512 Implementation Plan: Beginning Spanish 1a

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Course Design Document

Table of Contents
Implementation .............................................................................................................................. 2 Time and Budget Allocations for Beginning Spanish 1a ............................................................. 2 Preparation Tasks for Implementation ....................................................................................... 3 Strategies for Effective Facilitation ............................................................................................. 6 Strategies for the Technical Liaison, Instructor, and School Counselor to Manage Day-to Day Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Strategies for the Learner to Manage Day-to Day Activities ...................................................... 9

Course Design Document

Personnel: Shannon Foster, instructor, and Todd Harkins, technology support, were part of the original developers. Jillian Gleeson, counselor, and June Young, administrative assistant, have duties as part of their general job description. Time Requirements: Based on past experience and a rough estimate taken from other online courses, the time required for those involved will depend on experience of both the instructor and learners in an online course and other time commitments. Costs: Funding for the course is received from different sources. Because the course is offered by JB K-12 Public School, salaries and technology support are part of the annual operating expenses of the school. Additional funds are dispersed through the monies received from the school technology levy paid for by local taxes on an as-requested and as-needed basis.

Time and Budget Allocations for Beginning Spanish 1a Personnel and Duties Instructor: Shannon D. Foster
Teach course Electronic communication with learners Help with instructional problems Grade and give feedback on course activities: assignments, quizzes, tests Various other activities 5 hours 3hours Salary determined by JB K-12 Public School, based on service and tenure.

Estimated Time Requirements


3 hours 5-10 hours

2 hours Total: 18 - 23

Counselor: Jillian Gleeson

Acquire funding and allocation of funds Staff management and training Staff records and evaluations Student records and General duties of administration Salary determine by JB K-12 Public School.

Course Design Document

review of transcripts Student registration Course evaluation

Administrative Assistant: June Young

General office work: copying and distribution of printed materials Filing of required documents Initial contact for student access to WBI course General duties of Admin. Assistant Salary determined by JB K-12 Public School Mailing costs Cost of copies

Tech. Support: Todd Harkins

Maintain necessary software and LMS operations Network infrastructure Online assistance for technical difficulties 6 hours (general responsibilities) 3 4 hours 1 2 hours Total: 10 15 hours per week Technical support charge assessed by Technology Co-op services provided to the school

Preparation Tasks for Implementation Technical Requirements Responses

What is the initial contact for learners?

Advertising for WBI Advertising will be done through the counseling office as a course offered for the upcoming year. Students attending one of the four local schools will have the option to choose Beginning Spanish 1a as an elective course to fill in their schedule. This is the first quarter in the fall of the new school year. First quarter begins the last week of August and is a 9-week course. Initial contact and Initial Initial contact will be made by Jillian Gleeson, school 3

Beginning / Ending of course

Course Design Document

Course Materials counselor, during student registration. At student registration, students will fill out and submit the appropriate forms for the student registration in an online class to Ms. Gleeson with signatures: application, parent consent form, online course expectations policy, and technology user agreement contract. Upon admittance into the course, a welcome email and packet with duplicate hardcopy papers will be sent home which will include: welcome letter, information needed to sign in to LMS, link to LMS and course, home computer requirements, school computer lab schedule, online course policy, instructors on-campus schedule, and the course syllabus. Software and plug-in requirements Upon admittance students will be required to attend an orientation meeting at their local school scheduled during the instructors initial on-campus scheduled meeting. The instructor, school counselor, and technology support liaison will be present to instruct students on any additional software installation or plug-ins necessary for course participation. Students are encouraged to bring and set up their own during this time. During the orientation meeting, students will be informed of staff roles and how to contact the appropriate person if assistance is needed. Support materials (hardcopies) will be available weekly from the instructor during her scheduled on-campus meeting. Copies of hardcopy materials will be left with the administrative assistant for distribution if necessary. Online resources are identified with links on the course Web site. During the initial week, students and staff will establish and confirm email and postal mail addresses for communication and support materials.

Roles and Responsibilities

Support Materials

Are the technical requirements for communication and distribution in place? Access and Contact Information Welcome email and packet will have link and URL to the LMS and course Web site, and contact information for the instructor, technology liaison, school counselor, and school administrative assistant. LMS and email will be used for daily communications. Faceto-face class time between the instructor and learners is part 4

Course Design Document

of the weekly scheduled. Software and Plug-ins needed A link to Google Drive, WordPress, YouTube Video record, and Audacity are present on the course Web site homepage. Links to contacts are present on the course Web Site. Instructor and learners will set up and share a Google Drive folder (last name Beginning Spanish 1a). Students will submit assignments via assignment page, discussion forums, shared links, and Google Drive. Instructor will give feedback via Moodle assignments, discussion forums, shared links, Google Drive, and school email. Students will also have access to their grades in the LMS. Links to required training resources will be available on the course Web site. Links to necessary resources will be available on course Web site in PDF form. Hard copies of some materials will be distributed by the instructor during the weekly scheduled oncampus meetings. Extra copies will be available from the administrative assistant when the instructor is off-campus. There are two forums available on the course Web site to address any technical problems that may arise. OJO! for general news and announcements and Ayuda! for any problems that may arise. Initial contact for technical problems should first be reported by email or via one of the two forums listed above. Telephone help will be given in emergency situations.

Document Sharing and Assignment Feedback

Online Skills Training Access Support Materials Distribution

Technical Problems Reporting

What are the communication tools for participants? Communication tools All participants must have access to a computer with Internet capabilities. Communication will take place via email, discussion forums, and weekly scheduled on-campus meetings. Course expectations will be shared through: syllabus, initial course orientation meeting, lesson presentations, and OJO! General News and Announcements forum found on the course Homepage Files will be shared via LMS, GoogleDrive, or emails and attachments. 5

Course Expectations

File Sharing

Course Design Document

Do participants need online skills training? Instructor Online Skills Training The instructor uses just-in-time online tutorials to help develop online teaching skills. She has also participated in online classes and is currently taking courses for online teaching of K-12 students. Learners Online Skills Training Learners will participate in the initial course orientation and will meet weekly during scheduled on-campus meetings with the instructor.

Strategies for Effective Facilitation Facilitation Activity

Asynchronous Discussion Focus

Due dates will be posted on the course homepage for each lesson and assignment. Essential Questions (EQ) discussion forums will be monitored by instructor. Questions and comments will be given by instructor and peers to promote deeper consideration of each EQ. Amigos discussion forum is intended for socializing with classmates about non-school related. Share funny stories, favorite music links, pictures, etc. Content must be appropriate or instructor reserves the right to delete any inappropriate content and block users if necessary Netiquette (The Core Rules of Netiquette -- Excerpted from Netiquette by Virginia Shea -- Albion.com, n.d.) guidelines will be followed in all discussions.

On-Campus Focus Weekly schedule for on-campus meeting will be posted on Web site. Weekly on-campus meeting agenda will be posted in OJO! General News and Announcements the Friday prior to meeting. Instructor will be available on-campus the day of the on-campus meeting for individual and small group question, answer, and tutoring sessions. E-pal and small group activities pair learners with different e-pals for peer feedback, oral practice, and editing of work. Learners will choose new e-pals for each units e-pal assignment. Instructor will help coordinate e-pal activities for the first unit and other activities if needed. 6

Create Group Connections

Course Design Document

Students will create a biography the first week under the Tell us about yourself glossary. The Precentacin oral assignments will have a various activities: individual, paired, and small group. The El mundo espaol is an individual project that will be combined into a class project when finished. Peer and instructor feedback and discussion will be used to edit, promote detailed information, and evaluate the information collected by the class about the Spanish speaking world. During the on-campus meetings, learners will work together in faceto-face activities. Learners are encouraged to ask peers for assistance first. Learning is promoted when learners teach others. If no peer assistance is forthcoming or if peer assistance is erroneous, the instructor will step in and assist. (the strategies of ask three before you ask me has always been part of my teaching techniques; if the originator and three others dont know the answer, I need to reteach the information. Peer assistance helps solidify concepts by explaining to others.) Due dates are posted for all pasos and activities on the course home page. Directions are given for each activity for submission. School week emails will be addressed by the end of the day following the emails posting. Week end emails will be addressed by Monday evening following the weekend, unless Monday is a holiday, then it will be addressed on the first day back from holiday. Instructor will include feedback on submitted assignments via email or discussion. If similar problems are shared by more than one student, the instructor will address the problem in the AYUDA! Help forum or the OJO! General News and Announcements forum. Automatic acknowledgement response emails will be generated at submission of assignments. Activities relating to assignments and objectives will receive constructive feedback. During the first week, learners will participate in two discussion forums and create a glossary of course participants. New learners may require additional help getting started with different activities the first few weeks. Notifications of upcoming events will be posted in the OJO! General 7

Feedback Timing

Feedback Quality Learner Involvement in Instruction and Learning

Course Design Document

news and announcements. On-campus meetings are scheduled weekly to trouble shoot any issues regarding the course or technology. Students are encouraged to contact the instructor, technical liaison, or administrative assistant for help. The school computer lab is available during scheduled times for student access should personal devices fail.

Strategies for the Staff to Manage Day-to Day Activities Activity Strategies

Technic al Support and system: Todd Harkins Technology difficulties Servers are backed up every night to circumvent information loss. This is a standard operating procedure for the school and technology co-op. Upgrades are automatically scheduled for early Saturday mornings. Any issues that arise from upgrades will be addressed via group email to all participants.

Instruction and Web site: Shannon D. Foster (instructor) Link activation and maintenance Informs learners that unit lessons are available Sunday AM through the following Sunday PM, (7+ days). Maintain links: Review and find new links should any be discontinued or broken, activate links when scheduled in course. Time expectations will be restated in Welcome email and hardcopy packet, during on-campus meetings. Learners are informed of approximate time commitment to course and activities to be successful. Email contact will be initiated after learner misses one week of instruction.} After two weeks emails and a phone contact will be attempted if no response or inactivity continues. Information will be forwarded to Jillian Gleeson, counselor for follow up. Review of assignments and discussions submitted via email or LMS. Track participation in discussions, WordPress and assignment 8

Time expectations

MIA Learners

Learner Assessment Learner

Course Design Document

participation submissions, and on-campus meetings.

Student Counseling: Jillian Gleeson MIA Learners After two weeks of learner inactivity Jillian Gleeson will contact student in school and parents via t telephone for intervention. Intervention will be implemented with input from instructor, parents, and learner. Students who wish to drop the course may only do so within the first two weeks or at the end of the quarter without penalty. Any other withdrawal will result in a failing grade for the course on the learners transcript. All efforts will be made to help learner finish course: individual tutoring, peer mentoring, individual instructor assistance, modification of activities and assignments (but not without a reduction in grade).

Strategies for the Learner to Manage Day-to Day Activities Activity

Class participation and organization

Review course materials as they come available and organize time to complete assignments and submit them in a timely manner. Maintain language notebook Participate in course community building to the best of their abilities. Attend scheduled meetings with prepared materials needed for oncampus meeting. Respond in a reasonable time to discussion forums and e-pal activities. Give constructive feedback to classmates. Notify instructor and/or technology liaison regarding technical difficulties. Responsible for seeking help if needed and advancing their own learning.

References The Core Rules of Netiquette -- Excerpted from Netiquette by Virginia Shea -- Albion.com. (n.d.). Retrieved April 25, 2013, from http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html

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