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John McCallum Rutine N 2 (Sentadilla) Esta rutina publicada en 1965 se centra como su nombre lo indica en la sentadill a, la modalidad a emplear

es la respiratoria. McCallum consideraba a la sentadilla a altas repeticiones como mejor ejercicio p ara ganar potencia y volumen, mucho antes que se hablara de optimizacin metablica y hormona de crecimiento. Primero hay que hacer algunas series livianas para calentamiento y aproximacin. L uego de sacar la barra de la jaula para la primer serie efectiva hay que hacer t res respiraciones profundas y bajar hasta romper la paralela y subir sin hacer n inguna pausa, largar el aire pasando el punto de mayor esfuerzo y recomenzar la secuencia. La tres respiraciones son un mnimo tomar aire las veces que hagan falt a hasta completar la 20 reps. Hay que agregar peso a la barra en cada sesin, por lo tanto convinea comenzar con un peso que permita una progresin, con el pasar de los das terminar la serie va r esultar una tarea titnica. Luego hacer pullover con un peso liviano que permita l a mayor expansin torcica posible. El autor dice que si a partir de los 130 kg las ganancias son expectaculares y que un descanso de hasta 15 minutos entre las sup erseries es habitual. Rutina Squat Press tras nuca: 3 x 12 reps. Sentadilla Respiratoria: 2 x 20 reps. Pullover: 2 x 25 reps. (en superserie con la sentadilla). Routine 3 - For Size and Strength (1966) You're going to start now on the first of the more advanced bulk and power progr ams. It'll be based on heavy exercise. You'll be concentrating on the big muscle groups. Someone once said that if you take care of the big muscle groups the li ttle ones will take care of themselves. This isn't entirely true, but it's not t oo far off. Your first exercise will be prove hyperextensions. You'll be using them as a war mup for your lower back. Go all the way down and arch your back at the top. Don' t worry about adding weight right away. Learn to do them properly first. Do 3 se ts of 10. Next comes heavy squats. You'll be doing 5 sets of 5 in the squat. Start with a weight 100 pounds below your best weight for 5 reps and do five reps with it. Ad d 50 pounds and do another 5 reps. Then add 50 more pounds and work up to 3 sets of 5 with it over time. You may get 5 reps in the first set and only 4 and 3 on the last two sets. Keep plugging until you can get 5 reps on all three sets and then add weight to all five sets. Take three huge breaths between each rep. Fil l your chest with all the air you can cram in. Set your goals very high and beli eve it. You've got to work up to around double heavyweight for 5 reps. Stagger over to a bench and do light breathing pullovers after every set of squa ts. Use 20 or 30 pounds for 20 reps and suck in air like it was going out of sty le. Take a short rest before the next exercise. This will be front squats. Take the weight off the rack. If you're not used to front squats they'll probably hurt yo ur wrists at first. Tough it out and your wrists will strengthen and become more flexible. Keep your ELBOWS HIGH AND THE BAR WELL BACK. Do the front squats for 3 sets of 10. Use your heaviest weight for the first set and drop back 10 pounds for each succeeding set.

The next exercise is the bench press. Do them for 4 sets of 8 in a loose style. Use a slightly wider than shoulder width grip and arch your back a little when y ou're pressing the bar up. Use 30 pounds below your best weight for 8 reps in th e first set. Add 30 pounds for the second set and drop 10 pounds for each of the remaining two sets. Work up to heavy weights. Do a lot of deep breathing betwee n reps. Work it something like the squats. You'll need another rest now. The next one is tough. Power cleans. Do them dead hang style for 5 sets of 5. Start with 50 pounds below your best for 5 reps. Add 25 pounds for the second set. Add another 25 pounds and do the final three sets with that weight. Keep struggling over time until you can get 5 reps on all thr ee sets, then add weight. Don't do too much with your legs and don't move your f eet at all. Get the pull with your thighs, hips, back and arms. This is a pretty rugged exercise. Start off easy at first and gradually work into the heavy weig hts. The next exercise is bentover rowing. Do this one for 5 sets of 10. Take your he aviest weight for the first set and drop it 10 pounds for each succeeding set. D on't get into the habit of cheating on this one. No fair using the legs and lowe r back. Take a narrow grip and pull the bar all the way up to the lower abdomen. Arch your back high at the completion of each pull. Lower the weight all the wa y down and round your back with it. Let it hang dead and stretch your lats. You can wind it up now with presses behind the neck alternated with incline benc h dumbbell curls. Do them each for 3 sets of 8. Use your heaviest weight on the first set and drop it each succeeding set. 10 pounds for the presses and 5 pound s each dumbbell in the curls. If you have a tendency to get fat in the gut you can do one set of 25 leg raises and one set of 25 situps. Don't work too hard on them. All you're trying to do is keep your waist in check while you're gaining weight.

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