies Those that provide services to end users

C. According to the dependency Independent. Influences not conducting an investment project in another investment project. Complementary. Investment projects are complementing processes. Mutually exclusive. Investment is made in a project or other project but not at the same time. D. According to the risk High. Investment are projects with a high risk of not being profitable due to various internal and exogenous factors. Medium. Projects with a medium level of risk, in terms of obtaining profitability. Low. Investment projects are very safe, containing little risk of loss. E. According to the term Short term. Investment are projects with a profitability level of return less than one year. Long term. Investment projects with an internal rate of return for several years. F. According to industry Agricultural: are those located in the primary sector and to exploit not perform any transformation

Industrial: are those located in the secondary sector, also known as industrial, whose main characteristic is the processing of products. Services: are those located in the tertiary sector, these include: Education, road, water, transportation.

Nature of investment projects Normally, an investment project born of needs to have a financial institution and a planner plasma, whether individual or collective. In this course we develop briefly the concept of investment project and its basic characteristics or fundamental. By its nature. This feature indicates that an investment project may have a foundation or rationalization of nature. Words. When nature is founded, is concerned, the project is aimed at the creation stage of a company. When nature is rationalization is concerned, the project is aimed at reengineering phase of a company that is running. Production project: these projects aim, to promote the establishment and development of micro, to stimulate job creation, improve living standards and promote the establishment of the benefits of the earth, who can develop these projects? People and companies engaged in activities related to agriculture, mining and industry. Social infrastructure project: relating to the satisfaction of the basic needs of the population, education, health, water networks and sewage. Economic infrastructure project: the project includes units that provide productive economic activity, certain inputs, goods or general utilities such as electricity, transport and communications.

General structure of project evaluation

Formulation and evaluation of projects

Definition of objectives

Market analysis

Operative technical analysis

Financial economic analysis

Socioeconomic analysis


Summarize and conclusions

Decisin of the project

Process evaluation of projects

Idea of the project Analysis of the environment Detection of necessities Analysis of opportunities to satisfy necessities

Profile or great vision Feasibility or preliminary design

Conceptual definition of the project study of the project Evaluation of the project Decision on the project

Definitive project

Realization of the project

The first painting interprets the overall structure of the project evaluation, whatever it is, is to know their social and economic performance, so ensuring solve a human need in an efficient, safe and profitable. In the second box is talk of the profile, which begins with the identification of an idea that after a process ends. At first starts with an idea, each of the following ideas is a deepening of the original idea

based on knowledge and functions, finally crystallizing the idea and the satisfaction of a need that is what gives rise initially to a project.

Investment projects Anyone wishing to make a project for a study or assessment that depending on the scope that seeks to obtain, likewise as to whom it is addressed and need are required to meet, and therefore establish its objectives, what is required to meet various studies to help us with the project. From the above it should take into account the analysis of market research, this event basically consists of the identification and quantification of demand and supply, price analysis and marketing. Market studies give us an update of all aspects that we must know and be constantly informed about our industry and our competitors. In addition to this we are informed about whether our project is viable or make it more precise. Another aspect to consider for project evaluation is the technical study contemplated operational technical aspects necessary in the efficient use of available resources for the production of a good or service desired and in which analyzed to determine the optimal size of the place of production, location, facilities and organization required. The importance of this study stems from the possibility of carrying out an economic assessment of the project's technical variables that allow exact or approximate assessment of the resources needed for the project. This study is further subdivided into four points. Determining the optimal size of the plant, which basically know a number of alternatives in case you are not known and perfectly mastered the technology to try. The determination of the optimal location of the plant must be taken both quantitative and qualitative factors. On project engineering refers to automated and manual, and you have to choose one and this will depend strongly split capital availability. Finally administrative analysis.

Another study to be discussed is the analysis of the economic study, perhaps the most important aspect to take in hand a project whose objective is to obtain information of a monetary nature, beginning with a cost estimate or the initial investment to control the total investment. When speaking of this is necessary to take into account the role and the environment at the same results to select a financing plan to provide us with the results either positively or otherwise harmful economic equity. The next step is for the economic evaluation, this section attempts to describe the methods that take into account the value of money and in turn makes the decision to put the project in theory it becomes available to fund the viability of resources for obtaining project. Finally we must take into account the analysis and management of risk in the aim is to have clearly identified the risks that arise or may arise throughout the life of a project. Identifies potential events affecting the company and manage risks by risk acceptance, giving reasonable assurance the project. The aim is to establish how profitable is the viability of the project to a decline does not occur in it, such a situation should value both economically provide if necessary or is at a point where you do not win but neither is lost, however the risk is present so each situation must be analyzed before making a decision to proceed with an investment in order to get something or leave the project aside. All these studies encompass aspects that previously needed to take into account the viability of the project in order to provide quality to the product obtained has the characteristics of customer needs.

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