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Pleasant Valley Community School District FOURTH GRADE SCIENCE - GRADE LEVEL INDICATORS

Standard 1: Understands and applies the principles of scientific inquiry.

Interval Benchmark 1: Uses scientific reasoning to answer questions or solve problems. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Classroom Resources Benchmark a:



Interval Benchmark 2: Analyzes scientific procedures and investigations. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Benchmark a:

Classroom Resources



Interval Benchmark 3: Reads and interprets scientific information. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Benchmark a:


Classroom Resources



September 1, 2006 Page 1 of 7

Pleasant Valley Community School District FOURTH GRADE SCIENCE - GRADE LEVEL INDICATORS Interval Benchmark 4: Develops new thinking based upon experimental data. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Benchmark a:

Classroom Resources



Interval Benchmark 5: Reads accurately and chooses appropriate tools for scientific investigations. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Classroom Resources Benchmark a:



Standard 2: Understands and applies the basic concepts of life science.

Interval Benchmark 1: Knows characteristics of human growth and development. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Benchmark a: Classroom Resources



September 1, 2006 Page 2 of 7

Pleasant Valley Community School District FOURTH GRADE SCIENCE - GRADE LEVEL INDICATORS Interval Benchmark 2: Explains characteristics and functions of living things. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Benchmark a:

Classroom Resources



Interval Benchmark 3: Describes life cycles of familiar organisms. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Benchmark a:


Classroom Resources



Interval Benchmark 4: Explains how plan and animal adaptations relate to survival and extinction. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Classroom Resources Benchmark a:



Standard 3: Understands and applies the basic concepts of Earth science.

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Pleasant Valley Community School District FOURTH GRADE SCIENCE - GRADE LEVEL INDICATORS Interval Benchmark 1: Describes features and composition of the Earth. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Benchmark a:

Classroom Resources



Interval Benchmark 2: Identifies factors and conditions that influence weather and weathering. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Classroom Resources Benchmark a:



Interval Benchmark 3: Identifies components of Earth history. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Benchmark a:


Classroom Resources



Interval Benchmark 4: Recognizes the relationship between Earth, its moon (lunar characteristics) and the Solar System.
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Pleasant Valley Community School District FOURTH GRADE SCIENCE - GRADE LEVEL INDICATORS Grade Level Benchmark a: Vocabulary Information Skills Classroom Resources



Standard 4: Understands and applies the basic concepts of physical science.

Interval Benchmark 1: Investigates properties of electricity and magnetism. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Benchmark a. Understands basic switch, conductor, Understands concept of electricity. amps, volts, electricity is the insulator, current, movement of static, open circuit, electrons from one closed circuit, place to another. parallel circuit, Understands basic series circuit circuits. b. Understands basic magnetic field, properties of generator, attract, magnetism. repel, poles, lines of force Understands magnetism is a force in the environment. Understands basic principles of magnetisms attraction and repulsion between magnets and other objects. Classroom Resources
Pg. 297 Sparkys Pathfinders game board parallel vs. series circuits multiple bulb lighting vandergraff static lab cling wrap

Pg. 304 Iron filings demonstration Magnetic attraction lab magnetic shields Pg. 306-307 Electromagnet (AIMS)

c. Identify parts/ structures of the atom.

nucleus, proton, neutron, electron, positive, negative, neutral, molecule, repel, attract, matter

Understands all matter is made of atoms. Understands characteristics of atomic particles.

Pg. 248-249 Atoms family activity

Interval Benchmark 2: Recognizes forces acting on objects.

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Pleasant Valley Community School District FOURTH GRADE SCIENCE - GRADE LEVEL INDICATORS Grade Level Vocabulary Benchmark a. Understands and motion, sliding, applies the properties rolling, fluid, speed of friction. Information Understands friction is a force that works against motion. Understands the types of friction. Skills Classroom Resources
Pg. 274-276 Pg. 278-279 Mechanical mouse lab speed lab

b. Understands and applies properties of gravity.

inertia, acceleration, Understands gravity Newton is the force that attracts objects to each other. Understands gravity's influence on objects. lever, pulley, wheel and axle, wedge, inclined plane, mechanical advantage, fulcrum, work, resistance, screw, force Understands the purpose of simple machines. Understands the basic components of simple machines. Understands the advantage of simple machines.

Pg. 270-271,277 Hot wheeling physics inertia demonstration paint drop (mythbusters penny drop) balloon rocket

c. Understands and applies the basic principles of simple machines.

Pg. 280-283 Lever levitaiton lab inclined plane lab pulley power table lift demonstration edhead.org (simple machines), physicsfunderstanding website

Interval Benchmark 3: Identifies characteristics of various forms of energy. Grade Level Vocabulary Information Skills Classroom Resources Benchmark a. Distinguishes conductor, insulator, Understands the Identifies conductors Pg. 293 conductor/insulator lab between conductors resistance, heat, movement of energy and insulators. and insulators. conduction through solids. Understands materials that allow and resist the movement of energy.

b. Understands forms heat, light, sound, and characteristics of electrical, energy. mechanical, nuclear, chemical, waves, kinetic energy, potential energy.

Understands energy comes in different forms. Understands energy can change from one form to another. Understands the properties of and the form of energy.

Pg. 274 Mechanical Mouse lab Pg. 284-285, 289 Energy Transfer Lab

Interval Benchmark 4: Knows and describes properties of matter.

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Pleasant Valley Community School District FOURTH GRADE SCIENCE - GRADE LEVEL INDICATORS Grade Level Vocabulary Benchmark a. Understands states solid, liquid, gas, and characteristics of matter, vapor, matter. volume, molecules Information Understands properties and characteristics of solids. Understands properties and characteristics of liquids. Understands the properties and characteristics of gases. Understands the physical properties of matter. Understands the chemical properties of matter. Understands the differences between chemical and physical properties of matter. Skills Classroom Resources
Pg. 244-245 Pg. 261-265 Ice cream in a can Oobleck Hot colors Water Rockets

b. Understands chemical and physical properties of matter.

chemical change, physical change, chemical reaction, melting point, freezing point, condensation point

Pg. 246-247 Pg. 260-267 Chemical Changes Lab

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