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FnoM 1ur Pns1ons Drsk

Love one another; just as I have loved you, you also

must love one another.

A very clear and simple demand on Chrisans from
the very mouth of Jesus, and yet we seem to have so
much diculty in living it out. We are called to will the
good for the other, to put their needs on the same
level as our ownand mes above our ownin the
same way that Jesus acted on our behalf.

There are no qualiers aached to this command. The
call to love is not restricted to those who are like us, to
those who are part of the worshipping community, to
those who are like us. The command to love
transcends such arbitrary disncons that have their
origins in human sinfulness, and stretches out to all
those who have been created in the image and
likeness of God.

The call to love, to will the good of the other, will
require us, from me to me, to make some dicult
choices, to perhaps act contrary to what
contemporary society expects or determines, to run
the risk of being labelled and dismissed by those
around us as out of touch and bleeding hearts
because of the choices we make. In order to be
authenc in our Chrisan life, however, Im not sure
we have much of a choice: we have been loved by
Jesus, and so we are called to love like Jesus in return.

Unl next week
Fr Andrew
Fr Andrew Doohan (Parish Priest)
Mr Greg Byrne (Pastoral Associate)
Mrs Sharon Fowle (Administraon)
Sr Kathryn McCabe (Aboriginal Catholic Ministry)

The Parish Oce is at the rear of the Parish Hall and is
staed on Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 4pm.

33 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6304
F: (02) 6554 6425
E: forstertuncurryparish@gmail.com or
fr.andrew.doohan@bigpond.com (Fr Andrew)
W: www.forstertuncurrycatholic.org.au

Holy Name Parish School (K6)
Mr Mark Mowbray (Principal)

41 Lake Street, Forster NSW 2428
PO Box 243, Forster NSW 2428
P: (02) 6554 6504
F: (02) 6554 8895
E: admin@forster.catholic.edu.au

Items for inclusion in Bridgeside Bullen can be sent
to the Parish Oce or Fr Andrew, preferably by email
or wrien note, by midday on Thursday.

Bapsms are celebrated on Sundays, either during
any of our Sunday Masses or aer the 9am Mass.
Bapsmal Preparaon meengs are held on the
second Monday of each month at 7pm in the Meeng
Rooms of the Parish Hall at Forster. Please contact the
Parish Oce for more details, or visit the Parish

Weddings are celebrated by arrangement and with at
least three (and preferably more) months noce.
Please contact Fr Andrew for more details, or visit the
Parish website.
Sunday 28th April, 2013
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C
Bridgeside Bulletin
The weekly bullen of the Catholic community of
Forster and Tuncurry
Holy Name of Jesus Parish Church
33 Lake Street, Forster
St Mary, Star of the Sea Church
Cnr Kent & Peel Streets, Tuncurry
Proclaiming Christ to the communies of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts
Find the
Parish on
Tur Pnnisu Dinnv(for the week ahead)
Tue (30/4) 9am Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)
3:30pm Holy Hour @ Tuncurry
4:30pm Mass @ Tuncurry
5:30pm Chrisan Meditaon
(Bob 6555 5914)

Wed (1/5) 9am Mass @ Forster
9:30am Secular Franciscans
Meeng @ Forster
9:30am Men Alive group @
11:15 Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help @ Forster
2:30pm Mass @ Kularoo Gardens
4:30pm Pastoral Team Meeng
@ Forster

Thu (2/5) 8:30am Mass @ Forster
9:30am Deepening Our Faith
series @ Forster
7pm Deepening Our Faith
series @ Forster

Fri (3/5) 9:30am Mass @ Forster
10:30am ANZAC Day ceremony @
Holy Name School

Sat (4/5) 8:30am Reconciliaon @
9am Mass @ Tuncurry
4:45pm Reconciliaon @ Forster
(unl 5:15pm)
6pm Mass @ Tuncurry

Sun (5/5) 7am Mass @ Tuncurry
9am Mass @ Forster (followed
by Parish Expo in Hall)
5:30pm Evening Prayer &
Benedicon @ Tuncurry
Pnnisu Exro
Come to the Fabulous Parish Exposion and nd out
about all the wonderful happenings in our Parish.
Already we have stallholders from the Secular
Franciscans, Friendship Group, Cleaners, Gardeners,
Mini Vinnies, Holy Name School, Seasons for Growth,
Sacramental Team, Meditaon Group, Intercessory
Prayer Group, Godstart and the St Vincent de Paul
Conference. All other Parish Groups are, of course,
also invited to parcipate in the Expo. Groups will set
up from 12.30pm on Saturday 4th May. Come along
and see whats happening, and perhaps you might like
to get involved in something you see there.
Pnnisu DiNNrn
The Parish Dinner will be held on Friday 17th May at
6pm for 7pm at the Box Fish Restaurant. Tickets are
$30 per head, and will be available aer Masses this
weekend or from the Parish Oce. Ticket numbers are
strictly limited, so early purchase is advised.

Our guest speakers on the night will come from
Hearelt Hope, a local Chrisan charity that is
reaching out parcularly to Vanuata and Uganda.
IN voun cunni1v, rtrnsr rnnv ron:

Those recently deceased
Mark Evans, Marn Dunn, Barbara Evans, Stan
Annes, Nathan Kelly

Those whose anniversaries occur about now
Thelma Nelson, Frank OSullivan, Raymund Lyndon

All those in our community who are sick
We welcome to our community of faith, Harper Jean
Cusack, daughter of Tim & Natalie, who will be
bapsed with water and the Holy Spirit this weekend.
EvrNiNc Pnnvrn & BrNroic1ioN
Our monthly celebraon of Solemn Evening Prayer
(Vespers from the Divine Oce) & Benedicon will be
celebrated on Sunday 5th May in the Tuncurry church
commencing at 5:30pm. All welcome.
Srcutnn FnnNciscnNs
The Secular Franciscans will next meet on Wednesday
1st May, coming together for the 9am Mass,
followed by a cuppa at 9:30am and then the meeng.
Tur MA Gnours
The morning Men Alive group will next meet on
Wednesday 1st May aer 9am Mass.

The evening Men Alive group will next meet on
Thursday 30th May at 7:30pm.
AccoMMoon1ioN Rrquinro
A Year 11 student from St Clares High School, Taree
requires accommodaon for approximately 18
months. References are available. If anyone is in a
posion to help, please call Deacon Vince Ryan at St
Clares High School on 6552 3300.
Drn1u ANNouNcrMrN1: Nn1unN Krttv
The Funeral Service for Nathan will be held at Sacred
Heart Cathedral, Hamilton at 1pm on Wednesday 1st
Cn1uotic Scuoot ENnotMrN1s
The annual enrolment period for Catholic schools.
Enrolments for the school year 2014 are now open,
and the enrolment period will close at the end of May,
2013. For more informaon about enrolments at Holy
Name Parish School, please contact the School Oce
on 6554 6504.
2013 Nn1ioNnt rCoNrrnrNcr
The 8
Naonal eConference will be held on Thursday
16 May from 10:30am 2:30pm, focusing on the
Gospel of St Mark: A Crucied and Risen Messiah with
keynote educators Fr Francis Moloney sdb and Sr
Michele Connolly rsj.

Our Parish will be hosng the event here. Please bring
your own lunch; tea and coee will be provided.
Registraons for the eConference are essenal and
can be made via the Parish Oce.
DrrrrNiNc Oun Fni1u Vioro Srnirs
The nal morning session in the Deepening Our Faith
video series will be held on 2nd May and will look at
the topic of Prayer. The session will commence aer
the 9am Mass, will run for about an hour, and will be
held in the Meeng Room of the Parish Oce.

Evening sessions will commence on Thursday 2nd May
at 7pm in the Meeng Room of the Parish Oce. For
more informaon contact the Parish Oce.
Pnnisu Rnrrtr
Tickets are now available aer Sunday Masses at both
Forster and Tuncurry in a rae to support the ongoing
maintenance of both our church buildings. Prizes
include a dinner for two at Blackies Restaurant
Tuncurry, a beaded doll, and boles of wine. Tickets
are $2 each or 3 for $5. For more informaon or to
arrange ckets please contact Val Ross on 6555 7263.
FnirNosuir Gnour (SrNions)
The Friendship Group will celebrate 17 years of
friendship with lunch at 12 noon on 7th May in our
Parish Hall at minimum cost. New members and
friends most welcome. For more details contact
Lorraine 6554 7056 or Ley 6554 9670.
TunNk You To Oun GnnorNrns
The next maintenance day will take place on Thursday
9th May, starng at Tuncurry at 8am and then
moving on to Forster, where the day will conclude
with a cuppa. More volunteers are always most
welcome. For more informaon, contact Howard on
6557 6826.
Assis1 n S1uorN1
Supported by St Vincent de Paul, this program which
aims to break the cycle of poverty provides funding to
educate a student in Pakistan or the Philippines for
one year. Payment request forms are available from
the rear of the church. Please support this worthwhile
EcuMrNicnt PrN1rcos1 Srnvicr
The Combined Churches in ForsterTuncurry will be
celebrang the Feast of Pentecost on Sunday 19th
May commencing at 6pm in the Forster Uning
Church. Fr Andrew will be the Speaker at the Service.

All are most welcome to aend, and you are asked to
bring a plate to share for supper.
Monr TunN Wonos
The Diocesan Liturgy Council, the CSO RE and
Spirituality Department, and East Maitland Parish
invite you to a Year of Grace and Year of Faith twilight
gathering reecng on our use of symbol and ritual to
enable children, Gen Y, Gen Z and all people of faith to
contemplate the face of Christ on Monday 13 May at
4.45pm in the Toohey Room at the Diocesan Oces.

For further informaon contact Jenny Harris, P: 4979
1328 E: jenny.harris@mn.catholic.org.au
Wonk Hrnt1u nNo Snrr1v
If there are any parishioners who would like to be part
of a small team that would help coordinate the
implementaon of the new Work Health & Safety
process in the Parish, we would love to hear from you.
There will be training made available through the
Diocese later in the year and early next year to assist
parish teams in implemenng the new requirements.
If there is any one who might be interested in
assisng, please make contact with Fr Andrew.
ANNunt MuMs Nicu1 Ou1
Enjoy predinner drinks and dinner in the comfort and
strength of your unity as Mums at the annual Mums
Night Out at the Tenison Woods Educaon Centre,
New England Highway, Lochinvar on Wednesday 8th
May from 5:30pm to 9pm. The guest speakers will be
Sally Lavis and Benita Tait, and the night is yours at a
cost of $30.

For more informaon contact TWEC, phone 4930 9601
or email twec@ssjl.org.au.
Oun Li1uncv Toonv

Responsorial Psalm
Response: I will praise your name forever, my king
and my God.

The Lord is kind and full of compassion,
slow to anger, abounding in love.
How good is the Lord to all,
compassionate to all his creatures.

All your creatures shall thank you, O Lord,
and your friends shall repeat their blessing.
They shall speak of the glory of your reign
and declare your might, O God,
to make known to men your mighty deeds
and the glorious splendour of your reign.

Yours is an everlasng kingdom;
your rule lasts from age to age.

Gospel Acclamaon
Alleluia, alleluia!
I give you a new commandment:
love one another as I have loved you.
Cn1uotic Lrnorn & Cn1uotic Wrrktv
The Catholic Leader (Brisbane) and Catholic Weekly
(Sydney) newspapers are available at the rear of the
churches at a cost of $2 each.
Scnir1unr RrnoiNcs

Today Acts 14:2127
Apocalypse 21:15
John 13:3135
Monday Acts 14:518
John 14:2126
Tuesday Acts 14:1928
John 14:2731
Wednesday Acts 15:16
John 15:18
Thursday Acts15:721
John 15:911
Friday 1 Corinthians 15:18
John 14:614
Saturday Acts 16:110
John 15:1821
Next Sunday Acts 15:12, 2229
Apocalypse 21:1014
John 14:2329
SitrNcr iN 1ur Li1uncv
We observe silence during our liturgy (on Sundays and
weekdays) at the following mes:

1. During the Penitenal Act, aer the Presider invites
us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred
mysteries, in order to recollect ourselves;
2. During the Collect, aer the invitaon of the
Presider to Let us pray, again in order to recollect
ourselves; and
3. During the Liturgy of the Word, at the conclusion of
the rst & second reading and the homily, in order
that we might meditate on what we have heard.
Oun Pnnisu Cottrc1ioNs
a) The Parish Collecon, providing for the needs of the
parish and its ministry, is taken up during the
presentaon and preparaon of the gis (the
oertory). This is the envelope collecon.

b) The Diocesan Clergy Collecon, providing for the
remuneraon and support of the clergy of the
diocese, will be taken up aer communion (during the
Thanksgiving Hymn or a similar me).
RrcriviNc CoMMuNioN
So that we might receive Communion in a t and
proper way, please be aware of the following:

When we process forward to receive Communion,
we have been asked by the Australian Bishops to
adopt a common and unied gesture of reverence
before doing so. In Australia that gesture is a bow
of the head and shoulders (GIRM, 160). Any other
form of reverence, including a genuecon, should
therefore be avoided.
Communion by selfinncon (selfdipping) is
never permied, since we receive Communion and
never take Communion. Please refrain from this
inappropriate acon.
We regret that we do not have the physical
facilies to oer communion while kneeling, and
respecully ask you to refrain from kneeling to
receive Communion while part of the procession,
since this is contrary to the nature of the
Communion procession itself. Your cooperaon in
meeng this request is very much appreciated, and
we thank you for your consideraon.
IN1rncrssonv Pnnvrn Gnour
To request prayers for someone, or to join the Group,
please contact Bob Cashman on 6555 5914 leaving
your name and contact details.
Pno1rc1ivr Covrns ron Dnitv Missnts
Mary Grieg has produced some vinyl covers for the
new Daily Missals which may be purchased from the
Parish Oce for $5 each.

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